
Integrating sustainability into design activities is a fundamental part of developing more sustainable projects. Sustainability can and should be included in every stage of the design, from early concept and feasibility studies to detailed design activities. Sustainable design should also be considered by every design and engineering discipline, not just the environmental engineering or infrastructure departments where the impacts are more evident. Every department can look at their contribution to the project's environmental footprint, impacts along the supply chain, how designs can be adapted to support local employment and local supply, and how operations will impact the local community.

There are a number of initiatives and tools that the project design team can use to consider design alternatives and improve the sustainability of the project, including:

  • Design basis document to capture sustainability goals and assumptions
  • Design for the environment (DfE) and sustainable design
  • Design for closure and progressive reclamation
  • Safety in design
  • Lifecycle analysis
  • Options analysis and alternatives analysis to optimize water and energy use, waste management, carbon footprint, or community impacts
  • Sustainable decision-making tools to evaluate trade-offs between technical, social, environmental, and financial performance
  • Innovation processes to reduce impacts and create benefits across the project

Integrating sustainability into project design is an emerging concept. Design teams can benefit from training on the concepts and processes used to design more efficient and resilient projects. Training can include a session with each group discipline to discuss sustainability goals, objectives, and commitments. These workshops can also help explore new opportunities that can be incorporated into the engineering design and tracked in the opportunity register.

Training sessions can also include instruction on some of the well-established programs that help to support sustainability in the design process, such as Design for Environment (DfE), Safety in Design (SiD), and Life-cycle analysis (LCA).

Sustainability is creating more complex business and technical environments for major projects. If your project team is going to meet the challenge of this new reality, then they will need to adapt and find new ways of collaborating to solve problems. We are usually more comfortable solving problems that we have seen before but with the rapid changes occurring in the world, we are faced with new problems that do not have proven solutions.

When the project team faces a challenge that encompasses more than one technical discipline or where a technical problem overlaps with a social or environmental challenge, there is a need for collaboration with multidisciplinary teams that can bring a broad range of experience and expertise to the problem. These are not just technical specialists but could include business, sustainability and social experts, academics, suppliers, and community members.

One of the benefits of an integrated sustainability program is that groups within the project team are connected and can share knowledge and ideas to combine all of the individual skills and experience in the project team to solve more complex problems. With complexity as the new reality, project teams need to find new ways of working together, across geographies and technical specialties, to meet this challenge and build better projects.

This chapter provides the reader with an overview of integrating sustainability into design documents like the design basis, how to get community input through design workshops, and incorporating innovation. The chapter also provides a review of decision-making tools and how adding sustainability factors to decisions can improve outcomes. The chapter ends with a discussion of how project design needs to take account of issues related climate change and the growing requirement to reduce greenhouse gases (GHGs).

10.1 Design Basis 

One of the key documents used to define design objectives and establish base assumptions for all design teams is the design basis document. Although this is typically a very technical document, it is important to incorporate sustainability information into the design basis to reflect local conditions, regulatory constraints, and project commitments. It is important to avoid using a template from the last project without a detailed analysis to confirm that the assumptions in the design basis still hold. Development of the project execution plan (PEP) includes a discussion of the sustainability issues for each department (see Chapter 5), which is a good source of information and topics that need to be covered in the design basis.

The design basis will typically include assumptions about the local climate and weather conditions that could have an impact on construction or operations. Given the reality of climate change, the design basis should cover not just the historical weather conditions, but potential future weather conditions and how the weather might change over the life of the project. Construction design might not change significantly from current conditions, but climate projections indicate that projects in most regions of the world will face significant changes in storm events, precipitation, and temperature over the life of the project. If there is debate among the project team regarding the extent of climate change that is expected to occur, then it is reasonable to use a range of estimates based on available climate modeling to capture uncertainty and variability. Then create engineering designs that provide acceptable safety factors or provide the project with the ability to adapt to changing conditions over time.

Another local condition to consider in the design basis is the potential range for the cost of carbon and the cost of water based on the best available information. Even if the region where the project is based does not have a carbon pricing program in place yet, there is still potential for impact by future local carbon pricing structures or international programs. Including a range of potential pricing options can allow design teams to perform sensitivity analysis on key decisions to evaluate the impact of future pricing and select the design option that provides the best total cost of ownership across the range of potential carbon prices.

Some locations are also looking at putting more realistic prices on the use of water. So, if the project is expected to use large quantities of water, then applying possible water pricing scenarios can help improve decision making and design development. This could mean evaluating extreme cases where water is not available, and the facility needs to be a zero-water discharge facility.

The design basis should also include any regulatory constraints that will limit designs or the logistics of getting components to the site. For example, a reference to the permit register (Chapter 9) or to key regulatory documents that each discipline needs to be aware of.

The design basis might also reflect design constraints that the project has committed to through the approvals process, during consultation, or in a community agreement. If you have developed a robust and easy-to-use commitment register (Chapter 8), then the design basis should reference the commitment register and require design teams to check their design work against the register. If the commitment register is not well developed or has limited access, then the design basis must include the key design commitments that the design teams will need to incorporate into their work.

The design basis should be a fairly static document that provides consistent information to the design team as the project evolves from concept to detailed design. Note that the document may still need to be updated during the project to reflect new information, ongoing input from the local community, and changes in the commitments made by the project team.

