Facebook, connecting to personal cloud service in, Connecting cloud services to your Office account
Fade, PowerPoint, Adding animation to text and shapes
Field Buttons button, Creating and modifying a chart
Field List, PivotTable, Other enhancements, improvements, and feature upgrades
file server, Moving a notebook to SkyDrive, Using a file server to share notes
sharing notes on, Moving a notebook to SkyDrive
stop sharing on, Using a file server to share notes
File tab, Exploring the Word 2013 user interface, Getting started working with PowerPoint 2013, Starting Excel 2013, Getting started with OneNote 2013
Excel, Starting Excel 2013
OneNote, Getting started with OneNote 2013
PowerPoint, Getting started working with PowerPoint 2013
Word, Exploring the Word 2013 user interface
files, Working with Office files, Working with Office files, Working with Office files, Working with Office files, Working with Office files, Working with Office files, Working with Office files, Recovering unsaved files and versions, Recovering unsaved files and versions, Identifying new shared features in Office Home and Student 2013, Identifying new shared features in Office Home and Student 2013, Searching for online templates, Sharing files with others from SharePoint Online or SkyDrive, Sharing files with others from SharePoint Online or SkyDrive, Sharing files with others from SharePoint Online or SkyDrive, Opening files from the cloud, Getting started with co-authoring, Selecting content with touch, Applying a theme to an existing presentation
(see also Office documents)
changing permissions, Sharing files with others from SharePoint Online or SkyDrive
creating new, Working with Office files, Searching for online templates
customizing PowerPoint, Applying a theme to an existing presentation
opening, Working with Office files
opening from cloud, Identifying new shared features in Office Home and Student 2013, Sharing files with others from SharePoint Online or SkyDrive
pinning and unpinning, Working with Office files
recovering unsaved changes to, Recovering unsaved files and versions
saving as PDF, Working with Office files
saving in XPS format, Working with Office files
saving on cloud service, Identifying new shared features in Office Home and Student 2013
selecting multiple, Selecting content with touch
setting feature to autosave, Recovering unsaved files and versions
sharing files from cloud service, Sharing files with others from SharePoint Online or SkyDrive
syncing for offline use with SkyDrive, Opening files from the cloud
viewing information about active, Working with Office files
viewing recent files, Working with Office files
Fill menu, in Excel, Flash Fill command from, Extending a series with AutoFill
Filled Round Bullets menu choice, Formatting placeholders on the slide master
filter buttons, hiding, Filtering data with tables
Filter by Color command, Filtering data with tables
Filter group; a dialog box, Adding a slicer to a PivotChart
Filter menu commands, Filtering data with tables
financial functions, Handy date and time functions
Find Options dialog box, Searching and navigating a document by using the Navigation pane
Fit Slide to Current Window button, Adding graphics to the slide master and layouts
Fixed Column Width option, in Insert Table dialog box, Inserting tables
Flash Fill command, in Excel, Starting Excel 2013, Extending a series with AutoFill
folders, pinning and unpinning, Working with Office files
Followed Hyperlink color, in PowerPoint, Applying theme effects to your presentation
Font dialog box, Exploring other character formats
Font Size box, PowerPoint, Formatting placeholders on the slide master
fonts, Inserting symbols, international characters, and other special characters, Formatting documents more efficiently, Applying a theme to an existing presentation, Applying theme effects to your presentation, Formatting placeholders on the slide master, Formatting placeholders on the slide master
creating theme font set, Applying theme effects to your presentation
customizing PowerPoint, Applying a theme to an existing presentation
decreasing font size, Formatting placeholders on the slide master
glyph, Inserting symbols, international characters, and other special characters
increasing font size, Formatting placeholders on the slide master
serif and sans serif, Formatting documents more efficiently
Format Background pane, in PowerPoint, Adding graphics to the slide master and layouts
Format Cells dialog box, Working with fraction formats, Working with date formats, Manipulating chart elements, Manipulating chart elements
Custom category in, Manipulating chart elements
using comma (,) in custom number format code, Manipulating chart elements
