

access control 178184, 310321. See also security

access policies 338

ARM authentication 311315

lock resources 319321

management policies 315318

role-based 192195, 322330

SaaS applications 370371

Shared Access Signatures 180182

stored access policy 182183

Virtual Network Service Endpoints 183184

access control lists (ACLs) 193

access panel extension 368

ACE. See access control entries

ACLs. See access control lists

ACR. See Azure Container Registry

ACS. See Azure Container Services

Active Directory (AD) 311, 469

registering application in 311313

service principals in 313314

Active Directory Federation Services (ADFS) 469

proxy monitoring 477478

activity data 457459

activity log alerts 119, 122123

activity logs 456459

activity reports 479

AD. See Active Directory

Adaptive application controls 357358

Add-AzureRmAccount cmdlet 66

Add-AzureRmVirtualNetworkPeering cmdlet 221

Add-AzureRmVirtualNetworksubnetConfig cmdlet 237

Add-AzureRmVmssExtension cmdlet 134

ADFS. See Active Directory Federation Services

Alert Rules 189190

alerts 39

activity log 119, 122123

Azure Storage 189190

based on log search queries 461

configuration 119123

critical, email notifications for 476477

metric 119121

security 359361

Allow Gateway Transit option 258259

Antimalware Assessment management solution 462463

append blobs 158

application delivery controller (ADC) 232

Application Gateway (App Gateway)

