(05-12427) Job:05-12424 Title:RP-Field Guide-How to be a Fashion Designer
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Accessories: decorative or
fastening complementary pieces on
a dress garment.
Analogous range: harmonious
range created from two or three
colors closely situated in the
chromatic circle.
Artificial fibers: fibers that come
from natural elements but are
subjected to industrial transformation
Blog: log published on the Internet,
updated periodically by its author or
Collage: artistic technique
consisting of creating a composition
that includes elements of a diverse
Color: refers to the hue or tone
Complementary range:
harmonious range formed by two
complementary colors and their
Concept book: also called a
thematic panel, a tool that helps give
expression to the ideas a collection
wants to transmit through images
and key words.
Continuous fabric: method used
to obtain cloth and knit fabrics.
Discontinuous fabric: method for
obtaining nonfabrics.
Fashion figure: two-dimensional
representation of a look or garment.
Gadget: element with a specific
purpose and function, practical and
at the same time novel.
Interlining: hidden element that
provides form and support in specific
areas of a garment.
Knit fabric: cloth made up of loops
of knit thread.
Length: meters per kilogram of a
thread or fabric.
(Ray) Text
(05-12427) Job:05-12424 Title:RP-Field Guide-How to be a Fashion Designer
#175 Dtp:221 Page:88
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(05-12427) Job:05-12424 Title:RP-Field Guide-How to be a Fashion Designer
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Monochromatic range:
harmonious range obtained with a
single color by varying its saturation
and/or value.
Moulage: technique consisting in
the creation of a three-dimensional
design or pattern, molding the fabric
directly onto the body of a model or
sewing dummy.
Nanotechnology: scientific
discipline concerned with the control
and manipulation of material on a
scale inferior to one micrometer (at
the atomic and molecular level).
Natural fibers: fibers made
from animal, plant, or mineral
Nonfabrics: cloths produced from
the compression of fabrics via heat,
friction, or chemical products.
Pattern: geometric construction
based on the measurements of the
figure used as a model for producing
Prototype: version of a garment
as it will later appear at the point
of sale.
Saturation: degree of intensity
of a color.
Sketchbook: a notebook that
reflects the creative process of a
garment or collection of a designer.
Synthetic fibers: fibers produced
entirely from chemical products.
Test garment: first sample of a
garment, generally made with white
or natural-colored fabric.
Thematic panel: see concept book.
Value: degree of brightness or
darkness of a color.
Vintage clothing: quality clothes
that are out of season and
considered classic.
(Ray) Text
(05-12427) Job:05-12424 Title:RP-Field Guide-How to be a Fashion Designer
#175 Dtp:221 Page:89
054-089_12427.indd 89054-089_12427.indd 89 5/30/09 9:17:12 AM5/30/09 9:17:12 AM
(05-12427) Job:05-12424 Title:RP-Field Guide-How to be a Fashion Designer
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(Ray) Text
(05-12427) Job:05-12424 Title:RP-Field Guide-How to be a Fashion Designer
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