
Note to the reader: Throughout this index boldfaced page numbers indicate primary discussions of a topic. Italicized page numbers indicate illustrations.


¼ view, 6

1K Academy, 18

2D blur, 515

2D graphics software, 2

2D texture nodes, 306

2K Academy, 3, 18

3D, 2

3D animation. See computer graphics (CG)

3D blur, 515

3D space, 3, 1920

3D text, for flying logo, 395

3D textures, 310

4K Academy, 18

8-bit image file, 14

16-bit image file, 14

24-bit color display, 14

32-bit image file, 14


Academy Standard aspect ratio, 18


animation curve for, 370

for bouncing ball, 372

Accuracy attribute

for Final Gathering, 556

for indirect lighting, 536

active rigid body, creating, 568

acts, 23

Adaptive for Tessellation Method option, 220

Adaptive Sampling, for mental ray rendering, 520

Add Attribute window, 446, 446

Add Divisions tool, 131132, 154

Mode drop-down menu, 132

options, 246

additive color, 16

Adobe After Effects, 7, 15, 525, 542, 543

Adobe Flash format, from Maya Vector, 504

Adobe Illustrator, 12

Adobe Illustrator format, from Maya Vector, 504

Adobe Photoshop. See Photoshop (Adobe)

aggravation, and troubleshooting, 380

Aim constraint, 442443, 443

Aim Vector setting, 442

alien hand, 200202

fingers, 203, 203204, 204

alpha channel, 15, 293, 318, 498, 500

displaying for render, 505

shadows rendered in, 531532, 532

viewing, 500

Alpha Is Luminance attribute, 549

Alt key on PC, 34, 69

with mouse, 35

Ambient Color attribute, of shaders, 290, 291

ambient lights, 463, 463

Ambient Occlusion, 537, 537543

compositing results, 542543, 543, 544

living room, 538540, 539, 540, 541

shader attributes, 540

Anamorphic Ratio aspect ratio, 18

angle of view, 23

animation, 4, 10. See also axe

throwing; Bouncing_Ball project;

skeletons; special effects animations

of catapult, 401406

concepts, 2426, 25

with deformers, 403406

of dynamic bodies, 566575

with dynamics, playback, 564

of flying text, 393397, 397, 398

keyframes, 364375

replacing objects, 392393

in Solar System project, 5053

through lattice, 205, 205207, 207

timing, 372373

adjusting, 371, 371

transferring, 392393

animation curves in Graph Editor, 367368, 368, 369

simplifying, 574575

for walk cycle, 422

animation layers, 91

Animation menu set (F2), 48, 51, 69, 71, 198


image Create Editable Motion Trail image, 388

image Ghost Selected, 391

image Motion Paths image Attach To Motion Path image, 390, 396

image Motion Paths image Flow Path Object image, 396

image Set Driven Key, image Set, 445

image Set Key image, 48


image Aim image, 442

image Geometry, 443

image Orient image, 442

image Parent, 454

image Point image, 441, 452

image Scale image, 442

Create Deformers

image Lattice, 200, 201, 216

image Lattice image, 272

image Nonlinear image Bend, 196, 197, 403

image Nonlinear image Flare, 198

hotkey for, 71


image IK Handle Tool, 437, 451

image IK Spline Handle Tool, 440

image Joint Tool, 414

Skin image Bind Skin

image Rigid Bind image, 429, 431

image Smooth Bind image, 429

Skin image Detach Skin, 431

Skin image Edit Rigid Skin, image Create Flexor, 432

Skin image Edit Smooth Skin, image Paint Skin Weights Tool image, 434

Skin image Go To Bind Pose, 431, 432

Animation Preferences icon, 51, 69, 366

Animation Preferences window, 383

playback speed, 371

playback speed of animation, 384

Anisotropic shader, 288, 289

antagonist, 22

anti-aliasing, 502, 522

mental ray quality settings for, 520521

Anti-aliasing Contrast attribute, 524

for mental ray rendering, 521, 522

anticipation, 26

for axe throwing, 379384

Approximation Editor, for mental ray, 553

Arc and Cone End Radius attribute, for volume light, 467

area lights, 466, 466

areas, in vector image, 12

array, copying into, 142144, 143145

art, 2

Artisan feature, 138

to sculpt NURBS, 194195

arts, resources on, 2728

aspect ratio, 18

for reference plane images, 226

Assign Material To Selection, 49

asymmetrical composition, 21

Attach Surfaces command, 181, 182

Attach To Motion Path option box, 396

Attribute Editor, 33, 33, 69, 8586, 86

Attributes menu image Add Attributes, 446

changing NURBS torus creation attributes, 45, 45

Color attribute, 354

creation nodes, 119

Ctrl+A to toggle, 83, 86, 112

Folder icon for Image Name field, 330, 331

for hand lattice, 201

for key light, 488

for Layered shaders, 299, 299

for light, 297, 462

notes in, 112, 112

for nParticles, 578

opening, 48

for particles, 579, 580

projection node in, 304

for Ramp shader, 289, 290

Render Stats section, 473

selected object attributes, 35

for shaders, Raytrace Options, 508

tabs, 55

window, 111112

for Wood texture, 297, 339, 340


attaching to top node, 445

keyframe for, 52

of nodes, 54

of nParticles, 578580

setting, 584585

of Paint Effects, 591592

of rigid dynamic bodies, 565566

of set-driven keys, 446447

of shaders, 286, 290293

audio, 8

Auto Keyframe feature, 61, 69, 105, 366, 380381

AutoCAD, 12

AutoDesk Mudbox, 196

AVI file format, 15

from playblasting, 64

Axe project

adjusting existing model, 198, 198200

baking wood-grain texture to, 302

Scenes folder file, 198

axe_model_v1.mb file, 180, 180

axe_texture_A.mb file, 294

axe_texture_B.mb file, 298

axe_texture_C.mb file, 301

Sourceimages folder, Axe_outline_1.tif, 513

textures, 294301

metal head, 294296

wooden handle, 296298, 298

axe throwing, 375382

adding follow-through, 384386

adding spin, 383

anticipation, 379384

arc for, 382383

creating axe, 375377

center of balance for pivot point, 377, 377

sharp edge, 376

creating target, 377, 377378


axe_path_v1.mb, 391

axe_path_v2.mb, 391, 392

axe_v1.mb, 377

axe_v3.mb, 380

axe_v4.mb, 384

axe_v5.mb, 387

axe_v7.mb, 389, 392

axe_v8.mb, 393

keyframing gross animation, 379384

motion trails, 388389, 389

path animation, 389, 389390

preproduction, 375, 378

replacing axe, 392

scene setup, 375378

speed of animation, 383

summation, 392

axes, 1920

axis of motion, for axe throwing, 380


back light, 461, 461

background, render layer for, 528

background color, for rendering, 513

background plane, 21

backup, Incremental Save to create, 44


simulation, 571574, 572, 573

texture projection, 302

balance and symmetry, 21

ball. See also Bouncing_Ball project

bouncing, with rigid bodies, 563, 563

batch rendering, 515516

of Livingroom project, 541

with render layers, 533, 533

Script Editor feedback on progress, 542

Bend deformer, 196197, 197, 403, 404

aligning with catapult arm, 403

bevel node, 94

Bevel Surface function, 174, 174

Bevel tool, 123124, 124

option box for, 238, 238


edges and corners, 107, 108

polygon face, troubleshooting, 236238, 237

wagon edges, 268270, 269, 270, 272

Bézier curves, 166, 166

binary numbers, for color, 16

Bind Method parameter, for Rigid Bind, 429

Bind To parameter, for Rigid Bind, 429

binding skeletons, to geometry, 427431

Bins tab, in Hypershade window, 89

bitmap-based software, 2

bitmap (raster) images, 12

Blinn shader, 288, 288, 304

attributes, 293

for wagon, 311, 311

blocking, 365

Block_Man project, 412, 412, 413

for creating skeleton, 414416, 415, 416


block_man_IK_v01.mb, 438

block_man_skeleton_v01.mb, 417

block_man_skeleton_v02.mb, 418

block_man_v01.mb, 414

block_man_v02.mb, 412

block_walk_v01.avi, 423, 423

FK walk cycle, 418423, 419, 420, 421

rigging IK legs, 437, 437438

Blur By Frame attribute, 515

Blur Length attribute, 515

blurring reflections, 557, 557558, 558


copying into array to create, 142144, 143145

Metal shader for, 341342, 342

bones, 410

Boolean operation

creating object, 241243

to cut hole in panel, 241247

and Outliner hierarchy, 279, 279

for wood indentation, 277, 278

bounce, 504

Bounciness attribute, for rigid dynamic bodies, 566, 570

bouncing ball, with rigid bodies, 563, 563

Bouncing_Ball project, 364375

animation, 365367, 366

animation curves in Graph Editor, 367, 367

creating project, 365


ball_v01.mb, 372

ball_v02.mb, 373

ball_v04.mb, 375

hierarchy setup, 365, 365

rotation, 374, 374375

squash and stretch technique, 373, 373374

boundary surface, 174175, 175

bounding box dolly, 34

box modeling, 119

boxes, combining and merging, 134137, 134137

Break Tangents icon, 386

brightness of color, 17

Brush Profile attribute, for Paint Effects, 591

brushes for Paint Effects, 589, 589

Bucket tool (Photoshop), 328

buffer, saving previous render in, 490

Bulge texture, 307

bullnose of wagon, 341, 341

creating, 256, 256257, 257

bump map, 317321, 317321

Bump Mapping attribute, of shaders, 291, 291

By Frame attribute, for rendering sequence, 499


cache, for particles, 580581

cage, 210, 211

Camera, Aim, And Up (three-node camera), 510, 510

Camera And Aim (two-node camera), 510, 510

camera image planes, 513, 513514

Camera view panel, lighting mode in, 491

cameras, 3

Attribute Editor for, 511, 511

attributes, 511514

clipping planes, 512

Environment, 513

Film Back, 512

Focal Length, 511, 511

Overscan, 512, 512513

creating, 486, 509

locking and unlocking, 486, 518

motion blur, 515

point of view (POV) of, 23

rendering with, 500, 509514

setup for wine bottle, 518

types in Maya, 511, 511

candlelight, 465

Caps Lock key, 34, 77

and manipulator hotkeys, 78

Cartesian coordinate system, 19

cartoon look


animation, 370372

creating, 364, 364365

from vector rendering, 504, 504

case sensitivity of Maya, 33, 42

for keyboard shortcuts, 77

Catapult_Anim project

animation, with deformers, 403, 403406

Scenes folder

catapult_anim_v1.mb, 401

catapult_anim_v2.mb, 406

winch, 401

caustics, 474, 504

CCIR 601/Quantel NTSC, 501

center of balance, for pivot point, 377, 377

Center of Mass attribute, for rigid dynamic bodies, 571

CG. See computer graphics (CG)