cookie-based session affinity 233

creating 234239

deployment into virtual networks 234

design and implementation 285286

end to end SSL 233

implementing 232239

internal load balancers and 262

load balancing 233

secure sockets layer (SSL) offload 233

sizes 234

URL-based content routing 234

web application firewall 233

application gateways 266

Application Insights 6, 3539, 111, 116117

application logs 115

applications. See also Web Apps

Adaptive application controls 357358

adding users and groups to 369370

availability tests 3739

deploying to web apps 14

desktop 495496

diagnostic logs 2829

directory-aware 485

Enterprise 369

health check pages 49

integration with Azure AD 495496

integration with Azure AD B2B 510511

LOB 130

migrating on-premise to Azure 485

registering, in Azure AD 311313

registering with Azure AD B2C 502504

SaaS 363368, 485

revoking access to 370371

scaling, in ACS 148149

service principals and 315

virtual 27

web 477478, 495496

firewalls 355357

registering 374375

application settings

connection strings and 1820

App Service Certificate 344346

App Service Certificates 2324

App Service Environments (ASE) 4

app service plans

creating 26

Azure portal 45


PowerShell 5

instances, scaling 4345

migrating web app to 1516

pricing tiers 24

resource monitoring 3435

scaling up or down 4243

apt-get package manager 170

A records 21, 26

ARM template files 294

ARM template parameter files 294

artifact files 295

ASC. See Azure Security Center

ASE. See App Service Environments

ASN. See Autonomous System Numbers

AS numbers 247

ASR. See Azure Site Recovery

ASR Capacity Planner 395, 403

asverify records 176177

async blob copy service 164170

authentication 311315, 371

multi-factor 488493, 506

social identity provider 503505

storage account 178

author ARM templates 294308

automation 446

accounts, creating 416417

certificates 426427

configuration 432441

connections 425426

credentials 424425

for cloud management 415441

integrating, with Web Apps 428431

modules 422424

process 416428

runbooks 418431

schedules 421422

variables 427428

Autonomous System Numbers (ASN) 243

Autoscale 134

Autoscale feature 42, 4446


managing, with Load Balancer 128129

sets 125129

virtual machines 124131

zones 124125

availability sets 231

availability tests 3739

Average Response Time metric 34

az account list-locations command 207

az ad app create command 312

az ad sp create command 313


async blob copy 167

blob and container management 163

az group create command 70, 309

az group deployment create command 309

az image command 97

az image list command 72

az lock create command 321

az network application-gateway address-pool
command 286

az network application gateway command 239

az network command 239

az network lb command 282

az network nic create command 72

az network nic update command 274

az network nsg create command 72

az network public-ip create command 72

az network rule create command 72

az network vnet create command 71, 207

az network vnet peering list command 221

az network vnet subnet create command 71, 207

az policy assignment create command 319

az provider list CLI command 298

az role definition command 324

az role definition create command 329

az storage account create command 71

az storage blob generate-sas command 182

az storage container create command 161

Azure Active Directory 469

adding application to 364

adding custom domains 485486

Azure AD Connect and 487488

Editions 369

integrating on-premises AD with 485496

integration in web and desktop applications 495496

Microsoft Graph API and 496

Multi-Factor Authentication 488493

registering application in 311313

service principals in 313314

single-sign on 363368

Azure Activity Log 456459

Azure AD. See Azure Active Directory

Azure AD B2C (business to consumer) 371377

Azure AD Business to Business (B2B) 469, 497

application integration 510511

collaboration implementation 508510

partner users configuration 508510

Azure AD Business to Consumer (B2C) 469, 497508

directory creation 497502

enabling multi-factor authentication 506

registering application 502504

Self-Service Password Reset 507

social identity provider authentication 503505

tenant creation 497502

Azure AD Connect 469, 485, 487488

Azure AD Connect Health 470479

activity reports 479

ADFS and web application proxy server
monitoring 477478

domain controller monitoring 473476

email notifications for critical alerts 476477

security reports 479

sync engine and replication monitoring 470473

utilization reports 479

Azure AD Domain Join 493495

Azure AD Domain Services 469, 479485

implementation 480482

joining Azure virtual machines to 482483

on-premise app migration 485

VM management using Group Policy 484

Azure AD tenant 495

Azure AppService Web Apps. See Web Apps

Azure Automation. See automation

Azure Automation DSC service 88

Azure Backup

agents 380382

backup and restore data 383387

encryption passphrase 382

Azure Cloud Shell 61, 73, 82, 206

Azure Container Registry (ACR) 142144, 149

Azure Container Services (ACS) 57, 138150

Kubernetes cluster in 145

managing containers with 146148

open-source tooling configuration 138139

scaling applications in 148149

Azure Data Lake 192195

Azure Diagnostics agent 119

Azure Diagnostics Extension 112

Azure Disk Encryption 105

Azure Domain Services

adding and managing devices 493495

Azure Fabric Controller 59

Azure files

adding new share with 169170

hierarchy 168

use cases 169

Azure File Service 106110

connecting to, outside of Azure 108110

Azure Key Vault 19, 24, 179180, 302, 336342

certificate management 342344

Azure Load Balancer 128129

Azure Log Analytics. See Log Analytics

Azure Managed Disks 126

Azure Monitor 111

Azure portal

App Gateway creation in 234236

Application Insights in 3637

app service plan creation in 45

ARM template deployment in 309

automation account creation in 416417

availability set creation in 127

Azure AD B2C tenant creation in 497502

Azure File Share creation in 106

blob and container management in 159160

configuration of VMs as backend pool in 285286

deployment slot creation in 89

diagnostics configuration 114117

DNS settings configuration in 212, 268269

enabling diagnostic logs in 28

gateway subnet creation in 210211

handler mappings configuration in 26

load balancer creation in 277280

Log Analytics workspace creation in 443

migrating web app to separate app service plan in 15

NSG creation in 270273

NSGs using 226229

public IP address creation with 266267

Recovery Services vault in 378379

static private IP addresses with 263

swapping deployment swaps in 1113

using custom script extension 88

viewing streaming logs in 3233

virtual machine creation in 6066

virtual machine scale set creation in 132134

virtual network creation in 201204

VNet peering in 218221

VNet-to-VNet connections in 251257

web app creation in 67

Azure private peering 244

Azure public peering 244

Azure resource connectivity 200

Azure Resource Manager (ARM)

