
ADAS advanced driving assistance systems
AAL ambient assisted living
APIs application programming interfaces
AI artificial intelligence
AR augmented reality
BTS base transceiver station
CSA Channel Switch Announcement
CloVR Cloud Virtual Resource
CoAP Constrained Application Protocol
CaaS context as a service
CAPWAP Control and Provisioning of Wireless Access Point
CNN Convolutional Neural Network
DNNs Deep Neural Networks
DTN delay tolerant network
DBF distance-based forwarding
edgeOS edge operating system
ETSI European Telecommunications Standards Institute
WSN wireless sensor network
E2C Elastic Compute Cloud
FLOPs floating-point operations
FCW forward collision warning
GRA Grey relational analysis
HMM Hidden Markov model
HWMP Hybrid Wireless Mesh Protocol
IaaS infrastructure as a service
iFog indie fog
ITU International Telecommunication Union
IoD Internet of drones
IoMaT Internet of marine things
IoMT Internet of medical things
IoT Internet of Things
IoVs Internet of vehicles
ISP Internet service provider
IFT Iterative Feature Transformation
LV-Fog land vehicular fog computing
LoRa long range
LTE long-term evolution
LTE advanced long-term evolution-advanced
LPWANs low-power wide-area networks
Marine Fog marine fog computing
MDP Markov decision process
MQTT Message Queuing Telemetry Transport
MANET mobile ad hoc network
MFC mobile fog computing
MVCs mobile vehicular cloudlets
MCS monitoring and control server
MAC multiple access control
NIST National Institute of Standards and Techology
NFC near-field communication
NCS Neural Compute Stick
NOMA nonorthogonal multiple access
ONF Open Network Foundation
QoE quality of experience
RFID radio-frequency identification
RSUs roadside units
RoT roots of trust
SLA service level agreement
S3 Simple Storage Service
SNP single nucleotide polymorphism
SNS social network services
SaaS software as a service
SDN software-defined network/ing
STORMSeq Scalable Tools for Open-Source Read Mapping
SOC system-on-chip
TOSCA Topology and Orchestration Specification for Cloud Applications
UAVs unmanned aerial vehicles
UAV-Fog unmanned aerial vehicular fog computing
UE user equipment
UE-fog user equipment-based fog computing
VAT Variant Annotation Tool
VFC vehicular fog computing
V2D vehicle-to-device
V2V vehicle-to-vehicle
VHF very high frequency
VM virtual machine
WAVEs wireless access in vehicular environments
WPAN wireless personal area network
WSNs wireless sensor networks
WiMAX Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access
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