Chapter 2

Clean Energy Replacement and Electricity Replacement


World energy development is a constant process of transformation and innovation. Since the first Industrial Revolution, two significant changes in world energy development have taken place, namely: substitution of coal for firewood and substitution of petroleum for coal. The shift has helped to meet the world’s ever-rising energy needs and fuel rapid socioeconomic growth. In the face of climate change, a new round of energy revolution is looming as an inexorable trend. The basic direction is to focus on clean energy substitution and electric energy substitution, marking a fundamental change from a fossil fuel-based energy structure to one based on clean energy. This is the only pathway that the world must take to achieve sustainable development for the future.


energy revolution
global energy interconnection
electricity replacement
fossil energy
clean energy

1. Wind and Solar Energy Development in the World

The Earth is abundant in wind and solar energy resources, yet efficient utilization of these energy sources can only be achieved by converting them into electric power. The world’s wind and solar energy technologies have undergone a slow process of development since the nineteenth century. Since the twenty-first century, wind, and solar energy development has entered a new phase of large-scale exploration, with more importance being attached to clean energy development and new energy technology advancing rapidly.

1.1. Wind Energy Development

In 1887, Prof James Blyth at Anderson’s College, now the University of Strathclyde, in Scotland installed the first power-generating windmill in the world, in his house, marking mankind’s entry into an advanced age of wind energy exploration. The United States, Germany, Denmark, the Soviet Union, and France followed suit by commencing wind energy research, development and application, but overall progress was slow. Since the two severe global oil crises in the 1970s and 1980s, the utilization of wind power has gained global recognition and grown rapidly, under the double impact of the tightening supply of conventional fossil energy and the deterioration of the global ecological environment.

1.1.1. Rapid Growth in Installed Capacity

In the early twenty-first century, Europe and North America were the fastest growing regions in the world in wind energy development. In recent years, Asia has emerged quickly to become the world’s major wind power market. In 2013, global installed wind power capacity totaled 320 GW, accounting for approximately 5.6% of the world’s total, and wind power generation was estimated at 640 TWh, accounting for approximately 2.9% of the world’s total. From 2000 to 2013, both installed wind power capacity and power generation grew 17 times, representing an annual growth rate of 25.0%. See Fig. 2.1 for the world’s installed wind power capacity and growth rates from 2000 to 2013.
Figure 2.1 World Installed Wind Power Capacity and Growth Rates, 2000–2013 Source: Global Wind Energy Council (GWEC), Annual Market Update 2013.
By the end of 2013, 6 countries in Europe, 2 countries in North America, and 2 countries in Asia were among the world’s top 10 nations in terms of installed wind power capacity. Collectively these countries boasted an installed wind power capacity of approximately 85% of the world’s total. See Table 2.1 for the basic information on the world’s top 10 countries in terms of installed wind power capacity in 2013.

Table 2.1

Basic Information on Top 10 Countries in Terms of Installed Wind Power Capacity, 2013

Rankings Countries Installed Capacities (10,000 kW) Shares of Total Nationwide Installed Power Capacities (%)
1 China 7548 6.2
2 USA 6109 5.7
3 Germany 3425 19.3
4 Spain 2296 21.8
5 India 2015 8.1
6 UK 1053 11.1
7 Italy 855 6.9
8 France 825 6.4
9 Canada 780 5.8
10 Denmark 477 33.9

Source: Annual Market Update 2013, Global Wind Energy Council (GWEC); Ref. [69].

A total of 103 countries and regions around the globe have been developing and harnessing wind energy, with the United States and some European Union countries in particular accounting for a relatively large share of the world’s total capacity. Wind power has become the largest source of power supply in Denmark and Spain, representing, 34 and 21%, respectively, of the total electricity consumed nationwide. Wind power represents 20, 16, and 9% of total electricity consumption in Portugal, Ireland, and Germany, respectively.

1.1.2. Rapid Progress in Wind Power Technology

Wind power technology is concerned mainly with wind energy resources assessment and prediction, wind power equipment manufacturing technology, wind turbine testing, and grid interconnection technology. The development of and breakthroughs in equipment manufacturing technology, being the core of wind power technology, hold the key to realizing large-scale commercialization of wind power. Since the mid-1990s, the world’s major wind turbine manufacturers have stepped up research and development efforts, leading to increasingly mature equipment manufacturing technology and continued improvements in utilization efficiency, technological standards, and system user-friendliness.
First, the continued growth of single-unit wind power capacity has contributed to higher levels of utilization efficiency, lower unit costs, greater economies of scale, and space economy of wind farms. Wind turbines produced in the 1980s typically had a single-unit capacity of only 20–60 kW. Reflecting the growing trend worldwide of single-unit wind power capacity in recent years, the capacity of the world’s major wind turbine models has increased from between 500 kW and 1 MW in 2000 to 2–3 MW in 2013. In 2013, the average single-unit capacity of newly installed wind turbines in the world was 1923 kW. In China, newly installed turbines had an average single-unit capacity of 1720 kW, with 1.5 MW and 2 MW turbines as the mainstream models. See Fig. 2.2 for the International Energy Agency (IEA) report on the changes in the single-unit capacity and hub height of wind turbines in the world.1
Figure 2.2 Changes in Single-Unit Capacity and Hub Height of Wind Turbines in the World Source: IEA, Technology Roadmap Wind Energy 2013 Edition.
Second, variable blade pitch control technology has seen major progress to contribute further to turbine stability, safety, and efficiency. Typically, random changes in wind speed and direction cause continuous changes in the angle of attack of the blade, leading to fluctuating output power at the expense of power quality and grid stability. With the employment of variable blade pitch control technology, the angle of blade can be changed in line with the random change in wind speed, and the angle of attack of the wind stream can be maintained within an appropriate range. Power output can be kept stable especially when wind speed exceeds rated wind speed. Variable blade pitch control has been applied extensively in wind turbines (especially large turbines) in recent years. Along with variable pitch applications and power electronics developments, most turbine manufacturers have introduced variable-speed constant-frequency technology (VSCF) and invented variable-speed variable-pitch turbines to align rotational speed change with wind speed and further improve turbine efficiency. Currently, 90% of the world’s installed turbines are VSCF-supported, and the figure continues to rise.
Third, the rapid development of system-friendly wind farm technology contributes to ever-greater controllability and adjustability and gradually improved coordination with conventional power sources and grids. Given the high stochastic volatility and intermittent nature of wind energy, large-scale wind power integration will pose many grave challenges to load balancing, grid safety, and power quality. Conventional wind farms attach more importance to the turbine’s power generation capacity at the expense of the coordination between the turbine, other electrical equipment, grid access for turbines, and wind farms, required to maintain safe and stable grid operations. This produces a serious impact on the maximization of resources and the safety of grid operations. Thanks to the design and control technology employed, a modern wind farm has all the characteristics resembling a conventional power plant, enabling it to fully meet the requirements for generation of performance, as well as stable and safe grid operations. Generally speaking, system-friendly wind farms carry three features. First, they have a wind power prediction system capable of short-term and ultrashort-term projections for dispatching and operation. Second, the turbine is capable of active/reactive power regulation and low voltage ride-through to maintain uninterrupted operation in times of grid fluctuations. Third, there is a focus on optimizing the allocation of active and reactive power control systems to realize remote turbine control.

1.1.3. Rapid Development of Wind Power Generation Equipment Industry

Driven by the continued growth of market demand, the wind power generation equipment industry is developing rapidly. By the end of 2013, global whole-system turbine manufacturing capacity amounted to approximately 55 million kW on an annual basis. Turbine manufacturers were concentrated in China, the United States, Germany, Denmark, and Spain. China alone accounted for 50% of the world’s total production capacity. Among the top 10 wind turbine manufacturers in 2013, 3 were from China, 3 from Germany, 1 from the United States, 1 from Denmark, 1 from Spain, and 1 from India. See Table 2.2 for the basic information on the world’s top 10 turbine manufacturers in 2013.

Table 2.2

Basic Information on the World’s Top 10 Turbine Manufacturers

Rankings Manufacturers Countries Installed Capacities (10,000 kW) Market Shares (%)
1 Vestas Denmark 489.3 13.1
2 Goldwind China 411.2 11.0
3 Enercon Germany 368.7 9.8
4 Siemens Germany 277.6 7.4
5 GE USA 245.8 6.6
6 Gamesa Spain 206.8 5.5
7 Suzlon India 199.5 5.3
8 United Power China 148.8 4.0
9 Mingyang Wind Power China 129.7 3.5
10 Nordex Germany 125.4 3.3
Others 1144.8 30.5
Total 3747.8 100

Source: Ref. [91].