authentication 311315

private IP addresses 261

templates 293334

author 294308

creating VM from 7479

deployment 308309

file types 294295

functions 299

implementing 294309

NIC resources 299302

parameter file 305307

schemas 295296

virtual machine resource 302308

virtual network resources 296299

virtual machines

alerts configuration 119123

availability 124129

diagnostics 112119

monitoring 110123

networking 260286

resizing 130132

scaling 129137

VNet peering 248250


connecting 217222

Azure resource policy 316317

Azure Security Center (ASC) 346363

applications node 355358

data collection 347

email notifications 349

enabling 346350

enabling protection for non-Azure computers 350

Identity and Access solution 358359

networking node 353354

preventing security threats with 351359

pricing tiers 349350

recommendations 358

responding to security threats with 359363

security policy 348

Storage and Data node 354356

Threat intelligence detection capability 362363

Azure Site Recovery (ASR) 393412

failover testing 401402

Hyper-V virtual machine protection 402408

Recovery Plan 401

Unified Setup and vault credential 398

virtual machine protection 408412

VMWare and physical machine protection 394402

Azure Storage 155177

access control 178184

async blob copy service 164170

blob 155164

encryption 190195

monitoring and alerts 189190

replication options 163164

SMB file storage 168170

Azure Storage Diagnostics 185188

Azure Storage Explorer 162, 167168, 182183

Azure Storage Service Encryption 104105

Azure Storage Service Encryption (SSE) 191

Azure-to-Azure Site Recovery 408412

Azure Traffic Manager

adding endpoints 5152

configuration 4752

profile creation 4850

Azure Virtual Networks (VNets) 199292

address ranges 202203

App Gateway 232239

ARM VM networking 260286

communication strategy 287289

configuration 199239, 251260

connecting, using VNet peering 217222

connectivity 200201

creating 200207

design subnets 208209

DNS setup 211214

gateway subnets 210

introduction to 199

multi-site 251260

network connectivity 239259

network security groups 222230

service chaining 250

system routes 214215

user defined routes 214217

virtual machine deployment into 230232

az vm availability-set create command 72, 128

az vm create command 73, 98

az vm disk attach command 99

az vm extension set command 90

az vm generalize command 97

az vm list-vm-resize-options command 132

az vmss create command 137

az vmss update-instances command 137

az vm unmanaged-disk command 99


backend pools 129, 130, 278279, 285286

backup agents 380382

Backup policy 385386

backups 383387

configuration 4041

BGP routing protocol 243

BlobCache 98100

blob files 9394

blob snapshots 387392

blob storage 155164

account types 157

async blob copy service 164170

CacheControl property of 174

CDN endpoints and 172

encryption 191

managing 159164

metadata 158159

time-to-live (TTL) period 173

types 158

Blob Storage account 94

block blobs 158

BMC. See baseboard management controller (BMC)

boot diagnostics 112, 117118, 119

Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) policy 493

brute-force attacks 359

built-in roles 323327


CacheControl HTTP header 173

Capacity Planner for Hyper-V Workloads 403404

CDN. See Content Delivery Network

certificate authorities 23

certificate authority (CA) 343

certificate management 342344

certificates 342

App Service Certificate 344346

automation 426427

creating 343344

importing 342343

SAML signing 365

Change Tracking management solution 463466

CIFS. See Command Internet File System

cifs-utils package 170

Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR) 200

CLI. See Command Line Interface

client-side telemetry data 39

cloud computing 1

cloud identity 469

cloud management

automation for 415441

cloud services 351

Cloud Shell 73, 82, 206

CLR. See Common Language Runtime (CLR)

