Verifying the installation

We have at various points verified that the Keystone service is working as expected. However, let's execute the commands with the actual username and password rather than using the admin token that we have generated.

Open a new terminal window, or unset the environment variables that we set up:


You don't have to do this if you have opened a new terminal window.

Using Keystone CLI

We will list all the tenants in the system; we should expect to see the one we created:

keystone --os-tenant-name firsttenant --os-username admin --os-password h33l0world --os-auth-url http://oscontrollernode:5000/v2.0 tenant-list

Using the API

Under the hood, the Python client uses the RESTful API. You would use the API if you were trying to call the services directly without using the client. As an example, consider a developer of a company trying to create hooks in the OpenStack system from the company's custom request portal so that end users don't get to see the actual Horizon database, and even the cloud provisioning engine is abstracted from the end user. We will quickly verify that we are able to use Keystone using the RESTful API.


This step is optional and is provided only for informational purposes.

We will use curl in order to make the RESTful call. The URI for tenant is /tenants, so the full URL will be a public URL appended with the API URI, which in our case is http://oscontrollernode:5000/v2.0/tenants. This is using a GET verb, so we will need an authentication token in order to execute the following curl command to get the token:

curl -vv -d '{"auth":{"passwordCredentials":{"username": "admin", "password": "h33l0world"}}}' -H "Content-type: application/json" http://localhost:5000/v2.0/tokens | python -m json.tool

This will give us the token that we can use in the header:

Using the API

We extract this token and use it in our next call. The tokens are normally valid for a few minutes to hours, depending on the configuration of Keystone.

Tokens are akin to authentication cookies in a lot of ways. If you have come across any kind of a single sign-on (SSO) system for the Web, you may already be aware of how this functions.

In a single sign-on scenario, when you try to access a protected resource, you send a request to the resource, the web page in question checks for a presence of a cookie and whether that cookie is valid. The cookie has information about the user and sometimes authorization as well.

If the cookie is not present or is present but not valid, then the user is sent to a common webpage where the SSO system authenticates them and assigns a cookie. The SSO system then redirects them to the resource and the user is now granted access.

The token system is similar but with some differences, as follows:

  1. User checks whether they have the valid token.
  2. If the valid token is not found, a request is made to Keystone.
  3. Keystone authenticates and assigns a token. It also stores the token in its localdatabase table called "tokens".
  4. User makes the call to the service, such as Horizon, Nova, or any other OpenStack service that supports Keystone, with the token.
  5. The service at the backend checks with Keystone whether the token is valid and then allows access to the resource.

This way, the services themselves never get access to the user credentials but only the tokens that are time-bound to expire. This serves two purposes, that of security and of a single sign-on feel.

curl -s 
  -H "X-Auth-Token: 685590d73e81437da6e97a9b6764213b" 
  http://localhost:5000/v2.0/tenants | python -m json.tool

And we then get the tenants configured in the system, as shown in the following screenshot:

Using the API

We can now use the token until its expiry for the particular user.


There are several toolkits and SDK's available for OpenStack in order to enable faster code development.

Please visit for the different SDKs that are available.

The languages include a varied range of choices such as libraries for C, C++, Java, Node.Js , Perl, and PHP.

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