CG studios, desired employee qualities, 2

Channel Box, 33, 33, 8586, 111, 112

vs. Attribute Editor, for multiple changes, 570

displaying, 83

entering values in, 42

for locking camera, 486

renaming sphere in, 41

selected object attributes, 35

Channel Box/Layer Editor, 69

icons on Status line, 97, 98, 98

channels, for color information, 14

Character Set menu, 69

Checker texture, 307

checkerboard pattern, 304

child node, 55

Chord Height Ratio, 179

clipping planes, 512

Cloth texture, 307

Cloud particle type, 579

clusters, of vertices or CVs, binding, 427

CMYK color, 17

code, network of nodes for organizing, 5356


active rigid body and, 563

bounciness control, 570

of rigid dynamic bodies, 565

color, 1617. See also shaders

assigning to shaders, 49

customizing settings, 598599

impact, 22

shaders for, 47

value and binding influence of selected joint, 435

color art, 6

Color attribute

for Cloud particles, 579

for Lambert shader, connecting image JPEG node to, 8788, 88

for light, 462

Map icon for, 313

for Paint Effects, 591

for shaders, 286

Color Balance attribute, for textures, 305

color channels, 1415

Color Chooser window, 49, 49

for spot light, 484

color depth, 14

Color Joints parameter, for Rigid Bind, 429

Color Map icon, 339

color mapping, 350359, 350360

for Decorative Box, 354355, 355

file node, 355

Color Picker (Photoshop), 328

Color Range attribute, for volume light, 467

color transparency, 286

color wheel, 16

Combine function, 133

command line, 106, 106

complementary colors, 22

Component mode (F8), 125, 176, 202, 376

icon, 97

switching between Object mode and, 97

compositing, 7, 293

with layers, 525

composition, 2021

compression, and color quality of image, 15

computer graphics (CG), 1, 24

color definition, 1617

concepts, 1120

3D coordinate space and axes, 1920

aspect ratio, 18

frame rate, 19

image output, 1315

raster images, 12

resolution, 1718

vector images, 1213, 13

production workflow, 811

computer graphics imagery (CGI), 2

computer monitors, color variation, 17

conceptual art, 6

Cone Angle attribute, for spot light, 465

Connection Editor, 319, 449

Constant option, for particle lifespan, 578

constraints, 441445

Aim, 442443, 443

Geometry, 443444, 444

Normal, 443444

Orient, 442, 442

parent, 444445

Point, 441, 441

pole vector, 445

Scale, 442, 442

tangent, 445

context sensitivity, of menu choices, 69

contrast, 22, 22

contrast thresholds, for mental ray rendering, 522

Control Points method, for tessellation, 179

control vertices (CVs), 166, 167

binding clusters, 427

moving, 194

Convert Subdiv To Polygons option box, 220

converting. See baking

cool colors, 16, 22

coordinates, 19


into array, 142144, 143145

UVs (surface coordinates), 331, 332

corners, beveling, 107, 108, 123124

Cosine Power attribute, 293, 295

Count method, for tessellation, 179

Create, 70

image Cameras, 510

image CV Curve Tool, 168, 262

image CV Curve Tool image, 149

image Lights, image Ambient Light, 297

image NURBS Primitives, 76

image Cylinder image, 184, 205

image Plane image, 78

image Sphere, 36, 40, 78, 111

image Sphere image, 205

image Torus, 45

image Polygon Primitives, 76, 119, 196

image Cube, 377

image Cube image, 375

image Cylinder, 140, 196, 215, 375, 377

image Plane image, 83, 226

Cylinder image, 241

image Polygonal Primitives, image Cube, Position, 92

image Subdiv Primitives, image Torus, 219

image Text image, 394

Create A New Layer And Assign Selected Objects icon, 90

Create/Bins panel, in Hypershade window, 89, 90

Create Deformers, image Nonlinear, image Wave, 443

Create Flexor option box, 432, 432

Create Maya Nodes panel (Hypershade), 47

Create New Layer And Assign Selected Objects icon, 526, 527, 538

Create New Layer icon, 91

Create PSD Network Options window, 309

Create Render Node window, 303

Create UVs, image Planar Mapping image, 333

creation nodes, 54

Ctrl key, 5455

cubes, use in place of spheres, 61

Cubic option, for Point light decay rate, 464

Current frame, 105

Current Frame box, 52

current project, 139

Current Time indicator, 105

Current Tool display icon, 104

curves, 117

creating, for text animation, 394, 395

Custom Sampling, for mental ray rendering, 520

Custom tab, for Shelf, 102

customizing Maya, 595599

color settings, 598599

hotkeys, 597598

shelves, 596597

user preferences, 596, 596

customizing wagon, 283, 283

Cut Faces tool, 137, 137

cuts, 23

CV mode, 192

CVs (control vertices), 167

binding clusters, 427

moving, 194

cylinder, for locomotive boiler, 140, 141


DAG (directed acyclic graph) nodes, 54

dailies, 498

Damping attribute, for rigid dynamic bodies, 566

decals, for wagon, 322, 322

Decay Rate attribute

for Point light, 464

for spot light, 465


animation curve for, 370

for bouncing ball, 372

Decorative Box project, 8286, 103106, 343359

adding IBL node, 554557, 555, 556

color mapping, 350359, 350360

default bevel, 94

Depth of Field attribute, 558559, 559

displacement mapping, 550, 550553

editing, using Shelf, 98103

extruding feet, 100101, 101

finishing model, 106112

hinge area, 107110, 108, 109, 110

image references from photos, 8385

lighting, 485, 485491

mapping, 354355, 355

modeling, 9298, 93

photos, 82, 351


blurring, 557, 557558, 558

reducing, 549, 550

rendering, 546559

reflection map, 547, 547549, 549

Scenes folder, 546

boxLighting_v02.mb, 490

boxModel01.mb file, 85

boxModel03.mb file, 92

boxModel04.mb file, 96, 98

boxModel05.mb file, 103

boxModel06.mb file, 105

boxModel07.mb file, 111, 549, 553, 556, 559

boxTexture01.mb, 345, 349

boxTexture02.mb, 355

boxTexture03.mb, 359

Sourceimages folder, 83

boxCarvings.jpg, 547

boxColorMap02.jpg, 356

boxColorMap.tif, 352

boxColorMapWork01.tif, 352

DeskHDR.hdr, 545

DeskHDRLatLong.hdr, 554

lineup.jpg, 350, 351

UVs for feet, 344, 344349, 345349

UVs (surface coordinates) setup, 343, 343349, 344

wrap-up, 559

default settings

restoring, 196

reverting to, 68

deformations, 524


animation with, 403406

Envelope attribute for, 404

grouping node, 405

Low Bound and High Bound attributes, 404

modeling with, 196198

Bend deformer, 196197, 197

Lattice deformer, 200204

deleting construction history, of hand, 202

denormalizing view, 382

depth channel, 501

depth-map Resolution, default settings, 471

Depth Map shadows, 470, 470

Depth of Field attribute, 558559, 559

Descartes, René, 19

design concepts, 2022

balance and symmetry, 21

color impact, 22

contrast, 22, 22

form, space and composition, 2021

narrative, 22

Detach Surfaces tool, 182, 182

detaching skeletons, 431

detail areas on poly mesh, 131138

Add Divisions tool, 131132

Combine function, 133

Cut Faces tool, 137, 137

Duplicate Face tool, 138

Extract tool, 138

Insert Edge Loop tool, 133, 133

Merge tool, 133137

Offset Edge Loop tool, 133, 134

Sculpt Geometry tool, 138, 138

Smooth tool, 138

Split Polygon tool, 132

details, 9

creating higher level, 211, 212

of model, 116, 116

subdivisions for defining, 119

Device Aspect Ratio attribute, for rendering, 501

dialogue, recording, 8

Diffuse attribute, of shaders, 291, 292

diffused light, 287

Digital Fusion, 7

direct illumination, 476

directed acyclic graph (DAG) nodes, 54

Direction attributes, for particles, 582

Directional emitter, 576, 577

directional lights, 464, 464

for key light, 486, 487

Light Angle attribute, 473

and shadows, 471

Disable Normalized Curve Display icon, in Graph Editor, 382

disk cache, for particles, 581

displacement mapping, 550, 550553

display detail, levels, 76, 76

Display Film Gate attribute, 518

of camera, 513

display layers, 90, 91

naming, 91, 231

for reference planes, 231

Display menu, 70

image Animation

image IK Handle Size, 437

image Joint Size, 414

image NURBS, image CVs, 142, 263

image Transform Display image Selection Handles, 379, 393, 400, 402

Display Resolution attribute, of camera, 513

display resolutions, 45

increasing, 210

Division Levels slider, 132

Divisions option for Extrude, 122

docking Attribute Editor, 86

dolly, 34

dome light, 534, 535

donut shape, for Saturn rings, 45

