
Abundant electric energy, 344
Advanced power system simulation technology, 344
Advanced transmission technologies
application of, 216
Afar, electricity from, 87
balanced supply and demand of electricity, 170–171
direction and capacity across continents, 179–180
energy development structure, 142–149
future power demand by region, 179
hydropower bases along Congo River, 145–149
interconnected grids, 209–212
power grids, 48–49
power supply structure, 172, 173
solar energy resources, distribution of, 145
solar power bases in, 144–145
theoretical reserves of, 26
transnational grid interconnection, 210
wind power bases in Eastern and Northwestern Africa, 149
wind power resources, distribution of, 150
Africa–Europe grid interconnections, 200–201
Air-cooling technology
development of, 249
Air pollution
control of, 87
Alternating current (AC)
AC/DC hybrid transmission, 293
AC/DC power grid, 213
AC/DC transmission technology, 204, 241
key technologies of, 274
experimental base, 285
in Wuhan, Hubei, 285
generation and transmission and distribution technology, 44
power grids, length of transmission lines of, 47
projects, 293
shunt reactors, 274, 276
submarine cable transmission projects, 256
technical standards, 292
transformer, 275
transmission lines, 184
voltage grading development of, 185
voltage standards, 273
Alternating current (AC) transmission
lines and towers, 275
projects, 185, 295–300
Huainan-Northern Zhejiang-Shanghai same-tower double-circuit project, 296
Northern Zhejiang-Fuzhou 1000 kV same-tower double-circuit project, 298
South-eastern Shanxi–Nanyang-Jingmen 1000 kV experimental and demonstration project, 295
technology, 274–276
key technologies of, 274
standards system, 290, 291
American Clean Energy and Security Act, 80
American National Academy of Engineering
Selection Committee of, 85
Arctic Ocean
direction and capacity across continents, 179
schematic diagram, 37
wind energy resources in, 37
Arctic regions, energy development in, 37–38
development status, 38
resources, overview of, 37–38
Arctic wind power development
research on, 289
balanced supply and demand of electricity, 162–164
Central Asia, wind, solar, and hydropower bases in, 128–130
energy development structure, 124–134
grid interconnections, 205
interconnected grids, 204–205
Middle East, solar power bases in, 133
Mongolia, wind and solar power bases in, 130
power grids, 45–46
power supply structure, 165
renewable energy
bases in India, 133–134
generation bases in China, 125–126
super grid, 339
transnational grid interconnections, 206
wind power bases in North Russia and hydropower bases in Siberia, Russian Far-East, 128
Asia–Africa grid interconnections, 202
Asia–Europe grid interconnection, 201–202
Asia/Europe power transmission
research on, 289
Asia–North America grid interconnections, 203–204
Asia-Pacific region, 5
solar energy resources, 151
wind energy resources in, 152
wind power resources, 150
Automation devices, 186
Automation technology, 214
Battery service life, 266
Big data technology, 269, 271
Biomass energy, 35
generation, 160
BP Energy Outlook 2035, 180
Belo Monte UHV DC transmission project, 208
hydropower resources, distribution of, 143
±800 kV UHV DC transmission project, 325
UHV development, 323
Broadbandization, 269
Building energy interconnection, 183–237
comprehensive benefits of, 232–236
economic benefits, 233–235
environmental benefits, 232–233
social benefits, 235–236
cooperation mechanism for, 224–232
market mechanism, 228–230
operational mechanism, 226–228
organizational mechanism, 224–226
policy assurance, 230–232
country-based ubiquitous smart grids, 212–224
global energy interconnection, 188–196
robust smart grids, 184–187
transcontinental UHV grid backbones, 196–204
transnational power grids on each continent, 204–212
Cadmium telluride (CdTe), 247
cell, 74
Canada’s major rivers, 140
intensity of different energy forms, 92
reduction process, 91
Cat-1 solar-resource, 149
Central American interconnection grid, 336, 338
Central Asia
hydropower bases in, 130
major river basins, 129
solar power bases in, 130
wind power bases in, 128
Central Electricity Regulatory Commissions, 71
Charging time, 266
Chengdu distribution network, 309
Chile solar energy resources, distribution of, 143
distribution of smoggy days in, 58
energy resources, 273
grid interconnections
future of, 320
with neighboring countries, 321
hydropower bases in southwestern, 125
large hydropower stations in, 315
Meteorological Administration research, 57
national plans for UHV and smart grid development, 295
nine large-scale wind power bases in, 317
practice in global energy interconnection, 273–290
project construction, 294–322
standard setting, 290–292
strategic planning, 293–294
technological innovation, 273–290
clean energy technology, 282–285
experimental systems, 285–288
research on, 288–290
smart grid technology, 279–282
UHV technologies, 273–278
rainfall in, 59
solar energy
generation bases in northwestern, 126
resources, 126
solar power industry, 72
total annual energy consumption, 6
wind power
bases in “Three North” region, 126
resources in, 25
Clean coal technology, 154
Clean electricity, 88
Clean energy, 19–36, 40, 94, 240, 343
allocation of, 60
consumption areas, 215
cost accounting for, 83
development of, 215, 314–318
basic principles for, 189
distributed power supply, 316–318
Grand Coulee hydropower station, 329