1.1.4. Significant Improvement in Wind Power Economics

The economics of wind energy are a function of power generation costs, with investment costs, operation and maintenance costs, resource availability, and grid-based consumption capacity as the major contributing factors. The wind turbine, as the core component of the wind power generation system, accounts for approximately 70% of the total investment in a wind farm. Lower turbine costs are driven by improved economies of scale and technological advancement. The reduction in wind power costs since 2005 has mainly reflected the benefit of growing development capacity, while the impetus to drive costs further down is expected to come more from technological innovation and breakthrough.
Fierce competition in the wind power generation equipment market over the years has led to lower turbine prices across the board. With rapidly growing demand and fast-expanding manufacturing capacity, turbine prices are falling significantly, especially after the global financial crisis in 2008. In China, turbine prices fell by 37% on an aggregate basis between 2008 and 2010. Following the restructuring and consolidation of the global wind power market, indiscriminate capacity expansion has been kept in check, market competition has witnessed a return to rationality, and the downward trend of turbine prices has slowed. See Table 2.3 for the turbine prices in the world market and mainland China between 2008 and 2013.

Table 2.3

Turbine Prices in Global and Chinese Markets, 2008–2013

Years Global Market Prices (Yuan/kW) Turbine Prices in China (Yuan/kW)
2008 11,109 6,300
2009 10,064 5,000
2010 8,500 4,000
2011 7,800 3,800
2012 7,371 3,600
2013 7,130 3,500

Source: Ref. [22]; China Wind Energy Development Report 2014, Renewable Energy Committee, China Association of Circular Economy.

Wind power generation costs around the world have shown a steadily downward trend year by year. From 1980 to 2005, wind power generation costs globally went down over 90%. Currently, the investment costs of onshore wind power projects stands at US$ 970–1400 per kW and electricity generation costs at around 10 US cents per kWh. China’s wind power generation costs have dropped to RMB 0.45–0.55 kWh. By 2020, the overall production costs of onshore turbines are expected to fall a further 20–25% and offshore turbines a further 40%, bringing with them lower electricity generation costs. Driven by more advanced wind power technology and growing development capacity, wind power may become more price-competitive as costs are likely to fall to a level comparable to or even lower than conventional fossil fuel-fired power generation costs.

1.1.5. Global Efforts to Support Wind Power

To cope with climate change, optimize the energy structure, and foster emerging industries of strategic importance, countries worldwide are gradually expanding the capacity of the wind power market through incentive policies designed to encourage wind energy development. The stage is already set for strong growth in wind power worldwide. Development is expected to accelerate even further with some countries and regions having announced their own wind power planning objectives.
The United States encourages wind power development primarily through policy on production tax credit and quotas for renewable energy development. The production tax credit works as a subsidy calculated on a per kilowatt hour basis, and the renewable energy quotas implemented at the state level have been made into law to set the share of renewable sources, in total electricity consumption at a designated level. In 2008 the United States Department of Energy carried out a feasibility study, 20% Wind Scenario, which found a 20% share of total electricity consumption by 2030 as a practicably achievable target for wind power.
European countries encourage wind power development primarily through subsidies on a per kilowatt hour basis. Under this system, either fixed feed-in tariffs set directly by government are provided, at which power purchased by grid operators is calculated or wind farms can participate directly in tenders with the government providing a subsidy based on market tariffs. According to the National Renewable Energy Action Plan submitted by EU nations in 2010, installed wind power capacity and wind power generation in the European Union are expected to reach over 200 GW and 500 TWh by 2020, respectively, accounting for 12.7% of total electricity consumption in that year. The Turkish government, for instance, is planning to achieve a total installed wind power capacity of 20 GW by 2020.
India has set up the National Clean Energy Fund to fund technology research and projects in clean energy. A total of 17 members from 25 Central Electricity Regulatory Commissions have jointly promulgated the Regulations for Renewable Purchase Obligation and 18 “pradeshes” (provinces) have announced a feed-in tariff setting mechanism for wind power. In addition, India has moved to cut import duty on certain turbine components from 10% to 5% and waive a 4% surcharge on the procurement of related raw materials. By the end of 2013, onshore installed wind power capacity had surpassed 20 GW, with the development of offshore wind power expected to accelerate.
In China, the Renewable Energy Act of the People’s Republic of China sets forth a renewable energy policy system covering priority grid access, benchmark tariffs, and cost apportioning. With effect from 2009, the territory of China has been divided into four different classes of wind resource regions, where four levels of benchmark feed-in tariffs apply, respectively, RMB 0.51, RMB 0.54, RMB 0.58, and RMB 0.61 per kWh, respectively. At the end of 2014, the benchmark feed-in tariffs for Classes I, II, and III wind resource regions were readjusted downward by RMB 0.02 per kWh and the tariffs for Class IV regions have remained unchanged. Also, wind energy development funds were subsidized by means of a renewable energy surcharge imposed on electricity sales to end-users. By 2020, onshore installed wind power capacity is expected to double from the current level to 200 GW.

1.2. Solar Energy Development

In 1839, French scientist Henri Becquerel discovered the photovoltaic (PV) effect. The first utilitarian monocrystalline silicon solar cell (mono c-Si) was invented by Bell Laboratories in the United States in 1954, giving birth to a utilitarian PV technology to convert solar energy into electric power. Since the 1970s, solar power generation has gained increasing policy promotion and attention in the world. Under the government-level Sunshine Project launched in the United States in 1973, spending on solar energy research received a significant boost, with the establishment of solar energy development banks to promote the commercialization of solar power products. In 1974, Japan’s equivalent of the Sunshine Project was announced, with the program incorporating solar energy R&D technologies such as solar houses, industrial solar systems, solar thermal power generation systems, solar cell manufacturing systems, PV distributed generation (PV–DG), and large PV systems. Germany launched its 2000 Photovoltaic Roofs Project in 1990, followed by the Million Solar Roofs Program in the Netherlands in 1998. From 2009 to 2013, China implemented the Golden Sun Project, providing fiscal subsidies for PV–DG programs in a move that set the domestic PV power generation market in motion.

1.2.1. Rapid Growth in Installed Solar Power Capacity

In recent years, technological progresses have driven down the costs of PV and solar thermal power generation so quickly, that solar energy has become the fastest growing clean energy. In 2013, the world’s total installed solar power capacity came to 142 GW, accounting for 2.5% of the world’s total installed power generation capacity, and total solar power generation was 160 billion kWh, accounting for approximately 0.7% of the world’s total electricity generation. Between 2000 and 2013, the world’s installed capacity and electricity generation from solar power skyrocketed by around 86 times, accounting for an average annual growth of 40.9%. See Fig. 2.3 for the world’s installed solar power capacity and growth rates between 2000 and 2013.
Figure 2.3 World’s Installed Solar Power Capacity and Growth Rates, 2000–2003 Source: Ref. [90].
Among the world’s top 10 countries in terms of installed PV capacity in 2013, 6 were in Europe, 2 in Asia, 1 in North America, and 1 in Oceania. The 10 countries represented 86% of global installed PV capacity. In recent years, China’s solar power industry has grown rapidly, as evidenced by the establishment of a megawatt-grade PV power generation base in Qinghai Province. See Table 2.4 for the basic information on the world’s top 10 countries in terms of installed PV capacity in 2013.

Table 2.4

Basic Information on the World’s Top 10 Countries in Terms of Installed PV Capacity in 2013

Rankings Countries Installed PV Capacities (10,000 kW) Share of Domestic Installed Capacities (%)
1 Germany 3571 20.1
2 China 1942 1.6
3 Italy 1793 14.4
4 Japan 1381 4.7
5 USA 1373 1.3
6 Spain 534 5.1
7 France 467 3.6
8 UK 338 3.6
9 Australia 330 5.2
10 Belgium 298 14.3

Source: EPIA, Global Market Outlook for photovoltaic 2014–2018.

Europe currently leads the world in terms of PV power generation capacity. In 2013, PV power generation became the second most widely utilized new power source after wind energy for the third consecutive year, meeting 3% of Europe’s total electricity needs. In some European countries, PV power generation accounted for an even larger share of maximum load. In 2013, instantaneous PV power output as a share of maximum load amounted to 49% in Germany, 20–25% in Italy and Spain, and even up to 77% in Greece. See Table 2.5 for the PV maximum power output (MPO) in selected European countries in 2013.