Cmdkey.exe 170

CNAME records 21, 2223, 52, 176, 177

Command Line Interface (CLI) 1

App Gateway creation 239240

application settings configuration 20

app service plan creation 6

ARM template deployment 309310

async blob copy 166167

availability set creation 128

Azure File Share creation 107

blob and container management 161162

configuring VMs as backend pools 286

custom script extension 8991

deployment slot creation 10

DNS settings configuration 213214, 270

enabling diagnostic logs 29

load balancer creation 282283

NSG creation 274

NSG creation and association 230

public IP addresses 268

resizing VM 132

retrieving diagnostic logs 32

static private IP addresses 264

swapping deployment slots 14

viewing streaming logs 33

virtual machine scale set creation 137

virtual network creation 206208

VM creation 7073

VM image creation 97

VNet peering 221222

web app creation 8

Common Internet File System (CIFS) 106

communication strategy 287289

community sourced runbooks 419

Conditional Access Policy 490


ACS 138139

alerts 119123

application settings 1721

availability sets 125129

availability zones 124125

Azure diagnostics 112119

Azure Storage Diagnostics 185188

Azure Traffic Manager 4752

backups 4041

Content Delivery Network 170176

custom domains 2022, 176177

DNS settings 212214, 268270

handler mappings 26

private static IP addresses 261264

social identity providers 376377

SSL certificates 2226

virtual applications and directories 27

virtual machines 6465, 8292

virtual machine scale sets 132137

virtual networks 199239, 251260

Virtual Network Service Endpoints 183184

Web Apps 1627

for scalability and resilience 4251

configuration automation 432441

Configuration Server 396, 397398, 399400


automation 425426

connection strings

application settings and 1820

connectivity. See also network connectivity

VNets 200201

containers 156

Azure Container Registry 142144

Azure Container Services 138150

images 139142

managing 146148, 159164

metadata 158, 159

migrating workloads 149

root 156, 157

troubleshooting 150

Containers Monitoring Solution 149150

Content Delivery Network (CDN) 216

configuration 170176

custom domains for 176177

endpoints 170172

pricing tiers 171

profile creation 171

versioning assets with 174176

content routing

URL-based 234

continuous integration/continuous delivery (CI/CD) workflow 433

Contributor built-in role 324326

ConvertTo-SecureString cmdlet 110, 342

cookie-based session affinity 233

copyIndex() function 300

CPU Percentage 35

creation, renaming, updating, and deletion (CRUD) operations 457


authentication of 488493

automation 424425

on-premises 486

custom domains 485486

associating with web apps 22

configuration, for web apps 2022

customer-managed DNS settings 213

custom resource policy 317318

Custom Script Extension 82, 8891

custom security alerts 360362

custom visualizations

in Log Analytics 452455


Dashboard tile 453455


activity 457459

backup and restore 383387

diagnostic, analyzing 187188

logging 187, 188

machine 441443, 448449

metrics 187, 188

querying. See queries

resource 457459

data analysis. See Log Analytics

database as a service (DBaaS) 354

data churn 394

data collection 347, 441466

data disks 95

data encryption. See encryption

data protection 335336. See also security

encryption 342346

DCs. See domain controllers


remote, of VMs 9192

default tags 225


applications 14

ARM template 308309

ARM templates 7477

backup agents 380382

Web Apps 216

deployment script files 294

deployment slots

cloning existing 9


in Azure portal 89

in CLI 10

in PowerShell 910

defining 810

multi-phase 11, 1213

production 8

swapping 1114

Azure portal 1113

CLI 14

with PowerShell 13

design subnets 208209

Desired State Configuration (DSC) 432441

Azure Automation 434436

monitor and update machine configurations
with 436441


creating 432

managing 433

metaconfigurations 438441

node configurations

generating 434436


adding 436441

registration options 436


built-in 434

custom 434

importing 433434

Desired State Configuration (DSC) extension 82, 8388

desktop applications 495496

DevOps principles 433

diagnostic logs

application 2829

enabling 2729

locations 30

retrieving 2932

in PowerShell 32

using FTP 30

using Site Control Manager 3031

streaming, viewing 3233

web server 2829


Azure Storage Diagnostics 185188

boot 112, 117118, 119

configuring Azure 112119

data analysis 187188

guest operating system 112

Linux, enabling and configuring 118119

DigiCert 343


virtual 27

Direct Server Return (DSR) 283284

Disable-AzureRmTrafficManagerEndpoint cmdlet 52

disaster recovery. See recovery services

disk caching 98100

disk encryption 104106

disk redundancy 103104


managed 126

mounting 104

VM 95

DNS names 48

DNS records

adding 2123

updating 48

docker-compose command 140

Docker containers 6

Domain Controller (DC) 213

domain controllers (DCs)

