Chapter 6

Innovation in Global Energy Interconnection Technologies


The modern energy industry is technology-intensive, and technological innovation has played a decisive and fundamental role in the upgrading and development of energy. Marking a new revolution in energy technologies, the development of a globally interconnected energy network will inevitably confront difficulties and challenges. We must therefore allow technological innovation to play a guiding and enabling role, with research and development strengthened to realize breakthroughs in the four pillar technologies of clean power generation, UHV grids, large capacity storage, and information and communication, as quickly as possible. This will better support the construction of a globally interconnected energy network and secure a sustainable supply of energy globally.


global energy interconnection
generation technology
transmission and distribution technology
energy storage technology
information and communication technology

1. Direction and Key Areas

The previous energy revolutions all relied on major breakthroughs in energy technologies in the course of energy development. In the first energy revolution, the invention of the steam engine helped drive a shift from firewood to coal as the dominant energy source. In the second energy revolution, the invention of the internal combustion engine and electric motor brought about a change of the dominant energy source from coal to petroleum and electric power. The currently emerging third energy revolution has spearheaded a transition from the development and utilization of traditional fossil fuels to the massive development of clean energy. This calls for all-out efforts to promote technological innovation in power sources, power grids, energy storage, and information and communication to provide technical support and assurance for accelerating the implementation of the “two replacement” policy and building a global network of energy interconnections.

1.1. Enabling Role

Focusing on cleanliness, low carbon and high efficiency, the application of energy development technology has driven the accelerated growth of clean energy. The efficiency of developing and utilizing traditional fossil fuels has improved significantly after 200 years of growth since the first Industrial Revolution. For example, the overall energy conversion efficiency of advanced supercritical coal-fired thermal power units now amounts to approximately 45%, compared with 40% for automobiles. However, the utilization efficiency of traditional fossil fuels cannot be easily improved further due to the challenge of higher costs and the difficulty of innovating – not to mention the fact that efficiency, even if further improved, will not be able to fundamentally resolve the problems of fossil fuel depletion and ecological deterioration. After over three decades of development, we have seen major breakthroughs in wind and solar power generation technologies, with the generating costs gradually nearing the level that would make mature commercial operation possible. Clean energy will become more competitive in the power generation market if the costs of pollution and carbon emissions from burning fossil fuels are accounted for as part of the total generation cost. In the future, traditional fossil fuels will be gradually replaced by clean energy like wind and solar power. Europe is planning on using renewables as the only energy source by around 2050.
Innovation in transmission technologies has propelled the allocation of electric power toward the direction of building a globally interconnected energy network. With the multiplication of voltage grades, grid interconnection scale and transmission capacity, the longest transmission distance of a single line has exceeded 2000 km with a capacity of over 8 GW. With the development of UHV transmission technologies, power generated by the wind power bases in the Arctic region and the solar power bases in the equatorial regions can be transported over distances of thousands of kilometers to the load centers on different continents to meet urban and rural power demand through the employment of different voltage grades and transmission technologies. By using VSC–HVDC and submarine cable technologies, renewables like wind and solar power can be integrated en masse into the grid for transmission to end-users through UHV lines. Different types of transmission technology can be incorporated to form part of an expansive, globally interconnected energy network that extensively links clean energy bases around the world with load centers across countries and continents.
The integration of information and communications technology (ICT) with electric power technologies has spurred the course of grid intelligentization. The power system is a complex and nonlinear system featuring real-time power balance, and advanced ICT is an important tool to ensure the safe, reliable, and economical operation of power systems. During the initial stages of development of the power grid, the power system was limited in scale and easily operable. As ICT was then at its nascent stage, one could only rely on phone communication and manual control to start/stop generating units, adjust the mode of operation, analyze and calculate the conditions for safe and stable system operations. Load changes could only be forecasted based on experience. With the development and extensive application of ICT in the electricity industry, power systems are gradually moving in the direction of automation and intelligentization. Dispatch centers are now capable of exercising remote control of power generators, while grid safety and reliability calculations can be extended to hundreds of thousands of nodes across different countries and continents. In the future, advanced technologies in optical fiber communication, mobile Internet, the Internet of Things, image identification, cloud computing, and big data will be seamlessly integrated with energy and power technologies to promote the intelligentization of power grids.

1.2. Innovation Direction

The transition from traditional fossil fuels to clean energy is posing grave challenges to the innovation of energy and power technologies. A globally interconnected energy network will reshape the future of grid development by extending the coverage of grids from a nation-wide and regional basis to a global level. In this process, challenges have to be overcome in terms of adapting to the large capacity requirement, long-distance transmission, and the often intermittent and volatile interconnected grid operations of large-scale clean energy development, as well as addressing the operational aspects of equipment maintenance and grid construction under inclement weather conditions.
The first challenge is how to improve the controllability of renewable energy to ensure a secure and stable supply of energy. The generation of renewables-based power like wind and solar energy is subject to weather conditions. Output is highly volatile and uncertain, compared with traditional power generation based on coal, petroleum, and natural gas. To satisfy the energy needs of socioeconomic development, climate engineering research should be strengthened to improve the accuracy of wind and solar power projections and the controllability of wind and solar power generation to ensure a sustainable stable supply of energy.
The second challenge is how to reduce the cost of generating clean energy to realize energy sustainability. The energy density of wind and solar power is far lower than that of traditional energy sources like coal, petroleum, and natural gas. Based on equivalent level of output, it is more costly to gather renewable energy than traditional fossil fuels. Currently, although wind and solar photovoltaic power technologies are at a relatively mature stage, the costs of generating wind and solar photovoltaic power remain high at RMB 0.5 per kWh and RMB 0.8 per kWh, respectively, far above the costs of traditional energy sources like thermal, hydro and nuclear power. Adding further to the costs of developing and utilization renewable energy are the relatively short utilizable hours of generation and transmission equipment. Technological innovation is key to lowering the cost of clean power generation by improving the energy conversion efficiency of wind and solar power generation, reducing initial investment, expanding installed capacity, and increasing utilizable hours of equipment. It is also an important foundation for pursuing large-scale development and utilization of clean energy and for implementing the “two-substitution” policy.
The third challenge is how to improve UHV transmission technologies and accelerate the development of large clean energy bases in the Arctic and equatorial regions and on each continent. Through the development of large wind and solar power bases in the Arctic and equatorial regions and on each continent, hundreds of gigawatts of renewables-based electricity will come from the Arctic and equatorial regions thousands of kilometers away. By 2050, the transcontinental electricity flows from the Arctic and equatorial regions are expected to reach over 10,000 TWh and the longest transmission distance, 5,000 km. To accommodate the long distance and high capacity requirements of these electricity flows, research is required into UHV AC/DC transmission technologies that can afford greater capacities and longer transmission distances.
The fourth is how to develop electrical equipment well suited for extreme weather conditions to ensure the operational safety of key equipment and grid construction. The development of wind power in the Arctic will meet with challenging weather conditions like low temperature, high humidity and icy coldness, while the development of solar power in the equatorial regions will face hostile conditions like low humidity, high temperature, and sandstorms. A variety of extreme natural conditions impose higher requirements on wind and solar power generating equipment. For instance, wind turbines must be able to withstand the impact of salt fog corrosion, pollution, storms and low temperatures. Photovoltaic panels have to be able to resist the impact of windstorms, high temperatures, and drought conditions, while power transmission and transformation equipment must demonstrate resilience against new challenges in construction, transportation and installation.

1.3. Key Areas

An innovation-based, solution-focused approach is required to addressing issues of feasibility, economics, and safety in the development of a global energy network. The approach calls for major technology breakthroughs in power sources, grids, energy storage, and ICT.
Power source technology. The key areas of innovation in this area include wind, solar, ocean power, distributed generation, and other renewable energy technologies. The direction of wind power technology is toward large-scale development, low wind speed application, resilience against extreme weather conditions, deep sea offshore wind power, accurate projections of wind power intensity, and the construction of grid-friendly wind farms. Solar power generating technology is focused on research into photovoltaic materials with high conversion efficiency, thin-film, and easy production and installation, solar power tracking technology, and improved solar power utilization. The technology for grid-interconnected operation control of photovoltaic power stations is geared toward increasing controllability and intelligence for improving solar-thermal power capacity and reducing costs. Ocean energy remains at the stage of pilot demonstration and future research efforts should be focused on the cost-effective development and utilization of ocean energy. As a vital part of the future global energy network, the development of distributed generation will move toward greater system-friendliness and controllability.
Grid technology. Further research is required into transmission technologies that can afford ultra-long distances and large capacities, with the UHV grid to become the backbone structure of global energy interconnections. The key areas of research include technologies for the operation control of UHV AC, UHV DC, submarine cables, superconducting transmission, and micro and large grids. Also included are the technologies for the configuration, construction, and operation control of future grids, as well as adaptive technologies for grid construction, installation, and maintenance in a physically challenging environment.
Energy storage. Improving the economics and capacity of energy storage equipment is fundamental to storage technology innovation and commercial applications in the future. As the cost of storage equipment is still very high, commercial application has not yet been achieved for power storage, with the exception of electric car batteries. The key to storage technology innovation lies in improving power and energy densities as well as the integration of storage and renewable energy technologies at the operational level.
ICT. Advanced ICT is essential for ensuring the operational safety and efficiency of a globally interconnected network. The global network has higher requirements for technology innovation as ICT is used to better adapt to the new trends of grid configuration changes and two-way energy and information flows, and also to realize dispatch operation, management, and decision-making, as well as intelligentized trading of electricity.

2. Generation Technology

The implementation of the “two-replacement” policy to create a new energy landscape oriented toward clean energy and focused on electricity determines the critical role that power source technology will play in the future development of energy. At the center of this development is a continued effort to improve the development efficiency and economics of clean energy, focusing on wind, solar, ocean, and distributed generation technologies. These technological breakthroughs will be the driving force behind the development of global energy interconnections and of vital importance to promoting global development of clean and low-carbon energy.

2.1. Wind Power

Wind power generation refers to the technology of converting the kinetic energy of the wind into electric power through a wind turbine. The installation produces electricity by collecting and transforming wind power into rotational mechanical energy to drive a generating unit. Wind power generation technology is now relatively mature, with annual generation amounting to 640 TWh, accounting for less than 3% of the world’s total energy consumption. Given the more stringent requirements on carbon emission control, the share of wind power in energy generation is expected to increase to 30% by around 2050, with annual generation estimated at 22,000 TWh, indicating great potential for growth. In the coming 40 years, wind power generation technology will see further breakthroughs and, with improving technology, the generating cost is expected to decrease more than 50% to provide more affordable cleaner energy for mankind.

