Automating OpenStack installations using Ansible – host configuration

There are a number of ways to automate an installation of OpenStack. These methods predominantly make use of configuration management tools such as Chef, Puppet, and Ansible. In this recipe, we will see how to use Ansible for the installation of OpenStack and how the Playbooks make use of LXC containers, in which isolate resources and filesystems to the service are running in the container. At the time of writing, the Ansible Playbooks that are used for installing OpenStack are hosted on Stackforge. These will soon move to the OpenStack GitHub branch as an official project.

Getting ready

The environment that we will be using in this recipe will consist of seven physical servers:

  • Three Controller nodes make up a cluster of nodes running the OpenStack API services, such as Glance, Keystone, and Horizon, as well as MariaDB and RabbitMQ.
  • One Storage node is used for Cinder LVM volumes.
  • Two (or more) nodes will be the Compute nodes. With this infrastructure, we can scale out the Compute to meet demand in our environment, as well as separate our Controller services across a larger set of nodes and scale as required.
  • One HA Proxy node will be the host we will install our environment from, as well as provide HA Proxy services to Load Balance the APIs of the services.


    In production environments, it is highly recommended that a pair of physical Load Balancers are used instead of HA Proxy.

  • All of the machines will need to have Ubuntu 14.04 LTS release freshly installed as used in the rest of the book.
  • All of the machines will have access to the Internet.

Each server will have at least two network cards installed and utilize VLANs (a total of four distinct networks are created for the installation). In production, it is assumed you will have at least four network cards so that you create two bonded pair of interfaces and appropriately cable them to different HA switches for resilience.

To better understand the networking, refer to the following diagram:

Getting ready

The following networks will be used for our OpenStack installation using Ansible:

  • eth0: This will be used for accessing the host itself (untagged VLAN). This interface will have an IP assigned on the host subnet. This will also be used for storage traffic. An optional br-storage bridge and interface can be used for dedicated storage traffic. This isn't used in this section.
  • eth0.1000: This will be the VLAN (tag 1000) interface that the container bridge (br-mgmt) will be created on. The eth0.1000 interface will not have an IP assigned to it directly; this IP will be assigned to the bridge (br-mgmt) as described here.
    • br-mgmt: This will be the bridge created that connects to eth0.1000 and is a network utilized solely for container to container network traffic. This network carries the communication between OpenStack services, such as Glance requiring access to Keystone. This br-mgmt bridge will have an IP address on the management network (also called the container network) so our hosts can access the containers.
  • eth1: This will be the network interface that all VLAN based Neutron traffic will traverse. The controllers and computes will need this interface configured. The storage nodes and HA Proxy node do not need this configuring.
    • br-vlan: This will be a bridge that connects to eth1. Neither br-vlan nor eth1 will have an IP assigned as OpenStack Neutron controls these on the fly when networks of type VLAN are created.
  • eth1.2000: This will be the VLAN (tag 2000) interface that a VXLAN network will be created on. OpenStack Neutron has the ability to create private tenant networks of type VXLAN. This will be created over this interface.
    • br-vxlan: This will be a bridge that includes eth1.2000 to carry the data created in a VXLAN tunnel network. For our OpenStack environment, this network will allow a user to create Neutron networks of type VXLAN that will be overlaid over this network. This bridge will have an IP assigned to it in the tunnel network.

How to do it...

The first stage is to ensure that the seven hosts described in this section are configured and ready for installation of OpenStack using the Ansible Playbooks; to do so, follow these steps.

  1. Configure the network on all seven hosts by editing the /etc/network/interfaces file with the following contents (consider using bonded interfaces for production, and edit to suit your network details):
    # Host Interface
    auto eth0 
      iface eth0
      inet static
    # Neutron Interface, no IP assigned
    auto eth1
      iface eth1
      inet manual
    # Container management VLAN interface
    iface eth0.1000 
      inet manual     
      vlan-raw-device eth0  
    # OpenStack VXLAN (tunnel/overlay) VLAN interface 
    iface eth1.2000 
      inet manual     
      vlan-raw-device eth1
  2. We continue editing the same /etc/network/interfaces file to add in the matching bridge information, as follows:
    # Bridge for Container network
    auto br-mgmt
      iface br-mgmt inet static
      bridge_stp off
      bridge_waitport 0
      bridge_fd 0
      # Bridge port references tagged interface
      bridge_ports eth1.1000
    # Bridge for vlan network
    auto br-vlan
      iface br-vlan inet manual
      bridge_stp off
      bridge_waitport 0
      bridge_fd 0
      # Notice this bridge port is an Untagged interface  bridge_ports eth1
    # Bridge for vxlan network
    auto br-vxlan
      iface br-vxlan inet static
      bridge_stp off
      bridge_waitport 0
      bridge_fd 0
      # Bridge port references tagged interface
      bridge_ports eth1.2000
  3. We can now restart our networking, which, in turn, will bring up our host interfaces and bridges with the required IP addresses:
    sudo service networking restart
  4. Repeat step 1 to step 3 for each host on your network that will have OpenStack installed, adjusting the IP addresses accordingly.
  5. Ensure that all seven nodes in the environment are reachable on all networks created. This can be achieved using fping, as shown here:
    # host network (eth0)
    fping -g
    # container network (br-mgmt)
    fping -g
    # For Computes and Controllers Only
    # tunnel network (br-vxlan)
    fping -g

How it works...

Setting up the networking correctly is important. Retrospectively, altering the network once an installation of OpenStack has occurred can be tricky.

We used two physical interfaces (if using bonding, it is a total of four but is referred to as two), allocating appropriate VLANs and dropping the created interfaces into specific bridges. These bridged interfaces, br-mgmt, br-vxlan and br-vlan, are referenced directly in the Ansible Playbook configurations, so do not change these names.

The host network on eth0 is the network that will have the default gateway of your LAN, and this network will be used to access the Internet to pull down the required packages as part of the OpenStack installation.

We create a VLAN tagged interface eth0.1000 on eth0, which will be used for container-to-container traffic. The Ansible Playbooks install the OpenStack services in LXC containers, and these containers must be able to communicate with each other. This network is not routable and is only used for inter-container communication. This VLAN tagged interface is dropped into the bridge, br-mgmt. The br-mgmt bridge is given an IP address on this management (container) network so that the hosts can communicate with the containers when they eventually get created in the next two recipes.

The second interface (or second bonded interface) carries the traffic for Neutron, so only the controllers and computes need this interface. As we are configuring our environment to carry both VLAN Neutron tenant networks and VXLAN tenant networks, we first create a VLAN tagged interface eth1.2000 and drop this into the bridge br-vxlan. As this is for VXLAN traffic, we assign an IP to this bridge. Now, tunnels can be created over this network. This network doesn't have any routes associated with it. We then create a br-vlan bridge and drop the untagged interface eth1 into this. This is because when we eventually come to create Neutron tenant networks of type VLAN, Neutron adds the tags to this untagged interface.

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