Chapter 18. Types and Documentation

The basic types in Erlang—integers, floating-point numbers, atoms, strings, tuples, and lists—were introduced in Chapter 2; records were covered in Chapter 7; and further types—binaries and references—in Chapter 9. When we have declared functions and other definitions, we have also given an informal description of the types of their inputs and outputs.

This chapter shows how you can write down the types of functions as a part of their formal documentation in Erlang, using the EDoc documentation framework, written by Richard Carlsson. What you write down as the type of a function can be checked for consistency against the function definition using the TypEr tool, built by the implementers of Dialyzer. TypEr will infer types without any user input, and so it can be an essential tool for program understanding. TypEr and Dialyzer are the result of the High Performance Erlang (HiPE) team’s research at Uppsala University. All of these tools are part of the standard Erlang distribution.

Types in Erlang

Let’s start this chapter with an example and follow it with an overview of the type notation for Erlang.

An Example: Records with Typed Fields

We discussed record definitions earlier in the book. In the example of the mobile user database in Chapter 10, you saw a declaration of a record to hold information about a particular user of the mobile phone system:

-record(usr, {msisdn,             %int()
              id,                 %term()
              status = enabled    %atom(), enabled | disabled
              plan,               %atom(), prepay | postpay
              services = []}).    %[atom()], service flag list

The usr record has five fields, and in the comments that follow, each field type is indicated.

You can take that a step further, however, and make these comments a part of the program itself. First, you introduce type declarations defining types for the kind of plan, user status, and service:

-type(plan()     :: prepay | postpay).
-type(status()   :: enabled | disabled).
-type(service()  :: atom()).

The three type declarations define the plan, status, and service types. As with constant functions, they are followed by a set of parentheses, ():


Has two elements, the atoms prepay and postpay. You use the | symbol to indicate alternatives (as you would in regular expressions and grammars). Here, the alternatives are the two possible members of the type.


Also has two elements, the atoms enabled and disabled.


Is a synonym for atom(), but makes it clear that when it is used, the intention is for an atom in this position to represent a service of some kind.

With these definitions in place, you can explicitly give types to the record fields in this record with typed fields:

-record(usr, {msisdn              ::integer(),
              id                  ::integer(),
              status = enabled    ::status(),
              plan                ::plan(),
              services = []       ::[service()]

This more clearly indicates what the elements of the usr record type should be and how they should be used by programs that manipulate them. But most importantly, it provides tools with information that will help you detect type errors in the code. This short example provided you with a taste of the Erlang type notation. Now let’s cover it in more detail.

Erlang Type Notation

A number of Erlang types are predefined, and they include the following:


Includes all Erlang data values (as does its synonym, term()).


Includes all Erlang atoms.


Consists of all binary values.


Contains the atoms true and false.


Contains the numbers 0–255.


Is the Unicode subset of the integer() type.


Is a recursive type, equal to [char+deep_string()].


Consists of all floating-point numbers.


Contains all funs


Consists of all integer values; recall that these are “big integers.”


Is the type of a list of type T; it can also be written [T].


Has one element, the empty list [].


Is a void type with no elements; it is used as the return type of functions that never return.


Consists of the union of the float() and integer() types.

pid(), port(), reference()

Are all self-explanatory.


Is a synonym for the list of characters, [char()].


Contains all tuples.

You can find details of other predefined types in the EDoc and Dialyzer documentation. In addition to the aforementioned predefined types, you can define your own types using the following notation:


Any atom can be used as a type; for example, the type ok has the element ok.

| or +

You can use these to form the union of two types, as in true|false.


This is the record type named rec.


This is the type of a tuple whose first element comes from type T1, second element from type T2, and so on. So, for example, {error,atom()} consists of all pairs where the first element is the atom error and the second is any atom.


This is the type of a list whose elements come from the type T.


This is the range of integers from lower bound L to upper bound U. This is used in defining byte() and char() and a number of other built-ins, including pos_integer().

A function type has the following form:

(Argument_types) -> Result_type

where the argument types may also contain the names of the corresponding parameters.

