Configuring OpenStack services with Pacemaker and Corosync

This recipe represents two nodes running both Glance and Keystone, controlled by Pacemaker with Corosync in active/passive mode that allows for a failure of a single node. In a production environment, it is recommended that a cluster consist of at least three nodes to ensure resiliency and consistency in the case of a single node failure.

Getting ready

For this recipe, we will assume the previous recipe, Installing and configuring Pacemaker with Corosync, has been followed to give us two controllers called controller1 and controller2, with a FloatingIP address provided by Corosync.

How to do it...

To increase the resilience of OpenStack services, carry out the following steps:

  1. With Keystone running on controller1, we should be able to query Keystone using both its own IP address ( and the FloatingIP ( from a client that has access to the OpenStack environment using the following code:
    # Assigned IP (
    export OS_TENANT_NAME=cookbook
    export OS_USERNAME=admin
    export OS_PASSWORD=openstack
    export OS_AUTH_URL=
    export OS_KEY=/vagrant/cakey-controller1.pem
    export OS_CACERT=/vagrant/ca-controller1.pem
    keystone user-list
    # FloatingIP (Keepalived and HA Proxy)
    export OS_AUTH_URL=
    keystone user-list
  2. Copy the /etc/keystone/keystone.conf file from the first host, put it in place on the second node, and then restart the keystone service. There is no further work required, as the database has already been populated with the endpoints and users when the install was completed on the first node. Restart the service to connect to the database, as follows:
    sudo stop keystone
    sudo start keystone
  3. We can now interrogate the second keystone service on its own IP address.
    # Second Node
    export OS_AUTH_URL=
    keystone user-list

Glance across two nodes with FloatingIP

For Glance to be able to run across multiple nodes, it must be configured with a shared storage backend (such as Swift) and be backed by a database backend (such as MySQL). On the first host, install and configure Glance, as described in Chapter 2, Glance – OpenStack Image Service. After that, follow these steps:

  1. On the second node, install the required packages to run Glance, which is backed by MySQL and Swift, by running the command:
    sudo apt-get install glance python-swift
  2. Copy over the configuration files in /etc/glance to the second host, and start the glance-api and glance-registry services on both nodes:
    sudo start glance-api
    sudo start glance-registry
  3. We can now use either the Glance server to view our images, as well as the FloatingIP address that is assigned to our first node, by using this code:
    # First node
    glance -I admin -K openstack -T cookbook -N index
    # Second node
    glance -I admin -K openstack -T cookbook -N index
    # FloatingIP
    glance -I admin -K openstack -T cookbook -N index

Configuring Pacemaker for use with Glance and Keystone

With Keystone and Glance running on both nodes, we can now configure Pacemaker to take control of this service so that we can ensure Keystone and Glance are running on the appropriate node when the other node fails. The steps are as follows:

  1. To do this, we first disable the upstart jobs for controlling Keystone and Glance services and then create upstart override files for these services (on both nodes). Create /etc/init/keystone.override, /etc/init/glance-api.override and /etc/init/glance-registry.override with just the keyword manual in:
  2. We now grab the OCF (short for Open Cluster Format) resource agents that are shell scripts or pieces of code that are able to control our Keystone and Glance services. We must do this on both our nodes. To do so, run the following commands:
    sudo mkdir -p /usr/lib/ocf/resource.d/openstack
    sudo cp keystone glance-api glance-registry 
    sudo chmod 755 /usr/lib/ocf/resource.d/openstack/*
  3. We should be now be able to query these new OCF agents available to us, which will return the three OCF agents:
    sudo crm ra list ocf openstack
  4. We can now configure Pacemaker to use these agents to control our Keystone service. To do this, we run the following set of commands:
    sudo crm cib new conf-keystone
    sudo crm configure property stonith-enabled=false
    sudo crm configure property no-quorum-policy=ignore
    sudo crm configure primitive p_keystone     ocf:openstack:keystone 
        params config="/etc/keystone/keystone.conf" 
        op monitor interval="5s" timeout="5s"
    sudo crm cib use live
    sudo crm cib commit conf-keystone
  5. We then issue a similar set of commands for the two Glance services, as follows:
    sudo crm cib new conf-glance-api
    sudo crm configure property stonith-enabled=false
    sudo crm configure property no-quorum-policy=ignore
    sudo crm configure primitive p_glance_api ocf:openstack:glance-api 
        params config="/etc/glance/glance-api.conf" 
        op monitor interval="5s" timeout="5s"
    sudo crm cib use live
    sudo crm cib commit conf-glance-api
    sudo crm cib new conf-glance-registry
    sudo crm configure property stonith-enabled=false
    sudo crm configure property no-quorum-policy=ignore
    sudo crm configure primitive p_glance_registry ocf:openstack:glance-registry 
        params config="/etc/glance/glance-registry.conf" 
        op monitor interval="5s" timeout="5s"
    sudo crm cib use live
    sudo crm cib commit conf-glance-registry
  6. We can verify that we have our Pacemaker configured correctly by issuing the following command:
    sudo crm_mon -1

    This brings back something similar to the following output:

    Configuring Pacemaker for use with Glance and Keystone


    Here's what to do if you receive an error similar to the following error:

    Failed actions:
        p_keystone_monitor_0 (node=controller2, call=3, rc=5,     status=complete): not installed

    Issue the following commands to clear the status and then view the status again:

    sudo crm_resource -P
    sudo crm_mon -1
  7. We can now configure our client so that they use the FloatingIP address for both Glance and Keystone services. With this in place, we can bring down the interface on our first node and still have our Keystone and Glance services available on this FloatingIP address.

We now have Keystone and Glance running on two separate nodes, where a node can fail and services will still be available.

How it works...

The configuration of Pacemaker is predominantly done with the crm tool. This allows us to script the configuration. If invoked on its own, it allows us to invoke an interactive shell that we can use to edit, add, and remove services, as well as query the status of the cluster. This is a very powerful tool to control an equally powerful cluster manager.

With both nodes running Keystone and Glance, and with Pacemaker and Corosync running and accessible on the FloatingIP provided by Corosync, we configure Pacemaker to control the running of the Keystone and Glance services by using an Open Cluster Framework (OCF) agent written specifically for this purpose. The OCF agent uses a number of parameters that will be familiar to us, and they require the same username, password, tenant, and endpoint URL that we would use in a client to access that service.

A timeout of 5 seconds was set up for both the agent and when the FloatingIP address moves to another host.

After this configuration, we have a Keystone and Glance active/passive configuration, as shown in the diagram:

How it works...
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