Table 2.5

PV MPO in Selected European Countries, 2013

Countries PV MPO (10,000 kW) System Minimum Loads (10,000 kW) MPO as a Share of System Minimum Loads (%)
Germany 2349 3480 67.5
France 304 3372 9.0
Italy 1322 2506 52.8
Spain 388 2128 18.2
Belgium 210 688 30.5
Czech 137 493 27.8
Greece 198 222 89.2
Bulgaria 67 273 24.5

Source: EPIA, Global Market Outlook for photovoltaic 2014–2018.

Note: The table covers the period from May 2013 to September 2013 when PV power output in Europe was at its highest level.

More and more countries are actively exploring solar thermal power generation, building and putting into operation a number of typical projects. In 2011, the Sevilla solar thermal farm was completed and commissioned in southern Spain. With an installed capacity of 20,000 kW and molten salt for heat storage, it is the first 24-h operating solar thermal farm in the world. In February 2014, the Ivanpah solar thermal power station was connected to the grid and became operational. With a total installed capacity of 392,000 kW, the power station consists of three concentrated solar power towers with an installed capacity of 133,000, 133,000, and 126,000 kW, respectively. Known as the largest of their kind in the world, the three towers alone accounted for 30% of the total installed solar thermal power capacity then in the United States. In July 2013, the first phase (10,000 kW) of the Supcon (Delingha) 50,000 kW solar thermal farm in Qinghai was successfully connected to the grid, marking a solid step forward in the commercialization of China’s proprietary solar thermal power generation technology.

1.2.2. Fast-changing Solar Power Generation Technology

Solar power generation technologies, including solar photovoltaics, solar thermal power, related materials, and processes, are undergoing a continued process of innovation. Crystalline silicon cell (c-Si) technology accounts for over 85% of the market and is expected to remain the mainstream technology in 2025–2035, reflecting a trend toward higher efficiency and thinner wafers. Thin film solar cell (TFSC) technology has also been improving to such an extent that it now accounts for approximately 15% of the market. In terms of energy conversion efficiency, the c-Si cell has been improving at an annual rate of 0.5%. In this respect, the conventional c-Si cell has achieved an efficiency of 16–18%, compared to 20–23% for the heterojunction with intrinsic thin layer (HIT) c-Si cell, and 20–21% for the back-contact c-Si cell. Among the different TFSC cell types, the cadmium telluride (CdTe) cell has achieved an efficiency of 9–11%, compared to 13–15% for the copper indium gallium selenide (CIGS) cell. Both cell types have maintained continuous efficiency improvement at an annual rate of 1.0–1.5%. See Table 2.6 for the efficiency of the major solar cell types around the world.

Table 2.6

Efficiency of Major Solar Cell Types in the World

Solar Cell Types Energy Conversion Efficiencies (%)
c-Si cell Conventional cell 16–18
Specially structured cell HIT 20–23
Back-contact 20–21
TFSC cell Chemical cell CdTe 9–11
CIGS 13–15
Crystallite silicon (c-Si) cell and amorphous silicon (a-Si) cell 9–10
Amorphous silicon (a-Si) cell Single-junction 5–6
Double-junction 6–8
Multijunction 8–12
Concentrator solar cell (CSC) Low concentration 30–40
High concentration

Source: Wang Sicheng, Latest Breakthroughs in Photovoltaic Power Generation and the New Photovoltaic Package Deal.

1.2.3. Rapidly Growing Solar Power Industry

In the polycrystalline silicon (poly-Si) industry, global capacity amounted to 393,000 tons and production reached 227,000 tons in 2013, with an average capacity utilization rate of 57.8%. In terms of poly-Si capacity, China ranked first in the world with approximately 151,000 tons or around 38.4% of the world’s total. The United States was second-placed with nearly 76,000 tons or around 19.3% of the world’s total. South Korea, Germany, and Japan came third, fourth, and fifth, respectively, with 57,000, 52,000, and 26,000 tons in the same order. In terms of poly-Si production, China ranked first with a total output of 82,000 tons or 36.1% of the world’s total. The United States came second with 59,000 tons or 26.0% of the world’s total. Germany, South Korea, and Japan produced 46,000, 41,000, and 13,000 tons, respectively, accounting for 20.3, 18.1, and 5.7% of the world’s total in the same order.
In the solar cell industry, global capacity was estimated at approximately 78 GW and production at approximately 39.5 GW in 2013, with a capacity utilization rate of around 50.6%. In 2013, global c-Si solar cell capacity reached approximately 69.6 GW. Ranking first globally, China claimed the lion’s share of this amount, with 49.30 GW or 70.8% of the world’s total. In 2013, global production of c-Si solar cells was estimated at approximately 35.5 GW, divided in the ratio 3:1 between the poly-Si and mono-Si cell types. Production in mainland China totaled 21.5 GW, accounting for around 60.6% of the world’s total and ranking first globally. Production in Taiwan totaled 8.5 GW, accounting for around 23.9% of the world’s total and ranking second globally. Production in Southeast Asia, Japan, and South Korea was around 2400 MW, 1700 MW, and 1500 MW, respectively, accounting for 6.8, 4.8, and 4.2% of the world’s total in the same order. In 2013, global TFSC cell capacity totaled around 8.41 GW, doubling the level in 2010. By technology type, production capacity of Si-based, CIGS TFSC, and CdTe TFSC cells accounted for 50, 22, and 28%, respectively. In 2013, global TFSC cell production totaled about 3.95 GW, up 9.1% from 2010.
In the solar components industry, global production capacity surpassed 76 GW and production reached 43 GW in 2013. Production capacity of c-Si cell components was estimated at around 68.4 GW, compared to around 8000 MW for TFSC components, and 230,000 kW for concentrator solar cell components. China was the largest producer with an output of 27.4 GW in 2013, with c-Si cell components representing 99% of total production. Europe ranked second, producing 3.8 GW, around 20% of which was attributable to TFSC components. Japan produced about 3.5 GW, with c-Si cell components and TFSC components accounting for 71.4 and 28.6%, respectively of the total. Southeast Asia, South Korea, and the United States produced 2.8, 1.7, and 1 GW, respectively.

1.2.4. Steadily Improving Economics of Solar Power Generation

Along with sharply lower prices of PV cells and components, the construction costs of PV power stations around the world have fallen to US$ 1500 per kW. In China, a number of key enterprises have mastered the complete manufacturing processes of poly-Si and c-Si cells up to a production level of 10,000 tons, leading to increasingly lower PV equipment costs. Since 2010, the investment costs of poly-Si cells per 1000 tons have gone down 47%, compared to a more than 55% decline in the investment costs per megawatt of c-Si cells. Silicon consumption has also dropped by 25%. Investment in PV power generation systems had fallen from RMB 25,000 per kW in 2010 to RMB 9,000 per kW in 2013. Investment in PV–DG farms ranged from RMB 9,000 per kW to RMB 11,000 per kW. See Table 2.7 for the investment costs of PV power generation in selected countries in 2013.

Table 2.7

Investment Costs of PV Power Generation in Selected Countries, 2013

PV Power Type Australia China France Germany Italy Japan United Kingdom
United States (Unit: $1/W)
Residential 1.8 1.5 4.1 2.4 2.8 4.2 2.8 4.9
Commercial 1.7 1.4 2.7 1.8 1.9 3.6 2.4 4.5
Ground-mounted 2.0 1.4 2.2 1.4 1.5 2.9 1.9 3.3

Source: IEA, Technology Roadmap Solar Photovoltaic Energy 2014 Edition.