Guri hydropower station, 329
hydropower projects, 314–316
Itaipu hydropower station, 329
photovoltaic power generation, 316
solar power, 329
wind power, 329
bases, 316
generation technology, 82
share of, 123
hydropower, 19–23
large-scale grid integration of, 82
markets, 83
nuclear energy, 33–34
other clean energies, 34–36
resources, 3, 78
distribution of, 204
solar energy, 28–33
technology, 282–285
mechanism for innovation in, 82
through energy development, substitution of, 346
two-substitution policy and energy revolution, 88–89
utilization, 83
wind energy, 23–28
Clean energy substitution, 77–83
inevitability of, 78–80
energy supply security, 78
environmental protection, 78–79
promotion of economic development, 79–80
key to, 80–83
development mechanism, 82–83
economics, 81–82
key technologies, 80–81
safety, 82
Climate and Energy Policies, 80
Cloud computing, 269, 271
Cloud storage technology, 269, 271
Coal, 10–11
gangue piles, 58
global distribution of, 3, 4
mining, 58
recoverable reserves of, 10
regional distribution of the world’s production, 11
reserves, 54
substitute electric energy for, 85–86
transport and power transmission, 62
world trade flows, 12
Coal-fired boilers, 84
Coal-fired captive power plants, 253
Coal-fired generator, 92
Coal-fired power generation technologies, 106
Coal-fired power plants, 87
Coal-fired steam turbine, 93
Combustible ice, 17
Communication networks, 218
Compressed-air energy storage, 263
Consumer-side smart meters, 222
countries with abundant onshore wind resources on, 27
wind resource-rich regions, 28
Conventional fossil energy, 65
Cooperation mechanism, 224–232
market mechanism, 228–230
operational mechanism, 226–228
organizational mechanism, 224–226
policy assurance, 230–232
Copper indium gallium diselenide materials, 247
Copper indium gallium selenide (CIGS) cell, 74
Core content, 97
Country-based smart grids, 221
structures, construction of, 212
Country-based ubiquitous smart grids, 212–224
grid structures, construction of, 212–213
development direction, 212
development focus, 212
functional requirements, 213–214
smart development, 214–224
assuring flexible access and operation of distributed power sources, 220–221
communication and information, 218–219
development direction, 214–215
development focus, 215–219
dispatching, 218
electricity and fulfillment of diverse demands, ensuring smart use of, 221–224
functional requirements, 219–224
making overall grid operations safe and efficient, 219–220
power consumption, 217–218
power distribution, 217
power generation, 215
power transformation, 216
power transmission, 216
promoting electric energy substitution, 221
Crystalline silicon cell (c-Si)
components, 75
solar cell capacity, 75
technology, 74
Decision-making technology, 261
Demand-side energy efficiency, 106
Democratic Republic of the Congo, 209
DESERTEC Industrial Initiative (DII), 338
DESERTEC solar power
plan, sketch map of, 340
project, 338
Digitalization, 269
Direct current (DC)
compact converter station concept, 255
DC–AC transmission technologies, 45
key technologies of, 277
experimental base, 285
in Bazhou, Hebei, 286
in Beijing, 286
grids, 157
projects, 214
submarine cable technology, 198, 256
technology, 197
Direct current (DC) grid technology, 258–259, 290
development direction and outlook, 259
framework for, 259
latest technological progress, 258–259
operational reliability for, 259
Direct current (DC) transmissions
complete design and R&D (experimental) center of, 287
converter transformer, 278
converter valve, 278
lines and towers, 279
lines, voltage grading development of, 185
project, 184, 300–304
Jinping-southern Suzhou ±800 kV demonstration project, 301
key technologies of, 276
Southern Hami–Zhengzhou ±800 kV project, 302
Xiangjiaba–Shanghai ±800 kV demonstration project, 300
Xiluodu–Western Zhejiang ±800 kV project, 303
projects, 293
technology, 184, 199, 201, 216, 276–278
converter stations, 276
standards system, 291
Distributed energy system, 150, 152
clean energy sources, 191
Distributed generation technology, 124, 252–254, 260, 331
development direction and outlook, 253–254
latest technological progress, 253
and microgrids, coordinated control of, 217
Distributed photovoltaic power base, 318
Distributed power generation
structure of, 153
Distributed power supply, 220, 316–318
Distribution grid operation, 279
Distribution networks
control of, 217
operation, maintenance, and management of, 217
Diverse, interactive services, 217
Domestic transregional power transmission channels, 213
Dominant energy, 91
Ecological environment, 353
Economic globalization, 116
Economic policy, 104
Economic restructuring process, 154
Elasticity coefficient, 110
Electric boilers, 85
development of, 85
Electric cars, 86
Electric energy substitution, 83–88, 90
end-use efficiency of, 89
focus of, 85–88
clean electricity, 88
electricity from afar, 87
substitute electric energy for coal, 85–86
substitute electric energy for oil, 86–87
inevitability of, 83–85
improve electrification levels, 85
improve energy efficiency, 83–84
promote clean development, 84
Electric heating equipment
use of, 346
Electricity-based replacement, 91
Electricity-centered energy structure, 95
Electricity-centered policy, 97
Electricity consumption
per capita, 51, 121
Electricity demand, 119
by continents, annual growth of, 120
growth, 117, 118
scenario analysis, 119
Electricity flows, 157–182