You use a –spec statement to specify a type (or prototype) for a function in a program.To be clear, -spec is used to specify the type of a function, whereas –type is used to define a type. Revisiting the usr_db example from Chapter 10, you can say:

-spec(create_tables(FileName::string()) -> {ok, ref()} | {error, atom()}).

create_tables(FileName) ->
    ... .

-spec(close_tables() -> ok | {error, atom()}).

close_tables() ->
    ... .

The type of create_tables here indicates that the FileName argument is a string, and that there are two alternatives for the return type:

  • If the operation is successful, this is signaled by returning a tuple with the first element ok, and the second element a reference to the tables created.

  • If it fails, a tuple with the first element error will be returned. Its second element is an atom, presumably indicating the nature of the error.

The use of FileName here is optional. Writing the following would have the same effect:

-spec(create_tables(string()) -> {ok, ref()} | {error, atom()}).

However, including the parameter name—assuming it is chosen to reflect its purpose—improves the documentation.[44]

TypEr: Success Types and Type Inference

The TypEr system, built by Tobias Lindahl and Kostis Sagonas,[45] is used to check the validity of –spec annotations, as well as to infer the types of functions in modules without type annotations.

You use TypEr from the command line. You can see the full range of options by typing:

typer --help

Taking the example of the mobile user database from Chapter 10, the following command:

typer --show usr.erl usr_db.erl

gives the following output (shortened for brevity):

Unknown functions: [{ets,safefixtable,2}]

%% File: "usr.erl"
%% ---------------
-spec start() -> 'ok' | {'error','starting'}.
-spec start(_) -> 'ok' | {'error','starting'}.
-spec stop() -> any().
-spec add_usr(_,_,_) -> any().
-spec delete_usr(_) -> any().

%% File: "usr_db.erl"
%% ------------------
-spec create_tables(_) -> any().
-spec close_tables() -> any().
-spec add_usr(#usr{}) -> 'ok'.
-spec update_usr([tuple()] | tuple()) -> 'ok'.
-spec delete_usr(_) -> 'ok' | {'error','instance'}.

In a statically typed language such as Haskell, the type of a function inferred by the type checker will provide a guarantee that the function will not fail if applied to arguments of the input type. Erlang is a dynamically typed language, and so the TypEr tool takes a different approach.


TypEr infers success types, which encapsulate all the ways in which a function can be applied successfully. In general, this cannot be accurate, but it will always be an overapproximation, so using the function in any other way will be guaranteed to fail.

To make this clear, if a function f is given a success typing (S) -> T, and E is any Erlang expression so that f(E) successfully evaluates to V, then E must be of type S, and V of type T.

In the usr_db.erl example earlier, no useful information could be inferred for create_tables/1, as its input and output types are any(). Just to be clear, TypEr was applied to a version of usr_db without type annotations; if you add these, the result of applying TypEr may be different:

-spec(create_tables(string()) -> {ok, ref()} | {error, atom()}).

create_tables(FileName) ->
  ets:new(subRam, [named_table, {keypos, #usr.msisdn}]),
  ets:new(subIndex, [named_table]),
  dets:open_file(subDisk, [{file, FileName}, {keypos, #usr.msisdn}]).

-spec(close_tables() -> ok | {error, atom()}).

close_tables() ->

-spec(add_usr(#usr{}) -> ok).

add_usr(#usr{msisdn=PhoneNo, id=CustId} = Usr) ->
  ets:insert(subIndex, {CustId, PhoneNo}),

-spec(update_usr(#usr{}) -> ok).

update_usr(Usr) ->
  ets:insert(subRam, Usr),
  dets:insert(subDisk, Usr),

-spec(delete_usr(integer()) -> ok|{error,atom()}).

delete_usr(CustId) ->
  case get_index(CustId) of
    {ok,PhoneNo} ->
      delete_usr(PhoneNo, CustId);
    {error, instance} ->
      {error, instance}

-spec(delete_usr(integer(),integer()) -> ok|{error,atom()}).

delete_usr(PhoneNo, CustId) ->
  dets:delete(subDisk, PhoneNo),
  ets:delete(subRam, PhoneNo),
  ets:delete(subIndex, CustId),


Running TypEr on the annotated file will check the specified types, and will give this result:

%% File: "usr_db.erl"
%% ------------------
-spec create_tables(string()) -> {'ok',ref()} | {'error',atom()}.
-spec close_tables() -> 'ok' | {'error',atom()}.
-spec add_usr(#usr{}) -> 'ok'.
-spec update_usr(#usr{}) -> 'ok'.
-spec delete_usr(integer()) -> 'ok' | {'error',atom()}.
-spec delete_usr(integer(),integer()) -> 'ok' | {'error',atom()}.