Format Chart Title task pane, Creating and modifying a chart
Format Data Labels task pane, Manipulating chart elements
Format Shape pane, Exploring the PowerPoint 2013 tools, Applying enhanced fills and effects, Applying enhanced fills and effects, Applying enhanced fills and effects, Applying enhanced fills and effects, Creating and sharing graphics
3-D Format tools, Applying enhanced fills and effects
accessing, Applying enhanced fills and effects
Blur field, Applying enhanced fills and effects
in Excel, Creating and sharing graphics
Shape Options Effects button in, Applying enhanced fills and effects
formatting, Identifying new shared features in Office Home and Student 2013, Inserting graphics, videos, charts, and diagrams, Discovering what’s new in Word 2013, Discovering what’s new in Word 2013, Formatting documents, Formatting documents more efficiently, Setting default document formatting for your documents, Using styles for paragraph and character formats, Exploring other character formats, Exploring other character formats, Changing case, Presenting information, Presenting information, Inserting tables, Theme fonts, Applying background styles to your presentation, Creating a custom slide layout, Choosing a slide layout and adding text in placeholders, Adding manual text boxes, Adding and formatting a table, Reusing slides and keeping their source formatting, Adding and formatting shapes, Creating your own shapes, Inserting, cropping, and formatting pictures, Changing column widths, Changing column widths, Using the Quick Analysis tools, Applying number formatting, Applying number formatting, Formatting with styles, Formatting with styles, Formatting with styles, Formatting in cells, Formatting in cells, Working with custom number formats, Working with percentage formats, Working with fraction formats, Working with date formats, Protecting worksheets, Creating and customizing tags, Using the Napkin Math feature
accessing PowerPoint picture formatting tools, Inserting, cropping, and formatting pictures
cells in Excel, Changing column widths
changing presentation to widescreen format, Creating a custom slide layout
charts, Identifying new shared features in Office Home and Student 2013, Adding and formatting a table
controlling, Identifying new shared features in Office Home and Student 2013
in PowerPoint, Adding and formatting a table
conditional, Using the Quick Analysis tools
data in Excel, Changing column widths
documents, Formatting documents, Formatting documents more efficiently, Setting default document formatting for your documents, Using styles for paragraph and character formats, Exploring other character formats, Exploring other character formats, Changing case
about, Formatting documents
changing case of text, Exploring other character formats
exploring character formatting, Exploring other character formats
exploring paragraph formatting, Using styles for paragraph and character formats
managing pagination through, Changing case
setting default documents, Formatting documents more efficiently
setting section formatting, Setting default document formatting for your documents
illustrations using Drawing Tools Format tool tab, Inserting graphics, videos, charts, and diagrams
in OneNote using styles, Creating and customizing tags
lists using bullets, Presenting information
lists using numbering, Presenting information
manual text boxes in slides, Choosing a slide layout and adding text in placeholders
OneNote with templates, Using the Napkin Math feature
options in all galleries, Theme fonts
pictures in presentations, Creating your own shapes
placeholders on slide master, Applying background styles to your presentation
reusing slides and keeping source, Reusing slides and keeping their source formatting
setting for documents default, Discovering what’s new in Word 2013
shapes in PowerPoint, Adding and formatting shapes
table borders in, Discovering what’s new in Word 2013
tables in PowerPoint, Adding manual text boxes
Total Row, Inserting tables
worksheets, Applying number formatting, Applying number formatting, Formatting with styles, Formatting with styles, Formatting with styles, Formatting in cells, Formatting in cells, Working with custom number formats, Working with percentage formats, Working with fraction formats, Working with date formats, Protecting worksheets
applying number formatting, Applying number formatting
applying percentage format to numbers, Working with custom number formats
cells, Formatting in cells
Clear Formats option, Formatting with styles
creating custom themes, Formatting with styles
custom number formats, Formatting in cells
formatting with styles, Formatting with styles