balanced supply and demand on each continent, 162–172
development trend of, 172–181
direction and capacity across continents, 174–180
power exports from arctic and equatorial regions, 172–174
research and forecasts by other organizations, 180–181
overview of, 159–161
reasoning and principles behind, 157–159
Electricity-oriented clean energy, 104
Electricity storage technology
electrochemical energy storage, 262
electromagnetic energy storage, 262
physical energy storage, 262
Electric power accounts, 63
Electric power development, 41–53
electricity consumption, 50
power grids, development of, 44–49
Africa’s power grids, 48–49
Asia’s power grids, 45–46
European power grid, 46
North America’s power grids, 47–48
Oceanian power grids, 49
South America’s power grids, 48
power source development, 41–44
Electric power system, 82
Electric power transmission techniques, 36
Electric vehicle battery charging/swapping networks
construction of, 310
Electrification, 85
Electrochemical energy storage, 264–265
Electromagnetic energy storage, 265
Electronic transducers, 308
End-use energy demand, 112
Energy allocation, challenges to, 59–60
clean energies, allocation of, 60
fossil energy, allocation of, 59–60
Energy-based generation output forecasting and operation monitoring, 283
Energy conservation, 355
Energy-consuming equipment, 350
Energy consumption, 53
per capita, 116
in world and continents, 115
substantial growth of, 105
Energy conversion efficiency, 61, 246
scenario analysis by continent, 116
structure, uncertainty of, 113
Energy density, of wind and solar power, 241
Energy development process, 97
evolution of, 91–94
“high carbon” to “low carbon”, 91–92
low efficiency to high efficiency, 92–93
wider optimization, local balancing to, 94
Energy efficiency
challenges to, 60–64
allocation, 61
exploration, 61
utilization, 62–64
technology, 106
Energy environment, challenges to, 56–59
ecological environment, damage to, 57–59
global warming, 56–57
Energy Independence and Security Act, 325
Energy intensity
significant improvement in, 266
Energy-intensive industries, 103
Energy management systems, 105
Energy market, 99
Energy network operators, 230
Energy policy, 107
supports, 108
Energy resources
allocation of, 224
endowment characteristics of, 97
reserves and distribution of, 101
Energy security policy, 231
Energy storage systems, 76, 152
key areas of innovation, 242
operation technologies for, 283
optimized deployment of, 283
Energy storage technology, 88, 262–266
development direction and outlook, 265–266
latest technological progress, 262–265
electrochemical energy storage, 264–265
electromagnetic energy storage, 265
physical energy storage, 262–263
outlook on forefront technologies, 266
sharply lower battery costs, 266
significant improvement in energy intensity, 266
significantly shortened charging time, 266
substantial improvement in battery service life, 266
Energy structure, evolution and development trends in, 92
Energy supply, challenges in, 53–55
costs of supply, 54–55
resource constraints, 54
total volume growth, 53–54
Energy system analysis model, 108
Energy transmission, 195
Energy–transport process, 59
Energy utilization, 62
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), 80
Equatorial regions, energy development in, 39–41
development status, 40–41
resources, overview of, 39
Equivalent virtualization technology, 253
solar energy resources, distribution of, 146
Eurasian Continent, 10
balanced supply and demand of electricity, 165–167
energy development structure, 134–137
interconnected grids, 205–207
interconnections, 332
geographic coverage of, 333
power grid, 46
power supply structure, 167
super grid, 337
concept, 205
sketch map of, 339, 341
transnational grid interconnections, 207
wind power bases in
Europe’s North sea region, 136–137
Greenland, 135–136
Norwegian Sea and Barents Sea, 136
European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity (ENTSO-E), 332
European Union (EU), 71, 77, 327
countries, 66
Europe–North America grid interconnections, 204
Experimental systems, 285–288
Extensive interconnections, 193, 194
External insulation coordination, 274
Fast-changing solar power generation technology, 74
Fiber optic technology, 269
Fixed feed-in tariffs set, 71
Flexible AC transmission technology, 219, 261
Flexible adjustment mechanism, 229
Flexible DC project, 258
Flexible DC transmission technology, 184, 258
Flow cells, 264
Flywheel energy storage, 263
Fossil energy, 9–19, 88, 91, 236, 344
change in trade volume of, 8
clean utilization of, 231
consumption of, 94
definition of, 9
development of, 106, 153–156
efficiency, 92
electricity for, 111
forms of, 98
generation, 123, 124
natural gas, 14–17, 155
production and consumption is, 8
resources, 231
sources, 78
supply of, 104
unconventional oil and gas, 17–19
utilization of, 153–156
Fossil fuels, 1, 2, 53, 79, 81, 99, 111
based power capacity, 41
burning of, 56
clean energy for, 19
combustion, 57, 105
pollutant discharges from, 105
in primary energy consumption, 6
utilization efficiency of, 240
Fuelling global economic growth, 234
Full digitalization, 307
Gas exploration technology, 14
Gas-fired generation, 41
Gate-controlled switch devices, 184
GCC interconnection grid, 334
sketch map of, 336
Geothermal energy, 36
German Energy Agency, 213
Global coal flows, 156
Global electricity, 101–182
electricity demand, 116–121
distribution, 119–121