monitoring 473476

Domain Naming Service (DNS) 211214

at NIC level 268270


custom 485486

for storage and CDN 176177

custom, configuration of 2022

DPM protection agent 380

DSR. See Direct Server Return

dynamic IP addresses 261


elastic scale 42

email notifications 349


Azure Data Lake 192195

data 342346

disk 104106

keys, create and import 336342

passphrase, Azure Backup 382

storage 190195

Enterprise applications 369

enterprise Azure scaffold 316

error messages 28

event categories 122

event log data 115

Event Tracing for Windows (ETW) 115116

ExpressRoute 242245

External ASEs 4


Facebook 371377, 503505

failed requests

logs style sheet file 30

tracing 28

failover testing 401402


with public consumer identity providers 371377

federation-based single sign-on 363366


change tracking 464

hierarchy 168

purging 175

file shares

adding new 169170

file share service 106110

file system permissions 193195

firewall rules 193194

firewalls 201

network 353

web application 353, 355357

web application firewall 233

FTP client

for retrieving log files 30

Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) 211, 265


gateway subnets 210211, 252253

generate-ssh-keys parameter 71

geo-redundant storage (GRS) 94

Geo-Redundant Storage (GRS) 392393

geo-replication 392393

Get-AzureKeyVaultCertificateOperation cmdlet 343, 344

Get-AzureRmApplicationGatewayBackendAddressPool cmdlet 286

Get-AzureRmApplicationGateway cmdlet 286

Get-AzureRmLocation cmdlet 204

Get-AzureRmNetworkInterface cmdlet 263, 269, 273, 286

Get-AzureRmRemoteDesktopFile cmdlet 80

Get-AzureRmResourceGroup cmdlet 67, 204

Get-AzureRmResourceProvider cmdlet 298

Get-AzureRmStorageAccount cmdlet 67

Get-AzureRmStorageAccountKey cmdlet 110

Get-AzureRmStorageKey cmdlet 165

Get-AzureRmStoragerAccountKey cmdlet 107

Get-AzureRmTrafficManagerProfile cmdlet 51

Get-AzureRmVirtualNetwork cmdlet 230

Get-AzureRMVirtualNetwork cmdlet 237

Get-AzureRmVirtualNetworkPeering cmdlet 221

Get-AzureRmVM cmdlet 99

Get-AzureRmVMImageOffer cmdlet 69

Get-AzureRmVMImagePublisher cmdlet 69

Get-AzureRmVMImageSku cmdlet 69

Get-AzureRmVMSize cmdlet 131

Get-AzureRmWebAppSlot cmdlet 10

Get-AzureStorageBlobCopyState cmdlet 166

Get-AzureWebsiteLog cmdlet 33

Get-PhysicalDisk cmdlet 103

GlobalSign 343

Google 371377

Group Policy Objects (GPOs) 484


adding to applications 369370

GRS. See geo-redundant storage

guest operating system diagnostics 112


handler mappings 26

hard disk drives (HDDs) 63

hardware security modules (HSMs) 180, 336

HCM. See Hybrid Connection Manager

health check pages 49

health probes 276277, 279

host caching 99

hot access tier 157

HSMs. See hardware security modules

HTTP GET requests 37

HTTP probe 276

HTTP probes 129

HTTPS traffic 233

hub and spoke network topology 320

hybrid cloud 239

Hybrid Connection Manager (HCM) 288

hybrid connections 288289

hybrid network connectivity 239259

Hybrid Runbook Worker 419421

Hyper-V 58

Hyper-V-based workloads 402408

Hyper-V hosts 407

Hyper-V sites 405407


identity infrastructure 470479

identity management 469514

Azure Active Directory 485496

Azure AD B2C 497508

Azure AD Connect Health 470479

Azure AD Domain Services 479485

social identity provider authentication 503505

identity providers 376377


Import-AzureKeyVaultCertificate cmdlet 343

Independent Software Vendors (ISV) 495

Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) 351

infrastructure-as-code (IaC) assets 433

internal load balancer (ILB) 4

internal load balancers (ILBs) 262

Internet connectivity 200

Internet-facing load balancers 266

IP addresses

allocation of 262

default tags 225

dynamic 261

private 261

private static 261264

public 247, 261, 264268

static private 263264

subnets 208, 210211

VNets 202203

IP address spaces 247

IP forwarding 274275

IPSec VPN 240


JavaScript Object Notation (.json) files 77

Just in time (JIT) VM access 352353


Key Vault 302, 336342

certificate management 342344

Kubernetes 147149

clusters 145

monitoring 149150

Kubernetes API endpoints 138


large scale sets 132

LCM. See Local Configuration Manager

line of business (LOB) applications 130

Linux agent 60

Linux-based virtual machines

connect and mount Azure File from 110

connecting to 8182

custom script extension with 8991

diagnostics, enabling and configuring 118119

Linux distributions

for VMs 5859

load balancers 128129, 233, 262, 266, 275283

health probes 276277

Local Configuration Manager (LCM) 433, 436

locally redundant storage (LRS) 94

lock resources 319321

Log Analytics 112, 441466

connecting Activity Log to 457458

custom visualizations 452455

data sources

connecting 444448

searching 441452, 449452

default workspace 442443

malware status monitoring with 462463

management solutions 448449

monitoring system updates with 459461

queries 458459

server configuration change tracking in 463466

visualizing Azure resources across multiple
subscriptions 456457

workspace creation 443444

workspace ID and keys 446447

writing activity data to 457459

Log Analytics query language 361

log files. See also diagnostic logs


using FTP 30

using Site Control Manager 3031

logging data 187, 188

Logic Apps 121

Login-AzureRmAccount cmdlet 66, 204

Log Search feature 449452

LRS. See locally redundant storage


machine configurations 436441

machine data 441443, 448449

makecert.exe 80

malware 462463

managed disks 95, 126

managed images 96, 97

management policies 315318

man-in-the-middle attacks 80

MARS. See Microsoft Azure Recovery Services

Master Target Server 396

Memory Percentage 35


setting, with storage 158159

metric alerts 39, 119121

metric-based scale conditions 4445

metrics data 187, 188

Microsoft Azure AppService Web Apps. See Web Apps

Microsoft Azure Datacenter

IP ranges 225

Microsoft Azure Linux Agent (waagent) 5960, 95

Microsoft Azure Recovery Services (MARS) agent 380382

Microsoft Graph API 496

Microsoft Monitoring Agent (MMA) 446448

Microsoft peering 244


lift and shift 106

on-premises apps to Azure 485

workloads 149

MMA. See Microsoft Monitoring Agent

mobile devices 493495

Mobility service extension 396, 409

modules 422424


ARM VMs 110123

Azure Storage 189190

clusters 150

Kubernetes 149150

options 111112

Most attached resources 359

multi-factor authentication (MFA) 488493, 506

multi-phase deployment swaps 11, 1213

Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) 242

