Chapter 17. Trace BIFs, the dbg Tracer, and Match Specifications

Any respectable programming language that has deployments consisting of millions of lines of code running in thousands of installations worldwide must provide built-in low-level tracing mechanisms on which to build tools that can be used for live troubleshooting. Languages that don’t provide these tools put a huge burden on developers and support engineers alike, as they have to either develop this infrastructure from scratch themselves or troubleshoot their systems in a black-box environment.

In Erlang, Ericsson’s experiences of tracing live telephony switches are reflected in the trace BIFs, which, from being part of the first version of the language, have evolved through the years to become the foundation for a set of tools that give full visibility to the changing state of the system and, as a result, drastically reduce bug resolution times and troubleshooting efforts.


Imagine you receive a bug report from a live system, where you get a badmatch error when pattern matching the result of the call ets:lookup(msgQ, MsgId). You expect your program to pattern-match on an atom denoting a message type, but instead it terminates when coming across the tuple {error, unknown_msg}.

You can quickly establish that the database got corrupted and set about trying to find the ets:insert/2 call that wrote the entry into the ETS table. As messages entering the system are tested at the system boundary, this message should not have made it as far as the insert call. You could add a case statement ensuring that the error tuple is never inserted in the table, but this would be considered defensive programming, as this message was either tagged incorrectly or should not have made it this far into the system in the first place. Not only that, but you also do not know which particular ets:insert/2 call caused the problem. In large systems, you would expect to find quite a few of them.

In a huge and complex system, without any knowledge of the module in which the entry was corrupted, you would have to find the tuple {error, unknown_msg}, potentially having to search through millions of lines of code. Once you found the tuple, inserting an io:format/2 statement that prints the error and process information would not solve the problem, as in live systems, processes come and go and millions of entries are inserted and deleted from ETS tables each hour. In addition, because this is a live system with strict revision control, code changes must be tested and approved before being deployed. This option, even if it’s tempting, would result in a slow turnaround time. Don’t get wound up on release procedures and slow turnaround times from the quality assurance team, however, as you can do better!

In Erlang, the first thing a developer or support engineer would consider doing is to turn on the trace facility for all calls to the ets:insert/2 function. You can trace both local and global calls—that is, calls to functions in the same module and in other modules—without having to trace-compile (i.e., recompile) the code. The trace events can include the function call itself, its arguments, its result, its calling function, and a timestamp. When tracing is enabled, you can generate a trace event every time the traced function is called. This trace event is either printed in the shell or piped to a socket where a program at the other end receives it, formats it, and stores it in a readable logfile.

But you still have a problem, because in a live system, millions of calls are made to ets:insert/2 every hour. Millions of trace messages would give you lots of unnecessary information and would probably affect performance. You are interested in trace events only if the second argument, the message type, is invalid. So, what do you do? You implement a match specification that, for every call, will inspect the parameters passed to it. You write the specification in such a way that you generate a trace event only if your parameter inspection comes across the tuple {error, unknown_msg} instead of a valid message type. In this trace event, you ensure that the calling function is displayed, giving you the function where the ets:insert/2 call originated. You can then start tracing this calling function and inspecting its arguments, finding the final clue to the origin of the invalid message, and as a result, locating the bug. What is more, you can do all of this in a live system where thousands of simultaneous transactions are being concurrently executed, without affecting the performance and without having to recompile the code.

If this sounds too good to be true, keep reading. Inspecting arguments in local and global calls, turning process traces on and off based on very specific triggers, and having full visibility over process state changes is possible with no extra effort on behalf of the developer. In Erlang, you achieve these results by using the dbg tracer tool, a user-friendly encapsulation of the trace BIFs and match specifications. This is another example of simple but powerful and well-thought-out constructs that reduce development and support efforts and bug turnaround times.

The first section of this chapter covers the low-level trace BIFs, as well as the message-based foundation for tracing in Erlang. This is followed by an introduction to the dbg tracer tool built on the BIFs; although this is probably the tool you will use, the first section will introduce you to the way in which tracing works in Erlang, as well as the terminology used in tracing.

The Trace BIFs

The built-in function erlang:trace/3 enables and disables the low-level trace mechanisms in the Erlang runtime system. It provides you with a means to monitor concurrency, code execution, and memory usage. Tools such as the debugger and the process manager use this BIF to collect and display trace events. You prefix the BIF with the name of the erlang module that contains it, as it is not autoimported.

The beauty of the trace BIF is that you can use it without having to trace-compile the code. You can use it in live systems, resulting in an incredibly powerful troubleshooting tool that gives full visibility of what is going on.

Trace events are sent as messages of the following format:

{trace, Pid, Tag, Data1 [,Data2]}

where [,Data2] denotes an optional field dependent on the trace message type. Trace events that are generated include the following:

  • Global and local function calls

  • Garbage collection and memory usage

  • Process-related activities and message passing

At any one time, only one process may receive trace events from another process. This is known as the tracer process. The tracer process that receives the trace events is the one that made the call to:

erlang:trace(PidSpec, Bool, TraceFlags).

In this call, PidSpec defines which processes you want to trace. It is either a process identifier or one of the atoms existing, new, or all:

  • The existing atom enables tracing for all existing processes, but will exclude the tracer process and any process spawned after the call.

  • If you pass new, the call will trace all processes spawned after the trace BIF call.

  • The all atom will instead trace all processes created before and after the trace call, excluding the tracer process itself.

Calling erlang:trace(self(), Bool, TraceFlags) generates a bad argument error, as the tracer process cannot be traced. The reason the process receiving the trace messages cannot be traced is to avoid infinite cyclic loops. Imagine you are tracing received messages. Every time your process receives a message, a trace message will be generated, resulting in yet another trace message. Moreover, this will happen at a rate that no program would be able to handle.

If you want a process other than the one calling the trace/3 BIF to receive the trace events, you pass the {tracer, Pid} tuple as an element in the TraceFlags list (which we’ll described shortly). In this tuple, Pid has to be a process or port identifier.

The second argument to the trace BIF is the atom true or false, specifying whether you want to enable or disable particular aspects of your tracing. These are described by a list of trace flags, denoted by atoms[40] and used to specify which trace events you want to generate or suppress, according to the Boolean value of the second argument: true to generate and false to suppress. We describe the trace flags in detail in subsequent sections. The return value of the erlang:trace/3 call is an integer denoting the number of traced processes.

Process Trace Flags

The send flag traces all messages sent by a process, and 'receive' generates events when messages are added to the mailbox of the traced process. Because receive is a reserved word in Erlang, you must enclose it in single quotes, thus generating an atom. Setting the send or 'receive' flag to true generates the following trace events:

{trace, Pid, send, Message, To}
{trace, Pid, send_to_non_existing_process, Message, To}
{trace, Pid, 'receive', Message}

By now, you must be itching to try the trace BIF in the shell. In the following sections, we will use this program as an example:

-export([start/0, send/1, loop/0]).

start() -> spawn_link(ping, loop, []).

send(Pid) ->
  Pid ! {self(), ping},
  receive  pong -> pong end.

loop() ->
   {Pid, ping} ->
      spawn(crash, do_not_exist, []),
      Pid ! pong,

The start function spawns a child process that waits in a receive-evaluate loop. Upon receiving a ping message, sent as a result of the ping:send/1 call, the child process spawns a new process that immediately terminates abnormally, as the module in which it should be executing does not exist.

This abnormal termination will result in a crash report being printed. (Remember, spawning a process never fails.[41] Instead, what fails is the newly spawned process, as the function it is supposed to execute is undefined.) Finally, the child process responds to the message by sending a pong message back. It is received in the ping:send/1 call and is returned as a result of that function.

Running the preceding example in the shell and turning on tracing of all send and receive events, we get:

1> Pid = ping:start().
2> erlang:trace(Pid, true, [send, 'receive']).
3> ping:send(Pid).
=ERROR REPORT==== 6-Sep-2008::19:16:00 ===
Error in process <0.40.0> with exit value: {undef,[{crash,do_not_exist,[]}]}

4> flush().
Shell got {trace,<0.55.0>,'receive',{<0.39.0>,ping}}
Shell got {trace,<0.55.0>,send,pong,<0.39.0>}
5> erlang:trace(Pid, false, [send, 'receive']).

Note how commands 2 and 5 return the integer 1, namely the number of processes that are being traced. You can set trace flags on processes at any time, either before they are created, using the all or new flag, or after they have been created, using the all or existing flag or the flag’s process identifier. And, as the trace messages are being sent to the shell process, which is the process that executed the trace/3 call, you can retrieve them using the flush/0 shell command.

At any particular time, a process can be in one of three states (see Figure 17-1). It could be running code, it could be suspended waiting for its turn to execute, or it could be in a receive clause, waiting for a message to arrive. A process is said to be preempted when its state changes from running to suspended, and scheduled when it is moved from the suspended queue ready to execute.