total, 117–119
electricity flows, 157–182
flows, framework for, 159
major factors, 101–108
energy and environmental constraints, 105–106
energy policy regulation, 107–108
energy resource endowments, 104–105
energy technology, advancement of, 106–107
socioeconomic development, 103–104
market system, 228
schematic diagram of, 229
Global electric power industry, 41
Global energy, 101–182
basic framework, 94–97
core content, 97–100
differentiated, 99
global energy view, 98
historical, 98–99
open, 99–100
demand, 108–116
distribution, 114–116
gap in, 103
schematic diagram of, 102
structure, 111–114
total, 109–111
governance mechanism, 224
interconnection, 97
major factors, 101–108
energy and environmental constraints, 105–106
energy policy regulation, 107–108
energy resource endowments, 104–105
energy technology, advancement of, 106–107
socioeconomic development, 103–104
and power demand analysis model, 109
Global energy development, 1–64
challenges to, 53–64
energy allocation, 59–60
energy efficiency, 60–64
energy environment, 56–59
to energy supply, 53–55
evolution of, 91–94
reality of, 1–53
arctic and equatorial regions, energy development in, 36–41
background of, 1–9
consumption, 5–6
production, 6–8
resources, 2–5
trading, 8–9
clean energy, 19–36
electric power development, 41–53
fossil energy, 9–19
structure, 122–156
distributed energy development, 150–153
energy supply, overview of, 123–124
fossil energy, development and utilization of, 153–156
large-scale clean energy bases on each continent, 124–150
Global energy interconnection technologies, 188–196, 239–272
basic principles, 191
clean energy development, 191
global allocation, 191
building base for, 273–342
changes the world, 343–357
China, practice in, 273–322
creating a new social life, 350–354
changing public life and improving human development, 350–351
ecological sustainability, improving natural environment for, 352–354
high-efficiency social model, initiating social change for, 351–352
creating new energy landscape, 343–347
breaking environmental constraints to make clean energy the dominant energy option, 346–347
breaking resource constraints to provide universal access to adequate clean energy, 343–344
breaking spatial–temporal constraints to achieve efficient clean energy utilization, 345
framework for, 189
stages, 191–193
energy storage technology, 262–266
human civilization, 354–357
promoting environmental harmony and green culture, 355
promoting human harmony and cultural upgrade, 356
promoting political harmony and world peace, 354
illustration of, 188, 190
important features, 193–194
extensive interconnections, 194
high intelligence, 194
open interactivity, 194
robustness, 193
information and communication technology, 267–271
infusing new vigor into economic growth, 347–350
catalyzing new industrial revolution, 348
driving innovation in business models, 348
driving institutional and system innovations, 349
encouraging win–win cooperation to promote coordinated development of world economy, 349–350
promoting integrated development of industries, 350
promoting integrated urban and rural development, 349
promoting shared development of all economies, 349
leveraging innovation dividend to fuel development of emerging industries, 348–349
optimizing economic structure, 347
promoting economic globalization, 347
reducing social costs, 347
reinforcing growth momentum and raising quality of economy, 347–348
international practice, 322–342
key areas of, 242–243
major functions, 194–196
energy transmission, 195
industrialization, 196
market trading, 195–196
public services, 196
resource allocation, 195
overall structure, 189–191
power grid technology, 254–262
power source technology, 243–254
technological innovation, 239–243
direction of, 241–242
enabling role of, 240–241
Global energy network, 232, 345
alliance, organizational structure of, 226
dispatch system
illustration of, 227
function of, 229
Globalized market mechanism, 228
Globally interconnected energy network, 188
Global oil flows, 155
Global power supply
structure in 2050, 123
Global power transmission network, 95
Global Trends in Renewable Energy Investment, 79
Global warming, 57
Golden Sun Project in 2009, 77
Graphene lithium ion battery, 266
Greater energy security, 344
Green Energy Project, 80
Green energy resources, 41
Greenhouse effect, 105
Greenhouse gases (GHGs), 78
emissions, 56, 230, 232
control, 110
Greenland wind power bases, 204
Green New Deal, 80
Green values, 355
Grid development
three stages of, 187
Grid integration, 339
Grid interconnections, 200, 208
global energy network of, 233
globally, development of, 331–342
Status Quo of, 331–336
ultra-large grid interconnections, research programs for, 336–342
research programs on, 341
Grid operation analysis, 218
Grid-related information, 215
Grid technology
development of, 187
key areas of innovation, 242
Grid transmission, 184
capacity constraints, 8
Gulf Cooperation Council Interconnection Authority, 334
Heating demonstration project, 250
Heterojunction with intrinsic thin layer (HIT) c-Si cell, 74
High altitude experimental base, 286
in Tibet, 287
High-capacity transcontinental transmission projects, 229
High intelligence, 194
High-precision wind power intensity forecasting technology, 245
High-voltage large grids, 227
Horizontal well technology, 106
Human civilization, 354–357
promoting environmental harmony and green culture, 355