10.2 Selecting a Location

One of the first main decisions that must be made in project development is the location of the project. This includes the main facility and all the supporting infrastructure required to manage the construction and operate the facility. For natural resource projects, location of the main facility is constrained by the location of the resource. For public infrastructure projects, location is based on where the people are located. For both situations, there are still many details that need to be resolved, such as the route of the access roads or the location of maintenance facilities.

Typically, project location decisions are focused on operational requirements and economic analysis, but project teams also need to consider sustainability issues around environmental and social impacts, and interactions with the local community. The strategy for choosing locations should consider:

  • Minimizing footprint to reduce environmental and social impact
  • Evaluating options for choosing a brownfield site for redevelopment rather than using a greenfield site
  • Locating the facility in a high unemployment area where the project can have a positive economic benefit, access to employees, and opportunities to build community support
  • Avoiding high-risk areas like sensitive environmental locations with unique ecosystems or endangered species
  • Leveraging local knowledge to help refine locations for facilities and infrastructure
  • Understanding areas where the community is likely to have a not-in-my-backyard (NIMBY) reaction

Stranded Assets

Another key issue to look at is what the location will be like at the end of the project or the end-of-life of the facility to ensure that the project will still be viable in the future. Facilities that are no longer economically viable due to changing climate, access to natural resource, or social changes are considered stranded assets. Some examples include:

  • Operations in semi-arid regions that run out of water for production as rainfall patterns change
  • Coastal facilities that could flood with rising sea level and larger storm events
  • Infrastructure designed for old weather patterns that are no longer economical as storm events become more severe, more frequent, and disrupt operations
  • Cold climate resource projects that have limited access because winter roads no longer freeze

When evaluating locations for project facilities and supporting infrastructure, project teams need to assess how a changing climate may impact the project in the future and include these potential changes in the location selection to minimize the risk that these assets will become stranded and devalued in the future.

Integrated Infrastructure

Selecting locations and development strategies for project infrastructure must also consider how the project infrastructure fits with the existing infrastructure used by the local community, or with infrastructure that could be developed to improve conditions within the local community. Infrastructure that would support local development includes water and waste water treatment, electrical power, roads, waste management facilities, and communications (especially internet access). This is especially true for many natural resource projects that are being developed at remote locations where the infrastructure for the facility needs to be developed and maintained to support the operations.

Table 10.1 Integrated infrastructure strategies.

Infrastructure Strategy Description
Isolation Fenced compound structures have no exchange of services/infrastructure.
Support Infrastructure is built larger than necessary and excess power or water is sold to the local community to generate additional revenue for the operations.
Purchase Power or water is purchased from local utilities to help support the local economy.
Integrated Shared/coordinated infrastructure is developed in partnership with the local community.

The project's infrastructure strategy can have a large impact on the surrounding environment and local communities, which presents both risks and opportunities for the project. The infrastructure strategy can range from an isolationist approach (the project infrastructure is not connected to the local community) to a fully integrated approach. A range of infrastructure strategies is outlined in Table 10.1.

When evaluating supporting infrastructure options, assess the use of partnerships with the local community and the local government to manage shared infrastructure. As discussed in Chapter 2, this could be managed through the use of public-private partnerships (P3s) or people-public-private partnerships (P4s) for all of the parties to share in the investment for the infrastructure (roads, power, or water) and then recover the investment from user fees or tolls.

Using a shared infrastructure strategy can also have a benefit for closure planning. Shared infrastructure can be sold or deeded to local governments or communities at the end of the project life, which can decrease closure bonding or asset retirement obligations (see Chapter 14).

Resettlement/Land Acquisition

In some cases, a major project will require the acquisition of land or buildings and the resettlement of people to construct the main facility or supporting infrastructure. This can happen where a community is located above a natural resource or where linear infrastructure needs to pass through a community. The legal complexity of resettlement and land acquisition makes it difficult to discuss in general terms, as each country and region will have its own laws and customs. But project teams should keep in mind several key things to support the overall sustainability of the project:

  • Minimizing the amount of land required by minimizing the project footprint and carefully selecting infrastructure routes can help to reduce the impact of the project.
  • Negotiating land acquisition with the government is legally required, but even more important is open and transparent discussions with the local community on land acquisition and resettlement process.
  • Discussions with the community and the impacted individuals should include one-on-one and group workshops to make the resettlement process as positive as possible.
  • Evaluate ways to support the people being resettled, which could include preferred employment or small business contracts.

Table 10.2 Advantages and disadvantages of locating on a brownfield site.

Greenfield Development Brownfield Development
  • No preexisting community relationships
  • No contamination
  • No demolition required
  • Existing relationships with the community
  • Opportunity for land restoration
  • Access to a skilled workforce
  • Existing infrastructure (roads, power)
  • New community relationships
  • Project will damage the environment
  • No existing Infrastructure
  • Poor relations with community
  • Contaminated land
  • Unknown hazards
  • Outdated, damaged infrastructure

Greenfield versus Brownfield Locations

Another option that should be considered for the location of a project is whether to construct on a greenfield site or a brownfield site. Greenfield sites are locations where there has been no development and the environment is undisturbed. Brownfield sites are locations that have been developed and the environment has experienced some level of environmental damage.

Developing a new project on a greenfield site has a lot of advantages as there are no legacy issues that must be managed, and the local community is less likely to have preexisting negative attitudes toward the project. The downside is that the project will damage natural land or land that is used for agriculture.

