
A  |  B  |  C  |  D  |  E

F  |  G  |  H  |  I  |  J

K  |  L  |  M  |  N  |  O

P  |  Q  |  R  |  S  |  T

U  |  V  |  W  |  Z


accessibility, 220

analytical appeal, 51–53

anecdotes, 85–87

animation, 151–152

appearance, 170

Atkinson, Cliff, 207

atmosphere, 169–170


appealing to, 8

call to action for, 39–41

connecting with, 91–92, 215–218

creating value for, 4–5

cues from, 216

expectations of, 12

feedback from, 215–218

finding common ground with, 21–23

follow-up with, 219–221

knowing your, 15–17

power of the, 3–5

Q&A sessions with, 187–189

relationship building with, 205–209

remote, 165, 191–193, 195–201

resistance from, 33–35

segmentation, 7–9

of senior executives, 11–13

surveying, 104–105, 216–217

transforming, 19–20

authenticity, 171–173


backchannels, 215

Ballmer, Steve, 171–173

big idea

content to support, 29–32, 43–45

defining your, 27–28

big-word slides, 118–119

blogging, 213

body language, 175–178

Bolte Taylor, Jill, 176–177

brainstorming, 29–32

Brogan, Chris, 196

Brown, Tim, 43

bullet slides, 118

buzz, 104


Cain, Susan, 173

call to action, 39–41

change, 19–20

charts, 137–141

clarification, of data, 137–141

clichés, visual, 127–128

comfort monitors, 164–165

common ground, with audience, 21–23

communal noise, 201


nonverbal, 175–178

vocal style, 179–180

comparisons, 60, 141

conceptual image slides, 120–121

consecutive interpreters, 184

content. See also message

existing, 29–30

to support big idea, 29–32

contrast, 37–38, 130–132, 138, 152

controlling idea, 27–28

convergent thinking, 43, 44

conversational tone, 17

co-presenters, 107, 197


data, displaying, 137–141

data slides, 119–120


authenticity in, 171–173

nonverbal communication during, 175–178

rehearsing, 155–157

to remote audiences, 191–193

scoping out venue for, 159–162

setting tone for, 169–170

stage fright and, 167–168

of stories, 181–182

technology glitches during, 163–165

voice for, 179–180

delivery styles, 93

demographics, 7

design, 111–112, 129–135

diagrams, 120, 143–148

Disney, Walt, 109

disposition, 170

divergent thinking, 43, 44

documents, creating, 95–96

dramatizations, 84–85

dress, 170

dynamic opposites, 37


e-mail, 195, 196, 220

emotional appeal, 51–53, 75–79

emotional resistance, 34

enthusiasm, 196–197

environmental noise, 200–201

equipment malfunctions, 163–165, 199

ethnographics, 8

executive summary slides, 12–13

expectations, audience, 12

eye contact, 175


facial expressions, 175

facilitators, 201

feedback, 105, 155–156, 215–218

final impressions, 189

firmographics, 8

first impressions, 169–170

floor plan, 160

flow, 129–130

flow diagrams, 144, 145

follow-up, 104–105, 219–221

food plan, 160–161


Gallo, Carmine, 55

Gates, Bill, 84

gestures, 176–178

gifts, 220

glance test, 114

group brainstorming, 30–31


Haemer, Ken, 1

Haims, Nolan, 96

handouts, 104

Heath, Chip, 25

Heath, Dan, 25

hierarchy, visual, 133

hook diagrams, 144

hub-and-spoke diagrams, 144



big idea, 27–32, 43–45

brainstorming, 29–32

choosing best, 43–45

contrasting, 37–38

one per slide, 123–125

organizing your, 47–49

spreading via social media, 211–213

visualizing, 97–98

idioms, 185

insights, 4

interpreters, 183–186


jargon, 55–57

Jobs, Steve, 59–60, 89

join diagrams, 144, 145


King, Martin Luther, Jr., 81


Labalme, Victoria, 171, 181

length of presentation, 99–101

logical resistance, 33–34


McKee, Robert, 61

McLuhan, Marshall, 191


choosing right, 91–93

follow-up, 104–105

mixed, 107–108

online, 104

presentation software, 95–98

testing, 165

memorable stories, 83–87


amplifying, through contrast, 37–38

appeal of your, 51–53

call to action, 39–41

choosing best ideas for, 43–45

choosing medium for delivery of, 91–93

content to support, 29–32

defining your big idea, 27–28

emotional impact of, 75–79

