The Goals of Malware Analysis

The purpose of malware analysis is usually to provide the information you need to respond to a network intrusion. Your goals will typically be to determine exactly what happened, and to ensure that you’ve located all infected machines and files. When analyzing suspected malware, your goal will typically be to determine exactly what a particular suspect binary can do, how to detect it on your network, and how to measure and contain its damage.

Once you identify which files require full analysis, it’s time to develop signatures to detect malware infections on your network. As you’ll learn throughout this book, malware analysis can be used to develop host-based and network signatures.

Host-based signatures, or indicators, are used to detect malicious code on victim computers. These indicators often identify files created or modified by the malware or specific changes that it makes to the registry. Unlike antivirus signatures, malware indicators focus on what the malware does to a system, not on the characteristics of the malware itself, which makes them more effective in detecting malware that changes form or that has been deleted from the hard disk.

Network signatures are used to detect malicious code by monitoring network traffic. Network signatures can be created without malware analysis, but signatures created with the help of malware analysis are usually far more effective, offering a higher detection rate and fewer false positives.

After obtaining the signatures, the final objective is to figure out exactly how the malware works. This is often the most asked question by senior management, who want a full explanation of a major intrusion. The in-depth techniques you’ll learn in this book will allow you to determine the purpose and capabilities of malicious programs.

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