promoting human harmony and cultural upgrade, 356
enhance spiritual civilization, 357
enhancing cognitive thinking, 356
restructuring knowledge system, 356
promoting political harmony and world peace, 354
Hydroelectric power, 160
Hydro energy resources
global distribution of, 5
Hydrogen energy storage technology, 265
Hydropower, 19–23
generation, 43, 160
projects, 314–316
resources, 111
bases, 21
capacity of, 140
by continent, 20
utilization rates, 24
Image recognition technology, 269, 270
±800 kV UHV DC transmission project, 324
solar energy resources in, 134
UHV development, 323
wind energy resources in, 135
Industrialization, 196
age of, 6
Industrial Revolution, 1, 9, 57
Information and communication technology (ICT), 214, 240, 267–271
development direction and outlook, 269–271
ensures greater security, reliability, and intelligence, 270–271
by growing broadbandization, digitalization, intelligentization, personalization, and integration, 269–270
with electric power technologies, 240
key areas of innovation, 242
latest technological progress, 267–269
communication technology, 267–268
information technology, 268–269
network, 270
Information systems, 218
Inga hydropower project, 149
Installed wind power capacity, 41, 43, 67
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 292
Insulation technology, 256
Integrated continent-wide power grid, 45
Intelligentization, 269
Intelligent substations, 217
Interconnected energy network, 224, 226
stages of, 191
first stage, 191–193
second stage, 193
third stage, 193
Interconnection projects, 200
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), 56
International coal trade, 11
International Council on Large Electric Systems (CIGRE), 292
International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), 225, 273
61850 standard network, 217
International Energy Agency (IEA), 54, 67, 121, 225
statistics, 55
International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), 78
report, 180
International practice
practice in global energy interconnection, 322–342
clean energy development, 328–331
grid interconnections globally, development of, 331–342
smart grid development, 325–328
UHV development, 322–325
International smart grid action network, 225
Internet of Things (IoT), 196, 214, 219, 268, 270
Investment tax credit program, 76
UHV development, 323
thermal storage tariffs in, 221
UHV development, 323
distribution of solar energy resources, 42
distribution of wind power resources in, 39
solar energy resources, distribution of, 146
Kinetic energy, 251
Kulikovo wind power plant, 38
Large-capacity energy storage, 265
Large-grid operation control technology, 260–262, 344
development direction and outlook, 261–262
latest technological progress, 261
Large-scale hydropower stations overseas, 328
Large-scale photovoltaic power grid integration and operation technologies, 283
Large-scale power-adjustable photovoltaic generation equipment, 305
Large-scale power-type energy storage, 265
Large-scale renewable energy bases, 159
Large-scale wind power
dispatch, key technologies of, 282
grid integration system R&D (experimental) center, 287
Lead–acid cell storage, 264
Liquefied natural gas (LNG), 16
Liquid nitrogen, 257
Lithium ion cells, 264
Lithium–sulfur cells, 266
“Locals first” principle, 157
Long-distance power transmission, 40
Marine energy, 34
Market mechanism, 228–230
Market trading, 195–196
Maximum power intensity, 266
Maximum power output (MPO), 72
in selected European countries, 73
Mega grids, control of, 218
Metal–air cell, 264
solar energy resources, distribution of, 139
wind resources in, 26
Microgrid energy optimization, 260
Microgrid technology, 259–260
development direction and outlook, 260
latest technological progress, 259–260
Middle East
distribution of solar energy resources, 133
Ministry of Power and Electrification, 322
Mississippi River Basin
hydropower stations in, 207
Mobile communication technology, 267
distribution of solar energy resources, 132
distribution of wind energy resources, 132
Monocrystalline silicon solar cell (mono c-Si), 71
Multigeneration system, 252
Multinetwork integration, 294
solar energy resources, distribution of, 148
National Clean Energy Fund, 71
National energy development strategy, 23
National renewable energy
action plan, 71
laboratory, 265
National wind/PV/energy storage and smart grid demonstration project, 306
Nationwide network connection, 318–322
Natural gas, 14–17
commercialization of, 14
flows of, 157
production, 16
resources, global distribution of, 3, 4
trade, 156
registers, 16
Natural uranium resources, 33
Nitrogen oxide emissions, 105
Nonfossil fuel–based power generation, 108
North America
balanced supply and demand of electricity, 167–169
energy development structure, 137–140
hydropower bases in Canada, 140
interconnected grids, 207–208
interconnections, 331
geographical coverage of, 332
power grids, 47–48
power supply structure, 168, 169
solar power bases
in American South-West, 138
in Mexico, 139
transnational grid interconnections, 208
wind power bases in Midwest, 137–138
North America–South America grid interconnections, 202–203
North Sea, wind power development in, 136
Nuclear energy, 33–34
Nuclear fission technology, 34
advantages, 34
Nuclear fuel resources, 33
Ocean energy
current energy, 251
development of, 252
ocean current power, 251
tidal current power, 251
tidal power, 251
