Chapter 8. Software Upgrade

You receive a bug report that in one of your instant messaging (IM) servers, the euro symbol is reaching its final destination in a garbled form. You find the error in the library module that maps special characters, correct the bug, recompile the code, and test it. When it’s validated, you transfer the patch to the live servers and load it in the Erlang runtime system. The next time a euro symbol is received, the patched module will be used and the euro symbol will be mapped correctly.

You achieve all of this without strange or complex workarounds, without having to restart your system, and most importantly, without affecting any of the other IM-related events currently being handled. If all of this sounds simple, well, it is. And not only is it simple, but it is also really, really cool! Originally inspired by the Smalltalk language, the software upgrade capability is a feature very rarely found in modern programming.

The ability to load new and updated modules during runtime allows systems to run without interruption, not only when errors are being fixed but also when new functionality is added. It also reduces the turnaround time of bugs and facilitates testing, as in most cases, systems do not have to be restarted for patches to be validated and deployed. The software upgrade mechanism relies on a set of simple but powerful constructs on which more powerful tools are built. These upgrade tools are used in pretty much every Erlang-based system where downtime has to be reduced to a minimum.

Upgrading Modules

You have probably come across the loading of new module versions in the runtime system when trying the examples and working on the exercises in this book without realizing what was going on. Think of the incremental approach to software development that we use in Erlang; we’ll go through a short case study to show update in practice next, before we cover the details of how it works and other code-handling features of Erlang in the rest of the chapter.

We start by writing a database module similar to the one described in Exercise 3-4 in Chapter 3. We will use the key value dictionary store defined in the dict module to create a bit of variety, and to have the excuse to introduce a new library. Have a look at its manual page. We want to create a module that exports two functions: create/0, which returns an empty database; and write/3, which inserts a Key and Element pair into the database.

The code is described in the db module. Remember the –vsn(1.0) attribute we discussed in Chapter 2? Even if it is not mandatory, it will help us keep track of which module version we have loaded in the runtime system at any point:

-export([new/0,write/3,read/2, delete/2,destroy/1]).

new()                -> dict:new().

write(Key, Data, Db) -> dict:store(Key, Data, Db).

read(Key, Db) ->
  case dict:fetch(Key, Db) of
    error      -> {error, instance};
    {ok, Data} -> {ok, Data}

delete(Key, Db) -> dict:erase(Key, Db).

destroy(_Db)    -> ok.

Let’s now compile and test the code we wrote by adding two elements to the database and looking up one that has not been inserted. The data structure returned by the dict module might appear strange at first. It is visible here because we are testing the module from the shell and binding the value to a series of variables we pass to the dict functions. In a normal implementation, the Db variable would be passed around in the receive-eval loop data, and it would not be visible:

1> c(db).
2> Db = db:new().
3> Db1 = db:write(francesco, san_francisco, Db).
4> Db2 = db:write(alison, london, Db1).
5> db:read(francesco, Db2).
** exception error: no case clause matching san_francisco
     in function  db:read/2
6> dict:fetch(francesco, Db2).

Hold it! Something went wrong. When calling read/2, instead of returning {ok, san_francisco}, we got a case clause error. Looking at our implementation and the manual page for the dict module, we quickly realize that we used dict:fetch/2 instead of dict:find/2. A call directly to dict:fetch/2 confirms that the function returns Data (not {ok, Data}) if the entry is in the dictionary, and raises an exception otherwise. The dict:find/2 function, on the other hand, returns the tuple {ok, Data} if it finds the entry, or the atom error otherwise.

Let’s fix the bug, replacing the read function with the following code, and while doing so, bump up the version of this module to 1.1:

read(Key, Db) ->
  case dict:find(Key, Db) of
    error      -> {error, instance};
    {ok, Data} -> {ok, Data}

Before doing anything with the shell, let’s use the module_info/0 function to get the version of the code, which is 1.0. We’ll save the corrections to the db module, compile it in the same shell where we ran the previous iteration, and continue testing the module with the same entries we previously inserted in the database. The call to read/2 now works, and when we do a call to module_info/1, we get the new module version in the attribute list:

7> db:module_info().
8> c(db).
9> db:read(francesco, Db2).
10> db:read(martin, Db2).
11> db:module_info(attributes).

