H conversion character 1002

h conversion character 1002

handle an exception 492

handshake point 754, 767

has-a relationship 82, 267, 300

hash bucket 626

hash table 622, 626

hashCode method of Object 335

hashing 626

HashMap class 625, 749, 891, 892, 899, 900

get method 891

keySet method 629, 903

put method 891

HashMaps and Maps 627

HashSet class 622

HashSet used to remove duplicate values from an array of strings 622

Hashtable class 625, 626

hash-table collisions 626

hasMoreTokens method of class StringTokenizer 1041

hasMoreTokens method of StringTokenizer 629

hasNext method

of class Scanner 136

of Iterator 596, 599

of Scanner 531

hasPrevious method of ListIterator 599

header 123

headSet method of TreeSet 625

heavyweight components 387

height 467

height of a rectangle in pixels 459

Help link in API 1075

helper method 138

hexadecimal integer 995


element 884

field 884

“hidden” fields 178

hidden form element 884

hide a dialog 385

hide implementation details 256, 283, 284

Home key 434

HORIZONTAL constant of class GridBagConstraints 667

horizontal coordinate 454

horizontal gap space 444

horizontal glue 664

horizontal JSlider component 636

horizontal scrollbar policy 452

horizontal tab 31

HORIZONTAL_SCROLLBAR_ ALWAYS constant of JScrollPane 451


HORIZONTAL_SCROLLBAR_ NEVER constant of JScrollPane 452

host 849

host name 766

hostname 849

hot spots in bytecode 8

HourlyEmployee class derived from Employee 351

HTML document 748

HTML document to load SiteSelector applet 746

HTML frame 750

HTTP (HyperText Transfer Protocol) 745

HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) 883

being used with firewalls 956

header 851

method 850

request type 851

stateless protocol 883

transaction 850

HttpServletRequest class 893

HttpServletResponse class 892

HttpSession 961

HttpSession interface getAttribute method 961

getSession method 961

setAttribute method 961

hue 463

HugeInteger web service that performs operations on large integers 938

hybrid language 4

hyperlink 750, 752

Hyperlink JSF component 870, 874

HyperlinkEvent class 750

EventType nested class 753

getEventType method 753

getURL method 753

HyperlinkListener interface 753

hyperlinkUpdate method 753

hyperlinkUpdate method of interface HyperlinkListener 753

HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP) 745, 851

Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) 883


I/O performance enhancement 550

icon 385

Icon interface 392

Icon Service incubator project 1072


identifier 25, 35

identity column 830

IDENTITY keyword (SQL) 830

IDEs Netbeans 935

IEEE 754 floating point 1054

if single-selection statement 39, 42, 90, 91, 132, 1053

activity diagram 91

if...else double-selection statement 90, 91, 92, 103, 132

activity diagram 92

ignoring element zero 214

IllegalMonitorStateException class 707, 721

IllegalStateException 535

Image JSF component 870, 873

ImageIcon class 392

immutable 276, 1016

immutable String object 1016

implement an interface 338, 362, 369

implement multiple Interfaces 365

implementation-dependent code 256

implementation inheritance 346

implementation of a function 347

implementation phase 378

implementation process 195, 291

implements 1053

implements keyword 362, 366

implicit conversion 104

import declaration 34, 36, 64, 165, 286, 1053

increment 127

a control variable 121

expression 140

of a for statement 125

increment and decrement operators 110

increment of a control variable 120

increment operator, ++ 109

indefinite postponement 681, 725

indefinite repetition 101

indentation 26, 92, 93

independent software vendor 5

independent software vendor (ISV) 333

index (subscript) 203

Index link in API 1075

index of a JComboBox 416

index zero 204

indexOf method of class String 1022

indexOf method of Vector 605

IndexOutOfBoundsException class 613

indirect recursion 184

indirect recursive call 184

indirect superclass 299, 301

InetAddress class 761, 766, 771, 772

getByName method 766

getHostName method 761

getLocalHost method 766, 772

infinite loop 96, 104, 124, 125, 770, 774

infinite recursion 187, 192, 194

infinity symbol 797

information hiding 14, 283, 360

information tier 853

inheritance 14, 299, 304, 373, 374, 376, 377, 378

Examples 300

extends keyword 304, 313

hierarchy 301

hierarchy for university CommunityMembers 301

implementation vs. interface inheritance 346

multiple 299

single 299

inheritance hierarchy 344

_init method 862, 891

init method 862, 865

initComponents autogenerated method in Netbeans 1066

initial capacity of a Vector 604

initial state in the UML 89, 148, 149

initial value of an attribute 116

initial value of control variable 120

initialize a variable in a declaration 35

initializer list 207

Initializing an array using command-line arguments 241

Initializing the elements of an array to zero 207

Initializing the elements of an array with an array initializer 208

Initializing two-dimensional arrays 231

initializing two-dimensional arrays in declarations 231

initiate an action 642

inlining method calls 360

inner class 398, 410, 433, 648

anonymous 416

can access the members of its top-level class 407

object of 410

relationship between an inner class and its top-level class 410

INNER JOIN SQL clause 798, 802

innermost square brackets 214

input 884

input data from the keyboard 53

Input data from user and validates it using the ValidateInput class 1043

input dialog 383

input/output 520

input/output package 166

input/output operations 89

InputEvent class 423, 430, 434

getModifiers method 437

isAltDown method 430, 437

isControlDown method 437

isMetaDown method 430, 437

isShiftDown method 437

InputMismatchException class 491, 494

InputStream class 541, 550, 630, 754, 755, 756

InputStreamReader class 552

Inputting and outputting floating-point numbers with Account objects 76

insert an item into a container object 267

insert method of class StringBuilder 1034

INSERT SQL statement 798, 804

insertElementAt method of Vector 604

inserting literal characters in the output 995

insertion point 592, 615

installation instructions (JDK) java.sun.com/javase/6/webnotes/install/index.html 5