2.1.1. The Latest Technological Progress

Wind power technology has been round in the world for over a century. In the past, due to a lack of economic benefits and supply stability, the scope of application was limited for wind power, which had not been extensively used by the late twentieth century. However, into the twenty-first century, innovations in power electronics, materials, control, and other technologies have led to greatly enhanced installed capacity and efficiency, resulting in constantly expanding scale of commercial application. In 1999, the world’s first MW-level wind turbine was commissioned in Denmark. The development of wind turbines from one of 1 MW capacity to the currently largest single-unit capacity of 8 MW only took 10 years, accompanied by a 90% decline in generating costs.
Reflecting its relatively mature stage of development, onshore wind turbine technology at the 3 MW level has been in extensive application. Currently, the world’s largest onshore wind farm is located in Alta Wind Energy Center in the United States state of California. With an installed capacity of 1.02 GWh, the facility is under expansion to bring total capacity to 1.55 GWh. Offshore wind power has also moved into the stage of commercial operation, with an offshore wind turbine boasting a single-unit capacity of 8 MW and a blade diameter of 164 m currently in trial operation in Denmark’s National Testing Center. Offshore wind turbine installation vessels are a core technology requirement for constructing offshore wind turbines. The world’s biggest installation vessel of its kind, the Pacific Orca, has a loading capacity of 8400 tons, capable of carrying and installing 12 × 3.6 MW wind turbines at one go. China is reputed as the world’s largest builder of large wind farms, with 16 provincial-level wind power grids each with an interconnection capacity of over 1 GW, together with nearly 200 large wind farms of over 100,000 kW concentrated mainly in the “Three North” region covering Inner Mongolia, Hebei, Gansu, Liaoning, and Xinjiang.

2.1.2. Development Direction and Outlook Wind Turbine Technology
Technology for expanding single-unit capacity. Providing a stable and adequate supply of wind power with least impact on people’s lives, offshore regions are one of the focus areas for developing wind power. The large single-unit capacity of wind turbines can increase the windswept areas of the fan impeller to improve the utilization efficiency of offshore wind and the number of utilizable hours per year, resulting in lower generating costs. See Fig. 6.1 for the changes in the leading indicators of wind power generators in 1998–2013. The single-unit capacity of wind turbines is expected to be able to reach a maximum of 20 MW by around 2020.
Figure 6.1 Changes in Leading Indicators of Wind Power Generators, 1998–2003 Source: Berkeley Library Database.
Low-speed wind turbine technology. A typical double-fed turbine has a start-up wind speed of 4 m/s. However, the wind across areas near cities and some offshore locations has a lower speed. To exploit wind power in these areas requires the development of a technology for low-speed wind turbines. Direct-drive wind turbines can start up at a wind speed of 2 m/s. Compared with double-fed turbines, direct-drive turbines are more costly and larger, where costs need to be brought down further to realize large-scale commercial application. In 2012, China developed the world’s first super-low wind speed turbine of 1.5 MW with a super-large rotor of 93 m, which has been connected to the grid to produce electricity in the Lai An wind farm in Anhui. Thanks to the research efforts in many countries, the start-up wind speed of double-fed wind turbines is expected to go down to 3 m/s by around 2030. In the future, as long as the site conditions for installation permit, low-speed wind resources in suburban areas can be fully utilized to support rapid development of distributed wind turbines. With the widespread application of low-speed wind turbine technology, the world’s utilizable wind resources are expected to treble from the current level.
Wind turbine technology suited for extreme weather conditions. In extremely cold weather, rotor blades can be easily frozen and seriously affect utilization efficiency, with the wind power coefficient shown to be reduced from 0.371 to 0.192, or a 50% decline. When the temperature is below 20°C, the transmission and lubrication mechanisms, storage batteries and controls can be easily damaged, and the tower structures and blades can become brittle, resulting in sharply lower fatigue resistance. Currently, a typical wind turbine will automatically stop running when the temperature drops to −30°C. To accommodate the need for large-scale development of Arctic wind power, research should be focused on developing a technology for turbine insulation, hydrophobic coating on blade surfaces, cold-resistant materials, and so on to address problems regarding turbine resistance against the Arctic region’s extreme weather conditions. Wind Farm Technology
The development of large-scale wind farms is shifting toward deep sea offshore locations. The development and utilization of deep-sea offshore wind resources will be supported by wind turbine installation vessels of more than 10,000 tons; floating turbine foundations; large-capacity, long-distance junction stations and submarine cables; and more precise plant design models. By 2030, offshore wind farms of 1 GW capacity are expected to be built extensively, with turbine foundation design, offshore installation, operation maintenance, bus station, submarine cable, and other technologies basically at their mature stage. The wake effect of large wind farms should be assessed accurately. Wind Power Control Technology
Development of technology for precise forecasting and operation control of wind power. High-precision wind power intensity forecasting technology can help effectively mitigate the impact of volatile wind power generation on grid operations, prearrange generation plans for generators, reduce reserve capacity, and ensure the safety, reliability, and effectiveness of grid operations. With better forecasting models and methods as well as the improved quality of global atmospheric data collected by remote sensing systems, the accuracy of wind power intensity forecasts, especially medium to long-term forecasts, will be improved continuously. The development of wind power operation control technology has improved the LV and HV ride-through capability of wind turbines, giving them greater controllability and making large-scale wind farms system-friendly power sources. Due to the complementary nature of the output characteristics of wind, solar and hydropower generation at different times, coordinated control can bring about coordinated operation of hydropower, wind, solar, and other generating units to achieve a more balanced output and improve not just the utilization efficiency of transmission and transformation equipment, but also supply reliability.
Generally speaking, the development of wind power technology will further improve the utilization efficiency of wind energy and reduce costs. With the full commercialization of wind turbines of 10 MW, the cost of onshore and offshore wind power will go down to less than RMB 0.4 per kWh and RMB 0.6 per kWh, respectively. Judging by the progress of current research, wind power technology is expected to fully mature by around 2030 into an important power source technology in support of the development of a globally interconnected energy network. By around 2050, wind turbines with a single-unit capacity of 20 MW can be used to develop and utilize offshore wind farms, with the generating costs falling to below RMB 0.5 per kWh, giving wind power a clear cost advantage over other clean energy alternatives.

2.2. Solar Power

Solar power generation is categorized mainly into photovoltaic and photothermal power generation. Photovoltaic power generation involves the use of solar photovoltaic cells to convert sunlight directly into electric power based on the photovoltaic effect. Solar thermal power generation is a process through which solar power is collected by an array of parabolic dishes and transformed into steam through a heat exchange device to drive a turbine and generate electricity. The most abundant energy source on earth, solar power will become the most promising and fastest growing energy option in the future, with the continued development of solar power generation technology and a globally interconnected energy network. In 2013, solar power generation was estimated at 160 TWh globally, accounting for 0.7% of the world’s gross electricity generation. Based on a scenario for accelerated development of clean energy, the capacity of solar power is expected to grow to more than 26,000 TWh around 2050, split equally between photovoltaic and photothermal power generation. Solar energy is expected to account for about 36% of the world’s total electricity generation by then.

2.2.1. Photovoltaic Power Generation The Latest Technological Progress
Since the advent of the first photovoltaic cell in 1954, photovoltaic technology has seen considerable progress, having undergone three stages of development. The laboratory stage was in the 1950s and 1960s. In 1954, Bell Laboratory created the world’s first applicable single crystalline silicon solar cell with an energy conversion efficiency of 6%. A German by the name of Wei Keer discovered the photovoltaic effect of gallium arsenide and a solar photovoltaic cell by depositing cadmium sulfide films on glass. The 1970s and 1980s marked the initial stage of commercial application. In 1973, the United States developed a government-level plan to develop solar power generation with substantially increased funding support for research. A solar energy development bank was also established to promote the commercialization of solar energy products. In 1978, the United States built a 100 kW solar photovoltaic power station. The 1990s to the twenty-first century marked a period of vibrant growth. In 1992, the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development was held in Brazil, closely integrating the use of solar energy with environmental protection to promote technological innovation and international cooperation in the solar energy field. The United States proposed the Million Solar Roofs Program in 1997 and the University of New South Wales in Australia created a monocrystalline silicon solar cell with a world record-setting energy conversion efficiency of 25% in 1998. Into the twenty-first century, the solar energy industry has seen rapid growth, with many developed countries providing higher subsidies for new energy generation, and the installed capacity of solar power generation has recorded strong growth. As at the end of 2014, the installed capacity of China’s largest solar photovoltaic power stations amounted to 200 MW, and there were three such stations in the country. In 2015, France will build a photovoltaic power station with an installed capacity of 300 MW the largest facility of its kind in the world.
Currently, there are three modes of photovoltaic power generation, namely: silicon-based, thin film-based, and concentrating solar power generation. Comparatively mature, the silicon-based mode has gone into commercial operation, with the highest energy conversion efficiency reaching 20%. The perovskite-type solar cell is a membrane solar cell generating most interest, with its energy conversion efficiency rapidly improved from 3% in 2009 to 16.2% in 2013. It was named one of the Top 10 scientific breakthroughs by Science Magazine in 2013. Concentrating solar power plants use mirrors to concentrate the energy from the sun on photovoltaic materials to improve the light intensity per unit area, with the conversion efficiency raised to more than 40% at a concentration level of 500-fold. Development Direction and Outlook Photovoltaic Panels
Innovative materials can improve photoelectric conversion efficiency. For power stations in commercial operation, a variety of photovoltaic materials hold much promise. These include monocrystalline silicon, polycrystalline silicon, amorphous silicon, microcrystalline silicon, cadmium telluride (CdTe), and copper indium gallium diselenide (CIGS) materials. Silicon-based photovoltaic materials, such as monocrystalline and polycrystalline silicon, have a theoretical photovoltaic energy conversion efficiency of 38%, indicating huge room for future growth if compared with the current conversion efficiency of about 20% in commercial operations. Amorphous silicon, microcrystalline silicon, CdTe, and CIGS materials can be used to produce membrane solar cells, with a cell efficiency as high as 15%, a system efficiency of more than 8%, and a service life of over 15 years. Compared with silicon substrate solar panels, membrane batteries enjoy a clear cost advantage, with the potential for replacing silicon-based solar panels as photoelectric conversion efficiency improves, and for large-scale commercial applications. See Fig. 6.2 for the energy conversion efficiency of different photovoltaic cells.
Figure 6.2 Energy Conversion Efficiency of Different Photovoltaic Cells Source: Ref. [104].
The manufacture and installation of photovoltaic panels reflect a trend toward film thinning and streamlining. The cost of photovoltaic power generation is basically a function of material costs, with photovoltaic cells exhibiting a trend toward film thinning. In line with the upgrading of the silicon solar cell manufacturing process, the manufacturing cost of photovoltaic panels has declined by 80% since 2010. On the strength of their manufacturing cost advantages, a variety of membrane cells are gradually expanding their respective market shares to currently account for approximately 15% of the global photovoltaic market. After thin film production is realized, photovoltaic cells can be installed in buildings more easily or simply sprayed on building surfaces, which will save installation costs significantly and expand the rooftop and vertical coverage of solar energy utilization in urban buildings. Photovoltaic Power Stations
Solar tracking technology should be developed and utilization efficiency improved. As the angles of sunlight change with different seasons and times of the day, a solar tracking system can adjust the angle of photovoltaic panels to gain the highest utilization efficiency by maximizing exposure to the rays of the sun that beat down vertically on the earth. With solar tracking technology, the annual solar irradiation intensity of regions with average solar resources can be improved from 1200 kWh/m2 to 1500 kWh/m2. While this technology has been maturely applied in France, the control technology of the tracking system is still complicated and costly. The utilization efficiency and economics of solar energy can be significantly improved when low-cost solar tracking systems become available for commercial application.
Following continued breakthroughs in solar photovoltaic technology and materials, the efficiency and economics of solar power generation will be improved, with promising prospects for large-scale commercial application. The average cost of photovoltaic power generation around the world will decrease from RMB 2 per kWh in 2010 to RMB 0.9 per kWh by 2020, representing as much as a 55% reduction. With the development of a globally interconnected energy network, solar power will become the most important energy source around the world. The costs of centralized and distributed photovoltaic power generation are expected to decline to RMB 0.24 per kWh and RMB 0.27 per kWh respectively around 2050, lower than the current costs of traditional fossil fuel-fired power generation.

