Chapter 5

Building Global Energy Interconnection


Building green and low-carbon global energy interconnection with an extensive reach, strong allocation capacity, and high reliability is the way out to meet the requirements of the two-replacement. It will be of great significance to enable efficient development, allocation, and utilization of clean energy at the global level and achieve energy sustainability. The key is to strengthen technological innovation on UHV transmission and smart grid and develop a mechanism for global energy collaboration. Such a mechanism will facilitate the building of ubiquitous smart grids, interconnected grids, and intercontinental UHV backbone transmission. The goal is to accelerate the construction of worldwide interconnected robust smart grids toward a brand new energy scenario dominated by clean energy, centered with electricity, and globally allocated resources.


global energy interconnection
smart grid
transmission channel
ubiquitous smart grid

1. Robust Smart Grid and Global Energy Interconnection

Driven by higher energy and electricity demand, the world’s power grid system has leapfrogged from conventional grids to modern grids, and from isolated urban grids to transregional and transnational interconnected large grids. It has now entered a new stage of development with robust smart grids as a prominent feature. In response to the new requirements of the two-replacements, robust smart grids will move faster in the direction of global integration for building global energy interconnections to provide more secure, economical, cleaner, and sustainable energy needed for global socioeconomic development.

1.1. Robust Smart Grid

The world electric power industry has been growing for more than 130 years since the world’s first thermal power plant was completed in Paris in 1875. To construct robust smart grids – a modern grid system capable of allocating transnational and transcontinental electricity and of flexibly adapting to new energy development and diversified service needs – has become a direction and strategic option in the global grid development of the twenty-first century.

1.1.1. The Evolution of Global Grid Development

Driven by greater demand and faster technological progress, the evolution of global grid development is characterized by a shift from low voltage to higher voltage, from small scale to larger scale of interconnection, and from low level to higher level of automation. Voltage Upgrading
As energy loss through grid transmission is directly proportional to the square of line current, by raising grid voltage and reducing line current, electricity can be transmitted more effectively over long distances, in large capacities and with low transmission losses, assuming the same load for delivery. The continued growth in system capacity and power loads has led to higher transmission power requirement, and the voltage levels of transmission lines need to be raised steadily. Typically, introduction of a higher voltage grade is best timed with the point when a fourfold or more increase in a system’s peak load power is reached. Traditionally, in a period of continued economic growth, it would take 15–20 years for a new, higher voltage grade to come into being. In 1891, the earliest alternating current (AC) transmission lines built in Germany featured a voltage of 13.8 kV. By 1990, 60 kV HV lines had been built in the United States. In 1952, Sweden completed the world’s first 380 kV EHV line. By 1969, EHV lines at 765 kV had been in operation in the United States. China’s first 1000 kV commercial UHV AC line was put into service in 2009. Direct current (DC) transmission technology has undergone the two major development stages of mercury arc valve-based conversion and thyristor-based conversion. Currently, flexible DC transmission technology based on gate-controlled switch devices is being developed and applied, with transmission voltage continuously upgraded to meet growing demand. After the completion of the first 1.5 kV DC transmission line in Germany in 1882, a ±100 kV HVDC transmission line was completed in Sweden in 1954. In 1962, the Soviet Union completed a ±400 kV EHV DC transmission line. In 1984, the UHV DC transmission project in Itaipu, Brazil, featured a voltage of ±600 kV. In 2010, China’s ±800 kV UHV DC transmission project commenced operations. See Fig. 5.1 and Fig. 5.2 for the development of AC/DC transmission voltage grades in the world.
Figure 5.1 Voltage Grading Development of AC Transmission Lines Worldwide
Figure 5.2 Voltage Grading Development of DC Transmission Lines Worldwide Greater Grid Interconnection Capacity
From the end of the nineteenth century to the mid-twentieth century, grid development was oriented toward municipal grids, isolated grids, and small grids. They were small in scale and aimed at achieving a balance at the local level. However, the increasing installed capacity of generating units for grid integration has given rise to the need for expanding resource allocation capacity and transmission coverage. Grid development has witnessed a shift to large-scale, interconnected grids characterized by high voltage and strong interconnection capability, gradually forming a large grid operating at the transregional level at EHV of 330, 500, and 750 kV and UHV of 1000 kV. Currently, a number of transnational interconnected grids have been developed, including the interconnected power grid of North America, the synchronous power grid of Europe, and the Russian Baltic Sea power grid. China has also completed the world’s first commercial 1000 kV UHV AC transmission project in 2009. UHV transmission marks an important milestone in grid development. The transmission distance of 500–750 kV EHV lines is 700–1000 km, compared with a much longer distance of 2000–5000 km for UHV DC transmission, which provides an extensive geographical reach covering the world’s major countries and regions. This has given power grids the capability to allocate energy resources over larger areas, thus laying a foundation for extensive interconnection of the world’s power grids at the transnational and transcontinental levels. Higher Automation Levels
Over the past century, with the continued innovation in electronic information technology and the upgrading of automation technology, grid development has demonstrated ever-higher levels of automation and, in electricity generation, the level of informatization, automation, and interaction has also increased. Between the late nineteenth century and the mid-twentieth century, power outages caused by grid faults were frequent and supply reliability was low, reflecting the shortcomings of a grid that relied on simple protection, experienced-based dispatching, an automation system limited to a single automation device, oriented toward safety protection, and process automatic adjustment with a generally lower level of automation. Between the mid- and late-twentieth century, the advent of transregional grid networks called for meeting new requirements in terms of system stability, economical dispatch, and overall automation. Power grids have since achieved more sophisticated protection and dispatching, greater use of automation devices, and an extensive application of tele-mechanical communications technology. Supervisory control and data acquisition systems have also appeared, microcomputers have been gradually integrated into relay protection equipment, and grid automation swiftly enhanced, resulting in significantly improved supply reliability. Since the late-twentieth century, along with the growing capacity and coverage of power grids, advanced technologies in modern control, information communication, and other areas have been widely applied, and information flows processed automatically by power systems have grown ever bigger. In addition, more factors have been taken into account, directly observable and measurable ranges have become increasingly wider, and more targets have been subjected to successful closed-loop control. Meanwhile, the quest for greater security and reliability through smart grid technology, has become a dominant trend. The modern power system has brought together computers, controls, communications, electrical equipment, and power electronics equipment, contributing to greatly improved grid security and stability.

1.1.2. Power Grid Development Enters New Stage of Robust Smart Grids

The world’s power grid development can be divided into three stages (Fig. 5.3). The first stage evidenced the development of small-scale power grids. From the late nineteenth century to the mid-twentieth century, generating units were small, with limited installed capacity, low voltage grades, small interconnection footprint, and weak interconnection among different power grids. Power grids were predominantly small, isolated grids featuring regional distribution of power at the municipal or local level. The second stage involved the development of large-scale interconnected grids. Between the mid- and late-twentieth century, generating units grew in size and installed capacity, with higher grid voltage grades, stronger grid interconnection, and the continued emergence of transregional and transnational grids to drive grid development in the direction of large-scale synchronous power grids with national or transnational capability of power distribution. The third stage is centered on robust smart grids. In the twenty-first century, with the rapid growth of renewable energy and advanced technologies in information communication, modern control, and UHV transmission, global grid development has moved into a new era of robust smart grids.
Figure 5.3 The Three Stages of Grid Development
One of the earliest developers of smart grids, China has initiated a new concept of robust smart grid development, combining the characteristics of energy resources distribution and the requirements of strong socio-economic growth. It is based on the implementation of a “One Ultra and Four Larges” strategy to accelerate the construction of UHV grids and promote the intensive development of large coal-fired power plants, large hydropower stations, large nuclear capacity, and large renewable energy bases.
Supported by a backbone UHV grid, the robust smart grid is a new, modernized power grid featuring coordinated development of grids at different levels and covering different segments of power operations, including grid access, power transmission, transformation, distribution, utilization, and dispatching. It integrates modern communications information, automatic control, decision support, and advanced power technologies, with all the features of informatization, automation and interaction. It is adaptable to flexible access to and exit from various power sources and powered equipment. It is also capable of friendly interaction with users, with smart response and system self-recovery capabilities to substantially improve the safety, reliability, and operational efficiency of the power system. “Robustness” and “intelligence” are two basic requirements of modern power grid development. “Grid robustness” is the base for assuring the capacity for resource allocation on a large scale for safe and reliable power supply. “Ubiquitous intelligence” is also crucial, meaning that smart technologies are widely applied across the electricity system for greater adaptability, controllability, and safety in all aspects. Modern grid development must put equal emphasis on “robustness” and “intelligence”, both being indispensable qualities.
With the continued development of grid technology and extensive integration of smart technology, modern grids are undergoing profound changes in form and function. Functionally, grids are being upgraded from single carriers of electric power to smart platforms with strong capabilities to optimize allocation of energy resources. As the two-substitution policy progresses more rapidly, clean energy is being utilized on an ever-greater scale, the share of electricity in end-user energy demand is growing, and grid allocation of energy resources has become more efficient. This will further facilitate the realization of grid interconnection and clean energy allocation at the global level to form a globally interconnected robust smart grid system.

1.2. Global Energy Interconnection

Global energy interconnection refers to the development of a globally interconnected, ubiquitous robust smart grid, supported by backbone UHV grids (channels), and dedicated primarily to the transmission of clean energy (Fig. 5.4). Comprising of transnational and transcontinental backbone grids and ubiquitous smart power grids in different countries covering the transmission/distribution of power at different voltage grades, the globally interconnected energy network is connected to large energy bases in the Arctic and equatorial regions, as well as different continents and countries. It can adapt to the need for grid access for distributed power sources with the capability to deliver wind, solar, ocean, and other renewables to different types of end users. Generally speaking, a global energy interconnection is in effect a combination of “UHV grids plus ubiquitous smart grids plus clean energy,” forming a green, low-carbon platform for global allocation of energy with extensive coverage, strong allocation capability, and a high level of security and reliability. It can link up the grids on different continents divided by time zones and seasons to remove resource bottlenecks, environmental constraints and spatio-temporal limitations, realizing mutual support and backup between wind and solar generation and across different regions. This will result in greater energy security, improved economic benefits and reduced environmental losses to effectively resolve issues of energy safety, clean development, efficiency improvement and sustainability. This development will turn the world into a “global village” characterized by abundant resources, greenliness with clear bright skies, and peace and harmony.
Figure 5.4 Illustration of Global Energy Interconnection
The development framework for global energy interconnection can be summarized as “one overall structure, two basic principles, three development stages, four important features, and five major functions” as illustrated in Fig. 5.5. The global energy interconnection will feature an overall structure comprised of transcontinental grids, transnational grids, and national ubiquitous smart grids supported by coordinated development of local grids at different levels. Adhering to the two basic principles for clean energy development and global energy allocation, the network will undergo three stages of intracontinental interconnection, transcontinental interconnection, and global interconnection, with four important features being robustness, extensive interconnection, high intelligence, and open interactivity. Five major functions will also be realized, namely energy transmission, resource allocation, market trading, industrialization, and public service.
Figure 5.5 Development Framework for Global Energy Interconnection

1.2.1. Overall Structure

The global energy interconnection is an organic whole, comprised of transcontinental grids, transnational grids, and national ubiquitous smart grids, together with coordinated development of local power grids at different levels. Around the world, the global energy interconnection will rely on advanced UHV transmission technology and smart grid technology, structured to facilitate connections to wind power bases in the Arctic region, solar energy bases in the equatorial regions as well as major renewable energy bases and main load centers on all continents, as illustrated in Fig. 5.6.
Figure 5.6 Illustration of Development of Global Energy Interconnection
At the core of a global energy interconnection is the development of transnational and transcontinental backbone networks and intercontinental network channels to link up clean energy bases around the world, including the Arctic and equatorial regions, with major load centers. The clean energy bases in the Arctic and equatorial regions deliver electricity to the load centers through multiple channels. Specifically, the wind energy bases in the Arctic region deliver electricity to Asia, Europe, and North America; the solar energy bases in North Africa and the Middle East deliver power to Europe and South Asia; and the solar energy bases in Australia deliver electric energy to Southeast Asia. Grid interconnections across different continents mainly include those between Asia and Europe, Asia and North America, Europe and Africa, South Asia, and Africa, and North America and South America. Also included are the transmission channels used by the large energy bases on all continents to supply local load centers.

1.2.2. Basic Principles

Global energy interconnection has important implications for realizing the global energy view and implementing the two-replacement policy. As the most critical core element of global energy development, adherence to the two basic principles as follows is essential. Clean Energy Development
Clean energy development is a fundamental requirement for addressing climate change and mankind’s sustainable development. After an extensive, global consensus is reached, all countries in the world should build a strategic plan around the goal of low-carbon and clean energy development, to expedite changes in the mode of energy development and increase the share of clear energy, with concerted efforts to achieve more efficient development and utilization of clean energy globally. Focusing on the goal of clean and low-carbon development of energy globally, efforts should be stepped up to design and build global energy interconnections to promote an efficient development and utilization of various concentrated and distributed clean energy sources and drive the shift in development focus from conventional fossil fuels to clean energy. Global Allocation
Global allocation is a function of the reverse distribution of global energy resources and load centers. By nature, the availability of clean energy resources is random and intermittent. Since clean energy resources good for large-scale development are located typically far away from load centers, consumption issues resulting from massive capacity building and extensive grid access can only be resolved by optimized allocation over larger areas to fully leverage the role of clean energy. The development of a global energy interconnection must be based on a good understanding of the world’s energy resource endowments. It also necessitates a coordinated, global view of political, economic, social, and environmental factors to construct a global platform for energy allocation to link energy bases with load centers and facilitate efficient development, optimized allocation, and efficient utilization of energy at the global level. In this regard, the development of UHV transmission technology with large capacity and long-distance transmission capability will lay a sound technological foundation for large-scale and efficient allocation of electric power across continents. The ability to allocate clean energy globally can also transform the resource endowment of economically underdeveloped regions into an economic advantage and contribute to coordinated development of regional economies.