wave power, 251
Ocean energy generation technology, 251–252
development direction and outlook, 252
latest technological progress, 251–252
balanced supply and demand of electricity, 171–172
energy development structure, 149–150
power grids, 49
power supply structure, 174, 175
wind resources, theoretical reserves of, 26
Oil, 11–14
consumption, proportion of, 1
filled insulation technology, 256
global distribution of, 3, 4
production and consumption, distribution of, 9
reserves, 54
substitute electric energy for, 86–87
trade, accounts, 9
transportation, 59
Online monitoring system
for transmission lines, 280
Online transient stability analyses, 261
Open interactivity, 194
Operational mechanism, 226–228
Optical fiber
communication technology, 267
composite LV cable, 282
Organizational management process, 347
Organizational mechanism, 224–226
Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), 45
countries, 62, 119
electricity consumption of, 111
Osmotic pressure, 34
Outgoing power transmission channels, 204
Over-voltage and insulation coordination, 276
Perovskite batteries, 250
Perovskite cells
organic polymer hole-transporting materials in, 250
Personalization, 269
Peru, solar energy resources, distribution of, 142
Photothermal power generation, 32, 33
Photovoltaic (PV)
distributed generation (PV–DG), 71
power generation projects, 77
effect, 71
generation technology, 316
panels, manufacture and installation of, 248
power base, 318
power generation, 76
cost of, 76, 77
technology, development of, 43
technology, 71
Photovoltaic cells
advantages of, 246
energy conversion efficiency of, 247
Photovoltaic power generation, 31, 40, 106, 246–248, 316
development direction and outlook, 247–248
photovoltaic panels, 247–248
photovoltaic power stations, 248
latest technological progress, 246–247
modes of, 246
Photovoltaic Roofs Project, 71
Physical energy storage, 262–263
Plug-and-play power supply, 220
Policy assurance, 230–232
Policy-guided energy
production and utilization, 107
Pollutant emissions, 106
Polycrystalline silicon (poly-Si) industry, 74
Potential energy, 251
consumption, 310–312
information, collection and analysis of, 217
dispatch, 312–313
distribution, 309
fiber-to-the-home system, 310, 311
generation, 253, 305
focus of, 215
windmill, 65
generators, 240
loads, 205
optical fibers, 310
sources, types of, 81
transformation, 307–308
equipment, condition-based monitoring of, 219
transmission, 306–307
channels, 197, 198, 199
equipment, condition-based monitoring of, 219
smart equipment for, 306
Power grids, 186
development of, 44–49, 331
Africa’s power grids, 48–49
Asia’s power grids, 45–46
European power grid, 46
North America’s power grids, 47–48
Oceanian power grids, 49
South America’s power grids, 48
energy distribution, 95
intercontinental connections of, 228
internet concept into, 223
application of, 224
Power grid technology, 254–262
DC grid technology, 258–259
development direction and outlook, 259
latest technological progress, 258–259
large-grid operation control technology, 260–262
development direction and outlook, 261–262
latest technological progress, 261
microgrid technology, 259–260
development direction and outlook, 260
latest technological progress, 259–260
submarine cable technology, 256–257
development direction and outlook, 256–257
latest technological progress, 256
superconducting power transmission technology, 257–258
development direction and outlook, 257–258
latest technological progress, 257
UHV transmission technology and equipment, 254–256
development direction and outlook, 254–256
latest technological progress, 254
Power source technology, 43, 242–254
key areas of innovation, 242
solar power generation technology, 246–249
wind power technology, 243–246
development direction and outlook, 244–246
wind farm technology, 245
wind power control technology, 245–246
wind turbine technology, 244–245
latest technological progress, 243–244
Primary energy
demand, 109
forms of, 112
in global consumption, 115
sources, 194
Public services, 196
Pumped storage technology, 262
Qinghai–Tibet Plateau, 18, 29
Quantum communication technology, 268
Real-time diagnosis system, 306
Real-time information monitoring, 283
Real-time monitoring and control, 219
Real-time/super real-time simulation, 261
Rechargeable redox flow battery, 266
Recovery and Reinvestment Act, 325
Red Sea–Aden–East African Rift Valley geothermal belt, 36
Regional electricity demand, 121
Regulations for Renewable Purchase Obligation, 71
Act, 71
controllability of, 241
Cooperation, 339
development of, 80, 196
efficient consumption of, 207
forms of, 117
generation, 123, 159, 347
resources, development and utilization of, 232
sources, 104
system, 236
Renewables-based generation, 158
Reserves-to-production ratio (R/P ratio), 3, 14
allocation, 195
consumption, 353
sharing of, 99
Robust AC/DC operations, 213
Robust grid system, 214
structure, 213
Robustness, 193
Robust smart grids, 81, 184–187
global grid development, evolution of, 184–186
greater grid interconnection capacity, 185–186
voltage upgrading, 184
phase II (2011–2020), full construction stage, 293
phase III (2021–2025) improvement stage, 294
phase I (2005–2010), preliminary stage of development, 293
power grid development enters new stage of, 186–187
Robust trading mechanism, 229
Rooftop photovoltaic projects, 150
hydropower bases in the Russian far-east and Siberia, 128
