

A. Workpix bin, 39, 41, 41f

copying to EC1, 74

AAFs, creating, 120, 121, 121f

abbreviations for notes, list of, 74

ACE internship program, 3, 137

first-day observations, 137

act numbers, 43

act timing, 75f, 90

network requirements and, 84

reality shows, 116


day-of-days list, 46, 46f

reality show casts, 115

acts, page counts for. See page counts

Acts bin, 39, 39f

add edits, removing, 88

admitting mistakes, 151

ADR list, preparing, 9091, 90f

advance paperwork. See preparing for first day

ALE (flex file), 61, 63f

ambience levels, creating, 154

American Cinema Editors. See ACE internship program

Amheiter, Andreas, 139140

amortizing salary, 175

answering phones. See phones, using

anticipation, importance of, 60

apologizing for mistakes, 151

appearance at work, 147, 153


editor’s cut, preserving, 74

for gag reels, 68

production stock, 68

sound effects, 27

arguing, 152

arrival time to editing room, 145146

asking questions, 147148

assistant editorships, about, 3

ACE internship program, 3, 137

basic setups, 78

creating resume, 1012

finding jobs, 13

finding other assistants, 46

having money for, 89

moving to Hollywood, 9

preparing for editorship, 173

preparing for interview, 1415

relationship with editor, 6. See also editors

starting work. See entries at first day

tools, knowing, 67

writing top five editors, 1213

Assistworks folder (reality shows), 116

attitude, 149151, 175. See also personal issues

creating ambience levels, 154

feature duration and, 170171

gossiping, 153

audio EDLs, 9394, 96f

audio for OMFs, 119121, 135

audio timecodes, 64

automated dialog replacement (ADR), 9091, 90f

auxiliary timecode, for base camera, 114


group clip designations, 67f

reassigning tracks, 9293, 93f

removing match frame edits, 88

Avid Unity Administration Tool, 112


B roll, 99

for reality shows, 115, 127128, 127f, 128f

background sounds (BGs), 27. See also sound effects (SFX)

wild tracks, 52

backplates, 131

Banner bin, 39, 39f, 40, 7879

banners, defined, 40

base camera, syncing cameras to, 114

becoming an editor, 173, 179

behavior, personality; protocol

being on time, 145146

Berman, Michael, 8

BGs (background sounds), 27. See also sound effects (SFX)

