Amplify Your Message Through Contrast

People are naturally drawn to contrast because life is filled with it: Day and night. Male and female. Love and hate.

A skilled communicator captures an audience’s interest by creating tension between contrasting elements—and then provides relief by resolving that tension. It’s how you build a bridge between others’ views and yours.

Try brainstorming ideas around polar opposites such as the ones in table 2-1.

Dynamic opposites
Past/present Future
Need Fulfi llment
Speed Endurance
Ambition Humility
Stagnation Growth
Roadblocks Clear passage
Sacrifice Reward
Budget Quality

Suppose you manage an airline’s maintenance division, and you’re asking for money to invest in analytics. Table 2-2 shows pairs of opposites you might explore as you figure out how to make your case.

Using the tension of extremes
Customer complaintsCustomer satisfaction
We’re getting low ratings on customer surveys because of flight delays and missed connections caused by simple maintenance issues. What if we could better schedule our planes’ maintenance by digging into our repair data?
We currently follow the manufacturer’s recommended maintenance schedule—and it’s not suffi cient. Planes get held up at the gate while mechanics do routine repairs. By tracking and studying how often we actually perform certain kinds of repairs, we can create a schedule that’s more realistic. We’ll be able to prevent problems instead of fi xing them when they pop up.

By tracking and studying how often we actually perform certain kinds of repairs, we can create a schedule that’s more realistic. We’ll be able to prevent problems instead of fixing them when they pop up. By embracing the tension between the extremes, you can propel your message—and the movement will feel natural.

The familiar will comfort people; the new will stimulate them and keep them interested. Generate plenty of content on both sides of the contrast or you’ll lose momentum—and your audience.

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