stdcall (32-bit)

The stdcall calling convention is almost identical to cdecl in that parameters are passed on to the stack in the same manner--the rightmost is pushed first and leftmost is pushed last. The only difference is that the caller does not have to take care of stack cleanup:

macro stdcall procName, [args]
if ~args eq
push args
end if
call procName

Let's consider a simple example that uses both the calling conventions:

push ebp
mov ebp, esp
; body of the procedure
mov esp, ebp
pop ebp,

push ebp
mov ebp, esp
; body of the procedure
mov esp, ebp
pop ebp
ret 8 ; Increments the stack pointer by 8 bytes after
; return, thus releasing the space occupied
; by procedure parameters

ccall cdecl_proc, 128 ; 128 is a numeric parameter passed to
; the procedure
stdcall stdcall_proc, 128, 32

While all is clear with the cdecl_proc and stdcall_proc procedures, let's take a closer look at what the main procedure expands to:

push 128
call cdecl_proc
add esp, 4
push 32
push 128
call stdcall_proc

In the preceding example, the stdcall macro invocation also illustrates what happens when there is more than one parameter--the rightmost parameter is pushed first. Such mechanisms allow easier and more intuitive addressing of parameters within the function. Given the nature of a stack frame, we could access them as follows:

mov  eax, [ebp + 8]  ; Would load EAX with 128
mov eax, [ebp + 12] ; Would load EAX with 32

We are using an EBP register as the base pointer. The first (leftmost) parameter is located at offset 8 from the value stored in EBP, as the procedure's return address and the previously pushed value of EBP register occupy exactly 8 bytes. The following table shows the content of the stack after the creation of the stack frame:

Offset from EBP Content
+12 rightmost parameter (32)

leftmost parameter (128)


procedure return address

EBP points here

previous value of EBP


first stack frame variable


other stack frame variables


saved registers

ESP points here

current stack position

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