There's more...

Datasets provided with R are great, but to find the real-time datasets you can visit the Kaggle website, which has various diverse kinds of datasets. Apart from datasets it also holds many competitions in data science fields to solve real-world problems.

You can find the competitions, datasets, kernels, and jobs at Many competitions are organized by large corporate bodies, government agencies, or from academia. Many of the competitions have prize money associated with them. The following screenshot shows competitions and prize money:

You can simply create an account and start participating in competitions by submitting code and the output and the same will be assessed. Assessment or evaluation criteria is available on the detail page of each competition. By participating and using one gains experience in solving real-world problems. It gives you a taste of what data scientist do.

On the jobs page various jobs for data scientists and analysis is listed and you can apply is the profile is suitable or matches with your interests.

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