The PE File Headers and Sections

PE file headers can provide considerably more information than just imports. The PE file format contains a header followed by a series of sections. The header contains metadata about the file itself. Following the header are the actual sections of the file, each of which contains useful information. As we progress through the book, we will continue to discuss strategies for viewing the information in each of these sections. The following are the most common and interesting sections in a PE file:

  • .text. The .text section contains the instructions that the CPU executes. All other sections store data and supporting information. Generally, this is the only section that can execute, and it should be the only section that includes code.

  • .rdata. The .rdata section typically contains the import and export information, which is the same information available from both Dependency Walker and PEview. This section can also store other read-only data used by the program. Sometimes a file will contain an .idata and .edata section, which store the import and export information (see Table 1-4).

  • .data. The .data section contains the program’s global data, which is accessible from anywhere in the program. Local data is not stored in this section, or anywhere else in the PE file. (We address this topic in Chapter 6.)

  • .rsrc. The .rsrc section includes the resources used by the executable that are not considered part of the executable, such as icons, images, menus, and strings. Strings can be stored either in the .rsrc section or in the main program, but they are often stored in the .rsrc section for multilanguage support.

Section names are often consistent across a compiler, but can vary across different compilers. For example, Visual Studio uses .text for executable code, but Borland Delphi uses CODE. Windows doesn’t care about the actual name since it uses other information in the PE header to determine how a section is used. Furthermore, the section names are sometimes obfuscated to make analysis more difficult. Luckily, the default names are used most of the time. Table 1-4 lists the most common you’ll encounter.

Table 1-4. Sections of a PE File for a Windows Executable




Contains the executable code


Holds read-only data that is globally accessible within the program


Stores global data accessed throughout the program


Sometimes present and stores the import function information; if this section is not present, the import function information is stored in the .rdata section


Sometimes present and stores the export function information; if this section is not present, the export function information is stored in the .rdata section


Present only in 64-bit executables and stores exception-handling information


Stores resources needed by the executable


Contains information for relocation of library files

Examining PE Files with PEview

The PE file format stores interesting information within its header. We can use the PEview tool to browse through the information, as shown in Figure 1-7.

In the figure, the left pane at displays the main parts of a PE header. The IMAGE_FILE_HEADER entry is highlighted because it is currently selected.

The first two parts of the PE header—the IMAGE_DOS_HEADER and MS-DOS Stub Program—are historical and offer no information of particular interest to us.

The next section of the PE header, IMAGE_NT_HEADERS, shows the NT headers. The signature is always the same and can be ignored.

The IMAGE_FILE_HEADER entry, highlighted and displayed in the right panel at , contains basic information about the file. The Time Date Stamp description at tells us when this executable was compiled, which can be very useful in malware analysis and incident response. For example, an old compile time suggests that this is an older attack, and antivirus programs might contain signatures for the malware. A new compile time suggests the reverse.

Viewing the IMAGE_FILE_HEADER in the PEview program

Figure 1-7. Viewing the IMAGE_FILE_HEADER in the PEview program

That said, the compile time is a bit problematic. All Delphi programs use a compile time of June 19, 1992. If you see that compile time, you’re probably looking at a Delphi program, and you won’t really know when it was compiled. In addition, a competent malware writer can easily fake the compile time. If you see a compile time that makes no sense, it probably was faked.

The IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER section includes several important pieces of information. The Subsystem description indicates whether this is a console or GUI program. Console programs have the value IMAGE_SUBSYSTEM_WINDOWS_CUI and run inside a command window. GUI programs have the value IMAGE_SUBSYSTEM_WINDOWS_GUI and run within the Windows system. Less common subsystems such as Native or Xbox also are used.

The most interesting information comes from the section headers, which are in IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER, as shown in Figure 1-8. These headers are used to describe each section of a PE file. The compiler generally creates and names the sections of an executable, and the user has little control over these names. As a result, the sections are usually consistent from executable to executable (see Table 1-4), and any deviations may be suspicious.

For example, in Figure 1-8, Virtual Size at tells us how much space is allocated for a section during the loading process. The Size of Raw Data at shows how big the section is on disk. These two values should usually be equal, because data should take up just as much space on the disk as it does in memory. Small differences are normal, and are due to differences between alignment in memory and on disk.