lining up positive and negative numbers in columns, Applying number formatting
protecting, Working with date formats
setting view options, Protecting worksheets
working with dates, Working with fraction formats
working with fractions, Working with percentage formats
formatting marks, Using formatting marks during document composition
using during document composition, Using formatting marks during document composition
formulas, Creating, editing, and copying formulas, Creating, editing, and copying formulas, Creating, editing, and copying formulas, Creating, editing, and copying formulas, Using functions, Using the AutoSum button and built-in function, Inserting functions, Inserting functions, Inserting functions, Inserting functions, Using relative, fixed, and mixed cell references, Using relative, fixed, and mixed cell references, Looking at useful functions, Combining text from multiple cells into one string, Removing extra spaces, Key points, Key points
(see also functions)
about, Creating, editing, and copying formulas
activating Edit mode, Using relative, fixed, and mixed cell references, Combining text from multiple cells into one string, Key points
creating, Inserting functions
dollar ($) sign in, Inserting functions, Key points
entering, Creating, editing, and copying formulas
equal (=) sign in, Creating, editing, and copying formulas
inserting, Inserting functions
pasting as resulting values, Removing extra spaces
static values vs. cell references in, Using functions
using cell references, Inserting functions
using Formulas tab, Looking at useful functions
using names in, Using relative, fixed, and mixed cell references
using status bar for checking totals, Using the AutoSum button and built-in function
Formulas tab, in Excel, Selecting and naming cell ranges, Selecting and naming cell ranges, Looking at useful functions
about, Looking at useful functions
Create From Selection command on, Selecting and naming cell ranges
Defined Names section on, Selecting and naming cell ranges
Fragment tool, PowerPoint, Discovering the new features in PowerPoint 2013
Freeform icon, Creating your own shapes
Freeze Panes command, Working with panes and page layout options
From a Video Embed Code field, Inserting and playing online video
From Beginning or From Current Slide buttons, Delivering a presentation
Full Page view, Notebook, Exploring the OneNote interface
Full Screen mode, Exploring the Word 2013 user interface, Identifying new and improved features in OneNote 2013
OneNote, Identifying new and improved features in OneNote 2013
vs. Read mode, Exploring the Word 2013 user interface
Function Arguments dialog box, Inserting functions, Looking at useful functions
Function dialog box, Looking at useful functions
functions, Creating, editing, and copying formulas, Creating, editing, and copying formulas, Creating, editing, and copying formulas, Using functions, Using the AutoSum button and built-in function, Using the AutoSum button and built-in function, Using the AutoSum button and built-in function, Using the AutoSum button and built-in function, Using the AutoSum button and built-in function, Using the AutoSum button and built-in function, Inserting functions, Looking at useful functions, Looking at useful functions, Handy math and trig functions, Handy logical functions, Handy logical functions, Handy logical functions, Handy text functions, Handy text functions, Handy text functions, Handy date and time functions, Handy date and time functions, Handy financial functions, Removing extra spaces, Changing the case of text
(see also formulas)
about, Creating, editing, and copying formulas
AVERAGE, Using the AutoSum button and built-in function
CONCATENATE(), Handy logical functions, Handy financial functions
Count Numbers(), Using the AutoSum button and built-in function
date, Handy text functions
financial, Handy date and time functions
inserting, Inserting functions
logical, Handy math and trig functions
math and trig, Looking at useful functions
Max(), Using the AutoSum button and built-in function
Min(), Using the AutoSum button and built-in function
PROPER(), Handy logical functions, Changing the case of text
reference, Handy date and time functions
text, Handy logical functions
time, Handy text functions
TRIM(), Handy text functions, Removing extra spaces
using, Creating, editing, and copying formulas
using AutoSum button, Using functions
using AVERAGE() function, Using the AutoSum button and built-in function
using Formulas tab, Looking at useful functions
using status bar for checking totals, Using the AutoSum button and built-in function
funnel icon (Chart Filters tool), Inserting and formatting charts
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