Installing Keystone

After the common components are installed, we can proceed to install Keystone. We will use the same table to collect all the information that we need before starting the installation.



Access to the Internet


Proxy needed


Proxy IP and port

Not applicable

Node name


Node IP address

Node OS

Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS

Keystone database password


One time token

Will be generated during the install step


In choosing the password, please don't use the @ symbol as it will conflict during configuration with the URL syntax.

Setting up the OpenStack repository

Before we start our installation, we will add the juno repository from Ubuntu to the aptitude to install the components. Please remember to do so in all the nodes where we will be installing the OpenStack components. Please remember that this needs to be done only once. Execute the following command to set up the OpenStack repository:

apt-get install ubuntu-cloud-keyring
echo "deb trusty-updates/juno main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/openstack-juno.list

The preceding commands will simply install the cloud key ring component and add the trusty-updates/juno main line to the openstack-juno.list file.

Finish up by updating the aptitude package manager:

sudo apt-get update

Now we are ready to install various OpenStack Juno services.


Depending on the Linux distribution, the repositories are different. Please note that, in order to get the latest builds, you can compile the services from the source if you choose to do so.

Creating the database

The next step along the way is creating the database for Keystone. This will be created in MariaDB, which we installed earlier. Log in to the MySQL client by using the following command:

mysql –u root –p

Enter the dbr00tpassword password and execute the following command:

create database keystone;

This command will create a database called Keystone; we will now create the credentials that will be used to access the database.


We will now be granting privileges to the Keystone user, in the cases where the request originates from localhost or a remote host. In most versions of most operating systems, calling out the localhost separately is not needed and is covered by the %wildchar. The command for localhost is added simply to cover both possibilities.

GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON keystone.* TO 'keystone'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'k3yst0ne';
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON keystone.* TO 'keystone'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'k3yst0ne';

Please replace the password if you are using a different one. Type exit to get out of the client:

Creating the database

In order to verify that the previous commands (of creating new credentials and allowing access to only one database) actually took, we will now login using the Keystone user name and password we created using similar commands that we used for the root user.

Once you login with the Keystone username, you should be able to see only the Keystone database (along with information_schema).

Installing the package

We will now install the Keystone package and its client using the aptitude package manager with the following command:

sudo apt-get install keystone python-keystoneclient

Please verify that the install completes successfully.

The initial configuration

The initial configuration of Keystone needs the following to be done:

  • Generate a token
  • Modify the Keystone configuration file

The administrator token is generated only for the installation as there are no users in the system at the moment. Once the default admin user is created, this token is no longer necessary.

Generating the admin token

The admin token is a random number. We will use the openssl tool in order to create it:

openssl rand -hex 10

In my case, it is b7098d7d5eb7bf889842; please make a note of this and have it ready for the next section.

We will also set the environment variable to be used later in the installation and configuration process, using the following command:

export OS_SERVICE_TOKEN=b7098d7d5eb7bf889842

This will set the service token.

Modifying the Keystone configuration file

The Keystone configuration file is located at /etc/keystone/keystone.conf. Edit this using your favorite editor by making the following changes:

  • [default] section:
    • Set the admin_token value to the string you have generated
    • Set the verbose flag to true (we will set it back to false once the setup is complete)
  • [database] section:
    • Set the connection string to mysql://keystone:k3yst0ne@localhost/keystone (or the equivalent in your environment). The format of the URL is mysql://<username>:<password>@<host>:<port>/<databasename>. (The port is not mentioned as it is the default 3306 port.)
  • [token] section:
    • Set the provider and driver values as shown in the following, if the following lines already exist, uncomment them:
      provider = keystone.token.providers.uuid.Provider
      driver = keystone.token.persistence.backends.sql.Token
  • [revoke] section:
    • Set the MySQL revocation driver:
      driver = keystone.contrib.revoke.backends.sql.Revoke

Once the configuration file is completed, it will look as shown in the following screenshot:

Modifying the Keystone configuration file

Populating the Keystone DB

We have a blank Keystone database at the moment; we will use the sync command in order to populate it with base data.

Please ensure that you are running the following command as root:

keystone-manage db_sync keystone

Alternatively, if you don't have root access or are performing it with sudo rights, then use the following command. (Both commands don't need to run.)

su -s /bin/sh -c "keystone-manage db_sync" keystone

Once this completes, you will see messages as shown in the following screenshot:

Populating the Keystone DB

You can also log in to the MySQL client and execute the show tables command to see all the different tables that are created:

Populating the Keystone DB

Restart the service using the following command:

sudo service keystone restart

While modifying the configuration, you will have noted that there was already a SQL configuration; I am just reminding you of this because Keystone by default comes with a SQLite database. Since we won't be using this anymore, let's delete it. It is located at /var/lib/keystone/keystone.db. We will delete this file using the following command:

rm -f /var/lib/keystone/keystone.db

Setting up your first tenant

We will need to create an administrative tenant (or project) that will allow us to log in to Horizon (once we install it in the next chapter) and perform other Keystone related functions. The order in which the components are created is as follows:

  • Tenant (or project)
  • Users
  • Roles

You will need the following information in order to perform the actions:



Tenant name


Tenant description

Our First Tenant

User name


User e-mail

[email protected]



Role name


Admin token


Controller node name


The role names are defined in the policy.json file in Keystone, so we will use the admin role.