By enabling the running flag, you can trace state transfers of the module, function, and arity as well as the pid of the process from when it started running (in) to when it stops running (out). The trace events generated always come in pairs, and are of the following format:

{trace, Pid, in, {M, F, Arity}}
{trace, Pid, out, {M, F, Arity}}

Pman, the process manager, uses the procs flag to trace process-related events, such as process spawning and termination, process linking, and registration. The trace events generated by the procs flag include the following:

{trace, Pid, spawn, Pid2, {M, F, Args}}
{trace, Pid, exit, Reason}
{trace, Pid, link | unlink, Pid2}
{trace, Pid, getting_linked | getting_unlinked, Pid2}
{trace, Pid, register | unregister, Pid2}
Process states
Figure 17-1. Process states
The set_on_spawn trace flag
Figure 17-2. The set_on_spawn trace flag

Function calls can be traced using the call flag; we discuss this in more detail in the section Tracing Calls with the trace_pattern BIF.

Inheritance Flags

Use of the set_on_spawn flag specifies that any child process will inherit the flags of its parent, including the set_on_spawn flag itself (see Figure 17-2). As a result, any process spawned by the child process will also inherit all of the flags of the child. If instead you use the set_on_first_spawn flag, you specify that any process that is spawned will inherit the flags of its parents except the set_on_first_spawn flag. Any process the child will spawn will therefore not inherit the flags. In other words, set_on_spawn is transitive, whereas set_on_first_spawn is not.

Let’s use the ping example to see the set_on_spawn and procs flags in action. Sending the ping message to the process spawns a child that terminates immediately. The tracing process should receive the spawn trace event from the first process and the exit message with the undef runtime error from the second process:

1> Pid = ping:start().
2> erlang:trace(Pid, true, [set_on_spawn, procs]).
3> ping:send(Pid).
=ERROR REPORT==== 6-Sep-2008::19:50:33 ===
Error in process <0.40.0> with exit value: {undef,[{crash,do_not_exist,[]}]}

4> flush().
Shell got {trace,<0.31.0>,spawn,<0.34.0>,{crash,do_not_exist,[]}}
Shell got {trace,<0.34.0>,exit,{undef,[{crash,do_not_exist,[]}]}}

The set_on_link and set_on_first_link trace flags are similar to the set_on_spawn flag, but instead they control the flags that are inherited when linking takes place.

Garbage Collection and Timestamps

Memory usage and the amount of time spent garbage collecting are notoriously tricky to predict. The Erlang system uses a generational garbage collection mechanism, described in Chapter 2. The collector has two generations of data: “current” and “old.” Current data that survives a garbage collection will become old. The premise behind this approach is that much of the data stored in the heap is short-lived and will not survive to the first garbage collection, whereas data that survives its first collection tends to be much longer-lived. It therefore makes sense to garbage-collect in the current data more frequently than in the old data.

Using the garbage_collection flag, you can receive trace events relating to garbage collection initiation and termination. The events produced are of the following format:

{trace, Pid, gc_start, Info}
{trace, Pid, gc_end, Info}

where Info is a list of tagged tuples containing the following:


The used part of the current heap


The size of the memory block used to store the heap and the stack


The used part of the old heap


The size of the memory block used to store the old heap


The actual stack size


The size of the data that survived the previous garbage collection


The message buffer (or mailbox) size

All heap and message buffer sizes provided in the tagged tuples are in words.[42]

Now, what should you do if you want to calculate the time spent garbage collecting, or if you want to have an accurate record of exactly when a specific trace event is generated? You should use the timestamp flag, which will add a timestamp to all messages. The format is the same as the one returned by the BIF now(), namely {MegaSeconds, Seconds, Microseconds} passed since January 1, 1970. All trace messages will now have the trace_ts tag and will contain an extra field at the end containing the timestamp:

1> Pid = ping:start().
2> erlang:trace(Pid, true, [garbage_collection, timestamp]).
3> ping:send(Pid).
=ERROR REPORT==== 6-Sep-2008::20:30:41 ===
Error in process <0.40.0> with exit value: {undef,[{crash,do_not_exist,[]}]}

4> flush().
Shell got {trace_ts,<0.31.0>, gc_start,
Shell got {trace_ts,<0.31.0>, gc_end,
    [{mbuf_size,0}, {recent_size,228},{stack_size,2},{old_heap_size,0},    

The flag cpu_timestamp makes all trace timestamps relative to the CPU time, not the wall clock. To use this flag, the target machine needs to support high-resolution CPU measurements and the Pid argument to the trace BIF must be all.

Tracing Calls with the trace_pattern BIF

You use the erlang:trace_pattern/3 BIF to enable tracing of local and global function calls. You must use this BIF in conjunction with the erlang:trace/3 BIF, called with the call and return_to flags. Tracing will be enabled on the intersection of the sets created through the calls to the two trace BIFs (see Figure 17-3). Using trace/3, you define which processes you want to monitor. Using trace_pattern/3, you define the subset of functions you are tracing. An event will be generated only if a traced process executes a traced function.

The trace messages generated by the intersection of these two BIFs will be of the following form:

{trace, Pid, call, {M, F, Args}}
{trace, Pid, return_to, {M, F, Args}}

where call is generated when the function F in module M with argument Args is called. The return_to event is generated when the call returns and the execution of the function is completed. When tracing recursive calls, the return_to event is sent only when the recursive base case has been reached, and not for every iteration of the function. You can use the return_to flag only in conjunction with the call flag.

Using the arity flag in conjunction with the call flag, all event tags containing an {M, F, Args} tuple will instead return function arity information, {M, F, Arity}. This is useful if you are not interested in the arguments passed to a function and you want to minimize the size of the messages passed as a result of the call trace.

The intersection of the trace and trace_pattern BIFs
Figure 17-3. The intersection of the trace and trace_pattern BIFs

When calling:

erlang:trace_pattern(MFA, Condition, FlagList)

you define the functions you want to trace in the first argument, where you specify the module, function, and arity of the calls you want to result in a trace event. The MFA format is one of the following:

{Module, Function, Arity}
{Module, Function, '_'}
{Module, '_', '_'}
{'_', '_', '_'}

Wildcards are allowed using the '_' atom, so using {Module, '_', '_'} will enable the tracing of all calls of all arities defined in Module. Wildcards need to follow the preceding pattern, however; combinations of the type {'_', Function, '_'} are not allowed. The modules we are passing to erlang:trace_pattern/3 have to be loaded before the BIF is called. Recompiling your code or reloading the module after having set the flags will clear the trace patterns. You need to rerun the trace command BIFs to reenable the tracing.

The Condition further controls the tracing. It can take a Boolean value: passing true will enable tracing of all functions defined in MFA, whereas false will disable it. You can also pass a match specification, the same ugly but extremely powerful terms describing a simple program that we discussed in Chapter 10. We will look at them in more detail in the section Match Specifications: The fun Syntax.

Finally, the FlagList defines the type of traced function, further filtering what has been defined in MFA. Passing global traces only exported functions, whereas local traces both exported and nonexported calls.

The visibility of your systems gained through these extremely powerful BIFs greatly reduces the time spent troubleshooting, making the turnaround time for patches very short when comparing Erlang to other programming languages. Are you curious and want to experiment with trace function calls from within the shell? Let’s look at an example and experiment with the possible range of values you can pass to the BIFs. When doing so, do not forget to prefix the BIF calls with the erlang module name. Let’s go back to the ping example, explained in the section Inheritance Flags:

1> l(ping).
2> erlang:trace(all, true, [call]).
3> erlang:trace_pattern({ping, '_', '_'}, true, [local]).
4> Pid = ping:start().
5> ping:send(Pid).
=ERROR REPORT==== 4-Apr-2009::19:33:25 ===
Error in process <0.122.0> with exit value: {undef,[{crash,do_not_exist,[]}]}

6> flush().
Shell got {trace,<0.120.0>,call,{ping,loop,[]}}
Shell got {trace,<0.120.0>,call,{ping,loop,[]}}

In this example, we are tracing all function calls made within all processes. We intersect them with all local function calls in the module ping. Remember, this option contains local and nonlocal calls. To understand the calls that we see, let’s number the lines in the ping.erl module:

1 -module(ping).
2 -export([start/0, send/1, loop/0]).
4 start() -> spawn_link(ping, loop, []).
6 send(Pid) ->
7   Pid ! {self(), ping},
8   receive  pong -> pong end.
10 loop() ->
11   receive
12     {Pid, ping} ->
13       spawn(crash, do_not_exist, []),
14       Pid ! pong,
15       loop()
16   end.

The functions we are tracing will be start/0, send/1, and loop/0; there are other function calls in the module (e.g., spawn_link/3 on line 4, self/0 on line 7), but these are calls to functions that are not defined in the ping module.

What is the effect of calling ping:start()? This starts a process with pid Pid that will execute loop/0, giving us the first call to a function in the traced module, resulting in the first trace message seen as a result of the flush() in command 6. This call is global, as it is called from outside the module as a result of the spawn/3 BIF.

