Edit Document, as Read Mode option, Working with documents in the new Read Mode
Edit mode, activating formula, Using relative, fixed, and mixed cell references, Combining text from multiple cells into one string, Key points
Edit Points, in PowerPoint, Creating your own shapes
editing, Discovering what’s new in Word 2013, Editing and composing documents, Creating PDF files in Word, Creating PDF files in Word, Applying theme effects to your presentation, Editing video and applying transitions, Delivering a presentation, Creating, editing, and copying formulas
custom color theme in PowerPoint, Applying theme effects to your presentation
documents, Editing and composing documents
formulas, Creating, editing, and copying formulas
PDFs, Discovering what’s new in Word 2013, Creating PDF files in Word, Creating PDF files in Word
saved slide show presentations, Delivering a presentation
video, Editing video and applying transitions
Effect Options in PowerPoint, Adding animation to text and shapes
Animations tab in, Adding animation to text and shapes
effects, Applying theme effects to your presentation, Adding and formatting shapes
applying enhanced fills and, Adding and formatting shapes
customizing PowerPoint theme, Applying theme effects to your presentation
em and en spaces, formatting marks for, Inserting special characters
email addresses, Introducing Flash Fill, Selecting and naming cell ranges
Excel format for, Introducing Flash Fill
selecting in Excel, Selecting and naming cell ranges
email messages, Using styles to format your notes, Sharing notes with others during a meeting
sending notes via, Sharing notes with others during a meeting
sending to OneNote, Using styles to format your notes
embed codes, in videos, Inserting and playing online video
Emphasis animations, Adding animation to text and shapes
empty paragraphs, Using formatting marks during document composition
Encrypt with Password option, Protecting worksheets
enhanced fills, applying in PowerPoint, Adding and formatting shapes
Entrance animations, Adding animation to text and shapes
“epsilon” button, using, Using functions
equal (=) sign, in Excel formulas, Creating, editing, and copying formulas
eraser, OneNote, Erasing ink or shapes
error messages, chart, Inserting and formatting charts
Even Page or Odd Page section breaks, Setting section formatting
EXACT() function, Handy logical functions
Excel, Recovering unsaved files and versions, Identifying new shared features in Office Home and Student 2013, Applying Office themes, Using touch mode, Getting comfortable in Excel 2013, Starting Excel 2013, Identifying what’s new in Excel 2013, Identifying what’s new in Excel 2013, Identifying what’s new in Excel 2013, Identifying what’s new in Excel 2013, Using the new features in Excel, Using the new features in Excel, Creating and editing worksheets, Creating and editing worksheets, Entering and organizing data, Changing column widths, Changing column widths, Changing column widths, Using formatting to alter the appearance of data, Using formatting to alter the appearance of data, Extending a series with AutoFill, Introducing Flash Fill, Selecting and naming cell ranges, Selecting and naming cell ranges, Using column headers to define names, Moving and adjusting cells, Moving and adjusting cells, Moving and copying rows and columns, Copying one or more cells to many, Creating, editing, and copying formulas, Creating, editing, and copying formulas, Creating, editing, and copying formulas, Creating, editing, and copying formulas, Using functions, Using functions, Using the AutoSum button and built-in function, Using the AutoSum button and built-in function, Inserting functions, Inserting functions, Inserting functions, Inserting functions, Using relative, fixed, and mixed cell references, Using relative, fixed, and mixed cell references, Using relative, fixed, and mixed cell references, Looking at useful functions, Looking at useful functions, Handy math and trig functions, Handy logical functions, Handy logical functions, Handy logical functions, Handy text functions, Handy text functions, Handy text functions, Handy date and time functions, Handy date and time functions, Handy financial functions, Handy financial functions, Combining text from multiple cells into one string, Removing extra spaces, Removing extra spaces, Copying cells containing formulas and pasting only their resulting values, Copying cells containing formulas and pasting only their resulting values, Changing the case of text, Changing the case of text, Key points, Key points, Analyzing data, Exploring a built-in template, Performing what-if analyses, Managing multiple what-if models, Using the Quick Analysis tools, Analyzing data from another source, Analyzing data from another source, Analyzing data from another source, Filtering data with tables, Filter menu commands, Adding data to tables, Adding data to tables, Sorting data, Creating a custom sort list, Creating a custom sort list, Creating a PivotTable, Creating a PivotTable, Creating a PivotTable, Applying number formatting, Applying number formatting, Formatting