
  • Approvals, 145
  • Biomimicry, 170
  • Brownfield sites, 154, 156
  • Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP), 38, 165, 184
  • Carbon pricing, 171
  • CDP. See Carbon Disclosure Project
  • Change management, 85, 160
  • Charette. See Community design workshops
  • Climate change, 168
    • climate impacts vs project impacts, 172
    • future proofing, 172
    • sea-level rise, 170
    • water shortages / drought, 170
  • Closure, 227
    • design for closure, 231
    • progressive reclamation, 232
  • Code of conduct, 211
  • Colbert, Barry, 5, 7
  • Commissioning, 221
    • commissioning team, 222
    • demobilization, 225
    • local economic development, 224
    • local workers, 225
    • management systems, 222
  • Commitment action log, 132, 153, 178, 196, 236
    • commitment categories, 135
    • identifying commitments, 133
    • project documentation, 133
    • simplified action log, 134
  • Commitment management, 105, 129, 131, 147
    • commitment strategy, 130
  • Community agreement, 105, 109, 129, 180, 192, 196, 204
  • Community design workshops, 156
    • idea generation, 158
    • reporting, 158
    • who should be involved, 157
    • workshop process, 157
  • Community support, 9
  • Complaints mechanism, 136, 200
    • indigenous peoples, 139
    • resettlement, 139
    • types of complaints, 142
  • Construction, 195
    • stakeholder communications, 197
    • transition to construction, 196
  • Construction sustainability metrics, 214
    • environmental incident frequency rate, 214
    • social incident frequency rate, 215
  • Context sensitive design, 162
  • Contractor management, 210
    • code of conduct, 211
    • kick-off planning, 211
    • on-boarding training, 212
  • Corporate citizenship, 2
  • Corporate social responsibility (CSR), 2
  • Creating Shared Value, 2, 8
  • Crisis management, 203
    • communications plan, 203
  • CSR. See Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
  • Culture of sustainability, 5
  • DART model, 8
  • DBFOO. See Design Build Finance Own Operate
  • Decision making, 160
    • multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA), 161
    • trade-off studies, 160
  • Design basis, 152
  • Design Build Finance Own Operate (DBFOO), 16, 21, 227
  • Design for closure, 151, 231
  • Design for the environment (DfE), 151
  • Dow Jones Sustainability Index, 47
  • Economic development plan, 175, 179, 224
    • local capacity building, 181
  • Ecosystem services. See Nature Based Solutions
  • Emergency response plan (ERP), 203–204
  • Energy facilities, 18
  • Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC), 21
  • Engineering, Procurement and Construction Management (EPCM), 16, 20
  • Engineers Against Poverty, 43
  • Engineers Without Borders, 43
  • Environmental economics, 166
    • economic analysis, 167
    • reality check, 168
  • Environmental impact assessment (EIA), 147
  • Environmental impact statement (EIS), 145
  • Environmental incident frequency rate (EIFR), 214
  • Environmental management plans, 206
    • air and dust management plan, 206
    • energy and GHG management plan, 206
    • progressive reclamation plan, 206
    • spill response plan, 206
    • waste management plan, 206
    • water management plan, 206
    • wildlife management plans, 206
  • Environmental management system (EMS), 205
    • audit program, 209
    • change management, 210
    • corrective and preventative action, 208
    • data management system, 207
    • inspections and monitoring, 208
    • ISO 14001 EMS standard, 205
    • non-conformances, 208
    • plan-do-check-act (PDCA), 205
    • roles and responsibilities, 210
  • Environmental protection plans (EPP), 203, 206
  • Environmental risk management, 117
  • Environmental, social and governance (ESG), 3
  • EPC. See Engineering, Procurement and Construction
  • EPCM. See Engineering, Procurement, and Construction Management
  • Equator Principles, 45
  • ESG. See environmental, social and governance
  • FIRST for Sustainability, 46
  • Free, Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC), 95
