Swift authentication

One of the unique characteristics of Swift, when compared to other OpenStack projects is that Swift can be run completely standalone. While Swift can be used with other OpenStack projects, it does not have any direct dependencies on those projects. For example, Swift can be configured to use its own internal authentication system or it can be configured to use Keystone. It is important to understand this nuance when troubleshooting Swift Authentication problems. Typically, a Swift installation will be configured to use one of the three authentication methods: TempAuth, Swauth, or Keystone. To determine which authentication method Swift is using, look in the proxy-server.conf configuration file located at /etc/swift/proxy-server.conf. In this file, there is a stanza named [pipeline:main]. This stanza will contain a string representing the authentication method being used, either tempauth or swauth.

Troubleshooting TempAuth

TempAuth, as the name implies, is a temporary authorization system designed to get you up and running quickly with Swift. This authentication option allows you to test Swift, but it is not intended for production deployments. Most of the configuration for TempAuth will be done in the proxy-server.conf file, including the usernames and passwords to be used with TempAuth.

TempAuth configuration

When troubleshooting TempAuth, the first thing you want to do is confirm that you are running TempAuth:

TempAuth configuration

As illustrated in the preceding code snippet, in the [pipeline:main] section of proxy-server.conf, there will be a tempauth entry in the pipeline if TempAuth is in use. If your deployment is using TempAuth and you are troubleshooting auth problems, you'll want to check the rest of the TempAuth configuration.

In addition to the tempauth entry in the pipeline, there should be the tempauth filter section, similar to the one displayed here:

TempAuth configuration

Lines 3-6 in the preceding output define the various users' setup to work with TempAuth. In the preceding example, the user entries follow this format:

User_<account>_<username> = <password> [.<role>]

When attempting to make calls to Swift via the API, the credentials used should match the values in the [filter:tempauth] section of your configuration file:

curl -v -H 'X-Storage-User: test:tester' -H 'X-Storage-Pass: testing' http://swiftproxyserver:8080/auth/v1.0

As demonstrated in the preceding lines of code, you will pass in <account>:<username> into the X-Storage-User header. In our example, we are using the tester user under the test account. If everything works as expected, the output from this curl call will be similar to the output shown here:

TempAuth configuration

You can test Swift by attempting to run GET on the account. To do this, you need to use X-AUTH-Token that was returned in the preceding call as well as X-Storage-Url. With these two values in hand, you can run a curl command similar to the following one:

curl -v -H 'X-Auth-Token: AUTH_tk8c7ae187154749ccb121397f6779f11e'

The preceding curl command will return an output similar to the output shown in the following screenshot:

TempAuth configuration

We have executed this command against an empty Swift cluster, but it's worth noting the statistics that are returned from this call. X-Account-Object-Count lists the number of objects in this account. The X-Account-Container-Count list displays the number of containers in the account. The X-Account-Bytes-Used command shows the number of bytes used in this account.

If there is a problem with the credentials, you will see an error similar to the following one when you run curl:

TempAuth configuration

Take a note of the 401 Unauthorized error returned from this call. In addition to this, the body returned includes a message explaining that the user's authorization could not be verified. These errors point to the fact that one of the credentials used in the curl call was incorrect. To resolve this issue, verify the credentials set at /etc/swift/proxy-server.conf against the credentials used in the curl call.

For users who utilize the Swift command-line tool, you will typically use a syntax similar to the following syntax:

swift -U test:tester -K testing -A auth

When this command is executed successfully, you will see an output similar to the one shown here:

TempAuth configuration

Note that the pattern of the user (-U) attribute is <account>:<username>. Suppose that, when you attempt to use the Swift command-line tool with TempAuth, you come across an error similar to the following one:

TempAuth configuration

There are a few settings that you need to check when you come across a 401 Unauthorized error when using the Swift command-line tool. To troubleshoot this error, you need to check the account, username, password, and auth URL being used.

The account and username

When using the Swift command-line tool, you need to pass in the account and the username for the user you are authenticating. For example, to run the Swift list command with authentication arguments passed in on the command line, you would use the following code:

The account and username

The tool expects user information to be passed as <Account>:<Username>. For example, for an account named test and a username tester, the value passed to the -U argument of the Swift tool would be test:tester. If you omit the account value, you are likely to see the preceding 401 Unauthorized error.

You can pass the account and username as an argument into the Swift tool or you can set these values in an environment variable named ST_USER, as demonstrated in line 2 of the following screenshot:

The account and username

These values may be added to a swiftrc file or you can include them in the openrc file along with the environment variables for other OpenStack services. When troubleshooting the Swift tool with TempAuth, be sure to check for the Swift tool environment variables, ST_AUTH, ST_USER, and ST_KEY, and if they are being used, make sure they are correct. It may also be helpful to unset these environment variables while troubleshooting and pass the values explicitly. The values passed into the Swift tool should match those set in the [filter:tempauth] section of the /etc/swift/proxy-server.conf file.