wild tracks, 52

binders, preparing, 4356. See also paperwork

for documentaries, 103

bins, 38, 38f. See also specific bin by name

for documentary footage, 103

scene bins. See scene bins


adding to sequence end, 79

knowing how much to use, 7879

booting up systems, 146

Braga, Sonya, 207

breakdowns, 17. See also scene breakdown

character breakdowns, 32

documentary footage tapes, 101

lift breakdowns, 32

schedule for elements, 17, 21, 21t

stock shots, 3132

what to include in, 17

Brinker, Tim, 172

Brooks, Mel, 208209

Brown, Melissa, 27, 172

budgeting, 174, 174t

building the show, 7879


camera report, 52, 53f

career plans

one-year plan, 166167

three-year plan, 173174

five-year plan, 179

career strategy, 163

choosing a genre, 168172, 169t

developing relationships, 165

finding mentor, 165166

getting first job, 201204

getting into a cutting room, 164

keeping journal, 166

leaving nonunion jobs, 168

leaving union jobs, 177

looking for work, 168

moving to Hollywood, 9

panel discussion with editors, 185

preparing for editorship, 173

cast and crew template, 45f

cast folder, 115

categorizing documentation footage, 102103

cementing relationships, 176

character breakdowns, 32

chase cassette, creating, 9394

cheat sheets for target time, 57

checksum program, 141

Cheese, Matt, 185

children. See family

clothing for interviews, 14

clothing for work, 147

coffee, making, 146

Coleman, Lori Jane, 185

colleagues. See networking

color-timed master (CTM). See master

commercial breaks, timing of, 7778

communication. See also letters and email correspondence; protocol

asking questions, 147148

attitude. See attitude

email etiquette, 160

eye contact, 150151

giving opinion on scenes, 158160

with notes. See Post-it notes, communicating with

phones, using, 147, 150, 156

relationships. See networking; relationships

thank-you notes, 5, 168

voice mail messages, 150

compilation films, 101

complaining, 152153

composer, 4243

computers, booting up, 146

concept meeting, 4748

contact information. See cast and crew template

contacts, keeping list of, 5, 166. See also networking

continuity, 17, 21, 22f. See also wall continuity

cover sheet for, 81f

noting lifts (removed scenes), 74, 75f

one-liners (scene descriptions), 21, 46, 47f

Cook, Elisha, 207

Cooke, Chris, 159

copying editor’s cut, 74

Corman, Roger, 202

correspondence. See letters and email correspondence

corrupted data, 141

courses. See education (courses)

cover letters, 12

cover sheet for continuity, 81f

crew, meeting, 60

crew information. See cast and crew template

crying, 152

CTM (color-timed master). See master

Current Cut bin. See A. Workpix bin

Cuts bin, 104, See also A. Workpix bin

cutting room. See editing room



digitizing, 6465, 113115

importing, 6164, 112

when completed, 7172

daily production report. See editor’s log

data corruption, 141

day-of-days list, 46, 46f

delivery requirements. See spec sheets

descriptions of scenes. See continuity

DF. See drop frame (DF) timecode


preparing ADR list, 90, 90f

reassigning tracks, 9293, 93f

Standards and Practices and, 84

digital intermediary (DI), 87

digitizing dailies, 64, 113115

watching while digitizing, 6465

director’s cut, 8183

directories in project bins, 42


giving opinion on scenes to, 158159

privacy in editing room, 83

shipping film to, 80

distributing editor’s cut. See editor’s cut

dividers, binder, 43, 103

documentaries, 99. See also reality shows

creating radio cut, 103104

elements of, 99101

finishing, 109

organizing footage for, 101

SFX and MX, 108109

stills, 107108

stock footage, 106107

titling, 108

dramatizations (for documentaries), 100

dressing for interviews, 14

dressing for work, 147

drift, timecode, 114

drop frame (DF) timecode, 57

drops. See needle drops

dry run (travel to editing room), 145146

Duffy, Michael, 202

Durning, Charles, 207

DVD, recording output to, 80, 118, 131

preparing for, 116117


early arrival to editing room, 145146

edit decision lists (EDLs), 9394, 95f, 96f

editing every day, 175176

editing room

getting inside, 164

navigating, 155

observations in. See first-day observations

privacy in, 83, 192, 193

recording temp ADR in, 74

rules of, 145

setup preferences, 32

supplies and furniture for, 33, 33t, 34t, 35t

unlocking, 146

visiting, 45

working from home, 200, 201

editing styles, 181

editing system

booting up, 146

importing dailies, 6164

knowing, as assistant, 67

room setup preferences, 32

testing and calibrating, 37


asking questions to, 147148

becoming an editor, 173, 179

communicating with, 6768

folders for (reality shows), 115

giving opinion on scenes to, 158159

panel discussion with, 185

relationship with assistant, 6, 142, 165

room setup preferences, 32

setting up scenes for, 64

top five, networking with, 1213, 164

editor’s cut, 73. See also director’s cut

building the show, 7879

copying, 74

reality shows, 130131, 130f

recap, 7980

recording output to DVD, 80

recording temp ADR, 74

removed scenes (lifts), 74, 75f

scene timings and measurements, 75f

taking notes during screening, 7374

Editor’s Cuts bin, 74. See also A. Workpix bin

editor’s log (script supervisor’s report), 48, 49f

checking against, 67

Editors Guild

applying to, 167

no maternity leave with, 177

EDLs (edit decision lists), 9394, 95f, 96f

education (courses)

