9.3. Malicious-information Propagation Modeling

In this section, we present an analytical model which is able to capture the behavior of malicious IDD (modeled as SIS epidemics) in wireless multihop networks. Contrary to the case of useful information, regarding malicious/indifferent information, one is interested in the robustness capabilities of the network to sustain such traffic, which in both cases, it is of no use (or it can even be harmful in case of malware). The presented analytical model is based on the approach exploiting queuing theory, but contrary to Chapter 4, here it was applied on the wireless complex topologies shown in Table 9.2.
Contrary to the SI model, in the SIS paradigm employed for the malicious-information spreading, average quantities are of interest, while in the SI model instantaneous quantities were considered, as in the long-run the SI network converges to a pandemic (all nodes are informed) state.

9.3.1. SIS Closed Queuing Network Model

In this subsection, some of the material presented in the previous subsections is repeated, but also modified appropriately. For clarity and completeness purposes, we present such material in its proper sequence, stressing on the emerging reusability of the involved methodologies.
In the SIS paradigm, susceptible (noninformed) nodes essentially wait until the arrival of malicious information, in which case they alter to the infected (informed) state. A propagative network is considered, where nodes spread further the malicious information they receive. Consequently, a node might become infected from malicious software either from an attacker or an already infected legitimate node. This holds for several types of viruses and worms that have appeared [133,197]. Infections are assumed to arrive in a nondeterministic fashion. The recovery process (disposing malicious software) is of similar nature, but not necessarily of the same waiting behavior. Throughout the rest of this subsection, following current literature [80], it is assumed that the infection arrival process is Poisson, while the recovery process of each network node is exponentially distributed. The infection arrival rate in link iimage is denoted by λimage and the recovery rate of node jimage by μjimage, as in Chapter 4.
Legitimate nodes are again separated in infected and susceptible. Their transition from state to state can be mapped to a closed two-queue packet network, as shown in Fig. 4.3[48], where Nimage customers, i.e. network nodes, circulate. At any instance, if iimage nodes are infected, then Niimage are susceptible. Both service rates are state-dependent according to the number of packets (user nodes) that exist in the corresponding queue at each time instance. Explicit definition of each queue’s equivalent service rate, which is state-dependent, i.e. λ(Ni+1)image and μ(i)image (for the corresponding system states with iimage infected and Ni+1image susceptible nodes), depends on the underlying complex network and employed infection paradigm. Without loss of generality, we assume that the lower queue represents the group of infected legitimate nodes and denote it as “infected,” while the upper queue represents the susceptible nodes and we denote the queue as “susceptible.” The state-dependent service rate of the susceptible queue can be extended to the case of multiple malicious-information sources (i.e. attackers), in which case the service rate will have the form λ(Ni+M)image, Mimage being the number of attackers. Our analysis here is focused on the case of a single attacker (i.e. M=1image).
Standard methodology from Chapter 4 may be employed to analyze the two-queue closed network. The focus is on the infected queue. Its steady-state distribution, denoted by πI(i)image, represents the probability that there are iimage packets (nodes) in this queue. Using balance equations for the respective Markov chain, the explicit expression for the steady-state distribution can be obtained as


image (9.23)

where π(0)image is the probability of no infected nodes in the network. Applying the normalization condition i=0NπI(i)=1image, and appropriately specifying the total infection and recovery rates (where λk=λimage and μk=μimagek{1,2,,N}image), and by setting α1=λπμ(RL)2image (following the reasoning presented in Section  9.2.4 and in Chapter 4) and considering a large number of legitimate nodes, the probability of no infected nodes can be approximated as


image (9.24)

and the steady-state distribution can be approximated as


image (9.25)

where πS(Ni)image is the steady-state distribution for the noninfected queue. Using Eq. (9.25), the probability of a completely infected network equals πI(N)=eaimage. It is noted that the error introduced by the above approximation is negligible for values of αimage and Nimage commonly used in practice (in the order of less than 103image).
Eq. (9.25) clearly indicates the critical parameters that affect the behavior of the system. Assuming a fixed area of the network deployment region, the number of legitimate nodes (i.e. the density of the network) along with the common transmission radius and the ratio of the link infection rate to the node recovery rate are decisive factors regarding the overall behavior and stability of the system.
Based on such model, the expected number of infected (informed) nodes (corresponding to the expected number of packets in the lower queue) for different types of networks may be obtained. The general expression yielded has a Poisson form, due to approximation (9.25),


image (9.26)

