Chapter 1

On Your Way

The moment you cross the threshold of a cutting room, you enter the magical film world of storytelling. It is the last frontier where the original script can be reconceived and reconciled with the film that has been shot. It is the room in which the final rewrite occurs. The editing process provides countless hours of creativity and personal satisfaction to the editor and the editing crew.

To become an editor, you first have to be an assistant. American Cinema Editors (ACE) offers an internship program that is designed to train interns to become consummate assistant editors. The mission statement for the internship is:

On a social level, you will cultivate a relationship with your Editor, and an entire postproduction and production crew. You have to know how to handle stress, high stakes, and mistakes. Trust and honesty are essential. There is the possibility of taking jobs with odd hours, traveling far from home and learning networking protocols. With our guidelines, you will begin to enjoy the challenges of postproduction and develop the skills necessary to succeed. Editorial differs dramatically from production in that we are somewhat of a standalone island. We are entrusted with the keys to the kingdom. Errors in workflow design and execution have implications that are far-reaching and expensive. Taking personal responsibility is paramount for every individual on the editorial team. Technically, you will be responsible for paperwork systems, project settings and organization, digitizing, import/export/file transfer procedures, logging, media storage, backup technologies and procedures. You will need to understand how you handle stock footage, sound effects (SFX), music (MX), visual effects (VFX or VIZFX), automatic dialog replacement (ADR), onlining, protecting network/studio assets and even organizing the office space. On larger VFX shows you may need to demonstrate your database design and concepts for VFX tracking.

To further your career quickly and advance to the level of editor, you have to be the best assistant you can possibly be. There are a variety of venues—from television to features, from trailers to documentaries, from pilots to reality TV—and though there are many similarities, there are also many differences in the daily work flow. When you’ve learned the basics of assisting, you will be able to adapt your skills to any production. If you go above and beyond the basic skills, you will shine and be in high demand.

The length of each project will vary widely. Features may take longer than a year or be as short as 3 months. Television seasons last from 3 to 10 months. Some projects require weekend work and 15-hour days, and some shows demand only 40- to 50-hour weeks. Some shows are shot on location and allow the editorial staff to remain on home turf, and some request the editorial crew to be onsite. All projects are finite, so you will have to look for a job each time a show ends. If you are the best assistant in town, the search for a new gig is hampered only by the need to decide which job to accept. However, there will always be down time in-between movies. We suggest you look for your next job while you are still employed and budget for the weeks of unemployment that occur periodically.

Getting your first job is the hardest step, just like making your first cut in a scene. One of the first tactics on your journey toward employment is to find your way into a cutting room. This way you will be able to observe the work flow and witness how the assistant editor handles the real world of day-to-day chores.


We should clarify our references. The terms 35 mm, 16 mm, Super8, 8 mm, videotape, standard def, high def, and the latest advents of P2 and Red Camera are referred to as film. Film or movie includes all venues–features, television, reality shows, documentaries, music videos, trailers, or webi-sodes. Technological advances increase at an exponential rate in the film industry, and they can affect some of the work flow in the editing room. What remains constant is the need for organization, anticipation, and knowledge of the overall requirements to complete a final edited master of a movie at the end of the day.

1.1 Find an Assistant

Assistant editors can be your best allies. They are doing the job you want to do. They are assisting the editor you would dearly love to have as your mentor, so they must be doing something right. They have been in your position as a newly arrived assistant editor and know the pitfalls and lessons of the editing rooms. They are often offered jobs for which they are not available and will recommend someone for it. If all goes well, and you prove yourself to them, perhaps you will be the one they recommend.


We use male references with the universal understanding that it includes females. We refer to all people as he instead of he/she.

When you get an invitation to visit an editing room, know that this opportunity is rare and should be cherished. It is exactly what you are looking for—an editing venue where you are allowed to learn, help, contribute, and observe the assistant at work. Here is our suggested short list of what to observe when you are there:

•  Look at his paperwork.

•  How does he organize the lined script?

•  What does he digitize first?

•  How does he arrange the Scene bins for his editor?

•  Does he use group clips?

•  How has the project been set up?