ACE internship program, 3, 137

list of (Los Angeles), 9

paying off student loans, 174

taking, about, 67, 9

education, identifying in resumes, 12

email etiquette, 160

email messages. See letters and email correspondence

end credits, leaving space for, 79

end logos, 79

ending jobs. See jobs, leaving

entering editing room, 155

episode notebook, 44


building the show, 7879

documentaries. See documentaries

locking, 85

music for, organizing, 71, 71f

reality shows. See reality shows recap, 7980

working on, 171

episodic television, first-day observations in

by Andreas Amheiter, 139140

by Laura Sempel, 137139

errors, troubleshooting, 7

establishing stock shot, 31

executive producers. See entries at producer

exiting editing room, 155156

experience, gaining, 170

eye contact, 150151


facing page, 51, 51f, 52

family, 200. See also personal issues

pregnancies and babies, 177, 199

Farr, Glenn, 180

Favorites bin, 39

FCP (Final Cut Pro), 122


choosing as genre, 168172, 169t

first-day observations in, 140142

total running time (TRT), 83


defined, 4

negative cutting. See online

preparing for SFX and MX spotting, 94

film industry, about, 168171

film room supplies, 34t

final master. See master

final sweetened master, defined, 87

financial considerations

assistant editorships, 89

budgeting, 174, 174t

money management, 174175

pro bono work, 205

finding jobs, 13, 201204

firing assistants, 195197

first assistant cameraman (1st AC), 46

first day, about, 17. See also second day

creating project settings, 42

importing sound effects and music, 4243

preparing binders and paperwork, 4356

setting up project window, 3742

first day, observations about, 137

episodic television (Andreas Amheiter), 139140

episodic television (Laura Sempel), 137139

feature (Paul Penczner), 140142

reality shows (Nompi Vilakaze), 142

first day, preparing for, 73

continuity. See continuity

measurement charts, 17, 26, 26f

music (needle drops and score). 2829

ordering supplies, 3235

playback, 3031

reading the script, 17

scene breakdown, 17, 20, 20t

schedule for elements, 17, 21, 21t

script elements lists, 17

SFX. See sound effects

stock shots, 3132

visual effects (VFX), 31

wall continuity, 17, 21t, 2326, 24f

first job, getting, 13, 201204

first year’s goals, 167

Fischer, Debbie Nei, 201202

five-year career plan, 179

flex file (ALE), 61, 63f

folders in project bins, 42

Fonda, Jane, 164


bringing lunch to editor, 72

for cutting room guests. 80

as gifts, to cutting rooms, 5, 13, 166

lunch time, 72

making coffee, 146

footage, documentary. See documentaries

footage chart, 77, 78f

footages, tracking. See measurement charts

format sheet, 57, 58f

final, completing, 8890, 89f


offline and online, 112

reality show audio, 129

stock shots, 32

formatting locked sequence, 89

Forster, Marc, 203205

Fosse, Robert, 196197

free, working for, 8, 205

Friedberg, Diana, 185

Friedberg, Lionel, 107

Frost, Brian, 207208

FTP, posting cuts on, 117

furniture for cutting rooms, 33, 35t

FX. See sound effects (SFX); visual effects (VFX)


Gag bin, 40, 68

gag reels, cutting, 68

garbage in, garbage out, 138139

genre, choosing for work, 168172, 169t

getting first job, 13, 201204

GFX. See visual effects (VFX)

gifts and food

bringing lunch to editor, 72

bringing to cutting rooms, 5, 13

for cutting room guests, 80

giving opinion on scenes, 158160


for end of first year, 167

for end of third year, 173174

gossiping, 153

graphics folder (reality shows), 115116

Green, Lorne, 207208

Greene, Danny, 164

grooming, 147, 153

group clip designations, 67, 67f


handwriting quality, 157

Hanneman, Walt, 207

hard drive corruption, 141

heading, resume, 11

Heim, Alan, 185

Helfrich, Mark, 185


editing during, 181182

having babies during, 177

supporting oneself during, 174, 175

hobbies, identifying in resumes, 12

Hollander, David, 165

Hollywood, moving to, 9

honesty, 151

Hopkins, Steven, 202203

humor. 151152

hygiene (personal), 153


implied script elements. 18

importing dailies. 6164, 112

importing sound effects and music, 4243

internship program (ACE). 3, 137

first-day observations, 137

interviewing for assistant editorships, 15

preparing for. 1415

interviews (content)