When we then call send(Pid), the code on line 7 sends a message to Pid (which, incidentally, contains a call to self/0), and this message is handled in the body of the loop/0. After receiving the message, it calls spawn/3 and finally loop/0 on line 15. Calling loop/0 is a local call which gives rise to the second trace message found when the flush() was executed.

What would you expect the global calls to be, if you do the same trace but replace local with global in command 3, as shown here?

erlang:trace_pattern({ping, '_', '_'}, true, [global]).

Running the same tests gives you a trace message, namely the one generated as a result of the spawn/3 BIF. But if you are tracing all global calls in all processes, why did ping:send/1 not generate a trace event? It is, after all, a global call. The reason is that the process receiving the trace messages cannot be traced. If you want to generate trace events for the process calling the trace BIF, you have to redirect these messages to another process. You do so by passing the {tracer, Pid} option to the trace/3 BIF, specifying the pid of the process you want to send the messages to.

The dbg Tracer

You probably realize that although the trace BIFs are extremely powerful and handy, they are also very low-level and are not very user-friendly. After all, they are there to provide a base on which to build other tools such as the dbg tracer.

The dbg tracer is a text-based debugger providing a user-friendly interface to the trace and trace_pattern BIFs, but using the tracing principles and mechanisms introduced in the preceding section. You can use the dbg tool as a complement to the process manager we discussed in the section The Process Manager in Chapter 4, especially when you are tracing on text-based terminals and do not have access to the display or you have to divert the output. The dbg tool has a small impact on system performance, making it a suitable candidate for tracing large live systems.

Getting Started with dbg

The dbg:h() call provides you with a list of helpful functions; to find out more details about any of these functions, you can pass their names to dbg:h/1. The last thing you want to do when under pressure debugging a live system after a support call in the middle of the night is to have to look at the Erlang manual pages. The help function always comes in handy:

1> dbg:h().
The following help items are available:
   p, c
       - Set trace flags for processes
   tp, tpl, ctp, ctpl, ctpg, ltp, dtp, wtp, rtp
       - Manipulate trace patterns for functions
   n, cn, ln
       - Add/remove traced nodes.
   tracer, trace_port, trace_client, get_tracer, stop, stop_clear
       - Manipulate tracer process/port
       - Info

call dbg:h(Item) for brief help a brief description
of one of the items above.

2> dbg:h(p).
p(Item) -> {ok, MatchDesc} | {error, term()}
 - Traces messages to and from Item.
p(Item, Flags) -> {ok, MatchDesc} | {error, term()}
 - Traces Item according to Flags.
   Flags can be one of s,r,m,c,p,sos,sol,sofs,
   sofl,all,clear or any flag accepted by erlang:trace/3


The call dbg:p(PidSpec, TraceFlags) allows you to specify which processes you want to trace and which trace events you want them to generate. PidSpec can be one of the following:


A particular process ID.


Will trace all processes, spawned before or after the call to the debugger.


Will trace all processes spawned after the call to the debugger.


Will trace all processes existing before the call to the debugger.


A registered process alias other than all, new, or existing.


Denotes the process represented by the process ID <X.Y.Z>. "<X.Y.Z>" can also be used; it is the result of the pid_to_list/1 BIF.

TraceFlags is a single atom or a list of flags. You can pass any flag accepted by the trace BIFs alongside the following flag abbreviations and aggregations:


Traces sent messages


Traces received messages


Traces sent and received messages


Traces process-related events


Traces global and local calls according to the trace patterns set in the dbg:tp/2 call

sos and sofs

Denote the set_on_spawn and set_on_first_spawn flags, which we described in the section Inheritance Flags

sol and sofl

Denote the set_on_link and set_on_first_link flags, which we described in the section Inheritance Flags


Sets all flags


Clears all set trace flags

You must once again be itching to try out the dbg tracer and generate trace events. In the following example, we will trace all message-related events from the ping module that we introduced in Inheritance Flags.

We start our ping process and a separate tracer process. The tracer process will receive and display all of the trace events, including those generated in the shell. In command 5, we enable the trace events for all messages sent and received by the ping process after which we call the ping:send/1 function. In the trace printouts that follow, you can see that upon sending a ping message, the shell process has sent a pong message back in return:

3> Pid = ping:start().
4> dbg:tracer().
5> dbg:p(Pid, m).
6> ping:send(Pid).
(<0.41.0>) << {<0.29.0>,ping}
7> (<0.41.0>) <0.29.0> ! pong
=ERROR REPORT==== 6-Sep-2008::21:40:31 ===
Error in process <0.47.0> with exit value: {undef,[{crash,do_not_exist,[]}]}

7> dbg:stop().

You can see from the trace printout right after command 6 that the process within the parentheses is where the trace event originated. Process <0.41.0> receives the message {<0.29.0>, ping}, denoted in the trace by the << symbols, and responds by sending the message pong to process <0.29.0>.

Use this example to experiment with various trace flags, and while doing so, note how the tracer has to be started and stopped. Are the flags you set in dbg:p/2 automatically cleared when you stop the tracer using dbg:stop()?

Using the same ping process, let’s now trace all process-related activities using the set_on_spawn flag. Because of this, the process <0.55.0> inherits all of the flags, and as a result, it generates the exit trace event:

8> dbg:tracer().
9> dbg:p(Pid, [p, sos]).
10> ping:send(Pid).
(<0.41.0>) spawn <0.55.0> as crash:do_not_exist()

=ERROR REPORT==== 6-Sep-2008::21:43:26 ===
Error in process <0.55.0> with exit value: {undef,[{crash,do_not_exist,[]}]}

(<0.55.0>) exit {undef,[{crash,do_not_exist,[]}]}
11> dbg:stop().

Note that in both of the preceding examples, no trace information is logged regarding activities of the tracer process itself. And, if you have not figured it out, dbg:stop/0 will not clear the trace flags. For this purpose, use dbg:stop_clear/0.

Tracing and Profiling Functions

The function dbg:c(Mod, Fun, Args, TraceFlags) is ideal for trace and profile functions executed from the shell. If the TraceFlags argument is omitted, all flags are set. In the example that follows, we trace all activity related to an io:format/1 call, in this case, io:format("hello~n").

This tracing shows the inner workings of the input/output mechanism, under which messages are sent to the group leader. The calling process is suspended when it goes into a receive statement, and the process is scheduled as soon as a response from the group leader returns:

1> dbg:c(io, format, ["Hello World~n"]).
Hello World
(<0.53.0>) <0.23.0> ! {io_request,<0.53.0>,<0.23.0>,
                          {put_chars,io_lib,format,["Hello World~n",[]]}}
(<0.53.0>) out {io,wait_io_mon_reply,2}
(<0.53.0>) << {io_reply,<0.23.0>,ok}
(<0.53.0>) in {io,wait_io_mon_reply,2}
(<0.53.0>) << timeout

Using dbg:c/3 is ideal if you want to monitor memory usage and time spent garbage collecting in a particular function, as it isolates the call in a single process. It is not the best way to trace side effects using the set_on_link and set_on_spawn flags, as all flags are cleared as soon as the function returns.

Tracing Local and Global Function Calls

So far, so good, but one of the really powerful features of the trace BIFs, and probably the one used most often is the ability to generate trace events for local and global function calls. In the dbg module, you use the following to enable the trace for global calls:

dbg:tp({Mod, Fun, Arity}, MatchSpec)

And you use this for local calls:

dbg:tpl({Mod, Fun, Arity}, MatchSpec)

You use these in conjunction with the dbg:p/2 call, where you specify the traced process together with the c flag. The trace events generated through the intersection of the two sets are the same as those described in the section Tracing Calls with the trace_pattern BIF.

Just as for the trace BIFs, you can define Module, Function, and Arity as '_', where formats of the type {'_', Function,'_'}, in which a wildcard comes before a nonwildcard, are not allowed. We will cover match specifications with dbg soon, but for the time being, we will use [].

The return value of tp/2 and tpl/2 has the format {ok, Matches}, where Matches is a list of tuples reporting the Erlang nodes on which the trace was enabled and the number of functions for which the trace was turned on at each node.

Call tracing is disabled using dbg:ctp({Mod, Fun, Arity}). Calling this function will disable function tracing regardless of whether the calls are local or global. This is the call you will probably be using most of the time. Should you want to disable the trace on only a particular global call pattern set with dbg:tp/2, however, use dbg:ctpg({Mod, Fun, Arity}); local traces are disabled using dbg:ctpl({Mod, Fun, Arity}).

All of the calls used to enable and disable function tracing return a tuple of the format {error, Reason} or {ok, MatchDescription}. MatchDescription is a list of tuples of the form {matched, Node, Number}, where Number denotes how many function calls were enabled or disabled on the particular Node. You can clearly see this in the following example.