2.2.2. Solar Thermal Power Generation The Latest Technological Progress
There are four major types of solar thermal power generation technology, namely: the slot type, the tower type, the linear Fresnel type, and the dish type. The slot type generation technology has been at the stage of large-scale commercial operation. There have been known cases of commercial operation for the tower type, while the linear Fresnel type and the dish type are still at the stage of pilot demonstration. In 1950, the former Soviet Union designed the first tower-type solar thermal power station. In the 1970s and 1980s, many developed countries invested to build a series of experimental solar thermal power stations with government investment, given the higher efficiency and economics of photothermal power generation compared with the then costly solar photovoltaic cells. In 1981–1991, more than 20 solar thermal power stations with a capacity of over 500 kW were built around the world, the maximum capacity being 80 MW. Spain’s installed solar thermal power capacity was the highest in the world. Plans are now underway to launch the Desertec project by eight European countries, including Spain, Italy, France and Germany, involving a joint investment of 400 billion Euros to build a super solar thermal power station in the Sahara desert over a period of 40 years. With a capacity of 100 GW, the planned power station in North Africa is expected to meet 15% of Europe’s electricity demand. Development Direction and Outlook
Solar thermal power generation technology has been developing in the direction of ever-larger capacity and higher parameters. Currently, solar energy generation can produce a steam temperature as high as 400–500°C, with a generation efficiency of 25%. An ultrasupercritical solar thermal power station capable of producing a steam temperature of over 600°C is under development in Spain. It can improve generation efficiency to over 30% by raising steam temperatures to enhance energy conversion efficiency. The Ivanpah Solar Electric Generating System in the United States, commissioned in February 2014, is the world’s largest solar thermal plant with a total installed capacity of 392 MW. In the future, by expanding reflector numbers and installed capacities, the investment and operating costs of solar power generation can be further reduced. The reflectors of solar thermal power stations at the 100 MW level will cover millions of square meters.
Solar thermal power stations will be equipped with heat-storage equipment to provide a more stable output. Molten salt is the medium of thermal storage most commonly used today because of its high specific heat and stable performance under high temperatures. With an installed capacity of 20 MW, Gemasolar thermal power station in Spain can store heat for 15 h to provide an uninterrupted supply of electricity around the clock. In the future, substantially lower heat storage costs brought about by continuous innovation in heat storage technology will lead to a higher proportion of solar thermal power stations equipped with large-capacity heat storage devices. This will eliminate the impact of the day–night cycle on solar energy generation, making it an uninterrupted source of power supply with stable outputs.
The development of air-cooling technology for solar thermal power stations. Solar thermal power plants operate on the same principle as conventional thermal power plants where cooling of steam turbines and power generators is required. The equatorial regions abundant in solar energy resources are typically arid and semiarid desert areas like the Gobi desert with a lack of water resources. Solar thermal power plants equipped with air-cooling technology will be developed to reduce water consumption to adapt to operation in arid climates.
Currently, the cost of solar thermal power generation exceeds RMB 2 per kWh. However, with the progress of technology, it is expected to go down to below RMB 0.5 per kWh in 2050, more competitive than traditional fossil fuel-fired generation. With its characteristic output stability and improvement in energy storage technology, solar thermal power generation can ensure a stable supply of electricity.

2.2.3. Outlook on Forefront Technologies

Solar energy generation is a sunrise industry just beginning to develop. With the widespread application of new materials, solar power generation holds great promise with enormous room for innovation to improve efficiency conversion, reduce generating costs and achieve large-scale commercial application. Many countries hold this innovative technology in high regard, with a greater commitment to materials research.
1. The technology pathway to higher efficiency conversion lies in new materials research, improved cell structures, and optimized joint operation of solar photovoltaic and photothermal power technologies.
As a new type of material, perovskites can be used to produce solar cells to improve energy conversion efficiency. Experts from Oxford University in the United Kingdom and Universitat Jaume I in Spain have jointly developed a solar cell with a graphene titanium dioxide compound as its charge collector and perovskites as its light-absorbing material, realizing a photoelectric conversion efficiency of 16.2% in a laboratory environment, with the potential to improve to 50%, way above the comparative efficiency of 8–10% of widely-used photovoltaic materials like cadmium telluride, amorphous silicon, and microcrystalline silicon.
Based on a multi-PN1 structure, the solar cell can fully leverage the solar spectrum to improve conversion efficiency. The National Renewable Energy Laboratory in the United States has developed two PN junction compounds, which have improved the conversion efficiency of the solar cell to 31.1%. Germany and France have jointly developed four PN junction compounds with a conversion efficiency of 44.7%, a new record in the world.
Optimizing the joint operation of solar photovoltaic and photothermal technologies will significantly improve conversion efficiency. Solar radiation is absorbed by a solar cell in the form of thermal energy, and the heat produced cannot be carried away in a timely manner through natural convection. In summer when the temperature can rise to as high as 80°C, the efficiency of photovoltaic power generation can be severely eroded. By using heat pump technology, we can focus the heat from photovoltaic cells on photothermal generating equipment to realize joint solar photovoltaic and photothermal operations. According to the research findings of Stanford University in the United States, the integrated utilization efficiency of photovoltaic and photothermal operations can reach 46%. A heating demonstration project on the joint photovoltaic, photothermal and heat-storage operations has been established in Gansu Province, China.
2. Cost reduction is achieved mainly through improving and saving materials
Replacement of the organic polymer materials in perovskite cells by inorganic copper iodide materials. According to surveys conducted by the University of Notre Dame in the United States, low-cost, high-performance inorganic copper iodide materials can replace the expensive organic polymer hole-transporting materials in perovskite cells. This will help reduce substantially the cost and improve the stability of perovskite batteries, and lay the foundation for large-scale production of perovskite solar cells.
Two-dimensional batteries can save photovoltaic materials. The two-dimensional solar battery, developed by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in the United States, consists of one-atom-thick grapheme and molybdenum sulfide. Its thickness is only 1 nm, one of several thousand equal parts of the size of a traditional silicon-based solar cell, but its power density per unit mass is 1000 as much as a traditional solar battery.
Through material and technology breakthroughs covering perovskite batteries, multi-PN structured cells, joint photovoltaic/photothermal operation, copper iodide, and two-dimensional cells, the efficiency of solar energy generation will improve markedly, installed materials saved and costs reduced. If large-scale commercial operation can be realized for these new materials and technologies, currently still in the laboratory stage, the economics and market competitiveness of solar photovoltaic power generation will be significantly enhanced, lending strong support to the development of clean energy alternatives.

2.3. Ocean Energy

Ocean energy can be classified into wave power, tidal power, tidal current power, ocean current power, as well as energy from temperature and salinity differences. Wave energy is found in ocean waves. Tidal power and tidal current energy are produced by the ebb and flow movement induced by the gravitational pull of the sun and moon. The vertical up and down movement of seawater produces tidal ebb and flow, known as potential energy, while the horizontal movement of seawater produces ocean currents, known as kinetic energy. Ocean current energy results from density and pressure gradients caused by an uneven distribution of seawater temperatures and salinities. Temperature gradient energy is the result of different temperatures between the upper and lower layers of the ocean at low latitudes due to the uneven absorption of solar radiation and the radial transfer of heat through the ocean circulation. Salinity gradient energy is the energy created from the difference in salt concentration between seawater and fresh water when a river flows through the estuary into the sea. Different types of ocean energy vary widely in power density. In terms of equivalent water head, tidal energy, wave power, salinity gradient energy, and temperature gradient energy are 10, 2, 240, and 210 m, respectively. As it is more difficult to extract chemical and heat energies than mechanical power, the water head of temperature/salinity gradient energy cannot be compared strictly with that of other energy forms.

2.3.1. The Latest Technological Progress

Of all ocean energies, tidal power is the earliest developed and most mature, having been a research subject for over a century. Currently, a total of 13 countries, including France, the United Kingdom, Russia, Canada, China, India, and South Korea, are conducting planning discussions and design studies regarding tidal power stations. The Lance Tidal Power Station in France, built in 1966, was the world’s first facility of its kind in commercial operation. Comprised of 24 units, it boasts an installed capacity of 240 MW and annual generation of 544 GWh. There are currently seven tidal energy stations with a total installed capacity of 520 MW in the world. The Shi Hua Lake Power Station in South Korea is the world’s largest facility of its kind, with a total installed capacity of 254 MW and annual generation of over 500 GWh.
Wave energy is a more extensively researched form of ocean energy. The first wave energy generating unit for commercial operation was successfully developed in Japan in the early 1960s. Since the 1980s, the target of wave energy development has shifted from power supply covering near-shore and coastal areas to far-away coastal locations and sea islands, demonstrating the successful practical application and commercialization of this technology on a small to medium scale. There are now over 30 wave energy stations in the world available for demonstration and operational purposes.
Tidal current and ocean current energies generate electricity by using the mechanical power from the horizontal movement of seawater. An experimental generator with a capacity of 2 kW was installed 50 m under the sea in the United States state of Florida in 1976. A 20 kW ocean current generator was developed by United States-based OEK Company in 1985, followed by the undersea installation and operation for a year of a 1.5 m diameter, 3.5 kW ocean current power generator by University of Yam in Japan in 1988. Research on tidal currents was conducted in the Strait of Messina by experts from Italy in 1996 and an experimental power station with a capacity of 120 kW was put into operation in 2004. A 300 kW tidal current generator for experimental purposes was installed on the west coast of the United Kingdom in 2003. In the 1970s, experiments were conducted for the first time on tidal current power generation in Zhoushan, Zhejiang Province. In the mid-1980s, generating equipment with a capacity of 1 kW were built, with the completion of experiments on generating units with a capacity of 70 kW in the late 1990s. China’s first tidal current power station, with a capacity of 600 kW was developed in Daishan County, Zhoushan City, Zhejiang Province in 2002.
The utilization of temperature differences to produce energy dates back nearly a century, but substantial progress has only been achieved over the past 40 years. The world’s first temperature gradient power generating equipment for practical application was developed in the United States waters of Hawaii in 1979, with a rated power of 50 kW. The maximum power output can reach 53.6 kW when the temperatures of the upper and lower levels of the sea are 28 and 7°C, respectively. Power output was improved to 210 kW in 1993. Over 10 countries, including the United States, Japan, the United Kingdom, France, the Netherlands, South Korea, India, the Philippines, Indonesia, Russia, and Sweden, are conducting research on temperature gradient energy. China has just started to utilize temperature gradient energy, with equipment for practical application yet to be built.
The utilization of salinity gradient energy has a relatively short history. Application technology in this area is basically at the experimental stage. No substantial progress has yet been achieved because of inhibitive costs due to formidable technical challenges.