wind power bases in north, 128
wind speed map of, 35
Russia–Baltic interconnection, 334
geographical coverage of, 334
Salinity gradient energy, 251
utilization of, 252
Satellite communication technology, 268
Seawater-based renewable energy, 34
Secondary arc current suppression, 274
Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources, 76
Sensor technology, 269
integration of, 268
Shale gas, technologically developable capacity of, 18
Sharing global energy resources
business model for, 230
market mechanism, 230
Shore power technology, 87
Silicon substrate solar panels, 247
Small stored energy batteries, 265
Smart-based integrated service platform, 222
Smart community, major functions of, 311
Smart dispatching, 218
Smart distribution network
vs. traditional distribution network, 309
Smart equipment, 216
Smart grid projects, 304–314
advanced metering, 326–327
electric vehicle infrastructure, 327
energy storage technology, 327
grid infrastructure, 325–326
integrated demonstration, 313–314
power consumption, 310–312
power dispatch, 312–313
power distribution, 309
power generation, 305
power transformation, 307–308
power transmission, 306–307
Smart grids, 219
concept, 215, 259
information security protection plans, 281
information systems, 281
integrated demonstration project, 313
technological innovation in, 279
Smart grid technology, 279–282
communication and information, 281
equipment monitoring, 279
smart interactivity, 281
standards system, 291
state grid system of, 292
system operation, 279
Smart substation structure, 307, 308
Social operating system, 352
Social organization, 351
Sodium–sulfur cell, 264
Solar cell
efficiency of, 74
industry, 75
Solar energy, 28–33
bases, 198
by continent, theoretical reserves of, 30
development, 152
and utilization, 28
in world, 71–77
fast-changing solar power generation technology, 74
in installed solar power capacity, 72–74
rapidly growing solar power industry, 74–75
steadily improving economics of solar power generation, 75–76
support for solar power generation, 76–77
generation, 139, 249
resources, 39, 81, 124
development of, 4
distribution of, 39
global distribution of, 5
large-scale development of, 40
utilization of, 39
Solar photovoltaic power
plants, 344
station, 246
Solar photovoltaic technology, breakthroughs in, 248
Solar power
projects, 76
PV power efficiency, 80
tracking technology, 242
types of, 31
Solar power generation technology, 31, 74, 133, 246–250
distributed generation technology, 252–254
development direction and outlook, 253–254
latest technological progress, 253
ocean energy generation technology, 251–252
development direction and outlook, 252
latest technological progress, 251–252
photovoltaic power generation, 246–248
development direction and outlook, 247–248
photovoltaic panels, 247–248
photovoltaic power stations, 248
latest technological progress, 246–247
R&D (experimental) center, 288
resources, 40
solar thermal power generation, 248–249
development direction and outlook, 249
latest technological progress, 248–249
outlook on forefront technologies, 249–250
Solar radiation, 28, 250
Solar resources, 29
on continent, 31
rich regions, 32
Solar thermal power
plants, 76
stations, 249
Solar thermal power generation technology, 72, 76, 248–249
costs of, 76
development direction and outlook, 249
dish type, 248
latest technological progress, 248–249
linear Fresnel type, 248
outlook on forefront technologies, 249–250
slot type, 248
tower type, 248
Solar tracking technology, 248
Solid lithium ion batteries, 266
South Africa
interconnection, 334
sketch map of grid interconnection in, 335
solar energy resources, distribution of, 148
South America
balanced supply and demand of electricity, 169–170
direction and capacity across continents, 180
East and West Coasts, solar power bases along, 140–141
energy development structure, 140–142
grid interconnections, 208–209, 335, 337
hydropower bases in the Amazon and Parana river basins, 141
power grids, 48
power supply structure, 170, 171
solar energy resources, distribution of, 141
theoretical reserves of, 26
transnational grid interconnections, 209
wind energy resources, distribution of, 144
wind power development in, 27
Southern African Power Pool (SAPP), 334
Southern transmission channel, 201
South Europe
solar energy resources, distribution of, 137
South Korea, tidal power generation station in, 34
Soviet Union, UHV development, 322
Space availability, 30
Standard setting, 290–292
State Grid Corporation of China (SGCC), 88, 201, 213, 214, 254, 293, 294, 309, 312
dispatch control center, 313
smart grid pilot projects
distribution of, 305
UHV projects, in operation and development, 297
State grid simulation center, 287
in Beijing, 287
State wind and photovoltaic power storage and transmission demonstration project, 284
Status Quo
of grid interconnections globally, development of, 331–336
Strategic planning, 293–294
Stringent carbon emission controls, 113
Submarine cable technology, 240, 256–257
development direction and outlook, 256–257
latest technological progress, 256
Substation equipment, monitoring of, 216
Sudan solar energy resources, distribution of, 147
Sunshine Project, 71
Supercapacitor, 265
Superconducting power transmission technology, 257–258
development direction and outlook, 257–258
latest technological progress, 257
Superconductive electromagnetic energy storage device, 265
