C.3. Finding Trajectories that Minimize Performance Measures

The problem classes presented in this section provide characteristic methodologies that can be exploited in broader optimal control problems, some of which have been exploited in this book. The rest can be used in various extensions to the study of intelligent attack strategies. In general, the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus of Variations can be exploited in optimal control theory for finding trajectories that minimize performance measures expressed as functionals. This is also the case in the corresponding modeling of malware diffusion in Chapter 6 and potential extensions to attack strategies.

C.3.1. Functionals of a Single Function

When the performance metric is a function of a single scalar function ximage in the class of continuous first derivatives, the functional can be written in the form


image (C.14)

The objective is to find ximage for which J(x)image has a relative extremum. Functions (curves) in Ωimage that satisfy the end conditions are called admissible.
When x(t0)image, x(tf)image are free and tfimage specified, the functional increment can be written as


image (C.15)

which using a Taylor series expansion about (x(t),ẋ(t))image can be expressed as


image (C.16)

By the fundamental theorem of calculus of variations, a necessary condition for ximage to be an extremal is


image (C.17)

The latter is an Euler differential equation. More specifically, it is a second order nonlinear ordinary and time-varying differential equation, which is hard to solve since it yields a two-point boundary-value problem with split boundary conditions.
When an extremal for the metric given in (C.15) with t0,tf,x(t0)image specified and x(tf)image free (which corresponds to the case where one boundary condition is given and the second is obtained from Euler equation-differential boundary condition) is required, the same approach as before applies as well, where now the metric functional is integrated by parts. It turns out that the necessary condition for ximage to be an extremal is Eq. (C.17), and we may also obtain a natural boundary condition


image (C.18)

Thus, an extremal for a free endpoint problem is also an extremal for the fixed endpoint problem with the same endpoints and the same functional.
If one is given metric (C.15) and t0,x(t0)=x0,x(tf)=xfimage are specified while tfimage is free, Euler condition (C.17) is satisfied, along with the boundary condition



Finally, when an extremal is sought for metric (C.15) with t0,x(t0)=x0image specified and tf,x(tf)=xfimage is free, again Euler condition (C.17) is satisfied, and when tfimage and x(tf)image are unrelated, δxf,δtfimage are independent and arbitrary yielding g(x(tf),ẋ(tf),tf)=0image, while if tfx(tf)image are related, e.g. in the form x(tf)=θ(tf)image, then δxf=θt(tf)δtfimage and the transversality condition


image (C.19)

is obtained for solving the problem.

C.3.2. Functionals of Several Independent Functions

When the problem involves several independent functions, the performance metric can be written in the form


image (C.20)

with t0,tf,x(t0)=x0,x(tf)=xfimage all specified (fixed endpoints). This leads to a more convenient matrix form of the Euler equation


image (C.21)

When the metric is given by (C.20) and t0,x(t0)=x0image are specified, but tf,x(tf)=xfimage are free, then Euler condition (C.21) is satisfied along with boundary conditions at the final time of the form


image (C.22)

C.3.3. Piecewise-smooth Extremals

When a function has piecewise continuous first derivatives except for a finite number of times (corner points), where ẋimage is discontinuous, then the functional of the performance metric can be defined in intervals that do not include the corner points. In this case, necessary conditions for ximage to be an extremal for Jimage in each of the corresponding time intervals excluding the corner points of the function are the Weierstrass-Erdmann corner conditions, which for functions of many variables, can be written as





where t1image is corner point of gimage.

C.3.4. Constrained Extrema

State-control equations involve finding extrema of functionals of n+mimage functions, namely, the state ximage and controls uimage, where only mimage of the functions are independent, i.e. the controls uimage. For the constrained minimization of functions, two alternative methodologies can be used, namely, the elimination method and the Lagrange multipliers method. The first can be employed if the dependence of variables/functions can be solved with respect to one of them and substituted in the differential df(y)=0image.
More specifically, assume the problem of finding the extreme values for a function of n+mimage variables y1,...,yn+mimagef(y1,...,yn+m)image, given nimage constraints of the form



where only mimage variables out of the n+mimage are independent.
Under the elimination method and the above constraints,



and then by substituting into fimage, a function f(yn+1,...,yn+m)image of mimage independent variables is obtained. Then, this satisfies the following system of equations:







which can be solved for yn+1,...,yn+mimage and substituted back in y1,...,ynimage to obtain y1,...,ynimage. Then f(y1,...,yn+m)image can be obtained.
In the Lagrange multipliers method, the augmented function


image (C.23)

is defined and then the differential of the augmented function is obtained



from which 2n+mimage equations from the KKT conditions ([27,42])





can be obtained, leading to (y1,...,yn+m)image.
The above are valid for functions of single or multiple variables. In case of minimization of functionals, however, additional constraints in the form of differential equation or point constraints are required, both of which lead to the necessary condition


image (C.24)

where ga(w(t),ẇ(t),p(t),t)=g(w(t),ẇ(t),t)+pT(t)[f(w(t),ẇ(t),t)]image.
Then the general form of the problem is to minimize the functional J(w)=t0tfg(w(t),ẇ(t),t)dtimage and the problem can be eventually solved using either the elimination or the Lagrange multipliers (augmented functional) method.
For the case of point constraints, the optimal wimage is required to satisfy constraints of the form fi(w(t),t)=0,i=1,2,...,nimage, where only mimage out of n+mimage components of wimage are independent. The augmented functional is



On an extremal, the point constraints must be satisfied f(w(t),t)=0image, as well as δJa(w,p)=0image, where



leading to aforementioned condition (C.24).
In the cases when the constraints are given in the form of differential equations fi(w(t),ẇ(t),t)=0,i=1,2,...,nimage, where again only mimage out of n+mimage components of wimage are independent. In this case, the elimination approach is almost impossible, and Lagrange multipliers have to be adopted. The augmented functional is as before and the conditions on the extremals f(w(t),ẇ(t),t)=0image and δJa(w,p)=0image again yield condition (C.24), where



Finally, the extremal wimage for the functional could be subject to isoperimetric4 constraints of the form t0tfei(w(t),ẇ(t),t)dt=ci,i=1,2,...,nimage. In this case, the auxiliary variable zi=t0tfei(w(t),ẇ(t),t)dt=ciimage is defined, so that in vector form z(t)=e(w(t),ẇ(t),t)image with boundary values zi(t0)=0image and zi(tf)=ciimage. In this case, the augmented functional becomes



Then, the overall system can be solved by using the n+mimage available equations obtained from



the rimage equations available from the following:



and the rimage equations available from



while in addition it holds that ṗ(t)=0image.
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