Process Replacement

Rather than inject code into a host program, some malware uses a method known as process replacement to overwrite the memory space of a running process with a malicious executable. Process replacement is used when a malware author wants to disguise malware as a legitimate process, without the risk of crashing a process through the use of process injection.

This technique provides the malware with the same privileges as the process it is replacing. For example, if a piece of malware were to perform a process-replacement attack on svchost.exe, the user would see a process name svchost.exe running from C:WindowsSystem32 and probably think nothing of it. (This is a common malware attack, by the way.)

Key to process replacement is creating a process in a suspended state. This means that the process will be loaded into memory, but the primary thread of the process is suspended. The program will not do anything until an external program resumes the primary thread, causing the program to start running. Example 12-2 shows how a malware author achieves this suspended state by passing CREATE_SUSPENDED (0x4) as the dwCreationFlags parameter when performing the call to CreateProcess.

Example 12-2. Assembly code showing process replacement

00401535        push    edi             ; lpProcessInformation
00401536        push    ecx             ; lpStartupInfo
00401537        push    ebx             ; lpCurrentDirectory
00401538        push    ebx             ; lpEnvironment
00401539        push    CREATE_SUSPENDED ; dwCreationFlags
0040153B        push    ebx             ; bInheritHandles
0040153C        push    ebx             ; lpThreadAttributes
0040153D        lea     edx, [esp+94h+CommandLine]
00401541        push    ebx             ; lpProcessAttributes
00401542        push    edx             ; lpCommandLine
00401543        push    ebx             ; lpApplicationName
00401544        mov     [esp+0A0h+StartupInfo.dwFlags], 101h
0040154F        mov     [esp+0A0h+StartupInfo.wShowWindow], bx
00401557        call    ds:CreateProcessA

Although poorly documented by Microsoft, this method of process creation can be used to load a process into memory and suspend it at the entry point.

Example 12-3 shows C pseudocode for performing process replacement.

Example 12-3. C pseudocode for process replacement

for (i=0; i < NumberOfSections; i++) {

Once the process is created, the next step is to replace the victim process’s memory with the malicious executable, typically using ZwUnmapViewOfSection to release all memory pointed to by a section passed as a parameter. After the memory is unmapped, the loader performs VirtualAllocEx to allocate new memory for the malware, and uses WriteProcessMemory to write each of the malware sections to the victim process space, typically in a loop, as shown at .

In the final step, the malware restores the victim process environment so that the malicious code can run by calling SetThreadContext to set the entry point to point to the malicious code. Finally, ResumeThread is called to initiate the malware, which has now replaced the victim process.

Process replacement is an effective way for malware to appear non-malicious. By masquerading as the victim process, the malware is able to bypass firewalls or intrusion prevention systems (IPSs) and avoid detection by appearing to be a normal Windows process. Also, by using the original binary’s path, the malware deceives the savvy user who, when viewing a process listing, sees only the known and valid binary executing, with no idea that it was unmapped.

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