
The discovery and application of electricity is one of the greatest achievements in human history, accelerating the progress of global civilization at an unprecedented rate and giving economic and social development a powerful thrust. I started my career in China’s electric power industry in the 1970s, and from 2000 onward, I worked in State Power Corporation and State Grid Corporation of China. I have been the President of China Electricity Council since late 2009. My 40 years of experience in electricity research, construction, and management have infused me with a passion for work related to energy and electric power. I continue to study, explore, and think about its future growth, and my knowledge is constantly deepened and perfected.

In both the past and present, energy and electricity are important factors that affect long-term economic and social development. By the early years of twenty-first century, the continuous growth in global energy production and consumption, and the massive development and utilization of fossil fuels have resulted in global problems such as resources depletion, environmental pollution, and climate change, problems that pose a serious threat to human survival and development. Faced with such tough challenges, my basic argument is this: the mode of energy development based on traditional fossil fuels is no longer sustainable, and the major trend is for renewable energy to totally replace fossil fuels. This trend should be on everybody’s radar screen and actively promoted.

As the world’s largest developing country, as well as the world’s biggest energy producer and consumer, China’s energy and environmental problems are quite acute. Problems such as smog, coal transportation, and oil and gas supply have become increasingly serious in recent years. Firmly rooted in China’s national circumstances and energy resources, State Grid Corporation of China proposed the “One Ultra and Four Large” strategy, and the electricity replacement strategy of “replacing coal with electricity, replacing oil with electricity, and delivering clean electricity from afar.” The idea is to expedite the construction progress of a robust smart grid system supported by backbone UHV grids and well-coordinated development of grids at different levels to promote optimized allocation of energy resources on a nation-wide basis. Stellar results have been achieved and the successful implementation of the strategies confirms the importance and feasibility of developing UHV grids and clean energy.

My research and practice in the energy and electricity industry in China have inspired deeper thoughts into the global energy problem. I believe that climate change is a long-term problem that affects global energy development and human survival and growth both in the present and future, and the emission of greenhouse gases through the use of fossil fuels is a problem that cannot be ignored. The only way out of the climate change conundrum is the development of green, low-carbon energy; the fundamental path is substitution of clean energy and electric power; the key approach is one of reliance on UHV grids to create a global energy interconnection to leverage its important role in optimizing energy resources on a large scale. This will bring about the massive development and use of clean energy on a global scale, ensuring that everyone will enjoy a sufficient supply of clean energy. This is the only way forward to attain sustainable development of the world’s energy resources.

The technological and engineering foundations are already in place for the creation of a global energy interconnection. Developments in UHV grids and clean energy technology, in particular, have created excellent conditions for the interconnection. In recent years, SGCC has completed three UHV AC and four UHV DC projects. The operational safety and stability of these projects over a long period of time ensures the development of large-scale energy bases, and the long-distance, large-scale, and high-efficiency transmission of electricity in China. The technology for the UHV, smart grids, and clean energy mentioned in this book is based on current levels of science, and it is real and feasible. It is also the basis for developing a global network of energy interconnections.

The international community has been very enthusiastic about the global energy interconnection concept. SGCC’s research findings were very well received after the company presented them in 2014 in various platforms such as the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Power and Energy Society (IEEE PES) General Meeting, United Nations Climate Summit, Accenture Global Energy Board meeting, the first CEO Council Meeting for Sustainable Urbanization, IEEE Popular Science Forum, and Forbes magazine. From developing large-scale energy bases in the Arctic and equatorial regions and elsewhere to constructing a global UHV grid system, from promoting the wide application of smart grids to inspiring innovation in energy and power technology, both developed and developing countries have common talking points, common visions, and common interests. Most people believe that the construction of a global energy network and the realization of the “two-replacement” policy are the fundamental solutions to the problems of global energy resources and climate change.

I am also aware that energy issue is global and extensive; it is the focus around which international politics, economics, diplomacy, national defense, and the climate change game are played out. No single country can solve the problem on its own. On the one hand, the creation of a global energy interconnection is a historic opportunity for the accelerated development of renewable energy. On the other hand, there are huge challenges in geopolitics, economic interests, social environment, energy policies, market creation, and technological innovation. The process will not be smooth sailing all the way, nor will it be quick. It will be a difficult and arduous journey. Still, the first step must be taken. As long as we work together with a common purpose, the global energy interconnection will be a great success. I have confidence and I expect that this will come to pass. This is also my reason and motivation for writing this book.

Given the limitations of my knowledge about energy, this book contains many imperfections. Its purpose is to inspire and invite feedback from experts, academics, and colleagues, as well as to gather different strands of wisdom and form a consensus, so that more interested parties will dedicate themselves to the great enterprise of the global energy interconnection. Many leaders, experts, and colleagues rendered their assistance during the writing of this book, for which I wish to express my heart-felt gratitude.

Zhenya Liu

January 2015

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