  • Freeman, Edward, 5
  • Health and safety plans (HASP), 203
  • IFC. See International Finance Corporation
  • Impact and benefit agreements. See Community agreements
  • Impact assessment (IA), 129, 145
    • area of influence, 146
    • baseline studies, 146
    • indigenous knowledge, 146
    • traditional ecological knowledge, 146
  • Incident response procedure, 200
  • Independent Power Producer (IPP), 178
  • Indigenous communities, 12, 86, 95, 146, 157, 176, 180
  • Initiative for Responsible Mining, 41
  • Innovation, 159, 178
    • competitions, 160
    • targets, 159
  • Institute for Sustainable Infrastructure, 42
  • Integrated infrastructure, 154
  • International Council on Mining and Metals (ICMM), 40
  • International Finance Corporation (IFC), 36, 171
    • Policy on Environmental and Social Sustainability, 36
    • sustainability framework, 36
  • International Hydropower Association, 42
  • International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD), 42
  • International Organization for Standardization (ISO), 39
  • International Petroleum Industry Environmental Conservation Association, 41
  • ISO. See International Organization for Standardization
  • Key performance indictors. See Project Goals
  • Kramer, Mark, 8
  • Kurucz, Elizabeth, 7
  • Land acquisition, 155
  • Life cycle analysis (LCA), 151, 164, 228
  • Life cycle Screening, 166
  • Linear infrastructure, 17
  • Logistics, 186
    • connection to markets, 189
    • environmental impacts, 188
    • road safety, 186
    • supply chain risk, 188
  • Managing time and space, 25
    • understanding Space, 26
    • understanding Time, 26
  • Materiality assessment, 67
  • Materiality mapping, 68
  • Materiality principle, 66
  • McPhee, Wayne, 53, 58, 163, 214
  • Millennium Development Goals, 33
  • Modular design, 184
  • Multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA), 161
    • decision factors, 162, 163
    • example table, 165
    • factor ranking, 164
    • MCDA procedure, 163
    • reality check, 164
  • Nature based solutions, 170
  • Net present value (NPV), 168, 231
  • Non-financial risks, 112
  • Opportunity management, 120
    • opportunity capture plans, 121
    • opportunity impacts, 121
    • opportunity mapping, 122
    • opportunity register, 122, 159, 196
  • Organizational structure, 78
    • simple project organization chart, 79
  • P3. See Public Private Partnership (P3)
  • P4. See People Public Private Partnership (P4)
  • Peneranda, Rowena, 53
  • People Planet Profit, 52
  • People Public Private Partnership (P4), 22, 232
  • Permit to work (PtW) system, 200, 212, 226
  • Permitting plan, 148 -149, 206
  • PESTLe model, 53, 109
    • mapping PESTLe Factors, 57
    • table of external factors, 241
  • PESTLe Factors, 54
    • Economic, 55
    • environmental, 56
    • Legal, 55
    • Political, 54
    • Sociological, 55
    • Technological, 55
  • Porter, Michael, 8
  • Powell, Jim, 163
  • Prahalad, C.K., 8
  • Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI), 45
  • Procurement
    • performance-based, 179
    • results-based, 179
  • Procurement plan, 175, 176
    • active engagement, 177
    • bulk commodities, 183
    • contractors, 189
    • equipment and materials, 182
    • fairness and transparency, 176
    • goods and services, 185
    • inclusiveness, 176
    • local suppliers, 185
  • Progressive reclamation, 151, 226, 232
    • progressive reclamation plan, 206
  • Project charter, 74, 109, 196
  • Project communications, 101
    • project website, 102
    • social media, 102
    • traditional media, 102
  • Project communications plan, 82
    • complaints, 85
    • emergency response, 85
    • roles and responsibilities, 83
    • standard messaging, 82
    • tracking and auditing, 85
    • training, 83
  • Project execution plan, 79, 109, 152
  • Project financing, 3
  • Project goals, 77
  • Project lifecycle, 27
    • design and delivery, 27
    • financial management, 27
    • sustainability pathway, 27
  • Project location, 153
  • Project notification procedure, 200