instance (non-static) method 278

instance of a class 66

instance variable 56, 65, 66, 74, 157

instanceof operator 358, 1053

instantiate 14

instantiating an object of a class 57

int keyword 1054

int primitive type 35, 101, 109, 132, 1053

promotions 164

integer 33

division 100

mathematics 283

quotient 38

value 35

integer array 207

Integer class 242

Integer class 385, 581

parseInt method 242, 385

integer conversion characters 995

integer division 38

integers suffix L 618

integral expression 138

integrated development environment 7

intelligent consumer electronic device 4

interaction between a web service client and a web service 936

interaction diagram in the UML 245

interactions among objects 242, 246, 283

interest rate 127

interface 14, 338, 362, 370, 812

Runnable 372

Serializable 372

SwingConstants 373

tagging interface 542

interface declaration 361

interface inheritance 346

interface keyword 361, 370, 1053

Interfaces 361

ActionListener 403

AppletContext 745

BlockingQueue 703

CachedRowSet 826, 911

Callable 741

CallableStatement 845

ChangeListener 639

CharSequence 1048

Cloneable 334

Collection 589, 593, 605

Comparable 372, 563, 606, 1020

Comparator 606

ComponentListener 427

Condition 720, 722

Connection 811, 813, 818

ContainerListener 427

DataInput 550

DataOutput 550

Executor 686

ExecutorService 686, 741

FocusListener 427

Future 741

HyperlinkListener 753

Icon 392

ItemListener 410, 649

Iterator 593

JdbcRowSet 826

KeyListener 403, 427, 434, 437

LayoutManager 438, 442

LayoutManager2 442

List 589, 599

ListIterator 594

ListSelectionListener 419, 749

Lock 720

Map 589, 625

MessageContext 961

MouseInputListener 422, 427

MouseListener 403, 422, 427, 651

MouseMotionListener 403, 422, 427

MouseWheelListener 423

ObjectInput 541

ObjectOutput 541

PreparedStatement 845

PropertyChangeListener 737

Queue 589, 593, 621, 703

RequestContext 972

ResultSet 812

ResultSetMetaData 812

RowSet 825

Runnable 683, 783

Serializable 541

Servlet 854

Set 589, 593, 622

SortedMap 625

SortedSet 623

Statement 813

SwingConstants 392, 638

TableModel 813

WebServiceContext 961

WindowConstants 641

WindowListener 427, 641

internal data representation 284

internal frame closable 660

internal frame maximizable 660

internal frame minimizable 660

internal frame resizable 660

internalVirtualForms property of a Table 911

internationalization 166

Internet 3, 745

Internet address 771

Internet Business Initiative 17

Internet domain name in reverse order 286

Internet telephony 17

interrupt method of class Thread 684

InterruptedException class 684

intrinsic lock 688

Invoice class that implements Payable 364

invoke a method 70

IOException 546

IP address 849

IP address of the server 766

is-a relationship 300, 339

isAbsolute method of File 521

isActionKey method of KeyEvent 437

isAltDown method of InputEvent 430, 437

isBold method of class Font 464, 467

isControlDown method of InputEvent 437

isDefined method of class Character 1035

isDesktopSupported method of class Desktop 1069

isDigit method of class Character 1035

isDirectory method of File 521

isEmpty method of Map 629

isEmpty method of Stack 620

isEmpty method of Vector 605

isFile method of File 521, 522

isItalic method of class Font 464, 467

isJavaIdentifierPart method of class Character 1035

isJavaIdentifierStart method of class Character 1035

isLetter method of class Character 1036

isLetterOrDigit method of class Character 1036

isLowerCase method of class Character 1037

isMetaDown method of InputEvent 430, 437

isMetaDown method of MouseEvent 430

isPlain method of class Font 464, 467

isPopupTrigger method of class MouseEvent 651

isSelected method of class AbstractButton 649

isSelected method of JCheckBox 410

isShiftDown method of InputEvent 437

isUpperCase method of class Character 1037

ITALIC constant of class Font 464, 465

ItemEvent class 410, 413

getStateChange method 417

ItemListener interface 410, 649

itemStateChanged method 410, 649

itemStateChanged method of interface ItemListener 410, 649

iterating (looping) 99

iteration 192

of a loop 120, 140

Iterative factorial solution 192

iterative model 48

iteratively 185

iterator 345, 588

iterator class 345

Iterator interface 593

hasNext method 596

next method 596

remove method 596

iterator method of Collection 596


Jacobson, Ivar 15, 16

Jacopini, G. 88

JApplet class 641

java 8

Java 2 2

Java 2D (java.sun.com/products/java-media/2D/index.html) 479

Java 2D API 454, 479

Java 2D shapes 480

Java Abstract Window Toolkit (AWT) package 166

Java Abstract Window Toolkit Event package 166

Java Abstract Window Toolkit Package (AWT) 166

Java API 155, 372

Java API documentation 9, 37, 1073

download from java.sun.com 282

java.sun.com/javase/6/docs/api/ 282

Java API Documentation (java.sun.com/javase/6/docs/) 5

Java API Interfaces 372

Java Applet Package 165

Java Application Programming Interface (Java API) 34, 155, 165

Java applications programming interface (API) 5

Java Assessment and Certification xxviii

Java BluePrints 856

Java class libraries 5

Java class library 34, 155

Java Collections Framework 557

java command 9, 23

-splash option 1067

Java compiler 7

Java DB xxii, 793, 828, 907

Java DB Developer’s Guide developers.sun.com/docs/javadb/ 830

Java debugger 1110

Java Design Patterns xxviii

Java Desktop Integration Components (JDIC) xxiii

Java development environment 6

Java Development Kit (JDK) 2

Java download (java.sun.com/javase/downloads/index.jsp) 2

Java EE 5 xxviii, 856

Java EE 5 (java.sun.com/javaee) 854

Java Enterprise Edition (Java EE) 3, 854

Java Enterprise Edition 5 856

.java extension 7

.java file name extension 25, 57

Java fonts

Dialog 465

DialogInput 465

Monospaced 465

SansSerif 465

Serif 465

Java Foundation Classes (JFC) 386

Java HotSpot compiler 8

Java Input/Output Package 166

java interpreter 28

Java Keywords 1053

Java Language Package 166

Java Micro Edition (Java ME) 3

Java Networking Package 166

Java Resource Centers at www.deitel.com/ResourceCenters.html 28

Java SE 6 xxviii

Java SE 6 API documentation (java.sun.com/javase/6/docs/api/) 165, 167

Java SE 6 package overview (java.sun.com/javase/6/docs/api/overviewsummary.html) 167