with styles, Formatting with styles, Formatting with styles, Formatting in cells, Formatting in cells, Formatting in cells, Working with custom number formats, Working with custom number formats, Working with percentage formats, Working with fraction formats, Working with date formats, Protecting worksheets, Storing formats in templates, Manipulating workbooks and worksheets, Inserting rows and columns, Inserting rows and columns, Inserting and deleting cells, Inserting and deleting cells, Working with panes and page layout options, Printing row and column labels on every page, Adjusting page breaks, Adjusting page breaks, Creating a multisheet workbook, Manipulating sheets, Working with sheet references, Working with sheet references, Creating charts and graphics, Creating and modifying a chart, Adding a slicer to a PivotChart, Manipulating chart elements, Manipulating objects, Manipulating objects, Manipulating objects, Creating and sharing graphics, Inserting a spreadsheet
about, Creating and editing worksheets
about new features in, Using the new features in Excel
about starting, Getting comfortable in Excel 2013
adding data to tables, Filter menu commands
analyzing data from outside source, Analyzing data from another source
cells in, Changing column widths, Using formatting to alter the appearance of data, Introducing Flash Fill, Moving and adjusting cells, Moving and adjusting cells, Copying one or more cells to many, Inserting functions, Using relative, fixed, and mixed cell references, Handy financial functions, Removing extra spaces, Copying cells containing formulas and pasting only their resulting values, Copying cells containing formulas and pasting only their resulting values, Changing the case of text, Formatting in cells, Inserting rows and columns, Inserting rows and columns
changing case of text, Copying cells containing formulas and pasting only their resulting values
copying and pasting range of, Copying cells containing formulas and pasting only their resulting values
copying one or more cells to many, Copying one or more cells to many
deleting, Inserting rows and columns
extending series with autofill, Using formatting to alter the appearance of data
format for email and web addresses, Introducing Flash Fill
formatting, Changing column widths, Formatting in cells
inserting, Inserting rows and columns
maximum number of characters in, Moving and adjusting cells
moving and adjusting, Moving and adjusting cells
pasting formulas as resulting values, Removing extra spaces
restricting entries, Changing the case of text
using references, Inserting functions
validating entries, Using relative, fixed, and mixed cell references
working with text, Handy financial functions
changing widths of spreadsheet columns, Entering and organizing data
charts, Identifying what’s new in Excel 2013, Creating charts and graphics, Creating and modifying a chart, Manipulating chart elements, Manipulating objects
adding slicers to PivotCharts, Creating and modifying a chart
adding timelines to, Identifying what’s new in Excel 2013, Manipulating chart elements
creating and modifying, Creating charts and graphics
manipulating objects in, Manipulating objects
conditional formatting features, Using the Quick Analysis tools
creating and sharing graphics in, Manipulating objects
creating custom sort list, Sorting data
custom formatting codes, Working with custom number formats
data model, Analyzing data from another source, Creating a PivotTable
entering and organizing data, Creating and editing worksheets
Filter menu commands, Filtering data with tables
filtering data with tables, Analyzing data from another source
Flash Fill command in, Starting Excel 2013, Extending a series with AutoFill
formatting cells, Formatting in cells
formatting data, Changing column widths
formatting worksheets, Applying number formatting, Applying number formatting, Formatting with styles, Formatting with styles, Formatting with styles, Formatting in cells, Working with custom number formats, Working with percentage formats, Working with fraction formats, Working with date formats, Protecting worksheets
applying number formatting, Applying number formatting
applying percentage format to numbers, Working with custom number formats
Clear Formats option, Formatting with styles
creating custom themes, Formatting with styles
custom number formats, Formatting in cells
lining up positive and negative numbers in columns, Applying number formatting
protection in, Working with date formats
setting view options, Protecting worksheets
with styles, Formatting with styles
working with dates, Working with fraction formats
working with fractions, Working with percentage formats
formulas, Creating, editing, and copying formulas, Creating, editing, and copying formulas, Creating, editing, and copying formulas, Using functions, Inserting functions, Inserting functions, Using relative, fixed, and mixed cell references, Using relative, fixed, and mixed cell references, Looking at useful functions, Combining text from multiple cells into one string, Key points, Key points
about, Creating, editing, and copying formulas