  • Project owner, 19
  • Project players, 24
    • community, 24
    • government, 24
    • modern relationship, 24
    • organization, 24
    • traditional relationship, 24
  • Project schedule, 81
  • Project structure, 23
    • sustainability strategies, 23
  • Public support, 9
  • Public-private partnerships (P3), 3, 22
  • Ramaswamy, Venkat, 8
  • Renewable energy, 172
  • Resettlement, 155
  • Resource extraction, 19
  • Responsible development, 2
  • Responsible supply chain, 182
  • Risk management plans, 116
  • Risk management process, 108
  • Risk mitigation, 118
  • Risk register, 112, 196
    • brainstorming risks, 113
    • pre-mortem, 114
    • risk events, 113
    • risk mapping, 115
    • risk ranking, 116
  • Risk severity, 110
  • Risk workshop, 108
    • getting the right people at the table, 108
    • non-financial risk, 112
    • setting the stage, 110
  • Road safety, 202
  • Roles and responsibilities, 86
  • Safety in design, 151, 169
  • SDGs. See United Nations Sustainable Development Goals
  • Self-perform, 20
  • Social capital, 9, 10
  • Social incident frequency rate (SIFR), 215
  • Social license to operate, 9
  • Social monitoring, 201
  • Social risk management, 117
  • Stakeholder engagement, 89, 197, 229
    • closure, 229
    • commissioning, 223
    • communications planning for construction, 249
    • design workshops, 100
    • identifying stakeholders, 91
    • indigenous engagement, 95
    • individual interviews, 100
    • local community groups, 94
    • perception suveys, 98
    • project website, 119, 225
    • public meetings, 199
    • reasons to engage, 90
    • site signage, 199
    • site tours, 101, 199
    • social media, 199, 225
    • software, 199
    • summary template, 245
    • town hall meetings, 98
    • traditional media, 199
    • types of stakeholder groups, 92
    • working groups, 99, 224, 230
  • Stakeholder engagement plan, 103, 198
    • commissioing, 223
    • monitoring, 104
    • sample table of contents, 247
    • scheduling, 104
    • stakeholder communications table, 198
  • Stakeholder mapping, 96
  • Stakeholder summaries, 96
  • Stranded assets, 154
  • Sustainability as a team sport, 11
  • Sustainability charter, 87
  • Sustainability culture, 216
    • education, 216
    • encouragement, 217
    • evaluation, 217
  • Sustainability integration framework, 125
    • sample deliverables, 127
  • Sustainability mindset, 7
  • Sustainability moments, 218
    • daily safety briefing, 218
    • tool box meetings, 218
  • Sustainability monitoring, 77, 143
  • Sustainability plan, 87
  • Sustainability policy, 75, 109
    • topics, 76
  • Sustainability shares, 84, 238
  • Sustainability steering committee, 72, 236
    • membership, 73
    • responsibilities, 72
  • Sustainability three circle diagram, 52
  • Sustainable activity model, 58, 109
    • acquire, 60
    • assessing activities, 60
    • create, 60
    • deliver, 61
    • ideas, 62
    • infrastructure, 63
    • model output, 64
    • people, 62
    • recover, 62
    • relationships, 62
    • systems, 63
    • understanding Value, 59
    • use, 61
  • Sustainable Aviation Guidance Alliance, 162
  • Sustainable construction, 237
  • Sustainable design, 237
  • Sustainable development, 2
  • Sustainable life of project diagram, 228
  • Sustainable options analysis, 161
  • Sustainable procurement, 175, 237
  • Sustainable project management model, 6
  • Total cost of ownership, 87, 108, 153, 159, 170, 177, 184, 185
  • Total recordable incident frequency (TRIF), 187
  • Transportation Research Board, 162
  • United Nations Global Compact, 35, 184
  • United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), 33, 34
  • Voluntary Principles Initiative, 40
  • Wheeler, David, 5, 7
  • World Bank Group, 37, 175
    • Environmental, Health and Safety Guidelines, 37
  • World Commission on Environment and Development, 2
  • World Federation of Engineering Organizations, 43
  • World Health Organization, 186
  • Working groups, 99, 224, 230
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