In doing this, TypEr will check the specified type against the inferred type, and report any inconsistencies. For example, if you change the –spec for add_usr to the following:

-spec(add_usr(#usr{}) -> integer()).

TypEr will report this:

typer: Error in contract of function usr_db:add_usr/1
     The contract is: (#usr{}) -> integer()
     but the inferred signature is: (#usr{}) -> 'ok'

On the other hand, if you change the spec of create_tables/1, no error will be reported, since the inferred type for this function is consistent with any one-argument function type.

Dialyzer: A DIscrepancy AnaLYZer for ERlang Programs

TypEr gives an analysis of types in Erlang programs. Dialyzer extends this to perform static analysis on Erlang programs to identify software discrepancies, including redundant tests and unreachable code, as well as obvious type errors.

To speed up its operation, Dialyzer can create a Persistent Lookup Table (PLT), using the --build_plt option. When you include the kernel, standard libraries, and Mnesia, as shown here:

dialyzer --build_plt -r <erl-lib>/kernel-2.12.5/ebin <erl-lib>/
stdlib-1.15.5/ebin <erl-lib>/mnesia-4.4.7/ebin

it takes some minutes to generate the PLT and produce this report:

Creating PLT /Users/simonthompson/.dialyzer_plt ...
re.erl:41: Call to missing or unexported function unicode:characters_to_binary/2
re.erl:134: Call to missing or unexported function unicode:characters_to_list/2
re.erl:200: Call to missing or unexported function re:compile/2
re.erl:226: Call to missing or unexported function unicode:characters_to_binary/2
re.erl:245: Call to missing or unexported function unicode:characters_to_list/2
re.erl:505: Call to missing or unexported function unicode:characters_to_list/2
re.erl:545: Call to missing or unexported function unicode:characters_to_binary/2
Unknown functions:
 done in 16m43.44s
done (warnings were emitted)

Subsequently calling Dialyzer on the files for the running example gives this report (in less than a second):

dialyzer -c usr.erl usr_db.erl
  Checking whether the PLT /Users/simonthompson/.dialyzer_plt is up-to-date... yes
  Proceeding with analysis...
usr.erl:110: The pattern [] can never match the type {'error','instance'}
usr_db.erl:69: Call to missing or unexported function ets:safefixtable/2
 done in 0m0.33s
done (warnings were emitted)

You can find more information about Dialyzer in the online documentation.

Documentation with EDoc

It is sometimes said that functional programs are self-documenting. Sadly, although functional programming languages may produce programs that are more readable, complex programs are not self-documenting, let alone obvious to understand. Free text comments in program modules, if kept up-to-date, are a first step in describing a program. However, they have the disadvantage of lacking structure as well as being difficult to scan, search, and read independently of the program text.

EDoc provides a documentation framework for Erlang that overcomes these disadvantages and generates documentation from information you have inserted in your modules:

  • EDoc provides a structure for comments, including type and spec information as well as textual comments on functions.

  • EDoc is a documentation generator: a standard style of HTML document is generated from the structured information in each module.

  • EDoc provides a framework for adding information covering a whole set of modules (e.g., in an application or a package), providing an overview of the larger-scale structure or assumptions for the whole system.

EDoc is part of the standard Erlang distribution, and it has a lot in common with similar systems such as Haddock (for Haskell), Javadoc, pydoc, and RDoc (for Ruby). In this section, we will introduce you to many of EDoc’s features by documenting the mobile user database example from Chapter 10.


It is intended that in later releases of Erlang/OTP, EDoc will share information with TypEr, and so will use the type information in the type and –spec declarations. In the meantime, this typing information is given in a different format, described in this section.

Documenting usr_db.erl

EDoc generates documentation from tags of the form @tag text, embedded within comments. Each tag can continue over multiple lines, until the next tag or noncomment line. You can use different kinds of tags in different ways:

Module tags

Provide module-level documentation. Occurrences must precede the module declaration itself.