Also note how we are now receiving trace events generated in the shell. In the examples using the trace BIFs in the section Tracing Calls with the trace_pattern BIF, tracing on the shell could not be enabled because the shell was itself the process receiving the trace events. The messages are now being sent to a tracer process which is not the shell, and so trace events for global calls such as start/0 and send/1 have become visible:

1> dbg:tracer().
2> dbg:p(all,[c]).
3> dbg:tp({ping, '_', '_'}, []).
4> Pid = ping:start().
 (<0.97.0>) call ping:start()
(<0.105.0>) call ping:loop()
5> ping:send(Pid).
(<0.97.0>) call ping:send(<0.105.0>)
=ERROR REPORT==== 7-Sep-2008::12:47:07 ===
Error in process <0.107.0> with exit value: {undef,[{crash,do_not_exist,[]}]}

6> dbg:ctpg({ping, '_', '_'}).

You should spend some time getting acquainted with the tracer and its interface, as this is one of the most powerful tools available with the Erlang runtime distribution. When reading the manual page for dbg, you will discover that there are many variants of the tp, tpl, ctp, ctpl, and ctog functions. Don’t worry about them unless you like using shortcuts. It is probably hard enough to remember the ones we have discussed in this chapter, let alone all of their variants. The good news is that the ones we described are all you need, and they allow you to express all combinations covered in the other variants. It is a trade-off between having a good memory and remembering all of the variants, or typing in a few extra characters. And as a fallback, all you need to revert back to is dbg:h().


When you are tracing live systems, you should use the dbg tracer with extreme care. If you turn on too many trace events in a busy system, you run the risk of generating so many shell printouts that it becomes impossible to type in the command necessary to stop the trace. As a result, the tracer process becomes unable to keep up with the generated event messages. They queue up, and very quickly, the Erlang runtime system runs out of memory. Support engineers (and one of the authors[43] of this book) have caused service outages in national fixed phone and mobile data networks because of dbg. Use it in a safe test environment as carelessly as you want, but when debugging live systems, make sure you know what you are doing, and exercise extreme care!

Distributed Environments

Tracing can take place in distributed environments, with all of the trace output being redirected to a single tracer. When you enabled or cleared a trace, you must have noticed from the examples that the return value of the calls was of the following format:


As we were not running distributed nodes, all local traces were on the node nonode@nohost. When running the traces in a distributed environment, you would instead get a list of all nodes on which the traces were enabled. If the tracer was unable to connect to a remote node, the result for that particular node would be {matched,Node,0,RpcError}.

The call dbg:n(Node) adds a distributed Erlang node to the traced list and dbg:cn(Node) removes it from the list. To list the nodes on which you are running a trace, you use dbg:ln(). Once nodes have been added, setting trace items, flags, and function patterns will result in all traced nodes being affected. Process identifiers passed to dbg:p/2 can be on other nodes. The only thing dbg:p/2 does not handle is globally registered names.

Redirecting the Output

In all of the dbg tracer examples we have looked at so far, the trace events have been sent to a tracer process that formatted and printed them out in the shell. This might not always be the best way to handle debugging information. You might instead want to collect statistics, measure garbage collection, or forward the output to a socket or a file.

The good news here is that dbg allows you to define your own fun to handle the trace messages generated by the trace BIFs. If you start the tracer tool using dbg:tracer(process, {HandlerFun, Data}), all events are passed as arguments to HandlerFun, a user-defined fun of arity 2. The trace message is the first argument and the user-defined Data is the second. The fun returns data that is passed back to it in its next iteration, and so this value can be seen as an accumulator, keeping track of total resource use, for instance.

In the following example, we will be monitoring the memory usage of the shell process. Our HandlerFun will store the memory usage data when it starts garbage collecting, providing information on whether memory is allocated or released. We’ll test our tracer by running some memory-intensive applications on lists. A positive delta value means memory has been freed in the (current) heap and the old heap, and a negative value means memory has been allocated. All sizes are in words. Notice how memory is allocated in the old heap while being freed in the current heap. This will be the longer-lived data that has survived a garbage collection in the current heap and is being moved to the old heap.

The following example is long; any typos will result in you having to type everything from scratch. Be smart; either use an editor to type the example and paste it in the shell, or download it from the book’s website:

1> HandlerFun =
  fun({trace, Pid, gc_start, Start}, _) ->
     ({trace, Pid, gc_end, End}, Start) ->
         {_, {_,OHS}} = lists:keysearch(old_heap_size, 1, Start),
         {_, {_,OHE}} = lists:keysearch(old_heap_size, 1, End),
         io:format("Old heap size delta after gc:~w~n",[OHS-OHE]),
         {_, {_,HS}} = lists:keysearch(heap_size, 1, Start),
         {_, {_,HE}} = lists:keysearch(heap_size, 1, End),
         io:format("Heap size delta after gc:~w~n",[HS-HE])
2> dbg:tracer(process, {HandlerFun, null}).
3> dbg:p(self(), [garbage_collection]).
4> List = lists:seq(1,1000).
Old heap size delta after gc:0
Heap size delta after gc:6020
5> RevList = lists:reverse(List).
Old heap size delta after gc:-676
Heap size delta after gc:3367

Redirecting to sockets and binary files

You have seen how to write your own funs to handle trace messages. Using the same mechanism, you can forward trace outputs to a socket or a binary file. This gives you the advantage of reducing the load on the traced node, particularly as a result of any I/O in the shell. It is this I/O which can get so intensive, making it extremely hard to correctly type in the command needed to stop the tracer!

How do you redirect the output? In the dbg:tracer/2 call, instead of the process argument we demonstrated in the previous sections, you pass the port atom. The call:

dbg:tracer(port, PortFun)

starts a tracer that will pass the trace messages to an Erlang port. PortFun is a fun encapsulating the opened port and returned by the call dbg:trace_port(ip, Port), where Port is either the port number or the tuple {PortNumber, QueueSize}. QueueSize limits the size of the undelivered message queue, dropping trace events if they are not picked up by the remote socket client. This option will open a listener port, buffer the messages, and send them as soon as a client connects.

To connect the client, call dbg:trace_client(ip, Arg), where Arg is either the PortNumber (if the tracer is running on the same host) or the tuple {HostName, PortNumber} if it is running on a different machine, the preferred option if tracing is expected to impose a heavy load. This call will connect to the listener port where the trace is running and retrieve the trace events.

If you want to send your trace events to a binary file, bind the variable PortFun to the return value of dbg:trace_port(file, FileOptions). The FileOptions describes the way in which the trace is to be stored in the filesystem. FileOptions can specify either a filename, or a wrap files specification, which will limit the amount of file space used. By default, using {FileName, wrap, FileSuffix} will result in eight wraparound files, each 128 KB in size. To change the default values, use {Filename, wrap, FileSuffix, WrapTrigger, WrapCount}, where WrapTrigger is the size in kilobytes or the tuple {time, Milliseconds}. Suffix is the file suffix and WrapCount is the number of files created before wrapping around.

You can retrieve the messages with the trace_client/2 call, where the first argument is the atom file, reading all of the trace events written so far, or follow_file, which continually reads and processes trace events written after the call. The second argument is the FileName as passed in the FileOptions argument you passed to the dbg:trace_port/2 call.

If you want to handle your own trace events, received through either a file or a socket, you can use the dbg:trace_client(Type, Arg, {HandlerFun, Data}) call. It starts a client that will apply HandlerFun to each incoming trace event in turn. Type and Arg are the same as in the earlier descriptions of trace_client/2, whereas the {HandlerFun, Data} tuple is the same as in tracer/2. The call dbg:stop_trace_client(Pid), where Pid is the return value of the tracer/2 call, stops the client.

In the following example, we start a local tracer that redirects trace events to IP port 1234 on a different Erlang node running on the same host. A tracer client will pick up the events and process them. When dealing with systems carrying live traffic, it is a good practice to redirect your trace events either to a file, which you process on a different machine, or to a socket, where a client on a remote machine picks up the message traffic:

1> PortFun = dbg:trace_port(ip, 1234).
2> dbg:tracer(port, PortFun).
3>  dbg:p(all, [c]).
4> dbg:tp({ping, '_','_'}, []).
5> dbg:tpl({ping, '_','_'}, []).
6> Pid = ping:start().
7> ping:send(Pid).
=ERROR REPORT==== 14-Sep-2008::12:25:23 ===
Error in process <0.41.0> with exit value: {undef,[{crash,do_not_exist,[]}]}

The output is received by a tracer client process in a different Erlang shell:

1> Pid = dbg:trace_client(ip, 1234).
2> <0.30.0>) call ping:start()
(<0.39.0>) call ping:loop()
(<0.30.0>) call ping:send(<0.39.0>)
(<0.39.0>) call ping:loop()
2> dbg:stop_trace_client(Pid).