PV power generation costs are falling quickly. Generation costs per kilowatt hour are falling significantly due to maturing PV power generation technology, increasing equipment utilization hours, and declining system-manufacturing costs. In solar resource-rich regions like California, Germany, and Italy, generation costs per kilowatt hour have dropped to a level below end-user tariffs and are increasingly drawing closer to conventional power tariffs set based on the most stringent environmental standards. In 2013, Germany achieved a generation cost of US$ 0.11–0.19 per kWh, which could go down to US$ 0.08 per kWh if the annual solar irradiation intensity should exceed 2000 kWh/m2.2 Large ground-mounted PV solar power plants in Western China achieved a generation cost of RMB 0.7–0.9 per kWh, and the figure in Eastern China was RMB 0.9–1.2 per kWh.
At US$ 4000–9000 per kW, the investment costs of solar thermal power generation are relatively high around the world, with the unit cost varying greatly with solar resources and the availability and capacity of heat storage facilities. The cost of building the Delingha solar power tower in Qinghai without a heat storage system cost is estimated at RMB 18,500 per kW, compared to RMB 27,800 per kW for a tower with a 2-h heat storage system.
The costs of solar thermal power generation around the world remain higher than those of PV power generation. Take operating projects as an example, 40% of Spain’s solar thermal power plants are equipped with a 4-h energy storage system and governed by a feed-in tariff rate of US$ 0.4 per kWh. In Morocco, the Ouarzazate solar thermal power plant, with a 160,000 kW installed capacity and a 3-h energy storage system, is governed by a feed-in tariff rate of US$ 0.19 per kWh. At 110,000 kW, the Nevada Crescent Dunes solar power tower with a 10-h heat storage system is governed by a feed-in tariff rate of US$ 0.135 per kWh, but the actual tariff stands at around US$ 0.19 per kWh after adjustment for the preferential policies implemented. Based on different technology packages and combinations of units, the generation costs of solar power towers in China can be controlled at RMB 1.2–1.5 per kWh.

1.2.5. Worldwide Support for Solar Power Generation

Driven by policy incentives in different countries, PV power generation worldwide has been entered a period of tremendous growth from a low level of development initially confined to a few nations. By contrast, solar thermal power generation is still in the stages of technology development and experimental demonstration. From the perspective of policy trends and planning around the world, solar power is expected to maintain rapid development and even outgrow wind power over time.
The United States provides policy support for the PV industry in terms of technology research and tax refund. An investment tax credit program is available to refund 30% of the total investment in a lump sum or over a specified period of years, which is equivalent to a front-end investment subsidy for PV projects. In 2010, the Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources voted through the Million Solar Roofs Initiative, with plans to invest at least US$ 250 million each year as a roof-mounted PV project subsidy from 2013 to 2021. Furthermore, many State governments promulgated incentive policies on solar power generation. For example, California officially commenced the California Solar Initiative in 2007, planning to invest approximately US$ 2.2 billion over a 10-year period in front-end investment subsidies or feed-in tariff subsidies for solar power projects with a total capacity of nearly 2 GW. It is anticipated that installed PV capacity will have surpassed 100 GW by 2021.
Europe provides primarily tariff-based stimulus packages for PV power by requiring grid operators to purchase PV power as a priority and pay for the power based on government-mandated fixed feed-in tariffs, or by offering grid operators appropriate subsidies based on market tariffs, a policy similar to that applicable to wind power. Meanwhile, Germany and some other European countries encourage end-use consumption of electricity generated by customer-side PV projects, with any residual electricity to be fed into the grid. The significant fall in PV power generation costs has led the European countries to cut back upon incentives and lower subsidy levels in an orderly manner. It is expected that Germany will begin to scrap its subsidy policy for new PV power generation projects from 2017. According to the National Renewable Energy Action Plan submitted by European Union member nations in 2010, European Union countries will have installed a total solar power capacity of over 90 GW by 2020, including 84 GW of solar PV power. The Turkish government, for instance, has planned to build a total installed PV power capacity of 5 GW by 2020.
India launched the Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission in 2009, with specific principles and directions proposed for building India into the world’s major solar energy consumer. A robust policy and management framework was also established to achieve the goal of building 20 GW of installed grid-connected PV capacity and 2 GW of installed off-grid PV and thermal capacity in three stages by 2022. In 2014, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi set another goal to bring installed PV capacity to 100 GW, five times the target envisaged in the Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission, by 2020.
China started implementing the Golden Sun Project in 2009 to subsidize approximately 50% of the initial investment for industrial parks and other operators of PV–DG programs, opening up a new era of large-scale development in PV power generation. By the end of 2012, the installed PV–DG capacity of the Golden Sun Project exceeded 6 GW. In 2013, China formally promulgated a policy governing PV power tariffs. Under the policy, China was divided into three solar resource regions according to the availability of solar energy and construction costs. Benchmark feed-in tariffs were set at RMB 0.9, RMB 0.95, and RMB 1 per kWh, respectively for the three regions and PV–DG power generation projects were offered an RMB 0.42 per kWh subsidy. According to plan, China’s installed PV power capacity will have reached 100 GW by 2020, approximately 65 GW of which was attributed to ground-mounted PV power stations.
All in all, global wind and solar energy development is growing rapidly, with increasingly sophisticated technology and improved economics. Given government support worldwide, the prospects of this energy sector are bright, and a foundation is laid to resolve the increasingly severe energy and environmental problems.

2. Clean Energy Replacement

Clean energy substitution refers to the substitution of clean energy for fossil fuels to move toward a low carbon development path characterized by a gradual transition, from heavy reliance on fossil energy with clean energy as a complement to heavy reliance on clean energy with fossil energy as a complement. Clean energy substitution will basically resolve the problems of resource and environmental constraints that we face in energy supply. It is a strategic move to achieve energy sustainability and an inexorable trend in the world’s future energy development.

2.1. The Necessity of Clean Energy Replacement

2.1.1. Energy Supply Security

The Earth is abundant in clean energy resources. Clean energy presents a fundamental solution to the acute shortage of fossil energy sources and ensures mankind’s growing demand for energy can be met. With the growing population, urbanization, and rapid industrialization, global energy demand is expected to continue to grow strongly. However, the world’s fossil energy sources are limited, and development costs will only continue to increase due to growing technical difficulties. Therefore, we must seek to change a development mode characterized by over dependence on fossil fuels in order to overcome the heavy pressure on global energy security. We have abundant renewable and inexhaustible clean energy resources, such as water, wind, and solar energy, with a theoretical developable capacity of 150,000 trillion kWh, which is far more than enough to meet all mankind’s energy demand. Technology innovation can help realize large-scale development of clean energy, solve global energy supply problems, ensure global energy security, and satisfy the needs of economic growth and social progress.
As the fastest-developing source of energy, clean energy will gradually become the world’s dominant energy source. From 2000 to 2013, global installed wind and solar power capacity registered an annual growth of 25.0 and 40.9%, respectively, and the share of nonhydroelectric renewable energy rose from 1.8% to 4.8%. In some European nations and the United States, clean energy has now become the key source of electricity. In 2013, Denmark derived 32.1% of its total electricity generation from wind energy, and Germany derived 25% of its total electricity generation from renewable energy. If global wind and solar power generation maintains annual growth of 12.4%, clean energy will be able to meet 80% of the world’s total energy demand by 2050, forming a new energy development pattern dominated by clean energy to help fundamentally resolve the various energy concerns we face today. The future energy structure will exhibit a clear trend toward cleaner energy.

2.1.2. Environmental Protection

Clean energy substitution contributes to lower carbon emission, mitigates global climate change resulting from the burning of fossil fuels, and supports sustainable communities. Of all six greenhouse gases (GHGs) identified by the International Panel on Climate Change, carbon dioxide (CO2) from fossil fuel burning accounts for the largest share of carbon emissions and is the most significant source of manmade GHG emissions. In the combustion process, raw coal, crude oil, and gas produce around 2.77, 2.15, and 1.64 tons of CO2, respectively. If no concrete action is taken as quickly as possible, the atmospheric concentration of CO2 will exceed the 450 ppm alert value and the global temperature will have risen more than 4°C by the end of the twenty-first century to pose a major threat to human existence. The development and utilization of coal, oil, and gas, being carbon-intensive energy sources, will inevitably produce substantial carbon emissions to increase the risk of climate change. Therefore, global energy development must not take the conventional path of high energy consumption and high carbon emissions; rather, we need to pursue a new direction of low carbon development to delink economic development from carbon emissions, and realize coordinated and sustainable development on the economic, resource, and environmental fronts. In the United States–China Joint Announcement on Climate Change published on November 12, 2014, the Chinese government proposed to raise the share of nonfossil energy in primary energy production to approximately 20%, with carbon emissions expected to peak in 2030. The United States Government also aimed to achieve an overall reduction of 26–28% in GHG emissions by 2050 from 2005 levels. If global consumption of clean energy (water, wind, and solar energy) climbs to 80% of primary energy consumption by 2050, carbon emissions from the burning of fossil fuels will decline to levels below 12 billion tons, contributing effectively to lower GHG atmospheric concentrations.
Clean energy substitution can help resolve environmental problems, including air, soil, and water pollution, arising from fossil energy development and utilization. Fossil energy is known to be contributing to serious environmental pollution by producing substantial emissions of CO2, sulfur dioxide (SO2), NOx, dust, mercury (Hg), and other toxic metals in the production, transportation and utilization processes. On a whole life cycle basis, clean energy is far less pollution-intensive than fossil fuels in development and utilization terms. Under the current technical and economic conditions, replacing coal power per kilowatt hour with wind power or solar PV power can save 2.2 g of SO2, 2.0 g of NOx, and 0.38 g of dust emissions. In 2013, China produced a total of 140 TWh of wind power, contributing to 308,000 tons less SO2, 280,000 tons less NOx, and 53,000 tons less dust. The substitution of clean energy for fossil energy can avoid environmental pollution caused by energy development and utilization, improve mankind’s living environment significantly, and reduce healthcare spending for the benefit of the community.