Developing on brownfield sites is often avoided because a new project generally does not seek to manage cleanups, such as old spills and broken infrastructure. But there are also many advantages to working on brownfield sites, such as functioning infrastructure (access roads, water supply, landfill). They may need repairs but are already constructed. There may be a local workforce that is already trained and, sometimes, government incentives to redevelop the region. The advantages and disadvantages of developing a new project on both brownfield and greenfield locations is summarized in Table 10.2.

10.3 Community Design Workshops

Community design workshops or design charettes are often used in the design of community infrastructure like parks and revitalized community planning. At the workshop, members of the local community and project team members get together to discuss the project goals, challenges, and design solutions. The same approach is also valuable in the design of any major project where the project impacts the local community. This could include access roads, impacts to local water bodies, or opportunities to create shared infrastructure.

A community design workshop is unlike a traditional public meeting where the team describes the project design to the community and the community shares opinions or asks questions. Rather, a community design workshop is a collaborative process that leverages local knowledge and wisdom to provide design alternatives that could potentially improve the initial project designs.

Hosting a community design workshop (or multiple workshops) helps to build trust in the community by demonstrating that the team is open to input from the community, values their local and traditional knowledge, and is listening to their concerns about the impact of the project on their community. Helping to identify alternatives and develop solutions for the project builds support for the project among the participants in the workshop.

The workshop also brings together people from different parts of the local community. They can help build relationships that might not already exist and provide a framework for future engagement with the community. Workshops usually involve community leaders, local government and policy makers, community-based organizations, and interested community members.

Who Should Be Involved?

The success of a community design workshop will depend in part on who attends the workshop. In small communities, you can invite the entire community but in larger communities having everyone attend can result in too many people to be constructive. Some teams focus on local representatives who are involved in planning or local government. But it is important to get input and build support from a broad range of the local community. Some groups that should be invited (adapted from National Charrette Institute1) include:

  1. Decision makers like include regulators, departmental managers, or local elected officials
  2. Groups that are historically left out of the public process, including indigenous communities, youth groups, and women's groups
  3. Individuals directly affected by the project, especially people whose property or business is affected and those living or working within the project area
  4. Individuals who may provide valuable information for the project and project area, including members of the local indigenous community, academics, or experts in the local area
  5. Stakeholders who have the power to promote the project, including local business association or chamber of commerce
  6. Stakeholders who have the power to block the project

Workshop Process

The process for a community design workshop will vary depending on the type of major project, the location, and the degree of impact on the local community. For public infrastructure projects like highways and public transit projects, community workshops could form a core part of the development of the project and require numerous multiday workshops to get the required level of engagement and input to the design. For resource or industrial projects in a remote area, there may be a need for frequent and elaborate public engagement, but there are still numerous benefits to engaging the nearest communities, especially for linear infrastructure, including roads, rail lines, ports, and utilities (water and electrical).

The design workshop should always begin with introductions to the project team, an outline of the project, and the format of the workshop. Depending on whether the local community has been involved in design workshops, it may be necessary to start training on the process of a design workshop, expectations of the participants, rules of engagement, and how the information will be captured and used by the project team.

The workshop can then move to an update from the project team on project details and specific challenges that will be addressed in the workshop. This can include any challenges that the team is currently facing and how they would like the community's help with the design.

The next stage is to engage the workshop attendees in generating new ideas that can be used to solve design challenges or support options analysis. For infrastructure projects, having maps or 3-D models of the project area can be helpful. Attendees can point out areas that are important to the community or locations where the project could be built. Ideas can be captured on Post-it Notes or drawn directly onto project maps. A project team member should take comprehensive notes and record ideas as the workshop progresses.

Depending on the level of engagement required by the project team, the idea generation stage may be useful without any detailed follow-up. But it is often useful for the attendees to review one another's ideas and work through the pros and cons of the design ideas. This can help to identify ideas that have broad support and do not create conflict between different groups in the community. It can also allow the design team to engage in more detailed conversations with attendees on why they are suggesting certain alternatives, and to explain why certain ideas may not be possible due to design limitations or regulatory constraints.

Following the workshop, the design team should prepare a report on the ideas collected, how they are going to be integrated into the design, and where additional work is required to develop the ideas. The report should consider the capabilities of the local community and their preferred method of communication. It is often effective to meet with the community to present the report and explain how the ideas have been used. The updated maps and diagrams that were used during the workshop can be presented to clearly demonstrate the value of the ideas. This not only shows that the project respects the input of the local community, but it also builds trust and helps to maintain the community support throughout the project development.

10.4 Innovation

Projects are facing increasing levels of public scrutiny and are being held to a higher standard for managing environmental impacts and co-creating economic benefits with local communities. Meeting these challenges requires project teams to find new, innovative solutions instead of using the same design and processes that have been used historically on projects. Innovation can occur anywhere across the project team, but the focus of innovation will often occur during the design process, where the project team is making decisions about where to build the facility, what processes and equipment will be used, and how the project will be built.

Opportunity Register

As discussed in Chapter 7, “Managing Risk and Opportunity,” integrating sustainability into project design can include identifying and implementing opportunities to reduce impacts, improve the local community, and deliver better projects. Throughout the project development process opportunities can be included in the opportunity register and used to drive innovation in project design. These opportunities should be included in an opportunity capture plan that documents how each opportunity will be managed, who will be responsible, and the schedule to investigate opportunities and execute on selected opportunities.

