The original code

Let's begin by taking a quick look at the original code of the procedure we planted into the executable as part of our patch. The code is quite straightforward and, knowing what we already know, is easy to read:

; First of all we tell the assembler
; that this is a 32-bit code

; Tell the assembler that we are expecting
; this code to appear at 0x41e000
org 0x41e000

; Define labels for "external" procedures
; we are about to use
label fgets at 0x414bd8
label __acrt_iob_func at 0x41b180

; Implement the procedure

; We begin the procedure with the standard
; prolog for cdecl calling convention
push ebp
mov ebp, esp

; As we need the pointer to the stdin stream
; we call the __acrt_iob_func procedure
push 0 ; This is the number of the stream
call dword[__acrt_iob_func]
add esp, 4 ; Restore the stack pointer

; Forward the parameter (char*) and
; invoke fgets()
push eax ; Contains pointer to the stdin stream
push 128 ; Maximum input length
push dword[ebp + 8] ; Pointer to the receiving buffer
call fgets
add esp, 4 * 3 ; Restore the stack pointer

; Standard epilog for procedures using cdecl
; calling convention
mov esp, ebp
pop ebp

The code is rather simple and it is fairly difficult to find anything valuable to protect here. Since this is the situation, we will use this example to show how simply a call instruction may be implemented with other instructions in such a way that it would neither point to the callee nor resemble a procedure call at all.

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