backplates for, 131

folders for (reality shows), 115

transcriptions of, 100, 103, 129

Interviews bin, 103

Isaacs, Bud, 179


Jackson, Mick, 20, 165

jobs, finding, 13, 201204

jobs, leaving

nonunion jobs, 168

union jobs, 177

job’s first day, about, 37

creating project settings, 42

importing sound effects and music, 4243

preparing binders and paperwork, 4356

setting up project window, 3742

job’s first day, preparing for, 73

continuity. See continuity

measurement charts, 17, 26, 26f

music (needle drops and score), 2829

ordering supplies, 3235

playback, 3031

reading the script, 17

scene breakdown, 17, 20, 20t

schedule for elements, 17, 21, 21t

script elements lists. 17

SFX, See sound effects

stock shots, 3132

visual effects (VFX), 31

wall continuity, 17, 21t, 2326, 24f

job’s second day, 61

archiving stock and gags, 6971

identifying scenes ready to cut, 6768

importing dailies, 6164

organizing scene bins, 6567

setting up music bin, 6971

watching dailies, 6465

when dailies are completed, 7172

Jordan, Jerry, 135

journaling, 166

jump cuts, 88

checking for, 88


Kahn, Michael, 7

kem rolls (sync maps), 6667, 113114

key codes, 64

kids. See family

Kilmer, Val, 207


labeled tab dividers (binders), 43, 103

Lazarus, Ashley, 8

leaving editing room, 155156

leaving jobs

nonunion jobs, 168

union jobs, 177

letters and email correspondence. See also communication

cover letters with resumes, 12

email etiquette, 160

writing top five editors, 13

lift breakdowns, 32

lifted scenes, 68

lifts (removed scenes), 74, 75f

lined scripts, 44, 4951, 50f

checking against, 67

identifying scenes ready to cut, 6768

loans, paying, 174

locked, defined, 28

locked continuity, creating, 90

locked music sheet, 90

Locked Sequence bin, 88

locked sequence, formatting, 88

locking a show, 85, 119

changes after lock, 85

creating chase cassette, 9394

logging documentation footage, 102

Lombardo, Lou, 164

looking for work, 168

looping sheet (ADR list), 9091

Los Angeles

list of educational venues, 9

public transportation in, 9

Lovejoy, Ray, 180

Lovejoy, Stephen, 151, 175, 185

Ludlum, Robert, 20

Ludsky, Archie, 207208

Lumet, Sydney, 208209

lunch time, 72


main title, adding to cuts, 79

Mann, Danny, 207

Mann, Delbert, 179

manners. See personality; protocol

master, defined, 87

master timecode (MTC), 88

match frame edits, removing, 88

maternity leave, 177

Matich, Drew, 165

measurement charts, 17, 26, 26f

measurements, 7678

network requirements and, 84

Medak, Peter, 180

media managing, 133f, 134, 134f

meeting crew; 60, 176

meeting people. See networking

meeting schedule. See prep schedule

mentor, finding, 165166

minute counts, 20

mistakes, admitting, 151

mixing background sounds, 27

mobility, career, 176

becoming an editor, 173, 179

money. See financial considerations

MOS (mit out sound), defined, 58

movie. See film, defined

moving to Hollywood, 9

MTC (master timecode), 88

multiclips, 123127, 126f

Multigroup, 115

music (MX), 27

bin for (SMX bin), 42, 6971

for director’s cut. 82

in documentaries, 108109

folder for (reality shows), 116

importing, 4243

needle drops. See needle drops

playback, 3031

preparing for spotting session, 94

reality shows, 129

reassigning tracks, 9293, 93f

music editor, 4243

MX. See music

MX bin (SMX bin), 42, 6971

MX editor, 4243


narration for documentaries, 101

rough read of, recording, 103104

navigating the editing room, 155

NDF. See nondrop frame (NDF) timecode

Needle Drop bin, 70, 70f

needle drops, 19, 2829, 70

for director’s cut. 82

negative cutting. See online

negative discrepancy report, 55, 56

negativity. See attitude

network requirements, 84, 84t

network specs. See spec sheets

networking. See also relationships