Innovation Targets

One way to drive innovative solutions is to establish innovation targets that every project department can work toward. This helps to engage everyone on the project team in generating ideas to improve the project. There are often many small ways to improve a project and these shouldn't be discouraged, but the focus of innovation should be on material or significant changes to the original design. The project can establish a set of innovative targets that can be used to track impacts to demonstrate savings and improvements to senior management, and communicate innovative solutions to owners, regulators, and the local community. Examples of innovation targets include:

  • Cost savings in $ of capital cost, $/unit operating costs, or $ of total cost of ownership
  • Local job creation in person-years during construction or full-time equivalents (FTEs) during operations
  • Local contracting increased by either $ procured locally or as a percentage of $ Local/$ Total
  • Environmental impact in tCO2/unit produced, or tCO2 during construction
  • Schedule improvement in days saved

Innovation Competitions

Another approach to generate innovative solutions to project challenges is to develop innovation competitions that address key risks or opportunities identified during project development. Innovation competitions can be focused on internal teams where the project team including consultants and suppliers are challenged to solve problems. Innovation competitions can also be expanded to include external resources like industry researchers, universities and colleges, and the local community.

Change Management

Developing innovative solutions can create positive benefits for the project but can also create unintended negative consequences. It is important to include change management procedures (see Chapter 5) in the innovation process to evaluate the potential impact of innovation on other project areas.

10.5 Decision Making

For every project, decisions must be made to prioritize actions, choose locations, select technologies, choose suppliers, and procure equipment, material, and services. This means that integrating sustainability into project design requires integrating sustainability into decision-making tools and processes.

The organization may have set ambitious sustainability goals, but when sustainability concepts move from high-level organizational strategy down to the reality of project design and construction, they must evolve to reflect the practical requirements of project development and operations. It doesn't matter how green or sustainable a design is, it still needs to work.

The tools described below can support design teams and project leadership to make the tough decisions needed to balance financial and operational goals with environmental and social responsibilities. This section will discuss several design tools, including:

  • Trade-off studies
  • Multi-criteria design analysis
  • Lifecycle assessment
  • Environmental economics

Trade-off Studies

Trade-off studies or alternatives analysis is the starting point for most technical decision-making processes. They involve researching and completing preliminary design work on a number of possible options for design choice. Traditionally, trade-off studies looked at a comparison of capital and operating costs versus the performance of the selected technologies with some consideration of safety and maintenance. Often the design choice has been simplified to the cheapest capital cost option that meets the basic design requirements.

Table 10.3 Sustainable options analysis.

Objective Option 1
Diesel Power
Option 2
Solar Power
Option 3
Coal Power
Cost Effectiveness Lowest total cost of ownership
Higher capital but lower operating costs
Low capital but risk of future
Performance Meets design requirements
Exceeds design requirements
Does not meet requirements
Environmental Impacts Meets current regulatory requirements but risk of future issues
Meets regulatory requirements
Lowest emissions option
Meets current regulatory requirements but high risk of future issues
Social Impact Current standard in community
Potential for local maintenance contract
Concerns for dust and air emissions
Summary Evaluation Well-established technology but some future risk
New technology but opportunity for lowest total cost of ownership
High risk of future operations issues

With an increased focus on project sustainability, it is important for design teams to consider environmental and social considerations in the trade-off study. When assessing the advantages and disadvantages for each of the technical options, the design team can include both positive and negative environmental and social impacts in the analysis. An example for the design of the electrical power supply for a remote facility is shown in Table 10.3. Each of the technical options should also be screened against the project commitments to ensure that the selected design does not cause unexpected regulatory challenges or negative reactions from the local community.

A trade-off study can be used to screen out technology options that do not meet project requirements or are clearly inferior to other options. But when there are two or more technologies that are more difficult to differentiate, where there are more difficult trade-offs between cost and performance, or cost and sustainability issues, then the design team may need to use more detailed analysis like multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA), described below.

Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA)

Multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA) is a well-established decision tool where options are weighted and scored against a set of factors to provide a ranking of the options. MCDA is very versatile and can be scaled to fit any size decision. For large decisions, the procedure will often require a large team of stakeholders. For simple decisions, however, a single individual with a simple version of the tool can make thoughtful decisions.

Sustainability can be integrated into MCDA tools by ensuring that the decision factors used to determine the best design alternative include social and environmental factors, as well as the traditional economic and performance factors.

The concept of including environmental and social factors in design and decision making is found in a number of different major projects, including transportation and aviation projects. It is central to the concept of context-sensitive design; the Transportation Research Board states, “A vision for excellence in transportation design includes these qualities:

  • The project satisfies the purpose and needs as agreed to by a full range of stakeholders. This agreement is forged in the earliest phase of the project and amended as warranted as the project develops.
  • The project is a safe facility both for the user and the community.
  • The project is in harmony with the community and preserves environmental, scenic, aesthetic, historic, and natural resource values of the area.
  • The project exceeds the expectations of both designers and stakeholders and achieves a level of excellence in people's minds.
  • The project involves efficient and effective use of resources (time, budget, community) of all involved parties.
  • The project is designed and built with minimal disruption to the community.
  • The project is seen as having added lasting value to the community.”2

Similarly, the Sustainable Aviation Guidance Alliance suggests taking “a holistic approach to managing an airport so as to ensure the integrity of the Economic viability, Operational efficiency, Natural Resource Conservation and Social responsibility (EONS) of the airport.”3

Decision Factors

Similar to the trade-off study process described above, using MCDA to make sustainable decisions requires that the three traditional elements of sustainability are combined with a performance or operational factor. Depending on the language that is being used in your project, this can create a set of decision factors that adds “operations” to the economic, social, and environmental factors of sustainability. Or it can create a set of factors that adds “Performance” to the traditional triple bottom line approach of people, planet, and profit, as shown in Table 10.4.