Match Specifications: The fun Syntax

We introduced the powerful (but ugly) match specifications in Chapter 10. As you might recall, a match specification consists of an Erlang term describing a small program that expresses a condition to be matched over a set of arguments. Match specifications are limited in functionality, and in the case of the trace BIFs, they mainly deal with the filtering and manipulation of trace events. If they match successfully, a trace event is generated and some predefined actions can be executed. Match specifications are compiled to a format close to the one used by the emulator, making them more efficient than functions. But apart from being more efficient, the specifications are complex to write, and at first glance, they look incomprehensible.

Luckily, you can generate match specifications covering a majority of simple but useful cases using the dbg:fun2ms/1 call. It converts specifications that are described using fun syntax into match specifications. The results are as efficient as writing the match specifications by hand, but they are much easier to read, write, modify, and debug. We are using dbg:fun2ms/1 to turn an anonymous fun into a match specification, which is used when setting trace flags on local and global calls. We start by introducing this higher-level approach, but for those who need to harness the full power of the trace BIFs, we follow this by looking at the match specifications themselves.

Generating Specifications Using fun2ms

Remember the bug we described in the beginning of the chapter? The one where we corrupted the ETS table with the tuple {error, unknown_msg}? We can re-create the error in the following way: first, we use the dp:fill() call to create and corrupt the ETS table. The crash in the system that occurred when reading the corrupted table will then be generated by calling the dp:process_msg() function, which takes the first element in the ETS table and processes it. In the real world, we would not know either of these functions, and would have to rely on higher-level tests that would eventually lead to these calls being made by a worker processes. In this example, we are calling them from the shell, as that will facilitate demonstrating the step-by-step debugging procedures that have to be undertaken to solve the bug using match specifications:

1> dp:fill().
2> dp:process_msg().
** exception error: no case clause matching [{2,{error,unknown_msg}}]
     in function  dp:process_msg/0

The error message tells us immediately that there is a case clause error in the process_msg/0 call. Following the call flow in the dp:process_msg() function discovered by the exception error printed in the shell, we immediately notice that the pattern {_,{error, unknown_msg}} is missing in the case clause:


process_msg() ->
  case ets:first(msgQ) of
  '$end_of_table' ->
    Key ->
      case ets:lookup(msgQ, Key) of
        [{_, {event, Sender, Msg}}] ->
          event(Sender, Msg);
        [{_, {ping,  Sender}}] ->
      ets:delete(msgQ, Key),

event(_,_) -> ok.
ping(_)    -> ok.

fill() ->
  catch ets:new(msgQ, [named_table, ordered_set]),

The entry {2, {error, unknown_msg}} should not have been inserted in the table in the first place, so we can assume that the case clause is correct and that adding the {error, unknown_msg} clause will not solve the bug. What we need to find out is who inserted it in the table, and stop it from happening again. The corruption must have originated in an ets:insert/2 call, but as there are many in the system, we need to pinpoint which one it is by creating a match specification that generates a trace message only if the tuple element being inserted is {error, unknown_msg}. This match specification, when used together with the trace patterns of the modules, functions, and arguments, will trigger a trace event whenever the call with those arguments is made.

The function dbg:fun2ms/1 takes a literal fun as an argument and returns a match specification describing the properties in the fun. By “literal fun,” we mean a fun that is typed in and passed as a parameter, not a fun that is bound to a variable which is then passed as an argument, or a fun that results from applying a higher-order function. We could also call this an “explicit” or a “manifest” fun. The fun takes one parameter, which is either a variable or a list of variables, all of which can be pattern-matched or used in guards. You can use the variables in the fun body, but the last expression has to be either a predefined call that is converted to an action, or a term that is ignored.

The Erlang precompiler takes the literal fun and translates it to a match specification. You can type match specifications directly in the shell, but if you include them in your modules, you must include the header to the ms_transform.hrl file. It is part of the standard library application, and is most easily included as follows:


Armed with this knowledge, let’s generate a match specification which when passed to the dbg:tp/2 function will trigger an event if the second argument to a call is of the form {_, {error, unknown_msg}}. This would include the call ets:insert(msgQ, {1, {error, unknown_msg}}):

dbg:fun2ms(fun([_, {_,{error, unknown_msg}}]) -> true end).

Do you see how we are pattern matching in the fun? The atom true returned by the literal fun is ignored, but we have used the pattern-matching facilities of the fun syntax to express the required pattern.

Let’s try it out in the shell. Remember, you cannot bind the fun to a variable; it is a literal fun expression that is handled by the precompiler, and as such, it has to be entered explicitly as an argument to the call. Note also that the call db:fill/0 puts only one incorrect entry in the ETS tables, but it could have put in thousands of entries, most of which could have been correct. As a result of our tests, however, we want to generate only one trace event that is triggered when the second element of the second argument is the tuple that corrupts our table:

3> dbg:tracer().
4> Match1 = dbg:fun2ms(fun([_,{_,{error, unknown_msg}}]) -> true end).
5> dbg:tp({ets, insert, 2}, Match1).
6> dbg:p(all,[c]).
7> dp:fill().
(<0.54.0>) call ets:insert(msgQ,{2,{error,unknown_msg}})

We now know the pid of the calling process, but it did not make us any wiser. As processes are created for every incoming message and are terminated as soon as the message has been queued, there would be no point in tracing it. What we really need is the function that calls this insertion (the caller function).

Luckily, we can request this information by telling the match specification to generate an event that contains information about the caller function. We do this by making our fun return one of a set of predefined literal functions, all of which are also handled by the precompiler. In our case, we would use message(caller()):

dbg:fun2ms(fun([_,{_,{error, unknown_msg}}]) -> message(caller()) end).

The literal call message(Data) sends a message with the Data to the tracer process; to display it in the shell instead, use display(Data). In our example, we passed the literal function caller() as Data. We will cover other valid data options shortly. Right now, let’s focus on identifying the caller and see whether it helps us solve the bug:

8> Match2 = dbg:fun2ms(fun([_,{_,{error, unknown_msg}}]) ->
8>                         message(caller())
8>                     end).
9> dbg:tp({ets, insert, 2}, Match2).
10> dp:fill().
(<0.34.0>) call ets:insert(msgQ,{2,{error,unknown_msg}}) ({dp,handle_msg,1})

Note how after the ets:insert/2 trace message, the calling function ({dp,handle_msg,1}) is now also displayed by the tracer. This is as a result of the message(caller()) call in our literal fun. We now know that ets:insert/2 with the wrong data is being called by the dp:handle_msg/1 function. We look at the code, follow the call flow, and immediately find that the {error, unknown_msg} tuple is created in the dp:handle/3 function as a result of the MsgType argument being anything other than the integer 1 or 2:

handle_msg(<<MsgId, MsgType, Sender:16, MsgLen, Msg:MsgLen/binary>>) ->
  Element = handle(MsgType, Sender, Msg),
  ets:insert(msgQ, {MsgId, Element}).

handle(1,   Sender,  Msg)  -> {event, Sender, Msg};
handle(2,   Sender,  _Msg) -> {ping,  Sender};
handle(_Id, _Sender, _Msg) -> {error, unknown_msg}.

We can now run a trace on the handle/3 function, generating events only if the MsgType is not the integer 1 or 2. We bind MsgType in the fun head and test it in a guard. Binding of variables is allowed only in the function head: using = in your match fun will result in an error being returned, and the match specification failing to compile.

We can easily add this condition by adding a guard to our literal fun:

dbg:fun2ms(fun([Id, Sender, Msg]) when Id /=1, Id /=2 -> true end).

Remember that a semicolon between guards means that at least one of the guards is required to succeed, and a comma means they all must succeed. The guards allowed in literal funs are the same as in conventional guards. They include:

BIFs used in type tests

is_atom, is_constant, is_float, is_integer, is_list, is_number, is_pid, is_port, is_reference, is_tuple, is_binary, is_function, is_record

Boolean operators

not, and, or, andalso, orelse

Relational operators

>, >=, <, =<, =:=, ==, =/=, /=

Arithmetic operators

+, -, *, div, rem

Bitwise operators

band, bor, bxor, bnot, bsl, bsr

Other BIFs allowed in guards

abs/1, element/2, hd/1, length/1, node/1,2, round/1, size/1, tl/1, trunc/1, self/0

If a runtime error occurs as a result of a bad argument when pattern matching in the function head, or because of invalid arguments used in the guard operations, the match fails. If a runtime error occurs in the match specification body, the match specification simply returns the atom 'EXIT'. The trace event is generated and any return value is ignored.

By using the not equals (/=) conditional guard to test for invalid integers in the shell, we will get the final clue to resolve the bug!

11> Match3 = dbg:fun2ms(fun([Id, Sender, Msg]) when Id /=1, Id /=2 -> true end).
12> dbg:tpl({dp, handle, 3}, Match3).
13> dp:fill().

(<0.44.0>) call dp:handle(3,2,<<>>)
(<0.44.0>) call ets:insert(msgQ,{2,{error,unknown_msg}}) ({dp,handle_msg,1})

Looking at the preceding trace events, we now know that dp:handle/3 is called with message type 3, and the hardware ID of the sender is 2. Looking at the software revision on the hardware denoted by the ID 2, we realize it is not supported by our software, resulting in the data being corrupted. Problem solved!