In our example, we fixed a bug, but we instead could have added new functionality, or possibly done both. So, although you might not have realized it, when developing and testing our code, we were actually using the software upgrade functionality. When doing so, the data stored by the process (in our example, the data in the Db variables of the shell) was not affected by the upgrade and was still available after loading the new module.

Behind the Scenes

So, how does the software upgrade feature work behind the scenes? At any one time, two versions of a module may be loaded in the runtime system. We call them the old and the current versions. Before we explain the details of software upgrade, we’ll quickly go over the ways in which functions in one module can refer to functions in another.

  • You might not remember, but function calls of the following format:

    Module:Function(Arg1, .., ArgN)

    where the module name is prefixed to an exported Function name, are usually referred to as fully qualified function calls. This is one of the ways in which a function in one module (A, say) may refer to a function defined in another (let’s call it B).

  • The other mechanism by which module A can refer to functions in module B is for A to import some of the functions of B:

    -import(B, [f/1]).

    Within A it is then possible to refer directly to f, as well as to B:f.

Within a module, it is possible to refer to another function in the same module either directly or by a fully qualified name. We’ll come back to this distinction shortly.

Now we’ll explain the software upgrade process, first for intermodule calls, and then for intramodule calls. Each running process that refers to functions in module A will be linked to a version of module A. When a new version of module A is loaded, that becomes the current version, and the previous current version becomes the old version.

If a process p, defined in module A, calls a function from module B, either directly or by a fully qualified call (see Figure 8-1, 1), and a new version (version 2) of module B is loaded, the process will remain linked to the same version of B, which has now become the old version of B (see Figure 8-1, 2). At the next call of a function from B, either directly or in fully qualified form, the link will be switched to the new version, version 2 (see Figure 8-1, 3). This will apply to all functions from B, and not simply the function whose call initiated the switch.

Upgrading module B
Figure 8-1. Upgrading module B

The case of a running process whose defining module is upgraded is more complicated, and in particular, it depends on the way in which functions within the module are called, either directly or through fully qualified calls:

  • If the function call is not fully qualified, the process will continue running the old version of the module.

  • When a new version is loaded, however, global calls to the old module are no longer possible, whereas local calls can be made only by processes in a recursive loop.

To show this in more detail, let’s look at an example module and the effect of software upgrade on it:

1  -module(modtest2).
3  -export([main/0,loop/0,a/1,do/1]).
5  main() ->
6   register(foo,spawn(modtest2,loop,[])).
8   loop() ->
9     receive
10     {Sender, N} ->
11       Sender ! a(N)
12    end,
13    loop().
15   do(M) ->
16    foo ! {self(),M},
17    receive Y ->
18      Y
19    end.
21   a(N) -> N+2.

The main program spawns a named process, foo, which runs the loop() function. The effect of this loop is to serve values of the function a/1: values are sent to the loop process by the do/1 function. Here is an example of the program:

1> c(modtest2).
2> modtest2:main().
3> modtest2:do(99).

Suppose you now upgrade the definition of a/1 in line 21 to the following:

a(N) -> N.

and recompile; the effect is as follows:

4> c(modtest2).
5> modtest2:do(99).

So, it is evident that no change has occurred. If, on the other hand, you modify the call a(N) to a fully qualified call, as in the following:

loop() ->
    {Sender, N} ->
      Sender ! modtest2:a(N)

the effect of the same software upgrade will be evident after recompilation:

6> c(modtest2).
7> modtest2:do(99).