Java SE Development Kit (JDK) 24

Java SE Development Kit 6.0 (JDK 6.0) 28

Java Security API 790

Java Standard Edition 6 (“Mustang”) xxii

Java Standard Edition 6 (Java SE 6) 2

Java Studio Creator 2

binding a JSF Table to a database table 910

Java Swing Event Package 167

Java Swing GUI Components Package 166

Java Text Package 166

Java Utilities Package 166

Java Virtual Machine (JVM) 7, 9, 23

java.applet package 165

java.awt package 166, 387, 456, 457, 476, 479, 652

java.awt.color package 479

java.awt.event package 166, 167, 400, 402, 427, 437

java.awt.font package 479

java.awt.geom package 479, 480

java.awt.image package 479

java.awt.image.renderable package 479

java.awt.print package 479

java.beans package 737

java.io package 166, 520

java.lang package 36, 156, 166, 278, 304, 333, 683, 1014

imported in every Java program 36

java.net package 166, 744

java.sql package 810, 812

java.sun.com 167

java.sun.com/docs/books/tutorial/java/IandI/final.html 360

java.sun.com/j2se/1.5.0/docs/api/java/util/Vector.html 602

java.sun.com/j2se/1.5.0/docs/api/javax/swing/JOption-Pane.html 385

java.sun.com/j2se/5.0/docs/api/java/awt/Component.html 388, 389, 520, 521

java.sun.com/j2se/5.0/docs/api/java/util/Stack.html 618

java.sun.com/j2se/5.0/docs/guide/collections 588

java.sun.com/javase/6/docs/api/ 37, 282

java.sun.com/javase/6/docs/api/index.html 9

java.sun.com/javase/6/docs/api/java/util/Formatter.html 999, 1011

java.sun.com/javase/6/docs/api/java/util/Scanner.html 274

java.sun.com/javase/6/docs/technotes/guides/jdbc/getstart/GettingStartedTOC.fm.html 813

java.sun.com/javase/6/download.jsp 9


java.sun.com/products/java-media/2D/index.html 479

java.sun.com/products/java-media/2D/index.html (Java 2D) 479

java.text package 166

java.util package 34, 166, 167, 581, 589, 618, 1001, 1014, 1040

Calendar class 1001

Date class 1001

java.util.concurrent package 686, 703, 741

java.util.concurrent.locks package 720

java.util.prefs package 629

java.util.regex package 1014

Java’s view of a file of n bytes 519

Java2D API 479

Java2D general paths 484

Java2D shapes 480

JavaBean 855, 856, 859

javac compiler 7, 28

Javadoc comment 24, 849

javadoc Tool Home Page at java.sun.com/j2se/javadoc 24

javadoc utility program 24

JavaScript 856

JavaServer Faces (JSF) xxii, 856

Button component 870, 874

components 856

Drop Down List component 870, 873

Grid Panel component 872

Hyperlink component 870, 874

Image component 870, 873

Label component 870, 875

Message component 875

Message Group component 912

Meta component 868

Radio Button Group component 870, 874

Static Text component 858, 860, 870

Table component 908, 910

Text Area component 892

Text Field component 870, 873

JavaServer Pages (JSP) 854, 856

action 855

directive 855

root element 858

scripting element 855

XML declaration 858

xmlns attributes 858

JavaServer Pages Standard Tag Library (JSTL) 855

javax.faces.validators package 874

javax.servlet package 854

javax.servlet.http package 854, 892, 893

javax.servlet.jsp package 855

javax.servlet.jsp.tagext package 855

javax.sql.rowset package 826

javax.swing package 166, 167, 383, 386, 392, 401, 404, 451, 461, 641, 653, 660

javax.swing.event package 167, 401, 419, 427, 639

javax.swing.table package 814, 825

JAX-WS 936

JBoss Application Server 941

JButton class 386, 404, 407, 445

JCheckBox buttons and item events 408

JCheckBox class 386, 407

isSelected method 410

JCheckBoxMenuItem class 641, 642, 649

JColorChooser 462

JColorChooser class 461, 463

showDialog method 462

JColorChooser dialog 461

JComboBox class 386, 414, 668

getSelectedIndex method 417

setMaximumRowCount method 416

JComboBox that displays a list of image names 414

JComponent class 388, 389, 391, 401, 414, 417, 431, 447, 454

getPreferredSize method 660

listenerList field 401

paintComponent method 431, 454, 637, 638

repaint method 457

setForeground method 649

setOpaque method 431, 434

setToolTipText method 391

jdb command 1112


API 793, 809, 845

driver 793, 811

JDBC 4 xxii

JDBC driver type 811

JDBC drivers developers.sun.com/product/jdbc/drivers/ 793

JDBC information java.sun.com/javase/technologies/database/index.jsp793

JDBC website 811

jdbc:db2j:books 811

jdbc:mysql://localhost/books 811

JdbcRowSet interface 826

close method 828

execute method 828

setCommand method 828

setPassword method 828

setUrl method 828

setUsername method 828

JdbcRowSetImpl class 828

JDesktopPane class 656

JDialog class 648

JDIC (Java Desktop Integration Components)

addTrayIcon method of class SystemTray 1072

browse method of class Desktop 1069

browser package demo 1072

Demos 1072

Desktop class 1069

FileExplorer demo 1072

FileUtil incubator project 1072

Floating Dock demo 1072

Floating Dock Toplevel Window incubator project 1072

getDefaultSystem-Tray method of class SystemTray 1072

getDesktop method of class Desktop 1069

Icon Service incubator project 1072

Incubator Projects 1072

isDesktopSupported method of class Desktop 1069

java command -splash option 1067

mail method of class Desktop 1069

Music Player Control API incubator project 1072

open method of class Desktop 1069

removeTrayIcon method of class System-Tray 1072

SaverBeans Screensaver SDK incubator project 1072

-splash command-line option to the java command 1067

splash screen 1067

SplashScreen class 1069

SystemInfo incubator project 1072

SystemTray class 1072

Tray icons 1072

TrayIcon class 1072

TrayIcon package demo 1072

Wallpaper API demo 1072

JDK 6.0 (Java SE Development Kit 6.0) 28

JDK installation instructions java.sun.com/javase/6/webnotes/install/index.html 5