multi-site network connectivity 239259

multi-step web tests 37


net use command 110

network connectivity 239259

ExpressRoute 242245

network prerequisites 247248

on-premises 260

VNet peering 248250, 257259

VNet-to-VNet connections 251256

VPN Gateway 246247

network interface (NIC) 268270

associating NSG with 270274

resources 299302

network security groups (NSGs) 208, 209, 222230, 270278, 353, 391

associating 225229

default rules 224225

default tags 225

properties 222, 222223

rules 222223

Network Security Groups (NSGs) 4

network traffic 248, 249

Network Watcher 111

New-AzureKeyVaultCertificateOrganizationDetails cmdlet 343

New-AzureKeyVaultCertificatePolicy cmdlet 343

New-AzureRmADApplication cmdlet 312

New-AzureRmAppServicePlan cmdlet 5

New-AzureRmAutomationCertificate cmdlet 427

New-AzureRmAutomationVariable cmdlet 428

New-AzureRmAvailabilitySet cmdlet 68, 128

New-AzureRmImage cmdlet 97

New-AzureRmImageConfig cmdlet 97

New-AzureRmKeyVault cmdlet 339

New-AzureRmNetworkInterface cmdlet 69

New-AzureRmNetworkSecurityGroup cmdlet 68, 273

New-AzureRmNetworkSecurityGroup PowerShell
cmdlet 229

cmdlet 68, 229, 273

cmdlet 444

New-AzureRmPolicyDefinition cmdlet 318

New-AzureRmPublicIpAddress cmdlet 267

New-AzureRMPublicIpAddress cmdlet 237

New-AzureRmResourceGroup cmdlet 67, 204, 308, 338

cmdlet 79, 308

New-AzureRmResourceLock cmdlet 321

New-AzureRmRoleDefinition cmdlet 329

New-AzureRmStorageAccount cmdlet 67

New-AzureRmTrafficManagerEndpoint cmdlet 51

New-AzureRmTrafficManagerProfile cmdlet 50

New-AzureRmVirtualNetwork cmdlet 205, 213

cmdlet 67, 205

New-AzureRmVMConfig cmdlet 69, 70

New-AzureRmVmssConfig cmdlet 134

New-AzureRmWebApp cmdlet 7

New-AzureRmWebAppSlot cmdlet 910

New-AzureStorageAccount cmdlet 164

New-AzureStorageBlobSASToken cmdlet 181

New-AzureStorageContainer cmdlet 160161, 165

New-AzureStorageContext cmdlet 107, 165

New-AzureStorageShare cmdlet 107

New-PSDrive cmdlet 110

New-SelfSignedCertificate cmdlet 80

New-VirtualDisk cmdlet 103

NIC. See network interface

NSGs. See network security groups


OAuth2 protocol 312

OMS. See Operating Management Suite; See Operations Management Suite

OMS Gateway 442

OMS Portal 461

on-premises connectivity 201, 260

on-premises credentials 486

on-premises environment

data collection in 442

on-premises infrastructures 287

OpenID Connect 363, 374

open-source tooling 138139

operating system disks 95

operating system images 9598

creating VMs from 9798

managed 96, 97

unmanaged 9697

Operations Management Suite (OMS) 149150, 378

Organization Units (OUs) 484

Overview tile 452453

Owner built-in role 324

owning groups 195

owning users 195196


page blobs 158

password-based single sign-on 366368


Self-Service Password Reset 507

synchronization 482

performance counters 113, 115

permissions 311

file system 193195

VMWare 398399

Personal Information Exchange (.pfx) files 23

ping tests 38

platform as a service (PaaS) 354

Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) 1

point-to-site virtual private network (VPN) 240241

port reuse 283


App Gateway creation in 236238

application settings configuration in 20

app service plan creation in 5

ARM template deployment using 308

async blob copy with 164166

automation account creation using 417

availability set creation with 128

Azure File Share creation with 107108

blob and container management with 160161

configuring VMs as backend pools with 286

connect and mount Azure File using 110

Custom Script Extension 82, 8891

deployment slot creation with 910

Desired State Configuration 432441

DNS settings configuration with 213214, 269

DSC extension 82, 8388

enabling diagnostic logs with 29

load balancer creation with 280282

Log Analytics workspace creation with 444

modules 422424

NSG creation with 273274

NSGs using 229230

public IP address creation using 267268

Recovery Services vault with 379

remoting 8081

resizing VM with 131

retrieving diagnostic logs with 32

runbooks 416428

static private IP addresses with 263264

swapping deployment slots with 13

Traffic Manager profile creation with 50

unmanaged VM image creation with 9697

viewing streaming logs in 33

virtual machine scale set creation with 134136

virtual network creation in 204205

VM creation with 6670

VNet peering with 221

web app creation in 7

PowerShell cmdlets. See also specific cmdlets

Azure 1

PowerShell Gallery 423

Premium storage 101102

pricing tiers 336, 349350

primary keys 179

private IP addresses 263264

private static IP addresses

configuration 261264

proactive diagnostic alerts 39

process automation 416428

Process Server 396

production deployment slot 8

ProvisionVMAgent parameter 69, 83

public IP addresses 261, 264268

Publish-AzureRmVMDscConfiguration cmdlet 85


query strips 175176


RAID 0 disk striping 103

RBAC. See role based access control

read-access geo-redundant storage (RA-GRS) 94

Read Access-Geo Redundant Storage (RA-GRS) 393394

Reader built-in role 326327

Recover Data Wizard 384

recovery services

Azure Site Recovery 393412

backup agents 380382

backup and restore data 383387

geo-replication 392393

planning 394396

snapshots 387392

vault 378379, 393, 398, 405

Recovery Services Agent 403404, 407

redundancy 125

Register-AzureRmAutomationDscNode cmdlet 437

registry change tracking 464

remote debugging

of VMs 9192

remote desktop protocol (RDP) 7980, 359

Remote Gateways 257259

Remove-AzureRmPolicyDefinition cmdlet 318

cmdlet 5152

replication 400401, 409412

monitoring 470473


virtual machines 130132

resource data 457459

resource locks 319321

resource policies

assignment 318319

Azure 316317

built-in 316

custom 317318

resource schemas 296

role assignment 327328

role-based access control 192195

role based access control (RBAC) 95

role-based access control (RBAC) 322330

custom roles 328329

standard roles, implementing 322328

root container 156, 157

route tables 208

Run As accounts 417

Runbook Gallery 418

runbooks 121, 416431


SAML 2.0 363

SAML signing certificates 365

SAN. See subject alternative name

Save-AzureRmVMImage cmdlet 96

Save-AzureWebsiteLog cmdlet 32

scalability features 4247


Azure VMs 129137

basic tier Web App 428431

in ACS 148149

virtual machine scale sets 132137

schedule-based scale conditions 4647


automation 421422

$schema property 305

SCOM. See System Center Operations Manager;
See System Center Configuration Manager