Dropoff attribute, for spot light, 465

Duplicate Face tool, 138

dynamic bodies, 562

animation, 566575

rigid and soft, 562566

creating, 563565

Dynamic Friction slider, for rigid dynamic bodies, 566

Dynamic Relationships Editor, for dynamic bodies, 563, 564, 564

dynamics, 562. See also nParticles

and rigid bodies' placement, 568

Dynamics menu set, 69


image Affect Selected Objects, 565

image Gravity, 563, 568

hotkey for, 71

Soft/Rigid Bodies

image Create Active Rigid Body, 563, 568

image Create Passive Rigid Body, 563, 568

image Set Active Key, 569

image Set Passive Key, 569


ease-in, 26, 370

for bouncing ball, 372

ease-out, 26, 369, 370

for bouncing ball, 372

Eccentricity attribute, of shaders, 317


beveling, 107, 108, 123124

of polygons, 117, 117

Edit (Hypershade), image Duplicate, image Shading Network, 330, 330

Edit menu, 70

image Delete All By Type, image History, 178

image Delete By Type, image History, 107, 130, 178, 202

image Duplicate, 252

image Shading Network, 336

image Duplicate Special image, 141, 144

image Edit PSD Network, 309

image Group, 56, 60, 252

image Keys, image Bake Simulation image, 572, 573

image Reset Settings, 144

image Ungroup, 400


image Attach Surfaces, 181

image Attach Surfaces image, 189, 190

image Detach Surfaces, 182, 182, 185, 189

image Insert Isoparms, 183, 195

image Insert Isoparms image, 186

image Project Curve On Surface, 181

image Sculpt Geometry Tool image, 194

image Trim, 181

image Untrim Surfaces, 181

editing, 7

Effects attribute, for textures, 305

Emit Diffuse attribute, for light, 462

Emit Specular attribute, for light, 462

emitter for nParticles, 576581

attributes, 476477

options, 576

Enable Normalized Curve Display icon, 381

end effector, for IK, 437

End Frame attribute, for rendering sequence, 499

Env Chrome reflection texture, 296, 297

Envelope attribute, for deformer, 404

Environment texture mode, 295

environment textures, 310

Erase option, for Artisan module, 195

Extract tool, 138

Extrude command, for fingers, 125126, 126

Extrude icon, 100, 100101

extrusion tools

for creating NURBS surface, 171, 171172

for polygons, 121, 121122, 122


Faces filter, 125

faces of polygons, 100, 117, 117, 120

increasing number of, 131

Falloff Radius attribute, for Soft Select, 81

Far Clip Plane attribute, of camera, 512

FCheck frame player, 15, 519, 519

feathering, 356, 357

feet, troubleshooting rotation into ground, 437, 438

fields for dynamic bodies, 562

active rigid body and, 563

file formats, for images, 15

File menu, 70

image Import, 392

image New Scene, 40

image Project

image New, 38, 365

image Set, 40, 139

image Save Scene, 240

file node, 307

converting texture projection to, 302

File texture node, 308

filenames, 44

frame range for, 499

of rendered images, 497498

files, saving multiple versions, 44

fill light, 460, 460461

for decorative box, 485, 486, 487, 488, 489

Film Back attribute, of camera, 512

film concepts, 2324

Film Gate attribute, 512, 518

Final Gather (FG), 476, 480, 534537

Finder (Mac), 39

fireworks, nParticles for, 575

Fit Resolution Gate attribute, of camera, 512

fixed references, 19

Fixed Sampling, for mental ray rendering, 520

FK. See Forward Kinematics (FK)

Flare deformer, 198

Flash, 12

Flat Tangents tool, 372, 386

flat-text effect, 394

flexors, for Rigid Bind, 432

floating effect, 444

floating menus, 73

floor plane, creating, 488

Flow Path Object option box, 397

flowers, Paint Effects brush for, 590

fluids, 562

flying text

animation of, 393397, 397, 398

troubleshooting, 397

Focal Length attribute, of camera, 511, 511

focus, in Perspective window, 45

Fog Intensity attribute, 481482

Fog Spread attribute, 481, 481482

folder structure, 38

Foley sound, 8

follow-through, 26

adding to axe throw, 384386

and secondary motion, 385

form, space and composition, 2021

Forward Kinematics (FK), 410, 411

block man, 412, 412, 413

walk cycle, 418423, 419, 420, 421

Foundry NUKE, 525

four-color process, 17

four-panel layout, 40

displaying, 32

spacebar for switching to, 74

fps (frames per second), 19

fractal node, connecting reverse node to, 320

Fractal texture, 307

Fractional Tolerance, for tessellation, 179

Frame Padding attribute, for rendering sequence, 499, 499

frame rate, 19

frames, 4, 24

range for rendering, 499, 499

saving in Render View window, 506

framing, 21, 23

framing in thirds, 21

Free Movement box, 36

Free rotation handle, 36

Freeze Transform tool, 184, 252, 364365

friction, for rigid dynamic bodies, 566

Full Perspective window. See also Perspective windows

layout, 68, 6881

fusing multiple vertices, 133

fuzziness, of wood texture, 489


General Tessellation method, 179

geometry, 9

attaching to skeletons, 416417, 427431

Geometry constraint, 443444, 444

ghosting, 391

glass, Ambient Occlusion and, 540

Global Illumination, 474475, 504

turning off, 539

Glow Color attribute, for OpticalFX node, 483

Glow Intensity attribute

for OpticalFX node, 483

for shaders, 292, 292

Glow Radial Noise attribute, for OpticalFX node, 483, 483

Glow Type attribute, for OpticalFX node, 482

gradients, 306

Graph Editor, 367368, 368

for axe throwing, 381, 381

ball's animation curves in, 367, 367

reading curves in, 368370

for walk cycle animation curves, 422

grass, Paint Effects brush for, 589, 590

gravity field

connecting body plane to, 564

creating, 568

grayscale image, 14

grid snaps, 43

turning on, 59

Grid texture, 307

gross animation, 365

for axe throwing, 379384


adding object to, 63

selecting, 57, 60

terminology, 63

grouping objects

axe parent node under target parent node, 387

Earth and Moon, 60

IK handles to wheel, troubleshooting, 454

to itself, 57, 57

for new pivot point, 53


hair, 562

Halo Type attribute, for OpticalFX node, 482

hand. See also Poly_Hand project

alien, 200202

animating index finger, 447, 447

elongating and thinning, 201

lattice applied, 201

Rigid Bind, 431433, 432, 433

editing, 432433

set-driven key for, 446447

skeletons for, 423436

rigging, 424, 424425, 425

Smooth Bind, 434436

editing, 434436, 436

views with joints placement, 426, 427

handlebar, Metal shader for, 341342, 342

hardware particles, 578

HDRI (High Dynamic Range Imagery), 14, 544546, 545, 546

HDTV (High Definition TV), 18

Height attribute, for rendering, 501

Help line, 103, 104, 104, 106, 106

percentage readout on, 132

Help menu, 70


arrow keys to move through, 415

correcting problems with Outliner, 6263, 63

and Maya object structure, 5356

in Outliner and Hypergraph windows, 56, 56

selecting different levels, 97

and skeletons, 410411, 411

Hierarchy mode, 60

icon, 97

switching between Object Selection mode and, 57, 57

High Bound attribute, for deformer, 404

High Definition TV (HDTV), 18

High Dynamic Range Imagery (HDRI), 14, 475, 544546, 545, 546

higher-resolution polygon models, 118

Highlight Size attribute, of shaders, 293

History, 107, 119

deleting, for hand, 202

erasing, 142

for surfaces, 178, 178179

History button (Status line), 54

History parameter, Bake History setting for, 431

Home function, 399

Hotbox, 71, 7172

Hotkey Editor, 597, 598


case sensitivity, 77

customizing, 597598

for menu sets, 71, 233

for views, 74

HSV Color Noise attributes, for ramp texture, 307

hubcap, for wagon wheel, 266

Hue/Sat/Value Rand attribute, for Paint Effects, 591

hue, saturation, and value (HSV) channels, 17

hulls, 166

selecting, 191

human hand. See Poly_Hand project

humpback style, for object names, 42

Hypergraph, 387, 388

for attaching skeleton to geometry, 417, 417

hierarchy in, 56, 56

Hypergraph Hierarchy window, 412, 413

Hypershade window, 47, 47, 49, 90, 286, 330, 330

basics, 8990, 90

with colored planet shading groups, 50

importing photos into, 228

mapping reference planes with, 8890

Materials tab, 87

node display in, 551

opening, 227

Phong shader for metal, 294

shader network in, 551, 551

for steam nParticle object, 587, 588

Textures tab, 86


IBL node, adding, 554557, 555, 556

IBL sphere, 545

IFF (Maya Image File Format), 498

IK. See Inverse Kinematics (IK)