As a final example, it is possible to upgrade a running loop, when the recursive call is fully qualified:

loop() ->
    {Sender, N} ->
      Sender ! a(N)

If you insert a print statement:

loop() ->
    {Sender, N} ->
      Sender ! a(N)

you can see the effect of the change in the following interaction:

1> c(modtest2).
2> modtest2:main().
3> modtest2:do(99).
4> c(modtest2).
5> modtest2:do(99).
6> modtest2:do(99).

In our earlier database example, we were always running the latest version of the db module, because all calls from the shell to the library were fully qualified.

As only two versions of a module may exist in the runtime system at any one time, when a third version is loaded the oldest version is purged (removed) and the current version becomes the old version, as shown in Figure 8-2. Any process running the oldest version of the purged module is terminated. Any process running what has now become the old version will continue doing so until it executes a fully qualified function call.

Linkage to an old version
Figure 8-2. Linkage to an old version

Loading Code

Code is loaded in the Erlang runtime system in a variety of ways. The first is by calling a function in a module that has not yet been loaded. The code server, a process which is part of the Erlang kernel, will search for the compiled (.beam) file of that module, and if it finds it, it will load it; note that it is not compiled automatically if the beam file is missing. The process that made the call to that module is now able to call the function.

Another way to load a module is by compiling it. You can use the c(Module) shell command, the function compile:file(Module), or one of its many derivatives, all documented in the compile library module. In our example, we loaded the latest version of the db module in the shell every time it was compiled.

Finally, you can explicitly load a module using the code:load_file(Module) call. This call is useful because it can appear in programs as well as being used from the shell. From the shell, however, you can use the equivalent shell command l(Module).

All of these calls result in the oldest version of the module (if any) being purged, the current version becoming the old one, and the newly loaded one becoming the current one. Note that the terms old and current refer not to the compilation time or to a higher revision in the vsn attribute, but to the order in which you loaded the modules in the runtime system.

There are also a number of ways to see whether a module is already loaded:

  • Try typing in part of the module name in the Erlang shell and pressing the Tab key; if the name autocompletes, the module is loaded.

  • Just pressing the Tab key will list all the modules currently loaded.

  • Another way to find out whether a module is loaded is to call the function code:is_loaded(Module), which returns the location of the beam file if the Module is already loaded; otherwise, it returns the atom false.

The Code Server

We briefly mentioned the code server in the preceding section. Here, we’ll look at it in more detail. The code server’s primary task is to manage the dynamic loading and purging of modules. A set of library functions accessible in the code.erl module provide the programmer with the flexibility needed to manage and configure the server to handle the system’s code base.

Loading modules

The dynamic loading of code in Erlang will be triggered as a result of a call to a module that is not loaded, or when it is explicitly requested to do so through the code:load_file/1 call. The code server will search the directories in the code search path for a compiled version of the module, and when the code server finds it, it will load it in the virtual machine.

The code search path consists of a list of directories. These directories are sequentially searched for the compiled version of the module you want to load. Try viewing the default search paths of the runtime system by using the code:get_path() call. Default directories will include the current working directory together with all of the paths to the default library applications which come as part of the Erlang/OTP distribution. You can find all of these library applications in the $ERLANGROOT/lib directory. To find out the Erlang root directory of your installation, use the code:root_dir() call.

In your code search path, you might have several versions of the same module. When you load a new version, the directories are scanned sequentially, resulting in the first occurrence of the module being picked up. It is thus not uncommon to create a patches directory that appears first in the code search path. Any patches in this directory will be picked up first, overriding the original versions of the module they were trying to patch.

Manipulating the code search path

You can add directories to the code search path by using code:add_patha(Dir) to add a directory to the beginning of the list, and code:add_pathz(Dir) to append one to the end. In the following example, note how the current working directory becomes the second element. The code module also provides functions to delete, replace, and override directories:

3> code:add_patha("/tmp").
4> code:get_path().

In the example, we show just some of the library module directories. Try the command on your machine, and cd into any of the listed directories. When inspecting the contents, you should find all of the beam files relating to that particular application.