where πI(i)image is the steady-state distribution of the underlying Markov chain, and c=μλπ(RL)2image is the equivalent of the αimage parameter mentioned above for a HeMPC network (wireless multihop) over a square deployment region of side Limage and each node having a transmission radius Rimage. For all other types of networks, c=μNλk¯image, where k¯image is the average node degree for each network under discussion (λi=λimage and μj=μimage for all iimage, jimage without loss of generality).
Observing the analytic form of the average number of infected nodes for each network type, according to the specific expression of cimage, a major difference between HeMPC networks and the rest should be noted. More specifically, in a HeMPC, the spatial dependence among nodes (due to their multihop nature) is reflected by the fraction πR2L2image representing the coverage percentage of each node with respect to the whole network area. On the contrary, in the expression of cimage for the rest of the networks for which the topology is mainly based on connectivity relations and not spatial dependence as in the multihop case, the corresponding quantity expressing the local neighbor impact is expressed by k¯Nimage. It is evident, that for the rest of network types, quantity k¯Nimage expresses solely the special connectivity properties of the employed network through the value of k¯image, since for these networks, no spatial dependence is expressed in their connectivity graph and thus, no such spatial feature has impact on IDD.
The average throughput of the susceptible queue E[γS]image, corresponding to the average rate that nodes receive malicious information, can be computed as


image (9.27)


As already mentioned, contrary to the SI model, in the SIS paradigm employed for the malicious-information spreading, average quantities are of interest, while in the SI model instantaneous quantities were considered, as in the long-run the SI network converges to a pandemic (all nodes are informed) state. Especially the average number of infected legitimate nodes is the most important quantity, since malicious information is of recurrent nature and if one observes the system macroscopically, nodes oscillate between the {S}, {I} states.
Fig. 9.12 shows the average number of infected nodes with respect to the infection/recovery ratio for various types of complex networks. It is evident that as the ratio λμimage increases, E[LI]image increases for all types of networks, denoting greater probability of users to get malicious information from a communication link. Parameters for each type of network are in accordance with the notation employed in the classification of Section  9.2.3.
Fig. 9.12
FIGURE 9.12 Average number of infected users of the legitimate network E[LI]image as a function of λμimageFrom Cheng S-M, Karyotis V, Chen P-Y, Chen K-C, Papavassiliou S. Diffusion models for information dissemination dynamics in wireless complex communication networks. J Complex Syst 2013;2013: 972352.
With respect to ad hoc networks (HeMPC), the greatest the transmission radius of nodes, the denser the network, and thus the easier the malicious data to be spread. Especially for ad hoc networks, the dependence of the average number of infected nodes on the number of legitimate nodes is linear as shown in Fig. 9.13. The combination of larger values of Rimage and λμimage yields the higher number of E[LI]image for all values of legitimate nodes, while the combination with smaller values of Rimage and λμimage yields the lower values of E[LI]image. It should be noted that the behavior of the spreading dynamics of the network is more sensitive to changes in the value of λμimage rather than variations in Rimage.
Fig. 9.13
FIGURE 9.13 Average number of infected nodes E[LI]image as a function of Nimage (numerical result). From Cheng S-M, Karyotis V, Chen P-Y, Chen K-C, Papavassiliou S. Diffusion models for information dissemination dynamics in wireless complex communication networks. J Complex Syst 2013;2013: 972352.
Similarly to HeMPC networks, in ER networks, the greatest the probability two nodes are connected (thus the denser the network is), the easier for malicious information to propagate on average. Such property may be also identified with the rest of the network types, leading to the following.

Observation 9.5

The denser a network becomes, irrespective of its type, the easier for malicious information to spread.
For regular, random (ER type), SW (WS type), and SF (BA type) networks with the same k¯image, the same result would be obtained, due to the expression of cimage given before. In order to better demonstrate the different robustness properties of these network types, in Fig. 9.12, a different k¯image value was employed. The term robustness is meant here in the sense of resistance to malware diffusion so that a sufficient amount of susceptible nodes maintains the operation of the network. Regarding the different types of networks, HeMPC (ad hoc) is close to ER (HoMEC), exhibiting that in general, randomness aids the spreading of malicious information. This is a very useful outcome with significant practical value for designing efficient countermeasures for malign IDD. On the contrary, a regular lattice (HoMPC) makes the spread of malicious information more difficult, since each node is only connected to a typically small number of other nodes and it would take significant effort to quickly spread malicious information throughout the whole network. Similarly, WS (HoMUC) and BA (HeMUC) exhibit robustness closer to lattice networks, as their topologies are derived from such regular arrangements [164]. Among the latter three categories, a SF (BA) network may be more prone to spreading than a lattice (as shown in Fig. 9.12), because for the specific network instances, the given BA network is more dense than the lattice (the BA has mean degree k¯=16image, while the lattice k¯=4image for the same number of network users). The following observations may be derived from the above analysis.

Observation 9.6

Topological randomness favors the spreading of malicious software.

Observation 9.7

Among similar network types, the relative (local) density of each topology determines the robustness of the system against malicious-information spreading.

1 A regular ring lattice is just a ring network, i.e. a chain of nodes, where there exists a connection between the head-tail node as well, so that all nodes have degree exactly two.

2 It should be noted that the term saturation refers to the tendency of a network to slow down the rate of further propagation/spreading of malware due to its topology.

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