2.1.3. Promotion of Economic Development

As a strategic emerging industry, clean energy development has the clear effect of drawing investment with much room for expansion. The clean energy industry is a capital and technology-intensive one, which involves a very long industry chain and numerous other sectors. Its significant technology diffusion effect and multiplier effect have made it an important industry for the world to stimulate investment and create jobs. Based on the statistical information in the Global Trends in Renewable Energy Investment 2014 released by UNEP, global investment in renewable energy was estimated at US$ 1.6 trillion between 2006 and 2013. From development through construction to operation and maintenance, the clean energy industry can create many job opportunities given its heavy manpower requirement.
Clean energy development is a common choice around the world to boost development momentum and generate new economic growth. Recovering from the international financial tsunami that dealt them a heavy blow, all countries have been seeking a new driver of economic growth. To revitalize the economy, the United States and European countries have chosen to develop the new energy industry to boost the national economy. In 2001, the United States invested only US$ 286 million in clean technology in 2010 – the figure rose to US$ 4.6 billion in 2010, representing a more than 15-fold increase. In 2012, 14% of venture capital investments found their way into the clean energy technology sector.3 As pointed out by the All-of-the-Above Energy Strategy as a Path to Sustainable Economic Growth published by the White House,4 the energy industry contributed increasingly to United States GDP growth between 2000 and 2013, and the lower energy imports helped cut trade deficits. The world has now resorted to clean energy investment or grid infrastructure upgrading and retrofitting projects, as an important means of boosting economic growth. As forecast by the IEA,5 global energy infrastructure investment will total US$ 37 trillion between 2012 and 2035 (based on the United States dollar’s exchange rates in 2011), averaging US$ 1.6 trillion or around 1.5% of the global GDP every year. Developing countries are expected to step up investment notably and non-OECD countries are expected to record a total energy investment equal to 61% of the world’s total.
Clean energy development is of strategic significance. In recent years, international energy development has witnessed profound changes. The worsening resource constraints and environmental problems have led to an international consensus on the need to combat global climate change together, with many countries deciding on clean energy as a strategic national goal of energy development. When the world economy has moved into a new round of adjustment aimed at securing a leadership position in the international technology race especially after the financial crisis, the world’s major economies, such as the United States and the European Union, have launched policies with an unprecedented focus on clean energy, like the Green Energy Project and the Green New Deal. The European Union’s 20–20–20 strategy in 2007 was designed to achieve a 20% reduction in GHG emissions from 1990 levels by 2020, with the share of renewable energy in primary energy consumption to rise from 8.2% to 20% in 2006, and energy utilization efficiency to improve by 20%. In January 2014, the European Commission promulgated the 2030 Framework for Climate and Energy Policies, setting a further goal to cut GHG emissions by 40% and to derive at least 27% of energy output from renewables by 2030. In the United States, the American Clean Energy and Security Act approved in 2009 presented for the first time a national emission control program. Renewables targets at the national level were also formally proposed to meet 20% (15% attributable to wind, solar, and biomass energy) of electricity needs by 2020 through renewable energy development and energy efficiency improvement. In June 2014, the Environmental Protection Agency announced plans to cut carbon emissions from power plants nationwide by 30% by 2030. As for Japan, the government has reassessed the role of nuclear power in electricity supply after the Fukushima nuclear incident, with renewables expected to become the new focus of energy development. Not just the developed countries, the developing countries are also attaching great importance to renewable energy development. Globally, more than 120 countries have so far developed relevant laws, regulations or action plans with the aim of achieving strategic renewable energy goals by statutory or mandatory means. Renewable energy development has become a strategic option for most countries in the world.

2.2. The Focus of Clean Energy Replacement

As clean energy substitution is set to change the longstanding overdependence of the world on fossil fuels, it is particularly important to achieve significant breakthroughs in terms of technology, economics, safety, and policy mechanism.

2.2.1. Key Technologies

Technology for efficient conversion of clean energy. Due to technological constraints, wind and solar energy development has been marred by unfavorable economics and low utilization efficiency. Research has shown that wind power efficiency worldwide has amounted to around 38%. However, typical solar PV power efficiency is within the range of 12–18%, far lower than that of conventional fossil energy, for example, coal and petroleum. Currently, breakthroughs in wind power technology are focused on key turbine component design, while the focus of application technology for solar power is on improving the conversion efficiency of solar PV and solar thermal energy.
Technology for clean energy allocation over large areas. Globally, wind energy resources are distributed primarily in the Arctic, central and northern Asia, northern Europe, central North America, east Africa, and the near-shore regions of each continent. Solar energy resources are distributed primarily in equatorial areas, for example, north Africa, east Africa, the Middle East, Oceania, and central and South America. Water resources are concentrated primarily in the major drainage basins of South America, Asia, North America, and Central Africa. Most of these clean energy-rich areas are remote, sparsely populated, and far away from load centers. Besides, the major clean energy bases on each continent are also distributed inversely with the centers of energy consumption. Therefore, the key to efficient energy utilization lies in how to deploy an intracontinental, intercontinental, and even global energy allocation system to accommodate concentrated development and long-distance delivery of clean energy.
Technology for clean energy grid connection and consumption. Judging by the development trend, wind, and solar power tends to be generated in large bases, consumed on a large scale, developed in a distributed manner and utilized locally. A robust smart grid features a robust grid structure to accommodate the complementary strengths of different power-producing regions, improve system-wide consumption of electricity generated by large renewable energy bases, realize large-capacity, long-distance power transmission, and ensure system safety and stability. A robust smart grid allows concentrated access for random and intermittent power sources and efficient application of distributed power supply systems to support large-scale development of wind and solar energy.
Wind and solar power technology under extreme conditions. Although the Arctic and Equatorial areas are strategic energy bases of global importance and abound in concentrated energy, the fact that these regions are extremely cold or hot gives rise to challenging working conditions, which spells the urgent need to seek breakthroughs in a new series of energy development technology capable of withstanding inclement weather conditions. The Arctic is a high latitude, highly humid area, so major technological innovation is required for the tower and blade materials of wind turbines in order to cushion the impact of the freezing cold on utilization efficiency and improve the tolerance of the equipment to the Arctic’s extreme climate. An offshore turbine must be able to withstand strong wind load, corrosion, tidal impact, and other special conditions. Continued improvement in operation and maintenance skills is also necessary. Construction of large solar PV power stations or solar thermal power stations in north Africa, the Middle East, and similar equatorial areas rich in solar energy resources requires important breakthrough technologies and processes to overcome challenging weather conditions, for example, high temperature, temperature difference, wind, and sand.

2.2.2. Economics

Costs of clean energy development: Considering the economics of developing and utilizing different types of power sources, the non-renewable nature and heavy consumption of fossil fuels will continue to drive the development costs of fossil energy higher. As an unconventional fossil fuel, shale gas also faces cost problems. However, given the continued breakthrough in and growing maturity of clean energy generation technology, the development cost of clean energy will trend lower from the current relatively high levels. Wind power technology will continue to see breakthroughs and growing single-unit capacity, while offshore wind power technology will gradually mature. A diversity of generation modes and the significant improvement in energy conversion efficiency will lead to sharply lower costs of solar power generation.
Market competitiveness of clean energy. The cost differentials between clean energy and fossil energy will gradually narrow, with the cost of clean energy generation technology falling, and the generation cost of conventional fossil energy rising year after year. When the cost gap is eventually closed, clean energy will become competitive as grid parity becomes possible. Grid parity includes grid- and user-side parity. The former means that on-grid tariffs for clean energy generation and fossil fuel generation are identical and the latter indicates that the cost of clean energy generation on the user side is on a par with the relevant end-user tariffs. Global wind power and solar energy will achieve on-grid parity in 2020 and 2025, respectively, and user-side parity even earlier as predicted by the IEA and other international organizations.