IK chains, 411

uses for, 440

IK Handle tool, 437

IK handles, 411, 437

attaching, 454

IK solver, 411

Illuminates by Default attribute, for light, 462, 468

illustrated look, from vector rendering, 504, 504

image-based lighting (IBL), 475476, 544

orienting, 556

image format, for rendering, 498

image map, for wagon decals, 322

image mattes, 293

image planes, creating, 513

image sequence, from playblasting, 64


file formats, 15

importing as texture, 307308

lining up sides, 356359

as output, 1315

rendering only portion, 505

Images folder, 38


image file

as camera image plane, 514

as texture, 307308

JPEG images, 86, 87, 89

Impulse Position attribute, for rigid dynamic bodies, 571

in-betweens, 24

Incandescence attribute

for Cloud particles, 579

for Paint Effects, 591

for shaders, 290

Incandescent shader, 534

Incremental Save, 44, 49, 240

indirect illumination, 476

inertia, 26

infinity of curves, 370

information readout, in Render View window, 505, 506

initial keyframes, setting, 379

Initial Spin attribute, for rigid dynamic bodies, 571

Initial Velocity attribute, for rigid dynamic bodies, 571

Input box, entering values in, 42

Input/Output connections, on Status line, 97

Insert Edge Loop tool, 133, 133, 140, 141

Insert Isoparms tool, 183, 183, 186, 186

Insert Keys tool, 391

inserting, keyframes, 391

Intensity attribute, for light, 462

Interactive Creation, 196

confirming toggled off, 84

turning off, 40, 41

Interactive Photorealistic Rendering (IPR), 298, 491, 506507, 507

interpenetration, 207, 568


of landing keyframes, 372

for ramp texture, 306

Inverse Kinematics (IK), 410, 436440

rigging legs, 437, 437438

walk cycle, creating, 438440, 439, 440

inverse kinematics (IK) bones, 399

IPR (Interactive Photorealistic Rendering), 298, 491, 506507, 507

IPR Render The Current Frame icon, 298

IPR renderer, 76

IRIDAS FrameCycler, 15

isoparms, 166, 167, 168

creating, 183

selecting, 176, 176, 182, 186, 186


Jitter attribute, for mental ray rendering, 521

joint clusters, 429

Joint tool, 414

joints in skeleton, 410

changing size, 414

positioning in hand, 425

views, 426, 427

JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group), 15, 498

importing images, 86, 87, 89


Keep Faces Together command, 214, 215

Keep Image icon, 490, 549

key light, 459460, 460

Attribute Editor for, 488

for decorative box, 485

directional lights for, 486, 487

keyboard conventions, 32

keyboard shortcuts. See hotkeys

keyframe animation, 364375

keyframes, 24, 25, 378

in animation curve, 369

automatically setting, 61

converting simulation to, 572

and dynamic bodies, 565

in Graph Editor, 368

inserting, 391

for Mercury orbit, 58

and passive rigid body, 569

placing at frame 1, 52

for Rotate Y attribute, 60

setting, 48, 366, 367

setting initial, 379

Shift+W to set, 365

tangency handles of, 385, 385

for Y-axis rotation, 53

kinematics, 410423


Lambert icon, 47

Lambert shaders, 87, 88, 287, 287

attaching image to Color attribute of, 307308

creating, 227, 228

Lasso Select icon, 104

LatLong (Latitude/Longitude) layout, 545546, 546

lattice, 427

animation through, 205, 205207, 207

creating, 272, 273

for Teakettle project, 216, 216

Lattice deformer, 200205

Layer Editor

basics, 91

Display tab, 90

order of render layers, 530, 530

organizing workflow with, 9091

Render tab, 526, 538

Layered shaders, 289, 289

Attribute Editor for, 299, 299

for metal spike, 298301

Transparency Map, 299300, 300

layers, 7. See also render layers

creating, 91

saving TIF file with, 352

left mouse button (LMB), 69

Length Min/Max attribute, for Paint Effects, 592

lens flare, 482483

letterboxing, 18

lifespan, for particles, 578, 584

LifespanPP Only option, for particle lifespan, 578

Light Angle attribute, of directional lights, 473

Light Fog attribute, 481482

light glow, 482

light linking, 462, 468, 468469

light probe, 544, 545, 554

Light Radius attribute, and soft shadows, 473

Light Shape attribute, for volume light, 467

Lighted mode (7), 76, 77

lighting, 1011, 24, 457. See also shadows

2K Academy, 3

attributes, 462

basics, 458461

learning to see, 458

practical lighting, 461

scene needs, 458, 459

three-point lighting, 459461, 460

for decorative box, 485, 485491

effects, 481484

lens flare, 482483

shader glow effects, 483484

volumetric, 481482

image-based (IBL), 475476

mental ray, 474476

Physical Sun and Sky lighting, 476480, 477, 478

practice, 490491

for render layer, 526, 527

for scene, 467

and shaders, 287

Show Manipulator tool, 492, 492

tips for using and animating, 491492

types in Maya, 462467

ambient lights, 463, 463

area lights, 466, 466

directional lights, 464, 464

point lights, 464, 465

spot lights, 464466, 465

volume lights, 466467, 467

lighting artist, 491

Lighting project


Red, 476

still_life_mentalray_v01.mb, 534

still_life_render_v01.mb, 516

still_life_render_v02.mb, 511

still_life_v01.mb, 491

still_life_v03.mb, 483

Scenes folder, still_life_v02.mb, 526

Lighting/Shading, image Assign New Material, image Layered Shader, 299

Linear option, for Point light decay rate, 464

Linear Tangents tool, 372

Lines Selection Filter, 176

lip movements, connecting with dialogue, 8

lip-synch, 8

Living room project

Ambient Occlusion pass, 538540, 539, 540, 541

Outliner view of glass, 541

rendering with layers, 541

Scenes folder,, 538

LMB (left mouse button), 69

Local axis, 19, 380

locomotive. See Steam Locomotive project

lofting, for creating NURBS surface, 169170, 170

Lofting_Exercise project, file, 175

Low Bound attribute, for deformer, 404

low-count poly models, 118



keys, 34

screen display, 32

Main Menu bar, 32, 33, 69, 6972

vs. Hotbox, 72

menu sets on, 51, 69, 69, 71

Manipulators, 35, 7779, 78. See also specific types

scaling handles, 79

Map icon, for Color attribute, 313

mappable shader, 308

mapping, 286

color, 350359, 350360

photoreal, 343359

Photoshop for painting, 327328, 329

reference planes, 227231, 230

with Hypershade, 8890

for texture mode, 303

marking menus, 71, 71, 72, 72

Edge, 94, 94

Face, 338

for starfish, 211

Vertex, 105

Mass attribute, of rigid dynamic bodies, 565566

masterLayer, for rendering, 527

matchmoving, 514

material nodes, 286

materials, override, 538

matte channel, 15, 293, 500

Matte Opacity attribute, of shaders, 292

matte surfaces, shader for, 287

Max Displacement slider, for push brush, 194

Max Distance attribute, for emitter, 577

Max Sample Level value, for mental ray rendering, 521, 522

Maxwell, 496

Maya, customizing, 595599

color settings, 598599

hotkeys, 597598

shelves, 596597

user preferences, 596, 596

Maya Composite, 7

Maya dynamics engine, 561

Maya Embedded Language (MEL), 106, 598

Maya Hardware and Hardware 2.0, 496, 503, 503

Maya IFF (Maya Image File Format), 15

Maya Image File Format (IFF), 498

Maya Nucleus, 562, 575

Maya Software, 496, 501502

batch rendering, 516

motion blur, 515

render quality, 502, 503

wine bottle rendering, 516519

Maya Vector, 496, 504, 504

MEL commands, 598

memory caching, for particles, 580581

mental ray attributes, of shaders, 293

mental ray for Maya, 496

mental ray lighting, 474476

mental ray rendering, 504, 520524

for decorative box, 486

example, 522523

Final Gather (FG), 476, 480, 534537

and light linking, 469

motion blur, 523524

and Paint Effects, 592, 595

passes in, 525

Physical Sun and Sky lighting, 476480, 477, 478

quality settings for anti-aliasing, 520521

Render Using pull-down menu, 496

menu command, adding to shelf, 597

menu items, Option box for, 48

menu sets, 51, 69, 7071, 97

access to, 96

drop-down menu, 69

hotkeys for, 71, 233

Merge tool, 133137


Boolean operation to cut hole, 242

troubleshooting tear, 243244, 243245

Metal shader, 294295, 295

for screws, bolts and handlebar, 341342, 342

metal spike, Layered shader for, 298301

middle mouse button (MMB), 69

midstride, 419

Min Distance attribute, for emitter, 577

Min Sample Level value, for mental ray rendering, 521, 522

MMB (middle mouse button), 69

MMB+click, 32

modeling, 8, 9. See also NURBS modeling; polygonal modeling

with deformers, 196198

Bend deformer, 196197, 197

Lattice deformer, 200204

methods, 117

parametric, 46

planning, 116, 116118

models, Web resources for, 3

Modify menu, 70

image Center Pivot, 267

image Convert

image NURBS to Polygons image, 180

image Polygons To Subdiv, 209, 210, 217

image Subdiv To Polygons image, 220

image Freeze Transformations, 252, 267, 364, 387

image Freeze Transformations image, 184

image Transformation Tools, image Move Tool image, 81

momentum, 27, 387


Newton's laws of, 2627

simulation of, 562. See also dynamics

in vector programs, 13

motion blur, 515

with mental ray, 523524

motion study, 378

motion trails, 388389, 389

Mountain texture, 307

mouse controls, 35, 69

Move Manipulator (W), 35, 77, 112, 263

options, 81, 81

with snapping, 44

Move Nearest Picked Key Tool icon, 382

Move Pivot tool, for joint positioning, 425

Move tool, 36

for joint positioning, 425

movie files, 15

vs. sequence of images, rendering, 498


CV points, 194

pivot point, 59, 59

rigid dynamic bodies, 565

Mudbox (Autodesk), 196

Mult-Pixel Filtering heading, 521

multiple objects, selecting with Shift key, 35

Multiple Transfer mode, 542

music, 8



for files, 44

frame range for, 499

of rendered images, 497498

for nodes, 57

for objects, 41, 162

changing, 113

humpback style, 42

for organizing scene, 38, 48

narrative, 22

National Television System Committee (NTSC), 17, 501

navigating, 68

shortcuts to, 34

and work panels, 7377

nCaching particles, 580581

nDynamics menu set, 69

nCache, image Create New Cache, 581

nParticles, image Create nParticles, 576, 581

Near Clip Plane attribute, of camera, 512

negative space, 21

New Project window, 38, 39

Newton's laws of motion, 2627

nodes, 5455

Attribute Editor tabs for, 86

names for, 57

network for organizing code, 5354

parents and children, 5556

shaders based on, 286

Noise texture, 307

Non-Uniform Rational B-Spline. See NURBS modeling

nonlinear deformer, 403

Normal constraint, 443444

normalizing curves, 381

normals, 111

Normals, image Set Normal Angle, 110

notes, in Attribute Editor, 112, 112

nParticles, 562, 575576

attributes, 578580

setting, 584585

emitter for, 576581, 581583, 582, 583

attributes, 476477

options, 576

rendering parameters, 586588

NTSC (National Television System Committee), 17, 501

NTSC D1, 18


Nuke, 7

null node, 63

NURBS curve, based on CVs, 262

NURBS cylinder, 184

vs. polygonal cylinder, 167

NURBS modeling, 41, 117, 165, 166168

converting to polygons, 180

degrees of smoothness, 168

levels of detail, 168

NURBS plane, options for creating, 78

NURBS primitives, 118

vs. polygon, 119

NURBS pump

adding end caps, 186188, 186189

for locomotive, 184, 184186, 185, 189194, 190194

NURBS sphere, creating, 111

NURBS surfaces, 167

Bevel Surface function, 174, 174

boundary surface, 174175, 175

to create polygons, 178179

creating, 168175

with extruded surface, 171, 171172

with lofting, 169, 169170, 170

planar surface, 172, 172174, 174

with revolved surface, 170, 170

creating with Revolve technique, 142

editing, 181183

History when creating, 177178, 178

UV coordinates for, 323333

NURBS torus, changing creation attributes, 45, 45


Object Display, image Drawing Overrides, 92, 107, 107

Object Selection mode (F8), 57, 57, 128, 176

icon, 97

switching between Component mode and, 97

objects. See also dynamic bodies

adding to group, 63

assigning lights to, 468

assigning shaders to, 297

axes for, 19

constraints, 441445

controlling shadows per, 472473, 473

Local axis for, 380

manipulating, 3537