Sustainable Decision Process

The MCDA process provides a systematic and defensible approach to assessing the positive and negative impacts of each decision option using the four factors of sustainability listed above: economic, operations, social, and environment. The basic procedure to apply sustainability to operational decisions is outlined below (adapted from McPhee and Powell4).

Table 10.4 Sustainable decision factors.

Sustainable Decision Factor Modified Triple Bottom Line Description
Economic Profit Financial viability, capital cost, operating cost, cash flow, risk, schedule
Operations Performance Technical functionality, quality, reliability, capacity, safety
Social People Community acceptance, health, skills development, local employment
Environment Planet Environmental impact, energy use, GHG, waste, water, resource use
  • Step 1: Assemble the decision team. Bring together the required people who are involved in the decision. For small decisions this could include just a small design team. But for larger or more complex decisions, the team might need to expand to include other departments or specialists.
  • Step 2: Select decision factors. Identify the factors that are relevant to the specific design options being analyzed and list them under the four sustainability factors (see Figure 10.1). The decision factors can be taken from design requirements, organizational and project goals, commitments to the local community, and regulatory requirements.
  • Step 3: Weigh the decision factors. The decision factors can be assigned a weighting to adjust for the significance of their impacts or potential risks. In Figure 10.1, there are two levels of weighting, which allow the team to assess sustainability at a high level and at the level of each of the decision factors. This is not required for using MCDA but can provide some flexibility to perform scenario analysis to assess how the performance of the various options changes when the importance of the sustainability factors is changed.

    One example of a simple weighting scale for the factors is provided below. Note that the team can choose to adopt a different scoring system:

    1. Not important
    2. Slightly important
    3. Neutral
    4. Important
    5. Very important
  • Step 4: Determine possible options. The design team selects the potential design options that will be assessed by the MCDA process. One strategy to promote innovative thinking is to add an extra blank option to the process that might be used to capture a new idea, or for a combination of two options that provides a better solution when combined together.
  • Step 5: Score the options. The decision team provides a score or rank for each of the options. There are a number of different options for generating the scores that include:
    1. Straight ranking (best gets 5; worst gets 1)
    2. Relative ranking
      • 5 = above average or positive impact
      • 3 = average or neutral impact
      • 1 = below average or negative impact
    3. Numerical score
      • Provide a score for each option based on actual values like price, throughput, or energy use
      • Social components can be difficult to provide a numerical score for
      • Often more time consuming than the decision requires
  • Step 6: Calculate the total scores. The weighted score MCDA is reached by multiplying each factor score by the associated factor weighting and then adding the scores together to provide a total score for each sustainability factor, which is typically presented as a percentage of the highest possible score. The score is presented as a score for each of the four sustainability factors so the team can see where each option gets a good score or a poor score.

    The total score for each option is then calculated using a weighted sum of the sustainability factor scores and weighting. The weighting of each sustainability factor can be adjusted to evaluate the impact on the decision if the focus of the decision changes. For example, the sustainability weighting is often created with a balance that reflects the project priorities like economic and operational performance, but the decision could change if the focus changes to a focus that reflects the concerns of the local community. Testing the decision to see if the same technology would be selected by the project or by the local community can help to evaluate areas where there may be potential conflict as the project develops. Changing the weighting for the four sustainability factors can be used to show how changing priorities can change the score and the selected option.

  • Step 7: Document assumptions and decisions. Documenting the decision process can help to demonstrate that the reasons for the decision included social and environmental considerations. It can also provide support for future design teams as the project develops to document assumptions and reasons why the decision was made to ensure that any changes to the design reflect the thinking of the original decision.
  • Step 8: Reality check. Like all decision tools, MCDA provides a structure for making design decisions but there is still the potential for a poor decision to be made. One issue with MCDA is that an option that has a fatal flaw creates a very low score in one area and can still have the best overall score if the other factors score well. The decision team should be aware of the potential for fatal flaws and remove these options if necessary.

An example of a completed multi-criteria decision analysis is shown in Figure 10.1.

Lifecycle Assessment

Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is a tool that has traditionally been used to evaluate the environmental impacts of products across the full lifecycle from resource extraction to manufacturing, use, and disposal. The LCA process can be adapted to assessing the impact of projects or the impact of a particular design decision or collection of decisions, especially to evaluate the project's carbon or water footprint. For example, a decision to transport materials by rail or truck can be supported by calculating the carbon footprint of both options to understand the potential carbon reduction of transporting materials by rail.

Image described by caption and surrounding text.

Figure 10.1 Multi-criteria decision analysis example.