2.2.3. Safety

Grid safety issues associated with large-scale grid access for clean energy: Large-scale grid integration of wind, solar, and other forms of clean energy will bring about new challenges to grid safety and stability, electric power system planning, and the economical operation and operational management of power systems. The challenges are mainly reflected in a number of areas. First, the volatility of clean energy generation produces a relatively large impact on the power quality and voltage stability of local systems, as well as the stability and transmission efficiency of regional networks, and system-level rotational reserve requirements. Second, the variability of clean power generation at the system level makes economical dispatch of electricity more difficult and increases the demand for auxiliary services. Third, as large-scale grid integration of clean energy (such as wind power) is already having an impact on power system operation on a per-second level, system dispatch capability needs to meet more stringent requirements in terms of responding timely to fluctuations in wind and other clean energy generation, thereby readjusting the way of system operation. All this calls for innovations in technology and management in order to improve the operational technology and management capabilities for large-scale grid access for and consumption of clean energy on a global basis.
Safety issues associated with grid integration of distributed power generation: A high level of grid access for distributed power sources turns distribution networks into active grids, thereby causing a series of technical problems with voltage stabilization, relay protection, short-circuit current, and power quality. When a higher proportion of distributed generation is reached, distribution networks will feed power back to transmission networks in individual time slots, which will change the current flows and distribution of the power grids and significantly increase the complexity of managing grid dispatch operations.

2.2.4. Development Mechanism

Mechanism for innovation in clean energy technology: Technology maturity is a basic requirement for realizing large-scale commercialization of clean energy. Yet technological innovation is time-consuming, capital-intensive, and high risk, with economic returns difficult to achieve in the short-term. At the initial stage of development, clean energy requires special policy support from government. The focus is on establishing the important role of clean energy technology innovation in the country’s system for energy technology innovation and equipment manufacturing by formulating a medium to long-term innovation roadmap and conducting major technological research. The dominant role of enterprises in clean energy technology innovation must also be fully leveraged through tax incentives and funding support from the state to encourage the development of R&D centers and demonstration projects for new technologies. In addition, global cooperation, exchange, and sharing of clean energy technologies must be enhanced to provide the world with more, better and quicker access to clean energy research findings.
Full cost accounting for clean energy: The emission of GHGs like CO2 during the development and use of conventional fossil energies leads to climate change. Air, water, and soil pollution caused by large quantities of pollutants has caused serious ecological damage detrimental to human health. The ecological and environmental benefits of clean energy can be fully manifested and the competitiveness of clean energy in the energy market significantly enhanced if these hidden environmental costs are reflected as part of the real costs of developing and using fossil energy. Therefore, the government should take full account of the environmental costs of fossil energies by implementing pricing and tax measures, such as resource, effluent, and carbon taxes, which can not only accelerate the trend toward cleaner fossil energies, but also create a level playing field for clean energy development.
Mechanism for developing clean energy markets: In clean energy development, the focus is on fostering a competitive market, leveraging the role of market forces in determining the areas and directions of investments, and introducing market plurality to facilitate technological progress and lower costs through competition. In clean energy utilization, the focus is on building an electricity market where electricity tariffs fluctuate with market supply and demand to fundamentally resolve the mismatch between clean energy generation and consumption. Restricted by natural and meteorological conditions, clean energy generation is often out of sync with load characteristics. Generally, more wind power is generated after midnight when demand is at its lowest. As a result, surplus wind power cannot be fully used and can only be abandoned. By building a mechanism to introduce market competition for user-side resources, users are encouraged to consume more clean electricity in periods of high generation and less in periods of low production. Industrial users are also encouraged to come up with a more rational production program so that power loads can be transferred to low ebb periods. At the same time, in response to the market mechanism in force, users can store any clean electricity unused during nighttime ebb periods in an energy storage facility and release it for use in daytime periods of high demand. In this way, economic returns can be obtained and efficient utilization of clean energy achieved.

3. Electricity Replacement

Electric energy substitution means the substitution of electric power for fossil energies, including coal, oil, and natural gas, for direct consumption to increase the share of electric energy in energy end-use. As the electrification process accelerates, electric energy will play an increasingly important role in energy end-use and eventually become the most dominant energy option for terminal consumption, which will help realize cleaner, more efficient, and safer energy utilization.

3.1. The Necessity of Electricity Replacement

3.1.1. Improve Energy Efficiency

Electric energy is a clean, efficient and convenient secondary energy source, which provides highly efficient terminal consumption, cleanliness, and zero emission. Compared to other energy options, electricity yields the highest level of utilization efficiency, at over 90%, in the end-use segment. With the proportion of clean energy generation increasing, clean energy generation will gradually replace fossil energy generation, and most of the primary energy sources will be converted into secondary energy, resulting in much lower conversion losses and further manifesting the characteristics of electricity as a clean and efficient energy alternative. In terms of energy efficiency, electrical equipment is far more efficient than appliances powered by direct combustion of coal and oil. For instance, the heat efficiency of coal-fired boilers is only 70% or so, compared to over 90% for electric boilers. As another example, electric trains consume just about 60% of the energy required by diesel locomotives.6 In Germany, 80% of industrial electricity is used for heating. Electricity used directly in the manufacturing process has very high heat efficiency, but where heating is obtained by direct burning of fuels, only 20% of the heat produced is used in the manufacturing process.7
Electric energy substitution can improve energy efficiency in an all-round manner. In terms of utilization, electric energy is convenient and precisely controllable; in terms of conversion, electric energy can be converted to/from various forms of energy, and all primary energy sources can be converted into electric energy; in terms of allocation, electricity can be produced on a large scale, transmitted over long distances and instantly sent to any end user through a distribution system. Driven by industrialization, urbanization, informatization, agricultural and rural electrification, and new technology application, electricity is chosen for its unique characteristics and is extensively used to power economic and social growth in all countries. The advent of electricity has made large-scale and automated production in the agricultural and industrial sectors possible to substantially improve labor productivity and product quality. The electronics and information industries also benefit from the extensive use of electric power. By increasing the share of electricity in energy end-use to promote electric energy substitution in the areas of industry, transport, commerce, as well as urban and rural living, we can not only enhance utilization efficiency, but also increase economic output and improve energy efficiency at the community level. According to data published by China, the economic efficiency of electricity is 3.2 times that of oil and 17.3 times that of coal, meaning that the economic value created by electricity of 1 ton of standard coal-equivalent is comparable to that created by oil of 3.2 tons of standard coal-equivalent, and coal of 17.3 tons of standard coal-equivalent.

3.1.2. Promote Clean Development

Most clean energy needs to be converted into electricity for efficient utilization. An essential requirement for clean energy development and electric energy substitution is the inexorable outcome of implementing clean substitution policy and a necessary condition for developing a new energy system focused on electricity. With the progress of a new energy technology revolution, clean energy will be used on a larger scale and more primary energy sources will be transformed into electricity and delivered to load centers, to provide adequate clean power to meet the massive energy requirements from electrified transport, electric boilers, electric kilns, electric heaters, and electric cookers. This will effectively replace oil, coal, and other fossil fuels, as well as provide more room for developing and using renewable energy like solar, wind, and waterpower.

3.1.3. Improve Electrification Levels

Electrification is an important hallmark of a modern society. It ranked first among the engineering feats with the most significant social implications in the twentieth century, as appraised by the Selection Committee of the American National Academy of Engineering in December 1999. Helping to build a production system driven by industrial mechanization and automation, electrification is maximizing the progress of industrialization, expediting the migration of rural population into cities and promoting urbanization. It has changed the mode of agricultural production, accelerated the mechanization and industrialization of agriculture, and greatly improved human lifestyles and quality of family life. Currently, the level of electrification around the world is steadily increasing.
Implementing electric energy substitution policy is crucial for improving electrification levels. Generally, there are two measures of the level of electrification. One is the share of electricity in primary energy consumption and the other is the share of electricity in terminal energy consumption. The course of development in developed countries fully demonstrates that the level of electrification increases with economic progress and social affluence. As indicated by the progress of power development, electricity as a share of energy end-use has shown a clear upward trend in both developing and developed countries. The share is over 20% in the majority of developed countries. Electric energy is expected to account for more than 50% of energy end-use globally by 2050, with clean energy developing rapidly. Electricity as a share of primary energy consumption in the world increased from 34% in 1990 to 38.1% in 2012. The figure is expected to rise further to nearly 80% by 2050.