names of, 41

changing, 113

and scene organization, 38

in Outliner, 113

pivot point of, 51

replacing, 392393

rotation, 52

troubleshooting, 449

selecting, 35

structure, hierarchy and, 5356

trajectory of. See motion trails

Offset Edge Loop tool, 133, 134

Offset parameter, for Orient constraint, 442

Omni emitter, 576, 577

opacity of image, 293

Opacity Scale attribute, for Cloud particles, 579

Opacity slider, for Sculpt Geometry tool, 195

OpenEXR format, 14

OpticalFX node, creating, 482483

Option key on Macintosh, 34, 69, 74

with mouse, 35

Options (Hypergraph), image Layout, image Freeform Layout, 413

orbiting camera, in perspective window, 34

orbits of planets, animation, 5051

organizing code, network of nodes for, 5356

Orient constraint, 442, 442


of axes, 19

of surface, UV coordinates for, 323

orthogonal view, 34

orthographic view, 7375, 74, 75

Outliner, 61, 6163, 113, 113

for attaching skeleton to geometry, 417, 417

hierarchy, 56, 56

Boolean operations and, 279, 279

problem correction, 6263, 63

for locomotive geometry, 150

names for joints in, 416, 417

selecting lattice and base node, 203, 203

Show image Objects image Joints, 418

Show image Show All, 418

for wagon, 275, 276, 281

outputting work, playblasting, 6465, 65

overlighting scene, 458

Overscan attribute, of camera, 512, 512513


Paint Effects, 561, 588592

attributes, 591592

toon-shading, 592595

Paint Selection icon, 104

Paint Skin Weights tool, option box for, 435

painting map, Photoshop for, 327328, 329

painting skin weights, 434436, 436

PAL (Phase Alternation Line), 18

panel of storyboard, 5

Panels, image Perspective, image New, 486, 509

panels, in screen display, 32

panning, in Hypershade window, 87

parallax, in photos, 225

parametric modeling, 46

parent constraint, 444445

parent node, 53, 55, 62

creating pivot point with, 5657, 57

parenting, 63

particles, 562, 575

animation, 581588

nCaching, 580581

Partition Set option, for Rigid Bind, 429

passive rigid bodies, creating, 568

pasting curves, frames for, 393

patch modeling, 166, 181, 183194

patches, 166

path animation, 389, 389390

peak keyframes, for ball, 372

pelvis, as root of figure, 412, 414

Penumbra Angle attribute, for spot light, 465

Penumbra attribute, for volume light, 467

percentage readout, on Status line, 103104, 104

Perspective panel

activating on 4-panel layout, 64

X-Ray mode, 272

perspective shift, in photos, 225

perspective view, 7375, 74. See also cameras

shaded planets in, 50

perspective view panel, 32

Perspective windows, 19, 68, 6881

lighting mode in, 491

maximizing, 45

orbiting camera in, 34, 74

for Paint Effects, 590, 590

UV Texture Editor changes display in, 358

Y axis in, 51

Phase Alternation Line (PAL), 18

Phong E shader, 288, 288

attributes, 293

Phong shaders, 287, 287

attributes, 293

creating material, 339

for wood, 296297, 297

photographers, 3

photoreal mapping, 343359. See also Decorative Box project


image references from, 8385

mapping to reference planes, 227231, 230

Photoshop (Adobe), 12

for lining up image sides, 356359

Opacity value in, 328, 328

for painting map, 327328, 329

for scaling images, 225, 226

using files for shading networks, 308309

Physical Sun and Sky lighting (PSAS), 476480, 477, 478

physics, 2627

pick walking, 415

Pivot Placement mode, 143, 263

Pivot Point Manipulator, 59

pivot points

for axe target, 378

in block man, 412

for bolts copied in array, 144

center of balance for, 377, 377

creating, with parent node, 5657, 57

grouping objects for, 53

for locomotive, 399

moving, 59, 59

of objects, 51

for profile curve, 263

in skeleton, 410

Pixar, RenderMan for Maya, 496

Pixel Aspect Ratio attribute, for rendering, 501

pixelated image, 12, 12

pixels, 12

color of, 14

Pixologic ZBrush, 196

placement node

for Env Chrome texture, 296

for Wood texture, 297

planar projection, 304

planar surface, for NURBS surface, 172, 172174, 174

plane, Option box for creating, 84

planning production, 23

playback controls, 33, 105, 105

playback of rendered images, 519

Playback Speed to Real-Time, 383

playblasting, 6465, 65

Plug-In Manager, 520, 520

plug-ins, menu items for, 70

Point constraint, 441, 441

Point Density attribute, 536537

for Final Gathering, 536, 556

Point Interpolation attribute, for Final Gathering, 536, 556

point lights, 464, 465

point of view (POV) of camera, 23

Point particles, 579

Poke Face tool, 123, 123, 130

pole vector constraint, 445

polished metal, 295

poly mesh

areas of detail on, 131138

Add Divisions tool, 131132

combining with surfaces, 133

poly revolve, 150

polygon cylinder, options, 242

polygon proxy, 210

Polygon tool, 119120

polygonal cylinder, vs. NURBS cylinder, 167

polygonal mesh, mental ray and, 553, 553

polygonal modeling, 117. See also Poly_Hand project; Steam Locomotive project

basics, 115, 119120

beveling face, troubleshooting, 236238, 237

detail areas on poly mesh, 131138

Add Divisions tool, 131132

Combine function, 133

Cut Faces tool, 137, 137

Duplicate Face tool, 138

Extract tool, 138

Insert Edge Loop tool, 133, 133

Merge tool, 133137

Offset Edge Loop tool, 133, 134

Sculpt Geometry tool, 138, 138

Smooth tool, 138

Split Polygon tool, 132

editing tools, 121124

Bevel tool, 123124, 124

extrusion tools, 121, 121122

Poke Face tool, 123, 123

Wedge Face tool, 122123, 123

suggestions, 163

polygonal plane, creating, 83, 226227

polygonal primitives, 118, 118

creating, 119

polygonal surface, UV coordinates for, 323, 323

polygons, 41

converting NURBS modeling to, 180

converting subdivision surfaces back to, 220221

converting to subdivision surface, 209213, 210, 217219, 218

creating planar surface as, 173

creating, with NURBS surfaces, 178179

overview, 117, 117118

painting weights on, 435, 436

splitting, 99100, 100

Polygons, image Rotate image, 345

Polygons menu set (F3), 69, 208

Create UVs

image Automatic Mapping, 344

image Planar Mapping image, 324

Edit Mesh

image Add Divisions, 131

image Add Divisions image, 154, 246, 553

image Bevel, 94

image Bevel image, 107, 123, 238, 250, 255, 255, 268, 274

image Cut Faces tool, 137, 256

image Duplicate Face, 138

image Extrude, 100, 121, 125, 134, 156, 214, 253, 254

image Extrude image, 122

image Insert Edge Loop Tool, 108, 133, 140, 146, 216, 233, 234

image Keep Faces Together, 214, 215

image Merge, 136, 244

image Poke Face, 123, 129

image Split Polygon Tool, 99, 103, 128, 132, 236

image Wedge Face image, 122, 128, 147, 249, 249

hotkey for, 71


image Booleans image Difference, 242, 277

image Combine, 136

image Create Polygon, 119

image Extract, 138

image Fill Hole, 244

image Sculpt Geometry Tool image, 138

image Separate, 136

image Smooth image, 130, 130, 240

image Transfer Attributes image, 331, 332, 336

image Triangulate, 120


image Center Pivot, 331

image Freeze Transformations, 331

Select image Convert Selection, image To Faces, 324

Poly_Hand project, 125130

fingers, 125126, 126, 127

for alien, 203, 203204, 204

knuckles, 128, 129

pinkie finger, 128, 129

poly cube for, 125

Scenes folder file, 201

poly_hand_v1.mb file, 126

poly_hand_v3.mb file, 130, 131

smoothness, 130

thumb, 127, 127128, 128

Poly_Hand_Anim project

files, 423, 423, 431, 434, 433, 446, 447

Pool_Table project

Scenes folder, Table_v1.mb, 568

table and balls, creating, 566, 566568, 567, 568

Table_v2.mb, 570

pose animation, 418

positive space, 21

postprocess, Paint Effects rendering as, 592

postproduction, 4, 68

practical lighting, 461

Preferences window, 51, 596, 596

Display, image Subdivs, 210

Edit, image Restore Default Settings, 68

Time slider, 564

Premiere, 15

preproduction, 46

planning, Solar System project, 37

Preview Quality, for rendering, 502, 503

primary colors, 16

Primary Diffuse Scale setting, for indirect lighting, 536537

primitive sphere, 40

primitives, 118, 118

problems. See troubleshooting

procedural shading, 321

procedural textures, 301

production process, 4053

planning, 23

Production Quality, for rendering, 503

production stages, 48

preproduction, 46

production workflow, 811

professional broadcast, resolution for, 501

profile curve

creating for wagon, 262267, 263

for extruded NURBS surface, 171

for hubcap, 266

for NURBS, 142

pivot point for, 263

Project Curve on Surface command, 181

projected light, 16

projection node, in Attribute Editor, 304

projections, textures with, 303305


creating, 3840, 365

setting, 139

props, 6

protagonist, 22

proxy object, animating, 392

PSAS (Physical Sun and Sky lighting), 476480, 477, 478

PSD file node, for shading networks, 308309

PSD network

editing, 309

for Lambert shader, 309

pull brush, 194, 195

push brush, 194


quad, 117

Quadratic option, for Point light decay rate, 464

Queue, setting to infinite, 51

QuickTime Pro, 15

QuickTime (qt), 15, 64, 65


Radial Frequency attribute, for OpticalFX node, 483

radiosity, 504

Radius attribute, for particles, 584

Radius Scale ramp, 584585, 585

Radius Scale Randomize attribute, for particles, 584

Ramp shader, 289290

Ramp texture, 299, 306

Attribute Editor for, 307

disconnecting ramp from color, 315

Random Range option, for particle lifespan, 578

Range end frame, 105

Range slider, 33, 51, 51, 69, 105, 105106

Range start frame, 105

raster images, 12

rasterization, 13

Rasterizer renderer with mental ray, 520

Rate attribute, for emitter, 577, 588


attributes for, 292

with Maya Software, 501502

with mental ray, enabling, 507

reflections, 507508

for shadows, 470, 470, 471472

vs. shadow map shadows, 472

soft shadows, 473, 473474

turning on, 486

Real-Time playback speed, 371

realism, details and, 277

Red Wagon project, 224, 224231, 276

assigning shaders, 310311, 312

axles, 267


creating, 256, 256257, 257

textures, 341, 341

cleaning up scene, 252

creating body, 253261, 254

customizing, 283, 283

decals, 322, 322

details, 277282

railing screws, 277281, 278

screws for body, 281282, 282

finishing, 341342


creating, 254255

texture for, 338, 339

grouping panels, 252

handlebar, 241

bolt for, 258261, 259, 260

cleaning faces around hole, 245–-247

inserting, 258, 258261

lighting, 476480, 477, 478

materials, adding bump map, 317321, 317321

metal shader for screws, bolts and handlebar, 341342, 342

modeling side panels, 232, 232252

Boolean for cutting hole in panel, 241, 241247

rounding edges, 250, 250251, 251

shaping A panel, 232235, 232241

shaping B panel, 247249, 247251

smoothing panel, 239, 239241

modeling wheels, 262267, 265

creating revolved surfaces, 264267, 265

revolve options, 265

Outliner view, 275, 276, 281

photos for, 224225, 225

with reference planes, 224225, 225

render, 277

Scenes folder

Red, 231

Red, 241

Red, 247

Red, 252

Red, 257

Red, 267

Red, 277

Red, 310, 593

Red, 522

Red, 321

Red, 331

Red, 338

Red, 342

shader creation and assignment, 330

side panels, textures, 333, 333336, 334, 337

Sourceimages folder, 226

ApanelStripe.tif, 328, 330

ApanelUV.tif, 327, 327

BpanelStripe.tif, 334, 335

striped image file, 329

toon-shading, 593595, 593595

UVs for A panel, 324327, 325, 326


creating shading network, 313, 313321

duplicating and placing, 268

Shader network, 318

wood railings, 268277

braces, 274, 274

placement, 272274, 274276

shading, 339340, 340, 341

reference images, toggling visibility, 103

reference layer, toggling visibility, 91

reference planes

arranging, 85, 85

assigning shaders to, 229

creating, 8385, 226231

creating shaders to assign to, 87

mapping, 227231, 230

with Hypershade, 8890

Red Wagon project with, 224225, 225

turning off, 107

Reflected Color attribute, of shaders, 293, 295, 295296

reflecting lights. See Final Gather (FG)