•  Does he color code his time line?

•  What does his continuity look like?

•  How has he prepared the notebooks for incoming paperwork (sound reports, camera reports, telecine logs)?

•  How does he prepare for an output?

•  What sort of title card does he use, and what information does he have on it?

•  Does he put black between acts, and if so, how much?

•  How does he prepare for a sound effects and music spotting session?

•  What paperwork needs to be distributed at his spotting sessions?

•  Does he have ADR lists with master timecodes?

•  Does he have photocopies of the scripts prepared?

•  Have the audio lists gone to the online session?

•  How has he prepared the tracks for online?

•  Has he separated out the dialog, SFX, and MX to the specified channels?

•  Has he put the stereo pairs in for the music editor?

•  Has he prepared the chase cassette for the online?

•  Has he prepared a list of the needle drops used in the show with their durations, artists’ names, and song titles?

These are a few of the points of interest to touch on when given the opportunity to visit a cutting room. See if the assistant has templates for all of his paperwork, and check to see how they differ from the ones provided in this book. Ask if he will share and allow you to copy them. See if he has a checklist for preparing dailies, outputting, and onlining. These are valuable lists that have been prepared through the years and have suffered the consequences of past errors and are now nearly perfect. Every editing room varies, and there is always some new technique or method that organizes the room better. Steal all these good ideas.

When visiting friends or family, it is always appreciated when you arrive with a plate of sweets or flowers to grace their house. To show your appreciation to the assistant editor for the privilege of entering his cutting room, we suggest you bring donuts (or something equally sweet and kind) as an offering.

After you have visited the editing room, remember to write a thank-you note. Emails are acceptable, but there is something wonderful about a written note.

Keep all names, phone numbers, email addresses, and cutting room contact numbers on a list for future reference. Buy yourself a special notebook into which you will write these contacts and note all personal information as well—names of spouses and children and birthdays.

If you have done well during your visit and are pleasant to have in the cutting room, you might be rewarded with an invitation to return or maybe a recommendation for a job. Stay in touch with all the folks you can, letting them know when you have landed a job and that you are deeply appreciative of their help.

When you are allowed entree into an editing room, the temptation will be to watch the editor work. It is fun and will give you lasting editing insights. However, the relationship you need to pursue is with the assistant editor. It is he who will turn you on to assisting jobs if he likes you, and will be in your network of colleagues who can talk you through problems that will arise on your first gig. It is he who will share with you his paperwork templates and knowledge of shortcuts and systems about which you need to learn, and will determine whether you will be welcomed back in the cutting room.

The relationship between the editor and the assistant is a finely tuned balance of boss–employee, mentor–student, and mutual protector. When you visit their editing suite, you might be tipping this balance as you sit with the editor. It is a highly coveted privilege to watch an editor cut, one that the assistant longs for but the workload prevents. Be sensitive to whatever toes you might tread upon when you enter their space.

A good job is not good enough in this business. You have to be great in so many different areas. You have to excel technically; have people skills; know how to take care of your editor, producer, and director; and interface with the rest of the crew. The editor wants everyone that comes in contact with the cutting room to go away thinking, “What a great bunch of people.” That means the assistant has to help create that impression. What you have to be is someone who editors and producers want to hire again and recommend to colleagues. The recommendation needs to be stellar, and you have to earn it. One of the worst things that can happen is when your former editor or producer gives a reference saying, “Well…he did a good enough job.” This euphemism suggests that you were mediocre, lackluster, and eminently not a good hire.

It’s great to be an assistant editor—you are part of the creative process in which the editor crafts the film from dailies to the final cut. During the course of the day you will decipher reams of paperwork provided to you by the camera department, sound department, script supervisor, and telecine house as you import and digitize dailies into your editing system. You will determine whether a scene has been completed by production, and if not, what coverage is missing. You will decide which scene should be digitized first so that your editor will be able to start cutting as soon as possible. The editor should never be down—without dailies to cut. You must organize the bins differently for each editor you work with to satisfy his inherently unique style.