JEditorPane class 750

setPage method 752

Jesse James Garrett 920

JFC (Java Foundation Classes) 386

JFileChooser class 552

CANCEL_OPTION constant 555


FILES_ONLY constant 555

getSelectedFile method 555

setFileSelection-Mode method 554

showOpenDialog method 555

JFileChooser dialog 552

JFrame class 640

add method 392


getContentPane method 419

setDefaultCloseOperation method 393, 641

setJMenuBar method 641, 648

setSize method 393

setVisible method 393


JInternalFrame class 656, 660

JIT compiler 8

JLabel class 386, 389

getIcon method 393

getText method 393

setHorizontalAlignment method 392

setHorizontalTextPosition method 393

setIcon method 392, 393

setText method 393

setVerticalAlignment method 392

setVerticalTextPosition method 393

JLabels with text and icons 389

JList class 386, 417

addListSelectionListener method 419

getSelected Index method 419

getSelectedValues method 422

setFixedCellHeight method 422

setFixedCellWidth method 422

setListData method 422

setSelectionMode method 419

setVisibleRowCount method 419

JList that allows multiple selections 420

JList that displays a list of colors 417

JMenu class 641, 642, 649, 660

add method 647

addSeparator method 648

JMenuBar class 641, 642, 648, 660

add method 648

JMenuItem class 641, 642, 660

JMenus and mnemonics 642

JOIN_ROUND constant of class BasicStroke 484

joining database tables 795, 802

Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG) 392

JOptionPane class 383, 384

constants for message dialogs 386

PLAIN_MESSAGE constant 385

showInputDialog method 384

showMessageDialog method 385

JOptionPane constants for message dialogs

JOptionPane. ERROR_MESSAGE 386


JOption-Pane.PLAIN_MESSAGE 386



JPanel class 386, 430, 431, 438, 447, 637

JPanel subclass for drawing circles of a specified diameter 637

JPanel with five JButtons in a GridLayout attached to the SOUTH region of a BorderLayout 447