asking questions, 147148

with assistant editors, 46

cementing relationships, 176

correspondence. See letters and email correspondence

expanding your network, 180181

to find jobs, 13

getting into a cutting room, 164

getting things done and, 149150

go-to friend, 7, 8

keeping book of contacts, 5, 166

meeting crew, 60

participating, 175

personality, 149

top five editors, 1213, 164

Newman, Paul, 206207

Nimoy, Leonard, 107

noise levels. 153

nondrop frame (NDF) timecode. 57

nonunion jobs, leaving, 168

nonunion personnel, 111, 163, 167

Nord, Richard, 181

note taking

in general, 157158

journaling, 166

during screening, 7374

note-based communication. See Post-it notes, communicating with

notebooks for assistant editors

always carrying, 148, 150

for entire show, 5657

for individual episodes, 44

journaling in, 166

notebooks for editors, 43, 44

numbers, practicing how to write, 157


objective, in resume, 11

offline, media drives for, 112


audio for, 119121, 135

creating, 9394, 120f

on-time arrival to editing room, 145146

101-Showbuild folder, 115116

one-liners (scene descriptions), 21, 46, 47f

one-year career plan, 166167

online, 87

add edits and jump cuts, 88

checklist for preparing, 8788

completing formatting sheet, 8890

creating chase cassette, 9394

creating EDLs and OMFs, 9394, 95f, 96f

creating locked continuity, 90

formatting locked sequence, 88, 89

media drives for, 112

preparing ADR list, 9091, 90f

preparing for SFX and MX spotting, 94

preparing script and sound reports, 95f

preparing VFX notes, 9192

reality shows, 122, 131135

reassigning tracks, 9293, 93f

opinion, giving, 158160

Optimization operation (Avid), 112

ordering supplies, 3235


B roll, 127128, 127f, 128f

dailies, 113115

footage for documentaries, 101

music bins, 6971

reality show projects, 115116

scene bins, 6567


reality shows, 114, 116117, 130131

recording to DVD, 80

outputs folder (reality shows), 116

overlapping clips, grouping, 114


page counts, 20

paperwork. See also entries at note

ADR list (looping sheet), 9091, 90f

advance work on. See preparing for first day

B roll list, 128, 128f

camera report, 52, 53f

cast and crew template, 45f

continuity. See continuity

with dailies, 64

day-of-days list, 46, 46f

for documentaries, 103

editor’s log. See editor’s log

facing page, 51, 51f, 52

format sheet, 57, 58f, 8890, 89f

lined scripts. See lined scripts

negative discrepancy report, 55, 56

notes during editor’s cut screening, 7374

one-liners (scene descriptions), 21, 46, 47f

prep schedule, 4748, 48f

preparing, 4356

requesting from production office, 35

script, 97

sound reports, 52, 54f, 97

spec sheets, 5657, 56f

telecine reports, 55, 55f

thank-you notes, 5, 168

VFX notes, 9192

parenting. See family

participation, importance of, 175

Penczner, Paul, 140142

people. See also networking

personal hygiene, 153

personal issues, 151152, 177, 197, 198

pregnancies and babies, 177, 199

personality, 149, 186. See also attitude

appearance, 147, 153

feature duration and, 170171

noise and ambience levels, 153, 154

opportunities and, 163164

phones, using, 147, 150, 156

picture playback, 3031

PIX EDL (edit decision list), 94, 95f

planning, career

one-year plan, 166167

three-year plan, 173174

five-year plan, 179

playback, 3031

Plisco, Sabrina, 185

positive attitude, 149150, 175

post producer, 52, 5758

post production assistant, 80

Post-it notes, communicating with, 72, 147

for editable scenes, 6768

for scene music, 71

postproducers, having in network, 181

pregnancies and babies, 177, 199

prep schedule, 4748, 48f

preparation, importance of, 60

preparing for first day, 73

continuity. See continuity

measurement charts, 17, 26, 26f