1.2.3. Development Stages

Based on an integrated view of global energy allocation, clean energy development, energy supply and demand, energy transmission and other factors, the future development of a globally interconnected energy network can be divided into three stages of intracontinental, transcontinental, and global interconnection, as illustrated in Fig. 5.7.
First stage: To promote the formation of a consensus before 2020. With reference to the comparative advantages in technology and economics among different continents, the development of large clean energy bases should be initiated by 2030 to improve grid interconnection among countries in each continent. Development of clean energy should be expedited among different continents to deliver and consume clean energy via power grids interconnected at the intracontinental level, such as those in Northeast Asia, North America, Europe (through a synchronous grid system), Latin America, and Central and Southern Africa. While meeting the increasing demand for clean energy, the rapid growth of transnationally interconnected grids enables different countries to support and complement each other in different seasons/periods and across different types of electric energy to improve the efficiency and economics of energy systems. All countries should strengthen the construction and nationwide interconnection of domestic robust grids to better integrate them into a grid interconnected on a continent-wide basis and to receive more effectively clean energy allocated at the intracontinental level.
Second stage: Between 2030 and 2040, the focus of development is, by building on the grid interconnection among the major countries in each continent, to achieve major progress on the development of large energy bases in the Arctic and equatorial regions and grid interconnections across continents, in ascending order of difficulty. With continued improvement in the structure of transcontinentally interconnected grids and large-scale development of wind energy bases in the Arctic region, solar energy bases in the equatorial region, and other key clean energy bases around the world, long-distance transmission, and grid interconnection across continents have become a dominant trend in the development of a global energy interconnection. Supported by the increasingly significant benefits of mutual support and back-up across different continents and time periods, a global energy interconnection has taken shape. The emphasis should be on promoting the construction of power export channels in the Arctic and equatorial regions, the transmission channel between Asia and Europe as well as the corridors of interconnections between Asia and North America, between Europe and Africa, South Asia and Africa, and North America and South America. In addition, an agency should be established to promote and coordinate collaborative efforts in global energy interconnection as the beginning of a cooperative mechanism in this area.
Third stage: Between 2040 and 2050, guided by the strategic thinking of pursuing key breakthroughs and full progress, the construction of a global energy interconnection will be gradually shaped to fulfill the two-replacement goal. With the full development and completion of solar, wind, and other clean energy bases worldwide, clean energy will replace fossil energy to assume a dominant role in power generation, while the development, transmission, and consumption of fossil energy will significant decrease, bringing into being a global platform for optimized allocation of clean energy supported by a fully-completed global energy interconnection. The global energy interconnection will be well-organized with a sound operational mechanism, with the establishment of a global system operation center. The center will form part of a larger control system, operating on a zoned and stratified approach to control, with operation centers in continents and countries. A well-developed worldwide power market will substantially increase the share of transnational and transcontinental electricity trading in total power consumption.
Figure 5.7 Roadmap of Global Energy Interconnection

1.2.4. Important Features

As a new global platform for energy allocation, the global energy interconnection comes with four important features: robustness, wide interconnection, high intelligence, and open interactivity. Robustness
As the foundation for global allocation of energy, a robust grid structure is a prerequisite for the construction of a global energy interconnection. Extensive interconnection and large-area allocation of global energy resources is possible only through a robust, reliable grid structure of transnational or transcontinental interconnections. Across the world, only power grids that are scientifically planned, logically structured, safe, reliable, and operationally flexible can meet the requirements of extensive access to and consumption of wind power, solar photovoltaic energy, and distributed energy sources. Extensive Interconnections
A global energy interconnection is basically shaped by extensive interconnection. The interconnection allows efficient development and broad allocation of global energy resources and related public service resources. The coordinated development and seamless connection of intercontinental backbone grids, transnational grids at the continental level, national grids, local grids, distribution grids, and microgrids can form an extensive system for allocation of energy worldwide. High Intelligence
High intelligence provides key support for global energy interconnection, enabling flexible grid access for various power sources and loads, while assuring security and stability for network operations. Through the extensive use of information networks, wide area measurement, high-speed sensing, high-performance computing, smart control, and other technologies, highly intelligent operations can be achieved at different grid levels and sections to automatically make prejudgements and identify most faults and risks, with a fault self-recovery capability. Real-time exchange of information supports the free flow of all elements across the network, thereby achieving efficient allocation of energy resources across different regions. Open Interactivity
Open interactivity is a basic requirement of a global energy interconnection. The construction of this network requires coordination and close collaboration at the international level. Operationally, the network should provide equal and open access to all countries without discrimination. Grids should be allowed to discharge their functions in the market, while an open, unified, competitive, and orderly organizational system should be developed to facilitate broader exchange between users and powered equipment, two-way interaction with power grids and two-way energy flow between users and suppliers to achieve collaboration and interaction among the interested parties in global energy interconnection.
In the final analysis, a global energy interconnection fully manifests the characteristics and concepts of the Internet. First, the network is characterized by an extensive reach of its connections. Like the Internet, the global energy interconnection provides equal access to the user, be it an individual, a piece of equipment, a family, a building, a factory, or an industrial park. Second, consumers and producers can participate in the system on an equal footing. Similar to the situation with the Internet, the positioning of the users of the global energy interconnection have changed radically in the sense that they are now both consumers and producers, resulting in a much higher level of participation and influence. Third, it is the free flow of energy and information. Global energy interconnection enables energy to flow freely worldwide, like the information on the Internet, so that users may conveniently share clean energy delivered from thousands of kilometers away without any more distance and resource constraints. This will free mankind from the shackles that bind production and life down, and fully unleash productivity as a critical element of energy development. Fourth, it is the diversity of services. Building on global energy interconnection, a comprehensive service platform can be established to launch diverse services so as to drive the rapid development of upstream and downstream operations and related industries and to promote the creation of a positive ecosphere around industries.

1.2.5. Major Functions

With the full-scale promotion and application of UHV power transmission, smart technology, and other advanced technologies, a global energy interconnection is far more than a carrier of electric energy in the traditional sense. Rather, it is a powerful platform for resource allocation, market trading, industrialization, and public service. The platform is able to convert primary energy sources (e.g., coal, hydropower, wind energy, solar power, nuclear energy, biomass, and tidal energy) into electric energy. The diversified energy sources can play a complementary role among themselves and support coordinated development and rational utilization. The platform can be connected to large energy bases and load centers to optimize energy allocation on a larger scale by delivering electricity more efficiently over long distances and on a large scale. By integrating with the Internet, the Internet of Things and smart mobile terminals, it can address the diverse needs of users and facilitate the development of smart homes, smart communities, smart transport, and smart cities. It can be said that the global energy interconnection is an important hub of energy and services for the future, providing a base for integrating energy, information and business flows. A global energy interconnection has five major functions as described here. Energy Transmission
Energy transmission is the most basic function of global energy interconnection. Electric energy transmission is an important mode of energy transport, with the flow of electricity generated from coal as well as hydro, nuclear, wind, and solar energy all transmitted through power grids. As the vehicle for optimized allocation of energy resources, a global energy interconnection can convert various types of primary energy into electricity for transmission through power grids. It enables the transmission of energy and electricity at the speed of light. When the two-replacement is well-advanced in the future, renewable energy used for power generation is expected to become a dominant energy source worldwide. Global energy interconnection will also become a core element of a comprehensive energy transmission system, playing a collaborative and complementary role with conventional means of energy transport such as railway, highway, waterway, and pipelines to form a highly modernized, comprehensive global energy transmission system. Resource Allocation
Global energy interconnection forms an important platform for optimized allocation of various energy resources. Through this platform, the network is connected to different power sources and users to realize the intensive development and efficient utilization of different energy types. With the gradually expanding coverage of grid interconnections at the global level, energy resources are distributed more effectively and on a larger scale. The development and construction of large energy bases far away from load centers, including those in the Arctic or equatorial region, contribute significantly to optimize the structure and distribute patterns of energy. In essence, the process of transmitting and distributing electricity is the process of optimizing the allocation of energy resources. As a network hub linking up different power sources and users, the global energy interconnection can optimize the allocation of energy resources, user resources, and also boost the intensive development and efficient utilization of different energy sources, including coal, petroleum, natural gas, hydropower, wind energy, and solar energy. Market Trading
Global energy interconnection provides a physical foundation for global trading of electricity. While electric energy cannot be stored in large scale, a balance between electricity demand and supply must be maintained at all times. This objective reality means that market trading of electricity must be conducted through power grids and that the physical boundary of the electricity market will be determined by the coverage of these grids. Energy interconnection that covers the world are expected to become the conduit for global trading of electricity, playing a critical role in the development of a global electricity market by serving as a platform for electricity trading while assuming the responsibility for grid frequency modulation, system backup, and reactive voltage regulation. Industrialization
The global energy interconnection is the incubator for fostering strategic emerging industries. An important area of technological innovation and also an important vehicle for adopting new technology, it is a strong driving force behind emerging industries, including new energy, new materials, smart equipment, electric vehicles, and information technology. The development of global energy interconnection can lead to the creation of a positive ecosphere and provide an all-round impetus to upstream and downstream industries and improve industry-level standards and speed of development. Public Services
By serving all families and industries at the community level, the global energy interconnection is a public service platform essential for production and life in the future. Along with its deep integration with the Internet of Things and the Internet, the network will evolve into a multifunctional, highly-smart public service platform to provide users with comprehensive services like energy, electricity, and information, meet the needs for diverse and quality services, and drive production and lifestyle changes. The construction of this global energy interconnection as an irreplaceable hub of public services will be integrated fully into the development of economic societies and smart cities.

2. Transcontinental UHV Grid Backbone

The transcontinental backbone of the global energy interconnection comprises primarily of the outgoing transmission channels of large renewable energy bases in the Arctic and equatorial regions, together with channels of intercontinental connections. Given the needs for large-scale, long-distance power transmission and intercontinental interconnections, UHV AC and UHV DC technologies will be adopted in the future for outgoing transmission from large renewable energy bases in the Arctic and equatorial regions and for large-capacity exchange of energy through intercontinental channels.
As the top tier of the globally interconnected energy network, transcontinental UHV grid backbones play a functional role in the transmission of power from large renewable energy bases in the Arctic and equatorial regions and power exchange among continents, including primarily the outgoing power transmission channels in the Arctic and equatorial regions and channels of transcontinental interconnections. According to an analysis of the demand for allocation of clean energy worldwide, the volume of electricity delivered by the channels in the Arctic region is expected to reach 3000 TWh/year by 2050, compared with 9000 TWh/year for the channels in the equatorial region, with both regions collectively accounting for 16% of global electricity demand. This is in addition to a certain percentage of power transmission required for transcontinental exchange to facilitate peak staggering, mutual support in resources, and sharing of reserve capacity. Given the development of renewable energy and transmission technology in extremely cold regions and also the uncertainties surrounding the developable capacity of renewable energy in Africa, electricity flows from the Arctic and equatorial regions may weaken to approximately 10,000 TWh in the future.

2.1. Outgoing Wind Power Transmission Channels in the Arctic Region

In the Arctic region, the channels for outgoing transmission of wind power meet the transmission requirement of wind energy bases in the region, including Greenland, the Norwegian Sea, the Barents Sea, the Kara Sea, and the Bering Strait. These channels also form a strategic platform for building the northern hemisphere’s three transcontinental grids as part of a globally interconnected energy network. See Fig. 5.8 for an illustration of the Arctic’s channels for outgoing power transmission.
Figure 5.8 Illustration of the Arctic’s Channels for Outgoing Power Transmission
Power transmission channels in the Arctic and north-east Asia. In terms of transmission distance, the Kara Sea wind power base in the Arctic is approximately 4400 km from North China, whereas the Bering wind power base is about 5000 km from North China, Japan, and South Korea. Both wind power bases are located within the economic distance of ±1100 kV UHV DC transmission channels. In the future, these bases may be considered for a role in delivering power to Northeast Asia (primarily China, Japan, and South Korea). As the potential channels for power transmission to China are all onshore, UHV DC technology with overhead lines may be adopted, while UHV DC submarine cables may be used to support transmission to Japan and South Korea. In particular, if electricity is delivered to the northern parts of Japan through Sakhalin Island, Russia, then the linear distance of cross-sea transmission is approximately 60 km, compared with approximately 210 km for transmission to Fukuoka, South Japan through Busan, South Korea. The Arctic wind power bases are expected to deliver around 1200 TWh/year of power to Northeast Asia by 2050, which demands a transmission channel capacity of 240 GW.
Power transmission channel between the Arctic and Europe. Following the development of wind power resources in the land of northern Europe and the North Sea in the future, efforts may be stepped up to develop wind energy resources in Greenland, the Norwegian Sea and the Barents Sea for transmission of power to Europe. Wind power generated in Greenland will be delivered over a distance of around 2100 km to northern United Kingdom. The output generated by the wind power bases in southern Greenland can be transmitted via UHV DC submarine lines for up to 800 km to Iceland and, after crossing about 400 km of land into Iceland, will reach northern United Kingdom through UHV DC submarine cables that span approximately 900 km. Offshore electricity in the Norwegian Sea and the Barents Sea may be fed via terrestrial channels to European grids. The wind farms in Greenland, the Norwegian Sea, and the Barents Sea are expected to deliver around 800 TWh/year of power to Europe by 2050, which demands a transmission channel capacity of about 160 GW.
Power transmission channel between the Arctic and North America. At the same time as power from the Bering Strait wind power bases is delivered to north-east Asia, UHV transmission channels may be developed to carry electricity to the load centers on the western coast of North America via the Bering Strait. The Bering Strait wind power bases are approximately 4000 km away from the load centers in the American West in terms of transmission distance. The Bering Strait is about 90 km wide. Using UHV submarine cable technology when it is mature, wind power generated in southern Greenland can be delivered to Canada’s eastern coast via UHV DC submarine cables for onward transmission via Ottawa to the load centers in the American East. The southern part of Greenland lies 2000 km or so from Quebec in Canada, covering an undersea distance of around 500 km. Quebec is situated around 1500 km from New York, a distance suitable for using terrestrial ±1100 UHV DC transmission lines. The wind power bases in Greenland are expected to transmit around 1000 TWh/year of power to North America by 2050, which demands a transmission channel capacity of around 200 GW.
The establishment of the above-mentioned transmission channels can not only solve the problems concerning outgoing delivery of Arctic wind power, but is also conducive to building looped interconnections between Asia, Europe, and North America in the northern hemisphere, supported by the key wind power bases in the Bering Strait, Greenland, the Norwegian Sea, and the Barents Sea in the Arctic region to plug the demand and supply gap in north-east Asia, Europe, and North America. The advantages of interconnection accorded by a large grid can also be fully leveraged to achieve significant efficiencies in peak staggering, sharing of reserve capacity and mutual backup at the transcontinental level for the power grids in north-east Asia, Europe, and North America across widely apart time zones. Also, by taking advantage of the time difference between continents, wind power generated in the Arctic can be delivered during appropriate time periods of different continents, to meet the peak load demands in the daytime, and increase the utilization efficiency of wind power from the Arctic.

