(05-12427) Job:05-12424 Title:RP-Field Guide-How to be a Fashion Designer
#175 Dtp:221 Page:55
054-089_12427.indd 55054-089_12427.indd 55 5/30/09 9:16:15 AM5/30/09 9:16:15 AM
In order to develop a fashion collec-
tion one needs a great deal of creativ-
ity, a quality generally considered to
be innate, and a gift that flowers on
its own. Yet, the creative processes
that lead to success are the result of
the ability to come up with original
solutions to concrete problems and
situations that, beyond talent and indi-
vidual gifts, stem from certain method-
ologies of work. As Pablo Picasso said,
“Inspiration exists, but it has to find
you working.” Good ideas, important
contributions, and new solutions are
the consequences of specific proce-
dures in which analysis, observation,
reflection, and proposals form part
of the same mechanism that encom-
passes distinct mental processes.
In the development of a fashion col-
lection, then, proper planning is a
must, and toward this end a series of
steps should be followed.
– Look for references.
– Create a sketchbook.
Define silhouettes, lines, colors,
materials and fabrics.
Produce a concept book or
thematic panel.
Develop patterns and test
– Create prototypes.
Prior to undertaking the creation of a
clothing line or collection, the fashion
designer must immerse himself in a
process of investigation that permits
finding and detecting inspirational
sources, ones that potentially can
be transformed into new products. It
is not easy to guess what the public
will want the next season—especially
when one is working a year before
it even begins. Thus, in order to be
able to gather the resources needed
for the proper planning of the col-
lection, it is imperative to carry out
a wide-ranging assessment of what
is going on in the world. For this,
one needs to be up-to-date regarding
fashion, social, and consumer trends;
know what is happening in the fash-
ion industry and other sectors; and,
above all, have personal interests
that can be transformed into potential
themes and ideas.
The result of a collection depends
not only on the selection of a motif
but also on how the motif is treat-
ed, developed, and applied to the
garment. Maintaining all five senses
alert—especially the visual sense—is
one of the keys to creativity as the
search for references for a collection
(Ray) Text
(05-12427) Job:05-12424 Title:RP-Field Guide-How to be a Fashion Designer
#175 Dtp:221 Page:55
054-089_12427.indd 55054-089_12427.indd 55 5/30/09 9:16:15 AM5/30/09 9:16:15 AM
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