JPasswordField class 394, 399

getPassword method 399

.jpeg 392

JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group) 392

.jpg 392

JPopupMenu class 649, 651

show method 651

JPopupMenu for selecting colors 650

JProgressBar class 737

JRadioButton class 407, 410, 413

JRadioButtonMenuItem class 641, 642, 649, 651

JRadioButtons and ButtonGroups 411

JScrollPane class 419, 422, 451, 451




setHorizontalScroll-BarPolicy method 451




JScrollPane scrollbar policies 451


for property of an input field 875

JSF (JavaServer Faces) 856

JSF components 856, 860

JSF elements

webjsfui:staticText 912

webuijsf:table 912

webuijsf:tableColumn 912

webuijsf:tableRow-Group 912

JSF Expression Language 859

JSlider class 636, 637, 1056

block increment 637

getValue method 640

major tick marks 636

minor tick marks 636

setInverted method 637

setMajorTickSpacing method 638

setPaintTicks method 638

setVerticalScroll-BarPolicy method 451

snap-to ticks 636

thumb 636

tick marks 636

JSlider value used to determine the diameter of a circle 639

JSP (JavaServer Pages) 854

JSP container 855

.jsp filename extension 856

jsp:directive.page element 858

jsp:root element 858

JSTL (JavaServer Pages Standard Tag Library) 855

JTabbedPane class 660, 666

addTab method 660

SCROLL_TAB_LAYOUT constant 666

TOP constant 666

JTabbedPane used to organize GUI components 661

JTable class 813

RowFilter 825

setRowFilter method 825

setRowSorter method 825

TableRowSorter 825

JTable sorting and filtering xxiii

JTextArea class 449, 451, 668, 670

setLineWrap method 451

JTextComponent class 394, 397, 449, 451

getSelectedText method 451

getText method 649

setEditable method 397

setText method 451

JTextField class 386, 394, 398, 401, 449

addActionListener method 398

JTextFields and JPasswordFields 394

JToggleButton class 407

just-in-time compilation 8

just-in-time (JIT) compiler 8


key constant 437, 437

key event 403, 434

Key event handling 435

key/value pair 626, 891, 899

KeyAdapter class 427

keyboard 33, 383

KeyEvent class 403, 434

getKeyChar method 437

getKeyCode method 437

getKeyModifiersText method 437

getKeyText method 437

isActionKey method 437

KeyListener interface 403, 427, 434

keyPressed method 434, 437

keyReleased method 434

keyTyped method 434

Keypad class (ATM case study) 50, 80, 81, 82, 195, 243, 244, 245, 247, 293, 296

keyPressed method of Key-Listener 434, 437

keyReleased method of Key-Listener 434

keySet method of class Hash-Map 903

keySet method of HashMap 629

keySet method of Properties 630

keyTyped method of KeyListener 434

keyword 25, 90


abstract 343

boolean 92, 1115

case 136

catch 494

char 35

class 25, 58

default 136

do 90

else 90

enum 176

extends 304, 313

false 92, 1053

final 139, 157, 209, 696

finally 494

float 35

for 90

if 39, 42, 90

implements 362

import 34

instanceof 358

interface 361

new 59, 205, 206

null 70, 205, 1053

private 66, 266

public 25, 57, 58, 66

reserved but not used by Java 1053

return 65, 163

static 129

super 303, 327

switch 90

synchronized 678, 688

table of Keywords and reserved words 1053

this 257, 278

throw 504

true 92, 1053

try 494

void 26, 58

while 90

Koenig, Andrew 488


label 382, 389

label in a switch 136

Label JSF component 870, 875

labels for tick marks 636


language package 166

last-in, first-out (LIFO) order 573

last method of ResultSet 819

last method of SortedSet 625

lastElement method of Vector 604

last-in, first-out (LIFO) 163

lastIndexOf method of class String 1022

last-in-first-out (LIFO) 283

lastModified method of File 522

late binding 358

layout manager 391, 426, 438, 447, 1055

BorderLayout 426

FlowLayout 391

layoutContainer method of LayoutManager 442

LayoutManager interface 438, 442

layoutContainer method 442

LayoutManager2 interface 442

lazy quantifier 1046

leading 467

LEADING alignment constant in GroupLayout 1056

left brace, { 26, 34

LEFT constant of FlowLayout 442

left justification 995

left justified 92, 392, 439

left justify output 129

left justifying strings in a field 1006

left-mouse-button click 430

Left, center and right mousebutton clicks 428

length field of an array 204

length method of class String 1016

length method of class StringBuilder 1029

length method of File 522

Length Validator 912

Length Validator JSF component 874, 879

letter 517

lexicographical comparison 1019, 1020

library classes 5

life-cycle methods 862

life cycle of a thread 679, 680

life-cycle methods 860, 865

destroy 862, 865

init 862, 865

preprocess 862, 865

prerender 862, 865

lifeline of an object in a UML sequence diagram 247

LIFO (last-in, first-out) 163, 283

LIFO (last-in, first-out) order 573

lightweight GUI component 387, 640, 649

LIKE SQL clause 799, 800, 802

line 454, 470, 478

line join 483

line wrapping 451

Line2D class 454, 484

Line2D.Double class 480

LinearGradientPaint class 482

LineNumberReader class 551

lineTo method of class GeneralPath 486

linked list 267, 599

LinkedList class 594, 615

add method 601

addFirst method 601

addLast method 601

Linux 7, 19, 27, 528

list 416

List interface 589, 593, 599, 606, 607, 613

add method 595

addAll method 599

clear method 599

get method 595

listIterator method 599

size method 595, 599

subList method 599

toArray method 600

list method of File 522, 525

list method of Properties 630

List method toArray 600

listen for events 399

listenerList field of JComponent 401

ListIterator interface 594

hasPrevious method 599

set method 599

listIterator method of List 599

Lists and ListIterators 597

ListSelectionEvent class 417

ListSelectionListener interface 419, 749

valueChanged method 419

ListSelectionModel class 419







floating point 74

live-code approach xxvi, 2

load factor 626

load method of Properties 630

loading a document from a URL into a browser 746

local variable 64, 98, 178, 180, 259

locale 166

localhost 849

localhost ( address 761

localization 388

lock an object 709, 710

Lock interface 720

lock method 720, 724

newCondition method 720, 722

unlock method 720, 724

lock method of interface Lock 720, 724

log method of Math 157

logarithm 157

logic error 36, 123, 385, 1110

logical complement operator, ! 144

logical input operations 551

logical negation, ! 144, 145

logical negation, or logical NOT (!) operator truth table 145

logical operators 142, 144, 145

logical output operations 551


literal suffix L 618

long keyword 1053, 1054

long promotions 164

Long Range Validator JSF component 874

look-and-feel 387, 388, 438, 652

Look-and-Feel Observations overview xxvii

Look-and-feel of a Swing-based GUI 653

look-and-feel of an application 387

LookAndFeelInfo nested class of class UIManager 653

lookingAt method of class Matcher 1048

loop 96

body 130

continuation condition 90

counter 120

infinite 96, 104

loop-continuation condition 120, 121, 122, 124, 125, 126, 130, 131, 140, 215

loopback address 761

lowercase letter 25, 517

lowered rectangle 473


m-by-n array 229

Mac OS X 7, 27, 528

Macintosh 456

Macintosh look-and-feel 653

magnetic tape 516

mail method of class Desktop 1069

main method 26, 27, 34, 59

main thread 685

major tick marks of JSlider 636

make your point (game of craps) 173

making decisions 53

MalformedURLException class 749

many-to-many relationship 797

many-to-one relationship in the UML 83

Map interface 589, 625

containsKey method 629

get method 629

isEmpty method 629

put method 629

size method 629

mappings of SQL types to Java types 813