2.2. Outgoing Solar Energy Transmission Channels in Equatorial Regions

Outgoing transmission channels in the equatorial region are primarily responsible for delivering solar energy from the equatorial energy bases in North Africa, East Africa, the Middle East, Australia, and South America. They are also the major channels connecting the northern hemisphere to the southern hemisphere. See Fig. 5.9 for the outgoing transmission of electricity from solar energy bases in the equatorial region.
Figure 5.9 Illustration of Outgoing Power Transmission from Equatorial Solar Energy Bases
Power transmission channel between North Africa and Europe. Plenty of research has been conducted on grid interconnections between North Africa and Europe, such as the Desertec Solar Energy Project. The solar energy bases in some North African countries, for example, Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, and Egypt, are just a few dozen kilometers away at the nearest from the power grids in southern Europe via the Strait of Gibraltar, and are no more than 1500 km away at the farthest. The favorable geographical conditions for transcontinental interconnections make power transmissions through grid interconnection possible, by simply using currently available technology. The North African solar energy bases are expected to deliver around 1500 TWh/year of power to Europe by 2050, which demands a transmission capacity of around 300 GW.
Power transmission channel between the Middle East and South Asia. Since the solar energy bases in the Middle Eastern countries, such as Saudi Arabia, Oman, and the United Arab Emirates, lie approximately 4000 km, in terms of transmission distance, away from western India in South Asia, UHV DC submarine cables may be installed via the Strait of Hormuz (at its narrowest point: 38.9 km; average water depth: 70 m) to Iran for onward transmission through land-based UHV DC lines via Pakistan to Bombay, where the load centers of western India are located. The solar energy bases in the Middle East are expected to deliver about 2500 TWh/year of power to South Asia by 2050, which demands a transmission channel capacity of around 500 GW.
Power transmission channel between Australia and south-east Asia. Currently, the infrastructure is relatively weak in Australia. To channel power to Southeast Asia will involve problems as transmission distances will be long, many sections will have to be built underwater, and the technical requirements for interconnection will be challenging. To deliver power from the solar energy bases in northern Australia, UHV submarine cables that are about 500 km long can be built to land on Indonesia, then stretching northwestward onshore to Jakarta before running a short sea distance to end up in Thailand via Singapore and Malaysia. The entire channel involves a distance of around 6000 km, so it is necessary to improve ±1100 kV UHV DC transmission technology and undersea transmission technology. The solar energy bases in northern Australia are expected to deliver around 1000 TWh/year of power to Southeast Asia by 2050, which demands a transmission channel capacity of about 200 GW. Oceania will also be integrated into the global energy interconnection.
The construction of the above-mentioned power transmission channels can not only resolve problems regarding outgoing transmission of power from the solar energy bases in the equatorial region, but also support grid interconnections between continents in the northern hemisphere and continents in the southern hemisphere. Due to little difference in time zones between these continents, solar irradiation intensity is simultaneously aligned with load levels, an example being the synchronization of the sun’s overhead period in North Africa with the peak load period in Europe. As a result, solar energy can be utilized more effectively. Moreover, the seasonal difference between the southern hemisphere and the northern hemisphere creates the advantages of complementation in energy allocation. On this basis, a southern channel may be established to link up power grids in Europe and Asia through the energy bases in the Middle East.

2.3. Key Channels of Transcontinental Interconnection and Progress

Transcontinental UHV grid backbones are not only responsible for global transmission of power generated in large clean energy bases on each continent, but can also increase the efficiency and effectiveness of global energy allocation by capitalizing on the mutual backup and resource sharing made possible by the time difference between the eastern and western hemispheres as well as the seasonal difference between the southern and northern hemispheres. The future of transcontinental grid interconnection is primarily determined by the demand for interconnection among different continents and also the conditions of project implementation. Interconnection projects reflecting the strong aspiration of stakeholders and good technological and economic conditions will be implemented first. Efforts are expected to be devoted to advance grid interconnections between Africa and Europe, between Asia and Europe, and between Asia and Africa around 2030, and grid interconnections between North America and South America, between Oceania and Asia, and between Asia and North America around 2040. Grid interconnection between Europe and North America is also expected to go forward around 2050.

2.3.1. Africa–Europe Grid Interconnection

Africa is not far from Europe with good interconnection conditions, given the prominent economic benefits of interconnection due to the advantages of complementation arising from different climatic conditions and load characteristics. It is technically feasible to build large wind and solar energy bases in northern Africa to transmit electricity to Europe, given a transmission distance of less than 2000 km. Africa has a different generation mix from Europe. In North Africa, power sources are predominantly solar energy, while in northern Europe, the generation mix is dominated by wind and hydroelectric power. Through interconnected grids, wind, solar, and other clean energy sources can be more efficiently utilized to optimize the energy compositions of North Africa and Europe. Europe is relatively short of energy resources, while North Africa is abundant in renewable energy resources with a far lower load level compared with Europe. Therefore, grid interconnection should aim at delivering solar energy from Africa to Europe, supported by the operation of grid interconnection between the two continents for mutual backup. The total capacity of grid interconnection will be around 300 GW. Because the solar energy bases in North Africa are located along the channel of Africa–Europe grid interconnections, we may consider developing an outgoing transmission channel for the solar energy bases in North Africa to allow these solar energy bases to fulfill their role. Currently, for the development of solar energy bases in North Africa and the delivery of clean power to Europe, a development agency – Desertec Industrial Initiative – has been set up, with detailed research and planning already initiated. The outgoing transmission of solar energy from Africa to Europe can not only satisfy the future power demand of Europe, but also contribute to Africa’s economic development effectively. The transmission distance between North Africa and Europe is relatively short, covering a limited undersea distance with favorable conditions of project implementation. Grid interconnection is expected to be achieved around 2030, which will lead to improved mutual benefits for both continents.

2.3.2. Asia–Europe Grid Interconnection

Given the significant time difference between the two continents, the load characteristics of Asia and Europe are strongly complementary. In light of the resources and load distribution in Asia and Europe, priority should be given to the development of two UHV transmission channels on the north and the south as part of the grid interconnection between Asia and Europe in the future, as shown in Fig. 5.10. The northern transmission channel will be backed up by the renewable energy bases in Central Asian countries, forming a UHV transmission channel to link up China, Central Asia, and Central Europe. The transmission distance from the Ekibastuz power base in Central Asia to the European load center of Berlin is around 4600 km; the transmission distance from Ekibastuz to the load centers in Eastern and Central China is around 3000 km. The renewable energy bases in Central Asia are strategically located to support the northern transmission channel of Asia–Europe grid interconnections. The State Grid Corporation of China has conducted research on Central Asia–Europe grid interconnections for years. The existing UHVDC transmission technology can meet the requirements for developing terrestrial transmission channels, without any technical problems and with better conditions for implementation. Interconnection is expected to be realized around 2030. The southern transmission channel will be supported by the solar energy bases in the Middle East and connected to India and Southeast Asia to the east and extended to southern Europe to the northwest to create the second channel of Asia–Europe power grid interconnections, thus achieving the optimal allocation of solar energy resources from the Middle East to Europe, South Asia, and Southeast Asia. Overseas studies like the Desertec Solar Energy Program and the Mediterranean Solar Plan have covered the subject of Europe–North Africa–Middle East grid interconnections. The southern transmission channel of Asia–Europe grid interconnections will be a terrestrial one expected to be developed along with the progress of the Mediterranean Solar Plan, for scheduled interconnection around 2030. The northern and southern channels of Europe–Asia grid interconnections, together with the Asia–North America–Europe interconnected channels to be constructed via the North Pole, will evolve into a pan-northern hemisphere UHV interconnected system with better resource allocation and stronger mutual backup at the transcontinental level to give fuller play to the role of wind power bases in the Arctic, solar energy bases in North Africa and the Middle East as well as the large renewable energy bases in Central Asia.
Figure 5.10 Illustration of Asia–Europe Intercontinental Grid Interconnections

2.3.3. Asia–Africa Grid Interconnection

Africa is adjacent to the Middle East geographically, offering marked advantages in terms of grid interconnection to contribute to the optimal allocation of solar energy from North Africa and the Middle East to Europe, Asia, and Africa. The solar and wind power bases in North Africa and East Africa will connect with the southern channel of Europe–Asia grid interconnections through the Middle East to achieve Africa–Asia grid interconnections. The complementary features of the typical daily load curve resulting from the time difference between Europe and Asia will promote the consumption in Europe and Asia of the abundant wind, solar and other renewable energy resources from North Africa, based on a total interconnection capacity of around 500 GW. Asia–Africa grid interconnections will receive an impetus to move gradually forward around 2030, along with the progress of work on the southern channel of Asia–Europe grid interconnections.

2.3.4. North America–South America Grid Interconnection

Due to climate and seasonal differences, the load characteristics of South America and North America are relatively more complementary. The two continents are divided by the Panama Canal, with major climatic, time, and seasonal differences, compounded further by differences in the power generation mix. In South America, power generation is predominantly based on water, wind, and solar energy, while in North America, electricity is generated mainly by wind power, solar energy and water resources and gas. Grid interconnection between the two continents will improve peak-load regulation for hydropower by taking advantage of the characteristics of different power sources for joint operation of power generation by water, wind, solar, and other renewable energy. The load centers in North America and South America will involve long-distance, mainly land-based interconnection, with the total capacity estimated at 300 GW. The construction of a channel of grid interconnections between South America and North America can be considered in connection with the development of outgoing transmission channels for the solar energy bases in Mexico, Peru, and Chile.
Currently, grid interconnections are existent in North America between Canada and the United States, between the United States and Mexico, and between Mexico and Guatemala, with regional grid interconnections established among Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, and Panama. Moreover, interconnected lines are already in operation in countries in the northern parts of South America such as Venezuela, Columbia, Ecuador, Peru, and Brazil. Generally speaking, grid interconnection between North America and South America can be initially realized by the completion of grid interconnection between Panama and Columbia. Before 2040, grid interconnection between North America and South America should aim primarily at building connections with adjacent countries for the benefits of peak staggering, mutual support in resources, and sharing of reserve capacity. Taking an integrated view of all factors involved, large-scale intercontinental grid interconnection between North America and South America is expected to be achieved around 2040.

2.3.5. Oceania–Asia Grid Interconnection

In Oceania, the northern parts and central desert areas of Australia abound with solar energy resources, and the northwestern parts are rich in offshore wind energy resources. Conditions in these areas are favorable for transmitting electric power to Southeast Asia. In view of this, some organizations in Australia have conducted research and proposed the concept of grid interconnection between Australia and Asia. With its large population and relatively low electricity consumption per capita, Southeast Asia’s electricity demand has room for significant growth. Given their limited energy resources, the island states in Southeast Asia and the countries in the Greater Mekong Subregion have to rely on imported electricity for low-carbon, clean development of energy. As Oceania is relatively far away from Asia, grid interconnection will face greater difficulties caused by the need to traverse the many island chains along the way and the relatively long distance of undersea transmission. Grid interconnection between the two continents is expected to come into being around 2040.

2.3.6. Asia–North America Grid Interconnection

The advantage of time difference between Asia and North America can be leveraged with an interconnected channel from northeastern China and Siberia through the Bering Strait to Alaska in North America before linking up with the load centers in the Pacific West coast of Canada and the United States. North-eastern China is no more than 3500 km from Siberia and a transmission line through the Bering Strait to Alaska will run no more than 2000 km before stretching a further 4500 km to reach the west coast of the United States. As part of this channel, only an undersea cable measuring approximately 90 km is required to be laid across the Bering Strait. Major load centers are located in the eastern parts of Asia and the east and west coasts of North America. Due to a time difference of around 9 h between East Asia and the west coast of the United States and a time difference of around 12 h between East Asia and the east coast of the United States, the typical daily load peaks and valleys of the two continents are strongly complementary. Given the size of some of the loads in Asia and the need for mutual backup to balance peaks and valleys, the capacity of this interconnection project is expected to be more than 500 GW. Since the wind power bases in the Bering Strait are along the channel of interconnections between Asia and North America, the development of outgoing transmission channels for these wind power bases may be considered in connection with plans for building interconnections between the two continents in order to give fuller play to these wind power bases. Given the challenges of the project involving the construction of an interconnection route of close to 9000 km between Asia and North America with the need to traverse extremely cold regions and the Bering Strait, transcontinental interconnection is not expected to be realized until around 2040.

2.3.7. Europe–North America Grid Interconnection

There are significant benefits of peak staggering between the power grids in Europe and North America. In the future, Europe–North America grid interconnections may become achievable with the backup of the wind power bases in Greenland. In 2050, wind power will be developed on a large scale in Greenland and delivered to Europe and North America. At the same time, an integrated view should be taken to consider the effects of time difference, wind power output curves, the load characteristics of power grids in Europe and North America, and the complementary nature of installed power capacity profiles, with the objective of rationally developing Greenland’s wind power bases, consuming power generation therefrom, and jointly operating the power grids in Europe and North America. Because the Greenland wind power bases are located in the Arctic Circle with a long undersea distance, Europe–North America grid interconnections are not expected to be commissioned until around 2050.

