Illustration of land-vehicular fog computing cellular base stations made accessible via Long-Term Evolution, SigFox, NB-IoT, etc.

Figure 1.1 Land-vehicular fog computing examples.

Illustration of user equipment-based fog computing examples used by smartphone devices that are connecting to an Internet Service Provider (ISP)’s network.

Figure 1.4 UE fog computing examples.

An overview of edge computing architecture classified into three distinct layers - the sensor layer, the edge layer, and the cloud layer - further divided into  the front-end, near-end, and far-end.

Figure 2.2 An overview of edge computing architecture [16].

Illustration of fog software architecture consisting of heterogeneous physical resources, fog abstraction layer, and fog service orchestration layer.

Figure 2.4 Fog computing architecture [10].

Illustration of fog computing system with nodes used for connection and working of this system that work locally on the data, sending it to the server or cloud computing servers.

Figure 5.1 Fog computing enabled smart cities.

A generic fog enabled IoT environment with security, privacy and accountability of service providers for the  implementation and integration of smart devices.

Figure 5.2 A generic fog enabled IoT environment.

Cloud-fog-IoT architecture positioning the IoT, cloud, and fog computing layers. Fog interacts with the other layers through interfaces with different communication specifications.

Figure 6.1 Cloud-fog-IoT architecture.

Continuum Computing Research Areas: A pictorial depiction of the computer science areas that require research to successfully program the computing continuum. To address science-driven problems, we need an abstract programming model with goal-oriented annotations, along with a run-time system and an execution model.

Figure 7.2 Continuum Computing Research Areas: A pictorial depiction of the computer science areas that require research to successfully program the computing continuum. To address problems, such as the sciences examples given in Table 1.4, using existing resources and services, we need an abstract programming model with goal-oriented annotations, along with a run-time system and an execution model.

A graphical user interface of FogNetSim++ where a single broker (task scheduler) is connected with a number of fog nodes.

Figure 11.3 FogNetSim++: Graphical user interface, showing static, mobile, and fog computing nodes.

A working model of FogNetSim++, where a number of static and mobile users are requesting resources from a single broker node.

Figure 11.4 FogNetSim++: showingthe handover features managed through single broker node.

An innovating feeder-based communication scheme for DMS using fog/cloud computing, where proposed communication schemes use fog servers as data concentrators for distribution feeders.

Figure 13.3 Feeder-based communication scheme for DMS using fog/cloud computing.

Image described by caption.

Figure 13.4 Simplified communication scheme connecting MATLAB/Simulink and ThingSpeak IoT platform used for DMS simulation.

Image described by caption.

Figure 15.3 Three smart phones are placed on three different locations of each participant's body (chest, right hand, and left jacket pocket) to collect accelerometer signals while walking on the treadmill.

Architecture of software-defined network (SDN) categorized into three layers: The application layer consisting of various business applications; the control layer controls the network forwarding decision through centralized logic; and the infrastructure layer composed of multiple network nodes.

Figure 16.1 Architecture of software-defined network (SDN).

Illustration of fog computing for vehicular applications, which brings cloud computing to the edge of the core network, the interworking of cloud, fog, and VANET computing.

Figure 17.1 Fog computing for vehicular applications.

An obstacle detection as an example of delay-critical application scenarios, where partitioned and selected parts are transmitted with minimal delay and highest reliability to the surrounding fog infrastructure.

Figure 17.2 Obstacle detection as an example of delay-critical application scenarios.

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