These are just a few of the myriad tasks that you will perform daily. It might seem overwhelming at first, but when you have completed an entire show, it will become as automatic as riding a bicycle.

Stay your course, and with Lady Luck smiling down upon you, you will be the most sought after assistant in the business. When this has been accomplished, you will have your pick of editors to assist. This will place you amidst the best editing teams and creative talents working in the industry.

1.2 Know Your Tools

Make sure you know your tools. Film and digital are the two sources of media with which you will work. Most editing rooms around the world are digital, requiring the knowledge of various systems—Avid (Meridian, Adrenaline, Nitris DS, Red Camera and Final Cut Pro are the most widely used in Hollywood. A firm grasp of Mac and PC platforms, Adobe After Effects, Photoshop, etc. will be a great contribution to the editing process.

When we first began our editing careers as assistants, it was mostly film, and we learned the machines for that medium. Now the majority of all movies, even when photographed on film, get transferred to hard drives or telecined to tape. The majority of movies are edited digitally. Keep abreast of all new technologies and their programs. You must have this knowledge to apply for a job. Remember, competition for an assistant editor’s seat is fierce.

It is best to arrive in the workplace with a firm knowledge of all current editing systems. There are books, film schools, and training programs throughout the world that offer this education. There are traditionally two types of training courses—one to be an assistant and the other to be an editor. Take both courses because the skills learned are remarkably different. During your training, compare the skill sets so that you are able to contribute that much more to the editing process.

Along with your courses, hone your skills with many hours of practice. The more familiar you are with the processes involved in editing, the better you will be able to anticipate the questions and requests made by your editor.

1.3 Basic Setups

On your first job, regardless of which system you have—Avid or Final Cut Pro (FCP)—you will find that there are commonalities in their functions and setups. You should be familiar with all the basics to be found in the editing rooms of both the editor and the assistant.

You will have source, record, and playback monitors that need to be set up properly (picture tuned, sizes adjusted); you will have a DVD–CD player (DVCAM, Beta, DVD, or miniDVCAM) with which you digitize that needs to be tested before you can input your first dailies; and you need to know how much RAM you should have installed by the technicians (techs) to maximize the speed with which you can work. You must know how to check the default settings and video settings on the editing system to ensure that the rate of the sound is in synchronization (sync) with the specifications (specs) laid out for you by your post producer (the coproducer or associate producer who is the head of the post department); you will be asked to record temporary (temp) ADR (also referred to as looping) in the cutting room. Make sure you have a microphone that works and you know which buttons on your soundboard need to be engaged or disengaged to record. Know how to finalize, change formats from 4:3 to 16:9 to HD letterbox, and how to add visible timecode. Also know all the format necessities for a successful output. Test the machines on your first day. It is not a given that the tech has set up a system that satisfies all your needs. Digitize some media, do an output, and record some dialog.

You must be able to troubleshoot the error messages and circumnavigate the problems that arise with your machine. You will often have tech support, but this can be very frustrating when they have no solutions and tell you to redo your user settings. While learning about Avid or FCP, make sure you familiarize yourself with these tasks and you are able to execute them. Always have your user manuals available—you will need them. The more you know about your tools, the less stress you will have on your first day of work. After you have worked a few years, you will be familiar with most of the error messages and will know instinctively how to fix the newest problem.

You will also have your favorite go to friends in the industry with whom you can confer in times of emergencies. They will guide you through dailies and difficulties via the phone and Internet when you are in a bind.

Back in the 1970s, when I was an assistant, my friend Paul Rubell, A.C.E. got his first job on a film with little knowledge of how to sync dailies. Through his first few days on the job, I would tell him how to pop the tracks, put an X on the sync point for the slate, put it in his synchronizer, line it up with the picture, and splice it to the next take to build his first reel of dailies. Steven Spielberg and his editor, Michael Kahn, A.C.E., Quentin Tarantino and his editor, Sally Menke, A.C.E., are some of the last holdouts in America to cut or screen film. Today, we receive our dailies on tape or a hard drive. A colleague talks an inexperienced assistant through the process of digitizing, setting tone, checking the blacks, double-checking audio timecode, or even how to apply music codes.


