Working with Glance

As mentioned earlier, Glance is a mandatory service, and without this service, Nova (compute service) will not know where to pick its images from. We will install Glance on the controller node itself. The following diagram explains its architecture:

Working with Glance

Glance has two components: glance-api and glance-registry. As the name suggests, glance-api provides the API calls required to retrieve and store the images, while glance-registry handles more of the backend functions regarding where the images are stored.

Let's start with the installation of Glance. Its installation follows similar steps to those used for Keystone in the previous chapter. We will use the following checklist to have all the information ready:



Access to the Internet


Proxy needed


Proxy IP and Port

Not Applicable

Node name


Node IP address

Node OS

Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS

Glance password


Glance repository

Local disk

Disk partition info


Glance Keystone password


Glance port


Creating the database

Log in to the MySQL instance (MariaDB) installed in the previous chapter using the root password that we created:

mysql –u root –p
Enter the password:dbr00tpassword

Once in the database, execute the following command:

create database glance;

This will create an empty database called Glance. Let's now set up the Glance database user credentials:

GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON glance.* TO 'glance'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'g1anc3pwd';
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON glance.* TO 'glance'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'g1anc3pwd';

Access to the glance database is allowed from all the hosts denoted by %. However, as previously mentioned, we need to provide explicit permissions for localhost, hence the two lines.

You can quickly verify that the database has been created by typing the following command:

show databases;

You should see the following output:

Creating the database


You will notice that you can see the Keystone and Glance databases along with the system databases; this is because you are logged into the root account. If you use the Glance account, you will not be able to see the Keystone database.

In order to verify that, after exiting the client, execute the following command:

mysql –u glance –p

When prompted for the password, enter g1anc3pwd. Execute the show databases; command and you will see only the schema and the Glance database.

Installing the packages

As a final step in the installation, let's use the package manager to install the components of Glance:

sudo apt-get install glance python-glanceclient

This will install the two components used by Glance. By default, the service comes with its SQL lite database like Keystone; hence, after installing and configuring it, we will delete the database.

Initial configuration of Glance

While performing the initial configuration of the Glance service, we will do the following:

  • Create a Glance user in Keystone
  • Create a Glance service in Keystone
  • Create a Glance endpoint in Keystone
  • Modify the configuration file
  • Populate the Glance database

We will need to use the admin user that we created in the previous chapter in order to perform Keystone functions.

Creating a user in Keystone

We will create a user with the name glance and the password g1anc3keypwd:

keystone --os-tenant-name firsttenant --os-username admin --os-password h33l0world --os-auth-url http://oscontrollernode:5000/v2.0 user-create --name glance --pass g1anc3keypwd

This will create the Glance user in the Keystone in the first tenant, as seen in the following screenshot:

Creating a user in Keystone

As we can see, the command is too long and hence confusing. Therefore, we will export the common variables so that the Keystone command line becomes easier. Execute the following commands to export the variables:

export OS_TENANT_NAME=firsttenant
export OS_USERNAME=admin
export OS_PASSWORD=h33l0world
export OS_AUTH_URL=http://OSControllerNode:5000/v2.0

After executing the commands, the Keystone commands will be simpler, as seen in the subsequent configurations.

Next, we will create a service tenant, which will be used to interact with different services. This is a one-time process. We could ignore and proceed; however, it is a good practice, so let's follow it:

keystone tenant-create --name service --description "Service Tenant"

We will map the Glance user we just created to this tenant as an administrative role, by using the following command:

keystone user-role-add --user glance --tenant service --role admin


Since we will be exporting these, we can just save the preceding export commands in a file of our choice and use the source command to export the variables.

Therefore, in our case, we will save the export statements in the file called ~alokas/os.txt as follows:

source ~alokas/os.txt

Creating a Glance service in Keystone

We will follow the exact same steps as we followed in the previous chapter, and since we have exported the environment variables, we can use the command without passing the various parameters:

keystone service-create --name glance --type image --description "OpenStack Image Service"

This will create the service in the Keystone, as can be seen in the following screenshot:

Creating a Glance service in Keystone

Creating a Glance endpoint

The endpoint helps other services discover Glance. We will need the ID of the Glance service we created in the previous step. Execute the following command:

keystone service-list

Copy the UID of the glance service, in our case 8d85877e169b40aa82aefdf23df74012. We also need to remember that the default port for Glance is 9292.

keystone endpoint-create 
  --service-id 8d85877e169b40aa82aefdf23df74012 
  --publicurl http://OSControllerNode:9292 
  --internalurl http://OSControllerNode:9292 
  --adminurl http://OSControllerNode:9292 
  --region dataCenterOne

You should see something like the following screenshot:

Creating a Glance endpoint

Modifying Glance configuration

Once we have the Keystone commands out of the way, we will have to modify the Glance configuration file located in /etc/glance/glance-api.conf.