You can include the calls in a literal fun and they will be translated to actions during the parse transform in the precompiler. Some of these actions you already saw in the examples, but we include all of them here for reference:


Generates an extra event upon completing the traced call, including the return value of the function. When generating this extra trace event, tail-recursive properties of the traced function calls are lost.


Behaves in the same way as return_trace, but if a runtime error occurs, an exception_from message is generated.


Generates a side effect by printing the Data passed to it. The Data can be either one of the arguments bound in the fun head or the return value of one of the other literal functions described in this section.


Generates a trace event with the Data. The Data can be either one of the arguments bound in the fun or the return value of one of the other literal functions described in this section.


Is a special case of message/1, where no trace event is generated for the call and return_to trace flags. This is useful if you are interested in side effects, such as those generated by the display/1 literal.


Is another special case of message/1, where the trace on the {Module, Function, Arity} behaves as though no match specifications are associated with it. Its only use is to override the message(Data | false) call.


Enables a TraceFlag on the process that triggered the match specification. You can pass only one flag at a time, but nothing is stopping you from having several calls each with their own trace flag in the fun body. The TraceFlag is as defined in the trace BIFs; no abbreviations used by the tracer tool are allowed. Executing this call in a match specification is the equivalent of calling erlang:trace(self(), true, [TraceFlag]).

enable_trace(Pid, TraceFlag)

Is the same as enable_trace/1, except that it will enable the trace flag on the Pid, which is either a process identifier or a registered name.


Disables a TraceFlag on the particular process that triggered the match specification. The same restrictions to TraceFlag apply as in the enable_trace/1 literal call.

Executing this call in a match specification is the equivalent of calling erlang:trace(self(), false, [TraceFlag]).

disable_trace(Pid, TraceFlag)

Is the same as disable_trace/1, except the TraceFlag will be disabled on the specified Pid.

trace(Disable, Enable) and trace(Pid, Disable, Enable) allow you to enable and disable many flags at the same time.


Turns off all call trace messages originating until a match specification with silent(false) in its body is matched.


Sets a unique trace control word that you can retrieve using the erlang:system_info(trace_control_word) BIF call. It is a free-to-use status value used by some advanced tools (possibly user-defined), allowing these tools to influence the actions taken based on its value.

You can pass the following calls as arguments to the display/1 and message/1 literal functions:


Returns the {Module, Function, Arity} tuple, allowing you to identify the calling function.


Returns the trace control word which was previously set using set_tcw/1.


Returns a list with all of the arguments passed to the match specification.


Returns a list of all bound variables in the match head.


Returns the process stack properly formatted as a string in the form of a binary. You can pass it as an argument to message/1, where you have implemented your own tracer process. Passing it to display/1 will not work, as it is unable to print binaries.


Returns the process identifier of the calling process.

Odds and ends with fun2ms

When generating match specifications using fun2ms, you must follow certain restrictions, as the functionality in match specifications is limited. Now that you are armed with the knowledge of how match specifications work, these restrictions are easier to understand.

You cannot call Erlang functions in the fun body. Guards and functions allowed in the match body will be translated as is, so even if they compile correctly, using them might cause the match specification to return an error. All variables defined as arguments to the fun are replaced by match specification variables in the order in which they occur. If you look at some of the match specifications we have generated, a fun head such as that which occurs in the following:

fun([Id, Sender, Msg])when Id /=1, Id /=2 -> true end).

translates to ['$1','$2','$3']. Every occurrence of these variables is replaced in the match specification conditions and body, so in the preceding example, the guards would translate to a condition of the format [{'/=','$1',1},{'/=','$1',2}] and guards such as is_integer(Id) would be translated to a condition resembling [{is_integer, '$1'}].

Variables bound outside the scope of the fun and not appearing in the head are imported, either from the shell or from the function where the match specification is generated. They are translated to constant expressions of the format {const, Constant}, where Constant is the literal value of the Constant. Generating the match specification using the following function:

foo(A) -> dbg:fun2ms(fun([B,C]) when B == A -> A end).

and calling foo(10) will generate a specification of the following format:

[{['$1','$2'], [{'==','$1',{const,10}}], [{const,10}]}].

You can bind variables only in the fun head, and even here, you can do so only restrictively. For example, a fun of the form fun({A,[B|C]} = D), where D is bound at the top level to all of the arguments, is allowed, whereas fun({A,[B|C]=D}) is not. In the first case, if you are interested in printing or returning all of the arguments, you would be better off using the literal function object(), which is translated to '$_', a term that expands to all of the arguments. If you are interested only in the variable bindings and you ignore the “don’t care” variables, use the literal function bindings(), which translates to '$*' in the lower-level match specification.

Literal term constructions are translated in order to turn them into valid match specifications; tuples are converted to a one-element tuple containing the tuple itself, and constant expressions are converted to the form {const, Constant}. Records and operations on records are converted to tuples and element calls. The is_record/2 guard is converted to {is_record, Var, Arity}, where Var is replaced by a variable of the format '$0' and Arity is the size of the tuple. List pattern matches are converted to use the {hd, List} and {tl, List} constructs. As conditional constructs such as case, if, and catch are not allowed in match specifications, they are not allowed in funs either.

Remember that when dealing with the fun2ms call in a module, the module must always include the ms_transform.hrl header file. If you don’t include it, the code might compile without any warnings, but the match specification will not be translated, possibly resulting in a runtime error. Translations to match specifications are done at compile time, so runtime performance is not affected by using these literal functions.

Difference Between ets and dbg Match Specifications

There are differences between the match specifications used by the ets and the dbg modules. If the pseudo function triggering the translation is ets:fun2ms/1, the fun’s head must contain a single variable or a single tuple with its guards acting as filters. The body of the fun, and as a result, the body of the match specification, constructs terms and returns values that are the result of the select/2 call. This is done without generating any side effects or binding variables. Even though you can use ets match specifications from the shell, you will usually find them embedded in program code.

If the pseudo function is dbg:fun2ms/1, on the other hand, the fun’s head must contain a single variable or a single list. The specification body will contain imperative commands that result in side effects manifesting themselves as printouts, the manipulation of trace flags, or extra data appended to the trace events. The return value of the generated specification is ignored. Trace BIF specifications are most commonly used from the shell, even if nothing is stopping you from integrating them in your programs.

What unites the two is the need for efficient filtering with low overheads that do not affect the real-time properties of the system. If what you have seen so far does not scare you, let’s look at these match specifications in more detail. A warning for the faint of heart: what we will describe in the next section, although powerful, is not pretty.

Match Specifications: The Nuts and Bolts

When covering the help function dbg:fun2ms/1, we went into a high-level explanation of its results, namely match specifications. The specifications are tuples with three elements of the format [Head, Conditions, Body]:

  • The head is used to bind and match variables and terms.

  • In the conditions, logical tests are applied on the variables. You can define your own logical tests or use predefined guards.

  • In the body part of the specification, we list a possibly empty set of predefined actions that have to be taken if the match in the head is successful and the logical conditions are met.

The objective of this section is to ensure that you understand the match specifications that result from the dbg:fun2ms/1 and ets:fun2ms/1 calls, and possibly implement some simpler ones for yourself.

The Head

The head is a list of variables, literals, and composite data types. All variables in the head are of the form '$int()', where int() is replaced by an integer of the format '0' or '1', ranging from 0 to 100,000,000. The atom '_' denotes the “don’t care” variable, and can be used if you are not interested in matching parts of a particular argument. If you instead want to match on all values and all arities without any variable bindings, you just use '_', giving a specification of the form ['_', Conditions, Body]. You might be tempted to write [[], Conditions, Body] instead, but beware, as this will only match functions of arity 0.

In the following example, we create a specification that matches on functions of arity 2. We bind the first argument to the variable '$1'. The second argument has to be a tuple where the first element is bound to the variable '$2' and the second element is the tuple {error, unknown_msg}. The match specification for such a case is as follows:


In the preceding code, the conditions and the body are denoted by empty lists, as no logical checks and side effects are needed. Look at the example in the section Generating Specifications Using fun2ms, where we were looking for debug messages, and see what dbg:fun2ms/1 produced.

In the following example, we use dbg:tp/2 to start a trace on all calls to the ets:insert/2 function. The match specification that we pass as the second argument ensures that trace events are triggered only if the second argument is a tuple of size 2, where the second element is the tuple {error, bad_day}:

1> dbg:tracer().
2> dbg:p(all,[c]).
3> dbg:tp({ets,insert,2}, [{['$1',{'$2',{error,bad_day}}],[],[]}] ).
4> ets:new(foo,[named_table]).
5> ets:insert(foo, {1, monday}).
6> ets:insert(foo, {1, {error, bad_day}}).
(<0.30.0>) call ets:insert(foo,{1,{error,bad_day}})

Instead of '$1' and '$2', we could have used “don’t care” variables, as we are not doing anything with the values of the arguments in the conditions or body.