2.3.2. Development Direction and Outlook

While the development of ocean energy has been around for more than a century, it is still not technologically mature and remains at the research and exploration stage. Compared with other renewable energies, ocean power is technically difficult to develop and is very costly due to constraints on energy density and development conditions. Take the currently most well-developed tidal energy station as an example, the investment cost is as high as RMB 30,000 per kW, three times that of photovoltaic power generation and four times that of wind power generation. The cost of developing wave power, temperature gradient energy, tidal and ocean current generation is even higher, with uncertain prospects for large-scale commercial application.

2.4. Distributed Generation

Distributed generation technology refers to power generation facilities on the customer side connected to a nearby LV grid or multigeneration systems for integrated gradient utilization (including wind, solar, and other distributed renewable power generation), multigeneration equipment for residual heat, residual pressure and residual gas generation, and small natural gas-fired systems with combined cooling and heating capabilities. In essence, it is a small-capacity generating unit for development, grid connection, and energy consumption based on the proximity principle.
Currently, power from distributed generation covers the following areas of application. First, power is supplied to remote regions like oceanic islands and rural areas to resolve local supply problems. Second, it provides a back-up supply source for customers with high reliability requirements in the event of grid failures. Third, it supports peak shaving by supplying power during peak demand periods to help reduce peak loads. Fourth, it provides diverse energy products through a multigeneration system combining cooling and heating capabilities to meet diversified customer needs and improve integrated utilization efficiency. Fifth, it supports grid voltage readjustment, reduces power loss, and improves power factor. Sixth, distributed generation provides economic benefits that users can enjoy through an investment in grid access. In the future, the development of distributed generation will focus mainly on developing clean energy resources like solar, wind, and small hydropower generation near load centers.

2.4.1. The Latest Technological Progress

Distributed generation is nothing new. When the electricity industry began to develop, installed capacity was limited and voltage grades were low. Power generation was mostly distributional with power sources connected to a small local grid for distribution to local customers. However, with the advancement of power technologies, unit capacity and grid size have been expanding, with ever-higher voltage grades and increasingly conspicuous economies of scale. Contrarily, small capacity generating units have become increasingly less competitive. In the late 1980s, as energy security became a matter of global concerns, the United States and European countries refocused on building distributed power sources and quickly switched to distributed generation. A global transition was started from the traditional mode of centralized supply to a mode of supply based on a combination of centralized and distributed generation. The distributed power sources then were small diesel generators for emergency back-up, early coal-fired captive power plants, and small thermal power stations. However, these were phased out or simply replaced due to their poor technological performance, low efficiency, and environmental impact. In the twenty-first century, with significant efficiency gains and more environmental benefits, small hydro, wind energy, and solar power generation signifies an important direction of future energy development. In terms of single-unit control, distributed generation has achieved, on the customer side, joint operation of gas-fired and electrified equipment combining cooling and heating capabilities, raising the integrated efficiency of energy utilization to over 65%.

2.4.2. Development Direction and Outlook

Innovations in distributed generation technologies will focus on the technology for grid interconnection protection, control and power quality monitoring; the technology for synchronous operation of distributed generation, energy storage and controllable load with transmission grids; the technology for adapting to the demand response to large-scale grid access to distributed generation and the interaction among power sources, grids and loads; the standard technology governing information flows between distributed generation and distribution grids; and the technology for consumption of energy from high-penetration, distributed generation based on a virtual power plant.
Rapid growth of coordination and control technology for future distributed generation. It is expected that by around 2020, a host of technologies will basically become mature to adapt to the control requirements on distributed generation under complicated work conditions of interconnection operation as well as static and fault islanding. These technologies include the simulation technology for high-concentration, multisource coexisting systems at the distributed generation level, multisource complementary control for distributed generation, source charge coordination and control technology, equivalent virtualization technology for distributed generation and microgrids. In around 2030, equivalent simulation technology for centralized access to distributed generation will be mastered to realize flexible, interactive support for distributed generation and main grid power. Coordination and control technology based on flexible load control, energy storage devices and distributed generation will be acquired to exercise effective control over random power fluctuations and power quality in respect of distributed-generation, high-penetration grids. Intelligent recovery control technology and adaptive protection technology can support self-recovery and network reconfiguration after a breakdown of a distributed-generation, high-penetration grid. In around 2050, key information on the global geographical distribution, cluster size and output characteristics of distributed generation will be studied to realize flexible control over the equivalent virtual system for large-scale distributed generation. Based on a high-speed, globally interconnected telecommunication system, coordinated control across zones and layers can be realized over state-level grids, continent-level grids and globally interconnected grids to support efficient backup across different regions and times in response to typical load changes among the large clean energy bases in the Arctic and equatorial regions and across the ocean, relative to a global network of energy interconnections.

3. Grid Technology

A new energy landscape focusing on electricity with global allocations determines the crucial role that power grid technology will play in future energy development. The transmission capacity, allocation capability and economics of power grids need to be continuously enhanced, with the focus on the various components of the power system to accelerate the pace of technological innovation in robust smart grids. The major areas of innovation include UHV transmission technology and equipment, submarine cable technology, superconducting transmission technology, DC grid technology, microgrid technology, and supergrid operation control technology. Breakthroughs in these technologies will lay an important foundation for the development of a global energy network.

3.1. UHV Transmission and Equipment

UHV transmission technology refers to the technology for transmission at an AC voltage of 1000 kV or above and at a DC voltage of ±800 kV or above. In recent years, China’s UHV transmission technology has developed rapidly. UHV grids are responsible for transmitting wind and solar power from the northwest and hydropower from the southwest to load centers in the country’s eastern coastal areas. The transmission distance has advanced from hundreds of kilometers to thousands of kilometers and single-line transmission capacity to 8 GW. The future global energy interconnection will be supported by backbone UHV grids to achieve large-scale, large-area allocation of clean energy globally.

3.1.1. The Latest Technological Progress

The late 1960s saw the launch of feasibility studies of UHV transmission at 1000 kV (1100 and 1150 kV) and 1500 kV and research and development projects on UHV transmission technology. The 1000 kV UHV AC transmission project commissioned by State Grid Corporation of China (SGCC) in 2009 is the world’s first UHV transmission line to go into commercial operation. Since then, three 1000 kV UHV AC projects and four ±800 kV UHV DC projects have achieved commercial operation, the longest transmission distance being over 2000 km and maximum transmission capacity, 8 GW. See Table 6.1 for the major events in the development of UHV transmission projects worldwide.

Table 6.1

Major Events in UHV Transmission Development Worldwide

Year Event
1960s The former Soviet Union, the United States, Japan, and Italy, etc., proposed the development of UHV transmission technology, with work on planning, design and equipment research and development
1974 Work started in the United States on a 1000–1500 kV three-phase test line, which was subsequently put into operation
1978 The former Soviet Union started work on a 1150 kV (270 km) industrial test line stretching from Yitate to Novokuznetsk
1985 The world’s first 1150 kV line, between Ekibastuz and Kekeqitafu, commenced on-load (<2 GW) operation under the rated working voltage. Since the early 1990s, the line has been downgraded to 500 kV
1988 Japan started building a 1000 kV UHV transmission line for transmission to Tokyo. The line is 426 km long and operating voltage has been downgraded to 500 kV. In addition, the construction of a UHV test field in Harunamachi was completed
2006 China’s first 1000 kV UHV AC project was launched
2007 The Xiangjiaba–Shanghai ±800 kV. UHV DC demonstration project in China was launched
2009 The Southeastern Shanxi–Nanyang–Jingmen 1000 kV UHV AC pilot demonstration project in China was put into commercial operation
2010 The Xiangjiaba–Shanghai ±800 kV UHV DC demonstration project in China was successfully put into operation
2012 The Jinping–South Jiangsu ±800 kV UHV DC project was put into operation
2013 Huainan–North Zhejiang–Shanghai 1000 kV UHV AC project was put into operation
2014 The South Hami–Zhengzhou, Xiloudu–West Zhejiang ±800 kV UHV DC project and the North Zhejiang–Fuzhou 1000 kV UHV AC project were put into operation

3.1.2. Development Direction and Outlook

UHV transmission capacity and distance will be further enhanced. On the basis of the current UHV transmission technology, research and development work will be carried out on higher voltage, higher capacity AC transmission technology in the future. UHV transmission technology will be further improved in terms of transmission distance and capacity, with further technological breakthroughs in voltage control technology, insulation and overvoltage technology, electromagnetic, and noise control technology, external insulation interface, and key equipment manufacturing technology.
Research and manufacture of key equipment such as high-reliability converter transformers, converter valves, sleeves, and DC filters. DC transmission technology, key to achieving ultradistance and ultralarge capacity transmission, represents one of the major technological means to connect large energy bases with load centers. Recently, breakthroughs have been achieved in the research on the topography of ±1100 kV modular transmission-source converter valves and also in converter valve technology. An all-round breakthrough is expected around 2018 in ±1100 kV UHV DC transmission technology to realize engineering applications to achieve transmission distance of over 5000 km and transmission capacity, 12 GW.
Research and manufacture of UHV transmission equipment suited for extremely hot and cold climates. Currently, UHV projects operate at temperatures as low as −50 to −40°C and as high as 50–60°C. However, the Arctic region’s lowest temperature is −68°C and the equatorial region’s highest ground temperature is over 80°C, both temperatures beyond the tolerance limits of existing UHV transmission equipment. The insulation performance of electric materials will weaken under extremely high and low temperatures. Therefore, research shall be conducted on the key technologies of equipment well suited for operation in such extremely hot and cold climates. By around 2030, a breakthrough will be achieved in the development of a full set of UHV DC equipment with the properties required. The UHV DC compact converter station concept will go into practical application to meet the export requirements of large clean energy bases in the Arctic and equatorial regions and elsewhere.
Currently, the cost of 1000 kV UHV transmission is only about 72% of that of 500 kV EHV transmission. With the construction of a global energy network, the transmission cost will further decrease subject to successful production of UHV equipment on a large scale.