3.2. The Focus of Electricity Replacement

As implementation of the policy on electric energy substitution is completely changing the patterns of energy consumption, the key task is to promote the strategy of “replacing coal and oil with clean electricity delivered from afar.”

3.2.1. Substitute Electric Energy for Coal

Substituting electric energy for coal refers to the replacement of coal with electricity in energy end-use, in order to significantly alleviate environmental pollution. Burning coal produces large amounts of sulfur dioxide, nitric oxide, smoke, and dust as well as other pollutants that contaminate the air in the form of coal smog. In 2012, approximately 52% of coal production was used for generating electricity in China, with coal for direct combustion and coal used as raw materials each accounting for around 24%. As a result, the power sector produced emissions including 8.83 million tons of sulfur dioxide, 9.48 million tons of nitric oxide, and 1.51 million tons of smoke and dust. Emissions from coal not for power generation included 9.49 million tons of sulfur dioxide, 3.9 million tons of nitric oxide, and 7.15 million tons of smoke and dust. As decentralized burning of coal produces much more pollutants compared to coal-fired generation, most developed countries accord priority to the transformation of coal into electric energy with emissions substantially reduced by managing emission performance at the plant level, and direct consumption of coal in the end-use sector is minimal. In the United States for instance, more than 90% of coal is used to generate electricity.
Electricity technologies like heating, heat pumps, electric kilns, and electric cookers have been well developed and are well placed to replace coal. Take electric boilers for example, the heat supply technology was developed swiftly and used extensively with the improving socialized production and living standards in the early twentieth century. Powered by an adequate supply of electricity, electric boilers provide energy efficiency, cleanliness, safety, and other advantages unrivalled by any other heating equipment. Promoting the development of electric boilers then became an inexorable trend. Electric boilers were first produced and used in Europe in 1926. The United States and Europe began to promote electric heating in 1930. In the 1950s and 1960s, electric heaters became vastly popular. Currently, electricity as a share of heating energy is 90% in Norway, 80% in Japan and the Republic of Korea, 70% in France, and 50% in the United States, Canada, Denmark, and Sweden.
As the world’s largest consumer of coal, China still has room to grow to substitute coal with electric energy. Currently, there are about 620,000 electric boilers in operation in China where industrial coal-fired boilers number around 370,000. The sheer number of coal-fired boilers in China means a high level of coal consumption every year, not to mention the problems of high energy consumption, wastage, and environmental pollution still associated with many of these coal-fired boilers. By promoting the use of electricity instead of coal for industrial, commercial and household purposes, such as electric boilers with heat storage capability (electric heating), heat pumps, electric kilns, and distributed electric heating systems, China is expected to be able to cut down approximately 320,000 tons of sulfur dioxide, about 260,000 tons of nitric oxide and 13,000 tons of PM2.5 particulates each year by 2020. If clean energy is supplied to meet new demand for electricity, 160 million tons of coal for direct combustion and approximately 320 million tons of CO2 can be saved. With the technological progress on electric energy substitution, it is anticipated that China’s direct combustion of coal will have gone down 60% by 2030 and basically eliminated by 2040.
Substituting electric energy for coal also helps improve people’s livelihoods. Serious air pollution and potential safety hazards exist in China and some other less developed countries, where burning coal to stay warm in the winter remains a common practice in rural areas. There are fatalities caused by gas poisoning in northern China’s countryside each year. Gas poisoning incidents are actually preventable by promoting distributed electric heating, cooking, and bathing to ensure power safety.

3.2.2. Substitute Electric Energy for Oil

Substituting electric energy for oil refers mainly to the replacement of fuel oil with electric energy in such areas as electric cars, rail transport, and shore power. This can mitigate oil-induced pollution and also reduce dependence on oil. Accounting for one-third of global energy consumption, transport systems are powered predominantly by oil, making them highly reliant on petroleum and also discharging a high level of motor vehicle exhaust as one of the major sources of air pollution. By adopting electricity technology covering electric cars, electrified railways, and shore power, seeking alternatives to oil for energy efficiency’s sake has become a common direction in energy utilization for the world’s transport industry.
Electric cars are powered by electricity with highly efficient rechargeable batteries or fuel cells. They are clean and pollution-free with the greatest potential for the substitution of electricity for oil. Although conventional internal-combustion engine vehicles are still dominant, clean electric cars are the way forward and set to reshape the automobile industry of the twenty-first century. In terms of energy utilization efficiency, the energy conversion efficiency of fuel oil to power transport systems is 15–20%, with little room for major enhancement. On the contrary, with up to 90% efficiency in the conversion of electricity into kinetic energy, coupled with a 90% recharging efficiency of storage batteries, the efficiency of converting electric energy into motive power can reach 90%. The efficiency of converting natural gas, oil, and coal into electric energy is 55–58, 50–55, and 40–50%, respectively. On this basis, the energy utilization efficiency of electric cars is 1.5–2 times that of oil-powered cars. Electric cars have the advantages of much improved energy utilization efficiency and zero emission. China’s car ownership is forecast to exceed 200 million by 2020. Assuming electric car ownership of five million, based on mileage of 20,000 km per car each year, and average oil consumption per 100 km of 10 L, 7.1 million tons of gasoline consumption can be reduced, and 15 million tons of CO2 emissions saved every year.
Shore power technology means that quayside power supply systems are provided to supply power to berthed ships, which need not rely on oil-fired engines on board for power supply. Shore power that meets the demand of berthed ships for electricity to power up lightning, communication, air conditioning and water pumps, can eliminate exhaust emissions during power generation and noise pollution during the operation of generating units on board. So the use of shore power can dramatically reduce energy costs, as opposed to ship-mounted generators, which are economically unsound, being costly, and with a low generating efficiency.

3.2.3. Electricity from Afar

The contrary distribution of energy resources and load centers determines the basic pattern of “delivering electricity from afar.” In China, about 80% of coal and over 70% of clean energy resources are concentrated in western and northern areas but both are scarce in central and eastern areas where load centers are located. As local consumption is limited in large energy bases in northern and western China, electricity generated is mainly exported. By transporting coal together with renewables like water, wind, and solar energy in these areas to central and eastern China, we can ensure electricity supply security for these resource-scare regions and optimize nationwide allocation of energy resources, while avoiding the problems of strained coal transport and environmental pollution caused by moving coal to load centers over long distances.
“Delivering electricity from afar” is crucial for solving environmental issues in areas where load centers are located. China’s load centers are situated in the relatively well-developed mid-eastern regions, covering 12 provinces (including municipalities directly under the central government) and accounting for 45% of the country’s population, approximately 58% of the national GDP, and 13.5% of the nation’s land area. For a long time, numerous coal-fired power plants have been constructed in areas where load centers are located. About 75% of the nation’s installed coal power capacity is concentrated in mid-eastern regions, with a power plant built per 30 km along the Yangtze River. The sheer number of power plants has far exceeded the carrying capacity of the local environment, with local population density exacerbating further the risk of health damage and associated losses due to environmental pollution. In eastern China’s Yangtze River Delta region, sulfur dioxide emissions per kilometer reaches 45 tons annually (20 times the national average), turning the region into acid rain-afflicted areas with frequent smoggy weather. The transport and storage of coal from western and northern areas to central and eastern regions year after year is the culprit of serious air pollution. In 2013, an Action Plan for the Control of Air Pollution was published by the State Council to curb new coal-fired power capacity in the western and northern regions, replace coal with electricity, and satisfy the growing demand for energy. What this means is that the need for long-distance transport of large quantities of coal will be eliminated, dust problems in the transport process removed, and the mid-eastern regions no longer be exposed to soil, air, and water pollution from the storage and burning of coal.

