Privilege Escalation

Most users run as local administrators, which is good news for malware authors. This means that the user has administrator access on the machine, and can give the malware those same privileges.

The security community recommends not running as local administrator, so that if you accidentally run malware, it won’t automatically have full access to your system. If a user launches malware on a system but is not running with administrator rights, the malware will usually need to perform a privilege-escalation attack to gain full access.

The majority of privilege-escalation attacks are known exploits or zero-day attacks against the local OS, many of which can be found in the Metasploit Framework ( DLL load-order hijacking can even be used for a privilege escalation. If the directory where the malicious DLL is located is writable by the user, and the process that loads the DLL is run at a higher privilege level, then the malicious DLL will gain escalated privileges. Malware that includes privilege escalation is relatively rare, but common enough that an analyst should be able to recognize it.

Sometimes, even when the user is running as local administrator, the malware will require privilege escalation. Processes running on a Windows machine are run either at the user or the system level. Users generally can’t manipulate system-level processes, even if they are administrators. Next, we’ll discuss a common way that malware gains the privileges necessary to attack system-level processes on Windows machines.

Using SeDebugPrivilege

Processes run by a user don’t have free access to everything, and can’t, for instance, call functions like TerminateProcess or CreateRemoteThread on remote processes. One way that malware gains access to such functions is by setting the access token’s rights to enable SeDebugPrivilege. In Windows systems, an access token is an object that contains the security descriptor of a process. The security descriptor is used to specify the access rights of the owner—in this case, the process. An access token can be adjusted by calling AdjustTokenPrivileges.

The SeDebugPrivilege privilege was created as a tool for system-level debugging, but malware authors exploit it to gain full access to a system-level process. By default, SeDebugPrivilege is given only to local administrator accounts, and it is recognized that granting SeDebugPrivilege to anyone is essentially equivalent to giving them LocalSystem account access. A normal user account cannot give itself SeDebugPrivilege; the request will be denied.

Example 11-6 shows how malware enables its SeDebugPrivilege.

Example 11-6. Setting the access token to SeDebugPrivilege

00401003  lea     eax, [esp+1Ch+TokenHandle]
00401006  push    eax                     ; TokenHandle
00401007  push    (TOKEN_ADJUST_PRIVILEGES | TOKEN_QUERY)        ; DesiredAccess
00401009  call    ds:GetCurrentProcess
0040100F  push    eax                     ; ProcessHandle
00401010  call    ds:OpenProcessToken 
00401016  test    eax, eax
00401018  jz      short loc_401080
0040101A  lea     ecx, [esp+1Ch+Luid]
0040101E  push    ecx                     ; lpLuid
0040101F  push    offset Name             ; "SeDebugPrivilege"
00401024  push    0                       ; lpSystemName
00401026  call    ds:LookupPrivilegeValueA
0040102C  test    eax, eax
0040102E  jnz     short loc_40103E
0040103E  mov     eax, [esp+1Ch+Luid.LowPart]
00401042  mov     ecx, [esp+1Ch+Luid.HighPart]
00401046  push    0                       ; ReturnLength
00401048  push    0                       ; PreviousState
0040104A  push    10h                     ; BufferLength
0040104C  lea     edx, [esp+28h+NewState]
00401050  push    edx                     ; NewState
00401051  mov     [esp+2Ch+NewState.Privileges.Luid.LowPt], eax 
00401055  mov     eax, [esp+2Ch+TokenHandle]
00401059  push    0                    ; DisableAllPrivileges
0040105B  push    eax                  ; TokenHandle
0040105C  mov    [esp+34h+NewState.PrivilegeCount], 1
00401064  mov    [esp+34h+NewState.Privileges.Luid.HighPt], ecx 
00401068  mov    [esp+34h+NewState.Privileges.Attributes], SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED 
00401070  call   ds:AdjustTokenPrivileges 

The access token is obtained using a call to OpenProcessToken at and passing in its process handle (obtained with the call to GetCurrentProcess), and the desired access (in this case, to query and adjust privileges) are passed in. Next, the malware calls LookupPrivilegeValueA. which retrieves the locally unique identifier (LUID). The LUID is a structure that represents the specified privilege (in this case, SeDebugPrivilege).

The information obtained from OpenProcessToken and LookupPrivilegeValueA is used in the call to AdjustTokenPrivileges at . A key structure, PTOKEN_PRIVILEGES, is also passed to AdjustTokenPrivileges and labeled as NewState by IDA Pro. Notice that this structure sets the low and high bits of the LUID using the result from LookupPrivilegeValueA in a two-step process seen at and . The Attributes section of the NewState structure is set to SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED at , in order to enable SeDebugPrivilege.

This combination of calls often happens before system process manipulation code. When you see a function containing this code, label it and move on. It’s typically not necessary to analyze the intricate details of the escalation method that malware uses.

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