3.2. Submarine Cable

To build a globally interconnected energy network, transcontinental interconnections have to be developed across the ocean between each geographical pairing, such as Africa and Europe, Europe and North America, Australia and Asia, and Asia and North America. Submarine cable technology is an indispensable part of the technology set required to achieving transcontinental interconnections as part of a global energy network.

3.2.1. The Latest Technological Progress

Insulation technology is the key point for making a breakthrough in submarine cable technology. Currently, submarine cables feature the following types of insulation: impregnated paper-wrapped cables, applicable to AC transmission lines up to 45 kV and DC transmission lines up to ±400 kV, with a maximum installation depth of 500 m underwater. Self-contained oil-filled cables, applicable to UHV AC or UHV DC transmission lines, can be laid to a depth of 500 m underwater. Restrained by oil-filled pressure, self-contained oil-filled cables provide short transmission distances, making them particularly suitable for transmission over sea channels with a short crossing distance and for export of renewable energy from near-shore locations. Extruded insulation cables, including cross-linked polyethylene insulated cables, are applicable to 200–400 kV AC transmission lines. With its high reliability and long transmission distance, the extruded insulation cable marks an important direction of cable development. Inflatable insulated cables, insulated by impregnated paper, are better suited for longer-distance transmission underwater. However, as installation is required to be performed under deep water at high atmospheric pressure, the design of this cable type and its components is more difficult and installation depth is generally restricted to 300 m underwater.
Since the 1990s, among the world’s submarine cable transmission projects, 15 AC transmission projects have been developed, including five at a voltage grade of 500 kV or above. Since 2000, three 500 kV AC submarine cable transmission projects have been put into operation, compared with 67 DC transmission projects, which include 13 HVDC transmission projects under construction or planning. DC submarine cable technology is becoming an important means of building cross-sea grid interconnections and also connections with offshore renewable energy generation. The Norway–Netherlands submarine cable transmission project, featuring HVDC transmission, is scheduled for operation in 2016–2018. The design capacity is 1.4 GW. The 600 km submarine cable across the North Sea is the world’s longest submarine cable. Under the North America Power Grid, there are 14 submarine cable transmission projects, with a design transmission capacity of 5.762 GW and a total cable length of 1718 km underwater. The Neptune Project in the United States is based on a ±500 kV DC submarine cable network, with a maximum water depth of 2600 m as the world’s deepest submarine cable.

3.2.2. Development Direction and Outlook

High-voltage, long-distance and large-capacity submarine cables represent the major direction of future cable development. Currently, XLPE insulated cables are more popular, with maximum voltage grades at AC 500 kV and DC ±320 kV. The highest voltages of oil-filled cables are AC 765 kV and DC ±500 kV. The longest submarine cable in China is the Guangdong-Hainan 500 kV AC interconnection project across the Qiongzhou Strait. Featuring oil-filled insulation technology, the 31 km project can become part of an interconnection across the strait and support the outward transmission of electricity from offshore wind and ocean power bases in deep-water regions, subject to the successful development of UHV cables at AC 1000 kV and DC ±800 kV with a transmission distance of over 100 km.
In response to the development requirements of a globally interconnected energy network, research and manufacture of UHV AC and UHV DC cables must be completed before 2030. After 2030, conditions will be in place for large-scale application of UHV AC/DC cables and submarine cables to better support the construction of cross-sea projects forming part of the future global energy network.

3.3. Superconducting Power Transmission

Superconducting power transmission technology is a transmission technology featuring superconductive materials of high electric current density. At a superconducting state, the DC resistance of superconductive materials is basically nil with virtually no thermal loss. Since the discovery of the phenomenon of superconductivity, close to 40 superconductive elements and thousands of superconductive alloys and compounds have been identified. The transmission capacity of superconducting transmission lines can reach 3–5 times that of AC lines and 10 times that of DC lines at comparable voltage grades.

3.3.1. The Latest Technological Progress

In 1911, Heike Kamerlingh Onnes of Leiden University in Holland discovered the phenomenon of superconductivity. When cooled to a super low temperature of −268.98°C, mercury was observed to have lost all electric resistance. Subsequently, this superconductive property had successively been found in numerous metals and alloys. Kamerlingh Onnes was awarded the Nobel Prize in physics in 1913 for the discovery. The discovery led to further research into high temperature superconductivity around the world. During 1911∼1987, the superconducting temperature increased to 53 K from the original 4.2 K (0 K = −273.15°C). The discovery of high temperature superconducting makes the application of superconducting technology physically practicable. A large number of demonstrative applications had been conducted of superconducting technology at home and abroad. In terms of transmission capacity, the largest one was the demonstrative project on the Long Island AC transmission line in New York, at 138 kV and rated current 2,400 A with a transmission capacity of 574,000 kW. In April 2014, a 1,000 m superconducting cable was connected to the grid in Essen City, Germany, then the longest superconducting line used for an interconnection. The longest superconducting transmission line now under study is in Amsterdam, Netherlands, with a design cable length of 6,000 m. China has made important breakthroughs in superconducting technology and the superconducting critical temperature has increased to about −120°C (i.e., 153 K). At the current development stage of superconducting technology, superconducting transmission is still not operable without a low temperature of below −100°C, and the poor malleability of superconducting ceramic materials can hardly support long distance transmission.

3.3.2. Development Direction and Outlook

A high temperature superconductor is generally made of ceramic materials. Due to the poor malleability of ceramics, high temperature superconductors cannot be used to build cables for long distance transmission. To realize long-distance, large-capacity transmission, significant breakthroughs in high temperature superconducting materials are required. Strict operating temperature constraints on superconducting transmission lines are a key hindrance to the realization of large-capacity transmission. Liquid nitrogen, as the most commonly used and most economical cooling medium for superconducting materials, can reach −196°C. However, the performance of insulation materials will sharply decline under this low temperature. At a maximum voltage grade of 138 kV, superconducting cables are more suited for application in urban distribution networks. Superconducting materials are already costly, at US$300–500 per kA/m. Taking into account other factors such as low temperature requirements for operation and maintenance, the production and operation costs of superconducting transmission lines will be higher. So economics is also an important factor restricting the applicability of high temperature superconducting transmission technology. In 2008, the world’s first high temperature superconducting cable operating in a commercial grid was manufactured in the United States at a cost of US$18 million for a total length of 610 m. Judging by the development over the past 30 years, the progress of research into superconducting transmission technology has been slow, with no substantive breakthroughs in sight. For short-distance transmission, superconducting technology can be incorporated into hub substations to reduce energy loss and the space required for large-capacity transmission. For long-distance transmission, the integration of power transmission with the shipment of liquid hydrogen can realize integrated transport of energy to lower costs. But the prospects of large-scale commercial application are hard to predict.

3.4. DC Grid

The DC grid, based on flexible DC transmission technology, is an energy transmission system formed by a massive collection of interconnected DC transmission lines. The objective of DC grid development is to construct a large-capacity power transmission system capable of achieving smooth access for new energy, independent control pf active and reactive power, large-capacity and long-distance transmission, fast and flexible power allocation, as well as power regulation and mutual backup on an overall basis. Compared with a traditional DC transmission system, a DC grid can provide higher supply reliability and equipment redundancy, a more adaptive mode of supply, and flexibility and safety in flow control. Multiterminal DC transmission is the initial stage of DC grid development. It is a transmission system formed by more than two convertor stations linked up in series, parallel or parallel-series connections, featuring multiple sources of supply and multiple points at the receiving end. Compared with multiterminal DC transmission, a DC grid provides better economics and greater safety in terms of large-scale clean energy generation and access for distributed generation, power supply for oceanic islands, clustered output of offshore wind farms, and new city grid construction. The DC grid is one of the important directions for future grid development. With the innovations and breakthroughs made in DC transmission and interconnection technologies, UHV DC grid technologies are expected to come into shape to become one of the key technologies for building backbone structures as part of a global energy network.

3.4.1. The Latest Technological Progress

In 1999, the world’s first flexible DC project with access to wind power was commissioned in Gotland, Sweden, at a voltage of ±80 kV and with a transmission capacity of 50,000 kW. Currently, the developed countries of Europe and America are starting to look into the development of a new generation of flexible transmission networks based on DC transmission technologies. In 2008, Europe announced plans for a “supergrid” of power supplies, with the development of an extensive network of intelligent DC grids based on HVDC transmission (mainly flexible DC transmission). The plan brings together resources, including wind, solar and hydroelectric power, in the North Sea, the Baltic Sea, North Africa, and other regions. Work on different aspects of the proposed program has commenced, covering theoretical fundamentals, key technologies, core equipment and project construction. The plan is now at the stage of phased implementation. UK-based National Grid has developed plans for building, in the East coast region of the United Kingdom and the North Sea regions, a flexible DC transmission network comprised of tens of large-scale offshore wind farms and nearly 50 flexible DC transmission lines. Interconnections with grids in Norway and other countries, are also planned to balance fluctuations over large areas and consume more clean energy. In 2006, China started research on different areas of flexible DC transmission technologies, covering theoretical fundamentals, key technologies, core equipment, experimental capacity building, and system integration. In July 2011, China’s first flexible DC transmission demonstration project was commissioned in Nanhui, Shanghai. In July 2014, a ±200 kV multiterminal flexible DC transmission project was inaugurated in Zhoushan, Zhejiang.

3.4.2. Development Direction and Outlook

For future DC grid development, fundamental research has to be conducted on different areas. These include DC grid topology, theoretical fundamentals of grid construction, static characteristics of DC grids and the principle of interaction between DC and AC grids, dynamic characteristics of DC grids and theoretical fundamentals of safety assessment, fault protection for DC grids and grid reconfiguration methodology, and theoretical fundamentals of operational reliability for DC grids and safety evaluation methods. Breakthrough innovations also have to be sought in research into core DC grid equipment as well as equipment research and manufacture. In particular, higher-voltage DC grid technology must be developed to be able to support large-scale, ultralong distance transmission and clean energy consumption.
In around 2020, a basic theoretical framework for DC grids will be initially established, with the completion of the economics analysis of DC grid technology involving interconnections at two voltage grades and associated engineering work. Looking forward to 2030, with the growing maturity of DC grid-related technologies, economics analysis of the technology involving DC grid interconnections at several voltage grades will have been completed, with the relevant projects moving into actual implementation. By around 2050, DC grid technologies will enter a period of active promotion and render strong support to large-scale grid access for renewable energy.

