Global vs. Local Variables

Global variables can be accessed and used by any function in a program. Local variables can be accessed only by the function in which they are defined. Both global and local variables are declared similarly in C, but they look completely different in assembly.

Following are two examples of C code for both global and local variables. Notice the subtle difference between the two. The global example, Example 6-1, defines x and y variables outside the function. In the local example, Example 6-2, the variables are defined within the function.

Example 6-1. A simple program with two global variables

int x = 1;
int y = 2;

void main()
   x = x+y;
   printf("total = %d
", x);

Example 6-2. A simple program with two local variables

void main()
   int x = 1;
   int y = 2;

   x = x+y;
   printf("total = %d
", x);

The difference between the global and local variables in these C code examples is small, and in this case the program result is the same. But the disassembly, shown in Example 6-3 and Example 6-4, is quite different. The global variables are referenced by memory addresses, and the local variables are referenced by the stack addresses.

In Example 6-3, the global variable x is signified by dword_40CF60, a memory location at 0x40CF60. Notice that x is changed in memory when eax is moved into dword_40CF60 at . All subsequent functions that utilize this variable will be impacted.

Example 6-3. Assembly code for the global variable example in Example 6-1

00401003        mov     eax, dword_40CF60
00401008        add     eax, dword_40C000
0040100E        mov     dword_40CF60, eax 
00401013        mov     ecx, dword_40CF60
00401019        push    ecx
0040101A        push    offset aTotalD  ;"total = %d
0040101F        call    printf

In Example 6-4 and Example 6-5, the local variable x is located on the stack at a constant offset relative to ebp. In Example 6-4, memory location [ebp-4] is used consistently throughout this function to reference the local variable x. This tells us that ebp-4 is a stack-based local variable that is referenced only in the function in which it is defined.

Example 6-4. Assembly code for the local variable example in Example 6-2, without labeling

00401006        mov     dword ptr [ebp-4], 1
0040100D        mov     dword ptr [ebp-8], 2
00401014        mov     eax, [ebp-4]
00401017        add     eax, [ebp-8]
0040101A        mov     [ebp-4], eax
0040101D        mov     ecx, [ebp-4]
00401020        push    ecx
00401021        push    offset aTotalD  ; "total = %d
00401026        call    printf

In Example 6-5, x has been nicely labeled by IDA Pro Disassembler with the dummy name var_4. As we discussed in Chapter 5, dummy names can be renamed to meaningful names that reflect their function. Having this local variable named var_4 instead of -4 simplifies your analysis, because once you rename var_4 to x, you won’t need to track the offset -4 in your head throughout the function.

Example 6-5. Assembly code for the local variable example shown in Example 6-2, with labeling

00401006        mov     [ebp+var_4], 1
0040100D        mov     [ebp+var_8], 2
00401014        mov     eax, [ebp+var_4]
00401017        add     eax, [ebp+var_8]
0040101A        mov     [ebp+var_4], eax
0040101D        mov     ecx, [ebp+var_4]
00401020        push    ecx
00401021        push    offset aTotalD  ; "total = %d
00401026        call    printf
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