(05-12427) Job:05-12424 Title:RP-Field Guide-How to be a Fashion Designer
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human figure.
Fashion figures seek to transmit the
spirit of a collection. Thus, they are
rarely drawn in a rigid or straight pos-
ture but rather in a pose that reflects
a particular attitude. The simplest way
to draw these poses is to combine
the trunk and pelvis as trapezoids,
the extremities as straight lines, and
to indicate the joints, which are fun-
damental for producing movement,
with dots. The result is that these
geometric figures turn in relation to
their connections while the measure
of their lines and proportions is main-
tained. For example, in a figure drawn
in a state of rest with the hand on the
waist, the trapezoid that corresponds
to the pelvis sways but does not
change its form, which has an effect
on the position of the lines that repre-
sent the legs. Keeping these norms in
mind, and with a little bit of practice,
it will be easy to depict any move-
ment, at all times generated from the
points of articulation.
Different illustration techniques can be
employed in the production of a fash-
ion figure: pencil, watercolor, felt-tip
pen, mixed techniques, digital support,
(Ray) Text
(05-12427) Job:05-12424 Title:RP-Field Guide-How to be a Fashion Designer
#175 Dtp:221 Page:73
054-089_12427.indd 73054-089_12427.indd 73 5/30/09 9:16:55 AM5/30/09 9:16:55 AM
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