reflection map, 547, 547549, 549


blurring, 557, 557558, 558

for metal, 342

raytracing, 507508, 508

reducing, 549, 550

scattering, 474

true, 502

Reflectivity attribute, of shaders, 293, 296

refractions, 502

rendering, 508509, 509, 517

refractive index, 508

Relationship Editors, 565

for dynamic bodies, 563, 564, 564

for light linking, 468, 468, 469


image Batch Render, 519, 533

image Cancel Batch Render, 516

image IPR Render Current Frame, 298

image Show Batch Render, 516

Quality tab, 524

Render controls, on Status line, 97

render engine, selecting, 496, 501504

render layers, 91, 525533

batch rendering with, 533, 533

compositing Ambient Occlusion results, 542543, 543, 544

lighting for, 526, 527

for still-life scene, 526, 526533, 528

test-rendering, 529, 529530

Render Node Display Area, in Hypershade window, 89

render nodes, 89

Render Override, for shadowPass layer, 531

Render Settings window, 294, 474

attributes in, 496, 497

Features tab, 524

Indirect Lighting tab, 535, 536, 539, 554, 556

Maya Software tab, Quality setting, 320, 320

for mental ray, 520

Quality tab, 535, 536

Raytracing Quality heading, 471

Render The Current Frame icon (Status line), 96, 96

Render View window, 96, 298, 505507, 506

Keep Image icon, 490, 549

saving single frames, 506

rendering, 3, 67, 11, 495

Ambient Occlusion, 537, 537543

to AVI movie, 15

batch, 515516

Decorative Box project, 546559

reflection map, 547, 547549, 549

nParticles, parameters for, 586588

polygons for, 117

polygons vs. subdivision surfaces, 220

previewing, 505507, 506

reflections and refractions, 507509, 508

saving previous in buffer, 490

setup, 496504

camera, 500

filenames, 497498

frame range, 499, 499

image format, 498

render engine selection, 501504

resolution, 501

time requirements, 519

Accuracy attribute and, 536

Depth of Field attribute and, 559

indirect lighting settings and, 556

mesh details, 553

motion blur and, 524

resolution and, 501

sampling and, 521

using cameras, 509514

wine bottle, 516519

batch rendering and sequence playback, 519

camera setup, 518

scene setup, 517, 517

settings options, 516517

Rendering menu set, 69

hotkey for, 71

Paint Effects, image Get Brush, 589, 590


image Assign Fill Shader, image Shaded Brightness Two Tone, 593, 594

image Assign Outline, image Add New Toon Outline, 594

RenderMan for Maya (Pixar), 496

Repeat UV setting, for 2D texture nodes, 306

replacing objects in animation, 392393

resolution, 12, 12, 1718

increasing display, 45

for rendering, 501

resources, on arts, 2728

reverse engineering, 162

reverse node, 319

connecting to fractal node, 320

Revolve technique, for creating NURBS surface, 142

revolved surface

creating, 264267, 265

for creating NURBS surface, 170

RGB color, 16, 17

rigging, 375, 423

arms and hands, workflow for, 436437

importance of, 436

legs, 437, 437438

for locomotive, 398401, 448455

right mouse button (RMB), 69

Rigid Bind, 427, 428

creating, 429

editing, 432433

for hand, 431433, 432, 433

rigid dynamic bodies, 562

animation, 569570

attributes, 565566, 571

creating, 563565, 568

moving, 565

rim light, 461

RMB (right mouse button), 69

RMB+click, 32

roof of locomotive cabin, 154, 155

root joint, 410

of figure, pelvis as, 412, 414

Rotate attribute, constraints and, 441

Rotate icon, 104

Rotate Manipulator (E), 35, 77

for axe throwing, 383

location of pivot point, 57

Rotate tool (E), 36, 56

Rotate Z curve, 383

normalized, 385


of ball, 374, 374375

of joint, 410

keyframe for, 367

of objects, 52

viewing with cubes, 61

Rotation attribute

for OpticalFX node, 482

Orient constraint and, 442

rotation keyframe, for axe throwing, 379

Rotation Manipulator handle, 52

Roughness attribute, of shaders, 293


Sample Lock attribute, for mental ray rendering, 521

sampling, for mental ray rendering, 520

saturation, 17

saving, 46

layers with TIFF file, 352

multiple versions, 44

previous render in buffer, 490

single frames in Render View window, 506

UV snapshot, 334

Scale constraint, 442, 442

scale, for reference planes, 229, 230, 231

Scale function (Photoshop), 351

scale handles, 121

Scale icon, 104

Scale Manipulator (R), 35, 36, 42, 45, 55, 77

activating, 42

and squash and stretch, 373

scaling, keyframe for, 367

Scene end frame, 105, 106

Scene file icons, on Status line, 97, 97

scene files, 44

Scene start frame, 105, 106

scenes, 23

names for organizing, 48

organization, 38

Scenes folder, 38

screw head, 279281, 280281

screws, Metal shader for, 341342, 342

Script Editor, 106, 519

feedback on batch render progress, 542

scripts, 5, 23

scroll wheel, 34, 35

Scrub bar, 52, 105

scrubbing, 53, 105

Sculpt Geometry tool, 138, 138, 194195, 195

SDK. See set-driven keys (SDK)