Developing the project's carbon and water footprint can not only help decision making but can support reporting to groups like the Carbon Disclosure Project, calculating the impact of future carbon taxes, and, in the case of natural resource or production facility, providing input data to LCA analysis being completed by the organization's customers.

Performing a full LCA for many project decisions is often not necessary so the design team should select an approach that meets the level of accuracy that is required for the decision. A streamlined approach is often sufficient to provide an indication of how to compare the design options. The first step in a streamlined approach is to choose the key factor that will be used for the LCA depending on the expected impacts of the design. Indicators that can be used for an LCA include area of land disturbed, resource consumption, energy use, water use, carbon emissions, or waste production. For example, a decision to select an energy system would look at energy use or carbon emissions but a decision about construction methods might look at area of land disturbed.

Table 10.5 Lifecycle screening.

Lifecycle Component Impacts Opportunities What can you change?
Materials and Supplies
End of Life (Disposal/Recycle)

The next step is to screen the decision options to see where impacts are created along the lifecycle. This is also an opportunity to look for innovative solutions to find ways of changing the details of the design option to reduce the largest impacts. For example, if food supply for the construction activities has a high impact from transportation of materials to the job site, then there may be opportunities to look at local supply to reduce the largest impact. This analysis can be captured in a summary table, as shown in Table 10.5.

Once you have identified the key impacts for each of the design options, the next step is to calculate the footprint of each of the options. Comparing the area of disturbed land can be fairly straightforward but calculating carbon footprints should be done using accepted methods so that the results can be used for future reporting, if required.

Like all decision tools, LCA has issues that need to be reviewed before making a design decision based on the output of the assessment. Some key issues include:

  1. A focus on one environmental aspect like carbon footprint without looking at other impacts that may be important
  2. Analysis to reduce impacts on a global level (carbon footprint) that might create higher local environmental impacts
  3. Decisions that are based primarily on the environmental aspects that ignore or deemphasize the social impacts to the local community
  4. Failure to include impacts that are harder to quantify and therefore difficult to include in the calculations

Environmental Economics

Another approach that is similar to lifecycle assessment is environmental economics, which uses a financial analysis of a wide range of project impacts to evaluate design options. This provides an alternative decision approach to LCA in cases where there are competing decision factors that might include economic benefits of the project versus environmental damage versus both positive and negative social impacts.

Environmental economics is well developed for public infrastructure projects where it considers the choices that people make and the costs and benefits of design options. For example, the design of a public park would consider the benefits of people enjoying the facilities and the surrounding nature by predicting the number of visitors, time spent in the park and the financial value of that time.

The process can also be applied to other types of projects where the facilities will have an impact on the local community or on the environment. The process allows the design team to meet both project economic and sustainability goals by weighing the costs and benefits of design alternatives.

Economic Analysis

The basis of comparison in environmental economics analysis is purely economic so everything needs to be converted into a financial impact. There are a number of ways of doing this, depending on whether the impact is financial (profits, jobs, taxes), environmental (loss of habitat and ecosystem services), or social (life expectancy, social cohesion). The social impacts can be the most difficult to convert into financial values, but economists use a variety of methods, including actuarial calculations, surveys, and values inferred from similar activities. Some examples to demonstrate the types of calculations that can be used to convert environmental and social impacts into financial values include:

  • Carbon emissions can be calculated by local carbon tax rates or preferably by the global social cost of carbon.
  • Water use can be calculated by the cost to replace the water if the area is prone to drought or has limited water resources.
  • Damage to land can be calculated by loss of natural resources (what is a tree worth as wood and clean air and habitat) or loss of hunting (what is the replacement cost of food).
  • Road safety can be calculated by the likelihood of an accident times the cost of an accident (property damage, healthcare costs).
  • Decrease in air quality or water quality can be calculated by increased health care costs.
  • Damage to the local culture leading to a loss of social cohesion can be calculated by the social cost of family support services, increased crime, and healthcare costs.

Once the team has collected the required input data, the process for completing an economic analysis involves building a spreadsheet that allows the positive and negative impacts to be entered for every year of the project, from construction through to end of life and any post-closure impacts. The process involves:

  • Enter the economic impact data for each factor into the spreadsheet. For example, for carbon emissions enter the social cost of carbon in $/tCO2.
  • For each option, enter the magnitude of the impact for each year of the life of the project, such as the carbon emissions for each year of construction, operations, and restoration.
  • Calculate the annual financial impact of each factor by multiplying the economic impact by the magnitude of impact.
  • Sum up all of the positive and negative impacts to get the overall impact per year across the life of the project. It can be helpful at this stage to graph the annual impact data to see how the benefits and costs of the project change over time.
  • Use a net present value (NPV) function to calculate the overall economic impact of the project. Selecting the interest rate to use in the NPV calculation can be difficult. Organizations may want to use their cost of capital (interest rate for borrowing money), which tends to devalue future costs, but social groups prefer lower interest rates that reflect the longer-term impacts of projects. Performing a scenario analysis with a range of interest rates can demonstrate whether the selected option changes depending on the choice of interest rate.

Reality Check

Environmental economics is one of the most comprehensive methods of making project decisions, but this makes it difficult for project design teams to complete on their own without the support of an environmental economist who specializes in collecting and interpreting the data required for the input to the calculations. For this reason, it is often limited to large-scale decision making during the concept or feasibility stages of the project or for decisions that will have a major impact on the overall impact of the project.