Setting up environment variables

We generated a token in the previous section; we have already exported it in that section. Please verify this using the env command and check whether OS_SERVICE_TOKEN is set. If the token is not set (you may have logged out and logged in to the shell), then you can set it using the following command:

export OS_SERVICE_TOKEN=b7098d7d5eb7bf889842

We should also export the service endpoint. The default port for the Keystone administrative function is 35357 (you can verify this by the netstat –nlp command; you will see the server listening on this port). To export service endpoint, execute the following command:

export OS_SERVICE_ENDPOINT=http://OSControllerNode:35357/v2.0
Setting up environment variables

Please ensure that you are able to ping the name and telnet on the 35357 port.


We can skip this step, but then we have to add the following commands with two additional parameters, --os-token and --os-endpoint, in all the commands we execute.

Creating the tenant

Once the environment variables are set up, execute the following command to create the tenant:

keystone tenant-create --name firsttenant --description "Our First Tenant"
Creating the tenant

You will see the output confirming that the tenant has been created.

Creating the user

We will now create the user, again using a single command:

keystone user-create --name admin --pass h33l0world --email [email protected]

This will create the user called admin:

Creating the user

Creating and mapping the role

In this section, we will create a role called admin and associate it with the admin user and the firsttenant tenant. Execute the following command to create the role:

keystone role-create --name admin
Creating and mapping the role

For mapping, execute the following command:

keystone user-role-add --user admin --tenant firsttenant --role admin

This command will not give us any output. However, we can verify it by the following command:

keystone user-role-list --tenant firsttenant --user admin
Creating and mapping the role

We should be able see the GUID of the tenant and the user that we created earlier.

This task is now complete.

Creating service endpoints

In a distributed tool such as OpenStack, it is a good practice for each component to talk to the others using an API, which means that, even when you are using the Horizon dashboard, in the backend the functions will be performed using an API.

In order for the APIs to work, Keystone provides a catalog sub-system. This provides us with the different services of OpenStack and their URLs, so we will start with the identity service itself.


Keystone has two ports, one is used for administrative functions (TCP 35357) and the other one is used for the services to authenticate against it (TCP 5000). The admin port can also be used to authenticate, but this would be an overkill.

Creating the service

The service needs to be created in the database before its endpoints can be added; this is done by the following command:

keystone service-create --name keystone --type identity --description "OpenStack Identity"
Creating the service

Note down the ID as this is needed for the next step. In my case, it is c0dc26226c42450a82838fc1c18b11fe.

Execute the following command:

keystone service-list

This will show the currently created service, as shown in the following screenshot:

Creating the service


Sometimes the system acts up and you will get a HTTP 5XX error; just restart the service using the service Keystone restart command.

Creating the endpoint

We will need the following information handy:



Controller node name


Service port


Admin port


Service ID (from previous step)


Public URL


Internal URL


Admin URL


Region name


Before we dive in, we should understand the following things that we have filled:

  • Public URL: This is the one that should be accessible from outside (by other departments); so, if you have a different name or FQDN that you are trying to publish, use that here. Please note that we have used the service port here.
  • Internal URL: This is same as the public URL but from inside the company.
  • Admin URL: This is for administrative tasks and allows things such as creating a user (if we are using a local database).
  • Region name: This is needed simply because we need to keep the API EC2-compliant.
  • V2.0: We have used the Keystone identity version 2.0, even after the 3.0 version is out. We can just change these URLs to v3.0, and the new identity can be used. However, at the time of writing, the v2.0 version was the most compatible one.

Armed with the preceding information, let's construct the command. This is a single-line command, but is broken into multiple lines for readability purposes; the instructs the shell executing the command to wait for the remaining:

keystone endpoint-create 
  --service-id c0dc26226c42450a82838fc1c18b11fe 
  --publicurl http://oscontrollernode:5000/v2.0 
  --internalurl http://oscontrollernode:5000/v2.0 
  --adminurl http://oscontrollernode:35357/v2.0 
  --region dataCenterOne
Creating the endpoint

So we have successfully created our endpoint, which the different OpenStack components can use in order to communicate with the Keystone service.

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