A network of colleagues will help you in times of trouble, but you still have to apply for your first job with a basic foundation of technical knowledge, an understanding of your tools, the confidence to accomplish the tasks at hand, and the ability to troubleshoot whatever emergencies arise.

1.4 Bank It

At the beginning of all journeys, you must start with a passport, a goal in mind, and money to support yourself. The same rules apply to starting your editing career. Your passport is your degree in filmmaking or technical training. Your goal is to be an editor, which dictates that you place yourself in the city with the largest pool of available jobs. To support your dream, you need a nest egg or ancillary financial resources. With these three important factors in place, you are most likely to succeed.

In America, Hollywood offers the greatest amount of opportunities in the film industry. There are multiple alternatives—New York City, Atlanta, Chicago—but most features and television shows are produced in Los Angeles.

It is important to have enough money in the bank to support yourself during the search for a position as an assistant editor. There are often times when you will have to work for free to make your first contacts in the film industry. It will most likely take a while to find your first paid job. There are also many times when you will be in between jobs because this is a freelance career.

One of the common threads in editors’ descriptions of their first year in the industry is that they have all worked for free. My gratis stint was for Michael Berman, A.C.E., editor on McCloud at Universal Studios. I learned all I could from his assistant editor, Gene Ranney, before being offered my first assistant editing gig on a nonunion feature. I was lucky–some people have to work for free multiple times at the beginning of their careers. I still do pro bono work to help a friend or lay the groundwork for a future gig.


In the late 1960s, producer–director Ashley Lazarus from Cape Town, South Africa organized with the British Guild of Editors an unpaid internship for me at Pinewood Studios in England. I crossed the sea on an ocean liner from Cape Town to London and was placed on a movie of the week (MOW) for Universal Studios with director Boris Sagal. As a result of this experience, I was able to catapult my editorial career upon my return to South Africa, and I worked on 19 feature films and countless hours of episodic television.


Without a monetary nest egg, these opportunities would have been untenable. If you want to get your career started, you must have the freedom to accept and pursue jobs that will help you stay your course—regardless of pay. Let your head and heart guide you—not your bankbook. Many opportunities to be involved in a project that would be fantastic for your resume, or are subject matters that are important to you, will not have to be passed up due to finances. You will encounter this dilemma throughout your career. If you amortize your earnings and are prepared for long hiatuses, you will be able to take your preferred job offers. So, bank it!

1.5 Move to Hollywood

There are many venues for filmmaking around the world. From Rome to New York City, from India to Sydney and Auckland, and from China to Sweden, the world has small communities of filmmakers who need editors and their assistants. However, those seats are predominantly filled with natives of their respective cities, and those communities are difficult to breach. In America, Hollywood provides the best chance of breaking in. Because the largest amount of production is centered in southern California, there are more editorial seats available. Clearly, the greater the amount of production, the more opportunities will present themselves. After you have worked your way into the heart of the film industry in Los Angeles, you can choose to move to the city in which you prefer to live. You can move on to other centers with credits and references—your reputation earned in Hollywood will be respected worldwide. You will, of course, have to spend the time to make new contacts, but that will be easier because you have worked in Hollywood. The competition is still stiff, but you can compete by being the best assistant possible. This is how you will shine.

Now that you’ve begun your training and have a skill set, a nest egg, and you live in Los Angeles, you can further enhance your education as you seek employment. Here is a list of courses and references:

3D Labs

Alan’s Tech Page

American Cinema Editors ( Subscribe to the CinemaEditor Magazine

Apple Pro Training Series, Final Cut Pro for Avid Editors

Avid Knowledgebase

Avid Tips and Techniques


Digidesign User Conference


Motion Picture Editors Guild ( Editors Guild Magazine


Nonlinear Gear Links


The Art of Avid Editing

Video Symphony


Take extra classes. They will increase your knowledge and help you to begin networking, which is elemental to your success.


You will not be able to rely on public transportation for any length of time in Los Angeles. You need to buy a car. Los Angeles is a city that is spread out, with studios up to 60 miles apart–from Hollywood to Santa Monica, downtown Los Angeles to Manhattan Beach, and Culver City to Santa Clarita.