3. Transnational Interconnection in Each Continent

Judging by the global distribution of clean energy resources, all continents, including the large renewable energy basis in the Arctic and equatorial regions, are well positioned for building large renewable energy bases, which will be geographically distributed very unevenly as the load centers on each continent. Therefore, building transnationally interconnected power grids on each continent is essential for expediting the development and utilization of renewable energy, and for providing robust support for a continent to import or export electricity. For energy-exporting continents, the focus is on building outgoing power transmission channels as opposed to building robust grids at the receiving end for energy-importing continents to substantially improve the capacity for importing electricity from elsewhere.
For transnational transmission of power through transnational grids and from large renewable energy bases on a continent, UHV AC/DC transmission technology will be employed as the primary technology. For existing power grids, voltage upgrading will be required and grid structures strengthened to cater to the future large-scale development and utilization of renewable energy resources on a continent (for self-use, export, or import) and the import and retransmission of electricity from the Arctic and equatorial regions. The transnational grids on each continent will be constructed in order of increasing difficulty and distance. Priority will be given to those locations with good basic conditions or urgent need for interconnection.

3.1. Asia Interconnection

Asia is the world’s largest load center with abundant renewable energy resources. In the future, intracontinental interconnected grids will be built with the continent’s large renewable energy bases at the sending end, and connected to various major load centers to receive electricity flows from the Arctic and equatorial regions across different continents and countries. To realize low-carbon, sustainable development of energy in Asia, some countries have put forward the concept of “Asian super grid” in which the coal-fired power plants, hydropower stations, wind farms, and solar farms in Northeast Asia will be connected with the load centers in China, Japan, and South Korea. To meet ever-higher targets of low-carbon energy development, Asia must cut down on fossil energy consumption and step up renewable energy development in the future. At the sending end of power through interconnected grids, Asia’s major renewable energy bases have undergone more rapid expansion. They include the wind and solar energy bases in Mongolia, the hydropower stations in the Russian far east and Siberia, the wind and solar energy bases in Central Asia, the wind power bases in Northwest China, Northeast China, and North China, the solar energy bases in Northwest China, the wind power bases in the Bering Strait and Sakhalin, and the solar and wind power bases in India. Judging by the distribution of load centers in Asia, Northeast Asia, Southeast Asia, and India will become home to Asia’s major load centers, given these regions’ large populations and well-developed industries. Judging by the development and interconnection of renewable energy bases, large hydropower bases will be built in Southwest China, Russian Siberia, and the Russian Far East to transmit power to the load centers in China; large wind power bases will be built in Northeast China, Northwest China, North China, Mongolia, and the Russian far east to deliver electricity to the load centers in Northeast Asia. large solar energy bases will be built in Northwest China, Tibet and Mongolia to deliver power to the load centers in Central and Eastern China and Northeastern Asia. Hydro, wind, and solar energy generated in Central Asia (Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Tajikistan) will be “bundled,” scheduled and transmitted flexibly according to load changes in and time differences between Asia and Europe.
Judging by the consumption of electricity delivered from the Arctic and equatorial regions, the wind power from the Arctic in North Asia will be transmitted primarily to Northeast Asia (East China, Siberia, the Russian far east, Japan, and South Korea) to be utilized and consumed together with the wind, solar, and hydropower generated in Northeast Asia. Solar energy generated in the equatorial regions of the Middle East will be delivered to India for consumption. The solar power generated in the equatorial regions of Australia will be exported to Southeast Asia to be utilized and consumed together with locally-generated hydropower.
On the whole, Asia’s grid interconnections will give birth to a number of major regional power grids, including Central Asia, Northeast Asia, Southeast Asia, South Asia, and the Middle East, and further to a network of interconnections linking up the different regions, as illustrated in Fig. 5.11.
Figure 5.11 Illustration of Asia’s Transnational Grid Interconnections

3.2. Europe Interconnection

Europe is one of the most important load centers in the world. The continent’s interconnected power grids are designed principally to allow access for wind power from the Arctic and the North Sea, and the solar energy from Southern Europe and North Africa. Another purpose is to ensure joint operation of hydropower and other power sources generated in Europe, and continent-wide consumption of these power sources. In 2008, Europe initiated the “European super grid” concept in which a large grid is envisioned for the pan-European region to facilitate continent-wide utilization and consumption of wind power from Northern Europe, solar energy from Southern Europe, and hydropower and other forms of energy generated across the continent. In Europe with a dense population and scarce natural gas resources, calls for denuclearization have been voiced strongly in some countries. To achieve low-carbon, sustainable development of energy, Europe is likely to further reduce the use of fossil energy and nuclear power while importing more clean electricity, such as wind power from the Arctic and solar energy from the equatorial region by ramping up wind power development in the North Sea and the share of renewables in energy utilization across Europe. Under this scenario, UHV technology will be needed in the future to build a pan-European grid backbone and a robust smart grid to ensure efficient access for and consumption of renewable energy. Power loads in different regions of Europe are comparatively more evenly distributed, with Germany, France, Britain, Italy, and Spain having higher loads. By integrating development and transmission of renewable energy, Europe will see the formation of “three vertical and three horizontal” backbone channels of interconnections. The horizontal channels will include a northern UHV channel for importing wind power from the North Sea, hydropower from Northern Europe and wind power from the Arctic; a central UHV channel connected to the load centers in southern Britain, northern France, Germany, and Poland with capacity for importing renewable power from Central Asia; and a southern UHV channel connected to the solar energy bases in Spain, Italy, and Greece. Among the three vertical channels will be a western UHV channel connected to the wind power bases in Greenland, the Norwegian Sea, and the Barents Sea, the offshore wind power bases in the United Kingdom, the load centers in France and the solar energy bases in Spain and North Africa; a central UHV channel connected to the hydropower bases in Norway, the load centers in Germany, and the solar energy bases in Italy and North Africa; and an eastern channel connected to the wind power bases in the Kara Sea, the load centers in Finland and Poland, and the solar energy bases in Greece and North Africa. In addition, the Europe will be interconnected with Central Asia and North Africa for exchanging electric power at the intercontinental level. Europe’s transnational interconnections are illustrated in Fig. 5.12.
Figure 5.12 Illustration of Europe’s Transnational Grid Interconnections

3.3. North America Interconnection

North America’s grid interconnections connect the wind power bases in the central and western parts of the continent, the solar energy bases in the southwestern regions and the hydropower bases in Canada to the load centers in the east and west, importing Arctic wind power from Greenland in the east and with interconnections with Asia’s power grids through Alaska in the west, to achieve large-area allocation and efficient consumption of renewable energy at the intracontinental and transcontinental levels. North America is one of the most important load centers in the world, abundant with solar, wind and hydropower resources. In order to promote the development and consumption of renewable energy in North America, the United States Department of Energy has proposed “Grid 2030 Plan” to upgrade its electric power system by building backbone grids in the US and a regional network interconnected with Canada and Mexico. In response to the challenge of climate change and as the two-replacement gains momentum, efforts will be stepped up in North America to develop wind and solar energy bases for joint operation with large river-based hydropower stations in Canada and America to transmit power to the load centers in the eastern and western parts of the continent. As renewable energy bases and load centers are unevenly distributed, electricity flows within the continent will rise significantly, necessitating the development of an interconnected system across the continent with UHV grids as its backbone. The hydropower stations in the Columbia River Basin and the Great Lakes region will deliver power to the load centers in western and eastern parts of North America, forming two vertical backbone channels in the east and west. The wind power bases in midwest America, the solar energy bases in the Southwest and the hydropower stations in the Mississippi River Basin in the south will deliver electricity to the load centers in the eastern and western parts of North America, forming the base for a horizontal channel of interconnections across the continent. In addition, the solar energy bases in the American southwest and northwest Mexico will transmit electricity to the load centers in Mexico, creating a grid-covered region in the south as part of the wider grid system of North America and a channel with interconnections with South America. See Fig. 5.13 for North America’s transnational grid interconnections.
Figure 5.13 Illustration of North America’s Transnational Grid Interconnections

3.4. South America Interconnection

South America is abundant in energy resources. Grid interconnections in the continent are designed mainly to realize mutual support for power supply between north and south in the western coast of the continent, transmission of electricity from north to south in the eastern regions, and transmission of power from west to east in the central regions. Situated to the west of the Andes with abundant solar and wind energy resources, Chile and Peru have more potential for energy export due to their smaller populations and lower load demand compared with larger countries to the east, such as Brazil and Argentina. Situated in eastern South America, the Amazon, the Tocantins, and the Parana river basins are abundant in hydroelectric resources, enabling them to transmit power to the load centers on the eastern coasts of Brazil and Argentina. The solar and wind power bases in western South America can supply power to load centers in the east through UHV grids. Grid interconnections between east and west will generate better benefits through the combined operation of wind, solar and hydropower bases. The Brazil Belo Monte UHV DC transmission project with a route length of 2092 km transmits hydropower from the Xingu River in the north to Estreito, a load center in the southeast. It is the first ±800 kV UHV DC transmission project on the continent of America.
The future backbone of South America’s grid interconnections is designed to realize interconnection among load centers in countries in the north like Ecuador, Columbia, and Venezuela, among load centers in countries in the east like Brazil and Argentina, among hydropower bases in Brazil, among solar and wind power bases in Peru and Chile, and among various other load centers. See Fig. 5.14 for South America’s transnational grid interconnections.
Figure 5.14 Illustration of South America’s Transnational Grid Interconnections

3.5. Africa Interconnection

Grid interconnections in Africa will help achieve the operation of solar and wind power bases in North Africa jointly with the hydropower bases in Central Africa and the solar energy bases in Southern Africa to meet rising power demand in Africa and provide a robust grid at the sending end for solar energy exports from North Africa, shaping a new energy scenario marked by the delivery of electricity from north to south, mutual support for electricity flows between east and west, transmission of power northward to Europe, and interconnections with Asia to the east. To promote hydropower development of the Congo river, the government of South Africa approved in 2012 the draft provisions for developing the Grand Inga Project in partnership with the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Under the project, plans are afoot to employ large-capacity, long-distance power transmission technology to deliver electricity to South Africa, Egypt, Nigeria, and other nations after meeting Congo’s power demand. This project to deliver power to North Africa can reach as far as Southern Europe and the Middle East. Hydropower development of the Congo River will create favorable conditions for the construction of an interconnected power grid in Africa. In the future, solar energy bases in Egypt, Algeria, and other North African countries will deliver electricity to East Africa and West Africa. The transmission channels will then extend southward to interconnect with Southern Africa, forming a horizontal backbone stretching from east to west as part of Africa’s wider interconnected system. Hydropower generated in the Nile River Basin will be supplied to Egypt to the north and Tanzania to the south. While supplying power to Central Africa, the hydropower bases in the Congo River Basin and the Zambezi River Basin will jointly operate with the wind and solar energy bases in the north and south to promote continent-wide integration of renewable energy and to supply power to West Africa and Southern Africa.
In the future, North Africa, Central/East Africa, West Africa, and South Africa will evolve into four major power grid regions in Africa, to further develop into a larger, continent-wide grid system through interconnections. North Africa’s regional power grid, an important electricity exporter of Africa, covers primarily local solar and wind power bases, and load centers to the north. Central/East Africa’s regional power grid, also an important electricity exporter of Africa, comprises hydropower, solar and wind power bases. West Africa’s and South Africa’s regional power grids carry large domestic loads, making them major power importers in the future. See Fig. 5.15 for Africa’s transnational grid interconnections. The backbone structure of the global energy interconnection is illustrated in Fig. 5.16.
Figure 5.15 Illustration of Africa’s Transnational Grid Interconnection
Figure 5.16 Illustration of Backbone Structure of Globally Interconnected Energy Network

4. Country-Based Ubiquitous Smart Grid

Transnational and transcontinental grids form the basic structure of a globally interconnected energy network with capacity for optimizing the allocation of clean energy across the globe. For safe and reliable delivery of electricity to load centers, the construction of ubiquitous smart grids in countries around the world must be accelerated. Country-based ubiquitous smart grid represents an integral part of a global energy interconnection, connecting extensively to domestic energy bases, distributed generation and load centers, and also interconnecting with energy networks in neighboring countries for allocation of clean energy through the global energy interconnection across countries and continents. The development of a country-based ubiquitous smart grid should focus on the premises of robustness and intelligence to effectively resolve problems with randomness and intermittence regarding clean energy development by capitalizing on the strength of a large grid and a robust grid structure. The aim is to achieve optimal access for and efficient accommodation of centralized and ubiquitous distributed power sources, thereby safeguarding supply security.

4.1. Grid Structure

The construction of country-based smart grid structures must be effectively integrated into the backbone structure of a globally interconnected energy network to ensure safe and reliable operation of domestic grids and meet the domestic need for clean energy development and utilization. This should underline coordinated efforts to ensure optimal allocation of energy both at home and abroad by building capacity to import clean energy and export surplus power.

4.1.1. Development Direction

The equal emphasis on robustness and intelligence is the inherent requirement and direction for the development of a country-based ubiquitous smart grid in the future. Surging power demand around the globe and the typical reverse distribution of large clean energy bases and load centers entail the development of robust grid structures in every country, grid capacity and voltage grades befitting the level of socioeconomic growth, and capacity for high-volume, safe, and reliable transmission of electricity. Also required is the ability to realize development of large energy bases and optimal allocation of distribution of energy resources, meet the need for green, low-carbon development of energy, and ensure a supply of safe, reliable, clean, and quality electricity for different user segments. At the same time, the construction of grid structures in individual countries should organically converge with the transnational and transcontinental backbones of a globally interconnected energy network so that UHV/EHV transmission technology can be used effectively and the coverage of grids at different levels can be expanded to achieve large-capacity, long-distance and high-efficiency transmission of electricity.

