How it works...

In this recipe, we use a recursive partitioning tree from the rpart package to build a tree-based classification model. The recursive portioning tree includes two processes: recursion and partitioning. During the process of decision induction, we have to consider a statistic evaluation question (or simply a yes/no question) to partition the data into different partitions in accordance with the assessment result. Then, as we have determined the child node, we can repeatedly perform the splitting until the stop criteria is satisfied.

For example, the data (shown in the following figure) in the root node can be partitioned into two groups with regard to the question whether f1 is smaller than X. If so, the data is divided into the left-hand side. Otherwise, it is split into the right-hand side. Then, we can continue to partition the left-hand side data with the question whether f2 is smaller than Y:

Recursive partioning tree

In the first step, we load the rpart package with the library function. Next, we build a classification model using the churn variable as a classification category (class label) and the remaining variables as input features.

After the model is built, you can type the variable name of the built model, churn.rp, to display the tree node details. In the printed node detail, n indicates the sample size, loss indicates the misclassification cost, yval stands for the classified membership (no or yes, in this case), and yprob stands for the probabilities of two classes (the left value refers to the probability reaching label no, and the right value refers to the probability reaching label, yes).

Then, we use the printcp function to print the complexity parameters of the built tree model. From the output of printcp, one should find the value of CP, a complexity parameter, which serves as a penalty to control the size of the tree. In short, the greater the CP value, the fewer the number of splits there are (nsplit). The output value (the rel error) represents the average deviance of the current tree divided by the average deviance of the null tree. An xerror value represents the relative error estimated by a 10-fold classification. xstd stands for the standard error of the relative error.

To make the cost Complexity Parameter (CP) table more readable, we use plotcp to generate an information graphic of the CP table. As per the screenshot (step 5), the x-axis at the bottom illustrates the cp value, the y-axis illustrates the relative error, and the upper x-axis displays the size of the tree. The dotted line indicates the upper limit of a standard deviation. From the screenshot, we can determine that minimum cross-validation error occurs when the tree is at a size of 12.

We can also use the summary function to display the function call, complexity parameter table for the fitted tree model, variable importance, which helps identify the most important variable for the tree classification (summing up to 100), and detailed information of each node.

The advantage of using the decision tree is that it is very flexible and easy to interpret. It works on both classification and regression problems, and more; it is nonparametric. Therefore, one does not have to worry about whether the data is linear separable. As for the disadvantage of using the decision tree, it is that it tends to be biased and over-fitted. However, you can conquer the bias problem through the use of a conditional inference tree, and solve the problem of over-fitting through a random forest method or tree pruning.

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