When you have settled in, your next step is to re-create your resume. This is a significant document because it creates the first impression in the interview process. It is your passport to entering the world of editing.

1.6 Create Your Resume

Your resume—its format, contents, and aesthetic appeal—becomes an important factor in the cumulative impression you leave behind. It is your calling card.

You’ve probably been advised by college books and resume websites about the format for a polished resume. This is a great starting point, but we need to tailor these ideas for the film industry. You must know that you are not the only assistant presenting a document. Your resume must stand out amidst the myriad resumes received by producers and editors. Oftentimes the remembered ones are those that use an italic font or are printed on pink paper! Presentation does count. Take the time to choose the amount of information carefully. If it takes too long to read, there is a great possibility that it will be tossed.

Figure 1.1 is an example of a layout we recommend.


Figure 1.1 Resume

The heading should include your name, your title, and your contact information. As you can see in the template, we have discarded “Objective.” Oftentimes we receive resumes of newly graduated film students who put their objective at the top of the resume, such as “Objective—to become an Assistant Editor in Hollywood.” Remove it. This will immediately identify you as a novice. You want to present yourself as an already accomplished assistant editor. We know your objective is to be an assistant editor—it is the job for which you are interviewing.

The first information deals with film work or experience. This gets a bit confusing for you right now because you were probably the editor, director, or writer on many of your school films, or conversely you have absolutely no credits. If you’ve only taken training courses and have yet to edit or assist on a film, we suggest you make a home movie and give yourself a credit! Be creative.

The interviewer is interested in what you have assisted on. This is because we are looking for someone who will be able to handle all the assisting contingencies that arise during the course of the day. When you’re starting your postproduction career, it’s understandable that you would want to include all your previous jobs, including editing, on the resume. Be careful, though, to present yourself as an assistant editor because that is the job for which you are interviewing. You can include some editing credits at the start of your film career (we know these are entry-level credits). Make sure you include and finish with assistant editing credits. We will regard this as a natural progression to a more mainstream production on which you had to go back to assisting to further your career. We are also looking to see if you have worked for the same editor more than once. If you have, this means you are doing something right!

Some of you have edited all of your own films. If you were the editor on the project, you were most likely your own assistant. It is more important to state on your resume that you know how to assist rather than to edit, so make sure you include this project as one you have assisted on as well. Most editors like to hire an assistant who knows how to edit because it is helpful during a crunched schedule. However, there are some editors who want to know that you are focused on one thing—being the best assistant. A potential employer might be concerned that you would be dissatisfied with your position and too anxious to move up to editing. This would be to the detriment of your responsibilities and could be a factor in whether you get hired or not.

Remove the descriptions of the jobs you have had. When you are applying for an assistant editor position, it is superfluous information when your resume says that your tasks involved digitizing, logging, transferring, dubbing, and outputting. We know what an assistant does, so don’t waste our time by making us read this. We have too many resumes to read. You must get to the bare bones quickly.

Format your resume by dividing the names of shows, directors, and editors into easy-to-read columns. It is easier on the eye to scan and pick up who you have worked for on multiple projects, as well as identify common friends or colleagues.

In the skills section, remove all adjectives and verbs, such as “highly skilled on the Avid,” and “proficient with FCP.” Change it to “Avid” and “FCP.” The interviewer assumes you are highly skilled and proficient with all programs listed on your resume. When you write how great you are at them, it makes us think you are not.

Mention all of the technical skills that pertain to editing and technology—Avid, FCP, Adobe Workshop, After Effects, Unity and SAN, PC and Mac platforms, etc.

For education, include your college degrees and internships that are germane to editing. Do not include high school or camp. It is important to understand that your recent graduation needs to take a backseat to your skills. As you gain more experience as an assistant editor, you will eventually remove references to your alma maters.

Under hobbies, you may add miscellaneous skills like golf, basketball, weaving, or tapestry. These are all good conversation pieces. Be careful to stay away from too many religious or political penchants because they can cause strife. You need to find subjects that unify rather than repel. A colleague shared her story once about an apprentice who included on his resume that he made a fantastic cappuccino. This delighted her so much that he got the job.