secondary motion, 384

adding, 387388, 388

and follow-through, 385

sections, on NURBS surface, 168


image Convert Selection, image To Faces, 333

image Select Edge Loop Tool, 109, 238

Select icon, 104

Selected Joints parameter, for Rigid Bind, 429


group, 60

hulls, 191

isoparms, 176, 176, 182, 186, 186

objects, 35

order for, 400

selection handles, 379, 400401

Selection masks icons, on Status line, 97

Selection modes icons, on Status line, 97, 97

self-illuminate ability, 290

sequence of images, 23

vs. movie files, rendering, 498

Set Driven Key window, 445, 446, 447, 447

set-driven keys (SDK), 445447

assigning, 447

attributes, 446447

creating, 445, 445446

Set Key command (S), 52, 58

Set Key Options box, 48

Set Normal Angle window, 110

SGI (Silicon Graphics Image), 498

Shaded mode (5), 36, 45, 64

selected objects in, 7577, 76

shader networks, 89, 322

in Hypershade window, 551, 551

for wagon wheels, 313, 313321


applying simple, 4749

assigning color to, 49

assigning in Red Wagon project, 310311, 312, 330

assigning to reference planes, 229

attributes, 286, 290293

basics, 286


to assign to reference planes, 87

for wagon, 330

disconnecting texture node from, 310, 310

glow effects, 483484

Hypershade window for, 89

library in Maya, 294

reflection limits, 508

types, 286290

Anisotropic shader, 288, 289

Blinn shader, 288, 288

Lambert shaders, 287, 287

Layered shader, 289, 289

Phong E shader, 288, 288

Phong shaders, 287, 287

Ramp shader, 289290

shading, 9

procedural, 321

Shading attributes

for Paint Effects, 591

for particles, 578579


image Wireframe On Shaded, 147

image X-Ray, 92, 92, 233

shading group, 286

shadow map shadows, 470471

vs. raytraced shadows, 472

shadow pass, creating, 530532, 531

shadows, 469, 469473

alpha channel for rendered, 531532, 532

changing to raytraced, 517

controlling per object, 472473, 473

creating, 470473

depth map Resolution and, 471

fill light to soften, 460

soft, raytracing, 473, 473474

shape nodes, 54

shapes, in vector image, 12

Shelf, 32, 33, 69, 98, 102

editing Decorative Box model with, 98103

Extrude icon, 100, 100101

Polygons tab, 99, 99

Shelf Editor command, 596597, 597

shelves, customizing, 596597

Shift key, for selecting multiple objects, 35

shortcuts, to navigating, 34

shots, 23

Show Manipulator tool, 104

for lighting, 492, 492

Silicon Graphics Image (SGI), 498


baking, 571574, 572, 573

converting to keyframes, 572

single-node camera, 510, 510

skeletons, 410423

attaching geometry, 416417

binding to geometry, 427431

Block_Man project for creating, 414416, 415, 416

creating, 414416

detaching, 431

for hand, 423436

rigging, 424, 424425, 425

and hierarchy, 410411, 411

modeling trick using, 431

pelvis as root, 412, 414

skin weights, painting, 434436, 436

skinning, 427

slider bar, 51

smoke, nParticles for, 575

Smooth Bind, 427, 428

creating, 429430

for hand, 434436

editing, 436

Smooth option, for Artisan module, 195

Smooth tool, 119, 138


for extension, 122

NURBS object vs. polygon, 167

previewing, 126, 127

of wagon side panel, 239, 239241

Snap To Curves icon, 43

Snap To Grids icon, 43

toggling off, 47

Snap To Points icon, 43, 263

Snap To View Planes icon, 43

snaps, 4344

icons for, 43

Snaps icons, on Status line, 97, 98, 98

soft dynamic bodies, 562

creating, 563565

Soft Modification tool, 7879, 79, 104

soft selection, 8081, 81, 82

soft shadows, 488

raytracing, 473, 473474

software particles, 579

Solar System project, 20, 20

animation, 5053

Mercury orbit around sun, 5658

Earth and Moon, 5861

animation, 5859

grouping, 60


grouping for new pivot point, 53

rotation, 5253


creating, 4647

orbiting around planets, 5556

NURBs spheres lined up, 43

for other planets' moons, 60

overview, 37

planets and moons in perspective view, 46

Pluto, forcing error in animation, 6263, 63

preproduction planning, 37

Saturn's rings, 45

Scenes folder, 523, 523, 525

Planets_v1.mb file, 46

Planets_v2.mb file, 50

Planets_v3.mb file, 63

shaded planets in perspective view, 50

shader colors, 49

sun and planets, creating, 4045

Venus, 58

SolidWorks, 13

sound, 8

South Park, 8, 436

space, 2021

3D coordinate, 1920

positive and negative, 21

XYZ-coordinate, 19

spacebar, for switching to four-panel layout, 74

spans, on NURBS surface, 168

special effects animations, 561

nParticles, 562, 575576

attributes, 578580, 584585

emitter for, 576, 576583, 582, 583

rendering parameters, 586588

Paint Effects, 588592

attributes, 591592

Special Manipulator, 305

Specular Color attribute, of shaders, 293

specular highlight, 287

Specular Roll Off attribute, of shaders, 290, 317

Speed attribute, for emitter, 577, 583

Speed Random attribute, for emitter, 577

spheres, using cubes in place of, 61

spike, creating, 80, 80

Spin Impulse attribute, for rigid dynamic bodies, 571

spline IK chain, 440

NURBS spline and, 440

Split Polygon tool, 99, 99, 103, 128129, 132, 236

for starfish, 208, 209

spot lights, 464466, 465

and shadow maps, 471

for still-life scene, 484, 484

Spread attribute

for emitter, 583, 583

for OpticalFX node, 483

squash and stretch technique, 26

for bouncing ball, 373, 373374

stacking of shaders, 289

Standard Fit Tessellation method, 179

Star Points attribute, for OpticalFX node, 482

Starfish project, 208213, 209, 213

marking menu for, 211

Scenes folder file, 209 file, 212

Start Frame attribute, for rendering sequence, 499

Static Friction slider, for rigid dynamic bodies, 566

Status line, 32, 33, 69, 9698, 97

History button, 54

isoparm selection from, 176, 176

percentage readout on, 103104, 104

Render The Current Frame icon, 96, 96

Steam Locomotive project, 139162, 162

animation, 401

axle assembly, 159, 160

boiler engine, 140144, 141

adding details, 142144

finishing, 149151, 151

front cap, 142

lantern, 152, 152

pieces, 152, 152153, 153

platforms, 150

side panels, 153, 153

cabin, 154155, 154156

chimneys, 149151, 151

cowcatcher, 149, 149

extruding face, 146

finished pump elements, 183

NURBS pump, 184, 184186, 185, 189194, 190194

adding end caps, 186188, 186189

Outliner view, 150, 162, 163, 399

pivot point for, 399

production process, 139140

pump arm

pivot point for, 400

rigging, 451452, 452

rigging, 398401, 448455

back wheel, 453, 453454

finishing, 455, 455

scene setup, 398400

wheel control, 448449

Scenes folder

fancy_locomotive_anim_v1.mb, 448, 448

fancy_locomotive_anim_v2.mb, 452

fancy_locomotive_anim_v3.mb, 454

locomotive_anim_v1.mb, 400, 448

locomotive_model_v1.mb file, 144

locomotive_model_v3.mb file, 153

locomotive_model_v4.mb file, 162, 398, 399, 582, 586, 588

NURBS_pump_v02.mb file, 188

schematic diagram of boiler & undercarriage, 145

schematic diagram of finished model, 140

small wheels, 159, 159


opacity of, 586, 587

particles animation for, 581588

steam pumps, 160, 161

undercarriage, 145149, 146148

wheel arms, 158, 159

control, 450, 450451, 451

wheels, 156158, 156158

still-life scene. See also Lighting project

lighting, 483484

rendering in layers, 526, 526533, 528

rendering with Final Gather, 534

stitching, 183, 189194, 190194

stop-motion animation, 410

storyboard, 5, 5, 23

subdivision primitives, 118

subdivision surfaces (SubDs), 117, 208

converting polygon back to, 220221

converting polygon to, 209213, 210, 217219, 218

display resolution of, 210

submenus, 70, 70

subtractive color, 16

surface coordinates (UVs), 303

copying, 331, 332

setup, 343, 343349, 344

surface normal, 443


combining techniques, 175177, 176

combining with poly meshes, 133

cutting holes in, 181

History, 178, 178179

subdivision (SubDs), 208

Surfaces menu set (F4), 69, 208


image CV Curve, 142

image NURBS Primitives image Circle, 173

hotkey for, 71

Subdiv Surfaces

image Polygon Proxy Mode, 210, 217

image Refine Selected Components, 212


image Loft, 169, 177

image Loft image, 188, 191

image Planar, 172