3.5. Microgrid

Microgrid technology refers to a local-area management technology applied to distributed energy supply systems and loads. Currently, microgrid technology is still at the stage of pilot demonstration at home and abroad, with commercial operation yet to be achieved.

3.5.1. The Latest Technological Progress

The microgrid concept was first proposed by the United States in the 1990s. A number of major power outages broke out in the country in the twentieth century, sparking mounting concerns over the reliability of transmission systems. In 1999, the “microgrid” was first proposed by CERTS to improve supply reliability, with work on technology research and demonstration surrounding microgrids. The European Union and Japan see microgrids as a solution to the grid integration of high-penetration distributed generation. Following the proposal of the smart grid concept, the European Union and Japan have incorporated microgrids as part of the smart grid framework. In China, there are 14 pilot microgrid projects completed or under development. The following features of these projects can be observed. First, the voltage grades of the projects are relatively low, at 380 V or 10 kV. Second, these projects are relatively small, with a capacity of less than 5000 kW. Third, the projects are of different types, including grid-connected microgrids in urban areas, grid-connected microgrids in remote farming and stockbreeding areas, and off-grid microgrids in island regions. Currently, these pilot projects in China are designed mainly for research and validation purposes, with the focus on key microgrid technology.

3.5.2. Development Direction and Outlook

Current research on the operation control of microgrids is centered on simple AC microgrids. In order to boost innovation in microgrid technology and better integrate it into the ubiquitous smart power grids in different countries, in-depth research will be required into complex AC/DC microgrids, combined cooling, heating, and power microgrids, control technology for multimicrogrid parallel operations, and coordinated operation of microgrids and large power grids.
Technology for optimizing coordinated operation of microgrids and large power grids. The wide variety of microgrid equipment gives rise to variance in control methodology and operational characteristics. The complexity of operation control and protection for microgrids calls for research into design standardization in terms of control system structures, communication networks, and control technology, in order to standardize and modularize complete equipment, while improving the universality and expandability of the coordination and control systems for microgrids and large power grids.
Technology for managing microgrid energy optimization. A microgrid incorporates multiple energy sources like solar, wind, and biomass energy, together with a variety of energy conversion devices such as fuel cells and energy storage systems to provide customers with different energy products, like cooling, heating, and electricity. Given the greater uncertainty and time variance involved, more in-depth research is required on the technology for managing microgrid energy optimization so as to optimize microgrid operations and improve overall operational efficiency.
With the development and integration of microgrids and distributed generation technology, plug-and-play distributed power, flexible interactions at the grid level with the demand side as well as coordinated operation with large power grids will be realized and become an integral part of ubiquitous smart grids at the national level.

3.6. Large-Grid Operation Control

An ultra-large AC/DC power grid (“large power grid” for short) provides an important fundamental platform for aggregation of standard power generation sources, long-distance transcontinental transmission and large-area, flexible allocations. It basically forms the backbone structure of a global energy interconnection, structurally characterized by grid access for diversified energy sources, equipment variety, and wide geographical coverage. Operationally, it is marked by large transmission capacity, frequent flow fluctuations, and complex interferences. The control technology for large-grid operations is key to the development of a global energy network and the assurance of operational safety and stability. Examples of this control technology mainly include control technology for large-grid operations, simulation technology, operation control technology for grid-connected access to large-scale, intermittent energy sources, fault recovery technology, and automatic reconfiguration technology.

3.6.1. The Latest Technological Progress

In the initial stage of electricity development, electric power lines were used just to connect power plants to electricity consumers, falling short of forming a power network. During this period, the focus was on controlling generation output and ensuring the stability of frequencies and voltages, with the dispatch control center usually located in the power plant. In the 1920s, with the rapid growth of electric loads, power networks gradually came into shape to ensure supply continuity and stability through grid distribution and power modulation. At this stage, the scope of control was expanded to cover generating plants, power grids, substations, active and reactive power sources, voltages, power system-level flow and economic dispatch, and power protection devices. After the 1970s, with the growing capacity of generating units and the development of transmission technology, power grids entered a period of UHV development. A large grid features dispatch control usually on a zone-by-zone and layer-by-layer basis, with individual dispatch centers set up to ensure the reliability of automatic control systems and better accommodate system capacity expansion and structural changes.
Into the twenty first century, the method of zone and layer-based control has become relatively mature. Control technology has improved significantly, evidencing a move from “off-line forecasts and real-time matching” on a precontrol basis toward “online forecasts/decision-making and real-time matching” and further to “real-time calculation and real-time control”.

3.6.2. Development Direction and Outlook

The security and stability mechanism, characteristics and analytical technology of large grids. For the security and stability mechanism of large grids, one needs to look at research areas such as transient stability analyses, the characteristics of regional interconnected-grid low frequency oscillation and its causes, the mechanism of voltage stability, the mechanism of cascading failure in large grids, and the application of complexity theory to the analysis of the mechanisms of major outages. For the security and stability characteristics of large grids, research areas include the impact on grid security and stability of access for distributed generation, access for major generating units, mixed AC/DC transmission and flexible AC transmission technology applications, as well as new transmission and transformation technologies. For the security analytical technology of large grids, research should cover online analysis and defense systems, online dynamic security assessments and prewarning systems, online monitoring and analysis technology based on wide area measurement systems for power systems, artificial intelligence technology used for online security and stability analysis, online real-time decision-making systems for grid security and stability control, and grid security assessment technology based on risk theory.
Real-time/super real-time simulation and decision-making technology. Offline, online, real-time, and super real-time operations have progressed in chronological order. The growth of grid capacity imposes ever-higher requirements on the timeliness of grid operation analysis and decision-making. In the early days, power system control was based on off-line calculations due to the constraints of computer technology. However, with the progress of information technology, more and more calculations can be performed online or even on a real-time basis. Dynamic security assessments and prewarnings can be conducted online. Through online transient stability analyses, we can not only assess the security level of current systems, but also develop prevention and control strategies to help dispatchers with operational adjustments and improve grid operational safety. Through real-time simulation, we can simultaneously simulate the actual running state of grids. Super real-time simulation is achieved if the simulation results can be obtained before the occurrence of a real incident. In the future, the development of grid-based real-time and super real-time simulation technology will further improve the security control of large grids at the operational level.
Fault diagnosis, recovery and automatic reconfiguration technologies of power grids. On the strength of technology innovations, such as online fault monitoring and diagnosis, new relay protection and wide-area backup protection, fault recovery strategy optimization and smart reconfiguration technology, power grids demonstrate strong security, stability and fault self-recovery capability in different operating environments and in the face of different types of fault. These technologies can greatly improve the defense capability of large grids against cascading faults, extreme weather conditions, and harmful external conditions. With the development of computer technology and control theory, operational control at the grid level is gradually moving in the direction of forecasting, prewarning, and automatic fault recovery. Highly automatic operational control, expected to materialize after 2030, can support day-ahead forecasts for renewables-based power generation within a 5% margin of error and help achieve a global dynamic equilibrium among renewables, traditional energy and demand loads.

4. Energy Storage Technology

The development of energy storage technology is crucial for ensuring the large-scale development of clean energy as well as the secure and economic operation of power grids. Incorporating electricity storage technology into the power system can add a “flexible” touch to an otherwise “rigid” power system that maintains balance in real time. In particular, this will smoothen out the fluctuations arising from large-scale grid access for clean energy, with improvements in grid-level operational security, economics and flexibility. Energy storage technology generally refers to the technology for thermal energy storage and electric energy storage, with electricity storage to become the dominant application for the future global energy interconnection. The structure of a power grid with energy storage capability is shown in Fig. 6.3.
Figure 6.3 Structural Diagram of Power Grid With Energy Storage Capability

4.1. Latest Progress

Electricity storage technology is classified mainly into physical energy storage (pumped-storage, compressed-air energy storage, and flywheel energy storage), electrochemical energy storage (lead–acid cell storage, sodium–sulfur cell storage, flow battery storage, lithium ion battery storage, metal–air cell storage, and hydrogen storage), and electromagnetic energy storage (superconductive electromagnetic energy storage and supercapacitor energy storage).

4.1.1. Physical Energy Storage

As the most mature energy storage technology, pumped storage technology is in extensive application at relatively low costs. The world’s total installed pumped-storage capacity currently stands at more than 100 GW. The top three countries in terms of pumped storage capacity are Japan, the United States and China, accounting for 26.27, 22.29, and 21.53 GW, respectively. With a total installed capacity of 2.4 GW, the Guangzhou Pumped Storage Station in China is the world’s largest facility of its kind. Given the abundance of hydropower resources in the world, larger-capacity pumped-storage units can be installed by capitalizing on the right terrain to better ensure supply security.
Compressed-air energy storage operates on the principle of transforming electric energy into potential energy storable in compressed air by using surplus electricity produced in low-demand periods to drive the air compressor and press the air into a large-capacity air reservoir. At times of power undersupply, the compressed air is burnt with oil or natural gas to drive the combustion gas turbine for power generation and meet the requirements of system-level peak load regulation. Compressed-air energy storage has the advantages of high capacity, long service life, and good economics. But the generation process requires burning fossil fuels, which results in pollution and carbon emission. Currently, compressed-air stored energy technology is basically at the laboratory modeling or small-scale demonstration stage.
Flywheel energy storage works by accelerating a rotor (flywheel) to a very high speed and storing the kinetic energy generated. The rotor becomes a generator when energy is extracted from the system. Featuring low energy density and instead of large-scale energy storage, this energy storage technology is suitable for short-term energy storage to resolve problems of power quality and impulse-type electricity consumption.