The final subject is references. Think of three people (not your mom!) who are willing to speak glowingly about you. Include their contact information. It is not okay to say “references upon request” because that will create more work for the interviewer.

Try to get your resume on one page.

This resume template is a great starting point, but feel free to embellish and personalize it all you want. Keep it simple. Because your resume is your introduction to your prospective employer, it is important to get off to a proper start. Remember, the first impression is the strongest.

If you email your resume, include a cover letter that is brief, friendly, and personalized. Spell the names correctly. Michael Tronick, A.C.E. once intimated that when he receives correspondence with his name spelled incorrectly, he is inclined to read no further.


Use paper stock that is a cut above the standard typing paper when you mail it or present it in person. This will stand out, and you need to shine in the face of all the competition.

It is important to know something about the editor—his films and inherent editing styles. Include a brief comment about your favorite part of his film or what affected you most. Find at least one nice thing to say in an introductory email. Make the editor feel singled out and special. Schmoozing is a good thing, especially when done from the heart. Do your homework by looking everyone up on This way your introductory letter for your resume will invite a positive reaction.

Heads of postproduction, producers, and editors receive countless resumes, and their fate ranges from being thrown in the trash to being filed away. If your resume has made a good impression, you will have a better chance of being selected for an interview or hired.

Whenever it is possible, deliver the resume in person. When you put a face with your name, you become that much more memorable. It provides the opportunity for you to meet the people in charge and begin the networking process.

1.7 Your Favorite Five

One of the best ways to launch your career is to begin networking. This process will continue throughout your career, and it is an essential skill you need to hone. The first step is to identify the editors whose bodies of work have been an inspiration to you. Choose five editors you admire the most. Write to them, ask to meet them, take them out for coffee or stop by their editing room for a brief meeting.

Let’s say you choose Anne Coates, A.C.E. (her name appears on most of the fave five lists). Go to IMDb, get the list of her credits, and take a long look at her films. Make sure you are watching the editing styles, not the directing, cinematography, and acting. See if you can glean an overall style of her work. Is it the use of sound, the cadences of her dialog scenes, the cutting patterns for the opening or closing of scenes that has touched you? Do you think she has a certain elegance of storytelling that transcends the individual film and carries throughout her body of work?

In your letter or email, introduce yourself as an assistant film editor who has been affected greatly by her editing and that you would be honored to have the opportunity to meet her. Mention your favorite bits of her films. Be brief. Suggest coffee (your treat!), or even better, ask if you can stop by her editing room to see where she works. That way you will get to meet her assistant editors (key to this plan!) and make friends with them. You want to be especially nice to the assistant because it is he who often determines how much access to the editor will be allowed. It is during your short visit with the editor that you will ask if you could stop by again and spend some time with her assistant. It is important to initiate a relationship with the editing crew because it is the assistant who will remember you, hopefully, and think of you when he is in need of a second assistant editor or apprentice.

Bring donuts! It is always nice to bear gifts. Everyone in the cutting room will appreciate the gesture, and it will make an impression. The donuts will be gone by the time you leave.

You will be able to find your favorite editors’ email or mailing addresses at the ACE office in Universal City or the Editors Guild in Hollywood. Sometimes their personal information is unavailable, but both offices will forward mail to the editor or his agent.

Repeat these steps with your other favorite editors. Do not be a feature snob—there are countless editors working in television and cable who are equally talented and willing to open their doors to you. Try to distinguish the stylistic differences amongst the multiple editors on a given show. This might lead to an engaging conversation with one of your fave five, and these first seeds you will plant will one day flower into a possible job opportunity.

1.8 Find the Job

There are several ways to find work. Popular avenues to investigate include websites such as,,,, and Production weekly reports and the trades (The Hollywood Reporter, Variety) can be found on the Internet. However, the most tried and true way to get a job is through word of mouth. Remember that when a colleague recommends you to a friend, his relationship and reputation is at stake. You must live up to the faith he places in you.