4.1.2. Development Focus

Country-based ubiquitous smart grids in the future will play a key role in supporting allocation of energy resources across countries and continents through the globally interconnected energy network. They are also an integral part of this global energy interconnection.
First, the focus is on building a robust structure to enhance grid transmission capacity. The structure and layout of grids should be logically planned in line with the development requirements and load distribution of large energy bases and in coordination with the allocation of electricity across nations, with large-scale, long-distance transmission capacity. The grid structure should be able to effectively stand up to natural disasters and untoward incidents, with strong interference resilience and self-recovery capabilities.
Second, equal emphasis should be placed on AC and DC underlined by coordinated development. AC transmission and DC transmission are different in functions and characteristics, as well as the role each plays in grid construction. AC performs the dual function of electricity transmission and grid construction, providing flexibility in grid access, transmission and consumption. The strength of grid structures and transmission capacity are directly proportional to AC voltage grades. DC is used mainly for long-distance, large-capacity transmission, without being able to create a network at this point. To cater to large-scale clean energy generation and large-capacity outward DC transmission, a robust AC grid is required to create a grid system underlined by robust AC/DC operations with mutual backup, support, and fulfillment.
Third, there should be coordinated development of grids at all levels. Coordinated efforts are required to push forward the construction of grids at all levels with logically planned tiers and regions to achieve the organic connection of different voltage grades to form a grid structure that is structurally well-defined, functionally delineated, and logically configured. Given the need to meet different electricity demands in different stages of development in line with the economic growth and energy endowments of different countries, targeted grid planning should be initiated to reasonably expand the coverage of grids at different levels for coordinated development with the economy, society, and the environment.

4.1.3. Functional Requirements

Ensuring safety and reliability. A robust grid structure is the basis for assuring power supply safety and reliability. Building a synchronized UHV/EHV grid can fully leverage the strengths of a large grid, effectively withstand the impact of natural disasters and serious incidents, and substantially enhance grid safety and stability as well as operational stability. The State Grid Corporation of China is accelerating the development of a UHV AC/DC power grid and a transregional power grid to initially form a robust grid architecture embodying a sound structure with coordinated development of AC/DC operations to significantly improve grid safety and stability.
Optimizing allocation of resources. By strengthening the development of a mainframe grid domestically, the problem of uneven distribution of resources can be overcome, the demand for long-distance, large-scale allocation of resources met, and the development and delivery of centralized and distributed power sources ensured. The marked inverse distribution of energy resources and load centers in China has given rise to the urgent need for allocating energy resources in large capacity and over long distances. In the recent years, UHV transmission channels across different regions have been developed to transmit electricity from the coal bases in the east and the hydropower bases in the south-west to the load centers in East and Central China. This has fully leveraged the capability of a large grid to optimize the allocation of resources on a large scale and over a long distance, contributed to the development of energy-rich areas, enabled the intensive development of and reliable electricity delivery by large energy bases, and supported the energy needs arising from the rapid economic growth of east and Central China.
Supporting clean development. The building of domestic transregional power transmission channels is conducive to the effective development and accommodation of clean energy at home. Intensive efforts are underway in many countries to strengthen the construction of power grids to promote clean energy development. The United States is planning to achieve, by 2024, the target of having 30% of its electricity generation from wind power from the American East’s interconnected grids, by stepping up investment in interstate capacity building so as to transmit wind power from the central United States and eastern and western coasts. The German Energy Agency is looking to build 850 km and upgrade 400 km of 220/380 kV HV transmission lines to fully accommodate grid connections off the North Sea for transmission of wind power. As with UHV transmission capacity now under development in China, the development and utilization of wind power in the western and northern parts of the country will increase to more than 300 TW from 88 GW.
Achieving mutual backup and access. A robust grid system is conducive to the mutual backup and access for electric power across different regions in China. Hydropower bases across different river basins can complement each other whereas water resource-rich regions and areas relying mainly on thermal power can support each other. These power bases may also form a positive relationship of mutual backup with wind and solar energy bases. State Grid Corporation of China is working on plans to build a synchronized UHV grid and 19 Circuits of UHV DC projects in North China, Central China, and East China by 2020 to facilitate the delivery of electricity from west to east and from north to south, with a trans-regional transmission capacity of 380 TW to realize mutual backup and access for and optimal allocation of energy resources over large areas.

4.2. Smart Development

High intelligence is an important quality of a globally interconnected energy network and enhancing the level of grid intelligence is an integral part of building such a network. In the future, ubiquitous smart grids built on a robust foundation will become the core network and allocation platform for modern energy, markedly different from conventional grids in terms of development direction, development focus and functional roles.

4.2.1. Development Direction

With the upgrade of information and communication technology, the development of smart control technology, the maturity of grid operation technology, and the application of Internet technology, smart development is covering more areas and exhibiting a move in the following direction:
First, the level of intelligence in the operational control and scheduling of power grids has been increasing. The increasing application in depth of IT and automation technology for operational control and scheduling of grids, together with higher levels of modeling and simulation for large grids, is driving a technology leapfrog from static to dynamic grid observations, from offline to online grid analysis, and from local to overall control. The growing integration of advanced information and communication technology, power electronics technology, optimization, control theories, technologies, as well as new power market theories and technologies, will form the basis for the safe and economical operation of country-based ubiquitous smart grids. This will eventually lead to the formation of a flexible and efficient system for energy supply and allocation, as part of a safe and reliable network of smart grids.
Second, the interactivity among smart grids will be sustainable and deep. The hardware platform for interactive, smart use of electricity has been greatly enhanced, driven by the growing technological development in the Internet and the Internet of Things, and the continued deployment and upgrade of power fiber to the home, smart meters, and other facilities. This will ensure a secure communication base for the diversified, smart, and interactive uses of electricity. Modern information processing technologies like big data analysis and cloud computing have enabled the interactivity among smart uses of electricity to fully unleash the value of mass data, hence to promote the integration and customization of interactive business for the benefit of socio-economic development. Taking distributed generation as an example, users can enjoy greater autonomy and choice in power generation and utilization to gradually become major participants in the operation and interoperation of smart grids.
Third, the smart grid has gradually evolved from being purely a vehicle for power transmission to an integrated infrastructure for carrying smart energy information. The networking advantages of the smart grid and the information and communication resources gathered through power communication networks can be shared in many areas of social life, production, and can facilitate the development of energy and communication facilities into an integrated resource network with pooling and multiplexing capabilities. Grid-related information and data resources can create new value through flexible value-added services and business models. Various types of smart terminals and new powered equipment will be integrated en masse into smart grids to form a network covering two-way flows of electricity and information, marking the expansion of the smart grid from being a power grid in essence into a smart power system incorporating energy conversion and equipment utilization.
Fourth, the ubiquity of smart grids will become increasingly prominent. Human society’s growing demand for a sufficient supply of reliable, clean and convenient energy necessitates the continued development of smart power grids into ubiquitous networks. Not contented with power supply flexibility, users also look for diversified service offerings that transcend all temporal and spatial confines. Such demand is driving the development of smart grids. Being customer-centered, smart grids are gradually evolving into an infrastructure facility, ubiquitous grid by constantly integrating new networks, and introducing new services, businesses and applications, to not just serve the public, but also provide industry-specific basic applications that contribute to the formation of a value network for integration and optimization of social resources.

4.2.2. Development Focus

Smart development is focused on improving the overall intelligence for power generation, transmission, transformation, distribution, consumption, dispatching, communication, and information. Power Generation
The focus of power generation is on optimizing the mix of power sources, coordinating resource networks, enhancing the capability to accommodate access for various types of clean energy, and facilitating the development and consumption of clean energy in the following three major areas:
1. Coordination of power transmission and generation: To perform actual measurement of parameters covering all generators, excitation systems, speed governing systems, and power system stabilizers to increase the precision of smart modeling and simulation; enhance the technical know-how of quick regulation and the capability of peak load regulation of generating units to improve the speed and range of regulation as well as control precision.
2. Integration and operational control of clean power generation: To build operation, dispatch and control systems for wind farms and solar power plants to solve problems such as output fluctuations, reactive voltage support, and power quality in the integration and control of intermittent power sources; develop and use wind and solar energy forecast systems to increase LV and HV ride-through capability and enhance the coordination of clean power plants and grid operation.
3. Large-scale energy storage: To perform joint control with the support of energy storage to realize mutual support and backup among different power sources and enable the globally interconnected energy network to play the role of peak shaving and valley filling; conduct R&D on large-capacity energy storage equipment and large-capacity integrated modular battery systems; set up a large-capacity integrated energy storage management system; execute smooth regulation of intermittent energy power for integrated energy storage; and level out the fluctuations in large-scale clean energy production. Power Transmission
The focus of power transmission is on applying advanced transmission technologies, continuously improve transmission capability and efficiency, ensuring that transmission lines are controllable in all-aspects, and increasing the operational stability of power systems. Covered here are the three major areas:
1. Application of advanced transmission technologies: Speed up grid construction by using UHV AC/DC technologies; perform flexible, quick control of AC transmission system parameters, and network structure by using flexible AC transmission technologies; achieve major breakthroughs in ±1100 kV UHV DC transmission technologies, and apply these technologies to engineering projects; promote flexible DC transmission technologies and achieve breakthroughs in multiterminal DC transmission technologies.
2. Monitoring of transmission lines: To carry out condition-based monitoring of key transmission equipment, fully promote smart inspection of transmission lines, and extensively conduct condition-based assessment, condition-based maintenance and risk prewarning; execute online preassessment and decision-making, and improve the intelligentization of condition-based assessment of transmission lines.
3. Management and design of transmission lines: Perform whole life-cycle management of transmission lines, launch new technological applications like inspections based on helicopters, unmanned aerial vehicles, and smart robots as well as develop interactive and visual inspection devices; promote the integrated application of new technologies, materials and processes to carry out digital surveys, and modular designs. Power Transformation
The focus of power transformation is on improving the intelligentization of substations to support optimal dispatching, operation management of grids, and to improve the asset management and operation of substations. Covered here are the three major areas:
1. Smart equipment: To improve the intelligentization of primary equipment for substations; carry out R&D on the application of smart transformers, breakers, and other devices for integrating primary equipment, sensors, and smart components; promote the large-scale application of active electronic-type and passive optical fiber-type current transformers and potential transformers.
2. Monitoring of substation equipment: To provide additional real-time monitoring and data acquisition equipment for integrated online monitoring and self-diagnosis of equipment; extract typical characteristic parameters of failure modes of equipment and carry out smart analysis to generate data on equipment operation status, reliability levels, risks of fault, and service life curves.
3. Intelligent substations: To digitalize all the processes for collecting, communicating, processing, and generating substation information; adopt a communication system based on an IEC 61850 standard network; exchange, and share information in and beyond substations based on unified standards and modeling. Power Distribution
The focus of power distribution is on improving power supply reliability, system operational efficiency, and terminal power quality at the distribution level to realize the integration of and coordinate the optimal operation of distributed generation, energy storage, and microgrids, with the objective of achieving efficient and interactive demand side management. Covered here are the three major areas:
1. Control of distribution networks: To establish a smart system to promote the integrated control of automation systems and networks for power distribution, in order to expand coverage, execute flexible regulation, and optimal operation of distribution networks; perform smart recovery, adaptive protection to support self-recovery, and network reconfiguration after a network failure.
2. Coordinated control of distributed generation and microgrids: To master complementary control technology and coordinated control of source loads of high-penetration and multi-source distributed generation to exercise effective management of random power fluctuations and power quality; meet the demand for controlling distributed generation and micro grids in a complicated work environment marked by grid interconnection, steady-state islanding, and fault islanding operations; leverage the role of distributed generation in improving supply reliability and peak shaving/valley filling.
3. Operation, maintenance, and management of distribution networks: To expand new application systems attuned to the future trends of distribution networks and build a system with command, operation, maintenance, and management capabilities for power distribution in order to eliminate information islands and perform effectively integration and interaction of data and functions among different application systems in a distribution network. Power Consumption
The focus of power consumption is on building and improving smart, two-way and interactive service platforms, and related technical support systems for carrying out integration of and interaction with energy flows, information flows, and business flows at the end-use level. Covered here are the three major areas:
1. Collection and analysis of power consumption information: To fully promote smart meters, establish a system for collecting information on power usage, and develop and deploy key technologies and equipment related to terminals, communications channels, master stations, and security protection; employ big data or other smart analytical methods to analyze user behavior in support of decision-making.
2. Diverse, interactive services: To conduct R&D on key technologies and equipment such as smart home appliances, smart interactive terminals, and smart energy service systems; develop smart communities, buildings, and parks capable of providing consultation and strategic analysis on energy consumption to promote the use of power in an orderly manner and improve the intelligence level of energy efficiency services to contribute to energy conservation.
3. New powered equipment: To establish two-way interaction between user-end distributed generation and energy storage systems on one side and power grids on the other; support flexible access and exit for different smart terminals; construct smart charging and swapping networks for electric vehicles to enable electric vehicle batteries to participate in peak load shifting; promote the application of a variety of new energy-efficient and power-saving equipment. Dispatching
The focus of dispatching is on smart development to build an information-based, automatic and interactive grid dispatching system to maximize the capability for optimal allocation of resources for, and the safe and economical operation of, grid dispatching. Covered here are the three major areas:
1. Smart dispatching: To build a technical support system for an integrated smart dispatching system covering monitoring and prewarning, safety audits, and dispatch planning and management; perform full-view monitoring of the dispatching and production processes and realize full integration, data sharing, and multiangle visual presentation of grid operation and analytical results.
2. Analysis of grid operation: To establish a platform for analyzing grid operation to meet the need for simulation analysis of demand covering all conditions and times, from online to offline operations and from electromechanical to electromagnetic transients; build a disaster management system for promoting the use of weather information for grid hazard prewarning, disaster prevention, and mitigation as well as dispatch new energy to make grids smarter in coping with natural disasters.
3. Control of mega grids: Master the steady-state/transient operations of mega AC/DC grids and the methods for grid fault protection and network reconfiguration; develop simulation technology for mega AC/DC grids well-attuned to the operating environment of a globally interconnected energy network; achieve coordinated control on a multilayered, multizoned basis, and across different countries and continents covering extensive regions to provide technology assurance for the safe and stable operation of the global energy interconnection. Communication and Information
The focus of communication and information is on setting up an information system to support work processes and businesses, together with the development of a platform for building business synergy and interoperability, to facilitate transparent information sharing, and improve modern management. Covered here are the three major areas:
1. Communication networks: To construct a power line communication network with high self-recovery capability and adaptability, supported by a large-capacity, high-efficiency transmission backbone that employs a dedicated smart, real-time optical transmission system; adopt an integrated approach to using passive optical networks, power line carriers, and wireless and public communication networks for power distribution and utilization.
2. Information systems: To build business systems and information platforms covering multiple segments and levels of smart grids, including a platform for a comprehensive view of grid integration, an integrated analysis system to support decision-making, and a geographic information system platform; develop a platform for big data management on a historical basis and in quasi real-time to provide normative access to and centralized sharing of application data on different operations.
3. Application of new technology: To build an overall framework for the Internet of Things and unified information models and standards; conduct R&D on special sensors and networking technologies; promote the gradual application of quantum communication technology in the electricity industry; apply big data technology to explore the potential value of the huge body of diversified information carried by our future global energy interconnection; apply cloud computing and cloud storage technology to support analysis; and decision-making regarding the operation and management of the global energy interconnection and electricity trading around the world.

