OpenStack in action

OpenStack being the most successful FOSS segment cloud product, the implementations of this are too many to detail. In this section, we will look at some of the most common use cases where you might see OpenStack in action.

Enterprise Private Cloud

Enterprise Private Cloud is one of most common use cases, and the most likely reason why you are reading this book. If you are in the IT organization of any enterprise that chooses to offer private cloud to its different business units, which now demand agility, flexibility, lower time-to-market, and so on, OpenStack is the right choice wherein you can offer an Amazon Web Services style of services while exposing APIs to support cloud native applications.

Some of the enterprises that have adopted this are eBay, Alcatel-Lucent, BMW, PayPal, NASA, and Sony, among several others.

Service providers

If you are in a service provider line of business, such as a datacenter provider, you may want to start offering cloud services. OpenStack's distributed nature can easily help you build a service provider-grade cloud for multiple tenants, and you can throw some additional integrations over and above the stock OpenStack offering, such as toolsets and SLAs.

There are several service providers that use OpenStack today, some of them are already mentioned in the previous sections. Some additional names are AT&T, Telstra CCS (Cisco Cloud Services), Korea Telecom, Dream Host, and so on .

Schools/Research centers

Even schools use OpenStack in their labs to quickly provision different kinds of workloads for students, staff, and research faculty who are conducting projects or research in various fields of their study. Not being dependent on the IT team greatly reduces the time required to start a project.

Some of the notable examples are CERN, MIT CSAIL, and so on.

Web/SaaS providers

These sorts of companies need agility. There are several hundreds of them and their success criteria depends on how quickly they can bring in new features to their products, hence the Dev/Test and the entire DevOps paradigm for them becomes key to survival, and OpenStack can help them achieve just that. These companies inevitably use OpenStack or an equivalent to help them in this area.

Some examples in this segment would be, Platform 9, and so on.

These are a few segments where OpenStack saves the day for various organizations and their IT staff.

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