The explanation in the preceding text of how the code server looks for modules will hopefully explain why you had to change the current working directory of the Erlang shell to the directory that contained your beam files. From the code:get_path/0 example, unless you have modified the code search path structure, you can see that the current working directory (.) is the first directory the code server searches when trying to load a module. Finally, you can also add directories when starting the Erlang shell by passing the erl –pa Path or erl –pz Path directive to the erl command to add the directory at the beginning (a) or end (z) of the path.

Purging Modules

The code server can get rid of or purge old versions of a module by calling code:purge(Module), but if any processes were running that code, they will first be terminated, after which the old version of the code is deleted. The function returns true if any processes were terminated as a result of the call or false otherwise.

If you do not want to terminate any processes running the old version of the code, use code:soft_purge(Module). The call will remove the old version of the module only if there are no processes running the code. If any processes are still running the code, it will return false and will do nothing else. If it was successful in deleting the old module, it will return true.

The OTP framework, which we cover in Chapter 12, provides a supervisor mechanism that is designed to deal with process termination in an organized way; an obvious application of this sort of supervision is for processes that terminate after a software upgrade.

Upgrading Processes

Now that we have looked at software upgrade in more detail, let’s go through a practical example where the format of loop data needs to be changed in a running loop.

We implement a db_server module that provides a process storing the database in the dictionary format used by version 1.1 of the db module. Alongside the exported client functions, pay particular attention to the upgrade/1 function. We will tell you more about it in just a second.

-export([start/0, stop/0, upgrade/1]).
-export([write/2, read/1, delete/1]).
-export([init/0, loop/1]).

start() ->
  register(db_server, spawn(db_server, init, [])).

  db_server ! stop.

upgrade(Data) ->
  db_server ! {upgrade, Data}.

write(Key, Data) ->
  db_server ! {write, Key, Data}.

read(Key) ->
  db_server ! {read, self(), Key},
  receive Reply -> Reply end.

delete(Key) ->
  db_server ! {delete, Key}.

init() ->

loop(Db) ->
    {write, Key, Data} ->
       loop(db:write(Key, Data, Db));
    {read, Pid, Key} ->
       Pid ! db:read(Key, Db),
    {delete, Key} ->
       loop(db:delete(Key, Db));
    {upgrade, Data} ->
      NewDb = db:convert(Data, Db),
    stop ->

The upgrade function takes a variable as an argument and forwards it on to the db_server process. This variable is passed to the db:convert/2 function, which returns the database in a possibly updated format. The convert/2 function was not included in version 1.1 of the db module, as all we did was fix a bug that did not require us to change the internal format of the data. Read through the db_server code and make sure you understand it. If anything is unclear, copy it and test it from the shell, and read the manual pages for the dict library.

Let’s now create a new db module, this time basing it on general balanced trees, using the gb_trees library module. When implementing it, we include a convert/2 function. Given the data structure returned by the dict module, this function extracts all of the elements from the dictionary and inserts them in a binary tree, returning a data structure that the gb_trees module can now use:

-export([new/0, destroy/1, write/3, delete/2, read/2, convert/2]).

new() -> gb_trees:empty().

write(Key, Data, Db) -> gb_trees:insert(Key, Data, Db).

read(Key, Db) ->
  case gb_trees:lookup(Key, Db) of
    none         -> {error, instance};
    {value, Data} -> {ok, Data}

destroy(_Db) -> ok.

delete(Key, Db) -> gb_trees:delete(Key, Db).

convert(dict,Dict) ->
  dict(dict:fetch_keys(Dict), Dict, new());
convert(_, Data) ->

dict([Key|Tail], Dict, GbTree) ->
  Data = dict:fetch(Key, Dict),
  NewGbTree  = gb_trees:insert(Key, Data, GbTree),
  dict(Tail, Dict, NewGbTree);
dict([], _, GbTree) -> GbTree.