It is possible to repeat variables within specifications. In the specification [{['$1','$1'],[],[]}], we match calls to functions of arity 2 where the arguments are the same. The specification would trigger a trace event if the call to foo(1,1) was being traced. The match specification head [{'$1','$2'}, ['$1','$2'|'_ ']] would match functions of arity 2 where the first argument is a tuple with two elements and the second argument is a list whose first two elements are identical to those in the tuple. For instance, the call foo({1,2},[1,2,3]), if traced, would trigger an event.


The conditions list allows several logical tests on variables to be combined. If they are positive, the match is successful and the trace event is triggered. All variables must be bound, but unlike in the head, literal and compound data types must be described using a special syntax. To represent a tuple, it is necessary to use either {const, Tuple} or {Tuple}, where Tuple is a literal or the variable representing the tuple. Lists are deconstructed into a head and tail using {hd, List} and {tl, List}, where List is the representation of the list.

Boolean functions include functionality similar to the BIFs you are allowed to use in guards and in logical, Boolean, relational, and arithmetic operators. As match specifications are Erlang terms, however, all of these operators have to be represented as atoms, and operations themselves are grouped together in tuples.

Guards are of the format {Guard, Variable}, where the Guard can be any one of is_atom, is_constant, is_float, is_integer, is_list, is_number, is_pid, is_port, is_reference, is_tuple, is_binary, is_function, or is_seq_trace.

For example, to test for a list, you would use a guard of the following form:

{is_list, '$0'}.

The guard to check for a record uses is_record and is of the following format:

{is_record, '$1', RecordType, record_info(size, RecordType)}

In the preceding code, the RecordType has to be a hardcoded literal giving the record type required.

The conditional expression constructs take the following form:

{Construct, Exp1, Exp2, ...}

In the preceding code, the first element of the tuple is the logical construct and the remaining ones are (possibly nested) conditional expressions or guards. The logical construct {'not', Expression} evaluates to true if the Expression evaluates to false. For any other result, it evaluates to false.

The 'and', 'or', 'xor', andalso, and orelse constructs all take a tuple of size 3 or more, where the first element is the construct and the remaining ones are the logical expressions. Using 'and' or 'or' will evaluate all expressions in the construct, whereas andalso and orelse will stop evaluating as soon as one expression returns false or true, respectively. For 'xor' to evaluate to true, one of its expressions must evaluate to true and the other to false. Here is an example of a conditional expression where all three expressions have to evaluate to true:

{'and', {'not', '$1'}, '$2', {'or', '$3,'$4'}}.

Comparison operators take tuples with three elements, where the first element is one of the operators '>', '>=', '<', '=<', '=:=', '==', '=/=', or '/=', and the remaining two contain expressions whose result is compared. Combining guards, conditional expressions, and comparison operators could give you something similar to the following format:

{'and', {is_integer, '$0'}, {is_integer, '$1'}, {'>=', '$0', '$1'}}.

The following BIF operations are also allowed in conditional expressions. They behave like their counterpart BIFs and consist of a tuple of size 2 or 3, depending on how many arguments the BIF requires. The operations abs, hd, tl, length, node, round, size, trunc, 'bnot', 'bsl', and 'bsr' all take one argument. Using element, '+', '-', '*', 'div', 'rem', 'band', 'bor', and 'bxor' require a tuple with the operator and two arguments. The BIF operations {self} and {get_tcw} return the process identifier of the calling process or the trace control word. Even if they are most commonly used in the match specification body, they are also allowed as arguments to conditional expressions.

Enough with the syntax and semantics, as it is becoming too much to digest in one go. The best way to tackle it all is to look at some examples and try out some of your own. Can you figure out what triggers the following match specification? Try to do this before you read on:

[{['$1', '$2', '$3'],
    {'=:=','$1', '$2'},
        {'=:=','$1', {hd, '$3'}},
        {'=:=','$2', {hd, {tl, '$3'}}}

Let’s break up the preceding code bit by bit. The head tells us the function is of arity 3. The condition is an orelse; the first condition here is '$1' '=: =' '$2', requiring that the first argument be exactly equal to the second. If this fails, we try the conjunction (and) of {'=:=','$1', {hd, '$3'}}and {'=:=', '$2', {hd, {tl,'$3'}}}. From this we can deduce that '$3' has to be a list whose first element {hd, '$3'} is equal to the first argument '$1' and whose second element (the head of the tail) is equal to '$2', the second argument. In Erlang terms, the third argument would be a list where '$3' = ['$1','$2|'_']. Traced calls that would trigger a match would include foo(1,2, [1,2,3]) and foo(true, true, false). As an exercise you could try to define a fun that will be transformed to this using dbg:fun2ms/1.

As you can see from the example, quite a few operators and constructs are allowed. They all work in the same way as the corresponding guards, BIFs, and operators. The rule of thumb is that if they are allowed in guards, they will be allowed in match conditions.

In case of bad arguments, where the data of the wrong type is bound to the variables that are passed to these operations, the condition fails. The process executing the match specification does not crash.

Let’s look at a few more examples. The first one takes two arguments and will match if '$1' is greater than or equal to 0 and '$2' is less than or equal to 10. Calling the traced function foo(0,10) or foo(5,5) would successfully trigger the trace event:

[{['$1', '$2'],
  [{'and', {'>=', '$1', 0},
           {'=<', '$2', 10}}],

The next example will match if the first argument to the function of arity 2 is the atom enable or disable and the second argument is the tuple where the first element is another tuple, {slot, 1, 3}. Note how we have used the {const, Term} construct in the example to denote the atoms enable and disable, and then encapsulated these tuples in another tuple.

As conditions and the body of match specifications consist of tuples, we have to either use the {const, Term} construct, or insert the tuple in a tuple (as in {{slot, 1,3}}) to differentiate a “real” tuple from a conditional construct and the BIF and comparison operators:

[{['$1', '$2'],
  [{'and', {'orelse',{'=:=', '$1', {const, enable}},
                     {'=:=', '$1', {const, disable}}},
           {'=:=', {element, 1, '$2'}, {{slot, 1, 3}}}

We would use the preceding specification if we were tracing specific operations on boards in slot 1 placed in subrack 3. Examples of functions that would trigger a trace event include the function calls board:action(enable, {{slot, 1,3}, disabled}) and board:action(disable, {{slot, 1,3}, unknown}).

As you will see in the next section, upon triggering the specification, we could turn on a particular trace flag in the body part of the specification. Before looking at how to do it, let’s try to clean up the preceding example, adding a second match specification to the list. In a live environment, both match specifications would yield the same result, but the example that follows allows only tuples of size 2. Using the equivalent of the element BIF, we are stating that the second argument has to be a tuple with at least two elements:

[{[enable, {{slot, 1, 3}, '_'}],
 {[disable, {{slot, 1, 3}, '_'}],

The Specification Body

If the match is successful and the conditions evaluate to true, we can specify a set of actions, including sending trace events, printing terms, enabling and disabling trace flags, and returning trace information. The same rules as those given in the previous section apply here to variables and literals; actions must always be defined in tuples, even if they take no arguments. The same rules as earlier also apply to '$_' and '$$': namely, '$_' returns the whole parameter list, and '$$' returns the list of all bound variables.

In the following example, if the first match specification is successful, the procs flag will be added to the list of trace flags; if the second match specification is successful, it will remove that flag from the list:

[{[enable, {{slot, 1, 3}, '_'}],
     [{enable_trace, procs}]},
  {[disable, {{slot, 1, 3}, '_'}],
    [{disable_trace, procs}]}

The syntax of the specification body to enable and disable calls is of the form {enable_trace, TraceFlag} and {disable_trace, TraceFlag} where TraceFlag is a single flag as defined in the section The Trace BIFs. The enable_trace and disable_trace actions have the same effect of calling the following BIF:

erlang:trace(self(), Flag, [TraceFlag])

where Flag is replaced by the atom true or false, respectively enabling or disabling the TraceFlag.

The following actions can be executed in the match specification body:

{message, Args}

Appends the Args to the trace events. The Args could be variables, arguments, or return values of other actions such as process_dump.

{message, false | true}

Is a special case where messages of the call and return_to trace flags are not sent if the flag is false. Passing true results in a regular trace message and is the same as not having a body at all.


Causes a trace message to be sent upon the return of this function. If the function is tail-recursive, this property is lost.


Behaves in the same way as return_trace, with the exception that if the traced function exits because of a runtime error, an exception_from trace message is generated.

{silent, true | false}

Turns trace messages on and off for that process, but not the tracing itself.

{display, Term}

Displays a single Term on stdout, and should be used only for debugging purposes!

{set_tcw, Value}

Sets the trace control word of a node, returning the previous value. Calling erlang:system_flag(trace_control_word, Value) will have the same effect as executing the command in the specification body.