mark an object for garbage collection 273, 275, 278

mashups 18

Matcher class 1014, 1048

find method 1048

group method 1049

lookingAt method 1048

matches method 1048

replaceAll method 1048

replaceFirst method 1048

matcher method of class Pattern 1048

matches method of class Matcher 1048

matches method of class Pattern 1048

matches method of class String 1041

matching catch block 494

Math class 156, 987

abs method 157

ceil method 157

cos method 157

E constant 156

exp method 157

floor method 157

log method 157

max method 157

min method 157

PI constant 156

pow method 129, 130, 156, 157

random method 167, 168

sqrt method 156, 157, 164

tan method 157

Matisse GUI designer (Netbeans) 1055

max algorithm 613

max method of Collections 606, 613

max method of Math 157

maximize a window 389, 659

maximized internal frame 659

maximum method 158

MDI (Multiple Document Interface) 636, 656

memory buffer 551

memory consumption 588

memory leak 273, 500

memory-space/execution-time trade-off 626

memory utilization 626

menu 382, 383, 449, 641, 642

menu bar 382, 383, 642, 648

menu item 642, 647

merge in the UML 150

Merge records from Tables 802

merge symbol in the UML 96

message 14, 70

message (send to an object) 56

message dialog 383, 385

types 385

Message Group JSF component 912

message in the UML 242, 245, 246, 247

Message JSF component 875

message passing in the UML 247

MessageContext interface 961

get method 961

Meta component (JSF) 868

Meta key 430

metadata 812

metal look-and-feel 636, 653

method 4, 14, 26, 291

declaration 26

local variable 64

parameter 61, 63

parameter list 63

return type 66

signature 182

static 129

method call 56, 160

method-call stack 163

Method calls made within the call fibonacci( 3 ) 191

Method calls on the program execution stack 191

method declaration 160

Method Detail section in API 1080

method header 58

method overloading 180

method parameter list 239

Method Summary section in API 1078

methods implicitly final 360

Methods replaceFirst, replaceAll and split 1046

Microsoft Internet Explorer 790

Microsoft SQL Server 792

Microsoft Windows 135, 456, 640, 652

Microsoft Windows-style lookand-feel 653

middle mouse button 430

middle tier 853

MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions) 851, 884

min algorithm 613

min method of Collections 606, 613

min method of Math 157

minimize a window 389, 641, 659

minimize internal frame 659

minor tick marks of JSlider 636

minus sign () formatting flag 129

minus sign (-) indicating private visibility in the UML 291

mission-critical computing 495

mnemonic 388, 642, 647, 648

modal dialog 463

modal dialog box 648

model of a software system 81, 117, 375

modifier key 437

modularizing a program with methods 155

modules in Java 155

monetary calculations 130

monitor 688

monitor lock 688

Monospaced Java font 465

Motif look-and-feel 636

Motif-style (UNIX) look-andfeel 636, 653

mouse 383

mouse-button click 430

mouse click 428

mouse event 403, 422

mouse event handling 423

mouse events 651

mouse wheel 423

MouseAdapter class 427, 428

mouseClicked method of MouseListener 422, 428

mouseDragged method of MouseMotionListener 423, 431

mouseEntered method of MouseListener 423

MouseEvent class 403, 423, 651

getClickCount method 430

getPoint method 434

getX method 427

getY method 427

isAltDown method 430

isMetaDown method 430

isPopupTrigger method 651

mouseExited method of MouseListener 423

MouseInputListener interface 422, 427

MouseListener interface 403, 422, 427, 651

mouseClicked method 422, 428

mouseEntered method 423

mouseExited method 423

mousePressed method 422, 651

mouseReleased method 423, 651

MouseMotionAdapter class 427, 431

MouseMotionListener interface 403, 422, 427

mouseDragged method 423, 431

mouseMoved method 423, 431

mouseMoved method of MouseMotionListener 423, 431

mousePressed method of interface MouseListener651

mousePressed method of MouseListener 422

mouseReleased method of interface MouseListener651

mouseReleased method of MouseListener 423

MouseWheelEvent class 423

MouseWheelListener interface 423

mouseWheelMoved method 423

mouseWheelMoved method of MouseWheelListener 423

moveTo method of class GeneralPath 486

Mozilla 790

Mozilla Foundation 19

MS-DOS prompt 27, 7

multi-button mouse 430

multicast 745, 790

multidimensional array 229, 230

multilevel priority queue 681

multiple class declarations in one source-code file 259

multiple document interface (MDI) 636, 656, 657

multiple inheritance 299

multiple-line comment 24

multiple-selection list 417, 419, 420, 422

multiple-selection statement 90

MULTIPLE_INTERVAL_ SELECTION constant of List-SelectionModel 419, 420, 422

multiplication, * 37, 39

multiplicative operators: *, / and % 105

multiplicity 80, 81

Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) 851, 884

multithreaded user interfaces xxiii

multithreading 593, 678

multitier application 852

Music Player Control API incubator project 1072

mutable data 696

mutator method 266

mutual exclusion 688

mutually exclusive options 410

MySpace 17

MySQL xxii, 19, 792

MySQL 5.0 Comminity Edition 806

MySQL Connector/J 807

MySQL database 808

mysqld-nt.exe 807


n conversion character 1002

n-tier application 852

name attribute of @WebService annotation 941

name collision 287

name conflict 287

name of a param 748

named constant 209

native keyword 1053

natural comparison method 606

natural logarithm 157

navigability arrow in the UML 292

Navigator window 868

negative arc angles 474

negative degree 474

nested array initializer 230

nested class 398, 653

relationship between an inner class and its top-level class 410

Nested Class Summary section in API 1078

nested control statements 106, 170

Examination-results problem 106

nested for statement 211, 231, 232, 233, 236

nested if...else selection statement 93, 94

nested message in the UML 247

nested parentheses 38

nesting 92

NetBeans xxiii

Netbeans 848

add a web service reference to an application 947

creating a Java DB database 909

Services tab 910

Show Line Numbers 865

visual editor 863

NetBeans 5.5 IDE 1056

add an event handler 1059

create a new project 1057

Design view 1057

GroupLayout 1055

guide lines 1058, 1059

Palette window 1057, 1058

Properties window 1057, 1058

snap-to alignment grid 1059

Netbeans 5.5 IDE 1055, 1056

Design view 1057

initComponents autogenerated method 1066

Source view 1057

Netbeans IDE 935

create a desktop application 947

create a web application 937

New JFrame Form dialog 949

New Web Application dialog 937

New Web Service Client dialog 947

New Web Service dialog 937

Project Properties dialog 943

Web Application project 937

Netbeans Matisse GUI designer 1055

network message arrival 497

networking 516

networking package 166

New JFrame Form dialog 949

new keyword 59, 205, 206, 1053

new Scanner( System.in ) expression 35

new state 679

New Web Application dialog 937

New Web Service Client dialog 947

New Web Service dialog 937

newCachedThreadPool method of class Executors 686

newCondition method of interface Lock 720, 722

newline character 30

newline escape sequence, 31, 35, 1015

next method

of Iterator 596

of ResultSet 812

of Scanner 62

nextDouble method of class Scanner 77

nextInt method of class Random 988

nextInt method of Random 168, 169

nextLine method of class Scanner 61

nextLine method of Scanner 629

nextToken method of class StringTokenizer 1041

nextToken method of StringTokenizer 629