3.2.4. Clean Electricity

Low carbon electricity supply is a fundamental solution for global climate change. Although electric power supplied from afar can solve the problems of imbalanced power supply and demand and also pollutant emissions, the global CO2 and pollutant emission problems cannot be fundamentally eradicated if the electricity delivered from afar is not a clean energy but generated from the burning of coal or other fossil fuels. Therefore, from the perspective of global energy sustainability, clean electricity is a basic requirement for combating global climate change.
Clean electricity supply is the inevitable outcome of clean substitution. The shift from fossil energy to clean energy requires a transition to clean energy at the energy development stage and to electricity consumption at the end-use stage. Similarly, the allocation of energy should help realize the transition from delivery of fossil energy to transmission of clean electric power. Large-scale development of clean energy will inevitably result in long-distance transmission of clean electricity and substantial growth in power consumption, making transmission of clean electricity the major form of energy transport in the future.
Clean electricity supply will be a progressive process. Thanks to the UHV power transmission technology, thermal power, wind energy, and solar power in the western and northern parts of China as well as hydropower in southwest China are delivered to eastern and central parts of China on a large scale from a long distance to meet the demand for electrical power and alleviate the strain on the local environment. In the future, along with the large-scale development of clean energy in western and northern parts of China, the proportion of thermal power will gradually go down and transmission of clean electricity focused on wind, solar, and hydroelectric power will play a dominant role in supplying clean electricity continuously to the eastern and central regions. According to State Grid Corporation of China’s plan, a UHV AC/DC power grid with a capacity of 0.45 GW for large-area allocation will be fully developed by 2022 to meet the requirement for delivering clean energy of 550 GW and consuming clean energy of 1700 TWh annually, which will save 700 million tons of raw coal together with 1.4 billion tons and 3.9 million tons of CO2 and SO2 emissions, respectively.
Looking into the future, along with the development of wind energy in the Arctic and solar energy in the Equatorial region as well as clean energy bases on different continents, a sufficient supply of clean electricity will be delivered to load centers on each continent through UHV and EHV grids, making the transmission of “clean electricity from afar” completely achievable.

4. Two-Replacement and Energy Revolution

Two-substitution policy signifies a major change in the mode of energy development, which will revolutionize energy consumption, energy supply, energy technology, and energy systems to become a driving force behind global energy sustainability. The future of global energy development hinges on making the most of the opportunities arising from the new energy revolution and expediting the implementation of the two-substitution policy.

4.1. Clean Energy Replacement and Energy Revolution

Clean energy substitution is an immutable law of energy transition. Throughout the history of global energy development, energy transition has exhibited two major trends. One is the trend toward steadily higher energy intensity from firewood and coal to oil, natural gas, and electric power. Despite being low intensity energy sources by nature, clean energy like hydro, wind, and solar power can become high intensity energy after transformation into electricity as an energy source of high quality, accessibility, and efficiency. The intensity of clean energy will be further manifested especially if and when breakthroughs in energy storage technology are achieved. The other trend of energy transition is one toward an increasingly lower carbon content of energy from firewood to coal, then from coal to oil, and further to the rapid development of natural gas, reflecting a direction toward cleaner energy.8 The development and utilization of zero-carbon clean energy like hydroelectric, wind, and solar energy will naturally become the focus of a new round of energy transition.
Clean energy substitution marks an important direction for a new round of energy revolution. First and foremost, the new round of energy revolution should aim to realize the low carbon development of energy while ensuring energy supply security. Initially, a two-pronged approach should be coordinated and promoted to achieve “clean and efficient utilization of conventional energy” and “development and utilization of clean energy.” However, given the increasingly formidable challenges of climate change and resource depletion, plus the lower potential for and higher cost of clean utilization of fossil energy, the energy revolution will be mainly driven by clean energy substitution to eventually develop a new energy supply system oriented toward clean energy.
Clean energy substitution is the key to energy sustainability. In the progression from firewood to coal and further to gas in human history, new energy alternatives have continuously evolved as substitutes for older energy types on the strength of their inherent advantages. The new energy revolution represents a choice made in line with the trend of energy development for the sustainability of human society, amid continued efforts to grapple with the problems of energy supply, climate change, and environmental pollution. As the development efficiency of wind, solar, ocean, and other clean energy sources continues to rise with improving technology economics and market competitiveness, the substitution of clean energy for fossil energy will become an inevitable revolutionary trend. The growing momentum of clean energy is already playing a dominant role in reshaping the world’s energy landscape that will fundamentally resolve the energy and environmental problems currently inhibiting human survival and development. The rapid development of clean energy is not only required for energy transition, but also a step that must be taken to meet the progress of human civilization.

4.2. Electricity Replacement and Energy Revolution

Electric energy substitution is a necessary condition for achieving terminal consumption of high efficiency, low carbon energy. In terms of energy consumption, the energy revolution is about realizing the efficient utilization and decarbonization of energy. The end-use efficiency of electric energy can be as high as over 90%, compared to 50–90% for natural gas and an even much lower rate for coal. Currently, the structure of terminal energy consumption in some developed countries is relatively reasonable, with a small share of coal in energy end-use compared to a higher share of natural gas, oil, and electricity to provide a correspondingly higher utilization efficiency of energy. Driven by an increasing level of clean energy substitution, the share of electricity in terminal energy consumption is fast growing, contributing significantly to lower consumption of fossil energy.
Electric energy substitution is an effective way to solve energy and environmental problems. Electric power is clean and zero-pollution energy. In producing the same amount of heat equivalent to 1 kWh of electricity, raw coal will emit 330 g of CO2, 5.3 g of SO2, and 1.6 g of nitrogen oxide, whereas diesel oil will emit around 260 g of CO2, 0.4 g SO2, and 0.6 g nitrogen oxide. While thermal power generation also produces SO2 and nitrogen oxide emissions in the production and utilization processes, centralized management of the emissions at the plant level is possible by means of desulfurization and denitrification. Currently, the desulfurization level of thermal power plants amounts to 90%, compared to a denitrification level of 80%. After desulfurization and denitrification, thermal power generation produces far less sulfide emissions compared to coke, gasoline, diesel, and natural gas. Looking ahead, the environmental advantages of electric energy substitution will be further manifested with the development and large-scale generation of pollution-free clean energy.
Electric energy substitution holds great promise. From 1971 to 2012, the share of electric energy in global energy end-use increased from 8.8% to 18.1%, ranking second only after oil. The figure is expected to further rise to 25% by 2030 and to over 50% by 2050. With the massive increase in clean energy supply, end-use energy demand will largely be met by electricity.


1. World wind and solar power technology has moved into the fast lane of development, providing an empirical foundation for clean energy substitution, electric energy substitution, and global energy sustainability.
2. Clean energy substitution and electric energy substitution mark an important direction for energy revolution and a path that must be taken to resolve global energy and environmental concerns. Clean energy substitution presents a fundamental solution to mankind’s energy supply issues by reconciling energy development and utilization with environmental protection. Electric energy substitution is the inevitable outcome of clean energy substitution and the key to improving energy utilization efficiency and electrification.
3. Clean energy substitution calls for breakthroughs at the technology, economic, security, and policy levels. The focus is on establishing a scientific and workable development mechanism and expediting the search for technology breakthroughs in clean energy development, allocation, and coordinated control, underlined by intensive efforts to resolve problems concerning the economics and safety of clean energy development.
4. Electric energy substitution focuses on replacement of coal and petroleum with electricity as well as the delivery of clean electricity over long distances. In the energy end-use segment, direct consumption of electricity rather than fossil fuels (e.g., coal and petroleum) will contribute to clean energy utilization and an all-round increase in electrification levels to drive socioeconomic development.
5. The impact of clean energy substitution and electric energy substitution on global energy development will be nothing short of revolutionary. It will drive a structural shift from being fossil energy–oriented to being clean energy–focused and help achieve the goal of utilizing high efficiency, low carbon, and clean energy.

1 The world’s wind turbine technology has experienced very rapid progress in recent years. Onshore turbines commissioned in 2014 have reached a maximum single-unit capacity of 5 MW, and offshore wind turbines a maximum single-unit capacity of 8 MW. The trend towards larger turbines is expected to further accelerate.

2 Source: IEA, Technology Roadmap Solar Photovoltaic Energy 2014 Edition.

3 Source: Ref. [24].

4 The English title of the report is “The All-of-the-above Energy Strategy as a Path to Sustainable Economic Growth.”

5 Source: Ref. [70].

6 Based on 80% energy conversion efficiency of electric locomotives, 40% coal-fired power generation efficiency, and 20% energy conversion efficiency of diesel locomotives.

7 Source: Wang Qingyi, Introduction to Electrification of National Economy, Electric Power Technology Economics, 2008(20):12-18.

8 Source: Ref. [23].

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