The process also has a number of challenges that need to be considered when using output from the economic calculations, including:

  1. The process will often emphasize short-term impacts over long-term impacts, especially if the calculations use a net present value (NPV) approach that devalues future impacts.
  2. The process does not differentiate between winners and losers of a design decision so the selected option might have a high positive economic benefit for the project owner (profits) and the local government (tax revenue) but might have a negative impact on the local community. One approach to understand this is to run the analysis using only the economic impacts to the local community and see if the selected option creates positive local benefits.
  3. The process of converting environmental and social impacts into financial indicators (money) can create a negative perception in the local community. Economists and actuaries might be able to put a dollar value on a human life, but it is difficult to discuss this with local communities when it is their lives that are being affected.

Despite these challenges, environmental economics “provides a fully quantitative, objective, and rational way to include all of the social, environmental, and economic issues relevant to a decision into one comprehensive analysis.”5

10.6 Designing for Climate Change

It is difficult to write a chapter about integrating sustainability into project design without paying special attention to the challenges of climate change. Designing for climate change is becoming increasingly important as the impacts of climate change are being felt around the world and the social and political pressure to reduce carbon emissions continues to grow.

Good design should never be built on an optimistic view of the future but on a realistic or even pessimistic view of the future that includes safety factors built into design calculations to manage future risks. Engineering design models that use local weather – wind speed, precipitation, temperature – need to be adapted to pessimistic climate scenarios and not just to historical ranges or published values.

The same applies to financial analysis for design options. Do you select alternatives based on current capital and operating costs or do you evaluate the potential for operating costs to change over time, especially the potential increased cost of greenhouse gas emissions? Following are some things that design teams and project decision makers should consider when considering options for the project.

Safety in Design

Safety in design principles can be applied to climate adaptation that includes how local weather events like natural disasters and rising temperatures can have an impact on human health and safety. This can include a broad range of topics from the safety of employees during extreme weather events to the health of employees and the local community that can be impacted by disease spread due to flooding or poor air quality from forest fires near the project.

Weather During Construction

Climate change is causing an increase in the frequency and severity of storms and rising temperatures that can directly affect project construction. Construction planning needs to include emergency response and health and safety plans that incorporate extreme weather, storms, and heat events. This could include scheduling construction activities to avoid the riskiest times of year for weather events, including scheduling of work crews that are being flown to remote sites and could be stranded by bad weather.

The design of construction equipment like cranes and scaffolding needs to take into account potential weather events so that equipment will survive extreme storms or can be taken down quickly if an extreme storm is forecast.

Weather During Operations

The same principle applies to the design of structures and equipment for full-scale operations. The project design needs to incorporate resilient infrastructure that can withstand more severe storms, wind, increased precipitation, and flooding. Many regions have rules to protect waterways that require infrastructure to be built a certain distance from the high-water mark, but increased flooding is changing the high-water mark. If your project is located near water, the design needs to evaluate if increased flooding will put infrastructure at risk or change the high-water mark on nearby streams and waterways that will limit where you can locate infrastructure.

Sea Level Rise

Similar to flooding risks, docks and near-water infrastructure on or near oceans could be impacted by rising sea levels and extreme storm events that increase storm surges and damage project facilities. Design work should include conservative predictions of sea level and storm damage to ensure that infrastructure is resilient and safe for workers.

Impacts to port facilities can also have an effect along the project supply chain. Logistics plans for both construction and operations should include contingency for extreme weather and rising sea levels that might impact shipping for equipment suppliers and product shipments.

Water Shortages and Droughts

With rising temperatures and changes in precipitation, increasing areas of the world are being impacted by drought and water shortages. If your project is located in an area that is currently facing these challenges or is predicted to face these challenges in the future, then the project design should incorporate water management strategies not just to manage the project's water supply but also to consider how the project could have an impact on the local water supply either through damage to existing water resources or through competition for scarce water resources. Protection of the local community's water supply is one of the areas where projects can face the strongest local opposition to the project development. So a well-developed water management plan is critical not just for creating a successful project but also for maintaining community support for the project.


One field of study that project design teams are investigating to help build more resilient projects is biomimicry, where concepts from nature are used to improve designs that often have a lower total cost of ownership as well. These concepts have led to buildings designed with termite mound structures to provide natural air flow and cooling to stormwater management systems that use natural streams instead of culverts and pipes.

Nature-Based Solutions

A related approach is to use nature-based solutions (NBS), also referred to as ecosystem services, which recognizes that the natural environment is a resource for project development and operations. NBS is defined as “actions to protect, sustainably manage and restore natural or modified ecosystems, which address societal challenges effectively and adaptively, while simultaneously providing human well-being and biodiversity benefits.”6

These concepts have typically been used for the development and restoration of natural resources for public infrastructure for water management and managing severe storms. But they can also be used to improve the design of any major project. The concepts of NBS can be applied to a number of project design areas, including:

  • Improved water management and security to support facility operations
  • Disaster risk reduction by providing natural buffers for flooding and extreme weather events
  • Mitigation of increased temperatures by using natural surfaces to reduce heat-island effects around project facilities
  • Improved ecological restoration as part of progressive reclamation or closure requirements (see Chapter 14)

Logistics Footprint

Projects often limit the assessment of their environmental footprint to the boundaries of the project and do not consider the impact of transporting materials to and from the site. The design and project planning should consider where equipment, materials, and supplies are coming from and how they will reach the project site. Transporting materials by rail or ship has a lower carbon footprint than transporting by truck. Buying local can reduce the footprint for transportation and support the local economy.