We can now perform an upgrade from version 1.1 to version 1.2 of the db module, changing the internal format of the db_server loop data. To do so, we need a patches directory at the top of the code search path. We start the Erlang runtime system using the –pa patches flag (or add the directory dynamically using code:add_patha/1). Next, we place the compiled 1.2 version of the db module in the patches directory. Finally, we load the new db module, (soft) purge the old one, and call the upgrade client function. Example 8-1 shows the interaction in full.

Example 8-1. Software upgrade in action
1> cd("/Users/Francesco/database/").
2> make:all([load]).
Recompile: db
Recompile: db_server
3> db:module_info().
4> db_server:start().
5> db_server:write(francesco, san_francisco).
6> db_server:write(alison, london).
7> db_server:read(alison).
8> db_server:read(martin).
9> code:add_patha("/Users/Francesco/patches").
10> code:load_file(db).
11> code:soft_purge(db).
12> db_server:upgrade(dict).
13> db:module_info().
14> db_server:write(martin, cairo).
15> db_server:read(francesco).
16> db_server:read(martin).

The server is still up and running, with the same key-element data, but stored in a different format and using an upgraded version of the db module. It is as simple as that, and, as you can see, extremely powerful.

Other important issues to keep in mind when doing a software upgrade include nonbackward-compatible modules, functions for downgrading in case an upgrade fails, and synchronizing upgrades in distributed environments. Although the basics of upgrading your code in runtime are very simple, if your system is complex and upgrades are major, your routines and procedures might not be as simple. Make sure you test the upgrade steps thoroughly and cover all potential scenarios. The SASL application, part of the OTP middleware, has complex tools for handling software upgrades built on the principles we just covered.

The .erlang File

It is time to introduce the .erlang file. This file is placed in the user’s home directory or in the Erlang root directory. It should contain valid Erlang expressions, all of which are read and executed at startup. It is useful for setting paths to the modules and tools of the development environment you are using. For example:


You also could use the .erlang file for configuration or startup purposes. We will provide more examples in Chapter 11.


Exercise 8-1: Software Upgrade During Runtime

Take this chapter’s db.erl module, based on general balanced trees, and add an extra function called code_upgrade/1. This function will take a database of the format used in the lists version of the database from Chapter 3, Exercise 3-4. It should create an ETS table and store in it all the elements passed to it. Its return value should be the table that is created.

Upgrading the database server
Figure 8-3. Upgrading the database server


db:code_upgrade([RecordList]) -> gb_tree().
  1. Test the function in the shell, and place the beam and source code files in a subdirectory called patches. In part 2 of this exercise, continue working in your current working directory where you have stored the db.erl module that uses lists. Be careful with the different compiled versions of the two modules so that you do not mix them up.

  2. Add the client function code_upgrade() to the my_db.erl server module. This function should send a message to the server which will load the new db module, call the db:code_upgrade/1 function with the old database, and then continue looping with the new ETS database representation, as shown in Figure 8-3. After the code upgrade, all the data that was there prior to the operation should still be available, and the client should be able to insert, delete, and do queries on elements as though nothing has happened.

  3. Test your program by starting it using the lists version of the db module. Insert a few elements in the database and switch over to the tree version of the db module. To switch over to the new version, you must first load it into the system. (In larger systems, there will be tools to handle upgrades. As this database server is of more modest proportions, you can load it manually.) Once the ETS version of the db.erl module has been loaded, call my_db:code_upgrade(). Read the elements, write some new ones, and delete the old ones. Make sure the server is stable.

The following interaction gives an example of this in action:

1> my_db:start().
2> my_db:write(bob, handyman).
3> my_db:write(chris, projectleader).
4> my_db:read(bob).
5> code:add_patha("/home/cesarini/erlang/patches/").
6> my_db:code_upgrade().
7> my_db:read(bob).
8> my_db:delete(bob).
9> my_db:write(bob, manager).
10> code:soft_purge(db).
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