304 17.PlaceholdersbeyondStaticArtReplacement
Placeholders will not revolutionize the way you build games, and many peo-
ple on your team might never realize someone had to actually build the place-
holder systems they’re using. The positive effect of these systems is more subtle
and only appears in the long run when you look at the big picture. The challenges
of today’s game industry are all about efficiency, creating more in less time, with
fewer people, and at lower costs. Thinking about how development can be ren-
dered more efficient plays a big part in a team’s success, and every developer has
to do his share of work on this front. Study your everyday routine, identify your
production bottlenecks, and verify whether a simple placeholder system could
alleviate the pressure. They will not make their way into the final build, but these
placeholders will definitely show their true value before that.
The code provided on the website allows you to compile and use the articulated
placeholder system described in this chapter. A Visual Studio solution with the
required library and header files is located on the website, and it contains every-
thing necessary to compile the project.
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