When you have been recommended for a job and begin to prepare for the interview, there are certain protocols and checklists that will help you through the process.

1.9 Prepare for the Interview

As you enter the room for the interview, the first thing that is noticed is your face and body language. Then there is the handshake (always firm and combined with eye contact). The next step is to hand over your resume. Your resume is your calling card. This all takes place in less than a minute, and your resume becomes an integral part of the first impression you have made on your potential employer.

As in all first meetings, there are awkward moments, which is when the interviewer might refer to your resume and ask questions about colleagues you know in common, what it was like working with so-and-so, or even commenting on your education or hobbies. While these pleasantries are being exchanged, he is observing you, clocking you, and wondering…

•  Are you responsible?

•  Can you handle pressure situations?

•  Are you honest?

•  Do you have a sense of humor?

•  How would it be to work with you 12 hours a day?

•  Would it be pleasant to have lunch with you every day?

He is looking beyond your resume and deciding if you are a good fit. It’s like editing—you read the expressions, the aversion of the eyes, the details that help fill in the unwritten lines of dialog in the script—all of this informs you about the character (the interviewee).

How you present yourself is the unwritten part of your resume. Dressing is an issue. For guys, no suit and tie—it is too formal. Wear clean jeans (we notice if you are groomed), a clean shirt (ready to work but still presentable), and closed-toe shoes (be prepared for industrial accidents). Do not wear a T-shirt to the interview—you can wear that after you get the gig. For gals, it is a bit harder. Do you wear slacks and a blouse? Maybe a skirt (not too short) or a dress (maybe too formal?). Jeans are always a safe bet (please, no holes). One thing everybody should remember is that you do not want to get a job based on false impressions. Tight clothing, cleavage, lots of bare leg, or a cute butt is the wrong message. Most importantly, you need to make your work ethic and personality the qualities that people respond to as opposed to your physical attributes.

I got called in for a last-minute interview once and was already dressed to go clubbing. The editor asked me to stop by on my way out, and I agreed to meet him. I got hired, and when I arrived the next week on location, the editor had adjoining rooms for us and suggested we could just leave the door open! Not a fun situation, and it went downhill from there. This became an ill-fated movie for me. It is the only film I have ever quit in 37 years in the industry.


Know the address of the interview location and how to get there. Allow double the amount of driving time you think you need, and if possible do a dry run. That way, on the day of the interview you will not get lost or be late. Remember, being on time is critical.

My father, a producer and former assistant director, defines on time as 15 minutes early. It still works for me.


Bring your resume. It doesn’t matter that you emailed it in advance, it has been misplaced already. Go the extra mile and print it on pretty paper.

Do your research. Remember to IMDb everyone who will be at the interview. They will be impressed with your interest in their careers as well as your ability to add to the interview instead of simply responding to questions. This will also give you something to contribute during dialog lapses. Remember, they are trying to get to know you.

1.10 The Interview

Try to relax and relate to the interviewer as you would a respected mentor. Remember: half of the interview is about how well he will get along with you 12 hours a day. He will assume you have the These are the ways you will skills.


These are the ways you will shine. Ask the interviewer what the schedule is like, where the cutting rooms are, whether they are shooting high def, red, 24P, and if you could get a copy of the script, what editing platform you will have, etc. Participate!

Avoid asking if there is overtime, how long the days will be, whether you have to work weekends, and what the salary will be. That comes later. These questions are indicative of someone who will be watching the clock and is less likely to perform well under pressure. It makes you seem anxious to leave work as soon as possible and therefore an undesirable hire.

Be cheerful, poised, positive, and respectful to everyone and make eye contact.

Fingers crossed, you will get the job. If he goes with someone else and calls to let you know (unfortunately, sometimes you will not be called), remain pleasant and wish him luck on the project. Briefly express the hope to work for him in the future. Get used to rejection and deal with it philosophically. Ask yourself how you can improve on your next interview, and give yourself a good talking to.

Let’s assume you do get the assistant editor job, because let’s face it—you are skilled, personable, and well-groomed.

There are many ways to be ahead of the game, such as preparation for your first day of work. What follows is a guideline for that.

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