Function tags

Are associated with the function that follows them, and give information about that particular function.

Generic tags

Might include “to do” information or a type definition, but can occur anywhere within a file.

We will look at these in turn for the usr_db example.

Module tags

In the example, the module tags are as follows:

%% @author Francesco Cesarini <[email protected]>
%% @author Simon Thompson []
%% @doc Back end for the mobile subscriber database.
%% The module provides an example of using ETS and DETS tables.
%% @reference <a href="">
  Erlang Programming</a>,
%%  <em> Francesco Cesarini and Simon Thompson</em>,
%%  O'Reilly, 2009.
%% @copyright 2009 Francesco Cesarini and Simon Thompson

The tags give information about the following:


The author(s) of the module and optional contact information (email or HTML).


A copyright statement.


A description of the module, in well-formed XHTML text. The first sentence of this text is used as a summary of the module.


A reference giving further information, which can include XHTML links.

You can use other tags to give information about version number (@version), when the module was introduced into the system (@since), and whether the documentation should be visible or not (@hidden or @private).

Function tags

The principal documentation for a function is given by its type and a description of what it does:


Gives the type for a function. The form of the type description was given earlier. In future versions, it is expected that this will be replaced by use of information in a –spec declaration.


Indicates the general documentation for a function, using XHTML markup.

Other available tags include a cross-reference to another object’s documentation (@see), a description of which types of exceptions can be thrown (@throws), and whether a function is deprecated (@deprecated); @hidden, @private, and @since, as described earlier, can also be used.

For a fragment of the usr_db module, the documentation will be as follows:

%% @doc Create the ETS and DETS tables which implement the database. The
%% argument gives the filename which is used to hold the DETS table.
%% If the table can be created, an 'ok' tuple containing a
%% reference to the created table is returned; if not, it returns an 'error'
%% tuple with an atom describing the error.

%% @spec create_tables(string()) -> {ok, reference()} | {error, atom()}

-spec(create_tables(string()) -> {ok, ref()} | {error, atom()}).

create_tables(FileName) ->
  ets:new(subRam, [named_table, {keypos, #usr.msisdn}]),
  ets:new(subIndex, [named_table]),
  dets:open_file(subDisk, [{file, FileName}, {keypos, #usr.msisdn}]).

%% @doc Close the ETS and DETS tables implementing the database.
%% Returns either 'ok' or an 'error'
%% tuple with the reason for the failure to close the DETS table.

%% @spec close_tables() -> ok | {error, atom()}

-spec(close_tables() -> ok | {error, atom()}).

close_tables() ->

%% @doc Add a user (of the 'usr' record type) to the database.

%% @spec add_usr(#usr{}) -> ok

-spec(add_usr(#usr{}) -> ok).

add_usr(#usr{msisdn=PhoneNo, id=CustId} = Usr) ->
  ets:insert(subIndex, {CustId, PhoneNo}),

In the preceding code, we provided the types using @spec; it is expected that in future releases of Erlang, -spec declarations will be used instead, making @spec tags superfluous.

Generic tags

Generic tags can appear anywhere in a module:


Will give a definition of a type and is picked up by EDoc to include in the generated documentation. It is expected that in future releases this will be replaced by the use of -type declarations.


Used to indicate “to do” notes; these will not appear in the generated documentation unless the todo option is activated.

Running EDoc

The main EDoc functions are in the edoc module. A call to edoc:application/1 will generate the documentation for an application, and a call to edoc:files/1 will generate the documentation for a set of files; these functions use the default EDoc options. Two-argument versions of the functions allow a set of option choices to be passed in the second argument.

Module pages

Figure 18-1 shows the page generated for the usr_db module that results from running edoc:files(["usr_db.erl", "usr.erl"]). This shows the structure of a typical EDoc page for an Erlang module.

EDoc page for (a fragment of) usr_db.erl
Figure 18-1. EDoc page for (a fragment of) usr_db.erl

The page begins with links to its major sections, and is followed by the one-sentence summary of the module and other module tags; the full description of the module follows.

In the function index, functions are listed in alphabetical order, rather than in their order in the file. Each function is hyperlinked to its details, and is given a one-sentence overview: the first sentence of its @doc tag.