music (needle drops and score), 2829

ordering supplies, 3235

playback, 3031

reading the script, 17

scene breakdown, 17, 20, 20t

schedule for elements, 17, 21, 21t

script elements lists, 17

SFX. See sound effects

stock shots, 3132

visual effects (VFX). 31

wall continuity, 17, 21t, 2326, 24f

preparing for work day, 146

preparing paperwork, 4356

privacy in editing room, 83

pro bono films, 205

proactive, being, 151


having in network, 181

privacy in editing room, 83

shipping director’s cut to, 8283

producer’s cut, 8285

production sound mixer (soundman), 52

production stock bin, 42, 68

professionalism, 152

project length, 4

project settings, creating, 42

project window, setting up, 3742, 38f

protocol (behavior)

in feature cutting room, 172

navigating the editing room, 155

personality, 149

rules of the editing room, 145, 192, 193

public transportation, Los Angeles, 9

punctuality, 145146


QT. See QuickTime, outputting to

questions, asking, 147148

QuickTime, outputting to, 117118, 117f, 118f

preparing for, 116117

quitting jobs, 168


radio cut, 103104

Ranney, Gene, 8

reading the editing room, 156157

reading the script, 17

reality shows, 111. See also documentaries

assisting on FCP, 122

B roll, 115, 127128, 127f, 128f

choosing as genre, 169t

dailies, 112115

first-day observations in, 142

importing and organizing project, 123

locking, 119

multiclips, 123127, 126f

nonunion personnel on, 111, 167

online. 131135

output, 114, 116117, 130131

prepping for online, 122

project organization, 115116

sound and music, 129

story stringout, 129, 130f

transcriptions of interviews, 129

up-rezzing, 119

reassigning tracks, 9293, 93f

recap, 7980

re-creation (for documentaries), 100

references, for resumes, 12

relationships. See also networking

cementing, 176

with crew, 60

developing with post staff, 165

with editor, 6. See also editors

expanding your network, 180181

finding mentor, 165166

personality, 149

Remove Matchframe edit button (Avid), 88

reprise. See recap

resolution for offline editing, 112


bringing to interview, 15

creating, 1012

Ritchie, Michael, 180

Roberts, Rachel, 207208

Roosevelt, Eleanor, 153

Rosenbloom, Ralph, 208209

Rubell, Paul, 7

rules of the editing room, 145


Sagal, Boris, 8, 207208

salary, banking, 174

SAN system, 37

maintaining regularly, 42

scene bins, 40, 6567, 65f

organizing, 6567

scene breakdown, 17, 20, 20t

needle drops. See needle drops

scene descriptions. See continuity

scene timings, 7678

network requirements and, 84

wall continuity, 17, 21t, 2326, 24f

schedule for elements, 17, 21, 21t

score, music, 29. See also music (MX)

Score bin, 6970, 69f

screening the editor’s cut, 73

making copies before, 74

recording temp ADR, 74

removing scenes (lifts), 74, 75f

taking notes during, 7374

script, copying for spotting session, 97

script, reading, 17

script elements lists, 17

script supervisor’s report. See editor’s log

script supervisors, 44, 49, 52, 139

second assistant cameraman (2nd AC), 52

second day, 61

archiving stock and gags, 6971

identifying scenes ready to cut, 6768

importing dailies, 6164

organizing scene bins, 6567

setting up music bin, 6971

watching dailies, 6465

when dailies are completed, 7172

Sedgwick, Kyra, 207

Segal, George, 164

Sempel, Laura, 137139

settings for project, creating, 42

SFX. See sound effects

SFX bin, 42


director’s cut to producers, 8283

editor’s cut to director, 80

shoot date, 21

shooting schedule, 21

shooting timecode, interviews, 100

show notebook, 5657

showbuild folder (reality shows), 115116

shows. See episodes

sizzle, 142


advanced, developing, 181

after five years assisting, 179

identifying in resumes, 11

SMX bin. See MX bin (SMX bin)