no-argument constructor 262, 264, 265

non-primitive type 69

non-static class member 278

NONE constant of class GridBagConstraints 667

NORTH constant of BorderLayout 426, 442

NORTH constant of class GridBagConstraints 667

NORTHEAST constant of class GridBagConstraints 667

NORTHWEST constant of class GridBagConstraints 667

NoSuchElementException 531, 535

note in the UML 89

Notepad 7

notify method of class Object 707

notify method of Object 335

notifyAll method of class Object 707, 709, 710

notifyAll method of Object 335

noun phrase in requirements document 78, 79, 113

null 1053

null keyword 67, 70, 113, 205, 385

NullPointerException class 488

Num Lock key 434

Number class 581

doubleValue method 583

number systems 1037


object 2

object (or instance) 13, 14, 245

Object class 273, 299, 304, 549

clone method 334

equals method 334

finalize method 334

getClass method 334, 359, 392

hashCode method 335

notify method 335, 707

notifyAll method 335, 707, 709, 710

toString method 307, 335

wait method 335, 707

Object Management Group (OMG) 16

object of a derived class 340

object of a derived class is instantiated 327

object orientation 13

object-oriented analysis and design (OOAD) 15

object-oriented design (OOD) 14, 44, 50, 78, 113, 117, 194, 291

object-oriented design using the UML xxiv

object-oriented language 14

object-oriented programming (OOP) 2, 4, 14, 15, 44, 252, 299

object serialization 541, 761

ObjectInput interface 541

readObject method 541

ObjectInputStream class 520, 541, 542, 547, 754, 756, 761

object-oriented analysis and design (OOAD) 15

ObjectOutput interface 541

writeObject method 541

ObjectOutputStream class 520, 541, 542, 630

close method 547

flush method 761

octal integer 995

off-by-one error 123

offer method of Priority-Queue 621

OMG (Object Management Group) 16

ON clause 803

one-to-many relationship 797

one-to-one mapping 625

one-, two- or three-button mouse 430

one-to-many relationship in the UML 83

one-to-one relationship in the UML 83

OOAD (object-oriented analysis and design) 15

OOD (object-oriented design) xxiv, 14, 44, 50, 78, 113, 117, 194

OOP (object-oriented programming) 14, 15, 44, 252, 299

opaque Swing GUI components 431

open a file 519

OPEN constant of class Arc2D 484

open method of class Desktop 1069

open source software xxiii, 19

operand 36, 104

operation compartment in a class diagram 195

operation in the UML 14, 60, 80, 194, 198, 294, 295, 377

operation parameter in the UML 63, 195, 198

operationName attribute of the @WebMethod annotation 941

operations of an abstract data type 283

operator precedence 39, 189

operator precedence chart 105

Operator Precedence Chart Appendix 1050

rules 39


^, boolean logical exclusive OR 142, 144

--, predecrement/postdecrement 109

--, prefix decrement/postfix decrement 110

!, logical NOT 142, 144

?:, ternary conditional operator 92, 112

&, boolean logical AND 142, 144

&&, conditional AND 142, 143

++, prefix increment/postfix increment 110

++, preincrement/postincrement 109

+=, addition assignment operator 109, 136

= 36, 37, 42

|, boolean logical inclusive OR 142, 144

||, conditional OR 142, 143

arithmetic 37

binary 36, 38

boolean logical AND, & 142, 144

boolean logical exclusive OR, ^ 142, 144

boolean logical inclusive OR, | 144

cast 104

compound assignment 109, 111

conditional AND, && 142, 143, 144

conditional operator, ?: 92, 112

conditional OR, || 142, 143, 144

decrement operator, --109, 110

increment and decrement 110

increment, ++ 109

logical complement, ! 144

logical negation, ! 144

logical operators 142, 144, 145

multiplication, * 37

multiplicative: *, / and % 105

postfix decrement 109

postfix increment 109

prefix decrement 109

prefix increment 109

remainder, % 37, 38, 39

subtraction, - 39

optical disk 516

optional package 288

Oracle Corporation 792

order 88

ORDER BY SQL clause 798, 800, 801, 802

ordering of records 798

origin component 651

out-of-bounds array index 214, 497

output 27, 31

output cursor 27, 30

output parameter for a CallableStatement 845

OutputStream class 541, 550, 754, 755, 756

OutputStreamWriter class 552

outside the bounds of an array 214

oval 470, 473

oval bounded by a rectangle 473

oval filled with gradually changing colors 482

overflow 497

overload a method 180, 181

overloaded constructors 259

Overloaded constructors used to initialize Time2 objects 264

overloaded method 558

overloaded method declarations 181

with identical parameter lists cause compilation errors 183

overloading generic methods 566

override a superclass method 302, 307


pack method of class Window 660

package 34, 165, 284, 1108

package access 290

Package-access members of a class are accessible by other Classes in the same package 290

package access members of a class 290

package-access methods 290

package declaration 285

package directory names 287

package directory structure 285

package keyword 1053

package name 64, 286

package overview (java.sun.com/javase/6/docs/api/overviewsummary.html) 167

Packages 155

com.sun.rave.web.ui.appbase 860

com.sun.webui.jsf.component 860

com.sun.webui.jsf.model 930

default package 64

java.applet 165

java.awt 166, 387, 457, 479, 652

java.awt.color 479

java.awt.event 166, 167, 400, 402, 427, 437

java.awt.font 479

java.awt.geom 479, 480

java.awt.image 479

java.awt.image.renderable 479

java.awt.print 479

java.beans 737

java.io 166, 520

java.lang 36, 156, 166, 304, 333, 683, 1014

java.net 166, 744

java.sql 810, 812

java.text 166

java.util 34, 166, 167, 581, 1014, 1040

java.util.concurrent 686, 703, 741

java.util.concurrent.locks 720

java.util.prefs 629

java.util.regex 1014

javax.faces.validators 874

javax.servlet 854

javax.servlet.http 854, 892, 893

javax.servlet.jsp 855

javax.servlet.jsp.tagext 855

javax.sql.rowset 826

javax.swing 166, 167, 383, 386, 392, 404, 451, 461, 641, 653, 660

javax.swing.event 167, 401, 419, 427, 639

javax.swing.table 814, 825

of the Java API 165

packet 744, 768

packet-based communications 744

page bean 856

Page Down key 434

page layout software 1014

Page Up key 434

paginationControls property of a Table 911

Paint object 482

paintComponent method of class JComponent 454, 637, 638

paintComponent method of JComponent 431

Palette 863, 866, 870

panel 447

parallel layout of GUI components 1055

parallel operations 677

param tag 748

parameter 61, 63

formal 160

parameter in the UML 63, 195, 198

parameter list 63, 71

parameterized class 567

parameterized type 567

parent directory 522

parent window 636, 656

parent window for a dialog box 647

parent window specified as null 648

parentheses 26, 38

nested 38

parseInt method of Integer 242, 385

parsing a SOAP message 956

partial page update 922

participant in a virtual form 923

pass an array element to a method 221

pass an array to a method 221

pass-by-reference 223

pass-by-value 221, 223

Passing a generic type Stack to a generic method 574

Passing arrays and individual array elements to methods 221

passing options to a program 240

password 394

PATH environment variable xxxii, 28

path information 521

path to a resource 849

pathSeparator static field of File 525

pattern 480

Pattern class 1014, 1048

compile method 1048

matcher method 1048

matches method 1048

pattern matching 799

pattern of 1s and 0s 517

Payable interface declaration 363

Payable interface hierarchy UML class diagram 363

Payable interface test program processing Invoices and Employees polymorphically 370

