Setting up SSL access

Setting up Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) access provides secure access between the client and our OpenStack Object Storage environment in exactly the same way SSL provides secure access to any other web service. To do this, we configure our proxy server with SSL certificates.


In production, you wouldn't set up SSL directly on the proxy server. You would use a hardware Load Balancer or another appropriate device to do the SSL offloading. Setting up SSL as described in the following recipe is for testing and development purposes only.

Getting ready

Ensure that you are logged in to the swift-proxy node and have the packages installed and configured for running Swift. If you created this node with vagrant, you can execute the following command:

vagrant ssh swift-proxy

How to do it...

Configuration of OpenStack Object Storage to secure communication between the client and the proxy server is done as follows:

  1. In order to provide SSL access to our proxy server, we first create the certificates:
    cd /etc/swift
    sudo openssl req -new -x509 -nodes -out cert.crt 
        -keyout cert.key
  2. We need to answer the following questions that the certificate process asks us:
    How to do it...
  3. Once created, we configure our proxy server to use the certificate and key by editing the /etc/swift/proxy-server.conf file, as shown here:
    bind_port = 443
    cert_file = /etc/swift/cert.crt
    key_file = /etc/swift/cert.key
  4. With this in place, we can restart the proxy server using the swift-init command to pick up the change:
    sudo swift-init proxy-server restart
  5. We now need to update our Keystone endpoint to reflect this change. We do this by first removing the current entry, and then adding the endpoint with the change of details. First, source your environment variables so that you have admin privileges, or set the following:
    export ENDPOINT=
    export SERVICE_ENDPOINT=https://${ENDPOINT}:35357/v2.0
    export OS_KEY=/vagrant/cakey.pem
    export OS_CACERT=/vagrant/ca.pem
  6. List the endpoints to verify the entry to remove by issuing the following command:
    keystone endpoint-list

    This will bring back output such as the following. The Swift endpoint has been highlighted and output truncated to fit the page.

    How to do it...
  7. To remove the Swift endpoint, execute the following command:
    keystone endpoint-delete bd46a06576a3489ba9f9a8a7eaa2b2bd
  8. We then add in the correct endpoint with the new values:
    keystone endpoint-create --region RegionOne 
        --service_id $SWIFT_SERVICE_ID 
        --publicurl $PUBLIC_URL 
        --adminurl $ADMIN_URL 
        --internalurl $INTERNAL_URL

How it works...

Configuring OpenStack Object Storage to use SSL involves configuring the proxy server to use SSL. We first configure a self-signed certificate using the openssl command, which asks for various fields to be filled in. An important field is the Common Name field. Put in the Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) hostname or IP address that you would use to connect to the Swift server.

Once that has been done, we specify the port that we want our proxy server to listen on. As we are configuring an SSL HTTPS connection, we will use the standard TCP port 443 that HTTPS defaults to. We also specify the certificate and key that we created in the first step so that when a request is made, this information is presented to the end user to allow secure data transfer. With this in place, we restart our proxy server to listen on port 443.

Finally, we modify the entry in Keystone to reflect this change. To do this, we identify the endpoint ID of the Swift service by first list the endpoints. After this, we delete this endpoint with the keystone endpoint-delete $ENDPOINT_ID command and add in the correct ones, we ensure that we specify https and port 443.

With this in place, we can carry on using Swift as usual and the end user won't need to modify anything to take advantage of this change.

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