Installation of command-line tools on Ubuntu

Management of OpenStack Compute from the command line is achieved using the nova client. The nova client tool uses the OpenStack Compute API and the OS-API. Understanding this tool is invaluable in comparison to understanding the flexibility and power of cloud environments, as it will allow you to create powerful scripts to manage your cloud.

Getting ready

The tools will be installed on your host computer if it’s running Ubuntu, which is the easiest way to get hold of the nova client packages that are ready to manage your cloud environment.

How to do it...

The nova client packages are conveniently available from the Ubuntu repositories. If the host PC isn’t running Ubuntu, creating an Ubuntu virtual machine alongside our OpenStack Compute virtual machine is a convenient way to get access to these tools.

As a normal user on our Ubuntu machine, type the following commands:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install python-novaclient

How it works...

Using nova client on Ubuntu is a very natural way of managing our OpenStack cloud environment. Installation is very straightforward as these are provided as part of standard Ubuntu packaging.

See also

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