secondary keys 179

secure shell (SSH) protocol 8182

secure sockets layer (SSL)

end to end 233

secure sockets layer (SSL) offload 233

security 335377. See also access control

authentication 371

Azure Security Center 346363

encryption 336342

multi-factor authentication 488493, 506

network security groups 270274, 391

single sign-on 363368

social accounts 371377

SSL/TLS certificates 342346

threat prevention 351359

threat response 359363

Security alerts 359363

security policy 348

security reports 479

security rules 208, 271272

Self-Service Password Reset 507

self-signed SSL certificates 80

server configuration changes 463466

Server Messaging Block (SMB) protocol 106

Server Name Indication (SNI) 25

Service Bus Relay 288

service chaining 250

Service Health 39

service level agreements (SLAs) 125

service principals 313314

Set-AzureKeyVaultCertificateIssuer cmdlet 344

Set-AzureKeyVaultSecret cmdlet 342

Set-AzureRmApplicationGatewayBackendAddressPool cmdlet 286

Set-AzureRmNetworkInterface cmdlet 263, 269, 273

Set-AzureRmOsDisk cmdlet 98

Set-AzureRmVirtualNetwork cmdlet 237

Set-AzureRmVirtualNetworkSubnetConfig cmdlet 230

Set-AzureRmVMCustomScriptExtension cmdlet 89

Set-AzureRmVMDataDisk cmdlet 99

Set-AzureRmVMOperatingSystem cmdlet 69, 80, 81, 83

Set-AzureRmVMOSDisk cmdle 99

Set-AzureRmVMOSDisk cmdlet 98

Set-AzureRmVMSourceImage cmdlet 69

Set-AzureRmWebApp cmdlet 20, 29

Set-AzureStorageAccount cmdlet 164

Set-AzureStorageBlobContent cmdlet 161

Set-AzureStorageServiceLoggingProperty cmdlet 186

Set-AzureStorageServiceMetricsProperty cmdlet 186

shadow IT system 315

Shared Access Signature (SAS) 180182

shared access signature (SAS URL) 88

single sign-on 363368

federated 363366

password-based 366368

Site Control Manager (Kudu) 3031

Site Recovery Deployment Planner (SRDP) 394

Site Recovery Provider 403404, 405406

site-to-site (S2S) virtual private networks
240242, 247, 287

SLAs. See service level agreements

SMB. See Server Messaging Block

SMB file storage 168170

snapshots 387392, 408

social identity provider authentication 503505

social identity providers 376377

social media accounts 469

software as a service (SaaS) applications 485

revoking access to 370371

single sign-on with 363368

solid state disks (SSDs) 63

SQL Server Always On Availability Groups 284

SSDs. See solid state disks

SSH certificates 6263

SSL certificates

App Service Certificates and 2324

configuration of 2226

self-signed 80

third-party 23, 25

SSL/TLS certificates 342346

Standard Azure Storage account 100101

standard certificates 23

Standard storage 100101

Start-AzureStorageBlobCopy cmdlet 164165, 166

static IP addresses 261264

enabling on VMs 263264

storage 155198

Azure Storage 155177

Azure Storage Diagnostics 185188

blob 155164

async blob copy service 164170

capacity planning 100104

custom domains for 176177

disk caching 98100

encryption 190195

Geo-Redundant Storage 392393

monitoring and alerts 189190

redundancy type 379

setting metadata with 158159

SMB file storage 168170

virtual machines 93110

blob types 9394

storage accounts 9394

storage accounts

access control 178184

accessing content from CDN instead of 172173

blob 157

custom domains 176177

diagnostics 185188

entities and hierarchy relationships 156

key management 178180

replication options 163164

root container 157

types 157

zone replicated 164

Storage Explorer

async blob copy 167168

blob and container management with 162

stored access policies 182183

storage pools 103

Storage Spaces 103

stored access policy 182183

streaming log files 3233

subject alternative name (SAN) 23


associating NSG with 273274

deleting 209

design 208209

gateway 210211, 252253

NSGs with 222, 226230

properties 209

subscription policies 311

subscriptions 248

visualizing resources across multiple 456457

super users 194

support devices 247

Swap-AzureRmWebAppSlot cmdlet 13

Sync Error 476

synchronization services 470479

sysprep.exe tool 96

System Center Configuration Manager (SCOM) 442

System Center Operations Manager (SCOM) 38

System Center Virtual Machine Manager (SCVMM) 404405

system routes 214215

System Update Assessment management solution 459461

system updates 459461


TCP probe 276

telemetry data 39

TemplateParameterFile parameter 79

TemplateParameterObject parameter 79

TemplateParameterUri parameter 79

temporary disks 95

Thales nShield family 180

Threat intelligence detection capability 362363

time-to-live (TTL) period 173