social skills. See protocol

sorting. See organizing

sound effects (SFX), 2728

background sounds. See BGs

for director’s cut, 82

in documentaries, 108109

folder for (reality shows), 116

importing, 4243

needle drops. See needle drops

preparing for spotting session, 94

providing in scene bins, 67

reality shows, 129

reassigning tracks, 9293, 93f

sound reports, 52, 54f

preparing for spotting session, 97

soundman (production sound mixer), 52

source tapes folder, 115

spec sheets, 5657, 56f

Spielberg, Steven, 7

Spotting Sequence bin, 88

spotting sessions, 2829

preparing for, 94

staffing, about, 171

Standards and Practices, 84

sticky notes. See Post-it notes, communicating with

stills, for documentaries, 107108

stock bins, 42

Stock Footage bin, 106

Stock Production bin, 42, 68

Stock Purchased bin. 42

stock shots, 3132

for director’s cut, 82

for documentaries, 106107

story stringout (reality shows), 129, 130f

student loans, paying, 174

studio cut, 8283

studio heads, access to, 180

Stupin, Paul, 165

subclips, creating, 115

supervising sound editor, 4243

supplies, ordering, 3235, 33t

sweetened CTM. See final sweetened master

sync maps (kem rolls), 6667, 113114

synchronizing work space, 112


tab dividers (binders), 43, 103

Takaki, Troy, 185

taking notes. See entries at note

in general, 157158

journaling, 166

during screening, 7374

tape name, checking, 64

target time (target footage), 57, 57t, 77, 78f

tease tags, 116

teasers, 80

telecine, 52

telecine editor, 5355

telecine reports, 55, 55f

telephones, using, 147, 150, 156

television, choosing as genre, 168172, 169t

television industry, about, 168170, 180

temp ADR, recording, 74, 93

Temp ADR bin, 93

Temp Narration bin, 103104

testing editing system, 37

thank-you notes, 5, 168

third year’s goals, 173174

three-year career plan, 173174

time line cut, 129, 130f


auxiliary, setting or adjusting, 114

checking for drift, 114

for interviews, 100

master timecode (MTC), 88

reality shows, 114, 115

visible time code (Viz TC), 100

timings of scenes. See scene timings

title cards, 7879

titles, documentaries, 108

tone meeting, 4748

tools. See editing system

top five editors, 1213, 164

total running time (TRT), 83

tracks, reassignment, 9293, 93f

trailers, 80

training courses. See education (courses)

transcriptions of interviews, 100, 103, 129

triangulation, 159160

troubleshooting errors, 7

TRT. See total running time

typing notes, 157


union, joining, 163, 167

union jobs, leaving, 177

Unity system, 37

maintaining regularly, 42

unlocking editing rooms, 146

unwritten script elements, 18

up-rezzing, 119

upward mobility (career), 176

becoming an editor, 173, 179

user manuals, access to, 7


variances to timing requirements, 84

VFX. See visual effects

Vilakaze, Nompi, 142

visible time code (Viz TC), 100

visiting editing room, 45

visual effects (VFX), 31

for director’s cut, 82

preparing VFX notes, 9192

VO. See voice-over (VO) narration

VO bin, 103104

voice mail messages, 150

voice-over (VO) narration, 101

folder for (reality shows), 116


Wall, Angus, 203

wall continuity, 17, 21t, 2326, 24f. See also continuity, scene timings

watching dailies, 6465

wild lines, 46, 139140

wild tracks, 52

word of mouth. See networking

work, finding. See finding jobs

work clothes and appearance, 147, 153

work history (resumes), 11

work space synchronization, 112

working from home, 200, 201

writing numbers, practicing, 157


Z bins (project window), 40, 40f, 4142

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