4.2.3. Functional Requirements

Through the smart development of grids, the safety, flexibility, adaptability, and interactivity of country-based subiquitous smart grids will play a more important role in assuring energy security, implementing the “two-replacement policy” and providing public services. Making Overall Grid Operations Safe and Efficient
With the rapidly rising share of wind, solar, and other clean energy in total generation capacity, expanding grid capacity and the growing operational complexity of power systems, country-based ubiquitous smart grids need to rely on technological innovations, especially innovations that combine information and electric power technologies, through the employment of advanced smart monitoring, control, operation management, and decision support to achieve reliable and efficient power transmission and distribution, while ensuring safe and reliable grid operations.
Condition-based monitoring of power transmission and transformation equipment. We can ensure that transmission and transformation equipment is in a controllable state and is under control by promoting condition-based monitoring and smart inspections, as well as fully utilizing information technologies to perform online and offline condition-based evaluation, condition-based maintenance, and risk prewarning. Building on a full understanding of transmission and transformation equipment, power and grid resources are maximized through highly-intelligent, optimal dispatch operations to improve line transmission capacity and grid asset utilization, while reducing the energy loss, cost of transmission, and ensuring operational safety and stability for power systems.
Operation control of transmission networks. We can adopt flexible AC transmission technologies to improve the capacity and voltage of transmission lines as well as the flexibility of flow control. With the support of communication, information, and control technologies and by employing satellite positioning, smart monitoring, and advanced inspection technologies, condition-based evaluation, diagnosis, analysis, and decision support can be implemented for grid operations to achieve smart evaluation of transmission conditions. Technologies in condition-based maintenance, whole life-cycle management and smart disaster management can also be utilized to achieve lean management of grid operations.
Smart control and optimal operation of grids. Smart grids must be capable of providing a safe and stable supply of electricity and improved power quality, with highly-intelligent control figuring prominently as the nerve center of a grid system. To ensure higher supply reliability, grids must be able to perform in two areas. One is the ability to avoid extensive blackouts and ensure uninterrupted power supply for key users by withstanding the impact of natural disasters and other external factors and limit damage to a manageable level. The other is the ability to automatically and timely detect any faults that have occurred or are occurring and implement corrective measures to eliminate or minimize the impact on the normal power supply for users. Real-time monitoring and control should be carried out to maintain power quality, while ensuring compliance of the effective values and waveforms of voltages with user requirements, also normal operation of user equipment without shortening its service life. With the support of automation systems and integrated smart control technologies at all levels, flexible control, and optimal operation of grids can be achieved, leading to improved grid reliability and power quality.
Improving grid efficiency and effectiveness. Real-time monitoring of the temperatures, insulation levels, and safety margins of smart grid equipment will increase transmission power and system capacity utilization without affecting safety; line losses can be reduced and operation efficiency improved by optimizing flow distribution; online monitoring and diagnosis of operating equipment can be conducted and condition-based maintenance implemented to lengthen the service life of equipment. Assuring Flexible Access and Operation of Distributed Power Sources
Distributed power supply is an important means of fully utilizing widely-scattered energy resources and also a key approach to the development and utilization of clean energy in the future. Development practices and policy environments in different countries all point to large-scale development of distributed power supply as an emerging trend. It is therefore of utmost importance that smart grids should be able to accommodate and promote access for and safe and economical operation of large-capacity distributed power supply.
Supporting large-scale, high-level access for distributed power supply. When the capacity of distributed power supply in a grid has reached a relatively high level (i.e., high penetration), a conventional grid will find it very difficult to ensure power balance and safe operation as well as supply reliability and power quality. Unlike their conventional counterparts, smart grids do not need to passively restrict access capacity of distributed power supply to ensure operational safety. Rather, they may allow effective access for, and support the plug-and-play capability of, distributed power supply in a way that can facilitate distributed power generation and bring down overall investment costs. By upgrading the protection and control system and standardizing the system interfaces of conventional grids, together with the support of an information and communication platform, smart grids can effect information exchange with distributed power supply and build an open, integrated platform for energy utilization to facilitate equal, convenient, and efficient utilization of distributed power supply.
Supporting safe and economical operation of distributed power supply. Through the data and information platform of a smart grid, data on distributed power supply and grid operation are collected on a real-time basis and highly integrated with offline management data to visualize and control distributed power supply and provide operators with advanced decision support capabilities covering grid operation monitoring, pre-warning and self-recovery. The functions of distributed power supply such as “plug-and-play,” two-way measurement, output forecast, and optimized control, will effectively improve the operational characteristics and economics of distributed power supply, and reduce the costs of power system auxiliary service specifically required for distributed power supply. Promoting Electric Energy Substitution
Electric energy substitution is a strategic option to adapt to the trend toward electricity consumption, with significant implications for energy development and social sustainability. It can effectively contribute to energy conservation, emission control, and environmental protection. Accelerating the development of country-based smart grids is the key to effectively promoting electric energy substitution.
Providing a platform for efficient and effective use of electricity: By extending grid infrastructure, smart grids can supply power in a more intelligent and efficient manner to make end consumption more accessible and provide a solid fundamental network platform for electric energy substitution. More extensive and efficient terminal consumption of power will be achieved by building on a grid-based public service platform, with energy efficiency management focused on electricity, and promotion of new smart terminals for using energy.
Promoting substitution of electricity for fossil energy in different fields: By promoting energy efficiency, conservation technology, and equipment in the transport, industrial, business, and residential sectors to substitute electricity for fossil energy, the goal of whole-society energy conservation and environmental protection can be achieved. Meanwhile, continued upgrade and expansion is required for power grids to improve supply stability and reliability for electricity as an energy source of choice for terminal consumption. In the future, the transport sector should be the focus of initiatives to encourage electricity usage, with ongoing efforts to improve the charging infrastructure for electric vehicles and promote transport electrification to replace oil with electricity.
With different levels of socioeconomic growth, different countries have different focuses on electric energy substitution. Less developed countries are focused on accelerating the electrification process for electric energy substitution. Take Africa as an example, annual electricity consumption per capita is estimated at 600 kWh, with many African countries consuming just 100 kWh and over 600 million people still without access to electricity. These countries desperately need to solve the problem of power shortage before they can promote economic development and electrification. As for developing countries, it is essential that terminal energy consumption marked by low efficiency and high pollution be phased out. For instance, backward production capacities in China must be eliminated, coal- and oil-fired furnaces replaced by electric furnaces, and electric heating equipment for industrial purposes utilized. In the commercial sector, efforts need to be stepped up to implement projects to replace coal (gas) with electricity and encourage the use of heat pumps, electric heaters, and electric boilers. In developed countries, programs for electric energy substitution are carried out mainly through the implementation of standards, policies, and meticulous monitoring and management. For example, Japan is known to be a promoter of thermal storage tariffs to reduce heating costs for users. In the European Union, the setting of quality management standards for energy efficiency and energy-consuming equipment has been high on the agenda. Indeed, timely upgrading of the standards for energy efficiency, emission, and new electrical applications plays an active role in promoting electric energy substitution. Ensuring Smart use of Electricity and Fulfillment of Diverse Demands
As power suppliers, conventional grids only provide different types of customers with an electricity supply. However, through smart development, power grids will be able to offer increasingly diverse services to support smart use of electricity to satisfy diverse energy demands. In the future, the Internet concept will be integrated fully into grid-enabled services, bringing profound changes to grid operations in terms of data resource value, business service models, and user experiences. On one hand, users who have become more aware about their participative and interactive roles, will demand the establishment of a new relationship of electricity supply on the basis of an integrated information platform. As a result, their demand will become prominently more personalized and diverse. On the other hand, armed with a fuller and deeper understanding of user behavior, smart grid operators will be able to design more targeted services to help power companies fully unleash the potential of existing resources.
Building a smart-based integrated service platform. Building on the ubiquitous smart grid and its associated information and communication system, network service capabilities can be expanded to promote consolidation and integration with public service resources. Not only conducive to high-level integration and integrated application of energy flows and information flows, this also contributes to the development of a new intelligent, public and interactive integrated service platform based on a smart grid. Through continued efforts to expand into new service areas based on the interactive service platform, value-added offerings like information and communication services can be launched to add more value to power services. By supporting demand-side management and developing smart communities and buildings, the user demand for greater freedom in electricity usage can be met in a timely manner. Advice on smart use of electricity can also be provided and the efficiency of terminal energy consumption improved; customers will be provided with timely and accurate information on tariffs and loads as well as the best solutions and strategies for energy consumption.
Supporting diverse demand for smart use of electricity. By installing advanced metering devices, using smart terminal equipment, building interactive infrastructures and deploying interactive, information-sharing systems, demand for smart use of electricity for diverse purposes can be adequately met to further promote the construction of smart districts, buildings, parks, and communities in support of the development of smart cities. Smart meters will be fully promoted. A system for collecting information on electricity usage will be established. All power consumers and metering gateways will be covered, with online monitoring and real-time collection of important information on consumer loads, consumption levels, and voltages to provide technical support for smart power services. Through the establishment of systems for smart energy services, consumer-side distributed power supply, and energy storage, together with a variety of smart terminals for electricity consumption, real-time interactive response between smart grids and power consumers will be achieved so as to facilitate customer interactions through remote and mobile access to improve a grid’s integrated service capabilities. By providing stations to form a logically planned network for smart charging and replacement services for electric cars, two-way energy exchanges between electric automobiles and power grids can be achieved. This will support electric energy substitution and help realize clean energy utilization to meet the demand for low-carbon energy consumption in the transport sector.
Realizing two-way interaction between information and electricity. Smart development promotes the full-scale integration of power grids, information networks, and the Internet to bring information flows and electricity flows together. Consumer-side smart meters capable of capturing, uploading, and distributing information on electricity usage in a timely manner can be used as the access and transit points of mobile networks to upload, via dedicated power grids or the Internet, information on electricity customer behavior, and other external information on heating, gas, and water supply to platforms that provide electricity usage information and data integration and utilization. The storage, processing and utilization of such information and data received can create the functional capability to integrate information with electricity. Business information can then be communicated to consumers, guide consumer behavior, give timely responses to the changes in consumer demand, and regulate two-way electricity flows via a trading and operation system. See Fig. 5.17 for the two-way interaction between smart meters and advanced applications.
Figure 5.17 Illustration of Two-Way Interaction between Smart Meters and Advanced Applications
Promoting the integration of the Internet concept into power grids. As smart development embodies the spirit of openness, equality, cooperation, and sharing, we can improve the awareness among consumers of their participative role in interactions by further integrating the Internet concept into grid development, while developing clustering relationships among consumer groups via information integration, as shown in Fig. 5.18. A series of changes will follow: scattered customer-side power resources can be pooled to participate in grid-based interactions. Third-party organizations like smart grid-enabled business service providers will emerge as intermediaries to provide consumers with diverse services. We can also strengthen the management of scattered consumer resources and demands by, for instance, integrating electricity demands from different customer segments in a region with the capability of demand-side management, to centralize two-way interactions with the support of flexible business models and smart power grids. The potential of smart grid infrastructures can be further unlocked and a variety of value-added services, such as energy efficiency management and multigrid integration, can be implemented based on a good understanding of consumer demands.
Figure 5.18 Application of the Internet Concept to Smart Grid Development

5. Cooperation Mechanism for Global Energy Interconnection

The development of a globally interconnected energy network is a major strategy to resolve problems concerning energy sustainability, covering every aspect of world politics, economy, energy, and technology, which requires concerted efforts at the international level to break down all policy barriers and establish an organizational mechanism of interdependence, mutual trust, and mutual benefit. This will bring about broad participation and multiwin cooperation among governments, corporations, communities, and users to pave the way for an efficient operational mechanism as well as a market mechanism to ensure safe and economical operation of the global energy interconnection.

