Chapter 6

  1. The Read-Eval-Print Loop is often referred to as REPL, taking the first letter from each word in the phrase. It is also known as language shell or interactive top-level.
  2. It is an interactive Read-Eval-Print Loop tool that is used to evaluate the following Java programming language components—declarations, statements, and expressions. It has its own API so that it can be used by external applications.
  3. As listed here:
  • Tabcompletion
  • Autocompletion for end-of-statement semicolons
  • Autocompletion for imports
  • Autocompletion for definitions
  1. JShell is a command-line tool that is located in the /bin folder.
  2. Exiting the shell is as easy as entering /exit.
  3. /vars.
  4. Entering the /help or /? command in the JShell provides a complete list of commands and syntax that can be used in the shell.
  5. Additional help can be obtained from within the JShell by using the /help command followed by the command you want additional help with.
  6. Command-line tools usually provide relatively sparse feedback in an effort to not
    overcrowd the screen or otherwise become a nuisance to developers. JShell has
    several feedback modes, in addition to giving developers the ability to create
    their own custom modes.
  7. There are four feedback modes: concise, normal, silent, and verbose.
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