(05-12427) Job:05-12424 Title:RP-Field Guide-How to be a Fashion Designer
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Fairs or shows, discussed earlier, rep-
resent a meeting point between differ-
ent actors in the sector, and for this
reason they have become an instru-
ment of communication for companies
The media spreads information, opin-
ions, and entertainment among a
wide-ranging public. The indispens-
able source of financing for most of
the media is investment in advertis-
ing. In the case of fashion, cosmetic
and perfume brands invest the most
in media, especially in the press.
Accounting for the majority of adver-
tising investment, the press is the
most important medium of commu-
nication in the world of fashion. One
of its great advantages is that it is a
medium in which the advertiser—the
brand—chooses the duration of the
campaign as well as when it will take
place, in addition to being a mode of
communication that has a direct influ-
ence on the act of buying.
There are various types of press:
– Daily
– Periodical
– Specialty
(Ray) Text
(05-12427) Job:05-12424 Title:RP-Field Guide-How to be a Fashion Designer
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(05-12427) Job:05-12424 Title:RP-Field Guide-How to be a Fashion Designer
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The daily press
Fashion coverage in the daily press
tends to be little, depending on the
mastheads. Dailies include fashion
in supplements or in their culture,
society, and trend sections, and the
majority of articles about fashion
appear during fashion-show periods,
with regular in-depth treatment being
a rarity.
One of the daily papers with the most
credibility in the world of fashion is
the International Herald Tribune, with
a section managed by Suzy Menkes,
the guru of fashion journalism today.
As for advertising, dailies are advan-
tageous given that they have a wide
coverage, a delineated audience, and
prestigious mastheads. Disadvantag-
es include the excessive heteroge-
neity of their audience, and inferior
graphic quality.
The periodical press
This consists of women’s magazines
divided among widely respected pub-
lications with international editions
such as Vogue, Marie Claire and Elle,
to name a few; magazines aimed at
the general public such as Citizen
K and Glamour; trendy publications
such as i-D, Purple, and Self Service;
and lifestyle magazines such as Wall-
paper* and Surface. Each magazine
has a certain public in mind, prese-
lected according to its content, with
the advantage of the use of color and
superior graphic quality of images
than the daily press.
Periodicals offer more fashion con-
tent and involve two kinds of special-
ized professionals:
Stylists or fashion editors respon-
sible for selecting garments from
among different collections for each
Fashion journalists who write text
for publications based on trends
and images.
Brands especially invest in this type
of press, and it has become a norm
for the brand to appear in magazine
pages in one form or the other. As
such, companies influence the textual
content of fashion magazines, and
as a result the periodical press is
being used more and more as a self-
promotional campaign.
Women’s press, especially the high-
end variety, is the mode of commu-
nication preferred by fashion brands
since the two have a relationship
of reciprocal necessity: the need of
the press to appear before readers
as the arbiter of the companies that
determine fashion and the need of
brands to see their products and their
universe appreciated by a potential
(Ray) Text
(05-12427) Job:05-12424 Title:RP-Field Guide-How to be a Fashion Designer
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