We will need to modify five sections in the file, as follows:

  • Under the [default] section, we will set up the verbose logging for testing and we will set up the notification driver to NO Operation (NOOP). We will set up the RabbitMQ configuration based on our common settings:
    notification_driver = noop
    verbose = True
    rabbit_host = OSControllerNode
    rabbit_port = 5672
    rabbit_use_ssl = false
    rabbit_userid = guest
    rabbit_password = rabb1tmqpass
    default_store = file.
  • Under the [database] section, we change the connection variable as follows:
    connection = mysql://glance:[email protected]/glance

    This change will ensure that Glance now points to the MySQL we set up instead of pointing at SQLite database. There will be another configuration statement currently pointing to the SQLite database in the configuration file; comment that line.

  • Under the [keystone_authtoken] section:
    auth_uri = http://OScontrollerNode:5000/v2.0
    identity_uri = http://OScontrollerNode:35357
    admin_tenant_name = service
    admin_user = glance
    admin_password = g1anc3keypwd

    This section provides URLs to retrieve the tokens from Keystone.

  • Under the [paste_deploy] section, we will set the flavor to Keystone:
    flavor = keystone

    This sets up glance to use Keystone for authentication.

  • Under the [glance_store] section, we specify where we will store the images (:1 mentions the order of directories if multiple of them are used):
    filesystem_store_datadir = /glance/images/:1

We have to make the same changes in the Glance registry configuration, with the exception of the [glance_store] section. The configuration file is located at /etc/glance/glance-registry.conf.


Verify the contents of the file by executing the following command:

cat /etc/glance/glance-api.conf | grep -v "#" | egrep -v '^[[:space:]]*$'

This shows only non-commented and non-empty lines from the configuration.

Let us now create the directory where we store the images:

sudo mkdir –p /glance/images/
sudo chown –R glance:glance /glance/images/


We could mount the directory on a separate hard disk in a development or production environment if we choose to use file storage in Glance.

Please ensure that you have made the changes to both the files (API and registry configuration).

Populating the Glance database

To populate the Glance database, as root, execute the following command:

/bin/sh -c "glance-manage db_sync" glance

This should sync the database. If you see any errors, you will need to check the configuration files.

Finalizing the installation

We will now remove the database that came with Glance:

rm -f /var/lib/glance/glance.sqlite

Then, we will finally restart the Glance components (both API and registry):

sudo service glance-api restart
sudo service glance-registry restart

Validating the installation

There is no better way to validate an installation than to put it in action, so we will go ahead, download a KVM image from the Internet, and upload it to the Glance service.

Let us first check that there are no images in the current Glance, by executing the following command:

glance image-list


Remember to export the variables mentioned earlier in the chapter for username, password, and so on.

You should see the following output:

Validating the installation

As you can see there are no images in Glance. We can download any qcow2 format image, which can be used for KVM or qemu and then upload it. Let us download a CirrOS image. CirrOS is a minimal distribution which was created for the sole purpose of testing a cloud environment; hence we will use the image.

Let us navigate to a folder, say, our home folder, using the cd ~ command. We will download the image by using the wget command:


This will download a 13 MB file, which can be used in Nova once we get there.


The credentials for this image are (username/password): cirros/cubswin.

Once the download is complete, we can upload it to the glance registry using the following command:

glance image-create --name "CirrosTest" --file /var/cirros-0.3.3-x86_64-disk.img --disk-format qcow2 --container-format bare --ispublic True --progress

You should see the following result:

Validating the installation

Once the image is uploaded, we can verify it by using the glance image-list command, as seen in the following screenshot:

Validating the installation

This validates that we are able to push the image to the Glance service. This service will provide the images to Nova, so you may consider putting in different images in the qcow2 format for the KVM.


Glance is responsible for providing images to the different hypervisors, so it will store images in any format that the hypervisor will accept. In the case of multihypervisor deployments (which is beyond the scope of this book), Glance will hold different images for different hypervisors. KVM also supports raw images, so those can also be used.

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