activating Edit mode, Using relative, fixed, and mixed cell references, Combining text from multiple cells into one string, Key points
dollar ($) sign in, Inserting functions, Key points
entering, Creating, editing, and copying formulas
equal (=) sign in, Creating, editing, and copying formulas
static values vs. cell references, Using functions
using cell references, Inserting functions
using Formulas tab, Looking at useful functions
using names in, Using relative, fixed, and mixed cell references
functions, Creating, editing, and copying formulas, Using functions, Using the AutoSum button and built-in function, Using the AutoSum button and built-in function, Inserting functions, Looking at useful functions, Handy math and trig functions, Handy logical functions, Handy logical functions, Handy logical functions, Handy text functions, Handy text functions, Handy text functions, Handy date and time functions, Handy date and time functions, Handy financial functions, Removing extra spaces, Changing the case of text
CONCATENATE(), Handy logical functions, Handy financial functions
date, Handy text functions
financial, Handy date and time functions
inserting, Inserting functions
logical, Handy math and trig functions
math and trig, Looking at useful functions
PROPER(), Handy logical functions, Changing the case of text
reference, Handy date and time functions
text, Handy logical functions
time, Handy text functions
TRIM(), Handy text functions, Removing extra spaces
using, Creating, editing, and copying formulas
using AutoSum button, Using functions
using AVERAGE() function, Using the AutoSum button and built-in function
using status bar for checking totals, Using the AutoSum button and built-in function
graphics in, Manipulating objects, Creating and sharing graphics
creating and sharing, Manipulating objects
using in other Office Applications, Creating and sharing graphics
inserting columns and rows, Manipulating workbooks and worksheets
inserting spreadsheets in OneNote, Inserting a spreadsheet
jumping to first cell in worksheet, Adding data to tables
manipulating elements in charts, Adding a slicer to a PivotChart
moving and copying columns and rows, Moving and copying rows and columns
moving around worksheets, Using column headers to define names
online pictures feature in, Identifying new shared features in Office Home and Student 2013
page layout options, Inserting and deleting cells
pages in, Working with panes and page layout options, Printing row and column labels on every page
adjusting page breaks, Printing row and column labels on every page
printing row and column labels, Working with panes and page layout options
panes, Inserting and deleting cells
performing What-If Analysis, Exploring a built-in template
PivotTable Fields pane, Creating a PivotTable
PivotTables, Creating a custom sort list, Creating a custom sort list
(see also PivotTables)
creating, Creating a custom sort list
Recommended PivotTables feature, Identifying what’s new in Excel 2013, Creating a PivotTable
recovering unsaved files in, Recovering unsaved files and versions
Scenario Manager, Performing what-if analyses
selecting and naming cell ranges, Selecting and naming cell ranges
sheet references in, Working with sheet references
Simple to-do list workbook in, Applying Office themes
sorting data, Adding data to tables
table slicers, Identifying what’s new in Excel 2013
templates, Analyzing data, Storing formats in templates
built-in, Analyzing data
storing formats in, Storing formats in templates
using column headers in defining names, Selecting and naming cell ranges
using Quick Analysis, Managing multiple what-if models
using touch mode in, Using touch mode
values in, Changing column widths, Using formatting to alter the appearance of data
workbooks, Identifying what’s new in Excel 2013, Using the new features in Excel, Adjusting page breaks, Creating a multisheet workbook, Manipulating sheets, Working with sheet references
changing number of sheets setting in, Using the new features in Excel
creating multisheet, Adjusting page breaks
displaying separate windows, Identifying what’s new in Excel 2013
managing multiple, Working with sheet references
manipulating sheets in, Creating a multisheet workbook
summarizing multisheet, Manipulating sheets
Zoom group, Adjusting page breaks
exercise steps in book, adapting to, Customizing the user interface
Exit animations, Adding animation to text and shapes
Expand/Collapse heading option, Collapsing and expanding document content
expanding ribbon, Customizing the Office environment
Export command, in Excel, Starting Excel 2013
Export page, Working with Office files, Identifying new and improved features in OneNote 2013
about, Working with Office files
OneNote, Identifying new and improved features in OneNote 2013
exporting, Exporting to other formats
OneNote to other formats, Exporting to other formats
Eyedropper menu choice, Adding and formatting shapes
Eyedropper Text Fill tool, Discovering the new features in PowerPoint 2013, Adding and formatting shapes
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