{enable_trace, TraceFlag}

Enables any of the trace flags accepted by the trace BIF. For every TraceFlag that you want to enable, you need a separate enable_trace call. This would have the same effect as calling erlang:trace(self(), true, [TraceFlag]).

{disable_trace, TraceFlag}

Disables the TraceFlag. Executing this function in the match specification would be the equivalent of calling the function erlang:trace(self(), false, [TraceFlag]).

{trace, DisableList, EnableList}

Will disable the flags defined in the DisableList while atomically enabling the ones defined in the EnableList. The flags are the same as those that can be used in the erlang:trace/3 BIF, but you may not include the cpu_timestamp flag. You may, however, include the {tracer, Pid} specifying which Pid should receive the trace events. If defined in both lists, flags (including the tracer directive) in the EnableList take precedence over those in the DisableList.

{trace, Pid, DisableList, EnableList}

Is the same as the function with two arguments, but also allows you to define a process identifier or a registered alias on which the flags should be enabled or disabled. The aggregation of the flags is atomic.

The following calls are used to return values, most commonly used as an argument to the message and display actions just described:


Returns textual information on the process, formatted as a string and stored as a binary.


Returns the calling function in the format {Module, Function, Arity}. The trace event will return undefined if the function cannot be determined.


Returns the trace control word previously set. This call has the same effect as calling the BIF erlang:system_info(trace_control_word).


Returns the pid of the process executing the match specification.

In the following example, we append the process dump to the trace message, pick it up in the tracer fun we have defined ourselves, convert it from a binary to a string, and print it out. Note that the process stack of the shell is deeper. We have removed some of the trailing functions. Also, note how in the head section of the match specification we pass in '_', denoting a function of any arity:

1> DbgFun = fun({trace, _Pid, _event, _data, Msg}, _Acc) ->
1>              io:format("~s~n",[binary_to_list(Msg)])
1>          end.
2> dbg:tracer(process, {DbgFun, null}).
3> dbg:tp({io,format,1}, [{'_',[],[{message,{process_dump}}]}]).
4> dbg:p(all,[c]).
5> io:format("Hello~n").
State: Running
Spawned as: erlang:apply/2
Spawned by: <0.24.0>
Started: Tue Oct 07 13:17:07 2008
Message queue length: 0
Number of heap fragments: 0
Heap fragment data: 0
Link list: []
Reductions: 8879
Stack+heap: 2584
OldHeap: 2584
Heap unused: 1271
OldHeap unused: 2584
Stack dump:
Program counter: 0x01b0e904 (shell:eval_loop/3 + 44)
CP: 0x01b02388 (erl_eval:do_apply/5 + 1304)

0x01473450 Return addr 0x01b0f15c (shell:exprs/6 + 368)
y(0)     [{'DbgFun',#Fun<erl_eval.12.113037538>}]
y(1)     []
y(2)     none

0x01473460 Return addr 0x01b0ec40 (shell:eval_exprs/6 + 80)
y(0)     []
y(1)     []
y(2)     [{'DbgFun',#Fun<erl_eval.12.113037538>}]
y(3)     {value,#Fun<shell.7.51306786>}
y(4)     {eval,#Fun<shell.24.79061235>}
y(5)     13
y(6)     []
y(7)     []
y(8)     []

In this last example, we are trying to find the caller of the io:format/2 function in the shell. We see the output formatted as the tuple {erl_eval, do_apply, 5} right after the call in command 4:

1> dbg:tracer().
2> dbg:p(all, [call]).
3> dbg:tp({io, format, 2}, [{'_', [], [{display, {caller}}] }]).
{ok,[{matched,nonode@nohost,1}, {saved,1}]}
4> io:format("Hello~n",[]).
(<0.30.0>) call io:format("Hello~n",[])

Saving Match Specifications

Look at the preceding example, more specifically the return value of the dbg:tp/2 call. It returns {ok,[{matched,nonode@nohost,1},{saved,1}]}. You already know about the first inner component, {matched, nonode@nohost, 1}; it tells you that on this particular node, one function was matched. The {saved, 1}, however, tells you the match specification in the call was saved with this identifier, that is, the number 1. The dbg tracer assigns integers to all match specifications, allowing you to use this integer instead of the specification itself.

The help functions for retrieving and manipulating these calls include the following:


Recalls all match specifications used in the session

dbg:dtp() and dbg:dtp(Id)

Delete the stored match specifications (with a particular identifier)

dbg:wtp(FileName) and dbg:rtp(Filename)

Write and read match specifications from a file:

5> dbg:tp({io,format,2},[{['_'],[],[{enable_trace, procs}]}]).
6> dbg:ltp().
1: [{'_',[],[{display,{caller}}]}]
2: [{['_'],[],[{enable_trace,procs}]}]
exception_trace: x
x: [{'_',[],[{exception_trace}]}]

Starting with the R13 release of Erlang/OTP, there is a presaved match specification with the identifier exception_trace alias x. It is presaved as the match specification [{'_',[],[{exception_trace}]}] and can be used in calls such as dbg:tp({M, F, A}, x). It deserves a special mention, as it is probably one of the most commonly used specifications when debugging.

Further Reading

As you might have realized, the functionality for tracing live Erlang programs, although powerful, can be complex at times. In this chapter, we provided you with a comprehensive overview of what is available, which should enable you to handle the vast majority of cases you come across. But as you will probably be dealing with live systems running nonstop under high load, you never know what to expect.

There are two functions, set_seq_token/2 and get_seq_token/0, in the dbg:fun2ms/1 fun body call, which we have not covered. They are translated to the sequential trace actions set_seq_token and get_seq_token in the match specification body. Together with the API exported by the seq_trace module, they allow users to follow message propagation paths across processes. If process A sends a message to process B, which as a result sends messages to processes C and D, this propagated message call chain is traced. If you are interested in learning more about them, read the manual page for seq_trace. This topic alone would deserve an additional chapter.

If you want to read more on the trace BIFs, the first point of call should be the erlang module manual page, where all the BIFs are described. If you are interested in exploring match specifications, the ERTS User’s Guide dedicates a whole chapter to them, including a complete grammar tutorial. If you instead prefer to stay clear from match specifications and opt for match specification transforms using the fun2ms functions, the ms_transform manual page is probably your best bet. The match specification functions you pass to fun2ms, however, are documented in the ERTS User’s Guide. And finally, the dbg manual page covers the dbg tracer tool.


Exercise 17-1: Measuring Garbage Collection Times

Using the trace BIFs, write a program that monitors the number of microseconds a process spends garbage collecting in a specific function. Once the function has completed its execution, print out the time. To ensure that the readings are not affected by previously allocated memory, spawn a new process for every reading.

Test your programs with a tail-recursive function and a non-tail-recursive function, which do the same thing. This will allow you to monitor the impact that garbage collection has on the time of non-tail-recursive functions handling lists of different sizes.

Hint: use timer:now_diff/2 to calculate the time difference.

You could use the following as a tail-recursive function:

average(List) -> sum(List) / len(List).

sum([]) -> 0;
sum([Head | Tail]) -> Head + sum(Tail);

len([]) -> 0;
len({_ | Tail]) -> 1 + len(Tail).

And, you could use this as a non-tail-recursive function:

average(List) -> average_acc(List, 0,0).

average_acc([], Sum, Length) -> Sum / Length;
average_acc([H | T], Sum, Length) -> average_acc(T, Sum + H, Length + 1).

When you execute your code, it might look something like this:

1> List = lists:seq(1,1000).
2> gc_mon:measure(gc_test, average, List).
Gc monitoring terminated

Exercise 17-2: Garbage Collection Using dbg

Rewrite the solution to Exercise 17-1 using dbg and your own tracer fun. When doing so, add counters to measure how much memory is reclaimed during execution of the process. Pay special attention to the different memory types.

Exercise 17-3: Tracing ETS Table Entries

A crash report was logged. Further investigation shows that an ETS table called countries gets corrupted by the entry {'EXIT', Reason}. The tuple is written instead of a record of type countries. The table is updated thousands of times per day, and it would thus not be appropriate to trace all table entries as the overhead and amount of data to be filtered would be too large.

Create a match specification that is triggered every time the tuple {'EXIT', Reason} is passed as the second argument to the ets:insert/2 function. When you get the match specification to work, start a separate Erlang node on which your tracer receives and prints all trace messages.

When it works, rewrite the match specification that triggers on both {'EXIT', Reason} and {'EXIT', Pid, Reason} using conditional clauses.

Exercise 17-4: Who Is the Culprit?

Determine which of the two authors of this book managed to single-handedly cause a nationwide outage of a mobile data network through the careless use of the dbg tracer tool.

[40] All trace flags are atoms except the {tracer, Pid} tuple described in the preceding paragraph.

[41] Unless you reach the system limit of the maximum number of allowed processes.

[42] If you do not recall what we mean by the heap and the old heap, review the sidebar Memory Management in Erlang in Chapter 2. We covered the process stack in Chapter 3.

[43] We have left it as an exercise for you to figure out which one of the authors was responsible.

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