image Planar image, 173, 173

image Revolve, 170, 265

image Revolve image, 142, 150

Surfaces shelf, Loft, 169

symbol conventions, 32

symmetry, 21


Tagged Image File Format (TIFF), 15, 498

tangency, 189194, 190194

tangency handles

of animation curve, 368, 369

of keyframes, 385, 385

tangent constraint, 445

Taper option for Extrude, 122

TARGA image format, 15, 293

Teakettle project, 213221

base poly mesh creation, 213217, 214, 215

completed, 219

converting polygon to subdivisions, 217219, 218

handle, 214215, 215, 217, 218, 219

lattice for, 216, 216

Scenes folder, file, 217

spout, 219, 219

tear in mesh, troubleshooting, 243244, 243245

tearing off menus, 73

technical director (TD), 436

tessellation, 117, 150

creation options and, 179

in Decorative Box project, 553

wheels, 264

test-rendering, composited layers, 529, 529530

text animation, 393397, 397, 398

troubleshooting, 397

Text Curves option box, 394

Texture Display mode (6), 313

texture mapping, 286. See also mapping

Texture Shaded mode (6), 76, 92

Texture View mode (6), 356

textures, 3, 9, 10. See also shaders

2D, 306

for axe, 294301

baking projection, 302

common attributes, 306

Hypershade window for, 89

importing image file as, 307308

nodes, 305310

photos to create. See Decorative Box project

preventing render from blurring, 489, 490

with projections, 303305

ramp, 306

and surfaces, 301310

UV mapping, 303

for wagon floor, 338, 339

texturing, 286

Texturing, image flCreate PSD Network, 308

third-party plug-in render engines, 496

three-button mouse, 35

three-node camera, 510, 510

three-point lighting, 459461, 460

throwing axe. See axe throwing

TIFF (Tagged Image File Format), 15, 293, 498

layers in, 328

saving, 352

TIFF16, 14

time, change over, 4

Time slider, 33, 51, 51, 69, 105, 105106

context menu, Playblast image, 64, 64

scrubbing, 53

timeline, 4

timing of animation, 372373

adjusting, 371, 371

Tool Box, 69, 102103, 103

icons, 104

Scale tool, 36, 42

Select tool, 100, 100, 105

Soft Modification tool, 7879, 79, 80

Transform tools, 36

Universal Manipulator, 35, 35, 36, 77, 78

Tool Settings window

Influence section, Paint Operation, 435

for Move tool, 81

tools, invoking last used, 438

toon-shading, with Paint Effects, 592595

torus, for Saturn rings, 45

transferring animation, 392393

Transform Manipulator, 146

activating, 36

transform nodes, 54

working with, 5455

transformations, 54

Translate attribute, constraints and, 441

Translate tool (W), 55, 104, 365, 422

Translate X, 381

Translate Y, 381

Translate Y Manipulator, 384

Translate Z attribute, 369

translation keyframe, for axe throwing, 379

Translucence attribute, of shaders, 292

Translucence Focus attribute, of shaders, 292

transparency, alpha channel for, 15, 500

Transparency attribute

for Paint Effects, 591

of shaders, 286

automatically mapping, 330

transparency maps

for Layered shaders, 289

and shadows, 472, 472

triangle face, 117

Triangular Tool, 233

triangulating surface, 120, 120

Trim tool, 181

trimmed surface, 172


and aggravation, 380

beveling polygon face, 236238, 237

Caps Lock key and manipulator hotkeys, 78

color and ramp texture display, 313

feet rotating into ground, 437, 438

flying text, 397

fuzzy wood texture, 489

grouping of IK handle, 454

moons not staying with planet, 60

object rotation, 449

tear in mesh, 243244, 243245

wobbly wheels, 400

True Color, 14

true reflections, 502

Tube Shading attribute, for Paint Effects, 591

Tube Width attribute, for Paint Effects, 592

Tubes Per Step attribute, for Paint Effects, 592

tumble, 34

TV screen, color variation, 17

Twist option for Extrude, 122

two-node camera, 510, 510

Type attribute, for text, 394

Type drop-down menu, for light, 462


U Ramp, for Ramp texture, 313

UI. See user interface (UI)

undercarriage of locomotive, 145149, 146148

underlighting scene, 458

Undo, 51

Universal Manipulator, 35, 35, 36, 77, 78, 104

Untrim Surfaces command, 181

Up Axis, 51

user interface (UI), 3237, 33

keys and syntax, 3334

mouse controls, 35

user preferences, customizing, 596, 596

UV Assignment, Planar Project Per Face, 95, 95

UV coordinates

for NURBS surfaces, 323333

for polygonal surface, 323, 323

UV layout, 327

planar projection for, 326

UV mapping, 303

UV snapshot, saving, 334

UV Snapshot window, 350

UV Texture Editor, 324, 324, 334, 343, 343

Polygons, image UV Snapshot, 327, 350

Select, image Select Shell, 345, 346, 347, 348

UVs (surface coordinates), 303

copying, 331, 332

setup, 343, 343349, 344

UVSnapShot layer, 309


vector based software, 2

vector images, 1213, 13

vector rendering, 504, 504


adding to middle of face, 123

binding clusters, 427

fusing multiple, 133

of polygons, 117, 117, 120

VGA (Video Graphics Array), 18


image Camera Attribute Editor, 486

image Select Camera, 509

view planes, 84

ViewCube, 34, 74, 75, 75

viewing color, 17

viewports, 32

views, 32

Alt+RMB+click to dolly into or out, 74

dolly into and out of, 34

virtual camera, 3

Visor window, for Paint Effects, 589

Volume emitter, 576, 577

Volume Light Dir attribute, for volume light, 467

volume lights, 466467, 467

volume primitives, 118

volumes, in vector image, 12

volumetric lighting, 481482

Vray for Maya, 496


wagon. See Red Wagon project

walk cycle

for block man, 418423, 419, 420, 421

Graph Editor for animation curves, 422

IK, creating, 438440, 439, 440

wrap-up, 423

warm colors, 16, 22

warping effect, 205

Water texture, 307

web pages for book, 38

web resources

on arts, 28

on Maya, 599600

for models, 3

Wedge Face tool, 122123, 123, 128


and animation quality, 378

of axe, 384

of frame subject, 2426

Weight slider, for Point constraint, 441


for locomotive, 156158, 156158, 453, 453454

rigging, 448449

troubleshooting, 400

tessellation, 264

for wagon, 262267, 265

creating shading network, 313, 313321

duplicating and placing, 268

Whiteness attribute, of shaders, 293

Widescreen File aspect ratio, 18

Widescreen TV aspect ratio, 18

Width attribute, for rendering, 501

Window menu, 70

image Animation Editors, image Graph Editor, 367, 381

image Attribute Editor (Ctrl+A), 111

image General Editors

image Connection Editor, 449

image Script Editor, 519

image Hypergraph: Hierarchy, 387

image Outliner, 107, 113

image Relationship Editors

image Dynamic Relationships, 564

image Light Linking image Light-Centric, 468

image Rendering Editors

image Hypershade, 47, 86, 227, 286

image Render Settings, 294, 471, 474, 496

image Render View, 505

image Settings/Preferences

image Color Settings, 598

image Hotkey Editor, 597

image Plug-in Manager, 520

image Preferences, 34, 51, 68, 210. See also Preferences window

image Shelf Editor, 596

image UV Texture Editor, 324

window zoom, 34


Alt+MMB+click to track around, 74

for Attribute Editor, 86

tracking around, 34

Windows Explorer, 39

Windows Media Player, 65, 65

wine bottle, rendering, 516519

batch rendering and sequence playback, 519

camera setup, 518

scene setup, 517, 517

settings options, 516517

Wireframe mode (4), 13, 36, 75, 7577

selected objects in, 35

wireframes, displaying cube as, 93

wood texture, fuzziness of, 489

wooden handle, 296298, 298

Work Area, in Hypershade window, 89, 90, 90

work panels, and navigation, 7377

workflow, organizing with Layer Editor, 9091

workspace, 32

World axis, 19

Wrap U setting, for 2D texture nodes, 306

Wrap V setting, for 2D texture nodes, 306


X axis, 19

and object movement, 36

X-Ray mode, 92, 92, 233, 233, 272

XYZ Axis icon, 19

XYZ-coordinate space, 19


Y axis, 19

and object movement, 36

in Perspective window, 51

Y-axis rotation, keyframes for, 53

Y up, 51


Z axis, 19

and object movement, 36

Z-axis move handle, 121

Z-axis translate handle, 125

ZBrush (Pixologic), 196

zero level of detail, 212


in Graph Editor, 381

in Hypershade window, 87

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