top-AzureRmVM cmdlet 73

trace data 115

traffic encryption/decryption 233

traffic filtering 201

Transport Layer Security (TLS) 342


unmanaged disks 95

unmanaged images 9697

update-AzureRmVM cmdlet 99

Update-AzureRmVmssInstance cmdlet 137

URL-based content routing 234


Azure Automation 420

Usage location 489

user defined routes (UDRs) 214217, 274275


adding to applications 369370

utilization reports 479



automation 427428

vault credentials 380

vCenter/vSphere server 400401

View Designer 452453

virtual appliances 274

virtual applications

configuration 27

virtual CPUs (vCPUs) 63

virtual directories

configuration 27

virtual hard disks (VHDs) 95

virtual hard disk (VHD) files 67

virtual machine scale sets (VMSS) 57, 95, 129, 132137

upgrading 137

virtual machines (VMs) 57

adding DSC node 436438

agents 83


alerts configuration 119123

availability 124129

diagnostics 112119

monitoring 110123

networking 260286

resizing 130132

scaling 129137

ASR Azure to Azure protection 408412

Azure Container Services 138150

configuration 6465

management 8292

configuring as backend pools for App Gateway 285286

connecting to 7982

connecting to Log Analytics workspace 444446

creating 6079

from ARM template 7479

from images 9798

in Azure portal 6066

in PowerShell 6670

with CLI 7073

deployment into virtual network 230232

disk caching 98100

disk encryption 104106

disk redundancy 103104

enabling static private IP addresses on 263264

GPOs with 484


protection of 402408

IaaS, backing up 384386

joining to a Domain 482483

Just-in-time access 352353

Linux distributions for 5859

name resolution 268

operating system images 9598

public IP addresses 266

redundancy for 125

remote debugging 9192

replication 400401, 409412

resources 302308

setting size of 64, 72

snapshots 391

stopping 73

storage 93110

account replication 94

accounts 9394

Azure File Service 106110

blob types 9394

capacity planning 100104

disks 95

overview 9395


deployment 5882

identify and run 5860

virtual network resources 296299

virtual networks. See Azure Virtual Networks

Virtual Network Service Endpoints (VSPE) 178, 183184

virtual private networks (VPNs)

devices 248

ExpressRoute 242245

point-to-site 240241

site-to-site 240242, 287

support devices and software solutions 247

Visual Studio Cloud Explorer 91

Visual Studio Code 295

Visual Studio Community 2017 295

VMs. See virtual machines

VMSnapshot extension 380, 386

VMSnapshotLinux extension 380, 386

VMSS. See virtual machine scale sets

VNet peering 217222, 248250, 251, 257259

VNets. See Azure Virtual Networks

VNet-to-VNet connections 251257

VPN Gateways 246247, 253255, 260, 266

VPNs. See virtual private networks


WAF. See web application firewall

web application firewall (WAF) 233, 353, 355357

web applications

integration with Azure AD 495496

proxy monitoring 477478

registering 374375

Web Apps 156

application settings 1721

app service plans 26

availability tests 3739

Azure Traffic Manager for 4751

basic tier 428431

configuration 1627

application settings 1721

backups 4041

custom domain 2022

for scale and resilience 4252

handler mappings 26

SSL certificates 2226

virtual applications and directories 27

connection strings 1820

creating 68

Azure portal 67

in CLI 8

in PowerShell 7

deploying application to 14

deployment 216

deployment slots

defining 810

swapping 1114

diagnostic logs

enabling 2729

retrieving 2932

integrating Azure Automation with 428431

introduction to 1

migration to separate App Service Plan 1516

monitoring 27

app service plan resources 3435

Azure services 3940

resources 3334

with Application Insights 3539

multiple deployments of 47

restoring from backup 4142

Web-Asp-Net45 feature 83

webhooks 121

Web-Server role 83

web servers

diagnostic logs 2829

web tests alerts 39

wildcard certificates 23

Windows 10 493495

Windows Explorer 108109

Windows Management Framework version 5 (WMF 5) 438

Windows PowerShell. See PowerShell

Windows Remote Management (WinRM) 8081

Windows Server 2003 58

Windows virtual machines

connecting to 7981

diagnostics, enabling and configuring 112118

WinRMHttp 80

WinRMHttps 80


Hyper-V-based 402408

migrating 149

on virtual machines

identify and run 5860

WS-Federation 363


xPSDesiredStateConfiguration module 84


yum package manager 170


zone redundant storage (ZRS) 94

zone-replicated storage accounts 164

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