C.2. Calculus of Variations

In the above definition of the optimal control problem, the notion of a functional was employed. In this section, we will provide basic definitions on functionals and present several properties of interest. A functional is a more general notion of a function, which can be used to treat similar types of functions cumulatively. More specifically, the following definition describes formally a functional:

Definition C.2

A functional Jimage is a rule of correspondence (function) that assigns to each function ximage in Ωimage a unique real number. Class Ωimage is called the domain of Jimage and the set of real numbers associated with the functions in Ωimage is called the range of Jimage .
A functional may be considered as a function of a function. A functional Jimage is linear, if is satisfies the homogeneity and additivity properties:
1. J(ax)=aJ(x)image, for every xΩ,aRimage, such that axΩimage (homogeneity).
2. J(x(1)+x(2))=J(x(1))+J(x(2))image, for every x(1),x(2),x(1)+x(2)Ωimage (additivity).
The norm of a function is a rule of correspondence (functional) that assigns a real number to each function xΩimage defined for t[t0,tf]image. The norm of ximage, denoted by ximage, satisfies the following properties:
x0image and x=0image if and only if x(t)=0image for every t[t0,tf]image.
ax=aximage for every aRimage.
x(1)+x(2)x(1)+x(2)image (triangle inequality).
If qimage and q+Δqimage are elements in the domain of function fimage, then the increment of fimage is defined as


image (C.9)

Similarly, if ximage and x+δximage are functions in the domain of functional Jimage, then the increment of Jimage is defined as


image (C.10)

Quantity δximage is called the variation of function ximage and it may be considered analogous to the differential for a function of a single variable. The increment of a function of nimage variables, which will be of more interest in optimal control problems, can be written as


image (C.11)

where dfimage is a linear function of Δqimage. If limΔq0g(q,Δq))=0image, fimage is said to be differentiable at qimage. The differential is given by


image (C.12)

when fimage differentiable. Thus, the increment of a functional can be eventually written as


image (C.13)

where δJimage is linear in δximage. If limδx0g(x,δx))=0image, then Jimage is said to be differentiable in ximage and δJimage is the variation of Jimage evaluated for the function ximage.
A functional Jimage with domain Ωimage has a relative extremum at ximage if there is an ϵ>0image such that for all functions xΩimage which satisfy xx<ϵimage the increment of Jimage has the same sign:
• If ΔJ=J(x)J(x)0image, J(x)image is a relative minimum.
• If ΔJ=J(x)J(x)0image, J(x)image is a relative maximum.
If the above inequalities are satisfied for arbitrarily large ϵimage, then J(x)image is a global (absolute) minimum/maximum and ximage is called an extremal , while J(x)image is referred to as an extremum .

Theorem C.1

Fundamental Theorem of Calculus of Variations

Let ximage be a vector function of timage in Ωimage , and J(x)image be a differentiable functional of ximage . Assume that the functions in Ωimage are not constrained by any boundaries. Then if ximage is an extremal, the variation of Jimage must vanish at ximage , i.e.



for all admissible δximage .
Another useful and important result associated with the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus of Variations is the following:

Lemma C.1

Fundamental Lemma of Calculus of Variations

If a function himage is continuous and t0tfh(t)δx(t)dt=0image for every function δximagethat is continuous in the interval [t0,tf]image , then himage must be zero everywhere in [t0,tf]image .
Both the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus of Variations, as well as the Fundamental Lemma of Calculus of Variations are frequently employed to ensure optimality of solutions in various optimal control problems. Their proofs can be found in [137] and references therein. Fig. C.1 highlights the correspondence between functions and functionals as “functions of functions” and the correspondence between extrema of functions-extreme values of functionals.
Fig. C.1
FIGURE C.1 Analogy between functions, functionals, and extreme values.
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