Super-grid operation, 279
Sustainability, 356
Synchronous power grids, 319, 331
System-friendly wind farm technology, 68
solar energy resources, distribution of, 147
Technological innovation, 92, 273–290
clean energy technology, 282–285
experimental systems, 285–288
research on, 288–290
smart grid technology, 279–282
UHV technologies, 273–278
Tele-mechanical communications, 186
Temperature gradient energy, 251
Thermal coal transport processes, 61
Thermal power generation, 90
Thin film solar cell (TFSC) technology, 74
components, 75
Three Gorges hydropower station, 315
“Three North” region, 25
Thyristor, 277
Tidal current, 251
Transcontinental interconnections, 345
Transcontinental UHV grid backbones, 196–200, 204
outgoing solar energy transmission channels in equatorial region, 198–200
outgoing wind power transmission channels in arctic region, 197–198
role of, 196
transcontinental interconnections and development progress, key channels of, 200–204
Africa–Europe grid interconnections, 200–201
Asia–Africa grid interconnections, 202
Asia–Europe grid interconnection, 201–202
Asia–North America grid interconnections, 203–204
Europe–North America grid interconnections, 204
North America–South America grid interconnections, 202–203
Transmission and transformation project, 45
Transmission channels, 189
Transmission networks
operation control of, 219
operators, 46
Transmission technology, 196
innovation in, 240
Transmission-tower front-end monitoring devices, 307
Transnational interconnected power grids, 45
Transnational power grids, 204–212
Africa’s interconnected grids, 209–212
Asia’s interconnected grids, 204–205
Europe’s interconnected grids, 205–207
North America’s interconnected grids, 207–208
South America’s grid interconnections, 208–209
Transnational power transmission, 318–322
Transregional grid networks, 186
manufacturers, 69
prices in global and Chinese markets, 70
distribution of solar energy resources, 42
Two-dimensional solar battery, 250
Two-replacement policy, 91, 94, 117, 157, 219, 239, 243, 346
“Two-substitution” policy, 160
and energy revolution, 88–90
clean energy, 88–89
electric power substitution and energy revolution, 89–90
progresses, 187
Ubiquitous intelligence, 187
Ubiquitous Internet, 268
channel, 205
development of, 273
EHV transmission technology, 212
grid projects, 295–304
UHV AC transmission projects, 295–300
UHV DC transmission project, 300–304
power grids, 60, 187, 188
tower experimental base, 285
transmission technology, 88, 205, 241, 254, 273–278
application of, 194
channels, 201, 213
development of, 201
development of, 191, 322
worldwide major events in, 255
and equipment, 254–256
development direction and outlook, 254–256
latest technological progress, 254
UHV AC transmission technologies, 274–276
UHV DC transmission technology, 276–278
330 kV-plus UHV DC–AC transmission systems, 44
Ultra-large AC/DC power grid, 260
Ultra-large grid interconnections, research programs for, 336–342
Ultra-supercritical thermal power generating units
promotion and application of, 43
Unconventional oil and gas, 17–19
United Nations Intergovernmental Cooperation Framework, 230
United States
annual average onshore wind power intensities, distribution of, 138
Department of Energy, 70, 207, 326, 340
Office of Electric Transmission and Distribution, 340
proposed grid 2030, 340
Recovery and Reinvestment Act, 107
shale oil and gas development in, 18
solar energy resources, 138, 139
UHV development, 322–323
United States–China Joint Announcement, 78
UN’s Intergovernmental Panel, 56
Uranium resources, 34
Variable blade pitch control technology, 68
Variable-speed constant-frequency technology (VSCF), 68
Voltage grade, 184
Water resources, 19, 24
utilization rate, 23
Water-turbine generator, 43
Wave energy, 251
Wind energy, 23–28
funds, 71
in world, 65–71
global efforts to support wind power, 70–71
rapid growth in installed capacity, 66–67
significant improvement in wind power economics, 69–70
of wind power generation equipment industry, 69
in wind power technology, 67–69
economics of, 69
resources, 36, 37, 81
global distribution of, 5
Wind farm technology, 245
Wind power
bases, 316
development of, 27
capacity, 137
of arctic rim nations, 38
and growth rates, 66
control technology, 245–246
development of, 37, 38
equipment technologies, 43
generation, 23
equipment industry, 69
large-scale development of, 38
operation control technology
development of, 245
operation monitoring system, 284
resources, 38, 134, 137
in China, 25
of continent, 25
diagram of global distribution of, 25
in Mexico, 26
Wind power technology, 67–69, 81, 243–246
development direction and outlook, 244–246
wind power control technology, 245–246
wind turbine technology, 244–245
Wind turbine technology, 67, 244–245
changes in single-unit capacity and hub height of, 68
development of, 243
for expanding single-unit capacity, 244
low-speed, 244–245
suited for extreme weather conditions, 245
Win–win approach, 230
World electric power industry, 184
World energy consumption, 1
changes in composition of, 2
World Energy Council (WEC), 3
World Energy Scenarios, 109
World marine energy resources, 36
World’s installed hydropower
capacity and share, 22, 23
World’s primary energy production
structure, 8
Xiangjiaba hydropower station, 316
Xiluodu hydropower station, 316
XLPE insulated cables, 256
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