Each function has details regarding its type. Note that the information contains not only the types of the arguments and results, but also the names of the arguments that are automatically extracted from the source code. For instance, the @spec for create_tables/1 says the following:

%% @spec create_tables(string()) -> {ok, reference()} | {error, atom()}

Here is the documentation that is produced:

create_tables(FileName::string()) -> {ok, reference()} | {error, atom()}

This gives you the useful extra information that the string argument represents a filename. Without any @spec information, EDoc will still include the names of the parameters in the generated information.

Overview page

For each project, an overview page will be generated, providing an index for the modules in the project. Further information can be provided for this in an overview.edoc file, which should typically appear in a doc subdirectory where the other documentation will be placed.

The overview.edoc file has the same content tags as the header for a module, but it is not necessary to enclose each line in a comment. The results of this for the running example are shown in Figure 18-2, as generated from a file that begins like this:

@author Francesco Cesarini <[email protected]>
@author Simon Thompson []
@reference <a href="">Erlang Programming</a>,
  <em> Francesco Cesarini and Simon Thompson</em>,
  O'Reilly, 2009.
The EDoc overview page for the database
Figure 18-2. The EDoc overview page for the database

Types in EDoc

The usr_db.erl module contains no type definitions, but usr.hrl contains a number of these, and they are referenced in usr.erl. Types are documented like this: the definition is given first, and this can be followed by an optional description:

%% @type plan() = prepay|postpay. The two payment types for mobile subscribers.
%% @type status() = enabled | disabled. The status of a customer can be enabled
%% or disabled.
%% @type service() = atom(). Services are specified by atoms, including
%% (but not limited to) 'data', 'lbs' and 'sms'. 'Data' confirms the user
%% has subscribed to a data plan, 'sms' allows the user to send and receive
%% premium rated smses, while 'lbs' would allow third parties to execute
%% location lookups on this particular user.

This is extracted in the documentation for the usr module, and if a defined type is used in the @spec for a function, this is hyperlinked to its definition. The information about types appears in the documentation after the general description and before the function index. Figure 18-3 shows a fragment of the documentation for usr.erl, with the data type definitions appearing after the module description.

A fragment of the web page for usr.erl
Figure 18-3. A fragment of the web page for usr.erl

Going Further with EDoc

If you want to generate comprehensive documentation for applications and other projects, EDoc provides a number of facilities for formatting, cross-referencing, and preprocessing.

EDoc comes with a set of predefined macros, called by enclosing them in braces, thus: {@name} and {@name argument}. These include @date, @time, @module, and @version as well as the {@link reference. description} form. This creates a link to the object identified by the reference; the description gives the text for the anchor of the link.

References include name/arity for functions within the module, and Mod:name/arity for functions in the module Mod. A typename() refers to a type within the same module, and Mod:typename() in another. So, for example, the following link:

{@link set_status/2. 'set_status/2'}

gives a link to the documentation for the set_status/2 function in the same module.

In this example, the link is also labeled set_status/2: you use another EDoc facility for verbatim quotation. The quotation of the text '...' puts the enclosed text into verbatim (code) form, properly escaping any XHTML-significant characters in the text, such as <, =, and >. y shows an example using the @link construct, where the description part of the documentation gives an index for the functions divided according to function, rather than alphabetically.

For author convenience, EDoc supports wiki-style formatting instead of XHTML. Blank lines are taken to delimit paragraphs (i.e., <p> ... </p> elements). Headings can be generated automatically from ==Heading==, and similarly from ===, however, = should not be used. This header markup will automatically generate an anchor (equivalent to <a name="Heading">), which can then be referred to by an EDoc macro, {@section Heading}. For further details on formatting and cross-referencing in EDoc, see the online documentation.


Rather than give formal exercises for this chapter, we encourage you to try TypEr, Dialyzer, and EDoc on the solutions you wrote for exercises earlier in the book.

[44] The EDoc system described later in the chapter will automatically include parameter names in its generated type documentation even if they do not appear in the –spec statement.

[45] TypEr is described in the papers from the Erlang Workshops in 2005 (Tallin) and 2007 (Freiburg) ( and

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