memorable, 83–87

organizing your, 47–49

resistance to your, 33–35

sound bites, 59–60


translation of, 185

using, 60, 81–82

visual, 127–128

mind mapping, 30, 31

moderators, 212, 215

Morgan, Nick, 168


navigation slides, 117–118

network diagrams, 144, 145


visual, 201

during webinars, 200–201

nonverbal communication, 175–178


opposites, 37–38

order of events, 161

organization, 47–49


pacing, 185–186

pauses, 197

personal notes, 219

personal stories, 77–79

persuasion, off-stage, 103–105

photographs, posting online, 212

planning, xvi

politics, 7

posture, 175–176

PowerPoint, 95–98

practical resistance, 34

precommunication, 169


rehearsals, 155–157

scoping out venue, 159–162


audience for, 3–23

communication before, 103–104

delivery of, 153–201

endings of, 189

follow-up after, 104–105, 219–221

impact of, 203–221

length of, 99–101

media for, 89–108

message for, 27–60

planning, xvi

recorded, 161–162

remote, 191–193, 195–201

setting tone for, 169–170

short versions of, 156

slides for, 109–152

social media’s impact on, 205–209

stories in, 61–87

storyboarding, 123–125

streaming, 211

presentation software, 95–98


feedback from skilled, 155–156

multiple, 107, 197

self-focused, 3–4

projection size, 165

psychographics, 7

punctuality, 200


Q&A sessions, 187–189

quote slides, 119


Raphaely, Mirran, 84–85

recordings, 161–162

rehearsals, 13, 155–157

relationship building, 205–209

remote audience, 165, 191–193, 195–201

repetition, 59–60

resistance, 33–35

resonance, 21

Reynolds, Garr, 96

rhetorical devices, 59–60

rhythmic repetition, 59–60

Roam, Dan, 124


Sandberg, Sheryl, 97

scale, of charts, 138–139

schedule, 161

seating plan, 160

segmentation, of audience, 7–9

segment diagrams, 144, 145

senior executives, 11–13

sensory details, 182

similes, 60

simultaneous interpreters, 183


animated, 151–152

arrangement of, 115, 129–135

avoiding clichés in, 127–128

designing, 111–112, 129–135

diagrams on, 143–148

displaying data in, 137–141

executive summary, 12–13

notes for, 96–97

number of, 149–150

organizing, 47–49

posting online, 104

presentation software, 95–98

refining, 156

simplicity of, 113–116

storyboarding, 123–125

testing, 164, 200

types of, 117–121

when not to use, 149

slide-show mode, 156–157

slideuments, 96

slogans, 60

social media

monitoring, 215, 217

reach of, 218

relationship building with, 205–209

spreading ideas via, 211–213

software, presentation, 95–98

Solis, Brian, 203

sound bites, 59–60

stack diagrams, 144, 145

stage fright, 167–168

statistics, shocking, 83–84


beginnings of, 67–69

bringing to life, 181–182

for emotional impact, 75–79

endings of, 73–74

memorable, 83–87

metaphors in, 81–82

middles of, 71–72

personal, 77–79

principles of, 63–64

reexperiencing, 181–182

structure of, 64, 65–66

storyboarding, 123–125

summary slides, 12–13

supporting material, 104

surveys, 104–105, 216–217



glitches, 163–165, 199

new media, 191–193

teleconferences, 195–201

teleprompter notes, 96–97

teleprompters, 164–165


for presentation, 99–101

starting on, 200

title slides, 117

tone, setting the, 169–170

transformation, 19–20, 63–64

translations, 183–186

transparency, 171

Trollope, Rowan, 85–87

Twitter, 208


unity, 133–135


value creation, 4–5

venue, scoping out, 159–162

verbal tics, 180

video slides, 121

video streaming, 191–193, 211

visual hierarchy, 133

visual noise, 201

visuals. See also slides

avoiding clichés in, 127–128

coordination of, 114

design elements for, 129–135

emphasizing important elements in, 137–138

evocative, 84

of ideas, 97–98

vocal style, 179–180


walk-in slides, 117

walk-out slides, 121

webinars, 195–201

whispering interpreters, 184

white space, 132–133


Zarrella, Dan, 59, 213

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