The password

The Swift command-line tool also requires a password for the user you are authenticating as. The password can be passed in as the key (-K) attribute or it can be set in the ST_KEY environment variable. Refer to the preceding screenshot for an example. An incorrect password will also cause a 401 Unauthorized error. Make sure that the value being passed into the Swift tool matches the value in the [filter:tempauth] section of the /etc/swift/proxy-server.conf file.

400 Bad Request

If you receive a 400 Bad Request error when attempting to use the Swift tool with TempAuth, it may indicate that you have configured an incorrect Auth URL. The error may look similar to the one given here:

Auth GET failed: 400 Bad Request

If you receive this error, then you want to confirm that the value is being passed into the auth (-A) parameter of the Swift command-line tool. This value may also be set as the ST_AUTH environment variable. The value set in the ST_AUTH environment variable and any value passed into the –A argument of the Swift tool should match the value in the [filter:tempauth] section of the /etc/swift/proxy-server.conf file.

Troubleshooting Swauth

Operators of Swift that are looking to move past TempAuth and leverage something a little more production ready might opt to use Swauth instead, which is a Swift authentication system. One of the unique characteristics of Swauth is that it uses the Swift cluster to store the authentication credentials much in the same way as standard objects are stored in the cluster.

You can confirm that your deployment is configured to use Swauth by checking the pipeline setting in /etc/swift/proxy-server.conf:

Troubleshooting Swauth

If there is a swauth entry in the pipeline and a [filter:swauth] section, like the one shown here, then your deployment is configured to use Swauth:

Troubleshooting Swauth

When attempting to start or restart the proxy server, if you come across a trace that ends with a line similar to the one given here, then this is a sign that your installation doesn't have the swauth package installed:

pkg_resources.DistributionNotFound: The 'swauth' distribution was not found and is required by the application

To correct this problem, simply install the swauth packages using the package manager for your distribution. This package needs to be installed on every server running the swift-proxy service.

Swauth initialization

If you are having trouble using Swauth, you should confirm that Swauth has been successfully initialized. Swauth is typically initialized using a command similar to the following one:

swauth-prep -A -K swauthkey

Note that there is no output when this command is completed successfully. The value for swauthkey in the command should match the value in your /etc/proxy-server.conf file under the [filter:swauth] section. The value for super_admin_key should be listed here.

If you run into unauthorized errors, similar to what we saw in the TempAuth section, you will want to confirm that your accounts and users have been set up in Swauth. You can do this by leveraging the swauth-list command:

swauth-list -A -K swauthkey

Again, the value passed into the -K argument should match the entry of super_admin_key in the [Filter:swauth] section of the proxy-server.conf file. Upon successful execution, this command will return an output similar to this:

Swauth initialization

This command returns a list of the accounts (projects/tenants) loaded into Swauth. Likewise, you can list the users under an account using the following command:

swauth-list -A -K swauthkey test

This command looks very similar to the command used earlier to list accounts. The only difference is that we will include the name of the account we want to list users for. In this example, the name of the account is test, and it is the last argument sent to the preceding command. The output of this command is as follows:

Swauth initialization

In this output, you will see a section titled users, which provides a list of users on the test account. The output displays one user under the test account with a username tester. If, for some reason, these commands do not return the accounts or users you are expecting, then you can add users using a command similar to the following one:

swauth-add-user -A -K swauthkey -a test tester testing

There are additional swauth commands that may prove useful when troubleshooting. These commands are given in the following list:

  • swauth-add-account
  • swauth-add-user
  • swauth-cleanup-tokens
  • swauth-delete-account
  • swauth-delete-user
  • swauth-list
  • swauth-prep
  • swauth-set-account-service

Using the preceding commands, you can troubleshoot and correct most errors with your Swauth data.

Swift with Keystone

Most deployments of Swift will most likely be configured to use Keystone, the OpenStack Identity service, for authentication. When troubleshooting a Swift deployment using Keystone, it is wise to start by making sure that Keystone is operating appropriately. Be sure to review Chapter 2, Troubleshooting OpenStack Identity, for tips on troubleshooting that service.

Swift users

Most installations will include a Swift service user that the object storage service will use to interact with Keystone. Make sure that the Swift user exists, and the password for this user has been set accurately in Keystone and in the proxy-server.conf file. You can use the OpenStack client to check whether the Swift user exists:

openstack user list

When you run the preceding user list command, as demonstrated, you will see a list of users recorded in Keystone. Make sure that there is a Swift user present.

Swift users

If the Swift user has not been created already, you can create this user using the Keystone client:

keystone user-create --name swift --pass swiftpass --tenant service

Likewise, you can create the Swift user using the OpenStack client:

openstack user create swift --password swiftpass --project service

Whether you are using the Keystone client or the OpenStack client, be sure to set a secure password. Once the Swift user has been created, this user will need to be assigned the admin role under the service project/tenant.

Once the Swift user has been created, check whether you have configured the Swift proxy server with the correct credentials. Confirm the credentials at /etc/swift/proxy-server.conf under the [filter:authtoken] section. Take the following screenshot, for example:

Swift users
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