4.1.2. Electrochemical Energy Storage

Electrochemical energy storage is at the forefront of energy storage technology. In recent years, this type of energy storage, like sodium–sulfur cells, flow batteries, and lithium ion batteries, has experienced rapid growth with tremendous potential and broad prospects of application. It is expected to lead the pack in commercial development. To bring down production and operation costs, technology breakthroughs are required in battery materials, manufacturing process, system integration, and operational maintenance in coming years.
With a history of 140 years, lead–acid cell storage is the most mature technology of its kind, currently accounting for more than half of the battery market. A low-cost and safe storage option, this technology is used mainly on electric bicycles. But lead–acid cells are not suitable for grid energy storage due to their low energy density, massive size, and also the poisonous materials involved in production.
With a high energy density, the sodium–sulfur cell is well-attuned to modular manufacturing and easy on transportation and installation. It is suitable for providing emergency backup to meet special load demands. The sodium–sulfur cell was invented by Ford Motor Company in the United States in 1967. Getting a head start on sodium–sulfur cell research, Japan developed successfully in the mid-1980s, a sodium–sulfur cell with a high energy density of 160 kWh/m3. In 1992, Japan carried out a demonstrative operation of the world’s first sodium–sulfur cell energy storage system. As at the end of 2002, more than 50 sodium–sulfur cell energy storage stations were in demonstrative operation in Japan. In July 2004, the world’s largest sodium–sulfur cell energy storage station with a power rating of 9600 kW and a capacity of 57,600 kWh was formally inaugurated in an automatic system plant under Hitachi Limited. In 2009, State Grid Corporation of China completed a medium-sized 2000 kW pilot production line for sodium–sulfur cells, making China the world’s second country after Japan to master the core technology of high-capacity, single-cell sodium–sulfur batteries.
Flow cells feature high capacity and a long recycling life, with recyclable electrolytic solutions and separately designable capacity and power. Flow cells are bulky and use vanadium, a toxic compound, as a raw material for production. As early as in 1974, NASA successfully developed the world’s earliest flow cell. Currently, the full vanadium flow electricity storage system and the sodium polysulfide/bromine flow electricity storage system are two relatively mature cell types already at the stage of demonstrative operation.
Lithium ion cells use a Li ion-containing compound for the positive pole and a carbon material for the negative pole. The lithium ion battery features large energy density, high average output voltage and low self-discharge. It has no memory effect and operates in a wide temperature range from −20°C to 60°C. Known as a green product, the long-life cell demonstrates superior recycling performance without using any toxic or harmful substance. Currently, the lithium ion battery is used extensively on cell phones, laptops, electric vehicles and other equipment. However, economically it is not well-placed for use on power systems or large-capacity energy storage devices, as a charge–discharge cycle costs more than RMB 1 per kWh.
The metal–air cell is a new fuel cell type that uses metal fuels rather than the hydrogen energy in traditional fuel cells. Nonpoisonous and pollution-free, it offers many advantages, like steady discharge voltage, high energy density, low internal resistance, long service life, relatively low costs, and low requirements on process technology. It is an electricity generating device that incorporates oxygen and metals like zinc and aluminum, with the potential to open up a new generation of green energy storage batteries on account of the low cost, abundance and recyclability of the raw materials used for production. It is also structurally simpler compared with the hydrogen fuel cell.
Hydrogen energy storage technology has commanded widespread international attention as a source of clean, efficient and sustainable carbon-free energy. National plans for hydrogen energy development have been developed in the United States, Japan and some European countries, with a number of large-scale demonstrative applications of hydrogen energy storage already in place. These include an energy storage demonstration system designed for renewable energy integration, a hydrogen refueling station for fuel cell-powered cars, as well as hydrogen-based methane and natural gas–hydrogen blends. The hydrogen cell developed by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory can sustain a driving range of over 1500 km by using 15 kg of liquid hydrogen fuel. The scope of application of hydrogen energy storage technology has expanded from motorized transportation to the energy field. But ion exchange membranes for the fuel cell are still costly. Technology breakthroughs have to be achieved in cost reduction and in hydrogen production and storage before commercial operation can be realized.

4.1.3. Electromagnetic Energy Storage

The supercapacitor developed in the 1970s–1980s is an electrochemical component for storing energy based on polarized electrolytes. As no chemical reaction takes place in the storage process, the energy stored is reversible and the device can be repeatedly charged and discharged hundreds of thousands of times. The supercapacitor features high power density, short charging and discharging times, long recycling life and a wide range of operating temperatures. However, it is not suitable for large-capacity energy storage on the grid, given its low storage capacity.
Utilizing the zero electric resistance of a superconductor, a superconductive electromagnetic energy storage device offers the advantages of large instantaneous power, light mass, small volume, zero loss, and quick response. It can be used to improve power system stability and power quality. However, prospects for the future application of this technology are clouded by low energy density, limited capacity, and the fact that it is subject to the development of superconducting materials technology.

4.2. Development Direction and Outlook

Large-capacity energy storage can support peak shaving and valley filling in the future global energy interconnection. Large-capacity, long-term storage facilities such as pumped storage devices and compressed-air storage equipment can be used for peak load regulation in support of a large grid. Flow batteries of large storage capacity, multiple circulation times, and long service life can be used to support energy storage devices on a grid. Hydrogen storage can be used to store surplus wind and solar energy to drive fuel cell-powered vehicles.
Large-scale power-type energy storage can be used to smoothen out fluctuations of large-scale clean energy generation. Power-type energy storage devices such as supercapacitors, superconducting magnetic energy storage, flywheel energy storage, and sodium–sulfur batteries, are operated in connection with large renewable energy generation, to quickly respond to the output of wind and photovoltaic power, smoothen out fluctuations of renewable energy generation, and ensure the safety of real-time grid operations.
Small stored energy batteries can be used on electric vehicles. Stored energy devices such as lithium batteries, new lead–acid cells and metal–air batteries, are of higher energy and power intensity but poor homogeneity, which makes them difficult to form large-capacity battery packs. The type of energy storage is used mainly on electric vehicles instead of large power stations. With an extended service life and lower costs, stored energy batteries can meet the requirements of large-scale electric car development. In the future, stored energy batteries on electric vehicles will be connected to the global energy interconnection to support peak load regulation at well-planned charging times through charging in low-demand periods and discharging in peak-demand periods.

4.3. Forefront Technologies

The key to more advanced stored energy technology lies in making new breakthroughs in materials technologies. Through continuous innovation and development of new stored energy materials, important breakthroughs are expected to be achieved in prolonging the service life of stored energy components, improving energy intensity, shortening charging time, and reducing costs.

4.3.1. Substantial Improvement in Battery Service Life

New lithium–sulfur cells were developed by the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory of the United States Department of Energy, combining the graphite in lithium batteries and the lithium in traditional lithium sulfur batteries to quadruple the battery’s service life and increase the number of charging and discharging to 2000 times. The lithium sulfur battery is a solid battery, with high energy intensity and easy application on a small scale. The organic quinine redox flow battery, developed by the University of Southern California, is of the water-soluble type with a life expectancy of 15 years based on 5000 charge cycling tests.

4.3.2. Significant Improvement in Energy Intensity

New solid lithium ion batteries were developed by Toyota Corporation, with an energy intensity of up to 400 Wh/L(watt-hour/liter), twice as much as that of the lithium ion battery now widely used in the market. This battery type has the potential to go into commercial application by 2020. The molten salt air battery is another new type of battery developed by the George Washington University. Based on the chemical characteristics of different molten salts in the lab, the energy intensity of ferric iron, carbanion and vanadium boride-based molten salt batteries can reach 10, 19, and 27 kWh/L, respectively, far above the lithium air battery’s 6.2 kWh/L. This battery type features higher stored energy capacity at lower costs.

4.3.3. Significantly Shortened Charging Time

The graphene lithium ion battery is a new battery type developed by Nanotek of Ohio in 2012. It features high charging speed, multiple circulation times, and high specific energy. The negative pole of the lithium battery is made of graphene, on the surface of which lithium ions move around swiftly in large amounts, resulting in greatly improved charging speed. At the end of 2014, the Spanish company of Graphenano, in cooperation with Universidad de Córdoba, completed a prototype design for the polymeric grapheme battery, with a specific energy of over 600 Wh/kg. Currently, electric vehicles equipped with graphene batteries can sustain a driving distance of up to 1000 km, with a full charge completed in 8 min.

4.3.4. Sharply Lower Battery Costs

The rechargeable redox flow battery is a low-cost, membraneless redox flow battery developed by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Maximum power intensity can reach up to approximately 0.8 W/cm2, treble that of the ordinary membraneless battery type and at a production cost of lower than US$100 per kWh, only one-quarter that of present-day lithium ion batteries.

5. Information and Communication Technology

Information and communication technology (ICT) provides the very foundation for realizing intelligent and interactive power grids as well as operation control over power grids. ICT covers the information and communication aspects of the technology. Focusing on the coding and decoding of information, information technology is about collecting, identifying, extracting, converting, storing, delivering, disposing, searching, detecting, analyzing and utilizing information. Communication technology, with the focus on information transmission technology, mainly covers transmission access, network switching, mobile communication, wireless communication, optical fiber communication, satellite communication, support management, and private network communication. ICT is regarded as an important driving force behind social development and global economic growth in the twenty-first century. Representing a combination of different technologies involving cross-sector integration of many industries, ICT is bringing about a profound industrial revolution. To cater to the development needs of a globally interconnected energy network, the rapidly growing information and communication contents, and the substantially expanding scope of information and communication, stricter requirements need to be imposed on the safety, real-time and reliability aspects of ICT, which points to the urgent need for greater innovation and breakthrough in the ICT area.

5.1. Latest Progress

5.1.1. Communication Technology

For more than a century since Samuel Morse’s invention of the telegraph in 1835 and Alexander Graham Bell’s invention of the telephone in 1876, communication technology has come a long way from analog signals to digital signals, from carrier signaling and microwave communication to optical fiber communication and satellite communication, from wired to wireless communication, and from fixed line communication to mobile communication. Nowadays, optical fiber communication, mobile communication and satellite communication, among other communication technologies, are being constantly upgraded, with transmission capacity growing.
Optical fiber communication technology fulfils the function of communication based on transmission through optical fiber lines. It serves a backbone for information networks, with the advantages of rapid transmission speed, small transmission loss, and high signal quality and safety. Commercial networks currently run at a speed of 400 GB/s. In August 2014, Danish scientists achieved data transmission of 43 × 103 GB/s (5300 GB of data/s) in laboratory conditions using a single optical fiber and a laser generator. This technology makes it possible to download a movie of 1 GB in just 0.2 ms. Experts expect virtually unlimited broadband for users with the continued development of optical fiber over the next 10 years.
Mobile communication technology integrates the newest technology of wired and wireless communications, realizing information transmission between mobile devices as the fastest developing technology of the twenty-first century. Since the advent of 1G (first generation) communication technology in the 1970s, we are now moving into the 4G (fourth generation) era. 4G technology can achieve a downlink peak data rate of 1GB/s and an uplink peak data rate of 500 Mb/s in the 100 MHz broadband. At the same time, 5G technology has become the focus of research around the world. Compared with 4G, 5G can transmit 1000 times more data volume at a data rate, 100 times faster, of 10 GB/s. The number of network-connected devices will also increase by 100 times, and end-to-end delays will shorten by 80%. 5G technology will meet the needs brought on by the fast-increasing intelligent terminals and rapid growth of the mobile Internet.
Satellite communication technology realizes communication between two or more earth stations by using artificial earth satellites as a relay station to retransmit radio waves. Comprised of satellites and earth stations, a satellite communication system is known for its wide coverage and high reliability, not being subject to the restrictions of complex geographical conditions between two communication points or calamities on earth. Satellite communication is good for multipoint transmission and reception, with the capability of providing broadcasts and multiple access communication economically. However, the technology also has its disadvantages, including long time delays, limited communication access in high-latitude regions, and the impact of space radiation on space communications. With technological improvements and lower costs, the launch and application of satellites is now practically possible for corporations.
Apart from improving transmission speed and quality, how to ensure communication security is also an important direction of communication technology research. Based on the principles of quantum mechanics, quantum communication technology can achieve, within extreme physical limits, high performance communication by using quantum effects to physically ensure the absolute security of communication. This brand new technology can resolve problems otherwise unresolvable by other communication technologies, making it the major focus of communication technology research around the world. Currently, quantum communication technology can cover a maximum transmission distance of 300 km and achieve a security rate of 1 Mb/s subject to a communication distance of 50 km. The development of quantum communication technology will ensure information security for important infrastructures, including national defense and military facilities and large grids.