5.1. Organizational Mechanism

The development of the global energy interconnection must be secured by a global energy governance mechanism built on all-round cooperation. The construction and development of the global energy interconnection involves large-scale development of renewable energy resources in the Arctic and equatorial regions, and also resource-rich regions of each continent. It also involves transcontinental transmission and intercontinental interconnections of mutual backup, and the upgrading, modification, and intelligentization of transnational transmission networks on each continent and the transmission and distribution grids of each country. This unprecedented example of global energy cooperation requires the establishment of a mechanism and an organizational base of mutual trust and benefit to carry out energy cooperation at the global level. Over the past century, different forms of international energy cooperative organizations have been set up in respect of oil, a core energy resource. Although these organizations have played an important role in stabilizing the oil market as well as supply and demand, no global or integrated cooperative agencies or global governance mechanisms have been developed to facilitate global energy cooperation. Facing the challenges of climatic change, environmental crisis and energy security, no countries in the world can completely satisfy development needs solely with their own resources. As an objective reality, global allocation of energy resources is required. In the long run, it is extremely essential to establish a global energy cooperative organization and to develop a binding mechanism, and a joint action plan. This will form an important institutional base for advancing the construction of the global energy interconnection.
The formation of a cooperative alliance in the United Nations on global energy interconnections will help drive the construction and development of a globally interconnected energy network. The United Nations has more than 20 specialized agencies focusing on the energy issue, but no dedicated energy agency has been set up yet. The focus of future energy development is not only on solving the problems of socioeconomic development of each country, and also on solving the ecological crisis that the whole world faces today. If the construction of the global energy interconnection is at the core of the above-mentioned joint action plan for achieving energy sustainability, we need to establish an alliance in the United Nations on global energy interconnections as a cooperative organization underlined by the framework agreements among governments and supported by the voluntary involvement of relevant departments and corporations. An internal organizational structure should be set up, with well-defined rights and responsibilities at the decision-making, management, and execution levels. At the decision-making level, there is a high-level body founded based on the conferences of energy and environment ministers of all member countries, with the responsibility for procuring a consensus on the direction and goal of building a global energy interconnection. At the management level, there is a specialized management committee supported by a body for day-to-day management, where the work focus is on conducting research, proposing policy recommendations, and carrying out coordination and promotion in the areas of development, economy, technology, and regulation. At the execution level, there is a series of project companies, voluntarily formed by the major corporate members of the above-mentioned alliance.
The cooperative alliance on global energy interconnections will play a leadership role in strategic planning, standard formulation, resource support, and external collaboration. As its goal, the alliance will aim to facilitate interconnected access and global allocation of clean energy; promote technology research, infrastructure development, and safe and efficient utilization concerning global energy interconnections; and encourage equal access to global energy, as well as energy security and reliability. The alliance should play an important role in the following aspects. First, it should conduct research and stipulate development strategies, interconnection planning, economic policy, technical standards, operation rules, and market mechanisms for the global energy interconnection. Second, it should mobilize the necessary technology, funding, and human resources to coordinate and promote the development of clean energy bases around the world and grid interconnection projects across continents to narrow regional differences. Third, it should develop a mechanism for cooperation with relevant international organizations such as the existing electricity alliances of each continent, the International Energy Agency, the International Electrotechnical Commission, and the International Smart Grid Action Network to jointly promote and build a sustainable energy supply system on a global basis. See Fig. 5.19 for an illustration of the organizational structure of the alliance on global energy interconnection.
Figure 5.19 Illustration of the Organizational Structure of Global Energy Interconnection Alliance

5.2. Operational Mechanism

A globally interconnected energy network requires the support of an efficient collaborative mechanism. The operation management of a power system is a technologically complex systems management discipline requiring seamless organizational skills. The experience in grid development around the world over the past century suggests that an operation mechanism based on unified dispatching rules and collaboration is a basic requirement to safeguard the safe operation of interconnected grids. In the future, this characteristic of coordinated operation will become more prominent, making the formulation of control and operation rules for centralized, grid-wide coordination, and a responsibility system even more important for the operation of a globally interconnected energy network. First, it is because of the size of the network that will evolve into ubiquitous transmission and distribution grids interconnected at the transnational and transcontinental levels, where the grid assets are owned by different companies and scattered in different countries and regions. This situation warrants the establishment of a coordination mechanism to resolve problems and conflicts arising from highly-decentralized property rights and geographical presence and from the need for centralized operations. Second, it is because of the high level of intermittent energy resources involved. In the future, 80% of energy generation worldwide will come from renewables of an intermittent nature. This will require optimizing interconnection operations over larger areas and the support of various energy storage devices. Third, it is because of an increase in the number of mobile devices. With electric vehicles as a typical example, the growing popularity of powered mobile equipment or energy storage devices necessitates efforts to analyze in real time and understand the distribution of loads and available resources in the system, so that energy flows can be balanced according to changes in resources. Fourth, it is because of higher load flexibility where flexible conversion between generation and demand load is made possible for users by distributed energy sources, therefore requiring the support of more timely communication and information services and control measures to make the most of resources.
A dispatch center should be built to ensure the safe and efficient operation of the global energy interconnection. Over the past century, with the gradual development of power grids, in particular the formation of high-voltage large grids, dispatch centers have been built for continental, national and regional grids in different countries in line with the structural and other specific requirements of the power grids concerned. In tandem with the development of the global energy interconnection, a dispatch center should be set up at the global level and subjected to the proposed alliance on global energy cooperation to safeguard the safe, stable, economical, and efficient operation of the global energy interconnection. The global dispatch center shall be jointly governed by the energy dispatch centers of all countries across all continents on the base of global dispatch operation agreements signed by all members. It will form a close-knit dispatch system with different control zones and levels to provide system-wide assurance for the safe operation of the global energy interconnection. Under the centralized guidance of the global dispatch center, dispatch centers at the continental level shall coordinate the operation of individual dispatch centers in each country in the same continent. See Fig. 5.20 for an illustration of the dispatch system of the global energy interconnection.
Figure 5.20 Illustration of Global Energy Interconnection Dispatch System
The global dispatch center will play an important role in safeguarding global power security and the global allocation of energy sources. The global dispatch center will be the management and coordination center for the construction and operation of the global energy interconnection. Its specific functions will be reflected in the following three aspects. First, it will be responsible for the coordinated operation of power grids worldwide to improve reliability and safeguard supply security globally. Second, it will promote intercontinental connections of power grids, encourage grid investments, and establish a sustainable globally interconnected power network. Third, it will not only create conditions conducive to grid access for renewable energy, but also promote the goal of renewable energy development to the world. The main responsibilities will cover the formulation of rules for grid operation and development; the dispatch operation of intercontinental grid backbones of the global energy interconnection; the coordinated monitoring of power grids across continents for operational safety, and the coordination of backup operations in case of contingencies across continents; and development planning for the global energy interconnection. Moreover, an information and early warning system will be established to provide access for grid operators of all countries to the real-time conditions and data of power grids at the global, continental, and national levels to strengthen collaboration among members for the sake of operational safety.

5.3. Market Mechanism

A globalized market mechanism is an institutional basis for providing impetus to the development of the global energy interconnection. The global energy interconnection will offer great potential benefits in terms of power transmission, system interconnection, and resource-sharing. To maximize these benefits and to reflect the market value of these benefits in the investment returns on the global energy interconnection, a fair, open, and competitive global electricity market mechanism must be set up to guide power companies and users in the direction of full participation. In the past two decades, with the opening of national electricity markets around the world, international electricity trade has witnessed rapid growth, with an ever-growing footprint. A pan-European market covering seven regions has been created in Europe, compared with 10 regional markets in the United States. A national electricity market has also been created in each of Russia, Australia, New Zealand, Argentina, and Brazil. The growing market coverage contributes to the development of interconnections across different regions, such as the pan-European transmission grid under development in Europe. The creation and effective operation of the future global energy interconnection will have to be based on this global electricity market mechanism.
A global electricity market system will be gradually built up. A global electricity market refers to a united market formed on the basis of the markets in different countries and continents. It will start with trading based on transnational/transcontinental multilateral long-term contracts and progress to mutual trade access on unified rules across different countries and continents. This will lead further to the development of short-term, flexible electricity trade, and auxiliary service trade across countries and continents. With improvements in the global energy interconnection as well as transnational and transcontinental electricity trade, some of the functions of the global electricity market and the individual electricity markets in different continents and countries will be gradually integrated, leading to the creation in the long run of a global electricity market open to electricity consumers, corporations, and brokers around the world, for the benefit of free trade. The establishment of a global electricity market is a progressive process from a local level to a global level. Initially, a global electricity market exchange has to be established through the cooperative alliance on global energy interconnections to formulate, on a centralized basis, marketing plans, trading mechanisms, and operation rules, while spearheading the development of a global electricity market platform. See Fig. 5.21 for an illustration of the global electricity market system.
Figure 5.21 Schematic Diagram of Global Electricity Market System
A robust trading mechanism for transnational and transcontinental electricity markets. In order to ensure safe, stable, and sustainable development of the global electricity market, a market mechanism needs to be designed in such a way as to resolve three problems. First, a flexible trading mechanism needs to be established to promote transcontinental transmission. On one hand, market trade in electricity should focus on medium and long-term contracts in order to provide stable trade volume and revenue expectations for the development of and investment in resources on a transnational basis. On the other hand, to fully leverage the function of the global energy interconnection in resource allocation, it is important to establish a flexible adjustment mechanism covering short-term trades in a monthly, day-ahead, and intraday basis in order to accommodate resource allocation requirements in response to changing renewable energy supply and demand. Second, an investment mechanism to promote the development of transcontinental power grids needs to be established. From the standpoint of investment incentives, a mechanism to ensure stable return on investment is key to attracting investment, given the massive investment required for transcontinental power grids. During the development of global energy interconnections, long-distance, high-capacity transcontinental transmission projects assume a critical role in promoting renewable energy development in remote areas and providing sustainable energy supply to load centers. They also offer significant interconnection benefits where the development and efficient operation of the global energy interconnection is promoted through coordinated design of income based on long-term transmission contracts, regulated income based on grid safety, and trading income based on short-term dispatch operations. Third, a capacity allocation mechanism needs to be set up to enhance the operational efficiency of transcontinental power grids. The roles and functions of power grids must be considered to form a sound basis for designing a mechanism for capacity allocation and cost sharing for transnational transmission facilities, with the objective of maximizing the potential of transmission facilities and attracting investment in grid infrastructure.
A market mechanism and business model for sharing global energy resources will be formed. Global energy interconnection provides an energy infrastructure network serving as a platform for building open interconnections. In the energy sector, an open, interactive, sharing, and win–win business model centering on this global energy interconnection will be developed among market players in the future. Work on the global energy interconnection will be completed jointly by all interested parties. Along with national and regional grid companies, electricity cooperatives will play a role as the major investor and consumer in the global energy interconnection. They will link up users with the same needs and aspirations to establish a network of funding sources, by means of crowd-funding or other financing models, to invest in the global energy interconnection while enjoying the right to use the same. Many professional subcontractors will become intermediaries responsible for the construction, operation and maintenance of the global energy interconnection in accordance with stipulated standards and contracts. All power generators or users will have access to the global energy interconnection via dedicated lines. Network resources are accessible with the payment of a network access fee based on the locations and voltage grades of the connection nodes. Trade in electricity can also be conducted without restriction through an open network platform. Information on electricity trade will be channeled in a timely manner to electricity dispatch and marketing agencies at all levels to facilitate rules-based settlement. Energy network operators, power generators, and service providers will share the trade proceeds upon settlement.

5.4. Policy Support

A good policy environment is a key to achieving the goal of developing a global energy interconnection of interconnections. In order to construct this global energy interconnection, a global energy view has to be taken by all countries, with concerted efforts to combat climate change, set low-carbon development goals and strengthen global energy cooperation so as to foster a policy environment based on a global consensus and a win–win approach to cooperation.
First, the world should form a consensus on responding to climate change. A global response to climate change is the driving force behind the development of the global energy interconnection. For this a global consensus on tackling climate change is required. Currently, global efforts to tackle climate change based on United Nations Intergovernmental Cooperation Framework to Address Climate Change are bogged down in the “Cooperation Dilemma,” but the world is under increasing pressure to reduce emissions. There have been increasing signs that GHG emissions caused by industrialization are destroying the ecological balance of the Earth, threatening to drag the entire ecological system into a catastrophically unstable state. All countries need to realize that the Earth’s biosphere is an indispensable public resource for the survival of mankind, and that we have no alternative but to put aside our arguments and work together to find a solution to problems of human sustainability. The energy sector currently accounts for approximately 80% of the world’s total carbon emissions from human activities. According to the roadmap for developing a global energy interconnection of interconnections, efforts to lower energy-related carbon dioxide emissions around the globe to about 11.2 billion tons by 2050 will provide a solid foundation for effective management of climate change. It can be seen that the global energy interconnection is an important vehicle for globally concerted efforts to tackle climate change, where a consensus worldwide has to be reached to realize global emission reduction targets at the lowest possible costs.
Second, energy policies around the world should be advanced on a coordinated basis. Currently, a worldwide consensus on the direction of low-carbon energy development has basically been reached, with important measures proposed for renewable energy development, energy efficiency improvement, and smart grid construction. However, views are still divided over issues concerning energy transition and path selection, such as the clean utilization of fossil energy and the continued development of nuclear energy. In the future, the development of the global energy interconnection will require further coordination at the energy policy level. First, the reliance on fossil energy needs to be further reduced. Carbon capture technology remains a big unknown in terms of technology breakthrough and application and also its subsequent environmental impact. Given the challenges of high costs and unstable performance in this area, all countries need to reach a consensus on a stronger thrust to substitute renewable energy for fossil fuels after 2030. Second, plans for global renewable energy development need to be optimized. In view of a lack of land resources for renewable energy development in densely populated regions and the considerable impact of renewable energy development on the local climate, landscape, production and business activities, all countries should prioritize the development of renewable energy in remote areas blessed with abundant resources. Third, an energy security policy on global cooperation and sharing needs to be developed. Internationally, a more proactive energy policy on international cooperation needs to be established so as to facilitate the development of more liberalized energy markets and also actively participate in international energy resource development for promoting the optimal utilization of global renewable energy.
Third, a geopolitical landscape for win–win cooperation should be created. The energy geopolitics surrounding the quest for fossil energy is driving the world into increasingly turbulent times. Renewable energy development in “the Arctic and equatorial regions” is an important basis for building a new world of energy interconnections. Abundant with fossil energy resources, these regions are currently facing a political game triggered by the competition for resources. The “blue enclosure movement” has been launched in recent years in the Arctic region with massive untapped reserves of oil/gas (accounting for 25% of the global amount) and coal (accounting for about 9% of the global amount). Over the past decade, Africa has recorded annual growth of 58.8% in new oil reserves, accounting for 25% of the new reserves around the world. As a result, countries around the world are clamoring to enter and compete in these resource-abundant regions. However, as sustainable development is the common goal of all human societies, a global energy geopolitical situation capable of engendering win–win cooperation is required before we can start building an energy supply system focusing on renewables. Renewable energy resources are sustainable, instantly gratifying and inexhaustible, but their value can only be realized through development and utilization. For the renewable energy resources in the Arctic and equatorial regions, cooperative development creates more value than simply holding on to these resources. Renewable energy can become valuable resources only through strong cooperation between the private and public sectors in resource-producing nations and their counterparts in resource-consuming countries. An international consensus needs to be reached on moving from competition for resources to working together at the geopolitical level for win–win cooperation in energy development.