Carbon Pricing Scenario Analysis

The cost of carbon can have an impact on the design and operation of a project and the range of possible carbon pricing should be included in feasibility studies and design options analysis. The current average carbon price is approximately $US 16/tCO2 (in 2018) but economists have determined that carbon pricing as high as $200/tCO2 may be necessary to control carbon emissions.

The project team needs to establish a project forecast based on a standard set of assumptions that can be used for all decision making. This will help ensure that informed decisions are made that will protect the project and the organization from future risks.

One example is from the International Finance Corporation (IFC), that provides funding for global projects, and has developed a range of carbon prices that start at $30/tCO2 and increase to $80/tCO2 by 2050:

The International Finance Corporation (IFC) has operated a carbon pricing pilot since November 2016 using price levels of US$30/tCO2e in 2016, increasing to US$80/tCO2e by 2050. The price is applied to the economic rate of return analysis of project finance investments in the cement, thermal power and chemicals sectors, and is considered as one of several inputs into the investment decision. The price is applied to gross Scope 1 and 2 emissions. The IFC is moving to full implementation in project finance deals in the three sectors listed above, and plans to pilot the application of a carbon price to project finance investments in other sectors with annual emissions above 25 ktCO2e.7

Future Proofing the Design

Climate change won't just change the weather and the operating costs of the project; it is also driving technological change that will have an impact on operating the project. Project teams need to consider in their design work the rapid evolution of renewable energy, energy storage, electric vehicles, and other technologies that reduce energy use and carbon footprint. These changes are accelerating, and the project should include scenario analysis that looks at the future of energy and carbon management, can help teams to understand potential changes, and to design the project with the ability to adapt to changes over time. These changes could also include the evolution of other technical trends that could impact projects, including the Internet of Things (IoT), electrification, and autonomous vehicles.

Renewable Energy

One key area of design that projects need to consider is the use of renewable energy to replace traditional hydrocarbon power systems. Using renewable energy like solar and wind power can be more complicated to design than a diesel generator, but recent advancements in energy storage and micro-grid energy management has made these systems much more reliable for facility operations.

Industrial facilities also have the opportunity to adapt renewable energy and energy storage to fit with the requirements of an industrial facility instead of the requirements of the electrical grid. These facilities can find ways of integrating renewable energy and energy storage directly into facility operations by looking at nonelectrical applications. One example is solar thermal systems that can store thermal energy for future electrical generation, operate as combined heat and power (CHP) plants, or provide thermal energy for industrial processes such as heating, drying, or distillation.

Climate Impacts versus Project Impacts

Another reason to look carefully at the potential impacts of climate change is to understand that climate change could have an effect on the local ecosystem, which adds to the environmental impacts from the project. The combined impacts could create unexpected consequences that could be viewed as the impact of just the project. The design of water use, emissions controls, and environmental footprint for the project needs to incorporate the potential for climate change impacts to be additive and for the project to become responsible for the combined effects of project impacts and climate impacts. If your facility is near an ecologically sensitive area or an area that is expected to go through major changes due to climate change, then it may be necessary to manage the project's impacts more carefully than required under regulations.

10.7 Summary

Project design is becoming more complicated as local communities become more aware and more actively engaged in project development. At the same time, increased scrutiny on environmental impacts and the rapidly changing response to climate change are making project design more challenging because it is harder to predict what the future will look like.

Integrating sustainability concepts into design provides project teams with the ability to better assess future scenarios, meet regulatory requirements for project permitting, and engage with local communities to develop better design solutions and build better projects.

Decision-making tools also need to be modified to allow social and environmental issues to be incorporate into decision making for design options. The tools we have discussed in this chapter can also be used in other areas, especially procurement decisions, as discussed in the next chapter where social and environmental issues can be used to select equipment, suppliers, and contractors who will help the project meet its sustainability goals.


  1. 1   Bill Lennertz and Aarin Lutzenhiser, “The NCI Charrette System™ for Transit Oriented Development,” Federal Transit Administration, March 2013, accessed on December 2018 at
  2. 2   Transportation Research Board, “NCHRP Report 480: A Guide to Best Practices for Achieving Context Sensitive Solutions,” 2002, accessed December 2018 at
  3. 3   Sustainable Aviation Guidance Alliance, “Sustainable Aviation Resource Guide: Planning, Implementing and Maintaining a Sustainability Program at Airports,” 2009, accessed December 2018 at
  4. 4   McPhee, W., and Powell, J., “A Practical Approach to Sustainable Decision Making,” Environmental Management, May 2011.
  5. 5   Paul Hardistry, Environmental and Economic Sustainability (CRC Press, 2010).
  6. 6   Cohen-Shacham, E., Walters, G., Janzen, C., and Maginnis, S. (eds.). “Nature-based Solutions to address global societal challenges” (Gland, Switzerland: IUCN, 2016).
  7. 7   World Bank and Ecofys. “State and Trends of Carbon Pricing 2018 (May),” World Bank, Washington, DC, 2018. DOI: 10.1596/978-1-4648-1292-7.
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