5.1.2. Information Technology

Information technology has grown and progressed rapidly over the past half-century from the advent of the world’s first computer in 1947 and the invention of the transistor by Bell Laboratories through the prevalence of the Internet today to the integration of three networks (telecommunications, broadcast TV, and the Internet). We are now at the point of constructing an information highway that demonstrates a trend toward digitalization, intelligentization, personalization, and integration.
The Internet of Things (IoT). An extension of the Internet into the physical world, the IoT is built on an integration of sensor technology, communication technology, and information service technology. It is a dynamic networking infrastructure with self-organizing capability based on standard rules and interoperable communication protocols. Every physical and virtual object in the IoT has its own identification tag, physical attributes and smart interface, enabling seamless integration of the object with the existing information network. IoT technology will bring about full informatization of the real-world physical environment, realize “network ubiquity,” and play a significant role in the future development of the global energy network.
The ubiquitous Internet. The Internet, or the worldwide web, was originated in the United States in 1969. With the development of personal computers and smart phones, the Internet has become a household phenomenon and an important ICT platform for work and life. Based on conventional Internet technology, the ubiquitous Internet has extended its reach to facilitate the exchange of information with any people or objects anytime, anywhere. It can provide a variety of information services in response to different demands. Simply put, it is an omnipresent form of the Internet that provides mutual access to information among different objects.
Sensor technology. A detection device and a key technology for gathering information, a sensor converts, based on certain rules, a measured object into electrical signals or other forms of information output as required. Sensor technology started to catch growing attention in the 1980s with the rapid growth of integrated circuit technology and computer technology. It has now evolved into a backbone technology for ICT development. Sensor technology is supported by fundamental research on sensors and research on sensor network systems. Currently, fundamental research on sensors is focused on new materials, with the adoption of micromachining and bionics technologies to improve the sensitivity, accuracy and stability of sensors. The focus of sensor system research is placed on applying near field communication technology to build a stub network with sensors and the information they collect, forming an important foundation for the IoT.
Image recognition technology. Image recognition technology enables computer-based processing, analysis and interpretation of images to identify targets and objects of different shapes and forms. The recognition process includes image preprocessing, image segmentation, feature extraction, and judgment and matching. Simply put, image recognition refers to the computer reading of image contents like the human mind. Image recognition equips machines with the power of sight in place of human-based monitoring of equipment conditions and prewarning of potential danger. This technology provides intelligent navigation for unmanned vehicles, with the capability to judge road conditions in real time based on satellite data.
Cloud computing and cloud storage technology. Cloud computing refers to software sharing, computing and data acquisition on an Internet platform. Cloud storage technology brings together a large collection of storage equipment on the Internet to provide shared data storage and service access capabilities. The development of cloud computing and cloud storage will lead to the formation of a hardware system to accommodate the integrated operation of servers, storage devices and Internet equipment, which will maximize the expandability of software applications. In the area of cloud computing technology, virtualization development and breakthrough will not only enhance the utilization efficiency of computing resources, but also provide dynamic migrations and resource scheduling to allow more efficient management and expansion of cloud computing loads and contribute to the flexibility of cloud computing services.
Big data technology. Big data technology enables the extraction of important information of value from the massive data that is beyond the processing capacity of a traditional database. As big data technology involves enormous volumes of data, the requirements on data processing capacity and transmission rates are far more stringent compared with conventional data processing technology. With the phenomenal growth of the Internet, data and information flows have continued to increase. For the future global energy interconnection, information flows on resources, grid operation and users are expected to extend locally from a single location (a country or region) to the whole world, accompanied by dramatic data growth. This situation will warrant the application of big data technology with important real-life implications for improving the management and operation of the future global energy network.

5.2. Development Direction and Outlook

5.2.1. Development of ICT is Marked by Growing Broadbandization, Digitalization, Intelligentization, Personalization, and Integration

The term “broadbandization” refers to the development of a worldwide high-speed broadband communication network supported primarily by fiber optic technology to enable transmission of as much information as possible per unit time. By “digitalization” we mean the complete digitalization of every piece of information in a communication network, be it voice, text, or image, before feeding it once again into the network, without the presence of any analog signals. By “intelligentization” we mean the capability of a communication network to not just transmit and exchange information, but also store, process and control information with flexibility. Information is also processed and transmitted in an optimal manner under all conditions through a software-defined network. By “personalization” we mean the capacity for anyone to carry out, without restriction, any form of communication with any other people anytime and anywhere in the world. Personalization requires the support of large network capacity as well as functional and intelligent flexibility. By “integration” we mean combining all services and networks into one. The integration of three different networks signifies an important trend of development, with the combination of the IoT and the Internet to lead to more integrated services.

5.2.2. ICT Ensures Greater Security, Reliability, and Intelligence for the Development and Operation of the Future Global Energy Interconnection

An ICT network refers to an energy and electricity virtual communication network architecture based on private and public networks, incorporating existing power line and optical cable-based power communication technology, to build a physical and virtual communication network system integrating long-span coherent optical transmission, 4G/5G, satellite communication and public band networking technology so as to provide communication technology support for the future global energy interconnection. To ensure a high level of security for the electricity system, wired communication technology will provide large-capacity, high-reliability communication services with a bandwidth of up to 1000 GB/s to accommodate scheduling and trade communication requirements for the global energy interconnection. Wireless communication technology, such as 4G/5G, satellite communication and public band networking, can be actuated during a system fault to realize, at relatively low costs, long-distance communication not subjected to the restrictions imposed by geographical conditions and natural disasters.
For the IoT, the power communication network will incorporate communication, information, sensor, automation and other technologies, together with sophisticated sensors, to extensively deploy a variety of smart devices with sensing, computing, and actuation capabilities in power generation, transmission, consumption, and management. Through a power sensing network and IoT technology, real-time surveillance can be conducted on grid operation status, intelligent substations, distribution lines, users and power plants to realize panoramic sensing, mutual information access, and intelligent control for the global energy network. The IoT is the foundation for developing the global energy network; only by means of real-time monitoring and sensing can the global energy network operate securely and efficiently based on an established control strategy.
For image recognition technology, surveillance images of power plants and substations, cruise images of aircraft as well as satellite images can be transmitted back to the surveillance and control center of the electricity system to diagnose equipment operation status through image recognition technology and analyze and prewarn damage to insulation materials, corona discharge, short-circuit, icing, and filth. In the icy cold Arctic and scorching equatorial regions, forested and mountainous areas and other locations with unfavorable conditions for work, image recognition technology can recognize equipment conditions intelligently to improve reliability and reduce labor and material resources.
For cloud computing and cloud storage technology, efforts should be devoted to remove bottlenecks in analyzing and processing speed in operation control and power trade management of the global energy interconnection, such that the speed and accuracy of big data analytics can be improved and power scheduling and trading on a global level realized. As the coverage of global energy interconnections expands, power trading technology will mature. With the establishment of a trading system, the complementary nature of resources due to spatial–temporal differences among the electricity markets across different countries and continents will manifest itself more prominently. The evaluation system for power trade through a network of globally interconnected grids and the platform for verifying power trade will be more widely applied, generating strong computing and storage demand. Cloud computing and cloud storage can fully leverage existing global computing resources and supercomputing technology to schedule computing resources according to tasks from time to time to meet the demand for computing and storing global energy data and information.
Big data technology can be employed, given its strong forecasting performance, to conduct fast-time real-time simulation for the electricity system and improve the intelligence level of analytical decision-making. Variables such as temperature, atmospheric pressure, humidity, rainfall, wind direction, wind force, and radiation, are taken into full account to arrive at more accurate forecasts of volatile power sources. Energy and electric power system modeling technology, incorporating big data analytics and numerical weather forecasts, can improve the smoothness of wind and solar photovoltaic power supply. With big data technology, power dispatchers can work out scheduling arrangements ahead of time and contribute to the consumption of more renewable energy.


1. The global energy interconnection represents a major strategic innovation and an important technological breakthrough. Technological innovation has laid the very foundation for the development of this interconnection. More innovations and breakthroughs will be needed in high-tech fields such as energy and electric power, materials science, information and communication, the Internet and the IoT, in order to constantly improve the economics, controllability, and adaptability of the global energy interconnection.
2. To cater to the needs brought on by the development of the global energy interconnection, it is of crucial importance to improve technological innovation and breakthrough in power generation, grids, energy storage, information, and communication, and other areas, to achieve all-round improvements in the level of technology and equipment.
3. Innovation in power generation technology is key to promoting the “two-replacement” policy and shaping a new energy landscape oriented toward clean energy and centered on electricity. At the core of this development, efforts are required to constantly improve the efficiency and economics of clean energy development, focusing on wind, solar, ocean power, and distributed generation technologies.
4. Innovation in grid technology plays a pivotal role in optimizing the global allocation of energy resources, covering all segments of a robust smart grid that mainly include UHV, submarine cable, superconducting transmission, DC grid, microgrid, large-grid operation control, and other technologies. The focus of innovation is on lengthening transmission distance, expanding capacity, and ensuring the secure, reliable, and economical operation of grids.
5. Energy storage technology is also essential for securing large-scale development of clean energy as well as the safe and economical operation of grids. The focus of innovation is on improving energy and power intensities, lengthening service lives, and lowering costs.
6. Information and communication technology is an important foundation for realizing smart and interactive grids and operation control of large grids. With the objective of providing support for the development of the global energy interconnection, the focus of innovation is on expediting the development and application of fiber optics, mobile communications, satellite communications, and quantum communications, as well as the ubiquitous Internet, the IoT, image recognition, cloud computing, big data, and other advanced information technologies.

1 A PN junction refers to the space charge region in the interface formed by putting the P-type and N-type semiconductors on the same base through diffusion with the adoption of different doping processes.

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