6. Comprehensive Benefits of Global Energy Interconnection

Building a globally interconnected energy network will generate enormous economic, social, and environmental benefits. First, this global network will boost the development and consumption of renewable energy, sharply reduce the consumption of fossil energy, effectively control GHG emissions and protect the ecological environment. Second, it can link up the power grids across continents to create enormous interconnection benefits, on account of the differences in time zones, climatic conditions, peak/valley load periods, and energy mix as determined by energy resources among different continents. Third, the cost of power supply in electricity-importing regions where power generation is relatively costly can be brought down by importing low-cost electricity from large renewable energy bases. Fourth, it will help drive local economic growth and facilitate the coordinated development of the regional economy by promoting the development and utilization of renewable energy in developing countries.

6.1. Environmental Benefits

The development and utilization of renewable energy resources provides an alternative to the massive consumption of fossil energy and reduces high levels of pollutant discharges and GHG emissions. It can also avoid water consumption and damage to the ecosystem resulting from fossil energy development and utilization.
Amid the quickening pace of development in the global energy interconnection, non-fossil energy generation is forecast to reach 66,000 TWh in 2050, nearly 60,000 TWh more than the level in 2010 and accounting for 90% of total electricity generation. Under the new policy set out in World Energy Outlook 2014 (WEO 2014), clean energy generation will amount to approximately 17,000 TWh by 2040, accounting for nearly 50% of total electricity generation. If the share of clean energy generation given in WEO 2014 is anything to go by, amid the continued development of the global energy interconnection, an increase of 29,000 TWh in clean energy production to replace the equivalent amount of coal-fired generation by 2050 will save 9 billion tons/year of standard coal and 70 billion tons/year of water, while cutting down carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxide, and dust emissions by 25 billion tons/year, 53.7 million tons/year, 56.4 million tons/year, and 9.4 million tons/year, respectively.
Judging by the progress on the development of energy bases, the electricity sent out from the Arctic and equatorial regions is estimated at 900 TWh, 4200 TWh, and 12,000 TWh by 2030, 2040, and 2050, respectively. Based on the equivalent amount of coal-fired generation so replaced, energy consumption will be reduced by 0.3, 1.3, and 3.8 billion tons of standard coal, respectively. Which means, this will reduce annual carbon dioxide emissions by about 0.8, 3.7, and 10.5 billion tons; annual sulfur dioxide emissions by 1.8, 7.9, and 22.3 million tons; annual nitrogen oxide emissions by 1.9, 8.3, and 23.4 million tons; and annual dust emissions by about 0.3, 1.4, and 3.9 million tons. Annual water consumption will also go down by 2, 10, and 29 billion m3, respectively. Global interconnections will contribute to the development and utilization of clean energy, yielding significant environmental benefits.
On the strength of the emerging global energy interconnection, clean energy is expected to be able to replace fossil energy equivalent to 24 billion tons of standard coal every year by 2050, resulting in 67 billion tons lower carbon dioxide emissions and 0.58 billion tons lower sulfur dioxide emissions. By that year, global carbon emissions is estimated at 11.5 billion tons, accounting for just about 33 and 50% of the emission levels in 2013 and 1990, respectively. An IPCC research report shows that if achieved, the goal of “limiting average global temperature rise to 2°C by 2050” as proposed in the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change can fundamentally solve major issues that threaten human survival, such as glacial melting and rising sea levels, and ensure human sustainability.

6.2. Economic Benefits

Assuring energy supply for socioeconomic development. Through the global energy interconnection, widely scattered clean energy resources with great potential can be developed and utilized to assure a long-term and stable supply of energy. Based on average annual growth of 12.4% for wind and solar power generation from now, nonfossil energy will account for 80% of the world’s total energy consumption by 2050. At that time, wind and solar energy will become the dominant sources of power; yet even then, we will have only reached no more than five ten-thousandths (5/10,000) of the total developable capacity of these energy resources.
Reducing the cost of energy supply. Through the global energy interconnection, the benefits of large-scale development and outgoing transmission of clean energy can effectively reduce the cost of power supply. Taking intercontinental transmission of power between Asia and Europe as an example, clean energy such as natural gas, wind power and solar energy gathered in the Asian regions at the sending end (Xinjiang in China, Kazakhstan, Russian Siberia, and Mongolia) can be transmitted to Germany by means of ±1100 kV UHVDC transmission technology and up to 5500 h will be usable through the DC channel. Compared with the delivery of offshore wind power into Germany, the delivery of electricity through this intercontinental transmission channel, relayed via St. Petersburg in Russia, is 30.4% cheaper, with the maximum tariff difference being RMB0.3648 per kWh. If electricity is directly transmitted between the two locations, the maximum tariff difference is RMB 0.526 per kWh, 43.8% cheaper compared with the option of importing offshore wind power into Germany. By adopting the option of intercontinental transmission between the two continents, the cost of power supply in German can be effectively reduced, generating remarkable benefits of intercontinental transmission.
Obtaining considerable benefits from interconnections. Given the time differences between different continents and the seasonal differences between the northern and southern hemispheres, the global energy interconnection of grid interconnections across different continents can regulate peak/valley loads across continents and enable the optimal allocation and consumption of global renewable energy by taking advantage of the complementary nature of load characteristic curves in different continents to improve utilization of generating equipment and lower reserve capacity in different continents.
As a result of the Earth’s rotation and its revolution around the sun, different continents receive sunlight at different times, giving rise to different time zones. The Earth is divided into 24 time zones, with adjacent time zones being 1 h apart. Asia covers 13 time zones, with China spanning 5 time zones, whereas Europe covers 5 time zones and North America, 8 time zones. As the residents in different continents observe basically the same pattern of daily life, waking up to work when the sun rises and going to bed when the sun sets, the load curves of each continent’s countries tend to peak during local daytime and evening (08:00–23:00) and to bottom during the night and in early morning (24:00–07:00).
The daytime is a peak load period for Europe and Africa. Coinciding with this period is the nighttime, an off-peak load period, in East Asia and North America. As more wind power is generated in the nighttime when demand is lower than in the daytime, this power source can be transmitted through global interconnections from East Asia and North America during the nighttime to Europe for consumption. Conversely, wind power can be transmitted to East Asia and North America for consumption across continents from the North Sea in Europe and North Africa when Europe and Africa are in the off-peak period during the night.
Take the interconnections across the northern hemisphere’s three major continents – Europe, North America, and Asia – by 2050 as an example. The power grids in North America stretch from Western Zone 4 to Western Zone 10; the power grids in Northeast Asia cover the regions between Eastern Zone 7 and Eastern Zone 9, and the synchronous grids in Europe span the areas from Zone 0 to Eastern Zone 2. After completion of the interconnections globally, the load of global power grids can be optimized by taking advantage of the natural time differences between continents to form relatively smooth load curves to realize the benefits of peak shaving and valley filling. See Fig. 5.22 for a comparison between the load curves before interconnection and the superimposed load curves after interconnection in the three continents of Asia, Europe, and North America. It can be observed that when grids have been fully interconnected at the transcontinental level, mutual backup for load shifting among the three interconnected continents can produce prominent results. The interconnections will lead to a balanced distribution of loads at different times of the day, with the load difference between peak/valley periods in the three continents narrowing from 25–40% to within 10%.
Figure 5.22 Illustration of Complementary Relationships of Load Curves in Europe, North America, and Asia
Fuelling global economic growth. To realize the clean low-carbon development of global energy in 2050, global installed generating capacity is forecast to reach 35 billion kW by 2050, an increase of approximately 30 TW from 2020. On a 10-year horizon, installed electricity capacity is expected to grow rapidly in the future, necessitating a correspondingly higher level of investment in capacity building. An estimate of the changes in investment per kW in installed capacity among different sources of power shows the result as depicted in Fig. 5.22.
An investment of approximately US$20 trillion is required for power generation and power grids from 2020 to 2030; approximately US$ 39 trillion from 2030 to 2040; and approximately US$ 46 trillion from 2040 to 2050. These investments will provide a strong impetus to economic development. See Fig. 5.23 for the size of electricity investments in the future.
Figure 5.23 Estimated Size of Electricity Investment in the Future

6.3. Social Benefits

Promoting the shift of focus in developing regions from the advantages of resources to economic strengths. Among others, Africa, Asia, and South America are the major regions where large-scale development of clean energy is absent. By building a global network of energy interconnections, we can help transform the advantages of the rich resources that these regions possess into economic strengths, which will translate into job opportunities for the local population,1 well-being improvements for people in developing countries, narrower gaps between developing and developed nations, and eventually sustainable development for all mankind.
Driving technological upgrades of the energy and related industries. The building of a global network of energy interconnections will bring about new breakthroughs and extensive applications of technologies, including clean energy generation, UHV transmission, large-capacity energy storage, smart power distribution networks, and microgrids. The traditional materials industries will realize technological innovation in areas like nanometers and superconducting. Riding on the crest of technological reforms and innovations in the energy, information, materials, and other sectors, developed countries will gradually emerge from the shadows of economic crisis, while developing countries will see faster speed and improved quality of economic growth to ultimately achieve the goal of shared development among all mankind.
Promoting mankind’s harmonious development and utilization of energy. Fossil energy is characterized by its scarcity and also its local and sovereign nature where development and utilization inevitably involves issues of territorial sovereignty and national security. Inexhaustible renewable energy resources can be developed through the global energy interconnection to achieve the peaceful use of energy and essentially improve the relationships of energy production. In the renewable energy system, we have seen mankind shifting from plundering and monopolizing resources to collaborating and sharing. Through synergies and interactions at the international level in the energy development and utilization processes, an energy ecosystem over larger areas will be created. A globally interconnected energy network will fundamentally solve the energy and environmental problems that impact the cultivation of ecological civilization. It will also bring about energy, industry, economic, and lifestyle changes to eventually achieve a harmonious global development.


1. Driven by voltage upgrading, expanded interconnection capacity and greater automation, grid development around the world has entered a new stage marked by growth in robust smart grids. A globally interconnected energy network marks an advanced phase of robust smart grid development. At the core of this network is a smart grid system focusing on clean energy, supported by UHV grid backbones with extensive interconnections across countries and continents to allocate energy resources on a global scale. As an integral part of the network, powers grids at all levels are well coordinated and flexible access provided for different types of power sources and customers.
2. The global energy interconnection is a major vehicle built on a global energy view for coordinating the development, allocation and utilization of global energy resources. Based on advanced UHV transmission and smart grid technologies, the global energy interconnection will be constructed to link up the wind power bases in the Arctic, the solar energy bases in the equatorial region, and the large-scale renewable energy bases and load centers on different continents for building a global platform, for energy allocation with a strong grid structure, extensive interconnections, high intelligence, and open interactivity, so as to vigorously promote global energy sustainability.
3. The construction of the global energy interconnection mainly covers three phases of interconnection at the intracontinental, intercontinental, and global levels. Efforts are underway to try to bring about a consensus by 2020. By 2030, work on large-scale clean energy bases will start, with a strengthening of intracontinental interconnections. By 2040, the power grids of the major countries on each continent will be interconnected, with major progress made on the development of large-scale energy bases in the Arctic and equatorial regions as well as on transcontinental interconnections. By 2050, the global energy interconnection will nearly be completed to gradually achieve the objective of making clean energy the dominant source of power.
4. Work on the global energy interconnection is carried out in ascending order of difficulty and is guided by an approach to seek major breakthroughs, while maintaining phased progress to accelerate the development of country-based ubiquitous smart grids, intracontinentally-interconnected power grids, and transcontinental UHV grid backbones. Efficient development and utilization will also be promoted for clean energy bases and various distributed power sources in the Arctic and equatorial regions, and on different continents.
5. The construction of the global energy interconnection calls for global efforts to work closely together and break down barriers to establish an organizational mechanism of interdependence, mutual trust, and mutual benefit. An operation mechanism and a market mechanism should also be set up and operated efficiently to encourage extensive participation and win–win cooperation among all governments, corporations, communities, and consumers to ensure the secure and economical operation of the global energy interconnection.
6. The construction of global energy interconnection can generate significant environmental, economic, and social benefits. With the accelerated development of this network, global clean energy is forecast to account for 80% of the world’s total electricity generation by 2050. This should be able to ensure a sustainable power supply, effectively control global carbon emissions, reduce power supply costs, and produce other benefits by ramping up transcontinental interconnections and economic growth.

1 It was proposed in “Re-thinking: 2050 A 100% Renewable Energy Vision for the European Union,” a report released by the European Renewable Energy Council in 2000. The report suggested that the installed capacity of renewable energy in Europe would reach 520, 970, and 1960 GW in 2020, 2030, and 2050, respectively, to boost employment in the renewable energy sector to 2.7, 4.4, and 6 million, respectively. In 2009, the employment figures of Europe’s renewable energy industry were estimated at 550,000.

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