payroll file 518, 519

peek method of Priority-Queue 621

peek method of Stack 620

percent (%) SQL wildcard character 799

perform a calculation 53

perform a task 58

perform an action 27

Performance Tips overview xxvii

performing operations concurrently 677

persistent data 516

persistent Hashtable 629

persistent information 883

personalization 883

photo sharing 17

PHP 19

physical input operation 551

physical output operation 551

PIE constant of class Arc2D 484

pie-shaped arc 483

pipe 550

PipedInputStream class 550

PipedOutputStream class 550

PipedReader class 552

PipedWriter class 552

pixel (“picture element”) 454

PLAF (pluggable look-and-feel) 636

PLAIN constant of class Font 464, 465


platform dependency 681

pluggable look-and-feel (PLAF) 636

pluggable look-and-feel package 388

plus sign (+) indicating public visibility in the UML 291

.png 392

PNG (Portable Network Graphics) 392

point 465

Point class 433

POJO (Plain Old Java Object) 940

poll analysis program 213

poll method of Priority-Queue 621

polygon 476, 478

Polygon class 454, 476

addPoint method 477, 479

Polygons displayed with draw-Polygon and fillPolygon 477

polyline 476

polylines 476

polymorphic processing of collections 593

polymorphic processing of related exceptions 500

polymorphic programming 345

polymorphic screen manager 339

polymorphically process Invoices and Employees 370

polymorphism 139, 335, 337, 338, 339

pool of threads 755

pop method of Stack 620

popped 163

popup trigger event 649, 651

port 754

port number 754, 755, 766, 768, 774

portability 8, 456

Portability Tips overview xxvii

portable 7

portable GUI 166

Portable Network Graphics (PNG) 392

position number 203

positive and negative arc angles 474

positive degrees 474

postback 862

postcondition 512

postdecrement 110

postfix decrement operator 109

postfix increment operator 109, 124

PostgreSQL 792

postincrement 110, 112

Pow method of class Math (Java) 987

pow method of Math 129, 130, 156, 157

power (exponent) 157

power of 2 larger than 100 95

precedence 39, 43, 112, 189

arithmetic operators 39

chart 39

precedence chart 105

Precedence Chart Appendix 1050

precision 995, 997

format of a floating-point number 105

precision of a floating-point value 73

precision of a formatted floating-point number 75

precondition 512

predecrement 110

predefined character class 1041

predicate 799

predicate method 267

preemptive scheduling 681

Preferences API 629

prefix decrement operator 109

prefix increment operator 109

preincrement 110, 111

Preincrementing and postincrementing 111

prepackaged data structures 588

PreparedStatement interface 829, 830, 832, 833, 845

API documentation (java.sun.com/javase/6/docs/api/java/sql/PreparedStatement.html) 830

executeQuery method 836

executeUpdate method 836

setString method 830, 836

prepareStatement method of interface Connection 832

preprocess method 862, 865

prerender method 862, 865

presentation logic 853

primary key 793, 797

primary property of a JSF Button 908

primitive type 69, 112, 164, 203

passed by value 223

promotions 164

primitive types 35

boolean 1115

byte 132

char 35, 132

double 73, 101

float 35, 73

int 35, 101, 109, 132

names are Keywords 35

short 132

principal in an interest calculation 127

principle of least privilege 279

print a line of text 27

print debugger command 1113

print method of System.out 29, 30

print on multiple lines 29, 30

print spooling 696

printArray generic method 561

printArray method in which actual type names are replaced by convention with the generic name E 560

printf method of System.out 994

Printing a line of text with multiple statements 29

Printing array elements using generic method printArray 560

Printing array elements using overloaded methods 558

Printing multiple lines of text with a single statement 31

Printing positive and negative numbers with and without the + flag 1007

println method of System.out 27, 30

printStackTrace method of class Throwable 506

PrintStream class 550, 630

PrintWriter class 531, 552

priority of a thread 681

priority scheduling 682

PriorityQueue class 621

clear method 621

offer method 621

peek method 621

poll method 621

size method 621

PriorityQueue test program 621

privacy protection 883


access modifier 257

data 266

field 266

keyword 266


access modifier 66, 302

private keyword 291, 1053

Private members of Time1 are not accessible 257

private static class member 274

private superclass members cannot be accessed in subclass 314

probability 168

procedural programming language 14

producer 696

producer thread 696

producer/consumer relationship 696, 716

program-development process 283

program execution stack 163

program in the general 337

program in the specific 337

programmer-declared method maximum that has three double parameters 159

programmer-defined class 25

Programming Projects xxviii

Project Properties dialog 943

Projects window 864

promotion 104

of arguments 164

rules 104, 164

promotions for primitive types 164

prompt 36

Properties class 629, 899

getProperty method 629

keySet method 630

list method 630

load method 630

setProperty method 629

store method 630

Properties class of package java.util 630

Properties window 866

property of a JavaBean class 855

propertyChange method of interface Property-ChangeListener 737

PropertyChangeListener interface 737

propertyChange method 737

proprietary class 333

protected access modifier 256, 276

protected access modifier 302, 1053

protected superclass members inherited into subclass BasePlusCommissionEmployee3 320

protocol for communication (jdbc) 811

proxy class for a web service 936

pseudorandom number 168, 172


access modifier 57, 58, 66, 302

class 25

interface 253

keyword 25, 66, 291, 294, 295

member of a subclass 302

method 254, 256

method encapsulated in an object 256

service 253

static class members 274

static method 274

public abstract method 361

public final static data 361

public keyword 1053

publishing a web service 936, 942

pure Java components 386

push method of Stack 618

pushed 163

put method of interface BlockingQueue 703, 705

put method of interface RequestContext 972

put method of Map 629

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