The section sizes can be useful in detecting packed executables. For example, if the Virtual Size is much larger than the Size of Raw Data, you know that the section takes up more space in memory than it does on disk. This is often indicative of packed code, particularly if the .text section is larger in memory than on disk.

Viewing the IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER .text section in the PEview program

Figure 1-8. Viewing the IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER .text section in the PEview program

Table 1-5 shows the sections from PotentialKeylogger.exe. As you can see, the .text, .rdata, and .rsrc sections each has a Virtual Size and Size of Raw Data value of about the same size. The .data section may seem suspicious because it has a much larger virtual size than raw data size, but this is normal for the .data section in Windows programs. But note that this information alone does not tell us that the program is not malicious; it simply shows that it is likely not packed and that the PE file header was generated by a compiler.

Table 1-5. Section Information for PotentialKeylogger.exe


Virtual size

Size of raw data













Table 1-6 shows the sections from PackedProgram.exe. The sections in this file have a number of anomalies: The sections named Dijfpds, .sdfuok, and Kijijl are unusual, and the .text, .data, and .rdata sections are suspicious. The .text section has a Size of Raw Data value of 0, meaning that it takes up no space on disk, and its Virtual Size value is A000, which means that space will be allocated for the .text segment. This tells us that a packer will unpack the executable code to the allocated .text section.

Table 1-6. Section Information for PackedProgram.exe


Virtual size

Size of raw data






















Viewing the Resource Section with Resource Hacker

Now that we’re finished looking at the header for the PE file, we can look at some of the sections. The only section we can examine without additional knowledge from later chapters is the resource section. You can use the free Resource Hacker tool found at to browse the .rsrc section. When you click through the items in Resource Hacker, you’ll see the strings, icons, and menus. The menus displayed are identical to what the program uses. Figure 1-9 shows the Resource Hacker display for the Windows Calculator program, calc.exe.

The Resource Hacker tool display for calc.exe

Figure 1-9. The Resource Hacker tool display for calc.exe

The panel on the left shows all resources included in this executable. Each root folder shown in the left pane at stores a different type of resource. The informative sections for malware analysis include:

  • The Icon section lists images shown when the executable is in a file listing.

  • The Menu section stores all menus that appear in various windows, such as the File, Edit, and View menus. This section contains the names of all the menus, as well as the text shown for each. The names should give you a good idea of their functionality.

  • The Dialog section contains the program’s dialog menus. The dialog at shows what the user will see when running calc.exe. If we knew nothing else about calc.exe, we could identify it as a calculator program simply by looking at this dialog menu.

  • The String Table section stores strings.

  • The Version Info section contains a version number and often the company name and a copyright statement.

The .rsrc section shown in Figure 1-9 is typical of Windows applications and can include whatever a programmer requires.


Malware, and occasionally legitimate software, often store an embedded program or driver here and, before the program runs, they extract the embedded executable or driver. Resource Hacker lets you extract these files for individual analysis.

Using Other PE File Tools

Many other tools are available for browsing a PE header. Two of the most useful tools are PEBrowse Professional and PE Explorer.

PEBrowse Professional ( is similar to PEview. It allows you to look at the bytes from each section and shows the parsed data. PEBrowse Professional does the better job of presenting information from the resource (.rsrc) section.

PE Explorer ( has a rich GUI that allows you to navigate through the various parts of the PE file. You can edit certain parts of the PE file, and its included resource editor is great for browsing and editing the file’s resources. The tool’s main drawback is that it is not free.

PE Header Summary

The PE header contains useful information for the malware analyst, and we will continue to examine it in subsequent chapters. Table 1-7 reviews the key information that can be obtained from a PE header.

Table 1-7. Information in the PE Header


Information revealed


Functions from other libraries that are used by the malware


Functions in the malware that are meant to be called by other programs or libraries

Time Date Stamp

Time when the program was compiled


Names of sections in the file and their sizes on disk and in memory


Indicates whether the program is a command-line or GUI application


Strings, icons, menus, and other information included in the file

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