Viewing Threads and Stacks

Malware often uses multiple threads. You can view the current threads within a program by selecting View ▶ Threads to bring up the Threads window. This window shows the memory locations of the threads and their current status (active, paused, or suspended).

Since OllyDbg is single-threaded, you might need to pause all of the threads, set a breakpoint, and then continue to run the program in order to begin debugging within a particular thread. Clicking the pause button in the main toolbar pauses all active threads. Figure 9-6 shows an example of the Threads window after all five threads have been paused.

You can also kill individual threads by right-clicking an individual thread, which displays the options shown in Figure 9-6, and selecting Kill Thread.

Threads window showing five paused threads and the context menu for an individual thread

Figure 9-6. Threads window showing five paused threads and the context menu for an individual thread

Each thread in a given process has its own stack, and important data is often stored on the stack. You can use the memory map to view the stacks in memory. For example, in Figure 9-4, you can see that OllyDbg has labeled the main thread stack as “stack of main thread.”

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