List of Tables

Table 1.1 Examples of Complex Network Classes Based on the Origin of their Formation 19
Table 1.2 Complex Network Classification Based on Topology Structure 20
Table 2.1 Malware Diffusion Categories and their Coverage in this Book. Symbols ‘+, -, *’ Mean the Corresponding Category is Addressed, Not Addressed, Only Touched Upon in the Book, Respectively 30
Table 2.2 A Non-exhaustive Classification of Malware Types with Examples 31
Table 2.3 Mapping of Malware Threats to Malware Attack Types 33
Table 2.4 Legitimate Node States in the Considered Node Infection Models and their Interpretation 35
Table 2.5 Classification of Node Infection Models 38
Table 8.1 Qualitative Comparison of State-of-the-Art Malware Modeling Frameworks 177
Table 9.1 Types of Diffusing Information and their Features 196
Table 9.2 Complex Network Classification 199
Table B.1 Arrival-Service Discipline Characterization in Kendall Notation 238
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